1.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
1.2 +++ b/LICENSE Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
1.4 + VYM - View Your Mind
1.5 + Copyright (C) 2004 Uwe Drechsel
1.6 +
1.7 + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
1.8 + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
1.9 + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
1.10 + (at your option) any later version.
1.11 +
1.12 + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
1.13 + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
1.15 + GNU General Public License below for more details.
1.16 +
1.17 + In addition, as a special exception, Uwe Drechsel
1.18 + gives permission to link the code of this program with the QT
1.19 + libraries from trolltech.com (or with modified versions of QT that
1.20 + use the same license as QT), and distribute linked combinations
1.21 + including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in
1.22 + all respects for all of the code used other than QT. If you modify
1.23 + this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the
1.24 + file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do
1.25 + so, delete this exception statement from your version.
1.26 +
1.27 +
1.28 + Uwe Drechsel can be contacted at <vym@insilmaril.de>
1.29 +
1.30 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.31 +
1.33 + Version 2, June 1991
1.34 +
1.35 + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
1.36 + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
1.37 + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
1.38 + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
1.39 +
1.40 + Preamble
1.41 +
1.42 + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
1.43 +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
1.44 +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
1.45 +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
1.46 +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
1.47 +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
1.48 +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
1.49 +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
1.50 +your programs, too.
1.51 +
1.52 + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
1.53 +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
1.54 +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
1.55 +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
1.56 +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
1.57 +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
1.58 +
1.59 + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
1.60 +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
1.61 +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
1.62 +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
1.63 +
1.64 + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
1.65 +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
1.66 +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
1.67 +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
1.68 +rights.
1.69 +
1.70 + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
1.71 +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
1.72 +distribute and/or modify the software.
1.73 +
1.74 + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
1.75 +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
1.76 +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
1.77 +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
1.78 +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
1.79 +authors' reputations.
1.80 +
1.81 + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
1.82 +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
1.83 +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
1.84 +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
1.85 +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
1.86 +
1.87 + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
1.88 +modification follow.
1.89 +
1.92 +
1.93 + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
1.94 +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
1.95 +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
1.96 +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
1.97 +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
1.98 +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
1.99 +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
1.100 +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
1.101 +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
1.102 +
1.103 +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
1.104 +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
1.105 +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
1.106 +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
1.107 +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
1.108 +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1.109 +
1.110 + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
1.111 +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
1.112 +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
1.113 +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
1.114 +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
1.115 +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
1.116 +along with the Program.
1.117 +
1.118 +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
1.119 +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
1.120 +
1.121 + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
1.122 +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
1.123 +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
1.124 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
1.125 +
1.126 + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
1.127 + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
1.128 +
1.129 + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
1.130 + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
1.131 + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
1.132 + parties under the terms of this License.
1.133 +
1.134 + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
1.135 + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
1.136 + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
1.137 + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
1.138 + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
1.139 + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
1.140 + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
1.141 + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
1.142 + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
1.143 + the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
1.144 +
1.145 +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
1.146 +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
1.147 +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
1.148 +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
1.149 +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
1.150 +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
1.151 +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
1.152 +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
1.153 +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
1.154 +
1.155 +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
1.156 +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
1.157 +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
1.158 +collective works based on the Program.
1.159 +
1.160 +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
1.161 +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
1.162 +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
1.163 +the scope of this License.
1.164 +
1.165 + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
1.166 +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
1.167 +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
1.168 +
1.169 + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
1.170 + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1.171 + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
1.172 +
1.173 + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
1.174 + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
1.175 + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
1.176 + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
1.177 + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
1.178 + customarily used for software interchange; or,
1.179 +
1.180 + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
1.181 + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
1.182 + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
1.183 + received the program in object code or executable form with such
1.184 + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
1.185 +
1.186 +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
1.187 +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
1.188 +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
1.189 +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
1.190 +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
1.191 +special exception, the source code distributed need not include
1.192 +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
1.193 +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
1.194 +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
1.195 +itself accompanies the executable.
1.196 +
1.197 +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
1.198 +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
1.199 +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
1.200 +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
1.201 +compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
1.202 +
1.203 + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
1.204 +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
1.205 +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
1.206 +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
1.207 +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
1.208 +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
1.209 +parties remain in full compliance.
1.210 +
1.211 + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
1.212 +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
1.213 +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
1.214 +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
1.215 +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
1.216 +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
1.217 +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
1.218 +the Program or works based on it.
1.219 +
1.220 + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
1.221 +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
1.222 +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
1.223 +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
1.224 +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
1.225 +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
1.226 +this License.
1.227 +
1.228 + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
1.229 +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
1.230 +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
1.231 +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
1.232 +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
1.233 +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
1.234 +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
1.235 +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
1.236 +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
1.237 +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
1.238 +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
1.239 +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
1.240 +
1.241 +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
1.242 +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
1.243 +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
1.244 +circumstances.
1.245 +
1.246 +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
1.247 +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
1.248 +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
1.249 +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
1.250 +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
1.251 +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
1.252 +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
1.253 +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
1.254 +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
1.255 +impose that choice.
1.256 +
1.257 +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
1.258 +be a consequence of the rest of this License.
1.259 +
1.260 + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
1.261 +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
1.262 +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
1.263 +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
1.264 +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
1.265 +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
1.266 +the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
1.267 +
1.268 + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
1.269 +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
1.270 +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
1.271 +address new problems or concerns.
1.272 +
1.273 +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
1.274 +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
1.275 +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
1.276 +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
1.277 +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
1.278 +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
1.279 +Foundation.
1.280 +
1.281 + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
1.282 +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
1.283 +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
1.284 +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
1.285 +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
1.286 +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
1.287 +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
1.288 +
1.290 +
1.300 +
1.310 +
2.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
2.2 +++ b/Makefile Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
2.3 @@ -0,0 +1,737 @@
2.4 +#############################################################################
2.5 +# Makefile for building: vym
2.6 +# Generated by qmake (1.07a) (Qt 3.3.1) on: Tue Jan 4 10:40:21 2005
2.7 +# Project: vym.pro
2.8 +# Template: app
2.9 +# Command: $(QMAKE) -o Makefile vym.pro
2.10 +#############################################################################
2.11 +
2.12 +####### Compiler, tools and options
2.13 +
2.14 +CC = gcc
2.15 +CXX = g++
2.16 +LEX = flex
2.17 +YACC = yacc
2.18 +CFLAGS = -pipe -O2 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -fPIC -Wall -W -O2 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -fPIC -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_SHARED -DQT_TABLET_SUPPORT -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT
2.19 +CXXFLAGS = -pipe -O2 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -fPIC -Wall -W -O2 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -fPIC -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_SHARED -DQT_TABLET_SUPPORT -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT
2.20 +LEXFLAGS =
2.21 +YACCFLAGS= -d
2.22 +INCPATH = -I/usr/lib/qt3/mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. -I/usr/include -I$(QTDIR)/include
2.23 +LINK = g++
2.24 +LFLAGS =
2.25 +LIBS = $(SUBLIBS) -L/usr/lib64/ -L$(QTDIR)/lib64/ -L/usr/X11R6/lib64/ -lqt-mt -lXext -lX11 -lm
2.26 +AR = ar cqs
2.27 +RANLIB =
2.28 +MOC = $(QTDIR)/bin/moc
2.29 +UIC = $(QTDIR)/bin/uic
2.30 +QMAKE = qmake
2.31 +TAR = tar -cf
2.32 +GZIP = gzip -9f
2.33 +COPY = cp -f
2.34 +COPY_FILE= $(COPY)
2.35 +COPY_DIR = $(COPY) -r
2.38 +DEL_FILE = rm -f
2.39 +SYMLINK = ln -sf
2.40 +DEL_DIR = rmdir
2.41 +MOVE = mv -f
2.42 +CHK_DIR_EXISTS= test -d
2.43 +MKDIR = mkdir -p
2.44 +
2.45 +####### Output directory
2.46 +
2.47 +OBJECTS_DIR = ./
2.48 +
2.49 +####### Files
2.50 +
2.51 +HEADERS = branchobj.h \
2.52 + exports.h \
2.53 + findwindow.h \
2.54 + flagobj.h \
2.55 + flagrowobj.h \
2.56 + floatimageobj.h \
2.57 + floatobj.h \
2.58 + frameobj.h \
2.59 + headingobj.h \
2.60 + imageobj.h \
2.61 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.62 + mainwindow.h \
2.63 + mapcenterobj.h \
2.64 + mapeditor.h \
2.65 + mapobj.h \
2.66 + misc.h \
2.67 + noteobj.h \
2.68 + ornamentedobj.h \
2.69 + process.h \
2.70 + selection.h \
2.71 + texteditor.h \
2.72 + version.h \
2.73 + xml.h \
2.74 + settings.h \
2.75 + options.h
2.76 +SOURCES = branchobj.cpp \
2.77 + exports.cpp \
2.78 + findwindow.cpp \
2.79 + flagobj.cpp \
2.80 + flagrowobj.cpp \
2.81 + floatimageobj.cpp \
2.82 + floatobj.cpp \
2.83 + frameobj.cpp \
2.84 + headingobj.cpp \
2.85 + imageobj.cpp \
2.86 + linkablemapobj.cpp \
2.87 + main.cpp \
2.88 + mainwindow.cpp \
2.89 + mapcenterobj.cpp \
2.90 + mapeditor.cpp \
2.91 + mapobj.cpp \
2.92 + misc.cpp \
2.93 + noteobj.cpp \
2.94 + ornamentedobj.cpp \
2.95 + process.cpp \
2.96 + selection.cpp \
2.97 + texteditor.cpp \
2.98 + xml.cpp \
2.99 + settings.cpp \
2.100 + options.cpp
2.101 +OBJECTS = branchobj.o \
2.102 + exports.o \
2.103 + findwindow.o \
2.104 + flagobj.o \
2.105 + flagrowobj.o \
2.106 + floatimageobj.o \
2.107 + floatobj.o \
2.108 + frameobj.o \
2.109 + headingobj.o \
2.110 + imageobj.o \
2.111 + linkablemapobj.o \
2.112 + main.o \
2.113 + mainwindow.o \
2.114 + mapcenterobj.o \
2.115 + mapeditor.o \
2.116 + mapobj.o \
2.117 + misc.o \
2.118 + noteobj.o \
2.119 + ornamentedobj.o \
2.120 + process.o \
2.121 + selection.o \
2.122 + texteditor.o \
2.123 + xml.o \
2.124 + settings.o \
2.125 + options.o \
2.126 + exporthtmldialog.o \
2.127 + exportxhtmldialog.o \
2.128 + showtextdialog.o \
2.129 + extrainfodialog.o
2.130 +FORMS = exporthtmldialog.ui \
2.131 + exportxhtmldialog.ui \
2.132 + showtextdialog.ui \
2.133 + extrainfodialog.ui
2.134 +UICDECLS = exporthtmldialog.h \
2.135 + exportxhtmldialog.h \
2.136 + showtextdialog.h \
2.137 + extrainfodialog.h
2.138 +UICIMPLS = exporthtmldialog.cpp \
2.139 + exportxhtmldialog.cpp \
2.140 + showtextdialog.cpp \
2.141 + extrainfodialog.cpp
2.142 +SRCMOC = moc_findwindow.cpp \
2.143 + moc_linkablemapobj.cpp \
2.144 + moc_mainwindow.cpp \
2.145 + moc_mapeditor.cpp \
2.146 + moc_ornamentedobj.cpp \
2.147 + moc_process.cpp \
2.148 + moc_texteditor.cpp \
2.149 + moc_exporthtmldialog.cpp \
2.150 + moc_exportxhtmldialog.cpp \
2.151 + moc_showtextdialog.cpp \
2.152 + moc_extrainfodialog.cpp
2.153 +OBJMOC = moc_findwindow.o \
2.154 + moc_linkablemapobj.o \
2.155 + moc_mainwindow.o \
2.156 + moc_mapeditor.o \
2.157 + moc_ornamentedobj.o \
2.158 + moc_process.o \
2.159 + moc_texteditor.o \
2.160 + moc_exporthtmldialog.o \
2.161 + moc_exportxhtmldialog.o \
2.162 + moc_showtextdialog.o \
2.163 + moc_extrainfodialog.o
2.164 +DIST = vym.pro
2.165 +QMAKE_TARGET = vym
2.166 +DESTDIR =
2.167 +TARGET = vym
2.168 +
2.169 +first: all
2.170 +####### Implicit rules
2.171 +
2.172 +.SUFFIXES: .c .o .cpp .cc .cxx .C
2.173 +
2.174 +.cpp.o:
2.175 + $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o $@ $<
2.176 +
2.177 +.cc.o:
2.178 + $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o $@ $<
2.179 +
2.180 +.cxx.o:
2.181 + $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o $@ $<
2.182 +
2.183 +.C.o:
2.184 + $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o $@ $<
2.185 +
2.186 +.c.o:
2.187 + $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o $@ $<
2.188 +
2.189 +####### Build rules
2.190 +
2.191 +all: Makefile $(TARGET)
2.192 +
2.195 +
2.196 +mocables: $(SRCMOC)
2.197 +uicables: $(UICDECLS) $(UICIMPLS)
2.198 +
2.199 +$(MOC):
2.200 + ( cd $(QTDIR)/src/moc && $(MAKE) )
2.201 +
2.202 +Makefile: vym.pro /usr/lib/qt3/mkspecs/linux-g++/qmake.conf /usr/lib/qt3/lib64/libqt-mt.prl
2.203 + $(QMAKE) -o Makefile vym.pro
2.204 +qmake:
2.205 + @$(QMAKE) -o Makefile vym.pro
2.206 +
2.207 +dist:
2.208 + @mkdir -p .tmp/vym && $(COPY_FILE) --parents $(SOURCES) $(HEADERS) $(FORMS) $(DIST) .tmp/vym/ && $(COPY_FILE) --parents vym_de.ts .tmp/vym/ && $(COPY_FILE) --parents exporthtmldialog.ui.h exportxhtmldialog.ui.h showtextdialog.ui.h extrainfodialog.ui.h .tmp/vym/ && ( cd `dirname .tmp/vym` && $(TAR) vym.tar vym && $(GZIP) vym.tar ) && $(MOVE) `dirname .tmp/vym`/vym.tar.gz . && $(DEL_FILE) -r .tmp/vym
2.209 +
2.210 +mocclean:
2.211 + -$(DEL_FILE) $(OBJMOC)
2.212 + -$(DEL_FILE) $(SRCMOC)
2.213 +
2.214 +uiclean:
2.216 +
2.217 +yaccclean:
2.218 +lexclean:
2.219 +clean: mocclean uiclean
2.220 + -$(DEL_FILE) $(OBJECTS)
2.221 + -$(DEL_FILE) *~ core *.core
2.222 +
2.223 +
2.224 +####### Sub-libraries
2.225 +
2.226 +distclean: clean
2.227 + -$(DEL_FILE) $(TARGET) $(TARGET)
2.228 +
2.229 +
2.230 +FORCE:
2.231 +
2.232 +####### Compile
2.233 +
2.234 +branchobj.o: branchobj.cpp branchobj.h \
2.235 + texteditor.h \
2.236 + mapeditor.h \
2.237 + mainwindow.h \
2.238 + floatimageobj.h \
2.239 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.240 + ornamentedobj.h \
2.241 + floatobj.h \
2.242 + frameobj.h \
2.243 + noteobj.h \
2.244 + headingobj.h \
2.245 + flagrowobj.h \
2.246 + mapobj.h \
2.247 + misc.h \
2.248 + flagobj.h \
2.249 + imageobj.h \
2.250 + mapcenterobj.h \
2.251 + version.h \
2.252 + xml.h \
2.253 + findwindow.h
2.254 +
2.255 +exports.o: exports.cpp exports.h \
2.256 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.257 + mapcenterobj.h \
2.258 + branchobj.h \
2.259 + version.h \
2.260 + floatimageobj.h \
2.261 + ornamentedobj.h \
2.262 + floatobj.h \
2.263 + frameobj.h \
2.264 + noteobj.h \
2.265 + headingobj.h \
2.266 + flagrowobj.h \
2.267 + mapobj.h \
2.268 + misc.h \
2.269 + flagobj.h \
2.270 + imageobj.h
2.271 +
2.272 +findwindow.o: findwindow.cpp findwindow.h
2.273 +
2.274 +flagobj.o: flagobj.cpp flagobj.h \
2.275 + mapobj.h \
2.276 + imageobj.h \
2.277 + misc.h
2.278 +
2.279 +flagrowobj.o: flagrowobj.cpp flagrowobj.h \
2.280 + mapobj.h \
2.281 + flagobj.h \
2.282 + misc.h \
2.283 + imageobj.h
2.284 +
2.285 +floatimageobj.o: floatimageobj.cpp floatimageobj.h \
2.286 + branchobj.h \
2.287 + floatobj.h \
2.288 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.289 + frameobj.h \
2.290 + noteobj.h \
2.291 + headingobj.h \
2.292 + flagrowobj.h \
2.293 + mapobj.h \
2.294 + misc.h \
2.295 + flagobj.h \
2.296 + imageobj.h \
2.297 + ornamentedobj.h
2.298 +
2.299 +floatobj.o: floatobj.cpp floatobj.h \
2.300 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.301 + frameobj.h \
2.302 + noteobj.h \
2.303 + headingobj.h \
2.304 + flagrowobj.h \
2.305 + mapobj.h \
2.306 + misc.h \
2.307 + flagobj.h \
2.308 + imageobj.h
2.309 +
2.310 +frameobj.o: frameobj.cpp frameobj.h \
2.311 + mapobj.h \
2.312 + misc.h
2.313 +
2.314 +headingobj.o: headingobj.cpp headingobj.h \
2.315 + mapobj.h \
2.316 + misc.h
2.317 +
2.318 +imageobj.o: imageobj.cpp imageobj.h \
2.319 + mapobj.h \
2.320 + misc.h
2.321 +
2.322 +linkablemapobj.o: linkablemapobj.cpp linkablemapobj.h \
2.323 + branchobj.h \
2.324 + mapeditor.h \
2.325 + version.h \
2.326 + frameobj.h \
2.327 + noteobj.h \
2.328 + headingobj.h \
2.329 + flagrowobj.h \
2.330 + mapobj.h \
2.331 + misc.h \
2.332 + flagobj.h \
2.333 + imageobj.h \
2.334 + floatimageobj.h \
2.335 + ornamentedobj.h \
2.336 + floatobj.h \
2.337 + mapcenterobj.h
2.338 +
2.339 +main.o: main.cpp settings.h \
2.340 + options.h \
2.341 + mainwindow.h \
2.342 + icons/vym-48x48.xpm \
2.343 + icons/vym-editor.xpm \
2.344 + flagrowobj.h \
2.345 + misc.h \
2.346 + xml.h \
2.347 + texteditor.h \
2.348 + mapeditor.h \
2.349 + findwindow.h \
2.350 + mapcenterobj.h \
2.351 + branchobj.h \
2.352 + version.h \
2.353 + floatimageobj.h \
2.354 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.355 + ornamentedobj.h \
2.356 + floatobj.h \
2.357 + frameobj.h \
2.358 + noteobj.h \
2.359 + headingobj.h \
2.360 + mapobj.h \
2.361 + flagobj.h \
2.362 + imageobj.h
2.363 +
2.364 +mainwindow.o: mainwindow.cpp mainwindow.h \
2.365 + version.h \
2.366 + icons/filenew.xpm \
2.367 + icons/fileopen.xpm \
2.368 + icons/filesave.xpm \
2.369 + icons/fileprint.xpm \
2.370 + icons/editundo.xpm \
2.371 + icons/editcopy.xpm \
2.372 + icons/editcut.xpm \
2.373 + icons/editpaste.xpm \
2.374 + icons/editmoveup.xpm \
2.375 + icons/editmovedown.xpm \
2.376 + icons/formatcoloritem.xpm \
2.377 + icons/formatcolorbranch.xpm \
2.378 + icons/formatcolorpicker.xpm \
2.379 + icons/viewzoomreset.xpm \
2.380 + icons/viewzoomin.xpm \
2.381 + icons/viewzoomout.xpm \
2.382 + icons/vym-48x48.xpm \
2.383 + icons/flag-note.xpm \
2.384 + icons/flag-url.xpm \
2.385 + icons/flag-vymlink.xpm \
2.386 + icons/flag-scrolled-right.xpm \
2.387 + flagrowobj.h \
2.388 + texteditor.h \
2.389 + mapeditor.h \
2.390 + exporthtmldialog.h \
2.391 + exportxhtmldialog.h \
2.392 + showtextdialog.h \
2.393 + process.h \
2.394 + settings.h \
2.395 + options.h \
2.396 + xml.h \
2.397 + findwindow.h \
2.398 + mapcenterobj.h \
2.399 + branchobj.h \
2.400 + floatimageobj.h \
2.401 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.402 + ornamentedobj.h \
2.403 + floatobj.h \
2.404 + frameobj.h \
2.405 + noteobj.h \
2.406 + headingobj.h \
2.407 + mapobj.h \
2.408 + misc.h \
2.409 + flagobj.h \
2.410 + imageobj.h
2.411 +
2.412 +mapcenterobj.o: mapcenterobj.cpp mapcenterobj.h \
2.413 + floatimageobj.h \
2.414 + mapeditor.h \
2.415 + branchobj.h \
2.416 + version.h \
2.417 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.418 + ornamentedobj.h \
2.419 + floatobj.h \
2.420 + frameobj.h \
2.421 + noteobj.h \
2.422 + headingobj.h \
2.423 + flagrowobj.h \
2.424 + mapobj.h \
2.425 + misc.h \
2.426 + flagobj.h \
2.427 + imageobj.h
2.428 +
2.429 +mapeditor.o: mapeditor.cpp mapeditor.h \
2.430 + version.h \
2.431 + xml.h \
2.432 + texteditor.h \
2.433 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.434 + exports.h \
2.435 + misc.h \
2.436 + mainwindow.h \
2.437 + extrainfodialog.h \
2.438 + settings.h \
2.439 + icons/flag-note.xpm \
2.440 + icons/flag-url.xpm \
2.441 + icons/flag-vymlink.xpm \
2.442 + icons/flag-scrolled-right.xpm \
2.443 + icons/flag-tmpUnscrolled-right.xpm \
2.444 + icons/flag-questionmark.xpm \
2.445 + icons/flag-exclamationmark.xpm \
2.446 + icons/flag-hook-green.xpm \
2.447 + icons/flag-cross-red.xpm \
2.448 + icons/flag-stopsign.xpm \
2.449 + icons/flag-smiley-good.xpm \
2.450 + icons/flag-smiley-sad.xpm \
2.451 + icons/flag-clock.xpm \
2.452 + icons/flag-lamp.xpm \
2.453 + icons/flag-arrow-up.xpm \
2.454 + icons/flag-arrow-down.xpm \
2.455 + icons/flag-thumb-up.xpm \
2.456 + icons/flag-thumb-down.xpm \
2.457 + icons/flag-heart.xpm \
2.458 + icons/flag-flash.xpm \
2.459 + icons/flag-lifebelt.xpm \
2.460 + mapcenterobj.h \
2.461 + branchobj.h \
2.462 + floatimageobj.h \
2.463 + ornamentedobj.h \
2.464 + floatobj.h \
2.465 + frameobj.h \
2.466 + noteobj.h \
2.467 + headingobj.h \
2.468 + flagrowobj.h \
2.469 + mapobj.h \
2.470 + flagobj.h \
2.471 + imageobj.h \
2.472 + findwindow.h
2.473 +
2.474 +mapobj.o: mapobj.cpp mapobj.h \
2.475 + misc.h
2.476 +
2.477 +misc.o: misc.cpp misc.h
2.478 +
2.479 +noteobj.o: noteobj.cpp noteobj.h \
2.480 + misc.h
2.481 +
2.482 +ornamentedobj.o: ornamentedobj.cpp ornamentedobj.h \
2.483 + texteditor.h \
2.484 + mapeditor.h \
2.485 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.486 + frameobj.h \
2.487 + noteobj.h \
2.488 + headingobj.h \
2.489 + flagrowobj.h \
2.490 + mapobj.h \
2.491 + misc.h \
2.492 + flagobj.h \
2.493 + imageobj.h \
2.494 + mapcenterobj.h \
2.495 + branchobj.h \
2.496 + version.h \
2.497 + floatimageobj.h \
2.498 + floatobj.h
2.499 +
2.500 +process.o: process.cpp process.h
2.501 +
2.502 +selection.o: selection.cpp selection.h \
2.503 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.504 + frameobj.h \
2.505 + noteobj.h \
2.506 + headingobj.h \
2.507 + flagrowobj.h \
2.508 + mapobj.h \
2.509 + misc.h \
2.510 + flagobj.h \
2.511 + imageobj.h
2.512 +
2.513 +texteditor.o: texteditor.cpp texteditor.h \
2.514 + icons/fileopen.xpm \
2.515 + icons/filesave.xpm \
2.516 + icons/fileprint.xpm \
2.517 + icons/editundo.xpm \
2.518 + icons/editredo.xpm \
2.519 + icons/editcopy.xpm \
2.520 + icons/editcut.xpm \
2.521 + icons/editpaste.xpm \
2.522 + icons/edittrash.xpm \
2.523 + icons/formatfixedfont.xpm \
2.524 + icons/formattextbold.xpm \
2.525 + icons/formattextitalic.xpm \
2.526 + icons/formattextunder.xpm \
2.527 + icons/formattextleft.xpm \
2.528 + icons/formattextcenter.xpm \
2.529 + icons/formattextright.xpm \
2.530 + icons/formattextjustify.xpm
2.531 +
2.532 +xml.o: xml.cpp xml.h \
2.533 + misc.h \
2.534 + settings.h \
2.535 + version.h \
2.536 + mapcenterobj.h \
2.537 + mapeditor.h \
2.538 + branchobj.h \
2.539 + floatimageobj.h \
2.540 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.541 + ornamentedobj.h \
2.542 + floatobj.h \
2.543 + frameobj.h \
2.544 + noteobj.h \
2.545 + headingobj.h \
2.546 + flagrowobj.h \
2.547 + mapobj.h \
2.548 + flagobj.h \
2.549 + imageobj.h
2.550 +
2.551 +settings.o: settings.cpp settings.h \
2.552 + misc.h
2.553 +
2.554 +options.o: options.cpp options.h
2.555 +
2.556 +exporthtmldialog.h: exporthtmldialog.ui showtextdialog.h
2.557 + $(UIC) exporthtmldialog.ui -o exporthtmldialog.h
2.558 +
2.559 +exporthtmldialog.cpp: exporthtmldialog.h exporthtmldialog.ui showtextdialog.h
2.560 + $(UIC) exporthtmldialog.ui -i exporthtmldialog.h -o exporthtmldialog.cpp
2.561 +
2.562 +exportxhtmldialog.h: exportxhtmldialog.ui process.h \
2.563 + showtextdialog.h
2.564 + $(UIC) exportxhtmldialog.ui -o exportxhtmldialog.h
2.565 +
2.566 +exportxhtmldialog.cpp: exportxhtmldialog.h exportxhtmldialog.ui process.h \
2.567 + showtextdialog.h
2.568 + $(UIC) exportxhtmldialog.ui -i exportxhtmldialog.h -o exportxhtmldialog.cpp
2.569 +
2.570 +showtextdialog.h: showtextdialog.ui
2.571 + $(UIC) showtextdialog.ui -o showtextdialog.h
2.572 +
2.573 +showtextdialog.cpp: showtextdialog.h showtextdialog.ui
2.574 + $(UIC) showtextdialog.ui -i showtextdialog.h -o showtextdialog.cpp
2.575 +
2.576 +extrainfodialog.h: extrainfodialog.ui
2.577 + $(UIC) extrainfodialog.ui -o extrainfodialog.h
2.578 +
2.579 +extrainfodialog.cpp: extrainfodialog.h extrainfodialog.ui
2.580 + $(UIC) extrainfodialog.ui -i extrainfodialog.h -o extrainfodialog.cpp
2.581 +
2.582 +exporthtmldialog.o: exporthtmldialog.cpp settings.h \
2.583 + misc.h \
2.584 + icons/flag-url.xpm \
2.585 + exporthtmldialog.ui.h \
2.586 + exporthtmldialog.h
2.587 +
2.588 +exportxhtmldialog.o: exportxhtmldialog.cpp settings.h \
2.589 + icons/flag-url.xpm \
2.590 + exportxhtmldialog.ui.h \
2.591 + exportxhtmldialog.h
2.592 +
2.593 +showtextdialog.o: showtextdialog.cpp showtextdialog.ui.h \
2.594 + showtextdialog.h
2.595 +
2.596 +extrainfodialog.o: extrainfodialog.cpp extrainfodialog.ui.h \
2.597 + extrainfodialog.h
2.598 +
2.599 +moc_findwindow.o: moc_findwindow.cpp findwindow.h
2.600 +
2.601 +moc_linkablemapobj.o: moc_linkablemapobj.cpp linkablemapobj.h frameobj.h \
2.602 + noteobj.h \
2.603 + headingobj.h \
2.604 + flagrowobj.h \
2.605 + mapobj.h \
2.606 + misc.h \
2.607 + flagobj.h \
2.608 + imageobj.h
2.609 +
2.610 +moc_mainwindow.o: moc_mainwindow.cpp mainwindow.h xml.h \
2.611 + texteditor.h \
2.612 + mapeditor.h \
2.613 + findwindow.h \
2.614 + mapcenterobj.h \
2.615 + branchobj.h \
2.616 + version.h \
2.617 + floatimageobj.h \
2.618 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.619 + ornamentedobj.h \
2.620 + floatobj.h \
2.621 + frameobj.h \
2.622 + noteobj.h \
2.623 + headingobj.h \
2.624 + flagrowobj.h \
2.625 + mapobj.h \
2.626 + misc.h \
2.627 + flagobj.h \
2.628 + imageobj.h
2.629 +
2.630 +moc_mapeditor.o: moc_mapeditor.cpp mapeditor.h mapcenterobj.h \
2.631 + misc.h \
2.632 + branchobj.h \
2.633 + version.h \
2.634 + floatimageobj.h \
2.635 + linkablemapobj.h \
2.636 + ornamentedobj.h \
2.637 + floatobj.h \
2.638 + frameobj.h \
2.639 + noteobj.h \
2.640 + headingobj.h \
2.641 + flagrowobj.h \
2.642 + mapobj.h \
2.643 + flagobj.h \
2.644 + imageobj.h
2.645 +
2.646 +moc_ornamentedobj.o: moc_ornamentedobj.cpp ornamentedobj.h linkablemapobj.h \
2.647 + frameobj.h \
2.648 + noteobj.h \
2.649 + headingobj.h \
2.650 + flagrowobj.h \
2.651 + mapobj.h \
2.652 + misc.h \
2.653 + flagobj.h \
2.654 + imageobj.h
2.655 +
2.656 +moc_process.o: moc_process.cpp process.h
2.657 +
2.658 +moc_texteditor.o: moc_texteditor.cpp texteditor.h
2.659 +
2.660 +moc_exporthtmldialog.o: moc_exporthtmldialog.cpp exporthtmldialog.h showtextdialog.h
2.661 +
2.662 +moc_exportxhtmldialog.o: moc_exportxhtmldialog.cpp exportxhtmldialog.h process.h \
2.663 + showtextdialog.h
2.664 +
2.665 +moc_showtextdialog.o: moc_showtextdialog.cpp showtextdialog.h
2.666 +
2.667 +moc_extrainfodialog.o: moc_extrainfodialog.cpp extrainfodialog.h
2.668 +
2.669 +moc_findwindow.cpp: $(MOC) findwindow.h
2.670 + $(MOC) findwindow.h -o moc_findwindow.cpp
2.671 +
2.672 +moc_linkablemapobj.cpp: $(MOC) linkablemapobj.h
2.673 + $(MOC) linkablemapobj.h -o moc_linkablemapobj.cpp
2.674 +
2.675 +moc_mainwindow.cpp: $(MOC) mainwindow.h
2.676 + $(MOC) mainwindow.h -o moc_mainwindow.cpp
2.677 +
2.678 +moc_mapeditor.cpp: $(MOC) mapeditor.h
2.679 + $(MOC) mapeditor.h -o moc_mapeditor.cpp
2.680 +
2.681 +moc_ornamentedobj.cpp: $(MOC) ornamentedobj.h
2.682 + $(MOC) ornamentedobj.h -o moc_ornamentedobj.cpp
2.683 +
2.684 +moc_process.cpp: $(MOC) process.h
2.685 + $(MOC) process.h -o moc_process.cpp
2.686 +
2.687 +moc_texteditor.cpp: $(MOC) texteditor.h
2.688 + $(MOC) texteditor.h -o moc_texteditor.cpp
2.689 +
2.690 +moc_exporthtmldialog.cpp: $(MOC) exporthtmldialog.h
2.691 + $(MOC) exporthtmldialog.h -o moc_exporthtmldialog.cpp
2.692 +
2.693 +moc_exportxhtmldialog.cpp: $(MOC) exportxhtmldialog.h
2.694 + $(MOC) exportxhtmldialog.h -o moc_exportxhtmldialog.cpp
2.695 +
2.696 +moc_showtextdialog.cpp: $(MOC) showtextdialog.h
2.697 + $(MOC) showtextdialog.h -o moc_showtextdialog.cpp
2.698 +
2.699 +moc_extrainfodialog.cpp: $(MOC) extrainfodialog.h
2.700 + $(MOC) extrainfodialog.h -o moc_extrainfodialog.cpp
2.701 +
2.702 +####### Install
2.703 +
2.704 +install_target: all
2.705 + @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/bin/" || $(MKDIR) "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/bin/"
2.707 +
2.708 +uninstall_target:
2.709 + -$(DEL_FILE) "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/bin/$(QMAKE_TARGET)"
2.710 + -$(DEL_DIR) "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/bin/"
2.711 +
2.712 +
2.713 +install_support: all
2.714 + @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/" || $(MKDIR) "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/"
2.715 + -$(INSTALL_DIR) "styles" "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/"
2.716 + -$(INSTALL_DIR) "scripts" "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/"
2.717 + -$(INSTALL_DIR) "icons" "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/"
2.718 +
2.719 +
2.720 +uninstall_support:
2.721 + -$(DEL_FILE) -r "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/styles"
2.722 + -$(DEL_FILE) -r "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/scripts"
2.723 + -$(DEL_FILE) -r "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/icons"
2.724 + -$(DEL_DIR) "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/"
2.725 +
2.726 +
2.727 +install_demo: all
2.728 + @$(CHK_DIR_EXISTS) "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/" || $(MKDIR) "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/"
2.729 + -$(INSTALL_DIR) "demos" "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/"
2.730 +
2.731 +
2.732 +uninstall_demo:
2.733 + -$(DEL_FILE) -r "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/demos"
2.734 + -$(DEL_DIR) "$(INSTALL_ROOT)/usr/share/vym/"
2.735 +
2.736 +
2.737 +install: install_target install_support install_demo
2.738 +
2.739 +uninstall: uninstall_target uninstall_support uninstall_demo
2.740 +
3.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
3.2 +++ b/branchobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
3.3 @@ -0,0 +1,1184 @@
3.4 +#include "branchobj.h"
3.5 +#include "texteditor.h"
3.6 +#include "mapeditor.h"
3.7 +#include "mainwindow.h"
3.8 +
3.9 +extern TextEditor *textEditor;
3.10 +extern Main *mainWindow;
3.11 +extern FlagRowObj *standardFlagsDefault;
3.12 +extern QAction *actionEditOpenURL;
3.13 +
3.14 +
3.15 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3.16 +// BranchObj
3.17 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3.18 +
3.19 +BranchObj* BranchObj::itLast=NULL;
3.20 +
3.21 +
3.22 +BranchObj::BranchObj () :OrnamentedObj()
3.23 +{
3.24 +// cout << "Const BranchObj ()\n";
3.25 + setParObj (this);
3.26 + init();
3.27 + depth=-1;
3.28 +}
3.29 +
3.30 +BranchObj::BranchObj (QCanvas* c):OrnamentedObj (c)
3.31 +{
3.32 +// cout << "Const BranchObj (c) called from MapCenterObj (c)\n";
3.33 + canvas=c;
3.34 +}
3.35 +
3.36 +BranchObj::BranchObj (QCanvas* c, LinkableMapObj* p):OrnamentedObj (c)
3.37 +{
3.38 +// cout << "Const BranchObj (c,p)\n";
3.39 + canvas=c;
3.40 + setParObj (p);
3.41 + depth=p->getDepth()+1;
3.42 + if (depth==1)
3.43 + // Calc angle to mapCenter if I am a mainbranch
3.44 + // needed for reordering the mainbranches clockwise
3.45 + // around mapcenter
3.46 + angle=getAngle (QPoint ((int)(x() - parObj->getChildPos().x() ),
3.47 + (int)(y() - parObj->getChildPos().y() ) ) );
3.48 + init();
3.49 +}
3.50 +
3.51 +BranchObj::~BranchObj ()
3.52 +{
3.53 + //cout << "Destr BranchObj\n";
3.54 + // Check, if this branch was the last child to be deleted
3.55 + // If so, unset the scrolled flags
3.56 +
3.57 + BranchObj *po=(BranchObj*)(parObj);
3.58 + if (po)
3.59 + {
3.60 + BranchObj *bo=((BranchObj*)(parObj))->getLastBranch();
3.61 + if (!bo) po->unScroll();
3.62 + }
3.63 +}
3.64 +
3.65 +bool BranchObj::operator< ( const BranchObj & other )
3.66 +{
3.67 + return angle < other.angle;
3.68 +}
3.69 +
3.70 +bool BranchObj::operator== ( const BranchObj & other )
3.71 +{
3.72 + return angle == other.angle;
3.73 +}
3.74 +
3.75 +int BranchObjPtrList::compareItems ( QPtrCollection::Item i, QPtrCollection::Item j)
3.76 +{
3.77 + // Make sure PtrList::find works
3.78 + if (i==j) return 0;
3.79 +
3.80 + if ( ((BranchObj*)(i))->angle > ((BranchObj*)(j))->angle )
3.81 + return 1;
3.82 + else
3.83 + return -1;
3.84 +}
3.85 +
3.86 +void BranchObj::init ()
3.87 +{
3.88 + branch.setAutoDelete (true);
3.89 + floatimage.setAutoDelete (true);
3.90 +
3.91 + absPos=getRandPos();
3.92 + absPos+=parObj->getChildPos();
3.93 +
3.94 + // TODO This should be done in TextObj later
3.95 + QFont font("Sans Serif,8,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0");
3.96 +// font.setPointSize(12);
3.97 + heading->setFont(font );
3.98 +// heading->setText(QObject::tr("new branch"));
3.99 +
3.100 + lastSelectedBranch=-1;
3.101 +
3.102 + setChildObj(this);
3.103 +
3.104 + scrolled=false;
3.105 + tmpUnscrolled=false;
3.106 +
3.107 + url="";
3.108 + vymLink="";
3.109 +}
3.110 +
3.111 +void BranchObj::copy (BranchObj* other)
3.112 +{
3.113 + OrnamentedObj::copy(other);
3.114 +
3.115 + branch.clear();
3.116 + BranchObj* b;
3.117 + for (b=other->branch.first(); b;b=other->branch.next() )
3.118 + // Make deep copy of b
3.119 + // Because addBranch again calls copy for the childs,
3.120 + // Those will get a deep copy, too
3.121 + addBranch(b);
3.122 +
3.123 + FloatImageObj *fi;
3.124 + for (fi=other->floatimage.first(); fi;fi=other->floatimage.next() )
3.125 + addFloatImage (fi);
3.126 +
3.127 + scrolled=other->scrolled;
3.128 + tmpUnscrolled=other->tmpUnscrolled;
3.129 + setVisibility (other->visible);
3.130 +
3.131 + url=other->url;
3.132 + vymLink=other->vymLink;
3.133 +
3.134 + angle=other->angle;
3.135 +
3.136 + positionBBox();
3.137 +}
3.138 +
3.139 +void BranchObj::clear()
3.140 +{
3.141 + branch.clear();
3.142 + floatimage.clear();
3.143 +}
3.144 +
3.145 +int BranchObj::getNum()
3.146 +{
3.147 + if (parObj)
3.148 + return ((BranchObj*)(parObj))->getNum ((BranchObj*)(this));
3.149 + else
3.150 + return 0;
3.151 +}
3.152 +
3.153 +int BranchObj::getNum(BranchObj *bo)
3.154 +{
3.155 + return branch.findRef (bo);
3.156 +}
3.157 +
3.158 +int BranchObj::getFloatImageNum(FloatImageObj *fio)
3.159 +{
3.160 + return floatimage.findRef (fio);
3.161 +}
3.162 +
3.163 +int BranchObj::countBranches()
3.164 +{
3.165 + return branch.count();
3.166 +}
3.167 +
3.168 +int BranchObj::countFloatImages()
3.169 +{
3.170 + return floatimage.count();
3.171 +}
3.172 +
3.173 +void BranchObj::setParObjTmp(LinkableMapObj* lmo, QPoint m, int off)
3.174 +{
3.175 + // Temporary link to lmo
3.176 + // m is position of mouse pointer
3.177 + // offset 0: default 1: below lmo -1 above lmo (if possible)
3.178 +
3.179 +
3.180 + BranchObj* o=(BranchObj*)(lmo);
3.181 + if (!parObjTmpBuf)
3.182 + parObjTmpBuf=parObj;
3.183 +
3.184 + // ignore mapcenter and mainbranch
3.185 + if (lmo->getDepth()<2) off=0;
3.186 + if (off==0)
3.187 + {
3.188 + link2ParPos=false;
3.189 + parObj=o;
3.190 + }
3.191 + else
3.192 + {
3.193 + link2ParPos=true;
3.194 + if (off>0)
3.195 + parObj=o->getParObj();
3.196 + else
3.197 + parObj=o->getParObj();
3.198 + parObj=o;
3.199 + }
3.200 +
3.201 + depth=parObj->getDepth()+1;
3.202 +
3.203 + // setLinkStyle calls updateLink, only set it once
3.204 + if (style!=getDefLinkStyle() ) setLinkStyle (getDefLinkStyle());
3.205 +
3.206 + // Move temporary to new position at destination
3.207 + // Usually the positioning would be done by reposition(),
3.208 + // but then also the destination branch would "Jump" around...
3.209 + // Better just do it approximately
3.210 + if (depth==1)
3.211 + { // new parent is the mapcenter itself
3.212 +
3.213 + QPoint p= normalise ( QPoint (m.x() - o->getChildPos().x(),
3.214 + m.y() - o->getChildPos().y() ));
3.215 + if (p.x()<0) p.setX( p.x()-bbox.width() );
3.216 + move2RelPos (p);
3.217 + } else
3.218 + {
3.219 + int y;
3.220 + if (off==0)
3.221 + {
3.222 + // new parent is just a branch, link to it
3.223 + QRect t=o->getBBoxSizeWithChilds();
3.224 + if (o->getLastBranch())
3.225 + y=t.y() + t.height() ;
3.226 + else
3.227 + y=t.y();
3.228 +
3.229 + } else
3.230 + {
3.231 + if (off<0)
3.232 + // we want to link above lmo
3.233 + y=o->y() - height() + 5;
3.234 + else
3.235 + // we want to link below lmo
3.236 + // Bottom of sel should be 5 pixels above
3.237 + // the bottom of the branch _below_ the target:
3.238 + // Don't try to find that branch, guess 12 pixels
3.239 + y=o->getChildPos().y() -height() + 12;
3.240 + }
3.241 + if (o->getOrientation()==OrientLeftOfCenter)
3.242 + move ( o->getChildPos().x() - linkwidth, y );
3.243 + else
3.244 + move (o->getChildPos().x() + linkwidth, y );
3.245 + }
3.246 +
3.247 + // updateLink is called implicitly in move
3.248 + reposition(); // FIXME shouldn't be this a request?
