changeset 47 e118b4d60029
parent 35 ed84c8bdd87b
child 48 b78e77619152
     1.1 --- a/src/org/sonews/daemon/	Sun Aug 29 17:28:58 2010 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/src/org/sonews/daemon/	Sun Sep 11 14:19:19 2011 +0200
     1.3 @@ -46,383 +46,341 @@
     1.4  public final class NNTPConnection
     1.5  {
     1.7 -  public static final String NEWLINE            = "\r\n";    // RFC defines this as newline
     1.8 -  public static final String MESSAGE_ID_PATTERN = "<[^>]+>";
     1.9 -  
    1.10 -  private static final Timer cancelTimer = new Timer(true); // Thread-safe? True for run as daemon
    1.11 -  
    1.12 -  /** SocketChannel is generally thread-safe */
    1.13 -  private SocketChannel   channel        = null;
    1.14 -  private Charset         charset        = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
    1.15 -  private Command         command        = null;
    1.16 -  private Article         currentArticle = null;
    1.17 -  private Channel         currentGroup   = null;
    1.18 -  private volatile long   lastActivity   = System.currentTimeMillis();
    1.19 -  private ChannelLineBuffers lineBuffers = new ChannelLineBuffers();
    1.20 -  private int             readLock       = 0;
    1.21 -  private final Object    readLockGate   = new Object();
    1.22 -  private SelectionKey    writeSelKey    = null;
    1.23 -  
    1.24 -  public NNTPConnection(final SocketChannel channel)
    1.25 -    throws IOException
    1.26 -  {
    1.27 -    if(channel == null)
    1.28 -    {
    1.29 -      throw new IllegalArgumentException("channel is null");
    1.30 -    }
    1.31 +	public static final String NEWLINE = "\r\n";    // RFC defines this as newline
    1.32 +	public static final String MESSAGE_ID_PATTERN = "<[^>]+>";
    1.33 +	private static final Timer cancelTimer = new Timer(true); // Thread-safe? True for run as daemon
    1.34 +	/** SocketChannel is generally thread-safe */
    1.35 +	private SocketChannel channel = null;
    1.36 +	private Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
    1.37 +	private Command command = null;
    1.38 +	private Article currentArticle = null;
    1.39 +	private Channel currentGroup = null;
    1.40 +	private volatile long lastActivity = System.currentTimeMillis();
    1.41 +	private ChannelLineBuffers lineBuffers = new ChannelLineBuffers();
    1.42 +	private int readLock = 0;
    1.43 +	private final Object readLockGate = new Object();
    1.44 +	private SelectionKey writeSelKey = null;
    1.46 - = channel;
    1.47 -    Stats.getInstance().clientConnect();
    1.48 -  }
    1.49 -  
    1.50 -  /**
    1.51 -   * Tries to get the read lock for this NNTPConnection. This method is Thread-
    1.52 -   * safe and returns true of the read lock was successfully set. If the lock
    1.53 -   * is still hold by another Thread the method returns false.
    1.54 -   */
    1.55 -  boolean tryReadLock()
    1.56 -  {
    1.57 -    // As synchronizing simple types may cause deadlocks,
    1.58 -    // we use a gate object.
    1.59 -    synchronized(readLockGate)
    1.60 -    {
    1.61 -      if(readLock != 0)
    1.62 -      {
    1.63 -        return false;
    1.64 -      }
    1.65 -      else
    1.66 -      {
    1.67 -        readLock = Thread.currentThread().hashCode();
    1.68 -        return true;
    1.69 -      }
    1.70 -    }
    1.71 -  }
    1.72 -  
    1.73 -  /**
    1.74 -   * Releases the read lock in a Thread-safe way.
    1.75 -   * @throws IllegalMonitorStateException if a Thread not holding the lock
    1.76 -   * tries to release it.
    1.77 -   */
    1.78 -  void unlockReadLock()
    1.79 -  {
    1.80 -    synchronized(readLockGate)
    1.81 -    {
    1.82 -      if(readLock == Thread.currentThread().hashCode())
    1.83 -      {
    1.84 -        readLock = 0;
    1.85 -      }
    1.86 -      else
    1.87 -      {
    1.88 -        throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
    1.89 -      }
    1.90 -    }
    1.91 -  }
    1.92 -  
    1.93 -  /**
    1.94 -   * @return Current input buffer of this NNTPConnection instance.
