changeset 92 a865136070a0
parent 49 8df94bfd3e2f
     1.1 --- a/src/org/sonews/config/	Sun Sep 11 17:01:19 2011 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/src/org/sonews/config/	Mon Oct 17 21:06:24 2011 +0200
     1.3 @@ -32,16 +32,20 @@
     1.4  	public static final String ARTICLE_MAXSIZE = "sonews.article.maxsize";
     1.5  	/** BackendConfig key constant. Value: Amount of news that are feeded per run. */
     1.6  	public static final String EVENTLOG = "sonews.eventlog";
     1.7 +
     1.8  	public static final String FEED_NEWSPERRUN = "sonews.feed.newsperrun";
     1.9  	public static final String FEED_PULLINTERVAL = "sonews.feed.pullinterval";
    1.10 +
    1.11  	public static final String HOSTNAME = "sonews.hostname";
    1.12  	public static final String PORT = "sonews.port";
    1.13  	public static final String TIMEOUT = "sonews.timeout";
    1.14  	public static final String LOGLEVEL = "sonews.loglevel";
    1.15 +
    1.16  	public static final String MLPOLL_DELETEUNKNOWN = "sonews.mlpoll.deleteunknown";
    1.17  	public static final String MLPOLL_HOST = "";
    1.18  	public static final String MLPOLL_PASSWORD = "sonews.mlpoll.password";
    1.19  	public static final String MLPOLL_USER = "sonews.mlpoll.user";
    1.20 +
    1.21  	public static final String MLSEND_ADDRESS = "sonews.mlsend.address";
    1.22  	public static final String MLSEND_RW_FROM = "sonews.mlsend.rewrite.from";
    1.23  	public static final String MLSEND_RW_SENDER = "sonews.mlsend.rewrite.sender";
    1.24 @@ -49,9 +53,12 @@
    1.25  	public static final String MLSEND_PASSWORD = "sonews.mlsend.password";
    1.26  	public static final String MLSEND_PORT = "sonews.mlsend.port";
    1.27  	public static final String MLSEND_USER = "sonews.mlsend.user";
    1.28 +	public static final String MLSEND_AUTH = "sonews.mlsend.auth";
    1.29 +
    1.30  	/** Key constant. If value is "true" every I/O is written to logfile
    1.31  	 * (which is a lot!) */
    1.32  	public static final String DEBUG = "sonews.debug";
    1.33 +
    1.34  	/** Key constant. Value is classname of the JDBC driver */
    1.35  	public static final String STORAGE_DBMSDRIVER = "";
    1.36  	/** Key constant. Value is JDBC connect String to the database. */
    1.37 @@ -61,9 +68,11 @@
    1.38  	/** Key constant. Value is the password for the DBMS. */
    1.39  	public static final String STORAGE_PASSWORD = "";
    1.40  	public static final String STORAGE_PROVIDER = "";
    1.41 +
    1.42  	/** Key constant. Value is the name of the host which is allowed to use the
    1.43  	 *  XDAEMON command; default: "localhost" */
    1.44  	public static final String XDAEMON_HOST = "";
    1.45 +
    1.46  	/** The config key for the filename of the logfile */
    1.47  	public static final String LOGFILE = "sonews.log";
    1.48  	public static final String[] AVAILABLE_KEYS = {