3.249 +}
3.250 +
3.251 +void BranchObj::unsetParObjTmp()
3.252 +{
3.253 + if (parObjTmpBuf)
3.254 + {
3.255 + link2ParPos=false;
3.256 + parObj=parObjTmpBuf;
3.257 + parObjTmpBuf=NULL;
3.258 + depth=parObj->getDepth()+1;
3.259 + setLinkStyle (getDefLinkStyle() );
3.260 + }
3.261 +}
3.262 +
3.263 +void BranchObj::unScroll()
3.264 +{
3.265 + if (tmpUnscrolled) resetTmpUnscroll();
3.266 + if (scrolled) toggleScroll();
3.267 +}
3.268 +
3.269 +void BranchObj::toggleScroll()
3.270 +{
3.271 + BranchObj *bo;
3.272 + if (scrolled)
3.273 + {
3.274 + scrolled=false;
3.275 + systemFlags->deactivate("scrolledright");
3.276 + for (bo=branch.first(); bo; bo=branch.next() )
3.277 + {
3.278 + bo->setVisibility(true);
3.279 + }
3.280 + } else
3.281 + {
3.282 + scrolled=true;
3.283 + systemFlags->activate("scrolledright");
3.284 + for (bo=branch.first(); bo; bo=branch.next() )
3.285 + {
3.286 + bo->setVisibility(false);
3.287 + }
3.288 + }
3.289 + calcBBoxSize();
3.290 + positionBBox();
3.291 + move (absPos.x(), absPos.y() );
3.292 + forceReposition();
3.293 +}
3.294 +
3.295 +bool BranchObj::isScrolled()
3.296 +{
3.297 + return scrolled;
3.298 +}
3.299 +
3.300 +bool BranchObj::hasScrolledParent(BranchObj *start)
3.301 +{
3.302 + // Calls parents recursivly to
3.303 + // find out, if we are scrolled at all.
3.304 + // But ignore myself, just look at parents.
3.305 +
3.306 + if (this !=start && scrolled) return true;
3.307 +
3.308 + BranchObj* bo=(BranchObj*)(parObj);
3.309 + if (bo)
3.310 + return bo->hasScrolledParent(start);
3.311 + else
3.312 + return false;
3.313 +}
3.314 +
3.315 +void BranchObj::tmpUnscroll()
3.316 +{
3.317 + // Unscroll parent (recursivly)
3.318 + BranchObj* bo=(BranchObj*)(parObj);
3.319 + if (bo) bo->tmpUnscroll();
3.320 +
3.321 + // Unscroll myself
3.322 + if (scrolled)
3.323 + {
3.324 + tmpUnscrolled=true;
3.325 + systemFlags->activate("tmpUnscrolledright");
3.326 + toggleScroll();
3.327 + }
3.328 +}
3.329 +
3.330 +void BranchObj::resetTmpUnscroll()
3.331 +{
3.332 + // Unscroll parent (recursivly)
3.333 + BranchObj* bo=(BranchObj*)(parObj);
3.334 + if (bo)
3.335 + bo->resetTmpUnscroll();
3.336 +
3.337 + // Unscroll myself
3.338 + if (tmpUnscrolled)
3.339 + {
3.340 + tmpUnscrolled=false;
3.341 + systemFlags->deactivate("tmpUnscrolledright");
3.342 + toggleScroll();
3.343 + }
3.344 +}
3.345 +
3.346 +void BranchObj::setVisibility(bool v, int toDepth)
3.347 +{
3.348 + if (depth <= toDepth)
3.349 + {
3.350 + frame->setVisibility(v);
3.351 + heading->setVisibility(v);
3.352 + systemFlags->setVisibility(v);
3.353 + standardFlags->setVisibility(v);
3.354 + LinkableMapObj::setVisibility (v);
3.355 +
3.356 + if (!scrolled && (depth < toDepth))
3.357 + {
3.358 + // Now go recursivly through all childs
3.359 + BranchObj* b;
3.360 + for (b=branch.first(); b;b=branch.next() )
3.361 + b->setVisibility (v,toDepth);
3.362 + FloatImageObj *fio;
3.363 + for (fio=floatimage.first(); fio; fio=floatimage.next())
3.364 + fio->setVisibility (v);
3.365 + }
3.366 + } // depth <= toDepth
3.367 + move (absPos.x(), absPos.y() );
3.368 + requestReposition();
3.369 +}
3.370 +
3.371 +void BranchObj::setVisibility(bool v)
3.372 +{
3.373 + setVisibility (v,MAX_DEPTH);
3.374 +}
3.375 +
3.376 +
3.377 +void BranchObj::setLinkColor ()
3.378 +{
3.379 + // Overloaded from LinkableMapObj
3.380 + // BranchObj can use color of heading
3.381 +
3.382 + if (mapEditor->getLinkColorHint()==HeadingColor)
3.383 + LinkableMapObj::setLinkColor (heading->getColor() );
3.384 + else
3.385 + LinkableMapObj::setLinkColor ();
3.386 +}
3.387 +
3.388 +void BranchObj::setColor (QColor col, bool colorChilds)
3.389 +{
3.390 + heading->setColor(col);
3.391 + setLinkColor();
3.392 + if (colorChilds)
3.393 + {
3.394 + BranchObj *bo;
3.395 + for (bo=branch.first(); bo; bo=branch.next() )
3.396 + bo->setColor(col,colorChilds);
3.397 + }
3.398 +}
3.399 +
3.400 +
3.401 +BranchObj* BranchObj::first()
3.402 +{
3.403 + itLast=NULL;
3.404 + return this;
3.405 +}
3.406 +
3.407 +BranchObj* BranchObj::next()
3.408 +{
3.409 + BranchObj *lmo;
3.410 + BranchObj *bo=branch.first();
3.411 + BranchObj *po=(BranchObj*)(parObj);
3.412 +
3.413 + if (!itLast)
3.414 + { // We are just beginning at the mapCenter
3.415 + if (bo)
3.416 + {
3.417 + itLast=this;
3.418 + return bo;
3.419 + }
3.420 + else
3.421 + {
3.422 + itLast=NULL;
3.423 + return NULL;
3.424 + }
3.425 + }
3.426 +
3.427 + if (itLast==parObj)
3.428 + { // We come from above
3.429 + if (bo)
3.430 + {
3.431 + // there are childs, go there
3.432 + itLast=this;
3.433 + return bo;
3.434 + }
3.435 + else
3.436 + { // no childs, try to go up again
3.437 + if (po)
3.438 + {
3.439 + // go up
3.440 + itLast=this;
3.441 + lmo=po->next();
3.442 + itLast=this;
3.443 + return lmo;
3.444 +
3.445 + }
3.446 + else
3.447 + {
3.448 + // can't go up, I am mapCenter
3.449 + itLast=NULL;
3.450 + return NULL;
3.451 + }
3.452 + }
3.453 + }
3.454 +
3.455 + // Try to find last child, we came from, in my own childs
3.456 + bool searching=true;
3.457 + while (bo && searching)
3.458 + {
3.459 + if (itLast==bo) searching=false;
3.460 + bo=branch.next();
3.461 + }
3.462 + if (!searching)
3.463 + { // found lastLMO in my childs
3.464 + if (bo)
3.465 + {
3.466 + // found a brother of lastLMO
3.467 + itLast=this;
3.468 + return bo;
3.469 + }
3.470 + else
3.471 + {
3.472 + if (po)
3.473 + {
3.474 + // go up
3.475 + itLast=this;
3.476 + lmo=po->next();
3.477 + itLast=this;
3.478 + return lmo;
3.479 + }
3.480 + else
3.481 + {
3.482 + // can't go up, I am mapCenter
3.483 + itLast=NULL;
3.484 + return NULL;
3.485 + }
3.486 + }
3.487 + }
3.488 +
3.489 + // couldn't find last child, it must be a nephew of mine
3.490 + bo=branch.first();
3.491 + if (bo)
3.492 + {
3.493 + // proceed with my first child
3.494 + itLast=this;
3.495 + return bo;
3.496 + }
3.497 + else
3.498 + {
3.499 + // or go back to my parents
3.500 + if (po)
3.501 + {
3.502 + // go up
3.503 + itLast=this;
3.504 + lmo=po->next();
3.505 + itLast=this;
3.506 + return lmo;
3.507 + }
3.508 + else
3.509 + {
3.510 + // can't go up, I am mapCenter
3.511 + itLast=NULL;
3.512 + return NULL;
3.513 + }
3.514 + }
3.515 +}
3.516 +
3.517 +BranchObj* BranchObj::getLastIterator()
3.518 +{
3.519 + return itLast;
3.520 +}
3.521 +
3.522 +void BranchObj::setLastIterator(BranchObj* it)
3.523 +{
3.524 + itLast=it;
3.525 +}
3.526 +
3.527 +
3.528 +void BranchObj::move (double x, double y)
3.529 +{
3.530 + OrnamentedObj::move (x,y);
3.531 + positionBBox();
3.532 +}
3.533 +
3.534 +void BranchObj::move (QPoint p)
3.535 +{
3.536 + move (p.x(), p.y());
3.537 +}
3.538 +
3.539 +void BranchObj::moveBy (double x, double y)
3.540 +{
3.541 + OrnamentedObj::moveBy (x,y);
3.542 + positionBBox();
3.543 + BranchObj* b;
3.544 + for (b=branch.first(); b;b=branch.next() )
3.545 + b->moveBy (x,y);
3.546 +}
3.547 +
3.548 +void BranchObj::moveBy (QPoint p)
3.549 +{
3.550 + moveBy (p.x(), p.y());
3.551 +}
3.552 +
3.553 +
3.554 +void BranchObj::positionBBox()
3.555 +{
3.556 +
3.557 + heading->positionBBox();
3.558 + systemFlags->positionBBox();
3.559 + standardFlags->positionBBox();
3.560 + // It seems that setting x,y also affects width,height
3.561 + int w_old=bbox.width();
3.562 + int h_old=bbox.height();
3.563 + bbox.setX (absPos.x() );
3.564 + bbox.setY (absPos.y() );
3.565 + bbox.setWidth(w_old);
3.566 + bbox.setHeight(h_old);
3.567 +
3.568 +
3.569 + setSelBox();
3.570 +
3.571 + // set the frame
3.572 + frame->setRect(QRect(bbox.x(),bbox.y(),bbox.width(),bbox.height() ) );
3.573 +}
3.574 +
3.575 +void BranchObj::calcBBoxSize()
3.576 +{
3.577 + QSize heading_r=heading->getSize();
3.578 + int heading_w=static_cast <int> (heading_r.width() );
3.579 + int heading_h=static_cast <int> (heading_r.height() );
3.580 + QSize sysflags_r=systemFlags->getSize();
3.581 + int sysflags_h=sysflags_r.height();
3.582 + int sysflags_w=sysflags_r.width();
3.583 + QSize stanflags_r=standardFlags->getSize();
3.584 + int stanflags_h=stanflags_r.height();
3.585 + int stanflags_w=stanflags_r.width();
3.586 + int w;
3.587 + int h;
3.588 +
3.589 + // set width to sum of all widths
3.590 + w=heading_w + sysflags_w + stanflags_w;
3.591 + // set height to maximum needed height
3.592 + h=max (sysflags_h,stanflags_h);
3.593 + h=max (h,heading_h);
3.594 +
3.595 + w+=frame->getBorder();
3.596 + h+=frame->getBorder();
3.597 + bbox.setSize (QSize (w,h));
3.598 +}
3.599 +
3.600 +LinkableMapObj* BranchObj::findMapObj(QPoint p, LinkableMapObj* excludeLMO)
3.601 +{
3.602 + // Search branches
3.603 + BranchObj *b;
3.604 + LinkableMapObj *lmo;
3.605 + for (b=branch.first(); b; b=branch.next() )
3.606 + {
3.607 + lmo=b->findMapObj(p, excludeLMO);
3.608 + if (lmo != NULL) return lmo;
3.609 + }
3.610 +
3.611 + // Search myself
3.612 + if (inBBox (p) && (this != excludeLMO) && isVisibleObj() )
3.613 + return this;
3.614 +
3.615 + // Search float images
3.616 + FloatImageObj *foi;
3.617 + for (foi=floatimage.first(); foi; foi=floatimage.next() )
3.618 + if (foi->inBBox(p) && (foi != excludeLMO) && foi->getParObj()!= excludeLMO) return foi;
3.619 +
3.620 + return NULL;
3.621 +}
3.622 +
3.623 +void BranchObj::setHeading(QString s)
3.624 +{
3.625 + // Adjusting font size
3.626 + QFont font=heading->getFont();
3.627 + if (depth==0)
3.628 + font.setPointSize(16);
3.629 + else
3.630 + if (depth>1)
3.631 + font.setPointSize(10);
3.632 + else
3.633 + font.setPointSize(12);
3.634 + heading->setFont(font);
3.635 + heading->setText(s); // set new heading
3.636 + calcBBoxSize(); // recalculate bbox
3.637 + positionBBox(); // rearrange contents
3.638 + requestReposition();
3.639 +}
3.640 +
3.641 +void BranchObj::setURL(QString s)
3.642 +{
3.643 + url=s;
3.644 + if (!url.isEmpty())
3.645 + systemFlags->activate("url");
3.646 + else
3.647 + systemFlags->deactivate("url");
3.648 + calcBBoxSize(); // recalculate bbox
3.649 + positionBBox(); // rearrange contents
3.650 + forceReposition();
3.651 +}
3.652 +
3.653 +QString BranchObj::getURL()
3.654 +{
3.655 + return url;
3.656 +}
3.657 +
3.658 +void BranchObj::setVymLink(QString s)
3.659 +{
3.660 + if (!s.isEmpty())
3.661 + {
3.662 + // We need the relative (from loading)
3.663 + // or absolute path (from User event)
3.664 + // and build the absolute path.
3.665 + // Note: If we have relative, use path of
3.666 + // current map to build absolute path
3.667 + QDir d(s);
3.668 + if (!d.path().startsWith ("/"))
3.669 + {
3.670 + QString p=mapEditor->getDestPath();
3.671 + int i=p.findRev("/",-1);
3.672 + d.setPath(p.left(i)+"/"+s);
3.673 + d.convertToAbs();
3.674 + }
3.675 + vymLink=d.path();
3.676 + systemFlags->activate("vymLink");
3.677 + }
3.678 + else
3.679 + {
3.680 + systemFlags->deactivate("vymLink");
3.681 + vymLink="";
3.682 + }
3.683 + calcBBoxSize(); // recalculate bbox
3.684 + positionBBox(); // rearrange contents
3.685 + forceReposition();
3.686 +}
3.687 +
3.688 +QString BranchObj::getVymLink()
3.689 +{
3.690 + return vymLink;
3.691 +}
3.692 +
3.693 +QString BranchObj::saveToDir (const QString &tmpdir,const QString &prefix, const QPoint& offset)
3.694 +{
3.695 + QString s,a;
3.696 + QString scrolledAttr;
3.697 + if (scrolled)
3.698 + scrolledAttr=attribut ("scrolled","yes");
3.699 + else
3.700 + scrolledAttr="";
3.701 +
3.702 + QString posAttr;
3.703 + if (depth<2) posAttr=
3.704 + attribut("absPosX",QString().setNum(absPos.x(),10)) +
3.705 + attribut("absPosY",QString().setNum(absPos.y(),10));
3.706 + else
3.707 + posAttr="";
3.708 +
3.709 + QString urlAttr;
3.710 + if (!url.isEmpty())
3.711 + urlAttr=attribut ("url",url);
3.712 +
3.713 + QString vymLinkAttr;
3.714 + if (!vymLink.isEmpty())
3.715 + vymLinkAttr=attribut ("vymLink",convertToRel(mapEditor->getDestPath(),vymLink) );
3.716 +
3.717 + QString frameAttr;
3.718 + if (frame->getFrameType()!=NoFrame)
3.719 + frameAttr=attribut ("frameType",frame->getFrameTypeName());
3.720 + else
3.721 + frameAttr="";
3.722 +
3.723 + // save area, if not scrolled
3.724 + QString areaAttr;
3.725 + if (!((BranchObj*)(parObj))->isScrolled() )
3.726 + {
3.727 + areaAttr=
3.728 + attribut("x1",QString().setNum(absPos.x()-offset.x(),10)) +
3.729 + attribut("y1",QString().setNum(absPos.y()-offset.y(),10)) +
3.730 + attribut("x2",QString().setNum(absPos.x()+width()-offset.x(),10)) +
3.731 + attribut("y2",QString().setNum(absPos.y()+height()-offset.y(),10));
3.732 +
3.733 + } else
3.734 + areaAttr="";
3.735 +
3.736 + s=beginElement ("branch" +scrolledAttr +posAttr +urlAttr +vymLinkAttr +frameAttr +areaAttr);
3.737 + incIndent();
3.738 +
3.739 + // save heading
3.740 + s=s+valueElement("heading", getHeading(),
3.741 + attribut ("textColor",QColor(heading->getColor()).name()));
3.742 +
3.743 + // save names of flags set
3.744 + s+=standardFlags->saveToDir(tmpdir,prefix,0);
3.745 +
3.746 + // save note
3.747 + if (!note.isEmpty() )
3.748 + s+=note.saveToDir();
3.749 +
3.750 + // Save branches
3.751 + BranchObj *bo;
3.752 + for (bo=branch.first(); bo; bo=branch.next() )
3.753 + s+=bo->saveToDir(tmpdir,prefix,offset);
3.754 + decIndent();
3.755 +
3.756 + // Save FloatImages
3.757 + FloatImageObj *fio;
3.758 + for (fio=floatimage.first(); fio; fio=floatimage.next() )
3.759 + s+=fio->saveToDir (tmpdir,prefix);
3.760 +
3.761 + s+=endElement ("branch");
3.762 + return s;
3.763 +}
3.764 +
3.765 +LinkableMapObj* BranchObj::addFloatImage ()
3.766 +{
3.767 + FloatImageObj *newfi=new FloatImageObj (canvas,this);
3.768 + floatimage.append (newfi);
3.769 + if (hasScrolledParent(this) )
3.770 + newfi->setVisibility (false);
3.771 + else
3.772 + newfi->setVisibility(visible);
3.773 + requestReposition();
3.774 + return newfi;
3.775 +}
3.776 +
3.777 +LinkableMapObj* BranchObj::addFloatImage (FloatImageObj *fio)
3.778 +{
3.779 + FloatImageObj *newfi=new FloatImageObj (canvas,this);
3.780 + floatimage.append (newfi);
3.781 + newfi->copy (fio);
3.782 + if (hasScrolledParent(this) )
3.783 + newfi->setVisibility (false);
3.784 + else
3.785 + newfi->setVisibility(visible);
3.786 + requestReposition();
3.787 + return newfi;
3.788 +}
3.789 +
3.790 +FloatImageObj* BranchObj::getFirstFloatImage ()
3.791 +{
3.792 + return floatimage.first();
3.793 +}
3.794 +
3.795 +FloatImageObj* BranchObj::getLastFloatImage ()
3.796 +{
3.797 + return floatimage.last();
3.798 +}
3.799 +
3.800 +FloatImageObj* BranchObj::getFloatImageNum (const uint &i)
3.801 +{
3.802 + return floatimage.at(i);
3.803 +}
3.804 +
3.805 +void BranchObj::removeFloatImage (FloatImageObj *fio)
3.806 +{
3.807 + floatimage.remove (fio);
3.808 + requestReposition();
3.809 +}
3.810 +
3.811 +void BranchObj::savePosInAngle ()
3.812 +{
3.813 + // Save position in angle
3.814 + BranchObj *b;
3.815 + int i=0;
3.816 + for (b=branch.first(); b; b=branch.next() )
3.817 + {
3.818 + b->angle=i;
3.819 + i++;
3.820 + }
3.821 +}
3.822 +
3.823 +BranchObj* BranchObj::addBranch()
3.824 +{
3.825 + BranchObj* newbo=new BranchObj(canvas,this);
3.826 + branch.append (newbo);
3.827 + newbo->setParObj(this);
3.828 + newbo->setColor(getColor(),false);
3.829 + newbo->setLinkColor();
3.830 + newbo->setHeading ("new");
3.831 + newbo->setLinkStyle (newbo->getDefLinkStyle());
3.832 + if (scrolled)
3.833 + newbo->setVisibility (false);
3.834 + else
3.835 + newbo->setVisibility(visible);
3.836 + requestReposition();
3.837 + return newbo;
3.838 +}
3.839 +
3.840 +BranchObj* BranchObj::addBranch(BranchObj* bo)
3.841 +{
3.842 + BranchObj* newbo=new BranchObj(canvas,this);
3.843 + branch.append (newbo);
3.844 + newbo->copy(bo);
3.845 + newbo->setParObj(this);
3.846 + newbo->setHeading (newbo->getHeading()); // adjust fontsize to depth
3.847 + newbo->setLinkStyle (newbo->getDefLinkStyle());
3.848 + if (scrolled)
3.849 + newbo->setVisibility (false);
3.850 + else
3.851 + newbo->setVisibility(bo->visible);
3.852 + requestReposition();
3.853 + return newbo;
3.854 +}
3.855 +
3.856 +BranchObj* BranchObj::insertBranch(int pos)
3.857 +{
3.858 + savePosInAngle();
3.859 + // Add new bo and resort branches
3.860 + BranchObj *newbo=addBranch ();
3.861 + newbo->angle=pos-0.5;
3.862 + branch.sort();
3.863 + return newbo;
3.864 +}
3.865 +
3.866 +BranchObj* BranchObj::insertBranch(BranchObj* bo, int pos)
3.867 +{
3.868 + savePosInAngle();
3.869 + // Add new bo and resort branches
3.870 + bo->angle=pos-0.5;
3.871 + BranchObj *newbo=addBranch (bo);
3.872 + branch.sort();
3.873 + return newbo;
3.874 +}
3.875 +
3.876 +void BranchObj::removeBranch(BranchObj* bo)
3.877 +{
3.878 + // if bo is not in branch remove returns false, we
3.879 + // don't care...
3.880 + branch.remove (bo);
3.881 + requestReposition();
3.882 +}
3.883 +
3.884 +void BranchObj::setLastSelectedBranch (BranchObj* bo)
3.885 +{
3.886 + lastSelectedBranch=branch.find(bo);
3.887 +}
3.888 +
3.889 +BranchObj* BranchObj::getLastSelectedBranch ()
3.890 +{
3.891 + if (lastSelectedBranch>=0)
3.892 + {
3.893 + BranchObj* bo=branch.at(lastSelectedBranch);
3.894 + if (bo) return bo;
3.895 + }
3.896 + return branch.first();
3.897 +}
3.898 +
3.899 +BranchObj* BranchObj::getFirstBranch ()
3.900 +{
3.901 + return branch.first();
3.902 +}
3.903 +
3.904 +BranchObj* BranchObj::getLastBranch ()
3.905 +{
3.906 + return branch.last();
3.907 +}
3.908 +
3.909 +BranchObj* BranchObj::getBranchNum (const uint &i)
3.910 +{
3.911 + return branch.at(i);
3.912 +}
3.913 +
3.914 +
3.915 +BranchObj* BranchObj::moveBranchUp(BranchObj* bo1) // move a branch up (modify myself)
3.916 +{
3.917 + savePosInAngle();
3.918 + int i=branch.find(bo1);
3.919 + if (i>0)
3.920 + { // -1 if bo1 not found
3.921 + branch.at(i)->angle--;
3.922 + branch.at(i-1)->angle++;
3.923 + branch.sort();
3.924 + return branch.at(i-1);
3.925 + } else
3.926 + return branch.at(i);
3.927 +}
3.928 +
3.929 +BranchObj* BranchObj::moveBranchDown(BranchObj* bo1)
3.930 +{
3.931 + savePosInAngle();
3.932 + int i=branch.find(bo1);
3.933 + int j;
3.934 + if (branch.next())
3.935 + {
3.936 + j = branch.at();
3.937 + branch.at(i)->angle++;
3.938 + branch.at(j)->angle--;
3.939 + branch.sort();
3.940 + return branch.at(j);
3.941 + } else
3.942 + return branch.at(i);
3.943 +}
3.944 +
3.945 +void BranchObj::alignRelativeTo (QPoint ref)
3.946 +{
3.947 +/* FIXME testing
3.948 + if (!getHeading().isEmpty())
3.949 + cout << "BO::alignRelTo "<<getHeading()<<endl;
3.950 + else
3.951 + cout << "BO::alignRelTo ???"<<endl;
3.952 + cout << " d="<<depth<<endl;
3.953 +*/
3.954 + int th = bboxTotal.height();
3.955 +
3.956 + // If I am the mapcenter or a mainbranch, reposition heading
3.957 + if (depth<2)
3.958 + {
3.959 + move (absPos.x(),absPos.y());
3.960 + if (depth==1)
3.961 + {
3.962 + // Calc angle to mapCenter if I am a mainbranch
3.963 + // needed for reordering the mainbranches clockwise
3.964 + // around mapcenter
3.965 + angle=getAngle (QPoint ((int)(x() - parObj->getChildPos().x() ),
3.966 + (int)(y() - parObj->getChildPos().y() ) ) );
3.967 + }
3.968 + }
3.969 + else
3.970 + {
3.971 + // Align myself depending on orientation and parent, but
3.972 + // only if I am not the mainbranch or mapcenter itself
3.973 + switch (orientation)
3.974 + {
3.975 + case OrientLeftOfCenter:
3.976 + move (ref.x()-bbox.width(), ref.y() + (th-bbox.height())/2 );
3.977 + break;
3.978 + case OrientRightOfCenter:
3.979 + move (ref.x(), ref.y() + (th-bbox.height())/2 );
3.980 + break;
3.981 + default:
3.982 + cout <<"LMO::alignRelativeTo: oops, no orientation given...\n";
3.983 + break;
3.984 + }
3.985 + }
3.986 +
3.987 + FloatImageObj *fio;
3.988 + for (fio=floatimage.first(); fio; fio=floatimage.next() )
3.989 + fio->reposition();
3.990 +
3.991 + if (scrolled) return;
3.992 +
3.993 + // Set reference point for alignment of childs
3.994 + QPoint ref2;
3.995 + if (orientation==OrientLeftOfCenter)
3.996 + ref2.setX(childPos.x() - linkwidth);
3.997 + else
3.998 + ref2.setX(childPos.x() + linkwidth);
3.999 +
3.1000 + if (depth==1)
3.1001 + ref2.setY(absPos.y()-(bboxTotal.height()-bbox.height())/2);
3.1002 + else
3.1003 + ref2.setY(ref.y() );
3.1004 +
3.1005 + // Align the childs depending on reference point
3.1006 + BranchObj *b;
3.1007 + for (b=branch.first(); b; b=branch.next() )
3.1008 + {
3.1009 + b->alignRelativeTo (ref2);
3.1010 + ref2.setY(ref2.y() + b->getBBoxSizeWithChilds().height() );
3.1011 + }
3.1012 +}
3.1013 +
3.1014 +
3.1015 +void BranchObj::reposition()
3.1016 +{
3.1017 +/* FIXME testing
3.1018 + if (!getHeading().isEmpty())
3.1019 + cout << "BO::reposition "<<getHeading()<<endl;
3.1020 + else
3.1021 + cout << "BO::reposition ???"<<endl;
3.1022 +*/
3.1023 + if (depth==0)
3.1024 + {
3.1025 + // only calculate the sizes once. If the deepest LMO
3.1026 + // changes its height,
3.1027 + // all upper LMOs have to change, too.
3.1028 + calcBBoxSizeWithChilds();
3.1029 + alignRelativeTo ( QPoint (absPos.x(),
3.1030 + absPos.y()-(bboxTotal.height()-bbox.height())/2) );
3.1031 + branch.sort();
3.1032 + } else
3.1033 + {
3.1034 + // This is only important for moving branches:
3.1035 + // For editing a branch it isn't called...
3.1036 + alignRelativeTo ( QPoint (absPos.x(),
3.1037 + absPos.y()-(bboxTotal.height()-bbox.height())/2) );
3.1038 + }
3.1039 +}
3.1040 +
3.1041 +
3.1042 +QRect BranchObj::getTotalBBox()
3.1043 +{
3.1044 + QRect r=bbox;
3.1045 +
3.1046 + if (scrolled) return r;
3.1047 +
3.1048 + BranchObj* b;
3.1049 + for (b=branch.first();b ;b=branch.next() )
3.1050 + r=addBBox(b->getTotalBBox(),r);
3.1051 +
3.1052 + FloatImageObj* fio;
3.1053 + for (fio=floatimage.first();fio ;fio=floatimage.next() )
3.1054 + r=addBBox(fio->getTotalBBox(),r);
3.1055 +
3.1056 + return r;
3.1057 +}
3.1058 +
3.1059 +QRect BranchObj::getBBoxSizeWithChilds()
3.1060 +{
3.1061 + return bboxTotal;
3.1062 +}
3.1063 +
3.1064 +void BranchObj::calcBBoxSizeWithChilds()
3.1065 +{
3.1066 + // This is called only from reposition and
3.1067 + // and only for mapcenter. So it won't be
3.1068 + // called more than once for a single user
3.1069 + // action
3.1070 +
3.1071 + // Calculate size of LMO including all childs (to align them later)
3.1072 +
3.1073 + bboxTotal.setX(bbox.x() );
3.1074 + bboxTotal.setY(bbox.y() );
3.1075 +
3.1076 + // if branch is scrolled, ignore childs, but still consider floatimages
3.1077 + if (scrolled)
3.1078 + {
3.1079 + bboxTotal.setWidth (bbox.width());
3.1080 + bboxTotal.setHeight(bbox.height());
3.1081 + return;
3.1082 + }
3.1083 +
3.1084 + QRect r(0,0,0,0);
3.1085 + QRect br;
3.1086 + // Now calculate recursivly
3.1087 + // sum of heights
3.1088 + // maximum of widths
3.1089 + // minimum of y
3.1090 + BranchObj* b;
3.1091 + for (b=branch.first();b ;b=branch.next() )
3.1092 + {
3.1093 + b->calcBBoxSizeWithChilds();
3.1094 + br=b->getBBoxSizeWithChilds();
3.1095 + r.setWidth( max (br.width(), r.width() ));
3.1096 + r.setHeight(br.height() + r.height() );
3.1097 + if (br.y()<bboxTotal.y()) bboxTotal.setY(br.y());
3.1098 + }
3.1099 + // Add myself and also
3.1100 + // add width of link to sum if necessary
3.1101 + if (branch.isEmpty())
3.1102 + bboxTotal.setWidth (bbox.width() + r.width() );
3.1103 + else
3.1104 + bboxTotal.setWidth (bbox.width() + r.width() + linkwidth);
3.1105 + bboxTotal.setHeight(max (r.height(), bbox.height() ) );
3.1106 +// frame->setRect(QRect(bbox.x(),bbox.y(),bbox.width(),bbox.height() ) );
3.1107 +}
3.1108 +
3.1109 +void BranchObj::select()
3.1110 +{
3.1111 + LinkableMapObj::select();
3.1112 + // Tell parent that I am selected now:
3.1113 + BranchObj* po=(BranchObj*)(parObj);
3.1114 + if (po) // TODO Try to get rid of this cast...
3.1115 + po->setLastSelectedBranch(this);
3.1116 +
3.1117 + // temporary unscroll, if we have scrolled parents somewhere
3.1118 + if (parObj) ((BranchObj*)(parObj))->tmpUnscroll();
3.1119 +
3.1120 + // set Text in Editor
3.1121 + textEditor->setText(note.getNote() );
3.1122 + textEditor->setFilename(note.getFilenameHint() );
3.1123 + textEditor->setFontHint (note.getFontHint() );
3.1124 + connect (textEditor, SIGNAL (textHasChanged() ), this, SLOT (updateNoteFlag() ) );
3.1125 + connect (textEditor, SIGNAL (fontSizeHasChanged() ), this, SLOT (updateNoteFlag() ) );
3.1126 +
3.1127 + // Show URL and link in statusbar
3.1128 + QString status;
3.1129 + if (!url.isEmpty()) status+="URL: "+url+" ";
3.1130 + if (!vymLink.isEmpty()) status+="Link: "+vymLink;
3.1131 + if (!status.isEmpty()) mainWindow->statusMessage (status);
3.1132 +
3.1133 + // Update Toolbar
3.1134 + standardFlags->updateToolBar();
3.1135 +
3.1136 + // Update Browserbutton
3.1137 + if (!url.isEmpty())
3.1138 + actionEditOpenURL->setEnabled (true);
3.1139 + else
3.1140 + actionEditOpenURL->setEnabled (false);
3.1141 +
3.1142 + // Update actions in mapeditor
3.1143 + mapEditor->updateActions();
3.1144 +}
3.1145 +
3.1146 +void BranchObj::unselect()
3.1147 +{
3.1148 + LinkableMapObj::unselect();
3.1149 + // Delete any messages like vymLink in StatusBar
3.1150 + mainWindow->statusMessage ("");
3.1151 +
3.1152 + // save note from editor and set flag
3.1153 + // text is done by updateNoteFlag(), just save
3.1154 + // filename here
3.1155 + note.setFilenameHint (textEditor->getFilename());
3.1156 +
3.1157 + // reset temporary unscroll, if we have scrolled parents somewhere
3.1158 + if (parObj) ((BranchObj*)(parObj))->resetTmpUnscroll();
3.1159 +
3.1160 + // Disconnect textEditor from this LMO
3.1161 + disconnect( textEditor, SIGNAL(textHasChanged()), 0, 0 );
3.1162 + disconnect( textEditor, SIGNAL (fontSizeHasChanged()),0,0 );
3.1163 +
3.1164 + // Erase content of editor
3.1165 + textEditor->setInactive();
3.1166 +
3.1167 + // unselect all buttons in toolbar
3.1168 + standardFlagsDefault->updateToolBar();
3.1169 +}
3.1170 +
3.1171 +QString BranchObj::getSelectString()
3.1172 +{
3.1173 + QString s;
3.1174 + if (parObj)
3.1175 + {
3.1176 + if (parObj->getDepth()==0)
3.1177 + s= "bo:" + QString("%1").arg(getNum());
3.1178 + else
3.1179 + s= ((BranchObj*)(parObj))->getSelectString() + ",bo:" + QString("%1").arg(getNum());
3.1180 + } else
3.1181 + {
3.1182 + s="mc:";
3.1183 + }
3.1184 +
3.1185 + return s;
3.1186 +}
3.1187 +
4.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
4.2 +++ b/branchobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
4.3 @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
4.4 +#ifndef BRANCHOBJ_H
4.5 +#define BRANCHOBJ_H
4.6 +
4.7 +#include "floatimageobj.h"
4.8 +#include "linkablemapobj.h"
4.9 +#include "ornamentedobj.h"
4.10 +
4.11 +class BranchObjPtrList : public QPtrList<BranchObj>
4.12 +{
4.13 + virtual int compareItems (QPtrCollection::Item i, QPtrCollection::Item j);
4.14 +};
4.15 +
4.16 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
4.17 +class BranchObj:public OrnamentedObj {
4.18 +public:
4.19 + BranchObj ();
4.20 + BranchObj (QCanvas*);
4.21 + BranchObj (QCanvas*, LinkableMapObj* parent);
4.22 + ~BranchObj ();
4.23 + bool operator< ( const BranchObj & );
4.24 + bool operator== ( const BranchObj & );
4.25 + virtual void init ();
4.26 + virtual void copy (BranchObj*);
4.27 + void clear();
4.28 + virtual int getNum(); // return number of this in parent
4.29 + virtual int getNum(BranchObj*); // return number of this in parent
4.30 + virtual int getFloatImageNum(FloatImageObj*);
4.31 + virtual int countBranches();
4.32 + virtual int countFloatImages();
4.33 + virtual void setParObjTmp (LinkableMapObj*,QPoint,int);// Only for moving Obj around
4.34 + virtual void unsetParObjTmp(); // reuse original ParObj
4.35 +
4.36 + virtual void unScroll();
4.37 + virtual void toggleScroll(); // scroll or unscroll
4.38 + virtual bool isScrolled(); // returns scroll state
4.39 + virtual bool hasScrolledParent(BranchObj*); // true, if any of the parents is scrolled
4.40 + virtual void tmpUnscroll(); // unscroll scrolled parents temporary e.g. during "find" process
4.41 + virtual void resetTmpUnscroll(); // scroll all tmp scrolled parents again e.g. when unselecting
4.42 +
4.43 + virtual void setVisibility(bool,int); // set visibility
4.44 + virtual void setVisibility(bool); // set vis. for w
4.45 + virtual void setLinkColor(); // set the color of link
4.46 + virtual void setColor(QColor,bool); // set the color of heading
4.47 +
4.48 +
4.49 + BranchObj* first (); // set Iterator to first LMO
4.50 + BranchObj* next (); // find next LMO after given one
4.51 + BranchObj* getLastIterator(); // to interrupt and resume next iteration
4.52 + void setLastIterator (BranchObj*); // needed by next()
4.53 +
4.54 + virtual void move (double x,double y);
4.55 + virtual void move (QPoint);
4.56 + virtual void moveBy (double x,double y);
4.57 + virtual void moveBy (QPoint);
4.58 + virtual void positionBBox();
4.59 + virtual void calcBBoxSize();
4.60 + virtual LinkableMapObj* findMapObj(QPoint,LinkableMapObj*); // find MapObj
4.61 + virtual void setHeading (QString);
4.62 + virtual void setURL (QString);
4.63 + virtual QString getURL ();
4.64 + virtual void setVymLink (QString);
4.65 + virtual QString getVymLink ();
4.66 + virtual QString saveToDir (const QString&,const QString&, const QPoint&);// Save data recursivly to tempdir
4.67 + virtual LinkableMapObj* addFloatImage();
4.68 + virtual LinkableMapObj* addFloatImage(FloatImageObj*);
4.69 + virtual void removeFloatImage(FloatImageObj*);
4.70 + virtual FloatImageObj* getFirstFloatImage();
4.71 + virtual FloatImageObj* getLastFloatImage();
4.72 + virtual FloatImageObj* getFloatImageNum(const uint &);
4.73 +protected:
4.74 + virtual void savePosInAngle(); // write pos in angle for resorting
4.75 +public:
4.76 + virtual BranchObj* addBranch();
4.77 + virtual BranchObj* addBranch(BranchObj*); // makes deep copy of BranchObj
4.78 + virtual BranchObj* insertBranch(int);
4.79 + virtual BranchObj* insertBranch(BranchObj*,int);
4.80 + virtual void removeBranch(BranchObj*);
4.81 + virtual void setLastSelectedBranch(BranchObj*);
4.82 + virtual BranchObj* getLastSelectedBranch();
4.83 + virtual BranchObj* getFirstBranch();
4.84 + virtual BranchObj* getLastBranch();
4.85 + virtual BranchObj* getBranchNum(const uint &);
4.86 + virtual BranchObj* moveBranchUp(BranchObj*);
4.87 + virtual BranchObj* moveBranchDown(BranchObj*);
4.88 +
4.89 + virtual void alignRelativeTo(const QPoint );
4.90 + virtual void reposition();
4.91 +
4.92 + virtual QRect getTotalBBox(); // return BBox including childs
4.93 + virtual QRect getBBoxSizeWithChilds(); // return size of BBox including childs
4.94 + virtual void calcBBoxSizeWithChilds(); // calc size of BBox including childs recursivly
4.95 +
4.96 + virtual void select();
4.97 + virtual void unselect();
4.98 + virtual QString getSelectString();
4.99 +
4.100 +protected:
4.101 + static BranchObj* itLast; // iterator for first(), next()
4.102 + BranchObjPtrList branch; // all child branches
4.103 + QPtrList<FloatImageObj> floatimage; // child images
4.104 +public:
4.105 + float angle; // used in mainbranch to reorder mainbranches
4.106 +protected:
4.107 + int lastSelectedBranch; // for going deeper into tree
4.108 + bool scrolled; // true if all childs are scrolled and thus invisible
4.109 + bool tmpUnscrolled; // can only be true (temporary) for a scrolled subtree
4.110 + QString url; // url to external doc
4.111 + QString vymLink; // path to another map
4.112 +};
4.113 +
4.114 +
4.115 +#endif
4.116 +
5.1 Binary file demos/liveform.vym has changed
6.1 Binary file demos/math.vym has changed
7.1 Binary file demos/time-management.vym has changed
8.1 Binary file demos/todo.vym has changed
9.1 Binary file doc/vym.pdf has changed
10.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
10.2 +++ b/exporthtmldialog.ui Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
10.3 @@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
10.4 +<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1">
10.5 +<class>ExportHTMLDialog</class>
10.6 +<author>Uwe Drechsel</author>
10.7 +<widget class="QDialog">
10.8 + <property name="name">
10.9 + <cstring>ExportHTMLDialog</cstring>
10.10 + </property>
10.11 + <property name="geometry">
10.12 + <rect>
10.13 + <x>0</x>
10.14 + <y>0</y>
10.15 + <width>364</width>
10.16 + <height>346</height>
10.17 + </rect>
10.18 + </property>
10.19 + <property name="caption">
10.20 + <string>Export HTML</string>
10.21 + </property>
10.22 + <property name="modal">
10.23 + <bool>false</bool>
10.24 + </property>
10.25 + <vbox>
10.26 + <property name="name">
10.27 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
10.28 + </property>
10.29 + <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
10.30 + <property name="name">
10.31 + <cstring>layout33</cstring>
10.32 + </property>
10.33 + <hbox>
10.34 + <property name="name">
10.35 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
10.36 + </property>
10.37 + <widget class="QLabel">
10.38 + <property name="name">
10.39 + <cstring>textLabel1</cstring>
10.40 + </property>
10.41 + <property name="text">
10.42 + <string>Directory:</string>
10.43 + </property>
10.44 + </widget>
10.45 + <widget class="QLineEdit">
10.46 + <property name="name">
10.47 + <cstring>lineEdit1</cstring>
10.48 + </property>
10.49 + </widget>
10.50 + <widget class="QPushButton">
10.51 + <property name="name">
10.52 + <cstring>browseButton</cstring>
10.53 + </property>
10.54 + <property name="text">
10.55 + <string>Browse</string>
10.56 + </property>
10.57 + </widget>
10.58 + </hbox>
10.59 + </widget>
10.60 + <widget class="QButtonGroup">
10.61 + <property name="name">
10.62 + <cstring>buttonGroup2</cstring>
10.63 + </property>
10.64 + <property name="sizePolicy">
10.65 + <sizepolicy>
10.66 + <hsizetype>3</hsizetype>
10.67 + <vsizetype>5</vsizetype>
10.68 + <horstretch>0</horstretch>
10.69 + <verstretch>0</verstretch>
10.70 + </sizepolicy>
10.71 + </property>
10.72 + <property name="minimumSize">
10.73 + <size>
10.74 + <width>0</width>
10.75 + <height>230</height>
10.76 + </size>
10.77 + </property>
10.78 + <property name="title">
10.79 + <string>Options</string>
10.80 + </property>
10.81 + <vbox>
10.82 + <property name="name">
10.83 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
10.84 + </property>
10.85 + <widget class="QCheckBox">
10.86 + <property name="name">
10.87 + <cstring>checkBox4</cstring>
10.88 + </property>
10.89 + <property name="text">
10.90 + <string>Include image of map</string>
10.91 + </property>
10.92 + </widget>
10.93 + <widget class="QCheckBox">
10.94 + <property name="name">
10.95 + <cstring>checkBox5_2</cstring>
10.96 + </property>
10.97 + <property name="text">
10.98 + <string>create image only</string>
10.99 + </property>
10.100 + </widget>
10.101 + <widget class="QCheckBox">
10.102 + <property name="name">
10.103 + <cstring>checkBox5</cstring>
10.104 + </property>
10.105 + <property name="text">
10.106 + <string>use WIKI style</string>
10.107 + </property>
10.108 + </widget>
10.109 + <widget class="QCheckBox">
10.110 + <property name="name">
10.111 + <cstring>checkBox4_2</cstring>
10.112 + </property>
10.113 + <property name="text">
10.114 + <string>use heading for URLs (instead of link target)</string>
10.115 + </property>
10.116 + </widget>
10.117 + <widget class="QCheckBox">
10.118 + <property name="name">
10.119 + <cstring>checkBox6</cstring>
10.120 + </property>
10.121 + <property name="text">
10.122 + <string>use image of earth to mark URLs in text</string>
10.123 + </property>
10.124 + </widget>
10.125 + <widget class="QCheckBox">
10.126 + <property name="name">
10.127 + <cstring>checkBox7</cstring>
10.128 + </property>
10.129 + <property name="text">
10.130 + <string>use default CSS file</string>
10.131 + </property>
10.132 + </widget>
10.133 + <widget class="QCheckBox">
10.134 + <property name="name">
10.135 + <cstring>checkBox3</cstring>
10.136 + </property>
10.137 + <property name="sizePolicy">
10.138 + <sizepolicy>
10.139 + <hsizetype>1</hsizetype>
10.140 + <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
10.141 + <horstretch>0</horstretch>
10.142 + <verstretch>0</verstretch>
10.143 + </sizepolicy>
10.144 + </property>
10.145 + <property name="text">
10.146 + <string>show output of external scripts</string>
10.147 + </property>
10.148 + </widget>
10.149 + </vbox>
10.150 + </widget>
10.151 + <spacer>
10.152 + <property name="name">
10.153 + <cstring>spacer6</cstring>
10.154 + </property>
10.155 + <property name="orientation">
10.156 + <enum>Vertical</enum>
10.157 + </property>
10.158 + <property name="sizeType">
10.159 + <enum>Expanding</enum>
10.160 + </property>
10.161 + <property name="sizeHint">
10.162 + <size>
10.163 + <width>21</width>
10.164 + <height>60</height>
10.165 + </size>
10.166 + </property>
10.167 + </spacer>
10.168 + <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
10.169 + <property name="name">
10.170 + <cstring>layout17</cstring>
10.171 + </property>
10.172 + <hbox>
10.173 + <property name="name">
10.174 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
10.175 + </property>
10.176 + <spacer>
10.177 + <property name="name">
10.178 + <cstring>spacer5</cstring>
10.179 + </property>
10.180 + <property name="orientation">
10.181 + <enum>Horizontal</enum>
10.182 + </property>
10.183 + <property name="sizeType">
10.184 + <enum>Expanding</enum>
10.185 + </property>
10.186 + <property name="sizeHint">
10.187 + <size>
10.188 + <width>61</width>
10.189 + <height>21</height>
10.190 + </size>
10.191 + </property>
10.192 + </spacer>
10.193 + <widget class="QPushButton">
10.194 + <property name="name">
10.195 + <cstring>pushButton4</cstring>
10.196 + </property>
10.197 + <property name="text">
10.198 + <string>Export</string>
10.199 + </property>
10.200 + <property name="default">
10.201 + <bool>true</bool>
10.202 + </property>
10.203 + </widget>
10.204 + <widget class="QPushButton">
10.205 + <property name="name">
10.206 + <cstring>pushButton5</cstring>
10.207 + </property>
10.208 + <property name="text">
10.209 + <string>Cancel</string>
10.210 + </property>
10.211 + </widget>
10.212 + </hbox>
10.213 + </widget>
10.214 + </vbox>
10.215 +</widget>
10.216 +<connections>
10.217 + <connection>
10.218 + <sender>pushButton5</sender>
10.219 + <signal>pressed()</signal>
10.220 + <receiver>ExportHTMLDialog</receiver>
10.221 + <slot>reject()</slot>
10.222 + </connection>
10.223 + <connection>
10.224 + <sender>pushButton4</sender>
10.225 + <signal>clicked()</signal>
10.226 + <receiver>ExportHTMLDialog</receiver>
10.227 + <slot>accept()</slot>
10.228 + </connection>
10.229 + <connection>
10.230 + <sender>browseButton</sender>
10.231 + <signal>pressed()</signal>
10.232 + <receiver>ExportHTMLDialog</receiver>
10.233 + <slot>browseDirectory()</slot>
10.234 + </connection>
10.235 + <connection>
10.236 + <sender>checkBox4</sender>
10.237 + <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
10.238 + <receiver>ExportHTMLDialog</receiver>
10.239 + <slot>includeImage(bool)</slot>
10.240 + </connection>
10.241 + <connection>
10.242 + <sender>checkBox5</sender>
10.243 + <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
10.244 + <receiver>ExportHTMLDialog</receiver>
10.245 + <slot>useWIKIpressed(bool)</slot>
10.246 + </connection>
10.247 + <connection>
10.248 + <sender>lineEdit1</sender>
10.249 + <signal>textChanged(const QString&)</signal>
10.250 + <receiver>ExportHTMLDialog</receiver>
10.251 + <slot>dirChanged()</slot>
10.252 + </connection>
10.253 + <connection>
10.254 + <sender>checkBox3</sender>
10.255 + <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
10.256 + <receiver>ExportHTMLDialog</receiver>
10.257 + <slot>showOut(bool)</slot>
10.258 + </connection>
10.259 + <connection>
10.260 + <sender>checkBox4_2</sender>
10.261 + <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
10.262 + <receiver>ExportHTMLDialog</receiver>
10.263 + <slot>useHeadingPressed(bool)</slot>
10.264 + </connection>
10.265 + <connection>
10.266 + <sender>checkBox5_2</sender>
10.267 + <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
10.268 + <receiver>ExportHTMLDialog</receiver>
10.269 + <slot>imgOnly(bool)</slot>
10.270 + </connection>
10.271 + <connection>
10.272 + <sender>checkBox6</sender>
10.273 + <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
10.274 + <receiver>ExportHTMLDialog</receiver>
10.275 + <slot>useURLImagePressed(bool)</slot>
10.276 + </connection>
10.277 +</connections>
10.278 +<includes>
10.279 + <include location="local" impldecl="in declaration">showtextdialog.h</include>
10.280 + <include location="global" impldecl="in declaration">qprocess.h</include>
10.281 + <include location="global" impldecl="in implementation">iostream</include>
10.282 + <include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">settings.h</include>
10.283 + <include location="global" impldecl="in implementation">qfiledialog.h</include>
10.284 + <include location="global" impldecl="in implementation">qmessagebox.h</include>
10.285 + <include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">misc.h</include>
10.286 + <include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">icons/flag-url.xpm</include>
10.287 + <include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">exporthtmldialog.ui.h</include>
10.288 +</includes>
10.289 +<variables>
10.290 + <variable>QString css;</variable>
10.291 + <variable>QString xsl;</variable>
10.292 + <variable>QString scriptpath;</variable>
10.293 + <variable>QString stylepath;</variable>
10.294 + <variable>QString dir;</variable>
10.295 + <variable>bool image;</variable>
10.296 + <variable>bool wikistyle;</variable>
10.297 + <variable>QString script;</variable>
10.298 + <variable>bool showOutput;</variable>
10.299 + <variable>QProcess *proc;</variable>
10.300 + <variable>ShowTextDialog *dia;</variable>
10.301 + <variable>bool imageOnly;</variable>
10.302 + <variable>bool useHeading;</variable>
10.303 + <variable>bool useURLImage;</variable>
10.304 +</variables>
10.305 +<slots>
10.306 + <slot>browseDirectory()</slot>
10.307 + <slot>useWIKIpressed( bool b )</slot>
10.308 + <slot>includeImage( bool b )</slot>
10.309 + <slot>imgOnly( bool b )</slot>
10.310 + <slot>useHeadingPressed( bool b )</slot>
10.311 + <slot>useURLImagePressed( bool b )</slot>
10.312 + <slot>showOut( bool b )</slot>
10.313 + <slot>dirChanged()</slot>
10.314 + <slot>doExport( const QString & mapname )</slot>
10.315 + <slot returnType="QString">getDir()</slot>
10.316 + <slot>readOutput()</slot>
10.317 +</slots>
10.318 +<functions>
10.319 + <function access="private" specifier="non virtual">init()</function>
10.320 + <function access="private" specifier="non virtual">destroy()</function>
10.321 +</functions>
10.322 +<pixmapinproject/>
10.323 +<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
10.324 +</UI>
11.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
11.2 +++ b/exporthtmldialog.ui.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
11.3 @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
11.4 +/****************************************************************************
11.5 +** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
11.6 +**
11.7 +** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use
11.8 +** Qt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an
11.9 +** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in
11.10 +** place of a destructor.