    1.95 -   */
    1.96 -  public ByteBuffer getInputBuffer()
    1.97 -  {
    1.98 -    return this.lineBuffers.getInputBuffer();
    1.99 -  }
   1.100 -  
   1.101 -  /**
   1.102 -   * @return Output buffer of this NNTPConnection which has at least one byte
   1.103 -   * free storage.
   1.104 -   */
   1.105 -  public ByteBuffer getOutputBuffer()
   1.106 -  {
   1.107 -    return this.lineBuffers.getOutputBuffer();
   1.108 -  }
   1.109 -  
   1.110 -  /**
   1.111 -   * @return ChannelLineBuffers instance associated with this NNTPConnection.
   1.112 -   */
   1.113 -  public ChannelLineBuffers getBuffers()
   1.114 -  {
   1.115 -    return this.lineBuffers;
   1.116 -  }
   1.117 -  
   1.118 -  /**
   1.119 -   * @return true if this connection comes from a local remote address.
   1.120 -   */
   1.121 -  public boolean isLocalConnection()
   1.122 -  {
   1.123 -    return ((InetSocketAddress)
   1.124 -      .getHostName().equalsIgnoreCase("localhost");
   1.125 -  }
   1.126 +	public NNTPConnection(final SocketChannel channel)
   1.127 +		throws IOException
   1.128 +	{
   1.129 +		if (channel == null) {
   1.130 +			throw new IllegalArgumentException("channel is null");
   1.131 +		}
   1.133 -  void setWriteSelectionKey(SelectionKey selKey)
   1.134 -  {
   1.135 -    this.writeSelKey = selKey;
   1.136 -  }
   1.137 + = channel;
   1.138 +		Stats.getInstance().clientConnect();
   1.139 +	}
   1.141 -  public void shutdownInput()
   1.142 -  {
   1.143 -    try
   1.144 -    {
   1.145 -      // Closes the input line of the channel's socket, so no new data
   1.146 -      // will be received and a timeout can be triggered.
   1.147 -;
   1.148 -    }
   1.149 -    catch(IOException ex)
   1.150 -    {
   1.151 -      Log.get().warning("Exception in NNTPConnection.shutdownInput(): " + ex);
   1.152 -    }
   1.153 -  }
   1.154 -  
   1.155 -  public void shutdownOutput()
   1.156 -  {
   1.157 -    cancelTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() 
   1.158 -    {
   1.159 -      @Override
   1.160 -      public void run()
   1.161 -      {
   1.162 -        try
   1.163 -        {
   1.164 -          // Closes the output line of the channel's socket.
   1.165 -          channel.socket().shutdownOutput();
   1.166 -          channel.close();
   1.167 -        }
   1.168 -        catch(SocketException ex)
   1.169 -        {
   1.170 -          // Socket was already disconnected
   1.171 -          Log.get().info("NNTPConnection.shutdownOutput(): " + ex);
   1.172 -        }
   1.173 -        catch(Exception ex)
   1.174 -        {
   1.175 -          Log.get().warning("NNTPConnection.shutdownOutput(): " + ex);
   1.176 -        }
   1.177 -      }
   1.178 -    }, 3000);
   1.179 -  }
   1.180 -  
   1.181 -  public SocketChannel getSocketChannel()
   1.182 -  {
   1.183 -    return;
   1.184 -  }
   1.185 -  
   1.186 -  public Article getCurrentArticle()
   1.187 -  {
   1.188 -    return this.currentArticle;
   1.189 -  }
   1.190 -  
   1.191 -  public Charset getCurrentCharset()
   1.192 -  {
   1.193 -    return this.charset;
   1.194 -  }
   1.195 +	/**
   1.196 +	 * Tries to get the read lock for this NNTPConnection. This method is Thread-
   1.197 +	 * safe and returns true of the read lock was successfully set. If the lock
   1.198 +	 * is still hold by another Thread the method returns false.
