changeset 6 dcc7e491fbc9
parent 1 6fceb66e1ad7
child 20 6ae5e4f8329b
     1.1 --- a/org/sonews/daemon/command/	Fri Jun 26 16:48:50 2009 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/org/sonews/daemon/command/	Thu Aug 06 18:41:34 2009 +0200
     1.3 @@ -39,20 +39,21 @@
     1.4   * @author Christian Lins
     1.5   * @since sonews/0.5.0
     1.6   */
     1.7 -public class CapabilitiesCommand extends AbstractCommand
     1.8 +public class CapabilitiesCommand implements Command
     1.9  {
    1.11 -  protected static final String[] CAPABILITIES = new String[]
    1.12 +  static final String[] CAPABILITIES = new String[]
    1.13      {
    1.14        "VERSION 2", // MUST be the first one; VERSION 2 refers to RFC3977
    1.15        "READER",    // Server implements commands for reading
    1.16        "POST",      // Server implements POST command
    1.17        "OVER"       // Server implements OVER command
    1.18      };
    1.19 -  
    1.20 -  public CapabilitiesCommand(final NNTPConnection conn)
    1.21 +
    1.22 +  @Override
    1.23 +  public String[] getSupportedCommandStrings()
    1.24    {
    1.25 -    super(conn);
    1.26 +    return new String[] {"CAPABILITIES"};
    1.27    }
    1.29    /**
    1.30 @@ -66,15 +67,21 @@
    1.31    }
    1.33    @Override
    1.34 -  public void processLine(final String line)
    1.35 +  public boolean isStateful()
    1.36 +  {
    1.37 +    return false;
    1.38 +  }
    1.39 +
    1.40 +  @Override
    1.41 +  public void processLine(NNTPConnection conn, final String line, byte[] raw)
    1.42      throws IOException
    1.43    {
    1.44 -    printStatus(101, "Capabilities list:");
    1.45 +    conn.println("101 Capabilities list:");
    1.46      for(String cap : CAPABILITIES)
    1.47      {
    1.48 -      println(cap);
    1.49 +      conn.println(cap);
    1.50      }
    1.51 -    println(".");
    1.52 +    conn.println(".");
    1.53    }
    1.55  }