11.11 +*****************************************************************************/
11.12 +
11.13 +
11.14 +extern Settings settings;
11.15 +
11.16 +void ExportHTMLDialog::init()
11.17 +{
11.18 + dir=settings.readEntry ("/vym/export/html/dir","" );
11.19 + lineEdit1->setText(dir);
11.20 +
11.21 + if ( settings.readEntry ("/vym/export/html/image","yes")=="yes")
11.22 + image=true;
11.23 + else
11.24 + image=false;
11.25 + checkBox4->setChecked(image);
11.26 +
11.27 + if ( settings.readEntry ("/vym/export/html/imageOnly","no")=="yes")
11.28 + imageOnly=true;
11.29 + else
11.30 + imageOnly=false;
11.31 + checkBox5_2->setChecked(imageOnly);
11.32 +
11.33 + if ( settings.readEntry ("/vym/export/html/wiki","no")=="yes")
11.34 + wikistyle=true;
11.35 + else
11.36 + wikistyle=false;
11.37 + checkBox5->setChecked(wikistyle);
11.38 +
11.39 + if ( settings.readEntry ("/vym/export/html/useHeading","no")=="yes")
11.40 + useHeading=true;
11.41 + else
11.42 + useHeading=false;
11.43 + checkBox4_2->setChecked(useHeading);
11.44 +
11.45 + if ( settings.readEntry ("/vym/export/html/useURLImage","yes")=="yes")
11.46 + useURLImage=true;
11.47 + else
11.48 + useURLImage=false;
11.49 + checkBox6->setChecked(useURLImage);
11.50 +
11.51 + if ( settings.readEntry ("/vym/export/html/showOutput","no")=="yes")
11.52 + showOutput=true;
11.53 + else
11.54 + showOutput=false;
11.55 + checkBox3->setChecked(showOutput);
11.56 +
11.57 + stylepath=settings.readEntry
11.58 + ("/vym/export/html/styles","styles");
11.59 + scriptpath=settings.readEntry
11.60 + ("/vym/export/html/scripts","scripts");
11.61 + xsl=settings.readEntry
11.62 + ("/vym/export/html/xsl","vym2html.xsl");
11.63 + css=settings.readEntry
11.64 + ("/vym/export/html/css","vym.css");
11.65 + script=settings.readEntry
11.66 + ("/vym/export/html/script","vym2html.sh");
11.67 +
11.68 + proc = new QProcess( this );
11.69 + connect( proc, SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()),
11.70 + this, SLOT(readOutput()) );
11.71 +
11.72 + dia=new ShowTextDialog ();
11.73 +}
11.74 +
11.75 +void ExportHTMLDialog::destroy()
11.76 +{
11.77 + delete (proc);
11.78 + delete (dia);
11.79 +}
11.80 +
11.81 +void ExportHTMLDialog::browseDirectory()
11.82 +{
11.83 + QFileDialog fd( this, tr("VYM - Export HTML to directory"));
11.84 + fd.setMode (QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly);
11.85 + fd.setCaption(tr("VYM - Export HTML to directory"));
11.86 + fd.setModal (true);
11.87 + fd.show();
11.88 +
11.89 + if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
11.90 + {
11.91 + dir=fd.selectedFile();
11.92 + lineEdit1->setText (dir );
11.93 + }
11.94 +}
11.95 +
11.96 +void ExportHTMLDialog::useWIKIpressed(bool b)
11.97 +{
11.98 + wikistyle=b;
11.99 +}
11.100 +
11.101 +void ExportHTMLDialog::includeImage(bool b)
11.102 +{
11.103 + image=b;
11.104 +}
11.105 +
11.106 +void ExportHTMLDialog::imgOnly(bool b)
11.107 +{
11.108 + imageOnly=b;
11.109 +}
11.110 +
11.111 +void ExportHTMLDialog::useHeadingPressed(bool b)
11.112 +{
11.113 + useHeading=b;
11.114 +}
11.115 +
11.116 +void ExportHTMLDialog::useURLImagePressed(bool b)
11.117 +{
11.118 + useURLImage=b;
11.119 +}
11.120 +
11.121 +void ExportHTMLDialog::showOut(bool b)
11.122 +{
11.123 + showOutput=b;
11.124 +}
11.125 +
11.126 +void ExportHTMLDialog::dirChanged()
11.127 +{
11.128 + dir=lineEdit1->text();
11.129 +}
11.130 +
11.131 +
11.132 +
11.133 +
11.134 +void ExportHTMLDialog::doExport (const QString &mapname)
11.135 +{
11.136 + // Save options to settings file
11.137 + // (but don't save at destructor, which
11.138 + // is called for "cancel", too)
11.139 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/html/dir",lineEdit1->text() );
11.140 +
11.141 + if (wikistyle)
11.142 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/html/wiki","yes");
11.143 + else
11.144 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/html/wiki","no");
11.145 +
11.146 + if (image)
11.147 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/html/image","yes");
11.148 + else
11.149 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/html/image","no");
11.150 +
11.151 + if (imageOnly)
11.152 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/html/imageOnly","yes");
11.153 + else
11.154 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/html/imageOnly","no");
11.155 +
11.156 + if (useHeading)
11.157 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/html/useHeading","yes");
11.158 + else
11.159 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/html/useHeading","no");
11.160 +
11.161 + if (showOutput)
11.162 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/html/showOutput","yes");
11.163 + else
11.164 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/html/showOutput","no");
11.165 +
11.166 + settings.writeEntry
11.167 + ("/vym/export/html/styles",stylepath);
11.168 + settings.writeEntry
11.169 + ("/vym/export/html/scripts",scriptpath);
11.170 + settings.writeEntry
11.171 + ("/vym/export/html/xsl",xsl);
11.172 + settings.writeEntry
11.173 + ("/vym/export/html/css",css);
11.174 + settings.writeEntry
11.175 + ("/vym/export/html/script",script);
11.176 +
11.177 + proc->addArgument (scriptpath + "/" + script );
11.178 + proc->addArgument(dir + maskPath(mapname) + ".xml");
11.179 + proc->addArgument("-sp=" + stylepath +"/" + xsl );
11.180 + proc->addArgument("-css=" + css );
11.181 + if (image) proc->addArgument("-image" );
11.182 + if (wikistyle) proc->addArgument("-wikistyle" );
11.183 + if (useHeading) proc->addArgument("-useURLHeading" );
11.184 + if (useURLImage)
11.185 + {
11.186 + proc->addArgument("-useURLImage" );
11.187 + QPixmap pm (flag_url_xpm);
11.188 + pm.save (dir + "/flags/url.png","PNG");
11.189 + }
11.190 +
11.191 + dia->append ("vym is executing: " + proc->arguments().join(" ") );
11.192 + if ( !proc->start() )
11.193 + {
11.194 + // error handling
11.195 + dia->show();
11.196 + QString s;
11.197 + QStringList list = proc->arguments();
11.198 + QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin();
11.199 + while( it != list.end() )
11.200 + {
11.201 + s+= ( *it ) + "\n";
11.202 + ++it;
11.203 + }
11.204 + QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Critcal export error"),"Couldn't start script to export:\n"+s);
11.205 + } else
11.206 + if (showOutput) dia->exec();
11.207 +
11.208 +
11.209 +}
11.210 +
11.211 +
11.212 +QString ExportHTMLDialog::getDir()
11.213 +{
11.214 + return dir;
11.215 +}
11.216 +
11.217 +
11.218 +void ExportHTMLDialog::readOutput()
11.219 +{
11.220 + dia->append (proc->readStdout() );
11.221 +}
12.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
12.2 +++ b/exports.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
12.3 @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
12.4 +#include "exports.h"
12.5 +
12.6 +#include "linkablemapobj.h"
12.7 +
12.8 +
12.9 +Export::Export()
12.10 +{
12.11 + indentPerDepth=" ";
12.12 +}
12.13 +
12.14 +bool Export::setOutputDir(QString dirname)
12.15 +{
12.16 + outdir.setPath (dirname);
12.17 + if ( outdir.exists() )
12.18 + {
12.19 + // FIXME
12.20 + // ask for confirmation
12.21 + // then delete outdir
12.22 + return true;
12.23 + } else
12.24 + {
12.25 + // try to create directory
12.26 + //return outdir.mkdir (outdir.absPath());
12.27 + // FIXME
12.28 + return true;
12.29 + }
12.30 +}
12.31 +
12.32 +void Export::setPath (const QString &p)
12.33 +{
12.34 + filepath=p;
12.35 +}
12.36 +
12.37 +void Export::setMapCenter(MapCenterObj *mc)
12.38 +{
12.39 + mapCenter=mc;
12.40 +}
12.41 +
12.42 +void Export::exportMap()
12.43 +{
12.44 + QFile file (filepath);
12.45 + if ( !file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) )
12.46 + {
12.47 + // FIXME
12.48 + cout << "Export::exportMap couldn't open "<<filepath<<endl;
12.49 + return;
12.50 + }
12.51 + QTextStream ts( &file ); // use LANG decoding here...
12.52 +
12.53 + // Main loop over all branches
12.54 + QString s;
12.55 + QString actIndent("");
12.56 + int i;
12.57 + BranchObj *bo;
12.58 + bo=mapCenter->first();
12.59 + while (bo)
12.60 + {
12.61 + // Make indentstring
12.62 + for (i=0;i<bo->getDepth();i++) actIndent+= indentPerDepth;
12.63 +
12.64 + // Write heading
12.65 + // write (actIndent + getSectionString(bo) + bo->getHeading()+ "\n");
12.66 + if (bo->getDepth()==1)
12.67 + ts << (getSectionString(bo) + bo->getHeading()+ "\n");
12.68 + else
12.69 + ts << (actIndent + " - " + bo->getHeading()+ "\n");
12.70 +
12.71 + // If necessary, write note
12.72 + if (!bo->getNote().isEmpty())
12.73 + {
12.74 + ts << ("-------------------Begin of Note-----------------\n");
12.75 + ts << (bo->getNote());
12.76 + ts << ("\n");
12.77 + ts << ("-------------------End of Note-------------------\n");
12.78 + }
12.79 +
12.80 + bo=bo->next();
12.81 + actIndent="";
12.82 + }
12.83 + file.close();
12.84 +}
12.85 +
12.86 +QString Export::getSectionString(BranchObj *bostart)
12.87 +{
12.88 + QString r;
12.89 + BranchObj *bo=bostart;
12.90 + int depth=bo->getDepth();
12.91 + while (depth>0)
12.92 + {
12.93 + r=QString("%1").arg(1+bo->getNum(),0,10)+"." + r;
12.94 + bo=(BranchObj*)(bo->getParObj());
12.95 + depth=bo->getDepth();
12.96 + }
12.97 + if (r.isEmpty())
12.98 + return r;
12.99 + else
12.100 + return r + " ";
12.101 +}
12.102 +
12.103 +void Export::exportAsHTML()
12.104 +{
12.105 + // FIXME just testing...
12.106 + // Main loop over all branches
12.107 + QString s;
12.108 + QString actIndent("");
12.109 + int i;
12.110 + BranchObj *bo;
12.111 + bo=mapCenter->first();
12.112 + while (bo)
12.113 + {
12.114 + // Make indentstring
12.115 + for (i=0;i<bo->getDepth();i++) actIndent+= indentPerDepth;
12.116 +
12.117 + // Write heading
12.118 + write (actIndent + getSectionString(bo) + bo->getHeading()+ "\n");
12.119 +
12.120 + // If necessary, write note
12.121 + if (!bo->getNote().isEmpty())
12.122 + {
12.123 + write (bo->getNote());
12.124 + }
12.125 +
12.126 + bo=bo->next();
12.127 + actIndent="";
12.128 + }
12.129 +}
12.130 +
12.131 +void Export::write(QString s)
12.132 +{
12.133 + cout << s;
12.134 +}
12.135 +
13.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
13.2 +++ b/exports.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
13.3 @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
13.4 +#ifndef EXPORTS_H
13.5 +#define EXPORTS_H
13.6 +
13.7 +#include <qdir.h>
13.8 +#include <qstring.h>
13.9 +#include <iostream>
13.10 +
13.11 +#include "mapcenterobj.h"
13.12 +
13.13 +using namespace std;
13.14 +
13.15 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
13.16 +class Export
13.17 +{
13.18 +public:
13.19 + Export();
13.20 + bool setOutputDir (QString);
13.21 + void setPath(const QString &);
13.22 + void setMapCenter (MapCenterObj*);
13.23 + void setIndentPerDepth (QString);
13.24 + void exportMap();
13.25 + void exportAsHTML();
13.26 +protected:
13.27 + QString getSectionString (BranchObj*);
13.28 + void write (QString);
13.29 +
13.30 +private:
13.31 + QDir outdir;
13.32 + QString filepath;
13.33 + MapCenterObj *mapCenter;
13.34 + QString indentPerDepth;
13.35 +};
13.36 +
13.37 +#endif
14.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
14.2 +++ b/exportxhtmldialog.ui Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
14.3 @@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
14.4 +<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.3" stdsetdef="1">
14.5 +<class>ExportXHTMLDialog</class>
14.6 +<widget class="QDialog">
14.7 + <property name="name">
14.8 + <cstring>ExportXHTMLDialog</cstring>
14.9 + </property>
14.10 + <property name="geometry">
14.11 + <rect>
14.12 + <x>0</x>
14.13 + <y>0</y>
14.14 + <width>582</width>
14.15 + <height>599</height>
14.16 + </rect>
14.17 + </property>
14.18 + <property name="minimumSize">
14.19 + <size>
14.20 + <width>0</width>
14.21 + <height>130</height>
14.22 + </size>
14.23 + </property>
14.24 + <property name="caption">
14.25 + <string>Export XHTML</string>
14.26 + </property>
14.27 + <vbox>
14.28 + <property name="name">
14.29 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
14.30 + </property>
14.31 + <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
14.32 + <property name="name">
14.33 + <cstring>layout33</cstring>
14.34 + </property>
14.35 + <hbox>
14.36 + <property name="name">
14.37 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
14.38 + </property>
14.39 + <widget class="QLabel">
14.40 + <property name="name">
14.41 + <cstring>textLabel1</cstring>
14.42 + </property>
14.43 + <property name="text">
14.44 + <string>Export to directory:</string>
14.45 + </property>
14.46 + </widget>
14.47 + <widget class="QLineEdit">
14.48 + <property name="name">
14.49 + <cstring>lineEditDir</cstring>
14.50 + </property>
14.51 + </widget>
14.52 + <widget class="QPushButton">
14.53 + <property name="name">
14.54 + <cstring>browseExportDirButton</cstring>
14.55 + </property>
14.56 + <property name="text">
14.57 + <string>Browse</string>
14.58 + </property>
14.59 + </widget>
14.60 + </hbox>
14.61 + </widget>
14.62 + <widget class="QButtonGroup">
14.63 + <property name="name">
14.64 + <cstring>buttonGroup2</cstring>
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14.72 + </sizepolicy>
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14.75 + <size>
14.76 + <width>0</width>
14.77 + <height>160</height>
14.78 + </size>
14.79 + </property>
14.80 + <property name="title">
14.81 + <string>Options</string>
14.82 + </property>
14.83 + <vbox>
14.84 + <property name="name">
14.85 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
14.86 + </property>
14.87 + <widget class="QCheckBox">
14.88 + <property name="name">
14.89 + <cstring>imageButton</cstring>
14.90 + </property>
14.91 + <property name="text">
14.92 + <string>Include image</string>
14.93 + </property>
14.94 + </widget>
14.95 + <widget class="QCheckBox">
14.96 + <property name="name">
14.97 + <cstring>textColorButton</cstring>
14.98 + </property>
14.99 + <property name="text">
14.100 + <string>Colored headings in text</string>
14.101 + </property>
14.102 + </widget>
14.103 + <widget class="QCheckBox">
14.104 + <property name="name">
14.105 + <cstring>saveSettingsInMapButton</cstring>
14.106 + </property>
14.107 + <property name="text">
14.108 + <string>Save settings in map</string>
14.109 + </property>
14.110 + </widget>
14.111 + <widget class="QCheckBox">
14.112 + <property name="name">
14.113 + <cstring>warningsButton</cstring>
14.114 + </property>
14.115 + <property name="text">
14.116 + <string>showWarnings e.g. if directory is not empty</string>
14.117 + </property>
14.118 + </widget>
14.119 + <widget class="QCheckBox">
14.120 + <property name="name">
14.121 + <cstring>outputButton</cstring>
14.122 + </property>
14.123 + <property name="sizePolicy">
14.124 + <sizepolicy>
14.125 + <hsizetype>1</hsizetype>
14.126 + <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
14.127 + <horstretch>0</horstretch>
14.128 + <verstretch>0</verstretch>
14.129 + </sizepolicy>
14.130 + </property>
14.131 + <property name="text">
14.132 + <string>show output of external scripts</string>
14.133 + </property>
14.134 + </widget>
14.135 + </vbox>
14.136 + </widget>
14.137 + <widget class="QButtonGroup">
14.138 + <property name="name">
14.139 + <cstring>buttonGroup2_2</cstring>
14.140 + </property>
14.141 + <property name="sizePolicy">
14.142 + <sizepolicy>
14.143 + <hsizetype>3</hsizetype>
14.144 + <vsizetype>3</vsizetype>
14.145 + <horstretch>0</horstretch>
14.146 + <verstretch>0</verstretch>
14.147 + </sizepolicy>
14.148 + </property>
14.149 + <property name="title">
14.150 + <string>Stylesheets</string>
14.151 + </property>
14.152 + <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
14.153 + <property name="name">
14.154 + <cstring>layout7</cstring>
14.155 + </property>
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14.158 + <x>10</x>
14.159 + <y>30</y>
14.160 + <width>540</width>
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14.162 + </rect>
14.163 + </property>
14.164 + <vbox>
14.165 + <property name="name">
14.166 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
14.167 + </property>
14.168 + <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
14.169 + <property name="name">
14.170 + <cstring>layout5</cstring>
14.171 + </property>
14.172 + <hbox>
14.173 + <property name="name">
14.174 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
14.175 + </property>
14.176 + <widget class="QLabel">
14.177 + <property name="name">
14.178 + <cstring>textLabel1_2</cstring>
14.179 + </property>
14.180 + <property name="text">
14.181 + <string>CSS:</string>
14.182 + </property>
14.183 + </widget>
14.184 + <widget class="QLineEdit">
14.185 + <property name="name">
14.186 + <cstring>lineEditCSS</cstring>
14.187 + </property>
14.188 + </widget>
14.189 + <widget class="QPushButton">
14.190 + <property name="name">
14.191 + <cstring>browseCSSButton</cstring>
14.192 + </property>
14.193 + <property name="text">
14.194 + <string>Browse</string>
14.195 + </property>
14.196 + </widget>
14.197 + </hbox>
14.198 + </widget>
14.199 + <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
14.200 + <property name="name">
14.201 + <cstring>layout6</cstring>
14.202 + </property>
14.203 + <hbox>
14.204 + <property name="name">
14.205 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
14.206 + </property>
14.207 + <widget class="QLabel">
14.208 + <property name="name">
14.209 + <cstring>textLabel2</cstring>
14.210 + </property>
14.211 + <property name="text">
14.212 + <string>XSL:</string>
14.213 + </property>
14.214 + </widget>
14.215 + <widget class="QLineEdit">
14.216 + <property name="name">
14.217 + <cstring>lineEditXSL</cstring>
14.218 + </property>
14.219 + </widget>
14.220 + <widget class="QPushButton">
14.221 + <property name="name">
14.222 + <cstring>browseXSLButton</cstring>
14.223 + </property>
14.224 + <property name="text">
14.225 + <string>Browse</string>
14.226 + </property>
14.227 + </widget>
14.228 + </hbox>
14.229 + </widget>
14.230 + </vbox>
14.231 + </widget>
14.232 + </widget>
14.233 + <widget class="QGroupBox">
14.234 + <property name="name">
14.235 + <cstring>groupBox1</cstring>
14.236 + </property>
14.237 + <property name="title">
14.238 + <string>Scripts</string>
14.239 + </property>
14.240 + <widget class="QLabel">
14.241 + <property name="name">
14.242 + <cstring>textLabel1_3</cstring>
14.243 + </property>
14.244 + <property name="geometry">
14.245 + <rect>
14.246 + <x>12</x>
14.247 + <y>22</y>
14.248 + <width>110</width>
14.249 + <height>36</height>
14.250 + </rect>
14.251 + </property>
14.252 + <property name="text">
14.253 + <string>Before export:</string>
14.254 + </property>
14.255 + </widget>
14.256 + <widget class="QLineEdit">
14.257 + <property name="name">
14.258 + <cstring>lineEditPreScript</cstring>
14.259 + </property>
14.260 + <property name="geometry">
14.261 + <rect>
14.262 + <x>128</x>
14.263 + <y>26</y>
14.264 + <width>322</width>
14.265 + <height>28</height>
14.266 + </rect>
14.267 + </property>
14.268 + </widget>
14.269 + <widget class="QPushButton">
14.270 + <property name="name">
14.271 + <cstring>browsePreExportButton</cstring>
14.272 + </property>
14.273 + <property name="geometry">
14.274 + <rect>
14.275 + <x>456</x>
14.276 + <y>22</y>
14.277 + <width>94</width>
14.278 + <height>36</height>
14.279 + </rect>
14.280 + </property>
14.281 + <property name="text">
14.282 + <string>Browse</string>
14.283 + </property>
14.284 + </widget>
14.285 + <widget class="QLabel">
14.286 + <property name="name">
14.287 + <cstring>textLabel2_2</cstring>
14.288 + </property>
14.289 + <property name="geometry">
14.290 + <rect>
14.291 + <x>11</x>
14.292 + <y>61</y>
14.293 + <width>99</width>
14.294 + <height>36</height>
14.295 + </rect>
14.296 + </property>
14.297 + <property name="text">
14.298 + <string>After Export:</string>
14.299 + </property>
14.300 + </widget>
14.301 + <widget class="QLineEdit">
14.302 + <property name="name">
14.303 + <cstring>lineEditPostScript</cstring>
14.304 + </property>
14.305 + <property name="geometry">
14.306 + <rect>
14.307 + <x>116</x>
14.308 + <y>65</y>
14.309 + <width>333</width>
14.310 + <height>28</height>
14.311 + </rect>
14.312 + </property>
14.313 + </widget>
14.314 + <widget class="QPushButton">
14.315 + <property name="name">
14.316 + <cstring>browsePostExportButton</cstring>
14.317 + </property>
14.318 + <property name="geometry">
14.319 + <rect>
14.320 + <x>455</x>
14.321 + <y>61</y>
14.322 + <width>94</width>
14.323 + <height>36</height>
14.324 + </rect>
14.325 + </property>
14.326 + <property name="text">
14.327 + <string>Browse</string>
14.328 + </property>
14.329 + </widget>
14.330 + </widget>
14.331 + <spacer>
14.332 + <property name="name">
14.333 + <cstring>spacer3</cstring>
14.334 + </property>
14.335 + <property name="orientation">
14.336 + <enum>Vertical</enum>
14.337 + </property>
14.338 + <property name="sizeType">
14.339 + <enum>Expanding</enum>
14.340 + </property>
14.341 + <property name="sizeHint">
14.342 + <size>
14.343 + <width>20</width>
14.344 + <height>31</height>
14.345 + </size>
14.346 + </property>
14.347 + </spacer>
14.348 + <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
14.349 + <property name="name">
14.350 + <cstring>layout17</cstring>
14.351 + </property>
14.352 + <hbox>
14.353 + <property name="name">
14.354 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
14.355 + </property>
14.356 + <spacer>
14.357 + <property name="name">
14.358 + <cstring>spacer5</cstring>
14.359 + </property>
14.360 + <property name="orientation">
14.361 + <enum>Horizontal</enum>
14.362 + </property>
14.363 + <property name="sizeType">
14.364 + <enum>Expanding</enum>
14.365 + </property>
14.366 + <property name="sizeHint">
14.367 + <size>
14.368 + <width>61</width>
14.369 + <height>21</height>
14.370 + </size>
14.371 + </property>
14.372 + </spacer>
14.373 + <widget class="QPushButton">
14.374 + <property name="name">
14.375 + <cstring>exportButton</cstring>
14.376 + </property>
14.377 + <property name="text">
14.378 + <string>Export</string>
14.379 + </property>
14.380 + <property name="default">
14.381 + <bool>true</bool>
14.382 + </property>
14.383 + </widget>
14.384 + <widget class="QPushButton">
14.385 + <property name="name">
14.386 + <cstring>cancelButton</cstring>
14.387 + </property>
14.388 + <property name="text">
14.389 + <string>Cancel</string>
14.390 + </property>
14.391 + </widget>
14.392 + </hbox>
14.393 + </widget>
14.394 + </vbox>
14.395 +</widget>
14.396 +<connections>
14.397 + <connection>
14.398 + <sender>outputButton</sender>
14.399 + <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
14.400 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.401 + <slot>outputButtonPressed(bool)</slot>
14.402 + </connection>
14.403 + <connection>
14.404 + <sender>exportButton</sender>
14.405 + <signal>pressed()</signal>
14.406 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.407 + <slot>accept()</slot>
14.408 + </connection>
14.409 + <connection>
14.410 + <sender>cancelButton</sender>
14.411 + <signal>pressed()</signal>
14.412 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.413 + <slot>close()</slot>
14.414 + </connection>
14.415 + <connection>
14.416 + <sender>browseExportDirButton</sender>
14.417 + <signal>pressed()</signal>
14.418 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.419 + <slot>browseDirectoryPressed()</slot>
14.420 + </connection>
14.421 + <connection>
14.422 + <sender>browseXSLButton</sender>
14.423 + <signal>pressed()</signal>
14.424 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.425 + <slot>browseXSLPressed()</slot>
14.426 + </connection>
14.427 + <connection>
14.428 + <sender>browseCSSButton</sender>
14.429 + <signal>pressed()</signal>
14.430 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.431 + <slot>browseCSSPressed()</slot>
14.432 + </connection>
14.433 + <connection>
14.434 + <sender>imageButton</sender>
14.435 + <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
14.436 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.437 + <slot>imageButtonPressed(bool)</slot>
14.438 + </connection>
14.439 + <connection>
14.440 + <sender>textColorButton</sender>
14.441 + <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
14.442 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.443 + <slot>textcolorButtonPressed(bool)</slot>
14.444 + </connection>
14.445 + <connection>
14.446 + <sender>lineEditDir</sender>
14.447 + <signal>textChanged(const QString&)</signal>
14.448 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.449 + <slot>dirChanged()</slot>
14.450 + </connection>
14.451 + <connection>
14.452 + <sender>lineEditCSS</sender>
14.453 + <signal>textChanged(const QString&)</signal>
14.454 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.455 + <slot>cssChanged()</slot>
14.456 + </connection>
14.457 + <connection>
14.458 + <sender>lineEditXSL</sender>
14.459 + <signal>textChanged(const QString&)</signal>
14.460 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.461 + <slot>xslChanged()</slot>
14.462 + </connection>
14.463 + <connection>
14.464 + <sender>browsePreExportButton</sender>
14.465 + <signal>pressed()</signal>
14.466 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.467 + <slot>browsePreExportButtonPressed()</slot>
14.468 + </connection>
14.469 + <connection>
14.470 + <sender>browsePostExportButton</sender>
14.471 + <signal>pressed()</signal>
14.472 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.473 + <slot>browsePostExportButtonPressed()</slot>
14.474 + </connection>
14.475 + <connection>
14.476 + <sender>lineEditPreScript</sender>
14.477 + <signal>textChanged(const QString&)</signal>
14.478 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.479 + <slot>prescriptChanged()</slot>
14.480 + </connection>
14.481 + <connection>
14.482 + <sender>lineEditPostScript</sender>
14.483 + <signal>textChanged(const QString&)</signal>
14.484 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.485 + <slot>postscriptChanged()</slot>
14.486 + </connection>
14.487 + <connection>
14.488 + <sender>warningsButton</sender>
14.489 + <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
14.490 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.491 + <slot>warningsButtonPressed(bool)</slot>
14.492 + </connection>
14.493 + <connection>
14.494 + <sender>saveSettingsInMapButton</sender>
14.495 + <signal>toggled(bool)</signal>
14.496 + <receiver>ExportXHTMLDialog</receiver>
14.497 + <slot>saveSettingsInMapButtonPressed(bool)</slot>
14.498 + </connection>
14.499 +</connections>
14.500 +<includes>
14.501 + <include location="local" impldecl="in declaration">process.h</include>
14.502 + <include location="local" impldecl="in declaration">showtextdialog.h</include>
14.503 + <include location="global" impldecl="in implementation">qfiledialog.h</include>
14.504 + <include location="global" impldecl="in implementation">qmessagebox.h</include>
14.505 + <include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">settings.h</include>
14.506 + <include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">icons/flag-url.xpm</include>
14.507 + <include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">exportxhtmldialog.ui.h</include>
14.508 +</includes>
14.509 +<variables>
14.510 + <variable>bool useTextColor;</variable>
14.511 + <variable>bool showWarnings;</variable>
14.512 + <variable>QString xsl;</variable>
14.513 + <variable>QString css;</variable>
14.514 + <variable>bool useImage;</variable>
14.515 + <variable>bool showOutput;</variable>
14.516 + <variable>Process *xsltProc;</variable>
14.517 + <variable>ShowTextDialog *dia;</variable>
14.518 + <variable>QString dir;</variable>
14.519 + <variable>QString xsltprocessor;</variable>
14.520 + <variable>QString filepath;</variable>
14.521 + <variable>QString prescript;</variable>
14.522 + <variable>QString postscript;</variable>
14.523 + <variable>bool settingsChanged;</variable>
14.524 + <variable>QString mapname;</variable>
14.525 + <variable>bool saveSettingsInMap;</variable>
14.526 +</variables>
14.527 +<slots>
14.528 + <slot>readSettings()</slot>
14.529 + <slot>dirChanged()</slot>
14.530 + <slot>browseDirectoryPressed()</slot>
14.531 + <slot>imageButtonPressed( bool b )</slot>
14.532 + <slot>textcolorButtonPressed( bool b )</slot>
14.533 + <slot>saveSettingsInMapButtonPressed( bool b )</slot>
14.534 + <slot>warningsButtonPressed( bool b )</slot>
14.535 + <slot>outputButtonPressed( bool b )</slot>
14.536 + <slot>cssChanged()</slot>
14.537 + <slot>browseCSSPressed()</slot>
14.538 + <slot>xslChanged()</slot>
14.539 + <slot>prescriptChanged()</slot>
14.540 + <slot>browseXSLPressed()</slot>
14.541 + <slot>postscriptChanged()</slot>
14.542 + <slot>browsePreExportButtonPressed()</slot>
14.543 + <slot>browsePostExportButtonPressed()</slot>
14.544 + <slot>doExport( const QString & mapname )</slot>
14.545 + <slot>setFilePath( const QString & s )</slot>
14.546 + <slot>setMapName( const QString & s )</slot>
14.547 +</slots>
14.548 +<functions>
14.549 + <function access="private" specifier="non virtual">init()</function>
14.550 + <function access="private" specifier="non virtual">destroy()</function>
14.551 + <function returnType="QString">getDir()</function>
14.552 + <function returnType="bool">warnings()</function>
14.553 + <function returnType="bool">hasChanged()</function>
14.554 + <function access="private" specifier="non virtual">runScript( QString spath, QString fpath )</function>
14.555 +</functions>
14.556 +<pixmapinproject/>
14.557 +<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
14.558 +</UI>
15.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
15.2 +++ b/exportxhtmldialog.ui.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
15.3 @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
15.4 +/****************************************************************************
15.5 +** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
15.6 +**
15.7 +** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use
15.8 +** Qt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an
15.9 +** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in
15.10 +** place of a destructor.