   1.199 +	 */
   1.200 +	boolean tryReadLock()
   1.201 +	{
   1.202 +		// As synchronizing simple types may cause deadlocks,
   1.203 +		// we use a gate object.
   1.204 +		synchronized (readLockGate) {
   1.205 +			if (readLock != 0) {
   1.206 +				return false;
   1.207 +			} else {
   1.208 +				readLock = Thread.currentThread().hashCode();
   1.209 +				return true;
   1.210 +			}
   1.211 +		}
   1.212 +	}
   1.214 -  /**
   1.215 -   * @return The currently selected communication channel (not SocketChannel)
   1.216 -   */
   1.217 -  public Channel getCurrentChannel()
   1.218 -  {
   1.219 -    return this.currentGroup;
   1.220 -  }
   1.221 -  
   1.222 -  public void setCurrentArticle(final Article article)
   1.223 -  {
   1.224 -    this.currentArticle = article;
   1.225 -  }
   1.226 -  
   1.227 -  public void setCurrentGroup(final Channel group)
   1.228 -  {
   1.229 -    this.currentGroup = group;
   1.230 -  }
   1.231 -  
   1.232 -  public long getLastActivity()
   1.233 -  {
   1.234 -    return this.lastActivity;
   1.235 -  }
   1.236 -  
   1.237 -  /**
   1.238 -   * Due to the readLockGate there is no need to synchronize this method.
   1.239 -   * @param raw
   1.240 -   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if raw is null.
   1.241 -   * @throws IllegalStateException if calling thread does not own the readLock.
   1.242 -   */
   1.243 -  void lineReceived(byte[] raw)
   1.244 -  {
   1.245 -    if(raw == null)
   1.246 -    {
   1.247 -      throw new IllegalArgumentException("raw is null");
   1.248 -    }
   1.249 -    
   1.250 -    if(readLock == 0 || readLock != Thread.currentThread().hashCode())
   1.251 -    {
   1.252 -      throw new IllegalStateException("readLock not properly set");
   1.253 -    }
   1.254 +	/**
   1.255 +	 * Releases the read lock in a Thread-safe way.
   1.256 +	 * @throws IllegalMonitorStateException if a Thread not holding the lock
   1.257 +	 * tries to release it.
   1.258 +	 */
   1.259 +	void unlockReadLock()
   1.260 +	{
   1.261 +		synchronized (readLockGate) {
   1.262 +			if (readLock == Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) {
   1.263 +				readLock = 0;
   1.264 +			} else {
   1.265 +				throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
   1.266 +			}
   1.267 +		}
   1.268 +	}
   1.270 -    this.lastActivity = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1.271 -    
   1.272 -    String line = new String(raw, this.charset);
   1.273 -    
   1.274 -    // There might be a trailing \r, but trim() is a bad idea
   1.275 -    // as it removes also leading spaces from long header lines.
   1.276 -    if(line.endsWith("\r"))
   1.277 -    {
   1.278 -      line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
   1.279 -      raw  = Arrays.copyOf(raw, raw.length - 1);
   1.280 -    }
   1.281 -    
   1.282 -    Log.get().fine("<< " + line);
   1.283 -    
   1.284 -    if(command == null)
   1.285 -    {
   1.286 -      command = parseCommandLine(line);
   1.287 -      assert command != null;
   1.288 -    }
   1.289 +	/**
   1.290 +	 * @return Current input buffer of this NNTPConnection instance.
   1.291 +	 */
   1.292 +	public ByteBuffer getInputBuffer()
   1.293 +	{
   1.294 +		return this.lineBuffers.getInputBuffer();
   1.295 +	}
   1.297 -    try
   1.298 -    {
   1.299 -      // The command object will process the line we just received
   1.300 -      try
   1.301 -      {
   1.302 -        command.processLine(this, line, raw);
   1.303 -      }
   1.304 -      catch(StorageBackendException ex)
   1.305 -      {
   1.306 -        Log.get().info("Retry command processing after StorageBackendException");
   1.307 +	/**
   1.308 +	 * @return Output buffer of this NNTPConnection which has at least one byte
   1.309 +	 * free storage.