15.11 +*****************************************************************************/
15.12 +
15.13 +
15.14 +extern Settings settings;
15.15 +
15.16 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::init()
15.17 +{
15.18 + dia=new ShowTextDialog ();
15.19 + xsltprocessor="xsltproc";
15.20 + filepath="";
15.21 + settingsChanged=false;
15.22 +}
15.23 +
15.24 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::readSettings()
15.25 +{
15.26 +
15.27 + dir=settings.readLocalEntry (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/exportDir","./" );
15.28 + lineEditDir->setText(dir);
15.29 +
15.30 +
15.31 + if ( settings.readLocalEntry (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/useImage","yes")=="yes")
15.32 + useImage=true;
15.33 + else
15.34 + useImage=false;
15.35 + imageButton->setChecked(useImage);
15.36 +
15.37 + if ( settings.readLocalEntry (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/useTextColor","no")=="yes")
15.38 + useTextColor=true;
15.39 + else
15.40 + useTextColor=false;
15.41 + textColorButton->setChecked(useTextColor);
15.42 +
15.43 +/* FIXME this was used in old html export, is not yet in new stylesheet
15.44 + if ( settings.readEntry ("/vym/export/html/useHeading","no")=="yes")
15.45 + useHeading=true;
15.46 + else
15.47 + useHeading=false;
15.48 + checkBox4_2->setChecked(useHeading);
15.49 +*/
15.50 +
15.51 + if ( settings.readLocalEntry (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/saveSettingsInMap","no")=="yes")
15.52 + saveSettingsInMap=true;
15.53 + else
15.54 + saveSettingsInMap=false;
15.55 + saveSettingsInMapButton->setChecked(saveSettingsInMap);
15.56 +
15.57 + if ( settings.readEntry ("/vym/export/xhtml/showWarnings","yes")=="yes")
15.58 + showWarnings=true;
15.59 + else
15.60 + showWarnings=false;
15.61 + warningsButton->setChecked(showWarnings);
15.62 +
15.63 + if ( settings.readEntry ("/vym/export/xhtml/showOutput","no")=="yes")
15.64 + showOutput=true;
15.65 + else
15.66 + showOutput=false;
15.67 + outputButton->setChecked(showOutput);
15.68 +
15.69 + xsl=settings.readLocalEntry
15.70 + (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/xsl","/usr/share/vym/styles/vym2xhtml.xsl");
15.71 + lineEditXSL->setText(xsl);
15.72 +
15.73 + css=settings.readLocalEntry
15.74 + (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/css","/usr/share/vym/styles/vym.css");
15.75 + lineEditCSS->setText(css);
15.76 +
15.77 + prescript=settings.readLocalEntry
15.78 + (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/prescript","");
15.79 + lineEditPreScript->setText (prescript);
15.80 +
15.81 + postscript=settings.readLocalEntry
15.82 + (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/postscript","");
15.83 + lineEditPostScript->setText (postscript);
15.84 +
15.85 + if (!prescript.isEmpty() || !postscript.isEmpty())
15.86 + {
15.87 + QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Warning" ),tr(
15.88 + "The settings saved in the map "
15.89 + "would like to run scripts:\n\n") +
15.90 + prescript +" "+postscript +"\n\n"+
15.91 + tr("Please check, if you really\n"
15.92 + "want to allow this in your system!"));
15.93 +
15.94 + }
15.95 +}
15.96 +
15.97 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::destroy()
15.98 +{
15.99 + delete (dia);
15.100 +}
15.101 +
15.102 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::dirChanged()
15.103 +{
15.104 + dir=lineEditDir->text();
15.105 + if (dir.right(1)!="/")
15.106 + dir+="/";
15.107 + settingsChanged=true;
15.108 +}
15.109 +
15.110 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::browseDirectoryPressed()
15.111 +{
15.112 + QFileDialog fd( this, tr("VYM - Export HTML to directory"));
15.113 + fd.setMode (QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly);
15.114 + fd.setCaption(tr("VYM - Export HTML to directory"));
15.115 + fd.setModal (true);
15.116 + fd.show();
15.117 +
15.118 + if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
15.119 + {
15.120 + dir=fd.selectedFile();
15.121 + lineEditDir->setText (dir );
15.122 + settingsChanged=true;
15.123 + }
15.124 +}
15.125 +
15.126 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::imageButtonPressed(bool b)
15.127 +{
15.128 + useImage=b;
15.129 + settingsChanged=true;
15.130 +}
15.131 +
15.132 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::textcolorButtonPressed(bool b)
15.133 +{
15.134 + useTextColor=b;
15.135 + settingsChanged=true;
15.136 +}
15.137 +
15.138 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::saveSettingsInMapButtonPressed(bool b)
15.139 +{
15.140 + saveSettingsInMap=b;
15.141 + settingsChanged=true;
15.142 +}
15.143 +
15.144 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::warningsButtonPressed(bool b)
15.145 +{
15.146 + showWarnings=b;
15.147 + settingsChanged=true;
15.148 +}
15.149 +
15.150 +
15.151 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::outputButtonPressed(bool b)
15.152 +{
15.153 + showOutput=b;
15.154 + settingsChanged=true;
15.155 +}
15.156 +
15.157 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::cssChanged()
15.158 +{
15.159 + css=lineEditCSS->text();
15.160 + settingsChanged=true;
15.161 +}
15.162 +
15.163 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::browseCSSPressed()
15.164 +{
15.165 + QFileDialog fd( this, tr("VYM - Path to CSS file"));
15.166 + fd.setModal (true);
15.167 + fd.addFilter ("Cascading Stylesheet (*.css)");
15.168 + fd.show();
15.169 +
15.170 + if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
15.171 + {
15.172 + css=fd.selectedFile();
15.173 + lineEditCSS->setText (css );
15.174 + settingsChanged=true;
15.175 + }
15.176 +}
15.177 +
15.178 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::xslChanged()
15.179 +{
15.180 + xsl=lineEditXSL->text();
15.181 + settingsChanged=true;
15.182 +}
15.183 +
15.184 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::prescriptChanged()
15.185 +{
15.186 + prescript=lineEditPreScript->text();
15.187 + settingsChanged=true;
15.188 +}
15.189 +
15.190 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::browseXSLPressed()
15.191 +{
15.192 + QFileDialog fd( this, tr("VYM - Path to XSL file"));
15.193 + fd.setModal (true);
15.194 + fd.addFilter ("Extensible Styleshee Language (*.xsl)");
15.195 + fd.show();
15.196 +
15.197 + if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
15.198 + {
15.199 + xsl=fd.selectedFile();
15.200 + lineEditXSL->setText (xsl );
15.201 + settingsChanged=true;
15.202 + }
15.203 +}
15.204 +
15.205 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::postscriptChanged()
15.206 +{
15.207 + postscript=lineEditPostScript->text();
15.208 + settingsChanged=true;
15.209 +}
15.210 +
15.211 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::browsePreExportButtonPressed()
15.212 +{
15.213 + QFileDialog fd( this, tr("VYM - Path to pre export script"));
15.214 + fd.setModal (true);
15.215 + fd.addFilter ("Scripts (*.sh *.pl *.py *.php)");
15.216 + fd.show();
15.217 +
15.218 + if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
15.219 + {
15.220 + prescript=fd.selectedFile();
15.221 + lineEditPreScript->setText (prescript );
15.222 + settingsChanged=true;
15.223 + }
15.224 +
15.225 +}
15.226 +
15.227 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::browsePostExportButtonPressed()
15.228 +{
15.229 + QFileDialog fd( this, tr("VYM - Path to post export script"));
15.230 + fd.setModal (true);
15.231 + fd.addFilter ("Scripts (*.sh *.pl *.py *.php)");
15.232 + fd.show();
15.233 +
15.234 + if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
15.235 + {
15.236 + postscript=fd.selectedFile();
15.237 + lineEditPostScript->setText (postscript );
15.238 + settingsChanged=true;
15.239 + }
15.240 +}
15.241 +
15.242 +
15.243 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::doExport (const QString &mapname)
15.244 +{
15.245 + // Save options to settings file
15.246 + // (but don't save at destructor, which
15.247 + // is called for "cancel", too)
15.248 + settings.setLocalEntry (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/exportDir",dir);
15.249 +
15.250 + settings.setLocalEntry (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/prescript",prescript);
15.251 + settings.setLocalEntry (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/postscript",postscript);
15.252 +
15.253 + if (useImage)
15.254 + settings.setLocalEntry (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/useImage","yes");
15.255 + else
15.256 + settings.setLocalEntry (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/useImage","no");
15.257 +
15.258 + if (useTextColor)
15.259 + settings.setLocalEntry (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/useTextColor","yes");
15.260 + else
15.261 + settings.setLocalEntry (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/useTextColor","no");
15.262 +
15.263 + if (showWarnings)
15.264 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/xhtml/showWarnings","yes");
15.265 + else
15.266 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/xhtml/showWarnings","no");
15.267 +
15.268 + if (showOutput)
15.269 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/xhtml/showOutput","yes");
15.270 + else
15.271 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/export/xhtml/showOutput","no");
15.272 +
15.273 + settings.setLocalEntry
15.274 + (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/xsl",xsl);
15.275 + settings.setLocalEntry
15.276 + (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/css",css);
15.277 +
15.278 + //FIXME add option for url image (globe flag) here
15.279 + if (true)
15.280 + {
15.281 + QPixmap pm (flag_url_xpm);
15.282 + pm.save (dir + "/flags/url.png","PNG");
15.283 + }
15.284 +
15.285 + if (!saveSettingsInMap)
15.286 + settings.clearLocal("/vym/export/xhtml");
15.287 + else
15.288 + settings.setLocalEntry
15.289 + (filepath,"/vym/export/xhtml/saveSettingsInMap","yes");
15.290 +
15.291 + // Copy CSS file
15.292 + QFile css_src (css);
15.293 + QFile css_dst (dir+"vym.css");
15.294 + if (!css_src.open ( IO_ReadOnly))
15.295 + QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Warning" ),css +tr(" could not be opened!"));
15.296 + else
15.297 + {
15.298 + if (!css_dst.open( IO_WriteOnly))
15.299 + QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Warning" ), dir+"vym.css" +tr(" could not be opened!"));
15.300 + else
15.301 + {
15.302 +
15.303 + QTextStream tsout( &css_dst);
15.304 + QTextStream tsin ( &css_src);
15.305 + QString s= tsin.read();
15.306 + tsout << s;
15.307 + css_dst.close();
15.308 + }
15.309 + css_src.close();
15.310 + }
15.311 +
15.312 + if (!prescript.isEmpty()) runScript (prescript,dir+mapname+".xml");
15.313 +
15.314 + Process *xsltProc=new Process ();
15.315 + xsltProc->clearArguments();
15.316 + xsltProc->addArgument (xsltprocessor);
15.317 + if (useImage)
15.318 + {
15.319 + xsltProc->addArgument ("--stringparam");
15.320 + xsltProc->addArgument ("imagemap");
15.321 + xsltProc->addArgument ("images/"+mapname+".png");
15.322 + }
15.323 + if (useTextColor)
15.324 + {
15.325 + xsltProc->addArgument ("--stringparam");
15.326 + xsltProc->addArgument ("use.textcolor");
15.327 + xsltProc->addArgument ("1");
15.328 + }
15.329 + xsltProc->addArgument ("--stringparam");
15.330 + xsltProc->addArgument ("mapname");
15.331 + xsltProc->addArgument (mapname+".vym");
15.332 +
15.333 + xsltProc->addArgument ("--output");
15.334 + xsltProc->addArgument (dir+mapname+".html");
15.335 + xsltProc->addArgument (xsl);
15.336 + xsltProc->addArgument (dir+mapname+".xml");
15.337 + dia->append ("vym is executing: \n" + xsltProc->arguments().join(" ") );
15.338 + if (!xsltProc->start() )
15.339 + {
15.340 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Error" ),
15.341 + tr("Couldn't start ") + xsltprocessor );
15.342 + } else
15.343 + {
15.344 + xsltProc->waitFinished();
15.345 + if (!xsltProc->normalExit() )
15.346 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Error" ),
15.347 + xsltprocessor +" " +tr("didn't exit normally") +
15.348 + xsltProc->getErrout() );
15.349 + else
15.350 + if (xsltProc->exitStatus()>0) showOutput=true;
15.351 +
15.352 + }
15.353 + dia->append ("\n");
15.354 + dia->append (xsltProc->getErrout());
15.355 + dia->append (xsltProc->getStdout());
15.356 +
15.357 + if (!postscript.isEmpty()) runScript (postscript,dir+mapname+".html");
15.358 +
15.359 + if (showOutput) dia->exec();
15.360 +}
15.361 +
15.362 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::setFilePath(const QString &s)
15.363 +{
15.364 + filepath=s;
15.365 +}
15.366 +
15.367 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::setMapName(const QString &s)
15.368 +{
15.369 + mapname=s;
15.370 +}
15.371 +
15.372 +QString ExportXHTMLDialog::getDir()
15.373 +{
15.374 + return dir;
15.375 +}
15.376 +
15.377 +bool ExportXHTMLDialog::warnings()
15.378 +{
15.379 + return showWarnings;
15.380 +}
15.381 +
15.382 +bool ExportXHTMLDialog::hasChanged()
15.383 +{
15.384 + return settingsChanged;
15.385 +}
15.386 +
15.387 +
15.388 +void ExportXHTMLDialog::runScript(QString spath, QString fpath)
15.389 +{
15.390 + spath.replace ("%f",fpath);
15.391 + QStringList args=QStringList::split (' ',spath,false);
15.392 +
15.393 + Process *scriptProc=new Process ();
15.394 + scriptProc->clearArguments();
15.395 + scriptProc->setArguments (args);
15.396 + dia->append ("vym is executing: \n" + scriptProc->arguments().join(" ") );
15.397 + if (!scriptProc->start() )
15.398 + {
15.399 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Error" ),
15.400 + tr("Couldn't start ") + spath );
15.401 + } else
15.402 + {
15.403 + scriptProc->waitFinished();
15.404 + if (!scriptProc->normalExit() )
15.405 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Error" ),
15.406 + spath +" " +tr("didn't exit normally") +
15.407 + scriptProc->getErrout() );
15.408 + else
15.409 + if (scriptProc->exitStatus()>0) showOutput=true;
15.410 +
15.411 + }
15.412 + dia->append ("\n");
15.413 + dia->append (scriptProc->getErrout());
15.414 + dia->append (scriptProc->getStdout());
15.415 +}
16.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
16.2 +++ b/extrainfodialog.ui Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
16.3 @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
16.4 +<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.2" stdsetdef="1">
16.5 +<class>ExtraInfoDialog</class>
16.6 +<author>Uwe Drechsel</author>
16.7 +<widget class="QDialog">
16.8 + <property name="name">
16.9 + <cstring>ExtraInfoDialog</cstring>
16.10 + </property>
16.11 + <property name="geometry">
16.12 + <rect>
16.13 + <x>0</x>
16.14 + <y>0</y>
16.15 + <width>338</width>
16.16 + <height>410</height>
16.17 + </rect>
16.18 + </property>
16.19 + <property name="caption">
16.20 + <string>VYM - Info</string>
16.21 + </property>
16.22 + <vbox>
16.23 + <property name="name">
16.24 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
16.25 + </property>
16.26 + <widget class="QLabel">
16.27 + <property name="name">
16.28 + <cstring>textLabel1_2</cstring>
16.29 + </property>
16.30 + <property name="text">
16.31 + <string>Map:</string>
16.32 + </property>
16.33 + </widget>
16.34 + <widget class="QLineEdit">
16.35 + <property name="name">
16.36 + <cstring>lineEdit7</cstring>
16.37 + </property>
16.38 + <property name="paletteBackgroundColor">
16.39 + <color>
16.40 + <red>225</red>
16.41 + <green>225</green>
16.42 + <blue>225</blue>
16.43 + </color>
16.44 + </property>
16.45 + <property name="backgroundOrigin">
16.46 + <enum>WidgetOrigin</enum>
16.47 + </property>
16.48 + <property name="readOnly">
16.49 + <bool>true</bool>
16.50 + </property>
16.51 + </widget>
16.52 + <widget class="QLabel">
16.53 + <property name="name">
16.54 + <cstring>textLabel1</cstring>
16.55 + </property>
16.56 + <property name="text">
16.57 + <string>Author:</string>
16.58 + </property>
16.59 + </widget>
16.60 + <widget class="QLineEdit">
16.61 + <property name="name">
16.62 + <cstring>lineEdit2</cstring>
16.63 + </property>
16.64 + </widget>
16.65 + <widget class="QLabel">
16.66 + <property name="name">
16.67 + <cstring>textLabel2</cstring>
16.68 + </property>
16.69 + <property name="text">
16.70 + <string>Comment:</string>
16.71 + </property>
16.72 + </widget>
16.73 + <widget class="QTextEdit">
16.74 + <property name="name">
16.75 + <cstring>textEdit4</cstring>
16.76 + </property>
16.77 + <property name="sizePolicy">
16.78 + <sizepolicy>
16.79 + <hsizetype>7</hsizetype>
16.80 + <vsizetype>4</vsizetype>
16.81 + <horstretch>0</horstretch>
16.82 + <verstretch>0</verstretch>
16.83 + </sizepolicy>
16.84 + </property>
16.85 + <property name="maximumSize">
16.86 + <size>
16.87 + <width>32767</width>
16.88 + <height>76</height>
16.89 + </size>
16.90 + </property>
16.91 + </widget>
16.92 + <widget class="QLabel">
16.93 + <property name="name">
16.94 + <cstring>textLabel2_2</cstring>
16.95 + </property>
16.96 + <property name="text">
16.97 + <string>Statistics:</string>
16.98 + </property>
16.99 + </widget>
16.100 + <widget class="QTextEdit">
16.101 + <property name="name">
16.102 + <cstring>textEdit4_2</cstring>
16.103 + </property>
16.104 + <property name="paletteBackgroundColor">
16.105 + <color>
16.106 + <red>225</red>
16.107 + <green>225</green>
16.108 + <blue>225</blue>
16.109 + </color>
16.110 + </property>
16.111 + <property name="font">
16.112 + <font>
16.113 + <family>Courier</family>
16.114 + <pointsize>12</pointsize>
16.115 + </font>
16.116 + </property>
16.117 + <property name="textFormat">
16.118 + <enum>PlainText</enum>
16.119 + </property>
16.120 + <property name="readOnly">
16.121 + <bool>true</bool>
16.122 + </property>
16.123 + </widget>
16.124 + <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
16.125 + <property name="name">
16.126 + <cstring>layout21</cstring>
16.127 + </property>
16.128 + <hbox>
16.129 + <property name="name">
16.130 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
16.131 + </property>
16.132 + <spacer>
16.133 + <property name="name">
16.134 + <cstring>spacer10</cstring>
16.135 + </property>
16.136 + <property name="orientation">
16.137 + <enum>Horizontal</enum>
16.138 + </property>
16.139 + <property name="sizeType">
16.140 + <enum>Expanding</enum>
16.141 + </property>
16.142 + <property name="sizeHint">
16.143 + <size>
16.144 + <width>160</width>
16.145 + <height>21</height>
16.146 + </size>
16.147 + </property>
16.148 + </spacer>
16.149 + <widget class="QPushButton">
16.150 + <property name="name">
16.151 + <cstring>pushButton13</cstring>
16.152 + </property>
16.153 + <property name="text">
16.154 + <string>Cancel</string>
16.155 + </property>
16.156 + </widget>
16.157 + <widget class="QPushButton">
16.158 + <property name="name">
16.159 + <cstring>pushButton7</cstring>
16.160 + </property>
16.161 + <property name="text">
16.162 + <string>Close</string>
16.163 + </property>
16.164 + </widget>
16.165 + </hbox>
16.166 + </widget>
16.167 + </vbox>
16.168 +</widget>
16.169 +<connections>
16.170 + <connection>
16.171 + <sender>pushButton7</sender>
16.172 + <signal>clicked()</signal>
16.173 + <receiver>ExtraInfoDialog</receiver>
16.174 + <slot>accept()</slot>
16.175 + </connection>
16.176 + <connection>
16.177 + <sender>pushButton13</sender>
16.178 + <signal>clicked()</signal>
16.179 + <receiver>ExtraInfoDialog</receiver>
16.180 + <slot>reject()</slot>
16.181 + </connection>
16.182 +</connections>
16.183 +<tabstops>
16.184 + <tabstop>lineEdit2</tabstop>
16.185 + <tabstop>textEdit4</tabstop>
16.186 + <tabstop>pushButton7</tabstop>
16.187 + <tabstop>pushButton13</tabstop>
16.188 + <tabstop>lineEdit7</tabstop>
16.189 + <tabstop>textEdit4_2</tabstop>
16.190 +</tabstops>
16.191 +<includes>
16.192 + <include location="global" impldecl="in implementation">qstring.h</include>
16.193 + <include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">extrainfodialog.ui.h</include>
16.194 +</includes>
16.195 +<slots>
16.196 + <slot>setMapName( const QString & s )</slot>
16.197 + <slot>setComment( const QString & s )</slot>
16.198 + <slot>setAuthor( const QString & s )</slot>
16.199 +</slots>
16.200 +<functions>
16.201 + <function returnType="QString">getComment()</function>
16.202 + <function returnType="QString">getAuthor()</function>
16.203 + <function>setStats( const QString & s )</function>
16.204 +</functions>
16.205 +<pixmapinproject/>
16.206 +<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
16.207 +</UI>
17.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
17.2 +++ b/extrainfodialog.ui.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
17.3 @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
17.4 +/****************************************************************************
17.5 +** ui.h extension file, included from the uic-generated form implementation.
17.6 +**
17.7 +** If you wish to add, delete or rename functions or slots use
17.8 +** Qt Designer which will update this file, preserving your code. Create an
17.9 +** init() function in place of a constructor, and a destroy() function in
17.10 +** place of a destructor.
17.11 +*****************************************************************************/
17.12 +
17.13 +void ExtraInfoDialog::setMapName(const QString &s)
17.14 +{
17.15 + lineEdit7->setText (s);
17.16 +}
17.17 +
17.18 +void ExtraInfoDialog::setComment (const QString &s)
17.19 +{
17.20 + textEdit4->setText (s);
17.21 +}
17.22 +
17.23 +QString ExtraInfoDialog::getComment()
17.24 +{
17.25 + return textEdit4->text();
17.26 +}
17.27 +
17.28 +
17.29 +void ExtraInfoDialog::setAuthor(const QString &s)
17.30 +{
17.31 + lineEdit2->setText (s);
17.32 +}
17.33 +
17.34 +QString ExtraInfoDialog::getAuthor()
17.35 +{
17.36 + return lineEdit2->text();
17.37 +}
17.38 +
17.39 +void ExtraInfoDialog::setStats(const QString &s)
17.40 +{
17.41 + textEdit4_2->setText (s);
17.42 +}
18.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
18.2 +++ b/findwindow.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
18.3 @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
18.4 +#include <qlineedit.h>
18.5 +
18.6 +#include "findwindow.h"
18.7 +
18.8 +
18.9 +FindWindow::FindWindow(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f)
18.10 + : QGroupBox( 0, Horizontal, "Find", parent, name )
18.11 +
18.12 +{
18.13 + setCaption ("VYM - Find Text");
18.14 + //resize (180,130);
18.15 + move (130,130);
18.16 +
18.17 + setMargin( 100 );
18.18 +
18.19 + QVBoxLayout* box = new QVBoxLayout( layout() );
18.20 +
18.21 + QHBoxLayout *row1 = new QHBoxLayout( box );
18.22 + row1->setMargin( 10 );
18.23 +
18.24 + // Create a Label
18.25 + QLabel* label = new QLabel( "Text to find: ", this);
18.26 + row1->addWidget( label );
18.27 +
18.28 + // Create LineEdit (here QComboBox)
18.29 + QHBoxLayout *row2 = new QHBoxLayout( box );
18.30 + row2->setMargin( 10 );
18.31 + findcombo = new QComboBox( true, this );
18.32 + findcombo->setMinimumWidth(150);
18.33 + row2->addWidget( findcombo );
18.34 + connect ( findcombo, SIGNAL( highlighted(int) ),
18.35 + this, SLOT( findPressed() ) );
18.36 + connect ( findcombo, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString &) ),
18.37 + this, SLOT( findTextChanged(const QString&) ) );
18.38 + //findcombo->insertItem( "Normal", -1 );
18.39 +
18.40 + // Create Buttons
18.41 + QHBoxLayout *row3 = new QHBoxLayout( box );
18.42 + row3->setMargin( 10 );
18.43 + clearbutton = new QPushButton (tr("Clear"),this);
18.44 + connect ( clearbutton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
18.45 + findcombo, SLOT( clearEdit() ) );
18.46 + row3->addWidget (clearbutton);
18.47 +
18.48 + QSpacerItem *si1= new QSpacerItem (10,0,QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
18.49 + row3->addItem(si1);
18.50 +
18.51 + cancelbutton = new QPushButton (tr("Cancel"),this);
18.52 + cancelbutton->setAccel (Key_Escape);
18.53 + connect ( cancelbutton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
18.54 + this, SLOT( cancelPressed() ) );
18.55 + row3->addWidget (cancelbutton);
18.56 +
18.57 + QSpacerItem *si2= new QSpacerItem (10,0,QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
18.58 + row3->addItem(si2);
18.59 +
18.60 + findbutton = new QPushButton (tr("Find"),this);
18.61 + findbutton->setDefault (true);
18.62 + connect ( findbutton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
18.63 + this, SLOT( findPressed() ) );
18.64 + row3->add(findbutton);
18.65 +
18.66 + findcombo->setFocus();
18.67 +}
18.68 +
18.69 +void FindWindow::popup()
18.70 +{
18.71 + findcombo->lineEdit()->selectAll();
18.72 + show();
18.73 +}
18.74 +
18.75 +void FindWindow::cancelPressed()
18.76 +{
18.77 + hide();
18.78 +}
18.79 +
18.80 +void FindWindow::findPressed()
18.81 +{
18.82 + emit (findButton(findcombo->currentText() ) );
18.83 +}
18.84 +
18.85 +void FindWindow::findTextChanged(const QString&)
18.86 +{
18.87 + emit (somethingChanged() );
18.88 +}
19.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
19.2 +++ b/findwindow.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
19.3 @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
19.4 +#ifndef FINDWINDOW_H
19.5 +#define FINDWINDOW_H
19.6 +
19.7 +#include <qmainwindow.h>
19.8 +#include <qcombobox.h>
19.9 +#include <qpushbutton.h>
19.10 +#include <qgroupbox.h>
19.11 +#include <qlayout.h>
19.12 +#include <qlabel.h>
19.13 +
19.14 +
19.15 +class FindWindow : public QGroupBox
19.16 +{
19.17 + Q_OBJECT
19.18 +
19.19 +public:
19.20 + FindWindow (QWidget* parent=0, const char* namme=0, WFlags f=0);
19.21 +
19.22 +public slots:
19.23 + void popup();
19.24 + void cancelPressed();
19.25 + void findPressed();
19.26 + void findTextChanged(const QString&);
19.27 +
19.28 +signals:
19.29 + void findButton(QString); // emit to mainwindow
19.30 + void somethingChanged(); // emit to mainwindow
19.31 +
19.32 +private:
19.33 + QGroupBox *findbox;
19.34 + QComboBox *findcombo;
19.35 + QPushButton *clearbutton;
19.36 + QPushButton *findbutton;
19.37 + QPushButton *cancelbutton;
19.38 +};
19.39 +
19.40 +
19.41 +#endif
20.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
20.2 +++ b/flagobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
20.3 @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
20.4 +#include "flagobj.h"
20.5 +
20.6 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20.7 +// FlagObj
20.8 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20.9 +FlagObj::FlagObj()
20.10 +{
20.11 +// cout << "Const FlagObj ()\n";
20.12 + init ();
20.13 +}
20.14 +
20.15 +FlagObj::FlagObj(QCanvas* c):MapObj(c)
20.16 +{
20.17 +// cout << "Const FlagObj\n";
20.18 + init ();
20.19 +}
20.20 +
20.21 +FlagObj::FlagObj (FlagObj* io)
20.22 +{
20.23 + copy (io);
20.24 +}
20.25 +
20.26 +FlagObj::~FlagObj()
20.27 +{
20.28 +// cout << "Destr FlagObj " << name << "\n";
20.29 + delete (icon);
20.30 +}
20.31 +
20.32 +
20.33 +void FlagObj::init ()
20.34 +{
20.35 + name="undefined";
20.36 +
20.37 + icon=new ImageObj (canvas);
20.38 + icon->move (absPos.x(), absPos.y() );
20.39 + button=NULL;
20.40 + state=false;
20.41 +}
20.42 +
20.43 +void FlagObj::copy (FlagObj* other)
20.44 +{
20.45 + MapObj::copy(other);
20.46 + name=other->name;
20.47 + tooltip=other->tooltip;
20.48 + state=other->state;
20.49 + icon->copy(other->icon);
20.50 + setVisibility (other->isVisibleObj() );
20.51 + // button is not copied, because
20.52 + // we won't copy to a parentRow and
20.53 + // all others don't need a button
20.54 +}
20.55 +
20.56 +void FlagObj::move(double x, double y)
20.57 +{
20.58 + MapObj::move(x,y);
20.59 + icon->move(x,y);
20.60 + positionBBox();
20.61 +}
20.62 +
20.63 +void FlagObj::moveBy(double x, double y)
20.64 +{
20.65 + move (x+absPos.x(),y+absPos.y() );
20.66 +}
20.67 +
20.68 +void FlagObj::setVisibility (bool v)
20.69 +{
20.70 + MapObj::setVisibility(v);
20.71 + if (v && state)
20.72 + icon->setVisibility(true);
20.73 + else
20.74 + icon->setVisibility(false);
20.75 +}
20.76 +
20.77 +void FlagObj::load (const QString &fn)
20.78 +{
20.79 + icon->load(fn);
20.80 + calcBBoxSize();
20.81 + positionBBox();
20.82 +}
20.83 +
20.84 +void FlagObj::load (const QPixmap &pm)
20.85 +{
20.86 + icon->load(pm);
20.87 + calcBBoxSize();
20.88 + positionBBox();
20.89 +}
20.90 +
20.91 +void FlagObj::setName(const QString &n)
20.92 +{
20.93 + name=n;
20.94 +}
20.95 +
20.96 +const QString FlagObj::getName()
20.97 +{
20.98 + return name;
20.99 +}
20.100 +
20.101 +void FlagObj::setToolTip(const QString &n)
20.102 +{
20.103 + tooltip=n;
20.104 +}
20.105 +
20.106 +const QString FlagObj::getToolTip()
20.107 +{
20.108 + return tooltip;
20.109 +}
20.110 +
20.111 +void FlagObj::setButton(QAction* b)
20.112 +{
20.113 + button=b;
20.114 +}
20.115 +
20.116 +void FlagObj::updateButton()
20.117 +{
20.118 + if (button)
20.119 + button->setOn(state);
20.120 + else
20.121 + qWarning ("FlagObj::updateButton no button defined");
20.122 +}
20.123 +
20.124 +QPixmap FlagObj::getPixmap()
20.125 +{
20.126 + return icon->getPixmap();
20.127 +}
20.128 +
20.129 +bool FlagObj::isActive()
20.130 +{
20.131 + return state;
20.132 +}
20.133 +
20.134 +void FlagObj::toggle()
20.135 +{
20.136 + if (state)
20.137 + deactivate();
20.138 + else
20.139 + activate();
20.140 +}
20.141 +
20.142 +void FlagObj::activate()
20.143 +{
20.144 + state=true;
20.145 + // only show icon, if flag itself is visible
20.146 + if (visible)
20.147 + {
20.148 + icon->setVisibility (true);
20.149 + calcBBoxSize();
20.150 + }
20.151 +}
20.152 +
20.153 +void FlagObj::deactivate()
20.154 +{
20.155 + state=false;
20.156 + // if flag itself is invisible we don't need to call
20.157 + if (visible)
20.158 + {
20.159 + icon->setVisibility (false);
20.160 + calcBBoxSize();
20.161 + }
20.162 +}
20.163 +
20.164 +void FlagObj::setEnabled(bool b)
20.165 +{
20.166 + button->setEnabled (b);
20.167 +}
20.168 +
20.169 +
20.170 +void FlagObj::setUsed (bool b)
20.171 +{
20.172 + used=b;
20.173 +}
20.174 +
20.175 +bool FlagObj::isUsed()
20.176 +{
20.177 + return used;
20.178 +}
20.179 +
20.180 +void FlagObj::saveToDir (const QString &tmpdir, const QString &prefix)
20.181 +{
20.182 + QString fn=tmpdir + prefix + name + ".png";
20.183 + icon->save (fn,"PNG");
20.184 +}
20.185 +
20.186 +void FlagObj::positionBBox()
20.187 +{
20.188 + bbox.setX (absPos.x() );
20.189 + bbox.setY (absPos.y() );
20.190 +}
20.191 +
20.192 +void FlagObj::calcBBoxSize()
20.193 +{
20.194 + if (visible && state)
20.195 + {
20.196 + bbox.setSize ( QSize(
20.197 + icon->boundingRect().width(),
20.198 + icon->boundingRect().height() ) );
20.199 + } else
20.200 + {
20.201 + bbox.setSize (QSize(0,0));
20.202 + }
20.203 +}
20.204 +
21.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
21.2 +++ b/flagobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
21.3 @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
21.4 +#ifndef FLAGOBJ_H
21.5 +#define FLAGOBJ_H
21.6 +
21.7 +
21.8 +#include <qcanvas.h>
21.9 +#include <qaction.h>
21.10 +
21.11 +#include "mapobj.h"
21.12 +#include "imageobj.h"
21.13 +
21.14 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21.15 +class FlagObj:public MapObj {
21.16 +public:
21.17 + FlagObj ();
21.18 + FlagObj (QCanvas*);
21.19 + FlagObj (FlagObj*);
21.20 + ~FlagObj ();
21.21 + virtual void init ();
21.22 + virtual void copy (FlagObj*);
21.23 + virtual void move (double x,double y); // move to absolute Position
21.24 + virtual void moveBy (double x,double y); // move to relative Position
21.25 + virtual void setVisibility(bool);
21.26 + void load (const QString&);
21.27 + void load (const QPixmap&);
21.28 + void setName (const QString&);
21.29 + const QString getName ();
21.30 + void setToolTip(const QString&);
21.31 + const QString getToolTip();
21.32 + void setButton (QAction*);
21.33 + void updateButton ();
21.34 + QPixmap getPixmap();
21.35 + bool isActive();
21.36 + void toggle();
21.37 + void activate();
21.38 + void deactivate();
21.39 + void setEnabled (bool);
21.40 + void setUsed (bool);
21.41 + bool isUsed();
21.42 + void saveToDir (const QString&, const QString&);
21.43 +
21.44 +protected:
21.45 + QString name;
21.46 + QString tooltip;
21.47 + bool state;
21.48 + bool used;
21.49 + virtual void positionBBox();
21.50 + virtual void calcBBoxSize();
21.51 +private:
21.52 + ImageObj* icon;
21.53 + QAction* button;
21.54 +};
21.55 +
21.56 +#endif
22.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
22.2 +++ b/flagrowobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
22.3 @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
22.4 +#include "flagrowobj.h"
22.5 +
22.6 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22.7 +// FlagRowObj
22.8 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22.9 +FlagRowObj::FlagRowObj()
22.10 +{
22.11 + cout << "Const FlagRowObj ()\n";
22.12 + init ();
22.13 +}
22.14 +
22.15 +FlagRowObj::FlagRowObj(QCanvas* c):MapObj(c)
22.16 +{
22.17 +// cout << "Const FlagRowObj\n";
22.18 + init ();
22.19 +}
22.20 +
22.21 +FlagRowObj::~FlagRowObj()
22.22 +{
22.23 +// cout << "Destr FlagRowObj\n";
22.24 + flag.clear();
22.25 +}
22.26 +
22.27 +void FlagRowObj::init ()
22.28 +{
22.29 + flag.setAutoDelete (true);
22.30 + parentRow=NULL;
22.31 +}
22.32 +
22.33 +void FlagRowObj::copy (FlagRowObj* other)
22.34 +{
22.35 + MapObj::copy(other);
22.36 + parentRow=other->parentRow;
22.37 + flag.clear();
22.38 + FlagObj *fo;
22.39 + for (fo=other->flag.first(); fo; fo=other->flag.next() )
22.40 + addFlag (fo);
22.41 +}
22.42 +
22.43 +void FlagRowObj::clone (FlagRowObj* pr)
22.44 +{
22.45 + // Difference to copy:
22.46 + // We don't copy the flags here, they
22.47 + // are created on the fly by toggle and activate
22.48 + // This saves lots of canvas objects.
22.49 + MapObj::copy(pr);
22.50 + flag.clear();
22.51 + parentRow=pr;
22.52 +}
22.53 +
22.54 +void FlagRowObj::move(double x, double y)
22.55 +{
22.56 + MapObj::move(x,y);
22.57 + int dx=0;
22.58 + FlagObj *fo;
22.59 + for (fo=flag.first(); fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.60 + {
22.61 + fo->move(x+dx,y);
22.62 + dx+=QSize(fo->getSize() ).width();
22.63 + }
22.64 +}
22.65 +
22.66 +void FlagRowObj::moveBy(double x, double y)
22.67 +{
22.68 + move (x+absPos.x(),y+absPos.y() );
22.69 +}
22.70 +
22.71 +void FlagRowObj::setVisibility (bool v)
22.72 +{
22.73 + MapObj::setVisibility(v);
22.74 + FlagObj *fo;
22.75 + for (fo=flag.first(); fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.76 + fo->setVisibility (v);
22.77 +}
22.78 +
22.79 +FlagObj* FlagRowObj::addFlag (FlagObj *fo)
22.80 +{
22.81 + FlagObj *newfo=new FlagObj (canvas);
22.82 + newfo->move (absPos.x() + bbox.width(), absPos.y() );
22.83 + newfo->copy (fo); // create a deep copy of fo
22.84 + flag.append(newfo);
22.85 + calcBBoxSize();
22.86 + positionBBox();
22.87 + return newfo;
22.88 +}
22.89 +
22.90 +void FlagRowObj::positionBBox()
22.91 +{
22.92 + bbox.setX (absPos.x() );
22.93 + bbox.setY (absPos.y() );
22.94 +}
22.95 +
22.96 +void FlagRowObj::calcBBoxSize()
22.97 +{
22.98 + QSize size(0,0);
22.99 + QSize boxsize(0,0);
22.100 + FlagObj *fo;
22.101 + for (fo=flag.first(); fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.102 + {
22.103 + size=fo->getSize();
22.104 + // add widths
22.105 + boxsize.setWidth(boxsize.width() + size.width() );
22.106 + // maximize height
22.107 + if (size.height() > boxsize.height() )
22.108 + boxsize.setHeight(size.height() );
22.109 + }
22.110 + bbox.setSize (QSize(boxsize.width(), boxsize.height() ));
22.111 +}
22.112 +
22.113 +QString FlagRowObj::getFlagName (const QPoint &p)
22.114 +{
22.115 + if (!inBBox (p)) return "";
22.116 + FlagObj *fo;
22.117 + for (fo=flag.first();fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.118 + if (fo->inBBox (p)) return fo->getName();
22.119 + return "";
22.120 +
22.121 +
22.122 +}
22.123 +
22.124 +bool FlagRowObj::isActive (const QString &foname)
22.125 +{
22.126 + FlagObj *fo=findFlag (foname);
22.127 + if (parentRow)
22.128 + {
22.129 + if (fo)
22.130 + return fo->isActive();
22.131 + else
22.132 + qWarning ("FlagRowObj::isActive of "+name+" couldn't find "+foname);
22.133 +
22.134 + } else
22.135 + if (fo) return true;
22.136 + return false;
22.137 +}
22.138 +
22.139 +void FlagRowObj::toggle (const QString &foname)
22.140 +{
22.141 + FlagObj *fo=findFlag (foname);
22.142 + if (fo)
22.143 + {
22.144 + // FlagObj is here, it will be active, too.
22.145 + // Deactivate it by removing it from this row.
22.146 + flag.remove (fo);
22.147 + } else
22.148 + {
22.149 + // FlagObj is not present in this row.
22.150 + // Copy it from parentRow
22.151 + fo=parentRow->findFlag (foname);
22.152 + if (fo)
22.153 + {
22.154 + fo=addFlag (fo);
22.155 + fo->activate();
22.156 + } else
22.157 + qWarning ("FlagRowObj ("+name+")::toggle ("+foname+") failed - could not find it in parentRow");
22.158 + }
22.159 + calcBBoxSize();
22.160 + positionBBox();
22.161 +}
22.162 +
22.163 +void FlagRowObj::activate (const QString &foname)
22.164 +{
22.165 + FlagObj *fo=findFlag (foname);
22.166 + if (parentRow)
22.167 + {
22.168 + if (!fo)
22.169 + {
22.170 + // FlagObj is not present in this row.
22.171 + // Copy it from parentRow and activate there
22.172 + fo=parentRow->findFlag (foname);
22.173 + if (fo)
22.174 + {
22.175 + fo=addFlag (fo);
22.176 + fo->activate();
22.177 + fo->setVisibility (visible);
22.178 + calcBBoxSize();
22.179 + positionBBox();
22.180 + } else
22.181 + qWarning ("FlagRowObj ("+name+")::activate ("+foname+") failed - could not find it in parentRow");
22.182 + }
22.183 + } else
22.184 + {
22.185 + // I am the parentRow, mark flag as used
22.186 + if (fo)
22.187 + {
22.188 + fo->setUsed(true);
22.189 + fo->activate();
22.190 + }
22.191 + else
22.192 + qWarning ("FlagRowObj::activate no FlagObj \""+foname+"\" found in parentRow");
22.193 + }
22.194 +}
22.195 +
22.196 +void FlagRowObj::deactivate (const QString &foname)
22.197 +{
22.198 + FlagObj *fo=findFlag (foname);
22.199 + if (fo) flag.remove(fo);
22.200 + calcBBoxSize();
22.201 + positionBBox();
22.202 +}
22.203 +
22.204 +void FlagRowObj::deactivateAll ()
22.205 +{
22.206 + if (!parentRow)
22.207 + {
22.208 + FlagObj *fo;
22.209 + for (fo=flag.first();fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.210 + {
22.211 + fo->deactivate();
22.212 + }
22.213 + } else
22.214 + qWarning ("FlagRowObj::deactivateAll mustn't be called for ordinary rows");
22.215 +}
22.216 +
22.217 +void FlagRowObj::setEnabled (bool b)
22.218 +{
22.219 + // If we have no parent, we are the default FlagRowObj
22.220 + // and have QToolbarButtons
22.221 + if (!parentRow)
22.222 + {
22.223 + FlagObj *fo;
22.224 + for (fo=flag.first();fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.225 + fo->setEnabled (b);
22.226 + }
22.227 +}
22.228 +
22.229 +void FlagRowObj::resetUsedCounter()
22.230 +{
22.231 + FlagObj *fo;
22.232 + for (fo=flag.first();fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.233 + fo->setUsed (false);
22.234 +}
22.235 +
22.236 +QString FlagRowObj::saveToDir (const QString &tmpdir,const QString &prefix, bool writeflags)
22.237 +{
22.238 + // Build xml string
22.239 + QString s;
22.240 + FlagObj *fo;
22.241 + if (parentRow)
22.242 + for (fo=flag.first();fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.243 + {
22.244 + // save flag to xml, if flag is set
22.245 + s+=valueElement("standardflag",fo->getName() );
22.246 +
22.247 + // and tell parentRow, that this flag is used
22.248 + parentRow->activate(fo->getName() );
22.249 + }
22.250 + else
22.251 + // Save icons to dir, if verbose is set (xml export)
22.252 + // and I am a parentRow
22.253 + // and this flag is really used somewhere
22.254 + if (writeflags)
22.255 + for (fo=flag.first();fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.256 + if (fo->isUsed()) fo->saveToDir (tmpdir,prefix);
22.257 + return s;
22.258 +
22.259 +}
22.260 +
22.261 +void FlagRowObj::setName (const QString &n)
22.262 +{
22.263 + name=n;
22.264 +}
22.265 +
22.266 +void FlagRowObj::makeToolbar (QMainWindow *w, const QString &n)
22.267 +{
22.268 + if (!parentRow)
22.269 + {
22.270 + // create bar and buttons
22.271 + QToolBar* tb = new QToolBar( w);
22.272 + tb->setLabel (n);
22.273 + QAction *a;
22.274 + FlagObj *fo;
22.275 + for (fo=flag.first();fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.276 + {
22.277 + a=new QAction (
22.278 + fo->getToolTip(),
22.279 + fo->getPixmap(),
22.280 + fo->getName(),
22.281 + 0,
22.282 + w,
22.283 + fo->getName()
22.284 + );
22.285 + a->setToggleAction(true);
22.286 + // FIXME should not be enabled by default, later in updateToolbar
22.287 + a->setEnabled(true);
22.288 + a->addTo (tb);
22.289 + fo->setButton (a);
22.290 + connect(a, SIGNAL( activated() ),
22.291 + w, SLOT( standardFlagChanged() ) );
22.292 + }
22.293 + } else
22.294 + qWarning ("FlagRowObj::makeToolbar mustn't be called for ordinary rows");
22.295 +}
22.296 +
22.297 +void FlagRowObj::updateToolBar()
22.298 +{
22.299 + FlagObj *fo;
22.300 + if (parentRow)
22.301 + {
22.302 + // We are just a branch, not the toolbar default
22.303 + parentRow->deactivateAll();
22.304 + // In parentRow activate all existing (==active) flags
22.305 + for (fo=flag.first();fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.306 + parentRow->activate(fo->getName());
22.307 + parentRow->updateToolBar();
22.308 + } else
22.309 + {
22.310 + // We are the toolbar default
22.311 + for (fo=flag.first();fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.312 + fo->updateButton();
22.313 + }
22.314 +}
22.315 +
22.316 +FlagObj* FlagRowObj::findFlag (const QString &name)
22.317 +{
22.318 + FlagObj *fo;
22.319 + for (fo=flag.first();fo; fo=flag.next() )
22.320 + {
22.321 + if (fo->getName()==name) return fo;
22.322 + }
22.323 + return NULL;
22.324 +}
22.325 +
23.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
23.2 +++ b/flagrowobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
23.3 @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
23.4 +#ifndef FLAGROWOBJ_H
23.5 +#define FLAGROWOBJ_H
23.6 +
23.7 +#include <qmainwindow.h>
23.8 +
23.9 +#include "mapobj.h"
23.10 +#include "flagobj.h"
23.11 +
23.12 +class FlagRowObj:public QObject,public MapObj {
23.13 +public:
23.14 + FlagRowObj ();
23.15 + FlagRowObj (QCanvas*);
23.16 + ~FlagRowObj ();
23.17 + virtual void init ();
23.18 + virtual void copy (FlagRowObj*);
23.19 + virtual void clone(FlagRowObj*);
23.20 + virtual void move (double,double);
23.21 + virtual void moveBy (double,double);
23.22 + virtual void setVisibility(bool);
23.23 + virtual FlagObj* addFlag (FlagObj *fo); // make deep copy of FlagObj
23.24 + virtual void positionBBox();
23.25 + virtual void calcBBoxSize();
23.26 + virtual QString getFlagName (const QPoint &p); // Find flag by position
23.27 + bool isActive(const QString&);
23.28 + void toggle (const QString&);
23.29 + void activate(const QString&);
23.30 + void deactivate(const QString&);
23.31 + void deactivateAll();
23.32 + void setEnabled (bool);
23.33 + void resetUsedCounter();
23.34 + QString saveToDir (const QString &,const QString &,bool);
23.35 + void setName (const QString&); // prefix for exporting flags to dir
23.36 + void makeToolbar (QMainWindow*, const QString &); // Create Toolbar buttons
23.37 + void updateToolBar(); // Update Toolbar buttons
23.38 +private:
23.39 + FlagRowObj* parentRow; // look for flags in this row
23.40 + FlagObj* findFlag (const QString&);
23.41 + QPtrList <FlagObj> flag;
23.42 + QString name;
23.43 +};
23.44 +#endif
24.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
24.2 +++ b/floatimageobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
24.3 @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
24.4 +#include "floatimageobj.h"
24.5 +#include "branchobj.h"
24.6 +#include <math.h>
24.7 +
24.8 +
24.9 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
24.10 +// FloatImageObj
24.11 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
24.12 +
24.13 +int FloatImageObj::counter=0; // make instance
24.14 +
24.15 +
24.16 +FloatImageObj::FloatImageObj ():FloatObj()
24.17 +{
24.18 +// cout << "Const FloatImageObj ()\n";
24.19 + setParObj (this);
24.20 + init();
24.21 + depth=-1;
24.22 +}
24.23 +
24.24 +FloatImageObj::FloatImageObj (QCanvas* c):FloatObj(c)
24.25 +{
24.26 + // cout << "Const FloatImageObj (c) called from MapCenterObj (c)\n";
24.27 + setParObj (this);
24.28 + init();
24.29 + depth=-1;
24.30 +}
24.31 +
24.32 +FloatImageObj::FloatImageObj (QCanvas* c, LinkableMapObj* p):FloatObj(c,p)
24.33 +{
24.34 + // cout << "Const FloatImageObj (c,p)\n";
24.35 + init();
24.36 +}
24.37 +
24.38 +FloatImageObj::~FloatImageObj ()
24.39 +{
24.40 +// cout << "Destr FloatImageObj "<<this<<"\n";
24.41 + delete(icon);
24.42 +}
24.43 +
24.44 +void FloatImageObj::init ()
24.45 +{
24.46 + icon=new ImageObj (canvas);
24.47 + icon->move (absPos.x(), absPos.y() );
24.48 + icon->setVisibility (true);
24.49 + bbox.setSize (QSize(icon->size().width(), icon->size().height()));
24.50 + filename="";
24.51 + originalFilename="no original name available";
24.52 + filetype="";
24.53 + saveInMap=true;
24.54 +}
24.55 +
24.56 +void FloatImageObj::copy (FloatImageObj* other)
24.57 +{
24.58 + FloatObj::copy (other);
24.59 + icon->copy (other->icon);
24.60 + filename=other->filename;
24.61 + saveInMap=other->saveInMap;
24.62 + positionBBox();
24.63 +}
24.64 +
24.65 +void FloatImageObj::setZ (const int &i)
24.66 +{
24.67 + icon->setZ (i);
24.68 + zPlane=i;
24.69 +}
24.70 +
24.71 +int FloatImageObj::z ()
24.72 +{
24.73 + return lrint (icon->z());
24.74 +}
24.75 +
24.76 +bool FloatImageObj::load (const QString &fn)
24.77 +{
24.78 + if( icon->load (fn))
24.79 + {
24.80 + bbox.setSize (QSize(icon->size().width()+8, icon->size().height()+8));
24.81 + positionBBox();
24.82 + filename=fn;
24.83 + filetype=QPixmap::imageFormat (fn);
24.84 + return true;
24.85 + } else
24.86 + return false;
24.87 +
24.88 +}
24.89 +
24.90 +void FloatImageObj::save (const QString &fn, const char *format)
24.91 +{
24.92 + icon->save (fn,format);
24.93 +}
24.94 +
24.95 +void FloatImageObj::setOriginalFilename(const QString & fn)
24.96 +{
24.97 + originalFilename=fn;
24.98 +}
24.99 +
24.100 +QString FloatImageObj::getOriginalFilename()
24.101 +{
24.102 + return originalFilename;
24.103 +}
24.104 +
24.105 +void FloatImageObj::setVisibility(bool v)
24.106 +{
24.107 + LinkableMapObj::setVisibility(v);
24.108 + if (v)
24.109 + icon->setVisibility(true);
24.110 + else
24.111 + icon->setVisibility(false);
24.112 +}
24.113 +
24.114 +void FloatImageObj::move (double x, double y)
24.115 +{
24.116 + FloatObj::move(x,y);
24.117 + icon->move (x+4,y+4);
24.118 + positionBBox();
24.119 +}
24.120 +
24.121 +void FloatImageObj::move (QPoint p)
24.122 +{
24.123 + move (p.x(), p.y());
24.124 +}
24.125 +
24.126 +void FloatImageObj::positionBBox()
24.127 +{
24.128 + // TODO
24.129 +}
24.130 +
24.131 +void FloatImageObj::calcBBoxSize()
24.132 +{
24.133 + // TODO
24.134 +}
24.135 +
24.136 +QString FloatImageObj::saveToDir (const QString &tmpdir,const QString &prefix)
24.137 +{
24.138 + counter++;
24.139 +
24.140 + QString posAttr=
24.141 + attribut("relPosX",QString().setNum(relPos.x(),10)) +
24.142 + attribut("relPosY",QString().setNum(relPos.y(),10));
24.143 +
24.144 + QString useOrientAttr;
24.145 + if (useOrientation)
24.146 + useOrientAttr=attribut ("useOrientation","true");
24.147 + else
24.148 + useOrientAttr=attribut ("useOrientation","false");
24.149 +
24.150 + QString saveInMapAttr;
24.151 + if (saveInMap)
24.152 + saveInMapAttr=attribut ("saveInMap","true");
24.153 + else
24.154 +
24.155 + saveInMapAttr=attribut ("saveInMap","false");
24.156 +
24.157 + QString exportAttr;
24.158 + if (floatExport)
24.159 + exportAttr=attribut ("floatExport","true");
24.160 + else
24.161 + exportAttr=attribut ("floatExport","false");
24.162 +
24.163 + QString zAttr=attribut ("zPlane",QString().setNum(zPlane));
24.164 + QString url;
24.165 +
24.166 + // prevent saving as GIF
24.167 + if (filetype=="GIF")
24.168 + filetype="PNG";
24.169 +
24.170 + url="images/"+prefix+"image-" + QString().number(counter,10) + "." +filetype;
24.171 +
24.172 + // And really save the image
24.173 + icon->save (tmpdir + "/" + url, filetype);
24.174 +
24.175 + return singleElement ("floatimage",
24.176 + posAttr +
24.177 + useOrientAttr +
24.178 + saveInMapAttr +
24.179 + exportAttr +
24.180 + zAttr +
24.181 + attribut ("href",QString ("file:")+url)
24.182 + );
24.183 +}
24.184 +
24.185 +void FloatImageObj::resetSaveCounter()
24.186 +{
24.187 + counter=0;
24.188 +}
24.189 +
24.190 +
24.191 +QRect FloatImageObj::getTotalBBox()
24.192 +{
24.193 + return bbox;
24.194 +}
24.195 +
24.196 +QRect FloatImageObj::getBBoxSizeWithChilds()
24.197 +{
24.198 + //FIXME abstract in linkablemapobj.h, not calculated
24.199 + return bboxTotal;
24.200 +}
24.201 +
24.202 +void FloatImageObj::calcBBoxSizeWithChilds()
24.203 +{
24.204 + //FIXME abstract in linkablemapobj.h
24.205 +}
24.206 +
24.207 +QString FloatImageObj::getSelectString()
24.208 +{
24.209 + QString s;
24.210 + if (parObj)
24.211 + {
24.212 + if (parObj->getDepth()==0)
24.213 + s= "fi:" + QString("%1").arg( ((BranchObj*)(parObj))->getFloatImageNum(this));
24.214 + else
24.215 + s= ((BranchObj*)(parObj))->getSelectString() + ",fi:" + QString("%1").arg( ((BranchObj*)(parObj))->getFloatImageNum(this));
24.216 + } else
24.217 + s="mc:";
24.218 +
24.219 + return s;
24.220 +
24.221 +}
24.222 +
25.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
25.2 +++ b/floatimageobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
25.3 @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
25.4 +#ifndef FLOATIMAGEOBJ_H
25.5 +#define FLOATIMAGEOBJ_H
25.6 +
25.7 +#include "floatobj.h"
25.8 +
25.9 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
25.10 +class FloatImageObj:public FloatObj {
25.11 +public:
25.12 + FloatImageObj ();
25.13 + FloatImageObj (QCanvas*);
25.14 + FloatImageObj (QCanvas*, LinkableMapObj* parent);
25.15 + ~FloatImageObj ();
25.16 + virtual void init ();
25.17 + virtual void copy (FloatImageObj*);
25.18 + virtual void setZ (const int&);
25.19 + virtual int z();
25.20 +
25.21 + virtual bool load (const QString &);
25.22 + virtual void save (const QString &, const char *);
25.23 + virtual void setOriginalFilename(const QString &);
25.24 + virtual QString getOriginalFilename();
25.25 + virtual void setVisibility(bool); // set vis. for w
25.26 + virtual void move (double x,double y);
25.27 + virtual void move (QPoint);
25.28 + virtual void positionBBox();
25.29 + virtual void calcBBoxSize();
25.30 + virtual QRect getTotalBBox(); // return BBox including childs
25.31 + virtual QRect getBBoxSizeWithChilds(); // return size of BBox including childs
25.32 + virtual void calcBBoxSizeWithChilds(); // calc size of BBox including childs recursivly
25.33 + virtual QString saveToDir(const QString &,const QString&);
25.34 + virtual void resetSaveCounter();
25.35 + virtual QString getSelectString();
25.36 +
25.37 +
25.38 +protected:
25.39 + ImageObj *icon;
25.40 + bool saveInMap;
25.41 + static int counter; // numerate the files during saveToDir
25.42 + QString filetype;
25.43 + QString filename;
25.44 + QString originalFilename;
25.45 +};
25.46 +
25.47 +#endif
26.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
26.2 +++ b/floatobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
26.3 @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
26.4 +#include "floatobj.h"
26.5 +
26.6 +extern QAction* actionEditToggleFloatExport;
26.7 +
26.8 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26.9 +// FloatObj
26.10 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26.11 +
26.12 +FloatObj::FloatObj ():LinkableMapObj()
26.13 +{
26.14 +// cout << "Const FloatObj ()\n";
26.15 + setParObj (this);
26.16 + init();
26.17 + depth=-1;
26.18 +}
26.19 +
26.20 +FloatObj::FloatObj (QCanvas* c):LinkableMapObj(c)
26.21 +{
26.22 +// cout << "Const FloatObj (c) called from MapCenterObj (c)\n";
26.23 + setParObj (this);
26.24 + init();
26.25 + depth=-1;
26.26 +}
26.27 +
26.28 +FloatObj::FloatObj (QCanvas* c, LinkableMapObj* p):LinkableMapObj (c)
26.29 +{
26.30 +// cout << "Const FloatObj (c,p)\n";
26.31 + setParObj (p);
26.32 + depth=p->getDepth()+1;
26.33 + init();
26.34 +}
26.35 +
26.36 +FloatObj::~FloatObj ()
26.37 +{
26.38 +// cout << "Destr FloatObj\n";
26.39 +}
26.40 +
26.41 +void FloatObj::init ()
26.42 +{
26.43 + setChildObj(this);
26.44 + relPos=getRandPos();
26.45 + useOrientation=true;
26.46 + floatExport=true;
26.47 + zPlane=Z_ICON;
26.48 +}
26.49 +
26.50 +void FloatObj::copy (FloatObj* other)
26.51 +{
26.52 + LinkableMapObj::copy (other);
26.53 + relPos=other->relPos;
26.54 + useOrientation=other->useOrientation;
26.55 + setVisibility (other->visible);
26.56 +}
26.57 +
26.58 +void FloatObj::setRelPos()
26.59 +{
26.60 + if (useOrientation)
26.61 + {
26.62 + if (parObj->getOrientation()==OrientLeftOfCenter)
26.63 + relPos.setX ( parObj->x() +parObj->width() - bbox.width() -absPos.x());
26.64 + else
26.65 + relPos.setX (absPos.x() - parObj->x() );
26.66 + }
26.67 + else
26.68 + relPos.setX (absPos.x() - parObj->x() );
26.69 + relPos.setY (absPos.y() - parObj->y() );
26.70 +}
26.71 +
26.72 +void FloatObj::setRelPos(const QPoint &p)
26.73 +{
26.74 + relPos=p;
26.75 +}
26.76 +
26.77 +void FloatObj::setZ(const int &i)
26.78 +{
26.79 + zPlane=i;
26.80 +}
26.81 +
26.82 +int FloatObj::z()
26.83 +{
26.84 + return zPlane;
26.85 +}
26.86 +
26.87 +
26.88 +void FloatObj::setUseOrientation (const bool &b)
26.89 +{
26.90 + if (useOrientation!=b)
26.91 + {
26.92 + useOrientation=b;
26.93 + requestReposition();
26.94 + }
26.95 +}
26.96 +
26.97 +void FloatObj::setFloatExport(const bool& b)
26.98 +{
26.99 + floatExport=b;
26.100 +}
26.101 +
26.102 +bool FloatObj::getFloatExport()
26.103 +{
26.104 + return floatExport;
26.105 +}
26.106 +
26.107 +void FloatObj::move (double x, double y)
26.108 +{
26.109 + MapObj::move(x,y);
26.110 + selbox->move(x,y);
26.111 +}
26.112 +
26.113 +void FloatObj::move (QPoint p)
26.114 +{
26.115 + move (p.x(), p.y());
26.116 +}
26.117 +
26.118 +void FloatObj::reposition()
26.119 +{
26.120 + if (useOrientation)
26.121 + {
26.122 + if (parObj->getOrientation()==OrientLeftOfCenter)
26.123 + move (parObj->x() - relPos.x() + parObj->width() - bbox.width(), parObj->y()+relPos.y());
26.124 + else
26.125 + move (parObj->x()+relPos.x(), parObj->y()+relPos.y());
26.126 + }
26.127 + else
26.128 + move (parObj->x()+relPos.x(), parObj->y()+relPos.y());
26.129 + updateLink();
26.130 +}
26.131 +
26.132 +QRect FloatObj::getTotalBBox()
26.133 +{
26.134 + return bbox;
26.135 +}
26.136 +
26.137 +QRect FloatObj::getBBoxSizeWithChilds()
26.138 +{
26.139 + return bboxTotal;
26.140 +}
26.141 +
26.142 +void FloatObj::select()
26.143 +{
26.144 + LinkableMapObj::select();
26.145 + // Temporary draw the link while FO is selected
26.146 + if (style==StyleUndef)
26.147 + {
26.148 + setLinkStyle(getDefLinkStyle());
26.149 + setLinkColor(parObj->getLinkColor());
26.150 + }
26.151 +
26.152 + // Update FloatExport switch in context menu
26.153 + if (floatExport)
26.154 + actionEditToggleFloatExport->setEnabled (true);
26.155 + else
26.156 + actionEditToggleFloatExport->setEnabled (true);
26.157 +
26.158 +
26.159 +}
26.160 +
26.161 +void FloatObj::unselect()
26.162 +{
26.163 + LinkableMapObj::unselect();
26.164 + setLinkStyle (StyleUndef);
26.165 +}
26.166 +
27.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
27.2 +++ b/floatobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
27.3 @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
27.4 +#ifndef FLOATOBJ_H
27.5 +#define FLOATOBJ_H
27.6 +
27.7 +#include "linkablemapobj.h"
27.8 +
27.9 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27.10 +class FloatObj:public LinkableMapObj {
27.11 +public:
27.12 + FloatObj ();
27.13 + FloatObj (QCanvas*);
27.14 + FloatObj (QCanvas*, LinkableMapObj* parent);
27.15 + ~FloatObj ();
27.16 + virtual void init ();
27.17 + virtual void copy (FloatObj*);
27.18 + virtual bool load (const QString&)=0;
27.19 + virtual void setRelPos(); // set relPos to current parentPos
27.20 + virtual void setRelPos(const QPoint&);
27.21 + virtual void setZ(const int&); // set zPlane
27.22 + virtual int z();
27.23 + virtual void setUseOrientation (const bool &);
27.24 + virtual void setFloatExport (const bool &);
27.25 + virtual bool getFloatExport ();
27.26 +
27.27 + virtual void move (double,double);
27.28 + virtual void move (QPoint);
27.29 +
27.30 + virtual void reposition();
27.31 +
27.32 + virtual QRect getTotalBBox(); // return BBox including childs
27.33 + virtual QRect getBBoxSizeWithChilds(); // return size of BBox including childs
27.34 +
27.35 + virtual QString saveToDir(const QString &,const QString&)=0;
27.36 + virtual void resetSaveCounter()=0;
27.37 +
27.38 + virtual void select();
27.39 + virtual void unselect();
27.40 +
27.41 +protected:
27.42 + QPoint relPos;
27.43 + bool useOrientation;
27.44 + bool floatExport;
27.45 + int zPlane;
27.46 +};
27.47 +
27.48 +#endif
28.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
28.2 +++ b/frameobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
28.3 @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
28.4 +#include "frameobj.h"
28.5 +
28.6 +#include <qcolor.h>
28.7 +
28.8 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
28.9 +// FrameObj
28.10 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
28.11 +FrameObj::FrameObj() : MapObj()
28.12 +{
28.13 +// cout << "Const FrameObj ()\n";
28.14 + init ();
28.15 +}
28.16 +
28.17 +FrameObj::FrameObj(QCanvas* c) :MapObj(c)
28.18 +{
28.19 +// cout << "Const FrameObj\n";
28.20 + init ();
28.21 +}
28.22 +
28.23 +FrameObj::~FrameObj()
28.24 +{
28.25 + clear();
28.26 +}
28.27 +
28.28 +void FrameObj::init()
28.29 +{
28.30 + type=NoFrame;
28.31 + border=0;
28.32 +}
28.33 +
28.34 +void FrameObj::clear()
28.35 +{
28.36 + switch (type)
28.37 + {
28.38 + case NoFrame:
28.39 + break;
28.40 + case Rectangle:
28.41 + delete rectFrame;
28.42 + break;
28.43 + }
28.44 + type=NoFrame;
28.45 + border=0;
28.46 +}
28.47 +
28.48 +void FrameObj::move(double x, double y)
28.49 +{
28.50 + switch (type)
28.51 + {
28.52 + case NoFrame:
28.53 + break;
28.54 + case Rectangle:
28.55 + rectFrame->move (x,y);
28.56 + break;
28.57 + }
28.58 +}
28.59 +
28.60 +void FrameObj::moveBy(double x, double y)
28.61 +{
28.62 + MapObj::moveBy (x,y);
28.63 +}
28.64 +
28.65 +void FrameObj::positionBBox()
28.66 +{
28.67 +}
28.68 +
28.69 +void FrameObj::calcBBoxSize()
28.70 +{
28.71 +}
28.72 +
28.73 +void FrameObj::setRect(const QRect &r)
28.74 +{
28.75 + bbox=r;
28.76 + switch (type)
28.77 + {
28.78 + case NoFrame:
28.79 + break;
28.80 + case Rectangle:
28.81 + rectFrame->setX (bbox.x() );
28.82 + rectFrame->setY (bbox.y() );
28.83 + rectFrame->setSize (bbox.width(),bbox.height() );
28.84 + break;
28.85 + }
28.86 +}
28.87 +
28.88 +int FrameObj::getBorder()
28.89 +{
28.90 + return border;
28.91 +}
28.92 +
28.93 +FrameType FrameObj::getFrameType()
28.94 +{
28.95 + return type;
28.96 +}
28.97 +
28.98 +QString FrameObj::getFrameTypeName()
28.99 +{
28.100 + switch (type)
28.101 + {
28.102 + case Rectangle:
28.103 + return "Rectangle";
28.104 + break;
28.105 + default:
28.106 + return "NoFrame";
28.107 + }
28.108 +}
28.109 +
28.110 +void FrameObj::setFrameType(const FrameType &t)
28.111 +{
28.112 + if (t!=type)
28.113 + {
28.114 + clear();
28.115 + type=t;
28.116 + switch (type)
28.117 + {
28.118 + case NoFrame:
28.119 + border=0;
28.120 + break;
28.121 + case Rectangle:
28.122 + border=10;
28.123 + rectFrame = new QCanvasRectangle (canvas);
28.124 + rectFrame->setZ(Z_FRAME);
28.125 + rectFrame->setBrush( QColor("white") );
28.126 + rectFrame->setPen( QPen(QColor("black") ));
28.127 + if (visible)
28.128 + rectFrame->show();
28.129 + else
28.130 + rectFrame->hide();
28.131 + break;
28.132 + }
28.133 + }
28.134 +}
28.135 +
28.136 +void FrameObj::setFrameType(const QString &t)
28.137 +{
28.138 + if (t=="Rectangle")
28.139 + FrameObj::setFrameType (Rectangle);
28.140 + else
28.141 + FrameObj::setFrameType (NoFrame);
28.142 +}
28.143 +
28.144 +void FrameObj::setVisibility (bool v)
28.145 +{
28.146 + MapObj::setVisibility(v);
28.147 + setFrameType (type); // changes on visibility depend on type...
28.148 +}
28.149 +
29.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
29.2 +++ b/frameobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
29.3 @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
29.4 +#ifndef FRAMEOBJ_H
29.5 +#define FRAMEOBJ_H
29.6 +
29.7 +#include "mapobj.h"
29.8 +
29.9 +enum FrameType {NoFrame,Rectangle};
29.10 +
29.11 +class FrameObj:public MapObj {
29.12 +public:
29.13 + FrameObj();
29.14 + FrameObj(QCanvas*);
29.15 + ~FrameObj();
29.16 + void init();
29.17 + void clear();
29.18 + void move (double x,double y); // move to absolute Position
29.19 + void moveBy (double x,double y); // move to relative Position
29.20 + void positionBBox();
29.21 + void calcBBoxSize();
29.22 + void setRect (const QRect &); // set dimensions
29.23 + int getBorder();
29.24 + FrameType getFrameType ();
29.25 + QString getFrameTypeName ();
29.26 + void setFrameType (const FrameType &);
29.27 + void setFrameType (const QString &);
29.28 + void setVisibility(bool);
29.29 +
29.30 +protected:
29.31 + FrameType type;
29.32 + QCanvasRectangle* rectFrame;
29.33 + int border; // distance text - frame
29.34 +};
29.35 +#endif
29.36 +
30.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
30.2 +++ b/headingobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
30.3 @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
30.4 +#include "headingobj.h"
30.5 +
30.6 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30.7 +// HeadingObj
30.8 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30.9 +HeadingObj::HeadingObj() : MapObj()
30.10 +{
30.11 +// cout << "Const HeadingObj ()\n";
30.12 + init ();
30.13 +}
30.14 +
30.15 +HeadingObj::HeadingObj(QCanvas* c) :MapObj(c)
30.16 +{
30.17 +// cout << "Const HeadingObj\n";
30.18 + init ();
30.19 +}
30.20 +
30.21 +HeadingObj::~HeadingObj()
30.22 +{
30.23 + textline.clear();
30.24 +}
30.25 +
30.26 +void HeadingObj::init()
30.27 +{
30.28 + textline.setAutoDelete (TRUE);
30.29 + textwidth=40;
30.30 + color=QColor ("black");
30.31 + font=QFont();
30.32 +}
30.33 +
30.34 +void HeadingObj::copy(HeadingObj *other)
30.35 +{
30.36 + MapObj::copy (other);
30.37 + textwidth=other->textwidth;
30.38 + color=other->color;
30.39 + font=other->font;
30.40 + setText (other->text() );
30.41 +}
30.42 +
30.43 +void HeadingObj::move(double x, double y)
30.44 +{
30.45 + MapObj::move(x,y);
30.46 + int h; // height of a textline
30.47 + int ho; // offset of height while drawing all lines
30.48 + if (textline.first() )
30.49 + h=textline.first()->boundingRect().height();
30.50 + else
30.51 + h=2;
30.52 + QCanvasText *t;
30.53 + ho=0;
30.54 + for (t=textline.first(); t; t=textline.next() )
30.55 + {
30.56 + t->move(x,y+ho);
30.57 + ho=ho+h;
30.58 + }
30.59 +}
30.60 +
30.61 +
30.62 +void HeadingObj::moveBy(double x, double y)
30.63 +{
30.64 + move (x+absPos.x(),y+absPos.y() );
30.65 +}
30.66 +
30.67 +void HeadingObj::positionBBox()
30.68 +{
30.69 + bbox.setX (absPos.x());
30.70 + bbox.setY (absPos.y());
30.71 +}
30.72 +
30.73 +void HeadingObj::calcBBoxSize()
30.74 +{
30.75 + int w=0;
30.76 + int h=0;
30.77 + // Using Backspace an empty heading might easily be created, then there
30.78 + // would be textline.first()==NULL This can be worked around by the following, but
30.79 + // then no selection would be visible, thus we prevent it in ::setText()
30.80 + if (!textline.isEmpty() )
30.81 + {
30.82 + QCanvasText *t;
30.83 + for (t=textline.first(); t; t=textline.next() )
30.84 + {
30.85 + h+=t->boundingRect().height();
30.86 + if (w<t->boundingRect().width() )
30.87 + w=t->boundingRect().width();
30.88 + }
30.89 + }
30.90 + bbox.setSize (QSize(w,h));
30.91 +}
30.92 +
30.93 +QCanvasText* HeadingObj::newLine(QString s)
30.94 +{
30.95 + QCanvasText *t;
30.96 + t = new QCanvasText(canvas);
30.97 + t->setFont (font);
30.98 + t->setColor (color);
30.99 + t->setZ(Z_TEXT);
30.100 + t->setText(s);
30.101 + t->show();
30.102 + return t;
30.103 +}
30.104 +
30.105 +void HeadingObj::setText (QString s)
30.106 +{
30.107 + heading=s;
30.108 +
30.109 + // remove old textlines and prepare generating new ones
30.110 + textline.clear();
30.111 +
30.112 + // prevent empty textline, so at least a small selection stays
30.113 + // visible for this heading
30.114 + if (s.length()==0) s=" ";
30.115 +
30.116 + int i=0; // index for actual search for ws
30.117 + int j=0; // index of last ws
30.118 + int k=0; // index of "<br>" or similar linebreak
30.119 + int br=0; // width of found break, e.g. for <br> it is 4
30.120 +
30.121 + // set the text and wrap lines
30.122 + while (s.length()>0)
30.123 + {
30.124 + // ok, some people wanted manual linebreaks, here we go
30.125 + k=s.find ("<br>",i,false);
30.126 + if (k>=0)
30.127 + {
30.128 + br=4;
30.129 + i=k;
30.130 + } else
30.131 + i=s.find (" ",i,false);
30.132 + if (i<0 && j==0)
30.133 + { // no ws found at all in s
30.134 + // append whole s
30.135 + textline.append (newLine(s));
30.136 + s="";
30.137 + } else
30.138 + {
30.139 + if (i<0 && j>0)
30.140 + { // no ws found in actual search
30.141 + if (s.length()<=textwidth)
30.142 + {
30.143 + textline.append (newLine(s));
30.144 + s="";
30.145 + } else
30.146 + {
30.147 + textline.append (newLine(s.left(j)));
30.148 + s=s.mid(j+1,s.length());
30.149 + j=0;
30.150 + }
30.151 + } else
30.152 + {
30.153 + if (i>= 0 && i<=static_cast <int> (textwidth))
30.154 + { // there is a ws in textwidth
30.155 + if (br>0)
30.156 + {
30.157 + // here is a linebreak
30.158 + textline.append (newLine(s.left(i)));
30.159 + s=s.mid(i+br,s.length());
30.160 + i=0;
30.161 + j=0;
30.162 + br=0;
30.163 + } else
30.164 + {
30.165 + j=i;
30.166 + i++;
30.167 + }
30.168 + } else
30.169 + {
30.170 + if (i>static_cast <int> (textwidth) )
30.171 + {
30.172 + if (j>0)
30.173 + { // a ws out of textwidth, but we have also one in
30.174 + textline.append (newLine(s.left(j)));
30.175 + s=s.mid(j+1,s.length());
30.176 + i=0;
30.177 + j=0;
30.178 + } else
30.179 + { // a ws out of text, but none in
30.180 + textline.append (newLine(s.left(i)));
30.181 + s=s.mid(i+1,s.length());
30.182 + i=0;
30.183 + }
30.184 + }
30.185 + }
30.186 + }
30.187 + }
30.188 + }
30.189 + setVisibility (visible);
30.190 + calcBBoxSize();
30.191 +}
30.192 +
30.193 +QString HeadingObj::text ()
30.194 +{
30.195 + return heading;
30.196 +}
30.197 +
30.198 +void HeadingObj::setFont (QFont f)
30.199 +{
30.200 + if (font!=f)
30.201 + {
30.202 + font=f;
30.203 + setText (text());
30.204 + }
30.205 +}
30.206 +
30.207 +QFont HeadingObj::getFont()
30.208 +{
30.209 + return font;
30.210 +}
30.211 +
30.212 +
30.213 +void HeadingObj::setColor (QColor c)
30.214 +{
30.215 + if (color!=c)
30.216 + {
30.217 + color=c;
30.218 + QCanvasText *t;
30.219 + for (t=textline.first(); t; t=textline.next() )
30.220 + t->setColor(c);
30.221 + }
30.222 +}
30.223 +
30.224 +QColor HeadingObj::getColor()
30.225 +{
30.226 + return color;
30.227 +}
30.228 +
30.229 +void HeadingObj::setVisibility (bool v)
30.230 +{
30.231 + MapObj::setVisibility(v);
30.232 + QCanvasText *t;
30.233 + for (t=textline.first(); t; t=textline.next() )
30.234 + if (v)
30.235 + t->show();
30.236 + else
30.237 + t->hide();
30.238 +}
30.239 +
30.240 +int HeadingObj::getHeight ()
30.241 +{
30.242 + return bbox.height();
30.243 +}
30.244 +
30.245 +int HeadingObj::getWidth()
30.246 +{
30.247 + return bbox.width();
30.248 +}
30.249 +
31.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
31.2 +++ b/headingobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
31.3 @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
31.4 +#ifndef HEADINGOBJ_H
31.5 +#define HEADINGOBJ_H
31.6 +
31.7 +#include "mapobj.h"
31.8 +
31.9 +class HeadingObj:public MapObj {
31.10 +public:
31.11 + HeadingObj();
31.12 + HeadingObj(QCanvas*);
31.13 + virtual ~HeadingObj();
31.14 + virtual void init();
31.15 + virtual void copy(HeadingObj*);
31.16 + virtual void move (double x,double y); // move to absolute Position
31.17 + virtual void moveBy (double x,double y); // move to relative Position
31.18 + virtual void positionBBox();
31.19 + virtual void calcBBoxSize();
31.20 +private:
31.21 + QCanvasText* newLine(QString); // generate new textline
31.22 +public:
31.23 + virtual void setText(QString);
31.24 + virtual QString text();
31.25 + virtual void setFont(QFont);
31.26 + virtual QFont getFont();
31.27 + virtual void setColor(QColor);
31.28 + virtual QColor getColor();
31.29 + virtual void setVisibility(bool);
31.30 + virtual int getHeight();
31.31 + virtual int getWidth();
31.32 +
31.33 +protected:
31.34 + QString heading;
31.35 + uint textwidth; // width for formatting text
31.36 + QPtrList <QCanvasText> textline; // a part of e.g. the parabel
31.37 + QColor color;
31.38 + QFont font;
31.39 +};
31.40 +#endif
32.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
32.2 +++ b/icons/cursorcolorpicker.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
32.3 @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
32.4 +/* XPM */
32.5 +static const char * cursorcolorpicker_xpm[] = {
32.6 +"32 32 3 1",
32.7 +" c None",
32.8 +". c #000000",
32.9 +"+ c #FFFFFF",
32.10 +" ",
32.11 +" ",
32.12 +" ",
32.13 +" ",
32.14 +" ",
32.15 +" ",
32.16 +" ",
32.17 +" ",
32.18 +" ",
32.19 +" ",
32.20 +" ",
32.21 +" ... ",
32.22 +" ..... ",
32.23 +" ..... ",
32.24 +" ......... ",
32.25 +" ....... ",
32.26 +" . ... ",
32.27 +" . .. ",
32.28 +" . . . ",
32.29 +" . . ",
32.30 +" . . ",
32.31 +" . . ",
32.32 +" . . ",
32.33 +" . . ",
32.34 +" . . ",
32.35 +" . .. ",
32.36 +" . ",
32.37 +" ",
32.38 +" ",
32.39 +" ",
32.40 +" ",
32.41 +" "};
33.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
33.2 +++ b/icons/cursorcolorpicker16.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
33.3 @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
33.4 +/* XPM */
33.5 +static const char * cursorcolorpicker_xpm[] = {
33.6 +"16 16 3 1",
33.7 +" c None",
33.8 +". c #000000",
33.9 +"+ c #FFFFFF",
33.10 +" ... ",
33.11 +" .....",
33.12 +" .....",
33.13 +" .........",
33.14 +" ....... ",
33.15 +" . ... ",
33.16 +" . .. ",
33.17 +" . . . ",
33.18 +" . . ",
33.19 +" . . ",
33.20 +" . . ",
33.21 +" . . ",
33.22 +". . ",
33.23 +". . ",
33.24 +". .. ",
33.25 +" . "};
34.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
34.2 +++ b/icons/cursorhandopen.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
34.3 @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
34.4 +static unsigned char chandopen[] = { // cursor bitmap
34.5 + 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
34.6 + 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
34.7 + 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x40,0x02,0x00,0x00,
34.8 + 0x70,0x0e,0x00,0x00,0x48,0x12,0x00,0x00,0x48,0x12,0x00,0x00,0x48,0x32,0x00,
34.9 + 0x00,0x48,0x52,0x00,0xc0,0x48,0x52,0x00,0x20,0x49,0x50,0x00,0x20,0x06,0x50,
34.10 + 0x00,0x40,0x00,0x40,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x02,
34.11 + 0x20,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x08,0x00,0x00,
34.12 + 0x08,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x08,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
34.13 + 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
34.14 +
34.15 +static unsigned char chandopenmask[] = { // cursor bitmap mask
34.16 + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
34.17 + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
34.18 + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
34.19 + 0x00, 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x0f, 0x00,
34.20 + 0x00, 0xf8, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x3f, 0x00,
34.21 + 0x00, 0xf8, 0x7f, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xf8, 0x7f, 0x00, 0xe0, 0xf9, 0x7f, 0x00,
34.22 + 0xe0, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0xc0, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x80, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00,
34.23 + 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x1f, 0x00,
34.24 + 0x00, 0xf8, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x0f, 0x00,
34.25 + 0x00, 0xf0, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
34.26 + 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
34.27 +
35.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
35.2 +++ b/icons/cursorhandopen16.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
35.3 @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
35.4 +static unsigned char chandopen[] = { // cursor bitmap
35.5 + 0x00,0x06,0x00,0x09,0xc0,0x39,0x20,0x29,0x20,0x69,0x20,0xa9,0x20,0xa9,0x22,
35.6 + 0xa9,0x25,0xa1,0x19,0xa0,0x01,0x80,0x02,0x80,0x04,0x80,0x08,0x80,0x10,0x40,
35.7 + 0x20,0x40};
35.8 +
35.9 +static unsigned char chandopenmask[] = { // cursor bitmap mask
35.10 + 0x00,0x06,0x00,0x0f,0xc0,0x3f,0xe0,0x3f,0xe0,0x7f,0xe0,0xff,0xe0,0xff,0xe2,
35.11 + 0xff,0xe7,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xfe,0xff,0xfc,0xff,0xf8,0xff,0xf0,0x7f,
35.12 + 0xe0,0x7f};
35.13 +
36.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
36.2 +++ b/icons/editcopy.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
36.3 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
36.4 +/* XPM */
36.5 +static const char *editcopy_xpm[] = {
36.6 +/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
36.7 +"22 22 8 1",
36.8 +" c Gray100",
36.9 +". c #8b8bfd",
36.10 +"X c #3c3cfd",
36.11 +"o c #000082",
36.12 +"O c Gray0",
36.13 +"+ c None",
36.14 +"@ c Gray0",
36.15 +"# c Gray0",
36.16 +/* pixels */
36.17 +"++++++++++++++++++++++",
36.18 +"++++++++++++++++++++++",
36.19 +"OOOOOOOO++++++++++++++",
36.20 +"O OO+++++++++++++",
36.21 +"O OOOO O O++++++++++++",
36.22 +"O O O+++++++++++",
36.23 +"O OOOO Ooooooooo++++++",
36.24 +"O Oo oo+++++",
36.25 +"O OOOOO o OOOO oXo++++",
36.26 +"O o o.Xo+++",
36.27 +"O OOOOO o OOOO o .Xo++",
36.28 +"O o oooooo+",
36.29 +"O OOOOO o OOOO o+",
36.30 +"O o o+",
36.31 +"O OOOOO o OOOOOOOOO o+",
36.32 +"O o o+",
36.34 +"++++++++o o+",