   1.310 +	 */
   1.311 +	public ByteBuffer getOutputBuffer()
   1.312 +	{
   1.313 +		return this.lineBuffers.getOutputBuffer();
   1.314 +	}
   1.316 -        // Try it a second time, so that the backend has time to recover
   1.317 -        command.processLine(this, line, raw);
   1.318 -      }
   1.319 -    }
   1.320 -    catch(ClosedChannelException ex0)
   1.321 -    {
   1.322 -      try
   1.323 -      {
   1.324 -        Log.get().info("Connection to " + channel.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress()
   1.325 -            + " closed: " + ex0);
   1.326 -      }
   1.327 -      catch(Exception ex0a)
   1.328 -      {
   1.329 -        ex0a.printStackTrace();
   1.330 -      }
   1.331 -    }
   1.332 -    catch(Exception ex1) // This will catch a second StorageBackendException
   1.333 -    {
   1.334 -      try
   1.335 -      {
   1.336 -        command = null;
   1.337 -        ex1.printStackTrace();
   1.338 -        println("500 Internal server error");
   1.339 -      }
   1.340 -      catch(Exception ex2)
   1.341 -      {
   1.342 -        ex2.printStackTrace();
   1.343 -      }
   1.344 -    }
   1.345 +	/**
   1.346 +	 * @return ChannelLineBuffers instance associated with this NNTPConnection.
   1.347 +	 */
   1.348 +	public ChannelLineBuffers getBuffers()
   1.349 +	{
   1.350 +		return this.lineBuffers;
   1.351 +	}
   1.353 -    if(command == null || command.hasFinished())
   1.354 -    {
   1.355 -      command = null;
   1.356 -      charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); // Reset to default
   1.357 -    }
   1.358 -  }
   1.359 -  
   1.360 -  /**
   1.361 -   * This method determines the fitting command processing class.
   1.362 -   * @param line
   1.363 -   * @return
   1.364 -   */
   1.365 -  private Command parseCommandLine(String line)
   1.366 -  {
   1.367 -    String cmdStr = line.split(" ")[0];
   1.368 -    return CommandSelector.getInstance().get(cmdStr);
   1.369 -  }
   1.370 -  
   1.371 -  /**
   1.372 -   * Puts the given line into the output buffer, adds a newline character
   1.373 -   * and returns. The method returns immediately and does not block until
   1.374 -   * the line was sent. If line is longer than 510 octets it is split up in
   1.375 -   * several lines. Each line is terminated by \r\n (NNTPConnection.NEWLINE).
   1.376 -   * @param line
   1.377 -   */
   1.378 -  public void println(final CharSequence line, final Charset charset)
   1.379 -    throws IOException
   1.380 -  {    
   1.381 -    writeToChannel(CharBuffer.wrap(line), charset, line);
   1.382 -    writeToChannel(CharBuffer.wrap(NEWLINE), charset, null);
   1.383 -  }
   1.384 +	/**
   1.385 +	 * @return true if this connection comes from a local remote address.
   1.386 +	 */
   1.387 +	public boolean isLocalConnection()
   1.388 +	{
   1.389 +		return ((InetSocketAddress)"localhost");
   1.390 +	}
   1.392 -  /**
   1.393 -   * Writes the given raw lines to the output buffers and finishes with
   1.394 -   * a newline character (\r\n).
   1.395 -   * @param rawLines
   1.396 -   */
   1.397 -  public void println(final byte[] rawLines)
   1.398 -    throws IOException
   1.399 -  {
   1.400 -    this.lineBuffers.addOutputBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(rawLines));
   1.401 -    writeToChannel(CharBuffer.wrap(NEWLINE), charset, null);
   1.402 -  }
   1.403 -  
   1.404 -  /**
   1.405 -   * Encodes the given CharBuffer using the given Charset to a bunch of
   1.406 -   * ByteBuffers (each 512 bytes large) and enqueues them for writing at the
   1.407 -   * connected SocketChannel.
   1.408 -   * @throws
   1.409 -   */
   1.410 -  private void writeToChannel(CharBuffer characters, final Charset charset,
   1.411 -    CharSequence debugLine)
   1.412 -    throws IOException
   1.413 -  {
   1.414 -    if(!charset.canEncode())
   1.415 -    {
   1.416 -      Log.get().severe("FATAL: Charset " + charset + " cannot encode!");
   1.417 -      return;
   1.418 -    }
   1.419 -    
   1.420 -    // Write characters to output buffers
   1.421 -    LineEncoder lenc = new LineEncoder(characters, charset);
   1.422 -    lenc.encode(lineBuffers);
   1.423 -    
   1.424 -    enableWriteEvents(debugLine);
   1.425 -  }
   1.426 +	void setWriteSelectionKey(SelectionKey selKey)
   1.427 +	{
   1.428 +		this.writeSelKey = selKey;
   1.429 +	}
   1.431 -  private void enableWriteEvents(CharSequence debugLine)
   1.432 -  {
   1.433 -    // Enable OP_WRITE events so that the buffers are processed
   1.434 -    try
   1.435 -    {
   1.436 -      this.writeSelKey.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
   1.437 -      ChannelWriter.getInstance().getSelector().wakeup();
   1.438 -    }
   1.439 -    catch(Exception ex) // CancelledKeyException and ChannelCloseException
   1.440 -    {
   1.441 -      Log.get().warning("NNTPConnection.writeToChannel(): " + ex);
   1.442 -      return;
   1.443 -    }
   1.444 +	public void shutdownInput()
   1.445 +	{
   1.446 +		try {
   1.447 +			// Closes the input line of the channel's socket, so no new data
   1.448 +			// will be received and a timeout can be triggered.
   1.449 +;
   1.450 +		} catch (IOException ex) {
   1.451 +			Log.get().warning("Exception in NNTPConnection.shutdownInput(): " + ex);
   1.452 +		}
   1.453 +	}
   1.455 -    // Update last activity timestamp
   1.456 -    this.lastActivity = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1.457 -    if(debugLine != null)
   1.458 -    {
   1.459 -      Log.get().fine(">> " + debugLine);
   1.460 -    }
   1.461 -  }
   1.462 -  
   1.463 -  public void println(final CharSequence line)
   1.464 -    throws IOException
   1.465 -  {
   1.466 -    println(line, charset);
   1.467 -  }
   1.468 -  
   1.469 -  public void print(final String line)
   1.470 -    throws IOException
   1.471 -  {
   1.472 -    writeToChannel(CharBuffer.wrap(line), charset, line);
   1.473 -  }
   1.474 -  
   1.475 -  public void setCurrentCharset(final Charset charset)
   1.476 -  {
   1.477 -    this.charset = charset;
   1.478 -  }
   1.479 +	public void shutdownOutput()
   1.480 +	{
   1.481 +		cancelTimer.schedule(new TimerTask()
   1.482 +		{
   1.484 -  void setLastActivity(long timestamp)
   1.485 -  {
   1.486 -    this.lastActivity = timestamp;
   1.487 -  }
   1.488 -  
   1.489 +			@Override
   1.490 +			public void run()
   1.491 +			{
   1.492 +				try {
   1.493 +					// Closes the output line of the channel's socket.