36.35 +"++++++++o OOOOOOOOO o+",
36.36 +"++++++++o o+",
36.37 +"++++++++ooooooooooooo+",
36.38 +"++++++++++++++++++++++"
36.39 +};
37.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
37.2 +++ b/icons/editcut.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
37.3 @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
37.4 +/* XPM */
37.5 +static const char *editcut_xpm[] = {
37.6 +/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
37.7 +"22 22 4 1",
37.8 +" c Gray100",
37.9 +". c #000082",
37.10 +"X c Gray0",
37.11 +"o c None",
37.12 +/* pixels */
37.13 +"oooooooooooooooooooooo",
37.14 +"oooooooXoooooXoooooooo",
37.15 +"oooooooXoooooXoooooooo",
37.16 +"oooooooXoooooXoooooooo",
37.17 +"oooooooXooooXXoooooooo",
37.18 +"oooooooXXoooXooooooooo",
37.19 +"ooooooooXoooXooooooooo",
37.20 +"ooooooooXXoXXooooooooo",
37.21 +"oooooooooXXXoooooooooo",
37.22 +"oooooooooXXXoooooooooo",
37.23 +"ooooooooooXooooooooooo",
37.24 +"ooooooooo.X.oooooooooo",
37.25 +"oooooooo..o...oooooooo",
37.26 +"ooooooo.o.o.oo.ooooooo",
37.27 +"oooooo.oo.o.ooo.oooooo",
37.28 +"ooooo.ooo.o.oooo.ooooo",
37.29 +"oooo.oooo.o.oooo.ooooo",
37.30 +"oooo.oooo.oo.ooo.ooooo",
37.31 +"oooo.oooo.oo.oo.oooooo",
37.32 +"oooo.ooo.oooo..ooooooo",
37.33 +"ooooo...oooooooooooooo",
37.34 +"oooooooooooooooooooooo"
37.35 +};
38.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
38.2 +++ b/icons/editmovedown.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
38.3 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
38.4 +/* XPM */
38.5 +static const char * editmovedown_xpm[] = {
38.6 +"22 22 2 1",
38.7 +" c None",
38.8 +". c #000000",
38.9 +" ",
38.10 +" ",
38.11 +" ",
38.12 +" ",
38.13 +" .. ",
38.14 +" .. ",
38.15 +" .. ",
38.16 +" .. ",
38.17 +" .. ",
38.18 +" .. ",
38.19 +" .. ",
38.20 +" .. ",
38.21 +" .. ",
38.22 +" .. ",
38.23 +" .. ",
38.24 +" .. .. .. ",
38.25 +" .. .. .. ",
38.26 +" .. .. .. ",
38.27 +" ...... ",
38.28 +" .... ",
38.29 +" ",
38.30 +" "};
39.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
39.2 +++ b/icons/editmoveup.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
39.3 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
39.4 +/* XPM */
39.5 +static const char * editmoveup_xpm[] = {
39.6 +"22 22 2 1",
39.7 +" c None",
39.8 +". c #000000",
39.9 +" ",
39.10 +" ",
39.11 +" ",
39.12 +" ",
39.13 +" .... ",
39.14 +" ...... ",
39.15 +" .. .. .. ",
39.16 +" .. .. .. ",
39.17 +" .. .. .. ",
39.18 +" .. ",
39.19 +" .. ",
39.20 +" .. ",
39.21 +" .. ",
39.22 +" .. ",
39.23 +" .. ",
39.24 +" .. ",
39.25 +" .. ",
39.26 +" .. ",
39.27 +" .. ",
39.28 +" .. ",
39.29 +" ",
39.30 +" "};
40.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
40.2 +++ b/icons/editpaste.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
40.3 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
40.4 +/* XPM */
40.5 +static const char *editpaste_xpm[] = {
40.6 +/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
40.7 +"22 22 8 1",
40.8 +" c Gray100",
40.9 +". c Yellow",
40.10 +"X c #c6c3c6",
40.11 +"o c #848284",
40.12 +"O c #848200",
40.13 +"+ c #000084",
40.14 +"@ c Gray0",
40.15 +"# c None",
40.16 +/* pixels */
40.17 +"######################",
40.18 +"#######@@@@@##########",
40.19 +"##@@@@@@...@@@@@@#####",
40.20 +"#@@@@@@.....@@@@@@####",
40.21 +"@@oOo@@.@@@.@@oOo@@###",
40.22 +"@oOo@XXXXXXXXX@oOo@###",
40.23 +"@OoO@XXXXXXXXX@OoO@###",
40.24 +"@oOo@@@@@@@@@@@oOo@###",
40.25 +"@OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO@###",
40.26 +"@oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo@###",
40.27 +"@OoOoOoO++++++++++@###",
40.28 +"@oOoOoOo+ + +###",
40.29 +"@OoOoOoO+ +++++ + +##",
40.30 +"@oOoOoOo+ + +#",
40.31 +"@OoOoOoO+ +++++ + +",
40.32 +"@oOoOoOo+ ++++++",
40.33 +"@OoOoOoO+ +++++ +",
40.34 +"@oOoOoOo+ +",
40.35 +"@OoOoOoO+ ++++++++++ +",
40.36 +"#@@@@@@@+ +",
40.37 +"########++++++++++++++",
40.38 +"######################"
40.39 +};
41.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
41.2 +++ b/icons/editredo.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
41.3 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
41.4 +/* XPM */
41.5 +static const char *editredo_xpm[] = {
41.6 +/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
41.7 +"22 22 8 1",
41.8 +" c Gray100",
41.9 +". c #848284",
41.10 +"X c #000084",
41.11 +"o c Gray0",
41.12 +"O c None",
41.13 +"+ c Gray0",
41.14 +"@ c Gray0",
41.15 +"# c Gray0",
41.16 +/* pixels */
41.39 +};
42.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
42.2 +++ b/icons/edittrash.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
42.3 @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
42.4 +/* XPM */
42.5 +static const char * edittrash_xpm[] = {
42.6 +"22 22 57 1",
42.7 +" c None",
42.8 +". c #000000",
42.9 +"+ c #505050",
42.10 +"@ c #494949",
42.11 +"# c #373737",
42.12 +"$ c #818181",
42.13 +"% c #101010",
42.14 +"& c #282828",
42.15 +"* c #2F2F2F",
42.16 +"= c #232323",
42.17 +"- c #1F1F1F",
42.18 +"; c #DADADA",
42.19 +"> c #FBFBFB",
42.20 +", c #DCDCDC",
42.21 +"' c #696969",
42.22 +") c #6C6C6C",
42.23 +"! c #747474",
42.24 +"~ c #3C3C3C",
42.25 +"{ c #989898",
42.26 +"] c #B2B2B2",
42.27 +"^ c #949494",
42.28 +"/ c #0F0F0F",
42.29 +"( c #919191",
42.30 +"_ c #EBEBEB",
42.31 +": c #F7F7F7",
42.32 +"< c #B8B8B8",
42.33 +"[ c #565656",
42.34 +"} c #151515",
42.35 +"| c #8B8B8B",
42.36 +"1 c #C2C2C2",
42.37 +"2 c #7E7E7E",
42.38 +"3 c #B4B4B4",
42.39 +"4 c #E4E4E4",
42.40 +"5 c #E9E9E9",
42.41 +"6 c #E0E0E0",
42.42 +"7 c #7B7B7B",
42.43 +"8 c #858585",
42.44 +"9 c #777777",
42.45 +"0 c #4F4F4F",
42.46 +"a c #D7D7D7",
42.47 +"b c #AFAFAF",
42.48 +"c c #A4A4A4",
42.49 +"d c #9F9F9F",
42.50 +"e c #444444",
42.51 +"f c #8A8A8A",
42.52 +"g c #CDCDCD",
42.53 +"h c #A0A0A0",
42.54 +"i c #616161",
42.55 +"j c #242424",
42.56 +"k c #080808",
42.57 +"l c #363636",
42.58 +"m c #BCBCBC",
42.59 +"n c #C6C6C6",
42.60 +"o c #5D5D5D",
42.61 +"p c #585858",
42.62 +"q c #1B1B1B",
42.63 +"r c #313131",
42.64 +" ",
42.65 +" .....+... ",
42.66 +" ....@+#$%&*=- ",
42.67 +" ..;>,'#)!~{]^.. ",
42.68 +" /(_:>;<]<[}|1](2. ",
42.69 +" =(3<;4:5678(|9[0.. ",
42.70 +" }9,abbcdd!9!7)0e. ",
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42.76 +" .fm5(hn7f|0)0*% ",
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42.78 +" .fm5(cn9f|@)0*% ",
42.79 +" .fm5|cn7f|0)0*% ",
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42.83 +" .m4>mmnfd|))p-. ",
42.84 +" .q.cga3hh$[lr. ",
42.85 +" ..l#rrrjq.. "};
43.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
43.2 +++ b/icons/editundo.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
43.3 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
43.4 +/* XPM */
43.5 +static const char *editundo_xpm[] = {
43.6 +/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
43.7 +"22 22 8 1",
43.8 +" c Gray100",
43.9 +". c #848284",
43.10 +"X c #000084",
43.11 +"o c Gray0",
43.12 +"O c None",
43.13 +"+ c Gray0",
43.14 +"@ c Gray0",
43.15 +"# c Gray0",
43.16 +/* pixels */
43.39 +};
44.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
44.2 +++ b/icons/filenew.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
44.3 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
44.4 +/* XPM */
44.5 +static const char *filenew_xpm[] = {
44.6 +/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
44.7 +"22 22 8 1",
44.8 +" c Gray100",
44.9 +". c Gray76",
44.10 +"X c Gray53",
44.11 +"o c Gray36",
44.12 +"O c Gray18",
44.13 +"+ c Gray0",
44.14 +"@ c None",
44.15 +"# c Gray0",
44.16 +/* pixels */
44.17 +"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@",
44.18 +"@@@@++++++++++@@@@@@@@",
44.19 +"@@@@+ +O+@@@@@@@",
44.20 +"@@@@+ +oO+@@@@@@",
44.21 +"@@@@+ +XoO+@@@@@",
44.22 +"@@@@+ +.XoO+@@@@",
44.23 +"@@@@+ + .XoO+@@@",
44.24 +"@@@@+ +++++++@@@",
44.25 +"@@@@+ +@@@",
44.26 +"@@@@+ +@@@",
44.27 +"@@@@+ +@@@",
44.28 +"@@@@+ +@@@",
44.29 +"@@@@+ +@@@",
44.30 +"@@@@+ +@@@",
44.31 +"@@@@+ +@@@",
44.32 +"@@@@+ +@@@",
44.33 +"@@@@+ +@@@",
44.34 +"@@@@+ +@@@",
44.35 +"@@@@+ +@@@",
44.36 +"@@@@+++++++++++++++@@@",
44.37 +"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@",
44.38 +"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"
44.39 +};
45.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
45.2 +++ b/icons/fileopen.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
45.3 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
45.4 +/* XPM */
45.5 +static const char *fileopen_xpm[] = {
45.6 +/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
45.7 +"22 22 8 1",
45.8 +" c Gray100",
45.9 +". c Yellow",
45.10 +"X c #848200",
45.11 +"o c Gray0",
45.12 +"O c None",
45.13 +"+ c Gray0",
45.14 +"@ c Gray0",
45.15 +"# c Gray0",
45.16 +/* pixels */
45.24 +"OooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooO",
45.25 +"o. . ooooooooooOOOOOOO",
45.26 +"o . . . . . . oOOOOOOO",
45.27 +"o. . . . . . .oOOOOOOO",
45.28 +"o . . . . . . oOOOOOOO",
45.29 +"o. . . ooooooooooooooo",
45.30 +"o . . ooXXXXXXXXXXXXoo",
45.31 +"o. . ooXXXXXXXXXXXXooO",
45.32 +"o . ooXXXXXXXXXXXXooOO",
45.33 +"o. ooXXXXXXXXXXXXooOOO",
45.34 +"o ooXXXXXXXXXXXXooOOOO",
45.37 +"oooooooooooooooOOOOOOO",
45.39 +};
46.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
46.2 +++ b/icons/fileprint.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
46.3 @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
46.4 +/* XPM */
46.5 +static const char *fileprint_xpm[] = {
46.6 +/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
46.7 +"22 22 89 1",
46.8 +" c Gray0",
46.9 +". c #101008081010",
46.10 +"X c #101010101010",
46.11 +"o c #101010101818",
46.12 +"O c #181810101818",
46.13 +"+ c #181818181818",
46.14 +"@ c #181818182121",
46.15 +"# c #212118182121",
46.16 +"$ c Gray13",
46.17 +"% c #212121212929",
46.18 +"& c #292921212929",
46.19 +"* c Gray16",
46.20 +"= c #292929293131",
46.21 +"- c #313129293131",
46.22 +"; c #313131313131",
46.23 +": c #313131313939",
46.24 +"> c #393931313939",
46.25 +", c #393939393939",
46.26 +"< c #393939394242",
46.27 +"1 c #424239394242",
46.28 +"2 c Gray26",
46.29 +"3 c #4a4a4a4a5252",
46.30 +"4 c #5a5a52525a5a",
46.31 +"5 c #5a5a5a5a6363",
46.32 +"6 c #6b6b63636b6b",
46.33 +"7 c Gray42",
46.34 +"8 c #6b6b6b6b7373",
46.35 +"9 c #73736b6b7373",
46.36 +"0 c #7b7b73737b7b",
46.37 +"q c #7b7b73738484",
46.38 +"w c #0808ffff0808",
46.39 +"e c #2929ffff2929",
46.40 +"r c #3131ffff3131",
46.41 +"t c #5a5acece5a5a",
46.42 +"y c #6b6bffff6363",
46.43 +"u c #7b7bffff7b7b",
46.44 +"i c #84847b7b8484",
46.45 +"p c #84847b7b8c8c",
46.46 +"a c #8c8c7b7b9494",
46.47 +"s c #848484848c8c",
46.48 +"d c #8c8c84848c8c",
46.49 +"f c Gray55",
46.50 +"g c #8c8c84849494",
46.51 +"h c #8c8c8c8c9494",
46.52 +"j c #94948c8c9494",
46.53 +"k c #94948c8c9c9c",
46.54 +"l c Gray58",
46.55 +"z c #949494949c9c",
46.56 +"x c #9c9c94949c9c",
46.57 +"c c Gray61",
46.58 +"v c #9c9c9494a5a5",
46.59 +"b c #9c9c9c9ca5a5",
46.60 +"n c #a5a59c9ca5a5",
46.61 +"m c #a5a59c9cadad",
46.62 +"M c #adad9c9cadad",
46.63 +"N c #a5a5a5a5a5a5",
46.64 +"B c #a5a5a5a5adad",
46.65 +"V c #adada5a5adad",
46.66 +"C c Gray68",
46.67 +"Z c #adadadadb5b5",
46.68 +"A c #b5b5adadb5b5",
46.69 +"S c Gray71",
46.70 +"D c Gray74",
46.71 +"F c #9494c6c69494",
46.72 +"G c #9c9ccecea5a5",
46.73 +"H c #bdbdd6d6bdbd",
46.74 +"J c #c0c0c0c0c0c0",
46.75 +"K c #c6c6c6c6c6c6",
46.76 +"L c #cecec6c6cece",
46.77 +"P c #cececececece",
46.78 +"I c #cecececed6d6",
46.79 +"U c #d6d6ceced6d6",
46.80 +"Y c #d6d6cecedede",
46.81 +"T c Gray84",
46.82 +"R c #d6d6d6d6dede",
46.83 +"E c #deded6d6dede",
46.84 +"W c Gray87",
46.85 +"Q c #deded6d6e7e7",
46.86 +"! c #dedededee7e7",
46.87 +"~ c #d6d6ffffd6d6",
46.88 +"^ c #e7e7dedee7e7",
46.89 +"/ c #e7e7e7e7e7e7",
46.90 +"( c #e7e7e7e7efef",
46.91 +") c #efefe7e7efef",
46.92 +"_ c #efefefefefef",
46.93 +"` c #e7e7ffffe7e7",
46.94 +"' c Gray97",
46.95 +"] c Gray100",
46.96 +"[ c None",
46.97 +/* pixels */
46.98 +"[[[[[[SDPPPPKKDDCD[[[[",
46.99 +"[[[[[[D_/////___WD[[[[",
46.100 +"[[[[[[DKKKPPKKKKDK[[[[",
46.101 +"[[[[[[SDDDDSDDSSCD[[[[",
46.102 +"[[[[[KCKDKKKDDDKS[[[[[",
46.103 +"[[[[[DDSDDDDDDKKS[[[[[",
46.104 +"[[[[[DSKDDDDDKDKC[[[[[",
46.105 +"[[[[[KDDDDDDDDDDS[[[[[",
46.106 +"[[[[[CP/WWWWWWTWNNZ[[[",
46.107 +"[[[Dc9STPTPTPTWWj427S[",
46.108 +"[[Dziq0000000pag8<%@2N",
46.109 +"[DcE(!ERRRRUYGtFn2##O<",
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46.112 +"BRILITRRW^!E!RHUILhO @",
46.113 +"jAZVBmBnmmNmnmMvzh6o #",
46.114 +"jZZmBnnnbnbbbbvxxg6o +",
46.115 +"lmmnbnbbbvcvxxxvjs6O 3",
46.116 +"jBnnvcvxvcvxvxzjhd8o+C",
46.117 +"lsdgfgdhgdhhjhjkhg6+l[",
46.118 +"S9%@$%&&&=--::>>:-:l[[",
46.119 +"[[C511,:;;;**%++.2c[[["
46.120 +};
47.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
47.2 +++ b/icons/filesave.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
47.3 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
47.4 +/* XPM */
47.5 +static const char *filesave_xpm[] = {
47.6 +/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
47.7 +"22 22 8 1",
47.8 +" c Gray100",
47.9 +". c #cab5d1",
47.10 +"X c #c1c1c1",
47.11 +"o c #848200",
47.12 +"O c Gray0",
47.13 +"+ c None",
47.14 +"@ c Gray0",
47.15 +"# c Gray0",
47.16 +/* pixels */
47.17 +"++++++++++++++++++++++",
47.22 +"+OooOXXX..XXXXXXXOooO+",
47.23 +"+OooOXXX..XXXXXXXOooO+",
47.24 +"+OooOXXXXXXXXXXXXOooO+",
47.25 +"+OooOXXXXXXXXXXXXOooO+",
47.26 +"+OooOXXXXXXXXXXXXOooO+",
47.27 +"+OooOXXXXXXXXXXXXOooO+",
47.28 +"+OoooOOOOOOOOOOOOoooO+",
47.29 +"+OooooooooooooooooooO+",
47.30 +"+OooooooooooooooooooO+",
47.31 +"+OoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOooO+",
47.32 +"+OoooOOOOOOOOOXXXOooO+",
47.33 +"+OoooOOOOOOOOOXXXOooO+",
47.34 +"+OoooOOOOOOOOOXXXOooO+",
47.35 +"+OoooOOOOOOOOOXXXOooO+",
47.36 +"+OoooOOOOOOOOOXXXOooO+",
47.38 +"++++++++++++++++++++++"
47.39 +};
48.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
48.2 +++ b/icons/flag-arrow-down.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
48.3 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
48.4 +/* XPM */
48.5 +static char * flag_arrow_down_xpm[] = {
48.6 +"22 22 3 1",
48.7 +" c None",
48.8 +". c #000000",
48.9 +"+ c #4F54FF",
48.10 +" ",
48.11 +" ",
48.12 +" ",
48.13 +" ",
48.14 +" .+++. ",
48.15 +" .+++. ",
48.16 +" .+++. ",
48.17 +" .+++. ",
48.18 +" .+++. ",
48.19 +" .+++. ",
48.20 +" .+++. ",
48.21 +" .+++. ",
48.22 +" .+++. ",
48.23 +" .+++. ",
48.24 +" ... .+++. ... ",
48.25 +" ......... ",
48.26 +" ....... ",
48.27 +" ..... ",
48.28 +" ... ",
48.29 +" ",
48.30 +" ",
48.31 +" "};
49.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
49.2 +++ b/icons/flag-arrow-up.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
49.3 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
49.4 +/* XPM */
49.5 +static char * flag_arrow_up_xpm[] = {
49.6 +"22 22 3 1",
49.7 +" c None",
49.8 +". c #000000",
49.9 +"+ c #4F54FF",
49.10 +" ",
49.11 +" ",
49.12 +" ",
49.13 +" ",
49.14 +" ... ",
49.15 +" ..... ",
49.16 +" ....... ",
49.17 +" ......... ",
49.18 +" ... .+++. ... ",
49.19 +" .+++. ",
49.20 +" .+++. ",
49.21 +" .+++. ",
49.22 +" .+++. ",
49.23 +" .+++. ",
49.24 +" .+++. ",
49.25 +" .+++. ",
49.26 +" .+++. ",
49.27 +" .+++. ",
49.28 +" .+++. ",
49.29 +" ",
49.30 +" ",
49.31 +" "};
50.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
50.2 +++ b/icons/flag-clock.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
50.3 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
50.4 +/* XPM */
50.5 +static const char * flag_clock_xpm[] = {
50.6 +"22 22 6 1",
50.7 +" c None",
50.8 +". c #000000",
50.9 +"+ c #FFFFFF",
50.10 +"@ c #FF0000",
50.11 +"# c #FCFCFC",
50.12 +"$ c #FDFDFD",
50.13 +" ",
50.14 +" ",
50.15 +" ...... ",
50.16 +" ...+@++... ",
50.17 +" ...+++@++++... ",
50.18 +" .+.++#@+++.++. ",
50.19 +" ..++.+$@++++++.. ",
50.20 +" ..++++$@++++++.. ",
50.21 +" ..+.+++$@+++++.+.. ",
50.22 +" .+++++++@++@@++++. ",
50.23 +" .+++++++@@@@+++++. ",
50.24 +" ....++++@@++++.... ",
50.25 +" .++++++++++++++++. ",
50.26 +" ..++++++++++++++.. ",
50.27 +" .+.++++++++++.+. ",
50.28 +" ..++++++++++++.. ",
50.29 +" .++.++.+++.++. ",
50.30 +" ...+++.++++... ",
50.31 +" ...+.++... ",
50.32 +" ...... ",
50.33 +" ",
50.34 +" "};
51.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
51.2 +++ b/icons/flag-cross-red.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
51.3 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
51.4 +/* XPM */
51.5 +static const char * flag_cross_red_xpm[] = {
51.6 +"22 22 2 1",
51.7 +" c None",
51.8 +". c #FF0000",
51.9 +" ",
51.10 +" ",
51.11 +" ",
51.12 +" ",
51.13 +" ..... ... ",
51.14 +" .... ..... ",
51.15 +" ... ... ",
51.16 +" ....... ",
51.17 +" .... ",
51.18 +" .... ",
51.19 +" ...... ",
51.20 +" .. ... ",
51.21 +" .. ... ",
51.22 +" .. .. ",
51.23 +" ... .. ",
51.24 +" ... ... ",
51.25 +" ... .. ",
51.26 +" ... .. ",
51.27 +" .. . ",
51.28 +" . .. ",
51.29 +" ",
51.30 +" "};
52.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
52.2 +++ b/icons/flag-exclamationmark.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
52.3 @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
52.4 +/* XPM */
52.5 +static const char * flag_exclamationmark_xpm[] = {
52.6 +"14 17 2 1",
52.7 +" c None",
52.8 +". c #FF0000",
52.9 +" . ",
52.10 +" ... ",
52.11 +" ... ",
52.12 +" ... ",
52.13 +" ... ",
52.14 +" ... ",
52.15 +" ... ",
52.16 +" ... ",
52.17 +" ... ",
52.18 +" . ",
52.19 +" . ",
52.20 +" . ",
52.21 +" . ",
52.22 +" ",
52.23 +" . ",
52.24 +" ... ",
52.25 +" . "};
53.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
53.2 +++ b/icons/flag-flash.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
53.3 @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
53.4 +/* XPM */
53.5 +static char * flag_flash_xpm[] = {
53.6 +"22 22 68 1",
53.7 +" c None",
53.8 +". c #FFAC00",
53.9 +"+ c #FEB805",
53.10 +"@ c #FAB605",
53.11 +"# c #F8B105",
53.12 +"$ c #FEAC00",
53.13 +"% c #FEEE18",
53.14 +"& c #FEF51B",
53.15 +"* c #FDF01B",
53.16 +"= c #EFB70B",
53.17 +"- c #E17F01",
53.18 +"; c #FFFF1E",
53.19 +"> c #FFFE1E",
53.20 +", c #FCED1B",
53.21 +"' c #FFF91C",
53.22 +") c #FFFF1C",
53.23 +"! c #FFFF27",
53.24 +"~ c #F1B80A",
53.25 +"{ c #FBB408",
53.26 +"] c #FEFC1D",
53.27 +"^ c #FFFF24",
53.28 +"/ c #FBC60C",
53.29 +"( c #DD7A00",
53.30 +"_ c #EFA210",
53.31 +": c #F6CF15",
53.32 +"< c #F8E51B",
53.33 +"[ c #FCF01A",
53.34 +"} c #FBE217",
53.35 +"| c #F6D313",
53.36 +"1 c #F1C410",
53.37 +"2 c #E27E01",
53.38 +"3 c #F1B209",
53.39 +"4 c #FFF31B",
53.40 +"5 c #FEF31B",
53.41 +"6 c #F1C511",
53.42 +"7 c #D88113",
53.43 +"8 c #F5C40F",
53.44 +"9 c #FFE619",
53.45 +"0 c #FFF71B",
53.46 +"a c #E68500",
53.47 +"b c #FDD814",
53.48 +"c c #FFFC1B",
53.49 +"d c #F5BB0B",
53.50 +"e c #FFDD14",
53.51 +"f c #FFDC14",
53.52 +"g c #F7D213",
53.53 +"h c #FCD412",
53.54 +"i c #FFD412",
53.55 +"j c #FED311",
53.56 +"k c #F0B20C",
53.57 +"l c #CD6200",
53.58 +"m c #CB6B0B",
53.59 +"n c #F0A607",
53.60 +"o c #FFCF10",
53.61 +"p c #F9C00D",
53.62 +"q c #D78205",
53.63 +"r c #DA7100",
53.64 +"s c #F19E06",
53.65 +"t c #FFFF15",
53.66 +"u c #D86A00",
53.67 +"v c #D56A00",
53.68 +"w c #FFD30D",
53.69 +"x c #E28704",
53.70 +"y c #E88C04",
53.71 +"z c #F8AB06",
53.72 +"A c #DA6800",
53.73 +"B c #F49A03",
53.74 +"C c #D06100",
53.75 +" .+@#.. ",
53.76 +" $%&*=- ",
53.77 +" ..;>,- ",
53.78 +" .')!~. ",
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53.81 +" _:<[}|12 ",
53.82 +" ...3456- ",
53.83 +" 7890- ",
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53.86 +" .ghijkl ",
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53.91 +" B-l ",
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53.93 +" -C ",
53.94 +" l ",
53.95 +" - ",
53.96 +" "};
54.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
54.2 +++ b/icons/flag-heart.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
54.3 @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
54.4 +/* XPM */
54.5 +static const char * flag_heart_xpm[] = {
54.6 +"22 22 81 1",
54.7 +" c None",
54.8 +". c #020204",
54.9 +"+ c #B63604",
54.10 +"@ c #D23E04",
54.11 +"# c #C63A04",
54.12 +"$ c #B62E04",
54.13 +"% c #760204",
54.14 +"& c #9D0204",
54.15 +"* c #AA0204",
54.16 +"= c #A23A04",
54.17 +"- c #D65604",
54.18 +"; c #FE6A0C",
54.19 +"> c #FE7A04",
54.20 +", c #FC6204",
54.21 +"' c #F25604",
54.22 +") c #EA2604",
54.23 +"! c #AA2204",
54.24 +"~ c #820204",
54.25 +"{ c #D50204",
54.26 +"] c #B80204",
54.27 +"^ c #2A1604",
54.28 +"/ c #FA8624",
54.29 +"( c #FE9A44",
54.30 +"_ c #FE9E55",
54.31 +": c #FE7E0C",
54.32 +"< c #A22A04",
54.33 +"[ c #EE0204",
54.34 +"} c #FE4A04",
54.35 +"| c #FE3A04",
54.36 +"1 c #E20204",
54.37 +"2 c #BE4204",
54.38 +"3 c #F47E1C",
54.39 +"4 c #FEAA76",
54.40 +"5 c #FEB699",
54.41 +"6 c #FEAE80",
54.42 +"7 c #F05A04",
54.43 +"8 c #BE3204",
54.44 +"9 c #3E0204",
54.45 +"0 c #FE4204",
54.46 +"a c #FE0204",
54.47 +"b c #D24604",
54.48 +"c c #FEB28F",
54.49 +"d c #FE8214",
54.50 +"e c #CE1A04",
54.51 +"f c #160204",
54.52 +"g c #D24A04",
54.53 +"h c #F6821C",
54.54 +"i c #FEA674",
54.55 +"j c #FEA664",
54.56 +"k c #FE8E1C",
54.57 +"l c #FA4E04",
54.58 +"m c #DE0E04",
54.59 +"n c #FE5A04",
54.60 +"o c #FE1A04",
54.61 +"p c #BA3A04",
54.62 +"q c #EA5A04",
54.63 +"r c #FE8624",
54.64 +"s c #FEA27C",
54.65 +"t c #FE8E2C",
54.66 +"u c #FE7608",
54.67 +"v c #FD5604",
54.68 +"w c #FE1204",
54.69 +"x c #F50204",
54.70 +"y c #C20204",
54.71 +"z c #C62A04",
54.72 +"A c #FA7614",
54.73 +"B c #FE0E04",
54.74 +"C c #A63204",
54.75 +"D c #EA5E04",
54.76 +"E c #222204",
54.77 +"F c #AE3E04",
54.78 +"G c #FE0A04",
54.79 +"H c #EA2A04",
54.80 +"I c #BE0204",
54.81 +"J c #AA2604",
54.82 +"K c #FE4604",
54.83 +"L c #860204",
54.84 +"M c #EC1E04",
54.85 +"N c #FE2E04",
54.86 +"O c #C22204",
54.87 +"P c #F60E04",
54.88 +" ",
54.89 +" ..... ..... ",
54.90 +" ..+@@#$. .%&*&%. ",
54.91 +" .=-;>,')!. .~{{{{]&. ",
54.92 +" ^-/(__:')<.%{[}|[1]~.",
54.93 +".23_456_:789*[}0a[[]~.",
54.94 +".b345c4(d,ef{||aaa[]~.",
54.95 +".ghi56jk>lm~[aaaaa[]~.",
54.96 +".b3_c4(:no1*[aaaaa[]~.",
54.97 +".pqrs4tuvwxyaaaaaa[]~.",
54.98 +" .zA__t,lBaaaaaaa[]~. ",
54.99 +" .CDdtk,noaaaaaaa[]~. ",
54.100 +" EFq;d;,|Gaaaaa[{]~. ",
54.101 +" .#Hlu,0Gaaaaa1I~. ",
54.102 +" .J)K,}waaaa[{L. ",
54.103 +" .#)0n|Gaax{~. ",
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54.105 +" .#MNGa1*. ",
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54.108 +" .I. ",
54.109 +" . "};
55.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
55.2 +++ b/icons/flag-hook-green.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
55.3 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
55.4 +/* XPM */
55.5 +static char * flag_hook_green_xpm[] = {
55.6 +"22 22 2 1",
55.7 +" c None",
55.8 +". c #00B700",
55.9 +" ",
55.10 +" ",
55.11 +" ",
55.12 +" ",
55.13 +" .. ",
55.14 +" ... ",
55.15 +" ... ",
55.16 +" ... ",
55.17 +" ... ",
55.18 +" ... ",
55.19 +" ... ... ",
55.20 +" ... .... ",
55.21 +" ... .. ",
55.22 +" ... .. ",
55.23 +" .. .. ",
55.24 +" ... .. ",
55.25 +" .... ",
55.26 +" .... ",
55.27 +" ... ",
55.28 +" ... ",
55.29 +" ",
55.30 +" "};
56.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
56.2 +++ b/icons/flag-lamp.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
56.3 @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
56.4 +/* XPM */
56.5 +static const char * flag_lamp_xpm[] = {
56.6 +"22 22 4 1",
56.7 +" c None",
56.8 +". c #FFF200",
56.9 +"+ c #000000",
56.10 +"@ c #B56503",
56.11 +" . . ",
56.12 +" ... ++++++ .. ",
56.13 +" . +++....+++ .. ",
56.14 +" ++........++ ",
56.15 +" +..........+ ",
56.16 +" ++..........++ ",
56.17 +" +............+ ",
56.18 +"....+............+....",
56.19 +" +............+ ",
56.20 +" ++..........++ ",
56.21 +" +..........+ ",
56.22 +" ..++........++.. ",
56.23 +" .. +++....+++ .. ",
56.24 +".. ++++++ ...",
56.25 +" +@@@@+ ",
56.26 +" +@@@@+ ",
56.27 +" +@@+ ",
56.28 +" +@@+ ",
56.29 +" +@@@@+ ",
56.30 +" ++++ ",
56.31 +" ++ ",
56.32 +" "};
57.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
57.2 +++ b/icons/flag-lifebelt.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
57.3 @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
57.4 +/* XPM */
57.5 +static char * flag_lifebelt_xpm[] = {
57.6 +"22 22 184 2",
57.7 +" c None",
57.8 +". c #EC0000",
57.9 +"+ c #FF8B8B",
57.10 +"@ c #FFFFFF",
57.11 +"# c #DCB3B3",
57.12 +"$ c #6F3737",
57.13 +"% c #979090",
57.14 +"& c #F24343",
57.15 +"* c #FEDCDC",
57.16 +"= c #F9DEDE",
57.17 +"- c #F4C5C5",
57.18 +"; c #F3C2C1",
57.19 +"> c #F4CCCD",
57.20 +", c #FEFEFE",
57.21 +"' c #FDFCFC",
57.22 +") c #FEFDFD",
57.23 +"! c #EEE3E3",
57.24 +"~ c #8E6C6C",
57.25 +"{ c #A47F7F",
57.26 +"] c #F3B8B8",
57.27 +"^ c #F2AEB0",
57.28 +"/ c #FEEADE",
57.29 +"( c #F7DCF5",
57.30 +"_ c #D51374",
57.31 +": c #FF48A5",
57.32 +"< c #F6F1F1",
57.33 +"[ c #FCFFFF",
57.34 +"} c #FF9898",
57.35 +"| c #010000",
57.36 +"1 c #F9FBFB",
57.37 +"2 c #FAECEC",
57.38 +"3 c #E48C88",
57.39 +"4 c #D05970",
57.40 +"5 c #B41300",
57.41 +"6 c #F3F5F2",
57.42 +"7 c #FDFDF9",
57.43 +"8 c #F4D5D5",
57.44 +"9 c #F9A5A5",
57.45 +"0 c #FF2F2F",
57.46 +"a c #AAA2A2",
57.47 +"b c #FBFBFB",
57.48 +"c c #FCFCFC",
57.49 +"d c #FFFEFE",
57.50 +"e c #FCE5F9",
57.51 +"f c #816704",
57.52 +"g c #5A7357",
57.53 +"h c #E3788A",
57.54 +"i c #E37F81",
57.55 +"j c #EF8C8C",
57.56 +"k c #FFA0A0",
57.57 +"l c #C61E1E",
57.58 +"m c #FEFFFF",
57.59 +"n c #F9F9F9",
57.60 +"o c #D00C33",
57.61 +"p c #E88281",
57.62 +"q c #F58181",
57.63 +"r c #EB4343",
57.64 +"s c #8DC5C5",
57.65 +"t c #C9BFBF",
57.66 +"u c #FCFCFB",
57.67 +"v c #FFFEFF",
57.68 +"w c #D4E39F",
57.69 +"x c #8D4307",
57.70 +"y c #DD4C59",
57.71 +"z c #ED605F",
57.72 +"A c #FA4C4C",
57.73 +"B c #856565",
57.74 +"C c #E6DFDF",
57.75 +"D c #F7FDFD",
57.76 +"E c #FDFFFF",
57.77 +"F c #FEFFFA",
57.78 +"G c #C92F30",
57.79 +"H c #E6504F",
57.80 +"I c #FB4444",
57.81 +"J c #AD2828",
57.82 +"K c #EABABA",
57.83 +"L c #F6BFBF",
57.84 +"M c #F2C6C4",
57.85 +"N c #ECB8B9",
57.86 +"O c #B64640",
57.87 +"P c #E25C5B",
57.88 +"Q c #F65454",
57.89 +"R c #CC2929",
57.90 +"S c #F00000",
57.91 +"T c #F30303",
57.92 +"U c #D30B13",
57.93 +"V c #B70900",
57.94 +"W c #C8D1C2",
57.95 +"X c #F3FFFF",
57.96 +"Y c #ECFFFF",
57.97 +"Z c #D8BDBD",
57.98 +"` c #EC2424",
57.99 +" . c #F40303",
57.100 +".. c #D5130E",
57.101 +"+. c #C10813",
57.102 +"@. c #CFCBCD",
57.103 +"#. c #EBEAEA",
57.104 +"$. c #E7EAEA",
57.105 +"%. c #BE8484",
57.106 +"&. c #F86D6D",
57.107 +"*. c #F30202",
57.108 +"=. c #E21613",
57.109 +"-. c #C30201",
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57.115 +"!. c #EF1211",
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57.127 +"|. c #6B0000",
57.128 +"1. c #FA6D68",
57.129 +"2. c #EDFFFF",
57.130 +"3. c #DACECE",
57.131 +"4. c #C7BBBB",
57.132 +"5. c #895454",
57.133 +"6. c #EF0D0D",
57.134 +"7. c #F40101",
57.135 +"8. c #F08585",
57.136 +"9. c #A1B578",
57.137 +"0. c #2F242C",
57.138 +"a. c #F40902",
57.139 +"b. c #D70404",
57.140 +"c. c #E5A5A5",
57.141 +"d. c #E2F6F6",
57.142 +"e. c #D0B4B4",
57.143 +"f. c #FF0000",
57.144 +"g. c #E1CBCB",
57.145 +"h. c #EDFAFA",
57.146 +"i. c #F5F5F5",
57.147 +"j. c #FBFCFA",
57.148 +"k. c #D8AEF0",
57.149 +"l. c #B10002",
57.150 +"m. c #F80000",
57.151 +"n. c #D60A06",
57.152 +"o. c #F30B0B",
57.153 +"p. c #F51010",
57.154 +"q. c #F20000",
57.155 +"r. c #E77878",
57.156 +"s. c #DCE9E9",
57.157 +"t. c #E4E4E4",
57.158 +"u. c #ECECEC",
57.159 +"v. c #EFEFEE",
57.160 +"w. c #F1F2EF",
57.161 +"x. c #FDE6E8",
57.162 +"y. c #DE0202",
57.163 +"z. c #E10D0B",
57.164 +"A. c #F00E0E",
57.165 +"B. c #F20F0F",
57.166 +"C. c #EE0C0C",
57.167 +"D. c #FF2424",
57.168 +"E. c #DAD4D4",
57.169 +"F. c #E6E7E7",
57.170 +"G. c #E8E8E8",
57.171 +"H. c #E9EEEE",
57.172 +"I. c #E9D2D2",
57.173 +"J. c #F20303",
57.174 +"K. c #F20E0E",
57.175 +"L. c #F50A0A",
57.176 +"M. c #D91616",
57.177 +"N. c #BBA4A4",
57.178 +"O. c #E2D4D4",
57.179 +"P. c #E8EEEE",
57.180 +"Q. c #E5F5F5",
57.181 +"R. c #E7CECE",
57.182 +"S. c #E30000",
57.183 +"T. c #E3D5D5",
57.184 +"U. c #AEB1B1",
57.185 +"V. c #B8B1B1",
57.186 +"W. c #AF9E9E",
57.187 +"X. c #DBCACA",
57.188 +"Y. c #CFADAD",
57.189 +"Z. c #DE3B3B",
57.190 +"`. c #9E4E4E",
57.191 +" ",
57.192 +" . + @ @ @ @ @ @ # $ ",
57.193 +" % & * = - ; > , ' ) @ ! ~ ",
57.194 +" { @ ] ^ / ( _ : @ @ , < [ } | ",
57.195 +" @ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 @ 8 9 0 ",
57.196 +" a b c d e f g h i j k l ",
57.197 +" m n @ @ o p q r s ",
57.198 +" t b u v w x y z A B ",
57.199 +" C D E F G H I J ",
57.200 +" K L M N O P Q R ",
57.201 +" S T U V W X Y Z ",
57.202 +" ` ...+. @.#.$.%. ",
57.203 +" &.*.=.-. ;.>.,.'. ",
57.204 +" ).!.~.{. ].^./.(. ",
57.205 +" _.:.<.[.}. |. ",
57.206 +" 9. 0.a.b.c.d.e. ",
57.207 +" f.g.h.i.j.@ @ k.l.m.n.o.p.q.r. ",
57.208 +" s.t.u.v.w.n x.y.z.A.B.C.D. ",
57.209 +" E.F.F.G.H.I.J.K.L.f.M. ",
57.210 +" N.O.P.Q.R.f.f.S.T. ",
57.211 +" U.V.W.X.Y.Z.`. ",
57.212 +" "};
58.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
58.2 +++ b/icons/flag-note.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
58.3 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
58.4 +/* XPM */
58.5 +static const char *flag_note_xpm[] = {
58.6 +/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
58.7 +"14 17 8 1",
58.8 +" c Gray100",
58.9 +". c #8b8bfd",
58.10 +"X c #3c3cfd",
58.11 +"o c #000082",
58.12 +"O c Gray0",
58.13 +"+ c None",
58.14 +"@ c Gray0",
58.15 +"# c Gray0",
58.16 +/* pixels */
58.17 +"++++++++++++++",
58.18 +"oooooooo++++++",
58.19 +"o oo+++++",
58.20 +"o OOOO oXo++++",
58.21 +"o o.Xo+++",
58.22 +"o OOOO o .Xo++",
58.23 +"o oooooo+",
58.24 +"o OOOO o+",
58.25 +"o o+",
58.26 +"o OOOOOOOOO o+",
58.27 +"o o+",
58.28 +"o OOOOOOOOO o+",
58.29 +"o o+",
58.30 +"o OOOOOOOOO o+",
58.31 +"o o+",
58.32 +"ooooooooooooo+",
58.33 +"++++++++++++++"
58.34 +};
59.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
59.2 +++ b/icons/flag-questionmark.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
59.3 @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
59.4 +/* XPM */
59.5 +static const char * flag_questionmark_xpm[] = {
59.6 +"14 17 2 1",
59.7 +" c None",
59.8 +". c #FF0000",
59.9 +" ...... ",
59.10 +" ......... ",
59.11 +" ......... ",
59.12 +" ... ",
59.13 +" ... ",
59.14 +" .... ",
59.15 +" ..... ",
59.16 +" ..... ",
59.17 +" .... ",
59.18 +" .. ",
59.19 +" .. ",
59.20 +" .. ",
59.21 +" .. ",
59.22 +" ",
59.23 +" . ",
59.24 +" ... ",
59.25 +" . "};
60.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
60.2 +++ b/icons/flag-scrolled-right.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
60.3 @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
60.4 +/* XPM */
60.5 +static char * flag_scrolled_right_xpm[] = {
60.6 +"22 22 5 1",
60.7 +" c None",
60.8 +". c #000000",
60.9 +"+ c #FFFFFF",
60.10 +"@ c #898989",
60.11 +"# c #0000FF",
60.12 +" .................. ",
60.13 +" .++++++++++++++.@@@. ",
60.14 +".++++++++++++++.@@@@@.",
60.15 +".++++++++++++++.@@@@@.",
60.16 +".++++++++++++++.@@@@@.",
60.17 +".##++++++++++++..@@@.@",
60.18 +".++#+++++++++++.@...@@",
60.19 +".++#+++++++++++.@@@@@ ",
60.20 +".###+++++++++##.@@@@ ",
60.21 +".++#++....++#++.@@ ",
60.22 +".+++##.++.##+++.@@ ",
60.23 +".++#++....++#++.@@ ",
60.24 +".###+++++++++##.@@ ",
60.25 +".++#+++++++++++.@@ ",
60.26 +".++#+++++++++++.@@ ",
60.27 +".##++++++++++++.@@ ",
60.28 +".++++++++++++++.@@ ",
60.29 +"................@@ ",
60.30 +" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ",
60.31 +" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ",
60.32 +" ",
60.33 +" "};
61.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
61.2 +++ b/icons/flag-smiley-good.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
61.3 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
61.4 +/* XPM */
61.5 +static char * flag_smiley_good_xpm[] = {
61.6 +"22 22 3 1",
61.7 +" c None",
61.8 +". c #000000",
61.9 +"+ c #FFF200",
61.10 +" ",
61.11 +" ",
61.12 +" ...... ",
61.13 +" ...++++... ",
61.14 +" ...++++++++... ",
61.15 +" .++++++++++++. ",
61.16 +" ..++++++++++++.. ",
61.17 +" .++++.++++.++++. ",
61.18 +" ..++++.++++.++++.. ",
61.19 +" .+++++.++++.+++++. ",
61.20 +" .+++++.++++.+++++. ",
61.21 +" .++++++++++++++++. ",
61.22 +" .++.++++++++++.++. ",
61.23 +" ..++.++++++++.++.. ",
61.24 +" .+++.++++++.+++. ",
61.25 +" ..+++......+++.. ",
61.26 +" .++++++++++++. ",
61.27 +" ...++++++++... ",
61.28 +" ...++++... ",
61.29 +" ...... ",
61.30 +" ",
61.31 +" "};
62.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
62.2 +++ b/icons/flag-smiley-sad.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
62.3 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
62.4 +/* XPM */
62.5 +static char * flag_smiley_sad_xpm[] = {
62.6 +"22 22 3 1",
62.7 +" c None",
62.8 +". c #000000",
62.9 +"+ c #FFF200",
62.10 +" ",
62.11 +" ",
62.12 +" ...... ",
62.13 +" ...++++... ",
62.14 +" ...++++++++... ",
62.15 +" .++++++++++++. ",
62.16 +" ..++++++++++++.. ",
62.17 +" .++++.++++.++++. ",
62.18 +" ..++++.++++.++++.. ",
62.19 +" .+++++.++++.+++++. ",
62.20 +" .+++++.++++.+++++. ",
62.21 +" .++++++++++++++++. ",
62.22 +" .++++++++++++++++. ",
62.23 +" ..++++......++++.. ",
62.24 +" .+++.++++++.+++. ",
62.25 +" ..+.++++++++.+.. ",
62.26 +" .++++++++++++. ",
62.27 +" ...++++++++... ",
62.28 +" ...++++... ",
62.29 +" ...... ",
62.30 +" ",
62.31 +" "};
63.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
63.2 +++ b/icons/flag-stopsign.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
63.3 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
63.4 +/* XPM */
63.5 +static const char * flag_stopsign_xpm[] = {
63.6 +"22 22 3 1",
63.7 +" c None",
63.8 +". c #FF0000",
63.9 +"+ c #FFFFFF",
63.10 +" ",
63.11 +" .......... ",
63.12 +" ............ ",
63.13 +" .............. ",
63.14 +" ................ ",
63.15 +" .................. ",
63.16 +" .................. ",
63.17 +" .................. ",
63.18 +" .+++.+++..++..+++. ",
63.19 +" .+....+..+..+.+.+. ",
63.20 +" .+++..+..+..+.+++. ",
63.21 +" ...+..+..+..+.+... ",
63.22 +" .+++..+...++..+... ",
63.23 +" .................. ",
63.24 +" .................. ",
63.25 +" ................ ",
63.26 +" .............. ",
63.27 +" ............ ",
63.28 +" .......... ",
63.29 +" ",
63.30 +" ",
63.31 +" "};
64.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
64.2 +++ b/icons/flag-thumb-down.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
64.3 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
64.4 +/* XPM */
64.5 +static char * flag_thumb_down_xpm[] = {
64.6 +"22 22 3 1",
64.7 +" c None",
64.8 +". c #000000",
64.9 +"+ c #FFCA4F",
64.10 +" .....++++++ ",
64.11 +" .++++.+++++ ",
64.12 +" ......++++++ ",
64.13 +" .+++++.++++++ ",
64.14 +" .++++..++++++ ",
64.15 +" .....++++++++ ",
64.16 +" .+++++.++++++. ",
64.17 +" .+++++.++++++. ",
64.18 +" .....+++++++. ",
64.19 +" .+++++.++++++. ",
64.20 +" .+++++.+++++. ",
64.21 +" .....++++++. ",
64.22 +" .+++.+++++. ",
64.23 +" .....++++. ",
64.24 +" .+++. ",
64.25 +" .++++. ",
64.26 +" .++++. ",
64.27 +" .+++. ",
64.28 +" .++. ",
64.29 +" .++. ",
64.30 +" .++. ",
64.31 +" ... "};
65.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
65.2 +++ b/icons/flag-thumb-up.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
65.3 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
65.4 +/* XPM */
65.5 +static char * flag_thumb_up_xpm[] = {
65.6 +"22 22 3 1",
65.7 +" c None",
65.8 +". c #000000",
65.9 +"+ c #FFCA4F",
65.10 +" ... ",
65.11 +" .++. ",
65.12 +" .++. ",
65.13 +" .++. ",
65.14 +" .+++. ",
65.15 +" .++++. ",
65.16 +" .++++. ",
65.17 +" .+++. ",
65.18 +" .....++++. ",
65.19 +" .+++.+++++. ",
65.20 +" .....++++++. ",
65.21 +" .+++++.+++++. ",
65.22 +" .+++++.++++++. ",
65.23 +" .....+++++++. ",
65.24 +" .+++++.++++++. ",
65.25 +" .+++++.++++++. ",
65.26 +" .....++++++++ ",
65.27 +" .++++..++++++ ",
65.28 +" .+++++.++++++ ",
65.29 +" ......++++++ ",
65.30 +" .++++.+++++ ",
65.31 +" .....++++++ "};
66.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
66.2 +++ b/icons/flag-tmpUnscrolled-right.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
66.3 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
66.4 +/* XPM */
66.5 +static char * flag_tmpUnscrolled_right_xpm[] = {
66.6 +"22 22 6 1",
66.7 +" c None",
66.8 +". c #000000",
66.9 +"+ c #FFFFFF",
66.10 +"@ c #898989",
66.11 +"# c #0037FF",
66.12 +"$ c #FFEE00",
66.13 +" .................. ",
66.14 +" .++++++++++++++.@@@. ",
66.15 +".++++++++++++++.@@@@@.",
66.16 +".++++++++++++++.@@@@@.",
66.17 +".++++++++++++++.@@@@@.",
66.18 +".++++++++++++++..@@@.@",
66.19 +".++++++++++++++.@...@@",
66.20 +".++..........++.@@@@@ ",
66.21 +".++.########.@+.@@@@ ",
66.22 +".++.########.@+.@@ ",
66.23 +".++.$$$$$$$$.@+.@@ ",
66.24 +".+++.$$$$$$.@@+.@@ ",
66.25 +".+++..$$$$.@@++.@@ ",
66.26 +".++++..$$.@@+++.@@ ",
66.27 +".+++++.$$.@@+++.@@ ",
66.28 +".++++.####.@@@+.@@ ",
66.29 +".+++.##$$##.@@+.@@ ",
66.30 +"....########.@..@@ ",
66.31 +" @.###$$###.@@@@@ ",
66.32 +" @.$$$$$$$$.@@@@@ ",
66.33 +" ..........@ ",
66.34 +" @@@@@@@@@@ "};
67.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
67.2 +++ b/icons/flag-url.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