   1.494 +					channel.socket().shutdownOutput();
   1.495 +					channel.close();
   1.496 +				} catch (SocketException ex) {
   1.497 +					// Socket was already disconnected
   1.498 +					Log.get().info("NNTPConnection.shutdownOutput(): " + ex);
   1.499 +				} catch (Exception ex) {
   1.500 +					Log.get().warning("NNTPConnection.shutdownOutput(): " + ex);
   1.501 +				}
   1.502 +			}
   1.503 +		}, 3000);
   1.504 +	}
   1.505 +
   1.506 +	public SocketChannel getSocketChannel()
   1.507 +	{
   1.508 +		return;
   1.509 +	}
   1.510 +
   1.511 +	public Article getCurrentArticle()
   1.512 +	{
   1.513 +		return this.currentArticle;
   1.514 +	}
   1.515 +
   1.516 +	public Charset getCurrentCharset()
   1.517 +	{
   1.518 +		return this.charset;
   1.519 +	}
   1.520 +
   1.521 +	/**
   1.522 +	 * @return The currently selected communication channel (not SocketChannel)
   1.523 +	 */
   1.524 +	public Channel getCurrentChannel()
   1.525 +	{
   1.526 +		return this.currentGroup;
   1.527 +	}
   1.528 +
   1.529 +	public void setCurrentArticle(final Article article)
   1.530 +	{
   1.531 +		this.currentArticle = article;
   1.532 +	}
   1.533 +
   1.534 +	public void setCurrentGroup(final Channel group)
   1.535 +	{
   1.536 +		this.currentGroup = group;
   1.537 +	}
   1.538 +
   1.539 +	public long getLastActivity()
   1.540 +	{
   1.541 +		return this.lastActivity;
   1.542 +	}
   1.543 +
   1.544 +	/**
   1.545 +	 * Due to the readLockGate there is no need to synchronize this method.
   1.546 +	 * @param raw
   1.547 +	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if raw is null.
   1.548 +	 * @throws IllegalStateException if calling thread does not own the readLock.
   1.549 +	 */
   1.550 +	void lineReceived(byte[] raw)
   1.551 +	{
   1.552 +		if (raw == null) {
   1.553 +			throw new IllegalArgumentException("raw is null");
   1.554 +		}
   1.555 +
   1.556 +		if (readLock == 0 || readLock != Thread.currentThread().hashCode()) {
   1.557 +			throw new IllegalStateException("readLock not properly set");
   1.558 +		}
   1.559 +
   1.560 +		this.lastActivity = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1.561 +
   1.562 +		String line = new String(raw, this.charset);
   1.563 +
   1.564 +		// There might be a trailing \r, but trim() is a bad idea
   1.565 +		// as it removes also leading spaces from long header lines.
   1.566 +		if (line.endsWith("\r")) {
   1.567 +			line = line.substring(0, line.length() - 1);
   1.568 +			raw = Arrays.copyOf(raw, raw.length - 1);
   1.569 +		}
   1.570 +
   1.571 +		Log.get().fine("<< " + line);
   1.572 +
   1.573 +		if (command == null) {
   1.574 +			command = parseCommandLine(line);
   1.575 +			assert command != null;
   1.576 +		}
   1.577 +
   1.578 +		try {
   1.579 +			// The command object will process the line we just received
   1.580 +			try {
   1.581 +				command.processLine(this, line, raw);
   1.582 +			} catch (StorageBackendException ex) {
   1.583 +				Log.get().info("Retry command processing after StorageBackendException");
   1.584 +
   1.585 +				// Try it a second time, so that the backend has time to recover
   1.586 +				command.processLine(this, line, raw);
   1.587 +			}
   1.588 +		} catch (ClosedChannelException ex0) {
   1.589 +			try {
   1.590 +				Log.get().info("Connection to " + channel.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress()
   1.591 +					+ " closed: " + ex0);
   1.592 +			} catch (Exception ex0a) {
   1.593 +				ex0a.printStackTrace();
   1.594 +			}
   1.595 +		} catch (Exception ex1) // This will catch a second StorageBackendException
   1.596 +		{
   1.597 +			try {
   1.598 +				command = null;
   1.599 +				ex1.printStackTrace();
   1.600 +				println("500 Internal server error");
   1.601 +			} catch (Exception ex2) {
   1.602 +				ex2.printStackTrace();
   1.603 +			}
   1.604 +		}
   1.605 +
   1.606 +		if (command == null || command.hasFinished()) {
   1.607 +			command = null;
   1.608 +			charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); // Reset to default
   1.609 +		}
   1.610 +	}
   1.611 +
   1.612 +	/**
   1.613 +	 * This method determines the fitting command processing class.