67.3 @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
67.4 +/* XPM */
67.5 +static char * flag_url_xpm[] = {
67.6 +"22 22 197 2",
67.7 +" c None",
67.8 +". c #000000",
67.9 +"+ c #29673B",
67.10 +"@ c #21D167",
67.11 +"# c #010105",
67.12 +"$ c #2A30C6",
67.13 +"% c #040515",
67.14 +"& c #1B626A",
67.15 +"* c #2CFF00",
67.16 +"= c #202496",
67.17 +"- c #211A9D",
67.18 +"; c #1F447C",
67.19 +"> c #273D8B",
67.20 +", c #111E34",
67.21 +"' c #06071E",
67.22 +") c #1C208C",
67.23 +"! c #6D785C",
67.24 +"~ c #24F128",
67.25 +"{ c #1A14A0",
67.26 +"] c #2A3989",
67.27 +"^ c #1800C0",
67.28 +"/ c #20BF14",
67.29 +"( c #2C5B3F",
67.30 +"_ c #1D784E",
67.31 +": c #262BB4",
67.32 +"< c #1E2292",
67.33 +"[ c #363AC6",
67.34 +"} c #3B3FCF",
67.35 +"| c #0C258B",
67.36 +"1 c #3CCC36",
67.37 +"2 c #48E527",
67.38 +"3 c #249058",
67.39 +"4 c #42DC30",
67.40 +"5 c #32934D",
67.41 +"6 c #25976A",
67.42 +"7 c #1A4245",
67.43 +"8 c #0D0F3D",
67.44 +"9 c #181B71",
67.45 +"0 c #5559FF",
67.46 +"a c #5155FF",
67.47 +"b c #6408FF",
67.48 +"c c #28FF20",
67.49 +"d c #19FF11",
67.50 +"e c #51A249",
67.51 +"f c #2AFF00",
67.52 +"g c #2B5648",
67.53 +"h c #060100",
67.54 +"i c #111452",
67.55 +"j c #13177A",
67.56 +"k c #4549E6",
67.57 +"l c #5B5FFF",
67.58 +"m c #000086",
67.59 +"n c #794771",
67.60 +"o c #33E62B",
67.61 +"p c #2EFF00",
67.62 +"q c #20FF08",
67.63 +"r c #28006A",
67.64 +"s c #24BA53",
67.65 +"t c #2428A0",
67.66 +"u c #3539C2",
67.67 +"v c #4C50F5",
67.68 +"w c #3D41D4",
67.69 +"x c #27FF1F",
67.70 +"y c #2BF823",
67.71 +"z c #1D2899",
67.72 +"A c #368253",
67.73 +"B c #27FF1D",
67.74 +"C c #2A953E",
67.75 +"D c #1D2188",
67.76 +"E c #9795B7",
67.77 +"F c #5D61FF",
67.78 +"G c #262AA4",
67.79 +"H c #7A00FF",
67.80 +"I c #00FF05",
67.81 +"J c #74526C",
67.82 +"K c #25FF1D",
67.83 +"L c #73546B",
67.84 +"M c #1DFF15",
67.85 +"N c #0E825D",
67.86 +"O c #25AF4B",
67.87 +"P c #3F47FF",
67.88 +"Q c #040413",
67.89 +"R c #242324",
67.90 +"S c #8785A7",
67.91 +"T c #5357FF",
67.92 +"U c #4B4FF3",
67.93 +"V c #2E31FF",
67.94 +"W c #94AD7A",
67.95 +"X c #32E82A",
67.96 +"Y c #2EF126",
67.97 +"Z c #46BB3E",
67.98 +"` c #31564D",
67.99 +" . c #249659",
67.100 +".. c #1A1D7B",
67.101 +"+. c #080A28",
67.102 +"@. c #010102",
67.103 +"#. c #201F20",
67.104 +"$. c #4F53FA",
67.105 +"%. c #5A5EFF",
67.106 +"&. c #4D64EB",
67.107 +"*. c #40E335",
67.108 +"=. c #20FF00",
67.109 +"-. c #448F3A",
67.110 +";. c #1CFF00",
67.111 +">. c #1B1F8C",
67.112 +",. c #4144BC",
67.113 +"'. c #575BFF",
67.114 +"). c #3A3ECE",
67.115 +"!. c #4E60F0",
67.116 +"~. c #37C073",
67.117 +"{. c #272BA6",
67.118 +"]. c #3E42D5",
67.119 +"^. c #4A4EF0",
67.120 +"/. c #3236BC",
67.121 +"(. c #22269F",
67.122 +"_. c #02020A",
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67.126 +"}. c #5256FF",
67.127 +"|. c #630CFF",
67.128 +"1. c #21FF00",
67.129 +"2. c #5A50FF",
67.130 +"3. c #476D67",
67.131 +"4. c #6339FF",
67.132 +"5. c #211C9C",
67.133 +"6. c #262BB1",
67.134 +"7. c #2227A1",
67.135 +"8. c #3F45FD",
67.136 +"9. c #060606",
67.137 +"0. c #464AE7",
67.138 +"a. c #4E52F9",
67.139 +"b. c #1A00A0",
67.140 +"c. c #39AC6E",
67.141 +"d. c #29FF0B",
67.142 +"e. c #26358C",
67.143 +"f. c #22367A",
67.144 +"g. c #236261",
67.145 +"h. c #112920",
67.146 +"i. c #0B0C32",
67.147 +"j. c #070B7E",
67.148 +"k. c #4044DB",
67.149 +"l. c #565AFF",
67.150 +"m. c #393DCB",
67.151 +"n. c #104858",
67.152 +"o. c #080C63",
67.153 +"p. c #474BEA",
67.154 +"q. c #5E62FF",
67.155 +"r. c #2D31B3",
67.156 +"s. c #237A6B",
67.157 +"t. c #004D21",
67.158 +"u. c #1F744D",
67.159 +"v. c #285D49",
67.160 +"w. c #3F9474",
67.161 +"x. c #3438C1",
67.162 +"y. c #474BE9",
67.163 +"z. c #3135BA",
67.164 +"A. c #4F53FB",
67.165 +"B. c #595DFF",
67.166 +"C. c #244B6E",
67.167 +"D. c #408649",
67.168 +"E. c #24674B",
67.169 +"F. c #16362B",
67.170 +"G. c #11261E",
67.171 +"H. c #0E1270",
67.172 +"I. c #131779",
67.173 +"J. c #4448E2",
67.174 +"K. c #23397A",
67.175 +"L. c #245749",
67.176 +"M. c #2C5C2B",
67.177 +"N. c #AAA59B",
67.178 +"O. c #2328DB",
67.179 +"P. c #0A0E66",
67.180 +"Q. c #676BFF",
67.181 +"R. c #2629A4",
67.182 +"S. c #00001D",
67.183 +"T. c #0D116C",
67.184 +"U. c #2429AD",
67.185 +"V. c #327259",
67.186 +"W. c #3A876A",
67.187 +"X. c #676998",
67.188 +"Y. c #4D51F5",
67.189 +"Z. c #5F63FF",
67.190 +"`. c #252B9F",
67.191 +" + c #212598",
67.192 +".+ c #171862",
67.193 +"++ c #2C654F",
67.194 +"@+ c #112B23",
67.195 +"#+ c #000085",
67.196 +"$+ c #000095",
67.197 +"%+ c #2227A4",
67.198 +"&+ c #030000",
67.199 +"*+ c #000047",
67.200 +"=+ c #353996",
67.201 +"-+ c #373A98",
67.202 +";+ c #313277",
67.203 +">+ c #222894",
67.204 +" . + @ # $ % . . . ",
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67.207 +" < [ } | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . . ",
67.208 +" = 0 [ a b c d e f = g & h i = . . ",
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67.210 +" t u v w a b c x y z A B C = = D $ . . ",
67.211 +"E F G a a a H I J K L M N O = = = P Q . R ",
67.212 +"S T U a a a V W X Y M Z ` .= = ..+.@.. #. ",
67.213 +"S $.%.a a a a &.c *.=.-.;.>.= = = . . . ,. ",
67.214 +"S '.).a a a a !.~.c {.].^./.= = = (._.. #. ",
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67.217 +" j.k.l.m.a n.a o.p.q.r.= s.t.u.v.w.. . ",
67.218 +" /.x.y.a z.A.B.} q.{.).C.D.E.F.. G. ",
67.219 +" 0 [ a a a H.a I.J.= K.L.M.c . ",
67.220 +" N.O.P.Q.R.S.%.T.[.= U.. V.W. ",
67.221 +" X.Y.Z.`.F += = = .+++@+ ",
67.222 +" #+$+= = = %+&+*+. ",
67.223 +" =+=+-+;+>+ ",
67.224 +" ",
67.225 +" "};
68.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
68.2 +++ b/icons/flag-vymlink.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
68.3 @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
68.4 +/* XPM */
68.5 +static const char *flag_vymlink_xpm[] = {
68.6 +/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
68.7 +"22 22 8 1",
68.8 +" c Gray100",
68.9 +". c #848284",
68.10 +"X c #000084",
68.11 +"o c Gray0",
68.12 +"O c None",
68.13 +"+ c Gray0",
68.14 +"@ c Gray0",
68.15 +"# c Gray0",
68.16 +/* pixels */
68.39 +};
69.1 Binary file icons/flags.xcf has changed
70.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
70.2 +++ b/icons/formatcolorbranch.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
70.3 @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
70.4 +/* XPM */
70.5 +static char * formatcolorbranch_xpm[] = {
70.6 +"22 22 7 1",
70.7 +" c None",
70.8 +". c #949194",
70.9 +"+ c #DEDADE",
70.10 +"@ c #000000",
70.11 +"# c #FFFFFF",
70.12 +"$ c #FF0000",
70.13 +"% c #0000FF",
70.14 +" .. ",
70.15 +" .... ",
70.16 +" ..++.. ",
70.17 +" ..+@.. ",
70.18 +" ..@#.. ",
70.19 +" @@##..@$ ",
70.20 +" @##+..+@$$ ",
70.21 +" @##+#@.++@$$ ",
70.22 +" @##+#@+@++.$$$ ",
70.23 +" @##+#++@++..$$$ ",
70.24 +"@##+#+++++..@$$$ ",
70.25 +"@#+#+++++..@ $$$ ",
70.26 +" @#+++++..@ $$$ ",
70.27 +" @#+++..@ $$$ ",
70.28 +" @++..@ $$%%%%%%%",
70.29 +" @..@ $ %%%%%%%",
70.30 +" @@ %% ",
70.31 +" %%%%%% ",
70.32 +" %%%%%% ",
70.33 +" %%% ",
70.34 +" %%%%%%%%",
70.35 +" %%%%%%%"};
71.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
71.2 +++ b/icons/formatcoloritem.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
71.3 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
71.4 +/* XPM */
71.5 +static char * formatcoloritem_xpm[] = {
71.6 +"22 21 7 1",
71.7 +" c None",
71.8 +". c #949194",
71.9 +"+ c #DEDADE",
71.10 +"@ c #000000",
71.11 +"# c #FFFFFF",
71.12 +"$ c #FF0000",
71.13 +"% c #0000FF",
71.14 +" .. ",
71.15 +" .... ",
71.16 +" ..++.. ",
71.17 +" ..+@.. ",
71.18 +" ..@#.. ",
71.19 +" @@##..@$ ",
71.20 +" @##+..+@$$ ",
71.21 +" @##+#@.++@$$ ",
71.22 +" @##+#@+@++.$$$ ",
71.23 +" @##+#++@++..$$$ ",
71.24 +"@##+#+++++..@$$$ ",
71.25 +"@#+#+++++..@ $$$ ",
71.26 +" @#+++++..@ $$$ ",
71.27 +" @#+++..@ $$$ ",
71.28 +" @++..@ $$ ",
71.29 +" @..@ $ ",
71.30 +" @@ ",
71.31 +" ",
71.32 +" ",
71.33 +" %%%%%%%%%%",
71.34 +" %%%%%%%%%%"};
72.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
72.2 +++ b/icons/formatcolorpicker.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
72.3 @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
72.4 +/* XPM */
72.5 +static const char * formatcolorpicker_xpm[] = {
72.6 +"22 22 4 1",
72.7 +" c None",
72.8 +". c #000000",
72.9 +"+ c #949194",
72.10 +"@ c #FFFFFF",
72.11 +" ",
72.12 +" ",
72.13 +" ",
72.14 +" ... ",
72.15 +" ..... ",
72.16 +" ..... ",
72.17 +" ........ ",
72.18 +" ...... ",
72.19 +" +@... ",
72.20 +" +@@@.. ",
72.21 +" +@@@. . ",
72.22 +" +@@@. ",
72.23 +" +@@@. ",
72.24 +" +@@@. ",
72.25 +" +@@@. ",
72.26 +" +@@@. ",
72.27 +" +@@. ",
72.28 +" +@.. ",
72.29 +" . ",
72.30 +" ",
72.31 +" ",
72.32 +" "};
73.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
73.2 +++ b/icons/formatfixedfont.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
73.3 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
73.4 +/* XPM */
73.5 +static const char * formatfixedfont_xpm[] = {
73.6 +"22 22 3 1",
73.7 +" c None",
73.8 +". c #0000FF",
73.9 +"+ c #BC0000",
73.10 +" ",
73.11 +" ",
73.12 +" ",
73.13 +" . . ",
73.14 +" . . ",
73.15 +" . . ",
73.16 +" ....++++++++++..... ",
73.17 +" ++++++++++ . ",
73.18 +" . ++ ++ . ",
73.19 +" . ++ + ++ . ",
73.20 +" . +++++ . ",
73.21 +" . +++++ . ",
73.22 +" . ++ + . ",
73.23 +" . ++ . ",
73.24 +" . ++ . ",
73.25 +" +++++++ . ",
73.26 +" ....+++++++........ ",
73.27 +" . . ",
73.28 +" . . ",
73.29 +" . . ",
73.30 +" ",
73.31 +" "};
74.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
74.2 +++ b/icons/formattextbold.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
74.3 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
74.4 +/* XPM */
74.5 +static const char * formattextbold_xpm[] = {
74.6 +"22 22 2 1",
74.7 +" c None",
74.8 +". c #000000",
74.9 +" ",
74.10 +" ",
74.11 +" ",
74.12 +" ",
74.13 +" ......... ",
74.14 +" ... ... ",
74.15 +" ... ... ",
74.16 +" ... ... ",
74.17 +" ... ... ",
74.18 +" ... ... ",
74.19 +" ........ ",
74.20 +" ... .... ",
74.21 +" ... .... ",
74.22 +" ... ... ",
74.23 +" ... ... ",
74.24 +" ... ... ",
74.25 +" ... ... ",
74.26 +" .......... ",
74.27 +" ",
74.28 +" ",
74.29 +" ",
74.30 +" "};
75.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
75.2 +++ b/icons/formattextcenter.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
75.3 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
75.4 +/* XPM */
75.5 +static const char * formattextcenter_xpm[] = {
75.6 +"22 22 2 1",
75.7 +" c None",
75.8 +". c #000000",
75.9 +" ",
75.10 +" ",
75.11 +" ................. ",
75.12 +" ",
75.13 +" ............. ",
75.14 +" ",
75.15 +" ................. ",
75.16 +" ",
75.17 +" ............. ",
75.18 +" ",
75.19 +" ................. ",
75.20 +" ",
75.21 +" ............. ",
75.22 +" ",
75.23 +" ................. ",
75.24 +" ",
75.25 +" ............. ",
75.26 +" ",
75.27 +" ................. ",
75.28 +" ",
75.29 +" ",
75.30 +" "};
76.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
76.2 +++ b/icons/formattextitalic.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
76.3 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
76.4 +/* XPM */
76.5 +static const char * formattextitalic_xpm[] = {
76.6 +"22 22 2 1",
76.7 +" c None",
76.8 +". c #000000",
76.9 +" ",
76.10 +" ",
76.11 +" ",
76.12 +" ",
76.13 +" ..... ",
76.14 +" ... ",
76.15 +" ... ",
76.16 +" ... ",
76.17 +" ... ",
76.18 +" ... ",
76.19 +" ... ",
76.20 +" ... ",
76.21 +" ... ",
76.22 +" ... ",
76.23 +" ... ",
76.24 +" ... ",
76.25 +" ... ",
76.26 +" ..... ",
76.27 +" ",
76.28 +" ",
76.29 +" ",
76.30 +" "};
77.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
77.2 +++ b/icons/formattextjustify.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
77.3 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
77.4 +/* XPM */
77.5 +static const char * formattextjustify_xpm[] = {
77.6 +"22 22 2 1",
77.7 +" c None",
77.8 +". c #000000",
77.9 +" ",
77.10 +" ",
77.11 +" ................. ",
77.12 +" ",
77.13 +" ................. ",
77.14 +" ",
77.15 +" ................. ",
77.16 +" ",
77.17 +" ................. ",
77.18 +" ",
77.19 +" ................. ",
77.20 +" ",
77.21 +" ................. ",
77.22 +" ",
77.23 +" ................. ",
77.24 +" ",
77.25 +" ................. ",
77.26 +" ",
77.27 +" ............. ",
77.28 +" ",
77.29 +" ",
77.30 +" "};
78.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
78.2 +++ b/icons/formattextleft.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
78.3 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
78.4 +/* XPM */
78.5 +static const char * formattextleft_xpm[] = {
78.6 +"22 22 2 1",
78.7 +" c None",
78.8 +". c #000000",
78.9 +" ",
78.10 +" ",
78.11 +" ................. ",
78.12 +" ",
78.13 +" ............. ",
78.14 +" ",
78.15 +" ................. ",
78.16 +" ",
78.17 +" ............. ",
78.18 +" ",
78.19 +" ................. ",
78.20 +" ",
78.21 +" ............. ",
78.22 +" ",
78.23 +" ................. ",
78.24 +" ",
78.25 +" ............. ",
78.26 +" ",
78.27 +" ................. ",
78.28 +" ",
78.29 +" ",
78.30 +" "};
79.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
79.2 +++ b/icons/formattextright.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
79.3 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
79.4 +/* XPM */
79.5 +static const char * formattextright_xpm[] = {
79.6 +"22 22 2 1",
79.7 +" c None",
79.8 +". c #000000",
79.9 +" ",
79.10 +" ",
79.11 +" ................. ",
79.12 +" ",
79.13 +" ............. ",
79.14 +" ",
79.15 +" ................. ",
79.16 +" ",
79.17 +" ............. ",
79.18 +" ",
79.19 +" ................. ",
79.20 +" ",
79.21 +" ............. ",
79.22 +" ",
79.23 +" ................. ",
79.24 +" ",
79.25 +" ............. ",
79.26 +" ",
79.27 +" ................. ",
79.28 +" ",
79.29 +" ",
79.30 +" "};
80.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
80.2 +++ b/icons/formattextunder.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
80.3 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
80.4 +/* XPM */
80.5 +static const char * formattextunder_xpm[] = {
80.6 +"22 22 2 1",
80.7 +" c None",
80.8 +". c #000000",
80.9 +" ",
80.10 +" ",
80.11 +" ",
80.12 +" ",
80.13 +" ..... .... ",
80.14 +" ... . ",
80.15 +" ... . ",
80.16 +" ... . ",
80.17 +" ... . ",
80.18 +" ... . ",
80.19 +" ... . ",
80.20 +" ... . ",
80.21 +" ... . ",
80.22 +" ... . ",
80.23 +" ... .. ",
80.24 +" ... .. ",
80.25 +" ...... ",
80.26 +" ",
80.27 +" ............ ",
80.28 +" ",
80.29 +" ",
80.30 +" "};
81.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
81.2 +++ b/icons/formatvarfont.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
81.3 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
81.4 +/* XPM */
81.5 +static const char * formatvarfont_xpm[] = {
81.6 +"22 22 3 1",
81.7 +" c None",
81.8 +". c #0000FF",
81.9 +"+ c #00B200",
81.10 +" ",
81.11 +" ",
81.12 +" ",
81.13 +" . . ",
81.14 +" . . ",
81.15 +" . . ",
81.16 +" ....++++..++++..... ",
81.17 +" .++ ++ . ",
81.18 +" .++ +++ . ",
81.19 +" . ++ ++ . ",
81.20 +" . ++ ++ . ",
81.21 +" . ++ ++ . ",
81.22 +" . ++ ++ . ",
81.23 +" . ++ ++ . ",
81.24 +" . ++++ . ",
81.25 +" . +++ . ",
81.26 +" .......++.......... ",
81.27 +" . . ",
81.28 +" . . ",
81.29 +" . . ",
81.30 +" ",
81.31 +" "};
82.1 Binary file icons/icons.xcf has changed
83.1 Binary file icons/mouse.xcf has changed
84.1 Binary file icons/mouse16.xcf has changed
85.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
85.2 +++ b/icons/viewzoomin.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
85.3 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
85.4 +/* XPM */
85.5 +static const char * viewzoomin_xpm[] = {
85.6 +"22 22 6 1",
85.7 +" c None",
85.8 +". c #000000",
85.9 +"+ c #949194",
85.10 +"@ c #DEDADE",
85.11 +"# c #FFFFFF",
85.12 +"$ c #D5D6D5",
85.13 +" ",
85.14 +" ",
85.15 +" ",
85.16 +" ",
85.17 +" .... ",
85.18 +" +.@##$.+ ",
85.19 +" .##++##.+ ",
85.20 +" .@#+####@. ",
85.21 +" .#+######.+ ",
85.22 +" .########.+ ",
85.23 +" .@######@.+ ",
85.24 +" .######.++ ",
85.25 +" ...@##@.++ ",
85.26 +" ...+....++ ",
85.27 +" ...++ ++++ ",
85.28 +" ...++ ",
85.29 +" ...++ . ",
85.30 +" ...++ . ",
85.31 +" +.++ ..... ",
85.32 +" ++ . ",
85.33 +" . ",
85.34 +" "};
86.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
86.2 +++ b/icons/viewzoomout.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
86.3 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
86.4 +/* XPM */
86.5 +static const char * viewzoomout_xpm[] = {
86.6 +"22 22 6 1",
86.7 +" c None",
86.8 +". c #000000",
86.9 +"+ c #949194",
86.10 +"@ c #DEDADE",
86.11 +"# c #FFFFFF",
86.12 +"$ c #D5D6D5",
86.13 +" ",
86.14 +" ",
86.15 +" ",
86.16 +" ",
86.17 +" .... ",
86.18 +" +.@##$.+ ",
86.19 +" .##++##.+ ",
86.20 +" .@#+####@. ",
86.21 +" .#+######.+ ",
86.22 +" .########.+ ",
86.23 +" .@######@.+ ",
86.24 +" .######.++ ",
86.25 +" ...@##@.++ ",
86.26 +" ...+....++ ",
86.27 +" ...++ ++++ ",
86.28 +" ...++ ",
86.29 +" ...++ ",
86.30 +" ...++ ",
86.31 +" +.++ ..... ",
86.32 +" ++ ",
86.33 +" ",
86.34 +" "};
87.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
87.2 +++ b/icons/viewzoomreset.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
87.3 @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
87.4 +/* XPM */
87.5 +static const char * viewzoomreset_xpm[] = {
87.6 +"22 22 26 1",
87.7 +" c None",
87.8 +". c #000000",
87.9 +"+ c #949194",
87.10 +"@ c #DEDADE",
87.11 +"# c #FFFFFF",
87.12 +"$ c #D5D6D5",
87.13 +"% c #FF0000",
87.14 +"& c #FFACAC",
87.15 +"* c #FFB2B2",
87.16 +"= c #EB8285",
87.17 +"- c #C94849",
87.18 +"; c #FF8B8B",
87.19 +"> c #FF7D7D",
87.20 +", c #FFE8E8",
87.21 +"' c #FF1E1E",
87.22 +") c #1C0000",
87.23 +"! c #FF9E9E",
87.24 +"~ c #FF6F6F",
87.25 +"{ c #E0C6C9",
87.26 +"] c #680000",
87.27 +"^ c #CE4143",
87.28 +"/ c #0C0000",
87.29 +"( c #EB1A1A",
87.30 +"_ c #460000",
87.31 +": c #D13D3F",
87.32 +"< c #5A0000",
87.33 +" ",
87.34 +" ",
87.35 +" ",
87.36 +" ",
87.37 +" .... ",
87.38 +" +.@##$.+ ",
87.39 +" %%%&#++*%%+ ",
87.40 +" .=%-#%%#@. ",
87.41 +" .#+;%%###.+ ",
87.42 +" .##>%%,##.+ ",
87.43 +" .@#%#%'#@.+ ",
87.44 +" )%!#~%#.++ ",
87.45 +" .%%@##{%++ ",
87.46 +" .]%^.../%( ",
87.47 +" ._%:+ ++++% ",
87.48 +" ..<++ % ",
87.49 +" ...++ ",
87.50 +" ...++ ",
87.51 +" +.++ ",
87.52 +" ++ ",
87.53 +" ",
87.54 +" "};
88.1 Binary file icons/vym-16x16.png has changed
89.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
89.2 +++ b/icons/vym-16x16.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
89.3 @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
89.4 +/* XPM */
89.5 +static char * vym_16x16_xpm[] = {
89.6 +"16 16 13 1",
89.7 +" c None",
89.8 +". c #0026FF",
89.9 +"+ c #CC0833",
89.10 +"@ c #FF0000",
89.11 +"# c #801380",
89.12 +"$ c #5519AA",
89.13 +"% c #8E1171",
89.14 +"& c #1C22E3",
89.15 +"* c #71158E",
89.16 +"= c #990F66",
89.17 +"- c #C60839",
89.18 +"; c #391EC6",
89.19 +"> c #6D1692",
89.20 +" ",
89.21 +" ...+ ",
89.22 +" @ #$%&$*= ",
89.23 +" ...%$.. ",
89.24 +" ..*%&.. ",
89.25 +" ..*.**-@ ",
89.26 +" @%*;.... ",
89.27 +" >%...... ",
89.28 +" ...... ",
89.29 +" ..... ",
89.30 +" ..... ",
89.31 +" .... ",
89.32 +" .... ",
89.33 +" ",
89.34 +" ",
89.35 +" "};
90.1 Binary file icons/vym-32x32.png has changed
91.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
91.2 +++ b/icons/vym-32x32.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
91.3 @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
91.4 +/* XPM */
91.5 +static char * vym_32x32_xpm[] = {
91.6 +"32 32 13 1",
91.7 +" c None",
91.8 +". c #FF0000",
91.9 +"+ c #0026FF",
91.10 +"@ c #5519AA",
91.11 +"# c #BF0940",
91.12 +"$ c #AA0D55",
91.13 +"% c #C60839",
91.14 +"& c #8E1171",
91.15 +"* c #391EC6",
91.16 +"= c #1C22E3",
91.17 +"- c #71158E",
91.18 +"; c #E3041C",
91.19 +"> c #DB0524",
91.20 +" ",
91.21 +" ..... ",
91.22 +" ... ",
91.23 +" .. +++++++@. ",
91.24 +" .......#$$%&+++*&%#..... ",
91.25 +" .. +++=%-+*;@=+ ",
91.26 +" .. +++++$+;*+++ ",
91.27 +" +++++;$*++++ ",
91.28 +" ++++$%@++++++ ",
91.29 +" +++*;@%-+++++ ... ",
91.30 +" +++@@++$;@@@%.. ",
91.31 +" ++++%@+++*@%.... ",
91.32 +" ..... @=+*$+++++++++ .. ",
91.33 +" ...%$;*+++++++++ ",
91.34 +" ..>*&%++++++++++++ ",
91.35 +" -%=++++++++++++ ",
91.36 +" ...+++++++++++++ ",
91.37 +" ... +++++++++++ ",
91.38 +" +++++++++++ ",
91.39 +" ++++++++++ ",
91.40 +" +++++++++++ ",
91.41 +" +++++++++ ",
91.42 +" +++++++ ",
91.43 +" ++++++ ",
91.44 +" ++++++ ",
91.45 +" ++++++ ",
91.46 +" ++++ ",
91.47 +" ",
91.48 +" ",
91.49 +" ",
91.50 +" ",
91.51 +" "};
92.1 Binary file icons/vym-48x48.png has changed
93.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
93.2 +++ b/icons/vym-48x48.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
93.3 @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
93.4 +/* XPM */
93.5 +static char * vym_logo_xpm[] = {
93.6 +"48 48 3 1",
93.7 +" c None",
93.8 +". c #FF0000",
93.9 +"+ c #0026FF",
93.10 +" ",
93.11 +" ",
93.12 +" ......... ",
93.13 +" .... ",
93.14 +" ++++++++++ . ",
93.15 +" .... ++++++++++++.. ",
93.16 +" ... ..............++++++++............ ",
93.17 +" ... +++++..+++++...++ ",
93.18 +" ... +++++++..+++..++++ ",
93.19 +" .... ++++++++.++..++++++ ",
93.20 +" ++++++++.++.+++++++ ",
93.21 +" ++++++++...++++++++ ",
93.22 +" +++++++..+++++++++++ ",
93.23 +" +++++++....+++++++++ ",
93.24 +" +++++..++..++++++++ ...... ",
93.25 +" +++++.++++...+++++.... ",
93.26 +" ++++++.++++++....... ",
93.27 +" ++++++..+++++++++....... ",
93.28 +" ........ ++++++.++++++++++++++ ..... ",
93.29 +" ......+++..++++++++++++++ ",
93.30 +" ........+++++++++++++++ ",
93.31 +" .....++..++++++++++++++++++ ",
93.32 +" ..... ++..+++++++++++++++++++ ",
93.33 +" +..++++++++++++++++++++ ",
93.34 +" ....++++++++++++++++++++ ",
93.35 +" ..... +++++++++++++++++ ",
93.36 +" .... +++++++++++++++++ ",
93.37 +" ++++++++++++++++ ",
93.38 +" ++++++++++++++++ ",
93.39 +" ++++++++++++++++ ",
93.40 +" ++++++++++++++++ ",
93.41 +" +++++++++++++++ ",
93.42 +" ++++++++++++++ ",
93.43 +" +++++++++++ ",
93.44 +" ++++++++++ ",
93.45 +" ++++++++++ ",
93.46 +" ++++++++++ ",
93.47 +" ++++++++++ ",
93.48 +" +++++++++ ",
93.49 +" +++++++ ",
93.50 +" ",
93.51 +" ",
93.52 +" ",
93.53 +" ",
93.54 +" ",
93.55 +" ",
93.56 +" ",
93.57 +" "};
94.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
94.2 +++ b/icons/vym-editor.xpm Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
94.3 @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
94.4 +/* XPM */
94.5 +static char * vym_editor_xpm[] = {
94.6 +"48 48 8 1",
94.7 +" c None",
94.8 +". c #FF0000",
94.9 +"+ c #0026FF",
94.10 +"@ c #FFFFFF",
94.11 +"# c #000082",
94.12 +"$ c #000000",
94.13 +"% c #3C3CFD",
94.14 +"& c #8B8BFD",
94.15 +" ",
94.16 +" ",
94.17 +" ......... ",
94.18 +" .... ",
94.19 +" ++++++++++ . ",
94.20 +" .... ++++++++++++.. ",
94.21 +" ... ..............++++++++............ ",
94.22 +" ... +++++..+++++...++ ",
94.23 +" ... +++++++..+++..++++ ",
94.24 +" .... ++++++++.++..++++++ ",
94.25 +" ++++++++.++.+++++++ ",
94.26 +" ++++++++...++++++++ ",
94.27 +" +++++++..+++++++++++ ",
94.28 +" +++++++....+++++++++ ",
94.29 +" +++++..++..++++++++ ...... ",
94.30 +" +++++.++++...+++++.... ",
94.31 +" ++++++.++++++....... ",
94.32 +" ++++++..+++++++++....... ",
94.33 +" ........ ++++++.++++++++++++++ ..... ",
94.34 +" ......+++..++++++++++++++ ",
94.35 +" ........+++++++++++++++ ",
94.36 +" .....++..++++++++++++++++++ ",
94.37 +" ..... ++..+++++++++++++++++++ ",
94.38 +" +..++++++++++++++++++++ ",
94.39 +" ....++++++++++++++++++++ ",
94.40 +" ..... +++++++++++++++++ ",
94.41 +" .... +++++++++++++++++ ",
94.42 +" ++++++++++++++@@ ",
94.43 +" ++++++++++++++######## ",
94.44 +" +++++++++++++++#@@@@@@## ",
94.45 +" +++++++++++++++#@$$$$@#%# ",
94.46 +" +++++++++++++++#@@@@@@#&%# ",
94.47 +" ++++++++++++++#@$$$$@#@&%# ",
94.48 +" +++++++++++#@@@@@@###### ",
94.49 +" ++++++++++#@$$$$@@@@@@# ",
94.50 +" ++++++++++#@@@@@@@@@@@# ",
94.51 +" ++++++++++#@$$$$$$$$$@# ",
94.52 +" ++++++++++#@@@@@@@@@@@# ",
94.53 +" +++++++++#@$$$$$$$$$@# ",
94.54 +" +++++++ #@@@@@@@@@@@# ",
94.55 +" #@$$$$$$$$$@# ",
94.56 +" #@@@@@@@@@@@# ",
94.57 +" ############# ",
94.58 +" ",
94.59 +" ",
94.60 +" ",
94.61 +" ",
94.62 +" "};
95.1 Binary file icons/vym.png has changed
96.1 Binary file icons/vym.xcf has changed
97.1 Binary file icons/wiki.xcf has changed
98.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
98.2 +++ b/imageobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
98.3 @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
98.4 +#include "imageobj.h"
98.5 +
98.6 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
98.7 +// ImageObj
98.8 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
98.9 +ImageObj::ImageObj( QCanvas *canvas )
98.10 + : QCanvasRectangle( canvas )
98.11 +{
98.12 +// cout << "Const ImageObj (canvas)\n";
98.13 + setZ(Z_ICON);
98.14 + type=undef;
98.15 +}
98.16 +
98.17 +ImageObj::~ImageObj()
98.18 +{
98.19 +// cout << "Destr ImageObj\n";
98.20 +}
98.21 +
98.22 +void ImageObj::copy(ImageObj* other)
98.23 +{
98.24 + setSize (other->width(), other->height() );
98.25 + setVisibility (other->isVisible() );
98.26 + type=other->type;
98.27 +// if (type==qimage)
98.28 + image=other->image;
98.29 +// if (type==qpixmap)
98.30 + pixmap=other->pixmap;
98.31 +}
98.32 +
98.33 +void ImageObj::setVisibility (bool v)
98.34 +{
98.35 + if (v)
98.36 + show();
98.37 + else
98.38 + hide();
98.39 +}
98.40 +
98.41 +void ImageObj::save(const QString &fn, const char *format)
98.42 +{
98.43 + switch (type)
98.44 + {
98.45 + case undef: qWarning("undef");break;
98.46 + case qimage: image.save (fn,format,-1);break;
98.47 + case qpixmap: pixmap.save (fn,format,-1);break;
98.48 + }
98.49 +}
98.50 +
98.51 +bool ImageObj::load (const QString &fn)
98.52 +{
98.53 + if (!image.load( fn) )
98.54 + //cout << "Fatal Error in ImageObj::load ("<<fn<<")\n";
98.55 + return false;
98.56 + setSize( image.width(), image.height() );
98.57 + type=qimage;
98.58 +
98.59 +#if !defined(Q_WS_QWS)
98.60 + pixmap.convertFromImage(image, OrderedAlphaDither);
98.61 +#endif
98.62 + return true;
98.63 +}
98.64 +
98.65 +bool ImageObj::load (QPixmap pm)
98.66 +{
98.67 +#if !defined(Q_WS_QWS)
98.68 + //pixmap.convertFromImage(image, OrderedAlphaDither);
98.69 + type=qpixmap;
98.70 + pixmap=pm;
98.71 + setSize( pm.width(), pm.height() );
98.72 +#else
98.73 + type=qimage;
98.74 + image=pm;
98.75 + setSize( image.width(), image.height() );
98.76 +#endif
98.77 + return true;
98.78 +}
98.79 +
98.80 +void ImageObj::setImage(QImage img)
98.81 +{
98.82 + type=qimage;
98.83 + image=img;
98.84 + pixmap.convertFromImage(image, OrderedAlphaDither);
98.85 +}
98.86 +
98.87 +QPixmap ImageObj::getPixmap()
98.88 +{
98.89 + return pixmap;
98.90 +}
98.91 +
98.92 +void ImageObj::drawShape( QPainter &p )
98.93 +{
98.94 +// On Qt/Embedded, we can paint a QImage as fast as a QPixmap,
98.95 +// but on other platforms, we need to use a QPixmap.
98.96 +#if defined(Q_WS_QWS)
98.97 + p.drawImage( int(x()), int(y()), image, 0, 0, -1, -1, OrderedAlphaDither );
98.98 +#else
98.99 + p.drawPixmap( int(x()), int(y()), pixmap );
98.100 +#endif
98.101 +}
98.102 +
98.103 +
99.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
99.2 +++ b/imageobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
99.3 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
99.4 +#ifndef IMAGEOBJ_H
99.5 +#define IMAGEOBJ_H
99.6 +
99.7 +#include <qimage.h>
99.8 +#include <qcanvas.h>
99.9 +#include <qpainter.h>
99.10 +
99.11 +#include "mapobj.h"
99.12 +
99.13 +enum ImageType {qimage,qpixmap,undef};
99.14 +
99.15 +class ImageObj: public QCanvasRectangle
99.16 +{
99.17 +public:
99.18 + ImageObj( QCanvas *canvas );
99.19 + ~ImageObj();
99.20 + virtual void copy (ImageObj*);
99.21 + virtual void setVisibility(bool);
99.22 + void save (const QString &, const char *);
99.23 + bool load (const QString &);
99.24 + bool load (QPixmap);
99.25 + void setImage(QImage img);
99.26 + QPixmap getPixmap();
99.27 +protected:
99.28 + void drawShape( QPainter & );
99.29 +private:
99.30 + QImage image;
99.31 + QPixmap pixmap;
99.32 + ImageType type;
99.33 +};
99.34 +#endif
100.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
100.2 +++ b/linkablemapobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
100.3 @@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
100.4 +//#include <math.h>
100.5 +
100.6 +#include "linkablemapobj.h"
100.7 +#include "branchobj.h"
100.8 +#include "mapeditor.h"
100.9 +
100.10 +#include "version.h"
100.11 +
100.12 +
100.13 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
100.14 +// LinkableMapObj
100.15 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
100.16 +
100.17 +LinkableMapObj::LinkableMapObj():MapObj()
100.18 +{
100.19 + // cout << "Const LinkableMapObj ()\n";
100.20 + init ();
100.21 +}
100.22 +
100.23 +LinkableMapObj::LinkableMapObj(QCanvas* c) :MapObj(c)
100.24 +{
100.25 +// cout << "Const LinkableMapObj\n";
100.26 + init ();
100.27 +}
100.28 +
100.29 +LinkableMapObj::LinkableMapObj (LinkableMapObj* lmo) : MapObj (lmo->canvas)
100.30 +{
100.31 + copy (lmo);
100.32 +}
100.33 +
100.34 +LinkableMapObj::~LinkableMapObj()
100.35 +{
100.36 + delete (bottomline);
100.37 + delete (selbox);
100.38 + delete (frame);
100.39 + delLink();
100.40 +}
100.41 +
100.42 +void LinkableMapObj::delLink()
100.43 +{
100.44 + switch (style)
100.45 + {
100.46 + case StyleLine:
100.47 + delete (l);
100.48 + break;
100.49 + case StyleParabel:
100.50 + segment.clear();
100.51 + break;
100.52 + case StylePolyLine:
100.53 + delete (p);
100.54 + delete (l);
100.55 + break;
100.56 + case StylePolyParabel:
100.57 + delete (p);
100.58 + segment.clear();
100.59 + break;
100.60 + default:
100.61 + break;
100.62 + }
100.63 +}
100.64 +
100.65 +void LinkableMapObj::init ()
100.66 +{
100.67 + depth=-1;
100.68 + childObj=NULL;
100.69 + parObj=NULL;
100.70 + parObjTmpBuf=NULL;
100.71 + parPos=QPoint(0,0);
100.72 + childPos=QPoint(0,0);
100.73 + link2ParPos=false;
100.74 + l=NULL;
100.75 + orientation=OrientUndef;
100.76 + linkwidth=20;
100.77 + thickness_start=8;
100.78 + style=StyleUndef;
100.79 + linkpos=LinkBottom;
100.80 + segment.setAutoDelete (TRUE);
100.81 + arcsegs=13;
100.82 + QPointArray pa(arcsegs*2+2);
100.83 +
100.84 + bottomline=new QCanvasLine(canvas);
100.85 + bottomline->setPen( QPen(linkcolor, 1) );
100.86 + bottomline->setZ(Z_LINK);
100.87 + bottomline->show();
100.88 +
100.89 + // Prepare showing the selection of a MapObj
100.90 + selbox = new QCanvasRectangle (canvas);
100.91 + selbox->setZ(Z_SELBOX);
100.92 + selbox->setBrush( QColor(255,255,0) );
100.93 + selbox->setPen( QPen(QColor(255,255,0) ));
100.94 + selbox->hide();
100.95 + selected=false;
100.96 +
100.97 + // initialize frame
100.98 + frame = new FrameObj (canvas);
100.99 +
100.100 + repositionRequest=false;
100.101 +}
100.102 +
100.103 +void LinkableMapObj::copy (LinkableMapObj* other)
100.104 +{
100.105 + MapObj::copy(other);
100.106 + bboxTotal=other->bboxTotal;
100.107 +// linkwidth=other->linkwidth;
100.108 +
100.109 + setLinkStyle(other->style);
100.110 + setLinkColor (other->linkcolor);
100.111 +}
100.112 +
100.113 +void LinkableMapObj::setChildObj(LinkableMapObj* o)
100.114 +{
100.115 + childObj=o;
100.116 +}
100.117 +
100.118 +void LinkableMapObj::setParObj(LinkableMapObj* o)
100.119 +{
100.120 + parObj=o;
100.121 + mapEditor=parObj->getMapEditor();
100.122 +}
100.123 +
100.124 +void LinkableMapObj::setParObjTmp(LinkableMapObj*,QPoint,int)
100.125 +{
100.126 +}
100.127 +
100.128 +void LinkableMapObj::unsetParObjTmp()
100.129 +{
100.130 +}
100.131 +
100.132 +LinkStyle LinkableMapObj::getDefLinkStyle ()
100.133 +{
100.134 + LinkStyle ls=mapEditor->getLinkStyle();
100.135 + switch (ls)
100.136 + {
100.137 + case StyleLine:
100.138 + return ls;
100.139 + break;
100.140 + case StyleParabel:
100.141 + return ls;
100.142 + break;
100.143 + case StylePolyLine:
100.144 + if (depth>1)
100.145 + return StyleLine;
100.146 + else
100.147 + return ls;
100.148 + break;
100.149 + case StylePolyParabel:
100.150 + if (depth>1)
100.151 + return StyleParabel;
100.152 + else
100.153 + return ls;
100.154 + break;
100.155 + default:
100.156 + break;
100.157 + }
100.158 + return StyleUndef;
100.159 +}
100.160 +
100.161 +void LinkableMapObj::setLinkStyle(LinkStyle newstyle)
100.162 +{
100.163 + delLink();
100.164 +
100.165 + style=newstyle;
100.166 +
100.167 + if (childObj!=NULL && parObj != NULL)
100.168 + {
100.169 + int i;
100.170 + QCanvasLine* cl;
100.171 + switch (style)
100.172 + {
100.173 + case StyleUndef:
100.174 + bottomline->hide();
100.175 + break;
100.176 + case StyleLine:
100.177 + l = new QCanvasLine(canvas);
100.178 + l->setPen( QPen(linkcolor, 1) );
100.179 + l->setZ(Z_LINK);
100.180 + if (visible)
100.181 + l->show();
100.182 + else
100.183 + l->hide();
100.184 + break;
100.185 + case StyleParabel:
100.186 + for (i=0;i<arcsegs;i++)
100.187 + {
100.188 + cl = new QCanvasLine(canvas);
100.189 + cl->setPen( QPen(linkcolor, 1) );
100.190 + cl->setPoints( 0,0,i*10,100);
100.191 + cl->setZ(Z_LINK);
100.192 + if (visible)
100.193 + cl->show();
100.194 + else
100.195 + cl->hide();
100.196 + segment.append(cl);
100.197 + }
100.198 + pa0.resize (arcsegs+1);
100.199 + break;
100.200 + case StylePolyLine:
100.201 + p = new QCanvasPolygon(canvas);
100.202 + p->setBrush( linkcolor );
100.203 + p->setZ(Z_LINK);
100.204 + if (visible)
100.205 + p->show();
100.206 + else
100.207 + p->hide();
100.208 + pa0.resize (3);
100.209 + // TODO
100.210 + // a bit awkward: draw the lines additionally to polygon, to avoid
100.211 + // missing pixels, when polygon is extremly flat
100.212 + l = new QCanvasLine(canvas);
100.213 + l->setPen( QPen(linkcolor, 1) );
100.214 + l->setZ(Z_LINK);
100.215 + if (visible)
100.216 + l->show();
100.217 + else
100.218 + l->hide();
100.219 + break;
100.220 + case StylePolyParabel:
100.221 + p = new QCanvasPolygon(canvas);
100.222 + p->setBrush( linkcolor );
100.223 + p->setZ(Z_LINK);
100.224 + if (visible)
100.225 + p->show();
100.226 + else
100.227 + p->hide();
100.228 + pa0.resize (arcsegs*2+2);
100.229 + pa1.resize (arcsegs+1);
100.230 + pa2.resize (arcsegs+1);
100.231 +
100.232 + // TODO
100.233 + // a bit awkward: draw the lines additionally
100.234 + // to polygon, to avoid missing pixels,
100.235 + // if polygon is extremly flat
100.236 + for (i=0;i<arcsegs;i++)
100.237 + {
100.238 + cl = new QCanvasLine(canvas);
100.239 + cl->setPen( QPen(linkcolor, 1) );
100.240 + cl->setPoints( 0,0,i*10,100);
100.241 + cl->setZ(Z_LINK);
100.242 + if (visible)
100.243 + cl->show();
100.244 + else
100.245 + cl->hide();
100.246 + segment.append(cl);
100.247 + }
100.248 + break;
100.249 + default:
100.250 + break;
100.251 + }
100.252 + } else
100.253 + {
100.254 + cout << "Error: ChildObj or parObj == NULL in LinkableMapObj::setLinkStyle\n";
100.255 + }
100.256 +}
100.257 +
100.258 +LinkStyle LinkableMapObj::getLinkStyle()
100.259 +{
100.260 + return style;
100.261 +}
100.262 +
100.263 +void LinkableMapObj::setLinkPos(LinkPos lp)
100.264 +{
100.265 + linkpos=lp;
100.266 +}
100.267 +
100.268 +LinkPos LinkableMapObj::getLinkPos()
100.269 +{
100.270 + return linkpos;
100.271 +}
100.272 +
100.273 +
100.274 +void LinkableMapObj::setLinkColor()
100.275 +{
100.276 + // Overloaded in BranchObj and childs
100.277 + // here only set default color
100.278 + setLinkColor (mapEditor->getDefLinkColor());
100.279 +}
100.280 +
100.281 +void LinkableMapObj::setLinkColor(QColor col)
100.282 +{
100.283 + linkcolor=col;
100.284 + bottomline->setPen( QPen(linkcolor, 1) );
100.285 + QCanvasLine *cl;
100.286 + switch (style)
100.287 + {
100.288 + case StyleLine:
100.289 + l->setPen( QPen(col,1));
100.290 + break;
100.291 + case StyleParabel:
100.292 + for (cl=segment.first(); cl; cl=segment.next() )
100.293 + cl->setPen( QPen(col,1));
100.294 + break;
100.295 + case StylePolyLine:
100.296 + p->setBrush( QBrush(col));
100.297 + l->setPen( QPen(col,1));
100.298 + break;
100.299 + case StylePolyParabel:
100.300 + p->setBrush( QBrush(col));
100.301 + for (cl=segment.first(); cl; cl=segment.next() )
100.302 + cl->setPen( QPen(col,1));
100.303 + break;
100.304 + default:
100.305 + break;
100.306 + } // switch (style)
100.307 + updateLink();
100.308 +}
100.309 +
100.310 +QColor LinkableMapObj::getLinkColor()
100.311 +{
100.312 + return linkcolor;
100.313 +}
100.314 +
100.315 +FrameType LinkableMapObj::getFrameType()
100.316 +{
100.317 + return frame->getFrameType();
100.318 +}
100.319 +
100.320 +void LinkableMapObj::setFrameType(const FrameType &t)
100.321 +{
100.322 + frame->setFrameType(t);
100.323 + calcBBoxSize();
100.324 + positionBBox();
100.325 + requestReposition();
100.326 +}
100.327 +
100.328 +void LinkableMapObj::setFrameType(const QString &t)
100.329 +{
100.330 + frame->setFrameType(t);
100.331 + calcBBoxSize();
100.332 + positionBBox();
100.333 + requestReposition();
100.334 +}
100.335 +
100.336 +void LinkableMapObj::setVisibility (bool v)
100.337 +{
100.338 + MapObj::setVisibility (v);
100.339 + if (visible)
100.340 + {
100.341 + bottomline->show();
100.342 + // FIXME lines and segments should be done in LMO?