   1.614 +	 * @param line
   1.615 +	 * @return
   1.616 +	 */
   1.617 +	private Command parseCommandLine(String line)
   1.618 +	{
   1.619 +		String cmdStr = line.split(" ")[0];
   1.620 +		return CommandSelector.getInstance().get(cmdStr);
   1.621 +	}
   1.622 +
   1.623 +	/**
   1.624 +	 * Puts the given line into the output buffer, adds a newline character
   1.625 +	 * and returns. The method returns immediately and does not block until
   1.626 +	 * the line was sent. If line is longer than 510 octets it is split up in
   1.627 +	 * several lines. Each line is terminated by \r\n (NNTPConnection.NEWLINE).
   1.628 +	 * @param line
   1.629 +	 */
   1.630 +	public void println(final CharSequence line, final Charset charset)
   1.631 +		throws IOException
   1.632 +	{
   1.633 +		writeToChannel(CharBuffer.wrap(line), charset, line);
   1.634 +		writeToChannel(CharBuffer.wrap(NEWLINE), charset, null);
   1.635 +	}
   1.636 +
   1.637 +	/**
   1.638 +	 * Writes the given raw lines to the output buffers and finishes with
   1.639 +	 * a newline character (\r\n).
   1.640 +	 * @param rawLines
   1.641 +	 */
   1.642 +	public void println(final byte[] rawLines)
   1.643 +		throws IOException
   1.644 +	{
   1.645 +		this.lineBuffers.addOutputBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(rawLines));
   1.646 +		writeToChannel(CharBuffer.wrap(NEWLINE), charset, null);
   1.647 +	}
   1.648 +
   1.649 +	/**
   1.650 +	 * Encodes the given CharBuffer using the given Charset to a bunch of
   1.651 +	 * ByteBuffers (each 512 bytes large) and enqueues them for writing at the
   1.652 +	 * connected SocketChannel.
   1.653 +	 * @throws
   1.654 +	 */
   1.655 +	private void writeToChannel(CharBuffer characters, final Charset charset,
   1.656 +		CharSequence debugLine)
   1.657 +		throws IOException
   1.658 +	{
   1.659 +		if (!charset.canEncode()) {
   1.660 +			Log.get().severe("FATAL: Charset " + charset + " cannot encode!");
   1.661 +			return;
   1.662 +		}
   1.663 +
   1.664 +		// Write characters to output buffers
   1.665 +		LineEncoder lenc = new LineEncoder(characters, charset);
   1.666 +		lenc.encode(lineBuffers);
   1.667 +
   1.668 +		enableWriteEvents(debugLine);
   1.669 +	}
   1.670 +
   1.671 +	private void enableWriteEvents(CharSequence debugLine)
   1.672 +	{
   1.673 +		// Enable OP_WRITE events so that the buffers are processed
   1.674 +		try {
   1.675 +			this.writeSelKey.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_WRITE);
   1.676 +			ChannelWriter.getInstance().getSelector().wakeup();
   1.677 +		} catch (Exception ex) // CancelledKeyException and ChannelCloseException
   1.678 +		{
   1.679 +			Log.get().warning("NNTPConnection.writeToChannel(): " + ex);
   1.680 +			return;
   1.681 +		}
   1.682 +
   1.683 +		// Update last activity timestamp
   1.684 +		this.lastActivity = System.currentTimeMillis();
   1.685 +		if (debugLine != null) {
   1.686 +			Log.get().fine(">> " + debugLine);
   1.687 +		}
   1.688 +	}
   1.689 +
   1.690 +	public void println(final CharSequence line)
   1.691 +		throws IOException
   1.692 +	{
   1.693 +		println(line, charset);
   1.694 +	}
   1.695 +
   1.696 +	public void print(final String line)
   1.697 +		throws IOException
   1.698 +	{
   1.699 +		writeToChannel(CharBuffer.wrap(line), charset, line);
   1.700 +	}
   1.701 +
   1.702 +	public void setCurrentCharset(final Charset charset)
   1.703 +	{
   1.704 +		this.charset = charset;
   1.705 +	}
   1.706 +
   1.707 +	void setLastActivity(long timestamp)
   1.708 +	{
   1.709 +		this.lastActivity = timestamp;
   1.710 +	}
   1.711  }