100.343 + if (style==StyleLine && l)
100.344 + {
100.345 + l->show();
100.346 + } else
100.347 + {
100.348 + QCanvasLine* cl;
100.349 + for (cl=segment.first(); cl; cl=segment.next() )
100.350 + cl->show();
100.351 + }
100.352 + } else
100.353 + {
100.354 + bottomline->hide();
100.355 + if (style==StyleLine && l)
100.356 + {
100.357 + l->hide();
100.358 + } else
100.359 + {
100.360 + QCanvasLine* cl;
100.361 + for (cl=segment.first(); cl; cl=segment.next() )
100.362 + cl->hide();
100.363 + }
100.364 + }
100.365 +}
100.366 +
100.367 +void LinkableMapObj::updateLink()
100.368 +{
100.369 + // needs:
100.370 + // childPos of parent
100.371 + // orient of parent
100.372 + // style
100.373 + //
100.374 + // sets:
100.375 + // orientation
100.376 + // childPos
100.377 + // parPos
100.378 + // offset
100.379 + // drawing of the link itself
100.380 +
100.381 +
100.382 + // updateLink is called from move, but called from constructor we don't
100.383 + // have parents yet...
100.384 + if (style==StyleUndef) return;
100.385 +
100.386 + if (frame->getFrameType() == NoFrame)
100.387 + linkpos=LinkBottom;
100.388 + else
100.389 + linkpos=LinkMiddle;
100.390 + switch (linkpos)
100.391 + {
100.392 + case LinkMiddle:
100.393 + offset=bbox.height() /2;
100.394 + break;
100.395 + default :
100.396 + offset=bbox.height()-1; // draw link to bottom of bbox
100.397 + break;
100.398 + }
100.399 +
100.400 + double p2x,p2y; // Set P2 Before setting
100.401 + if (!link2ParPos)
100.402 + {
100.403 + p2x=QPoint( parObj->getChildPos() ).x(); // P1, we have to look at
100.404 + p2y=QPoint( parObj->getChildPos() ).y(); // orientation
100.405 + } else
100.406 + {
100.407 + p2x=QPoint( parObj->getParPos() ).x();
100.408 + p2y=QPoint( parObj->getParPos() ).y();
100.409 + }
100.410 +
100.411 + LinkOrient orientOld=orientation;
100.412 +
100.413 + // Set orientation, first look for orientation of parent
100.414 + if (parObj->getOrientation() != OrientUndef )
100.415 + // use the orientation of the parent:
100.416 + orientation=parObj->getOrientation();
100.417 + else
100.418 + {
100.419 + // calc orientation depending on position rel to mapCenter
100.420 + if (absPos.x() < QPoint(parObj->getChildPos() ).x() )
100.421 + orientation=OrientLeftOfCenter;
100.422 + else
100.423 + orientation=OrientRightOfCenter;
100.424 + }
100.425 +
100.426 + if ((orientation!=orientOld) && (orientOld!= OrientUndef))
100.427 + {
100.428 + // Orientation just changed. Reorient this subbranch, because move is called
100.429 + // before updateLink => Position is still the old one, which could lead to
100.430 + // linking of subranch to itself => segfault
100.431 + //
100.432 + // Also possible: called in BranchObj::init(), then orientOld==OrientUndef,
100.433 + // no need to reposition now
100.434 + reposition();
100.435 + }
100.436 +
100.437 + if (orientation==OrientLeftOfCenter )
100.438 + {
100.439 + childPos=QPoint (absPos.x(),absPos.y()+offset);
100.440 + parPos=QPoint (absPos.x()+ bbox.width(), absPos.y() + offset );
100.441 + } else
100.442 + {
100.443 + childPos=QPoint (absPos.x()+ bbox.width(), absPos.y() + offset );
100.444 + parPos=QPoint (absPos.x(),absPos.y()+offset);
100.445 + }
100.446 + /* FIXME
100.447 + cout << " LMO::updateLink absPos="<<absPos<<endl;
100.448 + cout << " LMO::updateLink childPos="<<childPos<<endl;
100.449 + cout << " LMO::updateLink parPos="<<parPos<<endl;
100.450 + cout << " LMO::updateLink offset="<<offset<<endl;
100.451 + cout << " LMO::updateLink bbox.w="<<bbox.width()<<endl;
100.452 + cout << " LMO::updateLink bbox.h="<<bbox.height()<<endl;
100.453 + */
100.454 +
100.455 + double p1x=parPos.x(); // Link is drawn from P1 to P2
100.456 + double p1y=parPos.y();
100.457 +
100.458 + double vx=p2x - p1x; // V=P2-P1
100.459 + double vy=p2y - p1y;
100.460 +
100.461 + // Draw the horizontal line below heading (from ChildPos to ParPos)
100.462 + bottomline->setPoints (lrint(childPos.x()),
100.463 + lrint(childPos.y()),
100.464 + lrint(p1x),
100.465 + lrint(p1y) );
100.466 +
100.467 + double a; // angle
100.468 + if (vx > -0.000001 && vx < 0.000001)
100.469 + a=M_PI_2;
100.470 + else
100.471 + a=atan( vy / vx );
100.472 + // "turning point" for drawing polygonal links
100.473 + QPoint tp (-lrint(sin (a)*thickness_start), lrint(cos (a)*thickness_start));
100.474 +
100.475 + QCanvasLine *cl;
100.476 +
100.477 + int i;
100.478 +
100.479 + // Draw the link
100.480 + switch (style)
100.481 + {
100.482 + case StyleLine:
100.483 + l->setPoints( lrint (parPos.x()),
100.484 + lrint(parPos.y()),
100.485 + lrint(p2x),
100.486 + lrint(p2y) );
100.487 + break;
100.488 + case StyleParabel:
100.489 + parabel (pa0, p1x,p1y,p2x,p2y);
100.490 + i=0;
100.491 + for (cl=segment.first(); cl; cl=segment.next() )
100.492 + {
100.493 + cl->setPoints( pa0.point(i).x(), pa0.point(i).y(),pa0.point(i+1).x(),pa0.point(i+1).y());
100.494 + i++;
100.495 + }
100.496 + break;
100.497 + case StylePolyLine:
100.498 + pa0[0]=QPoint (lrint(p2x+tp.x()), lrint(p2y+tp.y()));
100.499 + pa0[1]=QPoint (lrint(p2x-tp.x()), lrint(p2y-tp.y()));
100.500 + pa0[2]=QPoint (lrint (parPos.x()), lrint(parPos.y()) );
100.501 + p->setPoints (pa0);
100.502 + // here too, draw line to avoid missing pixels
100.503 + l->setPoints( lrint (parPos.x()),
100.504 + lrint(parPos.y()),
100.505 + lrint(p2x),
100.506 + lrint(p2y) );
100.507 + break;
100.508 + case StylePolyParabel:
100.509 + parabel (pa1, p1x,p1y,p2x+tp.x(),p2y+tp.y());
100.510 + parabel (pa2, p1x,p1y,p2x-tp.x(),p2y-tp.y());
100.511 + for (i=0;i<=arcsegs;i++)
100.512 + {
100.513 + // Combine the arrays to a single one
100.514 + pa0[i]=pa1[i];
100.515 + pa0[i+arcsegs+1]=pa2[arcsegs-i];
100.516 + }
100.517 + p->setPoints (pa0);
100.518 + i=0;
100.519 + for (cl=segment.first(); cl; cl=segment.next() )
100.520 + {
100.521 + cl->setPoints( pa1.point(i).x(), pa1.point(i).y(),pa1.point(i+1).x(),pa1.point(i+1).y());
100.522 + i++;
100.523 + }
100.524 + break;
100.525 + default:
100.526 + break;
100.527 + } // switch (style)
100.528 +}
100.529 +
100.530 +LinkableMapObj* LinkableMapObj::getChildObj()
100.531 +{
100.532 + return childObj;
100.533 +}
100.534 +
100.535 +LinkableMapObj* LinkableMapObj::getParObj()
100.536 +{
100.537 + return parObj;
100.538 +}
100.539 +
100.540 +QPoint LinkableMapObj::getChildPos()
100.541 +{
100.542 + return childPos;
100.543 +}
100.544 +
100.545 +QPoint LinkableMapObj::getParPos()
100.546 +{
100.547 + return parPos;
100.548 +}
100.549 +
100.550 +QPoint LinkableMapObj::getRelPos()
100.551 +{
100.552 + if (!parObj) return QPoint (0,0);
100.553 + return QPoint(
100.554 + absPos.x() - parObj->x(),
100.555 + absPos.y() - parObj->y()
100.556 + );
100.557 +}
100.558 +
100.559 +LinkOrient LinkableMapObj::getOrientation()
100.560 +{
100.561 + return orientation;
100.562 +}
100.563 +
100.564 +int LinkableMapObj::getDepth()
100.565 +{
100.566 + return depth;
100.567 +}
100.568 +
100.569 +void LinkableMapObj::setMapEditor (MapEditor *me)
100.570 +{
100.571 + mapEditor=me;
100.572 +}
100.573 +
100.574 +MapEditor* LinkableMapObj::getMapEditor ()
100.575 +{
100.576 + return mapEditor;
100.577 +}
100.578 +
100.579 +QPoint LinkableMapObj::getRandPos()
100.580 +{
100.581 + // Choose a random position with given distance to parent:
100.582 + double a=rand()%360 * 2 * M_PI / 360;
100.583 + return QPoint ( (int)( + 150*cos (a)),
100.584 + (int)( + 150*sin (a)));
100.585 +}
100.586 +
100.587 +void LinkableMapObj::alignRelativeTo (QPoint ref)
100.588 +{
100.589 +}
100.590 +
100.591 +void LinkableMapObj::reposition()
100.592 +{
100.593 +cout << "LMO::reposition ???"<<endl;
100.594 + if (depth==0)
100.595 + {
100.596 + // only calculate the sizes once. If the deepest LMO changes its height,
100.597 + // all upper LMOs have to change, too.
100.598 + calcBBoxSizeWithChilds();
100.599 +
100.600 + alignRelativeTo ( QPoint (absPos.x(),
100.601 + absPos.y()-(bboxTotal.height()-bbox.height())/2) );
100.602 + } else
100.603 + {
100.604 + // This is only important for moving branches:
100.605 + // For editing a branch it isn't called...
100.606 + alignRelativeTo ( QPoint (absPos.x(),
100.607 + absPos.y()-(bboxTotal.height()-bbox.height())/2) );
100.608 + }
100.609 +}
100.610 +
100.611 +void LinkableMapObj::requestReposition()
100.612 +{
100.613 + if (!repositionRequest)
100.614 + {
100.615 + // Pass on the request to parental objects, if this hasn't
100.616 + // been done yet
100.617 + repositionRequest=true;
100.618 + if (parObj) parObj->requestReposition();
100.619 + }
100.620 +}
100.621 +
100.622 +void LinkableMapObj::forceReposition()
100.623 +{
100.624 + // Sometimes a reposition has to be done immediatly: For example
100.625 + // if the note editor flag changes, there is no user event in mapeditor
100.626 + // which could collect requests for a reposition.
100.627 + // Then we have to call forceReposition()
100.628 + // But no rule without exception: While loading a map or undoing it,
100.629 + // we want to block expensive repositioning, but just do it once at
100.630 + // the end, thus check first:
100.631 +
100.632 + if (mapEditor->blockReposition()) return;
100.633 +
100.634 + // Pass on the request to parental objects, if this hasn't been done yet
100.635 +
100.636 + if (parObj)
100.637 + parObj->forceReposition();
100.638 + else
100.639 + reposition(); }
100.640 +
100.641 +bool LinkableMapObj::repositionRequested()
100.642 +{
100.643 + return repositionRequest;
100.644 +}
100.645 +
100.646 +
100.647 +void LinkableMapObj::setSelBox()
100.648 +{
100.649 + selbox->setX (bbox.x() );
100.650 + selbox->setY (bbox.y() );
100.651 + selbox->setSize (bbox.width(), bbox.height() );
100.652 +}
100.653 +
100.654 +void LinkableMapObj::select()
100.655 +{
100.656 + setSelBox();
100.657 + selected=true;
100.658 + selbox->show();
100.659 +}
100.660 +
100.661 +
100.662 +void LinkableMapObj::unselect()
100.663 +{
100.664 + selected=false;
100.665 + selbox->hide();
100.666 +}
100.667 +
100.668 +void LinkableMapObj::parabel (QPointArray &ya, double p1x, double p1y, double p2x, double p2y)
100.669 +
100.670 +{
100.671 + double vx=p2x - p1x; // V=P2-P1
100.672 + double vy=p2y - p1y;
100.673 +
100.674 + double dx; // delta x during calculation of parabel
100.675 +
100.676 + double pnx; // next point
100.677 + double pny;
100.678 + double m;
100.679 +
100.680 + if (vx > -0.0001 && vx < 0.0001)
100.681 + m=0;
100.682 + else
100.683 + m=(vy / (vx*vx));
100.684 + dx=vx/(arcsegs);
100.685 + int i;
100.686 + ya.setPoint (0,QPoint (lrint(p1x),lrint(p1y)));
100.687 + for (i=1;i<=arcsegs;i++)
100.688 + {
100.689 + pnx=p1x+dx;
100.690 + pny=m*(pnx-parPos.x())*(pnx-parPos.x())+parPos.y();
100.691 + ya.setPoint (i,QPoint (lrint(pnx),lrint(pny)));
100.692 + p1x=pnx;
100.693 + p1y=pny;
100.694 + }
100.695 +}
100.696 +
101.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
101.2 +++ b/linkablemapobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
101.3 @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
101.4 +#ifndef LINKABLEMAPOBJ_H
101.5 +#define LINKABLEMAPOBJ_H
101.6 +
101.7 +#include "frameobj.h"
101.8 +#include "noteobj.h"
101.9 +#include "headingobj.h"
101.10 +#include "flagrowobj.h"
101.11 +
101.12 +#define MAX_DEPTH 999
101.13 +
101.14 +enum LinkOrient {OrientUndef,OrientLeftOfCenter, OrientRightOfCenter};
101.15 +enum LinkStyle {
101.16 + StyleUndef,
101.17 + StyleLine,
101.18 + StyleParabel,
101.19 + StylePolyLine,
101.20 + StylePolyParabel
101.21 +};
101.22 +enum LinkPos {LinkMiddle,LinkBottom};
101.23 +enum LinkColorHint {DefaultColor,HeadingColor};
101.24 +
101.25 +class LinkableMapObj:public QObject, public MapObj {
101.26 + Q_OBJECT
101.27 +public:
101.28 + LinkableMapObj ();
101.29 + LinkableMapObj (QCanvas*);
101.30 + LinkableMapObj (LinkableMapObj*);
101.31 + ~LinkableMapObj ();
101.32 + virtual void delLink();
101.33 + virtual void init ();
101.34 + virtual void copy (LinkableMapObj*);
101.35 + void setChildObj (LinkableMapObj*);
101.36 + virtual void setParObj (LinkableMapObj*);
101.37 + virtual void setParObjTmp (LinkableMapObj*,QPoint,int); // Only for moving Obj around
101.38 + virtual void unsetParObjTmp(); // reuse original ParObj
101.39 + LinkStyle getDefLinkStyle();
101.40 + void setLinkStyle(LinkStyle);
101.41 + LinkStyle getLinkStyle();
101.42 + void setLinkPos (LinkPos);
101.43 + LinkPos getLinkPos ();
101.44 +
101.45 + virtual void setLinkColor(); // sets color according to colorhint, overloaded
101.46 + virtual void setLinkColor(QColor);
101.47 + QColor getLinkColor();
101.48 + virtual FrameType getFrameType ();
101.49 + virtual void setFrameType (const FrameType &);
101.50 + virtual void setFrameType (const QString &);
101.51 + virtual void setVisibility (bool);
101.52 + virtual void updateLink(); // update parPos and childPos
101.53 + // depending on pos
101.54 + // redraw link with given style
101.55 + LinkableMapObj* getChildObj(); // returns pointer to fromObj
101.56 + LinkableMapObj* getParObj(); // returns pointer to toObj
101.57 + QPoint getChildPos(); // returns pos where childs dock
101.58 + QPoint getParPos(); // returns pos where parents dock
101.59 + QPoint getRelPos(); // get position relative to parent (or (0,0))
101.60 + LinkOrient getOrientation(); // get orientation
101.61 + virtual int getDepth(); // return depth
101.62 + virtual void setMapEditor(MapEditor*); // set MapEditor (needed in LMO::updateNoteFlag)
101.63 + virtual MapEditor* getMapEditor(); // get MapEditor (usually from parent);
101.64 + virtual QPoint getRandPos(); // make randomised position
101.65 +
101.66 + virtual void alignRelativeTo(const QPoint );
101.67 + virtual void reposition();
101.68 + virtual void requestReposition(); // do reposition after next user event
101.69 + virtual void forceReposition(); // to force a reposition now (outside
101.70 + // of mapeditor e.g. in noteeditor
101.71 + virtual bool repositionRequested();
101.72 +
101.73 + virtual QRect getTotalBBox()=0; // return BBox including childs
101.74 + virtual QRect getBBoxSizeWithChilds()=0;// return size of BBox including childs
101.75 + virtual void calcBBoxSizeWithChilds()=0;// calc size of BBox including childs recursivly
101.76 +
101.77 + virtual void setSelBox();
101.78 + virtual void select();
101.79 + virtual void unselect();
101.80 + virtual QString getSelectString()=0;
101.81 +
101.82 +protected:
101.83 + void parabel(QPointArray &,double,double,double,double); // Create Parabel connecting two points
101.84 + QPoint childPos;
101.85 + QPoint parPos;
101.86 + bool link2ParPos; // While moving around, sometimes link to parent
101.87 + MapEditor* mapEditor; // for updateNoteFlag() and toggleScroll()
101.88 + LinkOrient orientation;
101.89 + int linkwidth; // width of a link
101.90 + int depth; // depth: undef=-1 mapCenter=0 branch=1..n
101.91 + QRect bboxTotal; // bounding box including childs
101.92 +
101.93 + LinkableMapObj* childObj;
101.94 + LinkableMapObj* parObj;
101.95 + LinkableMapObj* parObjTmpBuf; // temporary buffer the original parent
101.96 + int offset; // vertical offset of dockpos to pos
101.97 +
101.98 + int thickness_start; // for StylePoly*
101.99 + LinkStyle style;
101.100 + LinkPos linkpos;
101.101 + QColor linkcolor; // Link color
101.102 + QCanvasLine* l; // line style
101.103 + QCanvasPolygon* p; // poly styles
101.104 + int arcsegs; // arc: number of segments
101.105 + QPtrList <QCanvasLine> segment; // a part of e.g. the parabel
101.106 + QPointArray pa0; // For drawing of PolyParabel and PolyLine
101.107 + QPointArray pa1; // For drawing of PolyParabel
101.108 + QPointArray pa2; // For drawing of PolyParabel
101.109 + QCanvasLine* bottomline; // on bottom of BBox
101.110 + bool repositionRequest; //
101.111 +
101.112 + bool selected; // Used for marking the selection
101.113 + QCanvasRectangle* selbox;
101.114 + FrameObj *frame; // frame around object
101.115 +};
101.116 +#endif
102.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
102.2 +++ b/main.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
102.3 @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
102.4 +#include <qapplication.h>
102.5 +#include <qpixmap.h>
102.6 +#include <qtranslator.h>
102.7 +
102.8 +#include "settings.h"
102.9 +#include "options.h"
102.10 +#include "mainwindow.h"
102.11 +
102.12 +#include "icons/vym-48x48.xpm"
102.13 +#include "icons/vym-editor.xpm"
102.14 +
102.15 +#include "flagrowobj.h"
102.16 +
102.17 +// Global variables
102.18 +TextEditor *textEditor; // used in Constr. of LinkableMapObj
102.19 + // initialized in mainwindow
102.20 +
102.21 +Main *mainWindow; // used in BranchObj::select()
102.22 +MapEditor *clipboardME;
102.23 +FlagRowObj *systemFlagsDefault; // used to copy from in LinkableMapObj
102.24 +FlagRowObj *standardFlagsDefault;
102.25 +
102.26 +// Actions which change sometimes
102.27 +QAction *actionFileSave;
102.28 +QAction *actionFilePrint;
102.29 +QAction *actionEditUndo;
102.30 +QAction *actionEditCopy;
102.31 +QAction *actionEditCut;
102.32 +QAction *actionEditPaste;
102.33 +QAction *actionEditMoveUp;
102.34 +QAction *actionEditMoveDown;
102.35 +QAction *actionEditToggleScroll;
102.36 +QAction *actionEditOpenURL;
102.37 +QAction *actionEditURL;
102.38 +QAction *actionEditHeading2URL;
102.39 +QAction *actionEditBugzilla2URL;
102.40 +QAction *actionEditOpenVymLink;
102.41 +QAction *actionEditVymLink;
102.42 +QAction *actionEditDeleteVymLink;
102.43 +QAction *actionEditMapInfo;
102.44 +QAction *actionEditHeading;
102.45 +QAction *actionEditDelete;
102.46 +QAction *actionEditAddBranch;
102.47 +QAction *actionEditAddBranchAbove;
102.48 +QAction *actionEditAddBranchBelow;
102.49 +QAction *actionEditImportAdd;
102.50 +QAction *actionEditImportReplace;
102.51 +QAction *actionEditSaveBranch;
102.52 +QAction *actionEditSelectFirst;
102.53 +QAction *actionEditSelectLast;
102.54 +QAction *actionEditLoadImage;
102.55 +QAction *actionEditToggleFloatExport;
102.56 +
102.57 +QAction *actionFormatColor;
102.58 +QAction *actionFormatPickColor;
102.59 +QAction *actionFormatColorBranch;
102.60 +QAction *actionFormatColorSubtree;
102.61 +QAction *actionFormatBackColor;
102.62 +QAction *actionFormatLinkColorHint;
102.63 +QAction *actionFormatLinkColor;
102.64 +
102.65 +QActionGroup *actionGroupFormatFrameTypes;
102.66 +QAction *actionFormatFrameNone;
102.67 +QAction *actionFormatFrameRectangle;
102.68 +
102.69 +QActionGroup *actionGroupFormatLinkStyles;
102.70 +QAction *actionFormatLinkStyleLine;
102.71 +QAction *actionFormatLinkStyleParabel;
102.72 +QAction *actionFormatLinkStylePolyLine;
102.73 +QAction *actionFormatLinkStylePolyParabel;
102.74 +
102.75 +QAction *actionViewToggleNoteEditor;
102.76 +
102.77 +QAction *actionSettingsAutoselectHeading;
102.78 +QAction *actionSettingsAutoselectText;
102.79 +QAction *actionSettingsPasteNewHeading;
102.80 +QAction *actionSettingsAutoedit;
102.81 +QAction *actionSettingsUseDelKey;
102.82 +
102.83 +QPopupMenu *branchContextMenu;
102.84 +QPopupMenu *floatimageContextMenu;
102.85 +QPopupMenu *saveImageFormatMenu;
102.86 +QPopupMenu *canvasContextMenu;
102.87 +QPopupMenu *lastMapsMenu;
102.88 +QPopupMenu *exportMenu;
102.89 +QPopupMenu *exportImageFormatMenu;
102.90 +
102.91 +
102.92 +Settings settings;
102.93 +Options options;
102.94 +
102.95 +int statusbarTime=3500;
102.96 +
102.97 +int main(int argc, char** argv)
102.98 +{
102.99 + QApplication app(argc,argv);
102.100 +
102.101 +
102.102 + // Initialize translations
102.103 + QTranslator translator (0);
102.104 + translator.load( "vym_de", "." );
102.105 + app.installTranslator( &translator );
102.106 +
102.107 + // Initializing the row of system flags
102.108 + // is done in first call to MapEditor(),
102.109 + // because we need at least one canvas first
102.110 + systemFlagsDefault=NULL;
102.111 + standardFlagsDefault=NULL;
102.112 +
102.113 + // Reading and initializing options commandline options
102.114 + options.add ("version", SwitchOption, "v","version");
102.115 + options.add ("help", SwitchOption, "h", "help");
102.116 + options.add ("quit", SwitchOption, "q", "quit");
102.117 + options.add ("test", StringOption, "t", "test");
102.118 + options.setHelpText (
102.119 + "VYM - View Your Mind\n"
102.120 + "--------------------\n\n"
102.121 + "Information about vym can be found in vym.pdf,\n"
102.122 + "which should be part of the vym package.\n"
102.123 + "It is also available at the project homepage:\n\n"
102.124 + "http://www.InSilmaril.de/vym\n");
102.125 + if (options.parse())
102.126 + {
102.127 + cout << endl << options.getHelpText()<<endl;
102.128 + return 1;
102.129 + }
102.130 +
102.131 + if (options.isOn ("version"))
102.132 + {
102.133 + cout << "vym version "<<__VYM_VERSION__
102.134 + <<" (c) 2004 Uwe Drechsel - "
102.135 + <<__BUILD_DATE__<<endl;
102.136 +
102.137 + return 0;
102.138 + }
102.139 +
102.140 + if (options.isOn ("help"))
102.141 + {
102.142 + cout << options.getHelpText()<<endl;
102.143 + return 0;
102.144 + }
102.145 +
102.146 + if (options.isOn ("test"))
102.147 + {
102.148 + // FIXME testing string option only
102.149 + cout << "Testing: "<<options.getArg("test")<< endl;
102.150 + }
102.151 +
102.152 + // Initialize window of TextEditor
102.153 + textEditor = new TextEditor();
102.154 + textEditor->setIcon (QPixmap (vym_editor_xpm));
102.155 + if (textEditor->showWithMain()) textEditor->show();
102.156 +
102.157 + clipboardME = new MapEditor();
102.158 + clipboardME->resize (800,600);
102.159 + clipboardME->setCaption("VYM - clipboard");
102.160 + clipboardME->hide();
102.161 +
102.162 + // Initialize mainwindow after Mapeditors (because of Flags)
102.163 + Main m;
102.164 + //m.resize(m.sizeHint());
102.165 + m.setIcon (QPixmap (vym_logo_xpm));
102.166 + m.show();
102.167 + m.fileNew();
102.168 + m.loadCmdLine();
102.169 +
102.170 + // For benchmarking we may want to quit immediatly after drawing
102.171 + if (options.isOn ("quit"))
102.172 + {
102.173 + return 0;
102.174 + }
102.175 +
102.176 + QObject::connect( &app, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &app, SLOT(quit()) );
102.177 +
102.178 + return app.exec();
102.179 +}
102.180 +
103.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
103.2 +++ b/mainwindow.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
103.3 @@ -0,0 +1,2213 @@
103.4 +#include "mainwindow.h"
103.5 +
103.6 +#include <qstatusbar.h>
103.7 +#include <qmessagebox.h>
103.8 +#include <qmenubar.h>
103.9 +#include <qapplication.h>
103.10 +#include <qpainter.h>
103.11 +#include <qprinter.h>
103.12 +#include <qfile.h>
103.13 +#include <qfiledialog.h>
103.14 +#include <qcolor.h>
103.15 +#include <qcolordialog.h>
103.16 +#include <qbitmap.h>
103.17 +#include <qinputdialog.h>
103.18 +
103.19 +
103.20 +#include <iostream>
103.21 +#include <stdlib.h>
103.22 +#include <typeinfo>
103.23 +
103.24 +#include "version.h"
103.25 +
103.26 +#include "icons/filenew.xpm"
103.27 +#include "icons/fileopen.xpm"
103.28 +#include "icons/filesave.xpm"
103.29 +#include "icons/fileprint.xpm"
103.30 +#include "icons/editundo.xpm"
103.31 +//#include "icons/editredo.xpm" // TODO
103.32 +#include "icons/editcopy.xpm"
103.33 +#include "icons/editcut.xpm"
103.34 +#include "icons/editpaste.xpm"
103.35 +#include "icons/editmoveup.xpm"
103.36 +#include "icons/editmovedown.xpm"
103.37 +#include "icons/formatcoloritem.xpm"
103.38 +#include "icons/formatcolorbranch.xpm"
103.39 +#include "icons/formatcolorpicker.xpm"
103.40 +#include "icons/viewzoomreset.xpm"
103.41 +#include "icons/viewzoomin.xpm"
103.42 +#include "icons/viewzoomout.xpm"
103.43 +#include "icons/vym-48x48.xpm"
103.44 +#include "icons/flag-note.xpm"
103.45 +#include "icons/flag-url.xpm"
103.46 +#include "icons/flag-vymlink.xpm"
103.47 +#include "icons/flag-scrolled-right.xpm"
103.48 +
103.49 +#include "flagrowobj.h"
103.50 +#include "texteditor.h"
103.51 +#include "mapeditor.h"
103.52 +#include "exporthtmldialog.h"
103.53 +#include "exportxhtmldialog.h"
103.54 +#include "showtextdialog.h"
103.55 +#include "process.h"
103.56 +#include "settings.h"
103.57 +#include "options.h"
103.58 +
103.59 +extern TextEditor *textEditor;
103.60 +extern Main *mainWindow;
103.61 +extern int statusbarTime;
103.62 +extern MapEditor *clipboardME;
103.63 +extern FlagRowObj* standardFlagsDefault;
103.64 +
103.65 +extern QAction* actionFileSave;
103.66 +extern QAction* actionFilePrint;
103.67 +extern QAction* actionEditUndo;
103.68 +extern QAction *actionEditCopy;
103.69 +extern QAction *actionEditCut;
103.70 +extern QAction *actionEditPaste;
103.71 +extern QAction *actionEditMoveUp;
103.72 +extern QAction *actionEditMoveDown;
103.73 +extern QAction *actionEditToggleScroll;
103.74 +extern QAction* actionEditOpenURL;
103.75 +extern QAction* actionEditURL;
103.76 +extern QAction* actionEditHeading2URL;
103.77 +extern QAction* actionEditBugzilla2URL;
103.78 +extern QAction *actionEditOpenVymLink;
103.79 +extern QAction *actionEditVymLink;
103.80 +extern QAction *actionEditDeleteVymLink;
103.81 +extern QAction *actionEditMapInfo;
103.82 +extern QAction *actionEditHeading;
103.83 +extern QAction *actionEditDelete;
103.84 +extern QAction *actionEditAddBranch;
103.85 +extern QAction *actionEditAddBranchAbove;
103.86 +extern QAction *actionEditAddBranchBelow;
103.87 +extern QAction *actionEditImportAdd;
103.88 +extern QAction *actionEditImportReplace;
103.89 +extern QAction *actionEditSaveBranch;
103.90 +extern QAction *actionEditSelectFirst;
103.91 +extern QAction *actionEditSelectLast;
103.92 +extern QAction *actionEditLoadImage;
103.93 +extern QAction *actionEditToggleFloatExport;
103.94 +
103.95 +extern QAction* actionFormatColor;
103.96 +extern QAction* actionFormatPickColor;
103.97 +extern QAction* actionFormatColorBranch;
103.98 +extern QAction* actionFormatColorSubtree;
103.99 +extern QAction* actionFormatLinkColorHint;
103.100 +extern QAction* actionFormatBackColor;
103.101 +extern QAction* actionFormatLinkColor;
103.102 +
103.103 +extern QActionGroup *actionGroupFormatFrameTypes;
103.104 +extern QAction *actionFormatFrameNone;
103.105 +extern QAction *actionFormatFrameRectangle;
103.106 +
103.107 +extern QActionGroup *actionGroupFormatLinkStyles;
103.108 +extern QAction *actionFormatLinkStyleLine;
103.109 +extern QAction *actionFormatLinkStyleParabel;
103.110 +extern QAction *actionFormatLinkStylePolyLine;
103.111 +extern QAction *actionFormatLinkStylePolyParabel;
103.112 +
103.113 +extern QAction *actionViewToggleNoteEditor;
103.114 +
103.115 +extern QAction* actionSettingsAutoedit;
103.116 +extern QAction* actionSettingsAutoselectHeading;
103.117 +extern QAction* actionSettingsAutoselectHeading;
103.118 +extern QAction* actionSettingsAutoselectText;
103.119 +extern QAction* actionSettingsPasteNewHeading;
103.120 +extern QAction* actionSettingsUseDelKey;
103.121 +
103.122 +extern QPopupMenu* branchContextMenu;
103.123 +extern QPopupMenu* floatimageContextMenu;
103.124 +extern QPopupMenu* saveImageFormatMenu;
103.125 +extern QPopupMenu* canvasContextMenu;
103.126 +extern QPopupMenu* lastMapsMenu;
103.127 +extern QPopupMenu* exportMenu;
103.128 +extern QPopupMenu* exportImageFormatMenu;
103.129 +
103.130 +
103.131 +extern Settings settings;
103.132 +extern Options options;
103.133 +
103.134 +#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
103.135 +extern void qt_wait_for_window_manager( QWidget* w );
103.136 +#endif
103.137 +
103.138 +Main::Main(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f) :
103.139 + QMainWindow(parent,name,f)
103.140 +{
103.141 + mainWindow=this;
103.142 +
103.143 + setCaption ("VYM - View Your Mind");
103.144 +
103.145 + // Load window settings
103.146 + resize (settings.readNumEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/geometry/width", 800),
103.147 + settings.readNumEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/geometry/height",600));
103.148 + move (settings.readNumEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/geometry/posX", 100),
103.149 + settings.readNumEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/geometry/posY", 100));
103.150 +
103.151 +
103.152 + // Initialize some settings, which are platform dependant
103.153 + QString p,s;
103.154 +
103.155 + // application to open URLs
103.156 + p="/vym/mainwindow/readerURL";
103.157 + #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
103.158 + s=settings.readEntry (p,"konqueror");
103.159 + #else
103.160 + #if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
103.161 + s=settings.readEntry (p,"/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari");
103.162 + #else
103.163 + s=settings.readEntry (p,"mozilla");
103.164 + #endif
103.165 + #endif
103.166 + settings.writeEntry( p,s);
103.167 +
103.168 + // application to open PDFs
103.169 + p="/vym/mainwindow/readerPDF";
103.170 + #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
103.171 + s=settings.readEntry (p,"acroread");
103.172 + #else
103.173 + #if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
103.174 + s=settings.readEntry (p,"/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari");
103.175 + #else
103.176 + s=settings.readEntry (p,"acroread");
103.177 + #endif
103.178 + #endif
103.179 + settings.writeEntry( p,s);
103.180 +
103.181 +
103.182 + maxLastMaps=9;
103.183 +
103.184 + // Create tab widget which holds the maps
103.185 + tabWidget= new QTabWidget (this);
103.186 + connect( tabWidget, SIGNAL( currentChanged( QWidget * ) ),
103.187 + this, SLOT( editorChanged( QWidget * ) ) );
103.188 +
103.189 + setCentralWidget(tabWidget);
103.190 +
103.191 + setupFileActions();
103.192 + setupEditActions();
103.193 + setupFormatActions();
103.194 + setupViewActions();
103.195 + setupFlagActions();
103.196 + setupSettingsActions();
103.197 + setupContextMenus();
103.198 + if (settings.readBoolEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/showTestMenu",false)) setupTestActions();
103.199 + setupHelpActions();
103.200 +
103.201 + // After menu is created, we can enable some actions
103.202 + actionFilePrint->setEnabled (true);
103.203 +
103.204 + statusBar();
103.205 +
103.206 + // Create the default map into first tab
103.207 +// fileNew();
103.208 +// tabWidget->addTab (new MapEditor(tabWidget,true), "unnamed");
103.209 +// currentMapEditor()->show();
103.210 +
103.211 + // Initialize Find window
103.212 + findWindow=new FindWindow(NULL,"findwindow");
103.213 + connect (findWindow, SIGNAL( findButton(QString) ),
103.214 + this, SLOT(editFind(QString) ) );
103.215 + connect (findWindow, SIGNAL( somethingChanged() ),
103.216 + this, SLOT(editFindChanged() ) );
103.217 +
103.218 + updateGeometry();
103.219 +}
103.220 +
103.221 +Main::~Main()
103.222 +{
103.223 + // Save Settings
103.224 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/geometry/width", width() );
103.225 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/geometry/height", height() );
103.226 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/geometry/posX", pos().x() );
103.227 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/geometry/posY", pos().y() );
103.228 +
103.229 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/version/version", __VYM_VERSION__ );
103.230 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/version/builddate", __BUILD_DATE__ );
103.231 +
103.232 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/mapeditor/editmode/autoselectheading",actionSettingsAutoselectHeading->isOn() );
103.233 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/mapeditor/editmode/autoselecttext",actionSettingsAutoselectText->isOn() );
103.234 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/mapeditor/editmode/pastenewheading",actionSettingsPasteNewHeading->isOn() );
103.235 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/mapeditor/editmode/autoedit",actionSettingsAutoedit->isOn() );
103.236 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/mapeditor/editmode/useDelKey",actionSettingsUseDelKey->isOn() );
103.237 +
103.238 + QString s;
103.239 + int maps=lastMaps.count();
103.240 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/lastMaps/number",maps );
103.241 + for (int i=1;i<=maps;i++)
103.242 + {
103.243 + QStringList::Iterator it = lastMaps.at(i-1);
103.244 + s=QString("/vym/lastMaps/map-%1").arg(i);
103.245 + if (!s.isEmpty() && i<=maxLastMaps)
103.246 + settings.writeEntry (s, *it);
103.247 + }
103.248 +
103.249 +
103.250 + // To make the texteditor save its settings, call the destructor
103.251 + delete (textEditor);
103.252 +}
103.253 +
103.254 +void Main::loadCmdLine()
103.255 +{
103.256 + /* TODO draw some kind of splashscreen while loading...
103.257 + if (qApp->argc()>1)
103.258 + {
103.259 + }
103.260 + */
103.261 +
103.262 + QStringList flist=options.getFileList();
103.263 + QStringList::Iterator it=flist.begin();
103.264 +
103.265 + while (it !=flist.end() )
103.266 + {
103.267 + fileLoad (*it, NewMap);
103.268 + *it++;
103.269 + }
103.270 +}
103.271 +
103.272 +
103.273 +void Main::statusMessage(const QString &s)
103.274 +{
103.275 + statusBar()->message (s);
103.276 +}
103.277 +
103.278 +void Main::closeEvent (QCloseEvent* )
103.279 +{
103.280 + fileExitVYM();
103.281 +}
103.282 +
103.283 +// File Actions
103.284 +void Main::setupFileActions()
103.285 +{
103.286 + QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this );
103.287 + tb->setLabel( "File Actions" );
103.288 + QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
103.289 + menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&File" ), menu );
103.290 +
103.291 + // Keycodes: /usr/lib64/qt3/include/qnamespace.h
103.292 +
103.293 + QAction *a;
103.294 + a = new QAction( tr( "New map" ), QPixmap( filenew_xpm ), tr( "&New..." ), CTRL + Key_N, this, "fileNew" );
103.295 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileNew() ) );
103.296 + a->addTo( tb );
103.297 + a->addTo( menu );
103.298 +
103.299 + a = new QAction( tr( "Open" ), QPixmap( fileopen_xpm), tr( "&Open..." ), CTRL + Key_O, this, "fileOpen" );
103.300 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileLoad() ) );
103.301 + a->addTo( tb );
103.302 + a->addTo( menu );
103.303 +
103.304 + lastMapsMenu = new QPopupMenu (this);
103.305 +
103.306 + menu->insertItem (tr("Open Recent"),lastMapsMenu );
103.307 + menu->insertSeparator();
103.308 +
103.309 + a = new QAction( tr( "Save" ), QPixmap( filesave_xpm ), tr( "&Save..." ), CTRL + Key_S, this, "fileSave" );
103.310 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSave() ) );
103.311 + a->addTo( tb );
103.312 + a->addTo( menu );
103.313 + actionFileSave=a;
103.314 +
103.315 + a = new QAction( tr( "Save &As" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Save &As..." ), 0, this, "fileSaveAs" );
103.316 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSaveAs() ) );
103.317 + a->addTo( menu );
103.318 +
103.319 + menu->insertSeparator();
103.320 +
103.321 + a = new QAction( tr( "Import directory structure (experimental)" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Import Dir" ), 0, this, "export" );
103.322 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileImportDir() ) );
103.323 + a->addTo( menu );
103.324 +
103.325 + exportMenu = new QPopupMenu (this);
103.326 + menu->insertItem (tr("Export"),exportMenu );
103.327 +
103.328 + menu->insertSeparator();
103.329 +
103.330 +
103.331 + a = new QAction( tr( "Print" ), QPixmap( fileprint_xpm ), tr( "&Print..." ), CTRL + Key_P, this, "filePrint" );
103.332 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( filePrint() ) );
103.333 + a->addTo( tb );
103.334 + a->addTo( menu );
103.335 + actionFilePrint=a;
103.336 +
103.337 + a = new QAction( tr( "Close Map" ), QPixmap(), tr( "&Close Map" ), ALT + Key_C, this, "fileCloseMap" );
103.338 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileCloseMap() ) );
103.339 + a->addTo( menu );
103.340 +
103.341 + a = new QAction( tr( "Exit VYM" ), QPixmap(), tr( "E&xit VYM" ), CTRL + Key_Q, this, "fileExitVYM" );
103.342 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExitVYM() ) );
103.343 + a->addTo( menu );
103.344 +}
103.345 +
103.346 +
103.347 +//Edit Actions
103.348 +void Main::setupEditActions()
103.349 +{
103.350 + QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this );
103.351 + tb->setLabel( "Edit Actions" );
103.352 + QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
103.353 + menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&Edit" ), menu );
103.354 +
103.355 + QAction *a;
103.356 + a = new QAction( tr( "Undo" ), QPixmap( editundo_xpm ), tr( "&Undo" ), CTRL + Key_Z, this, "editUndo" );
103.357 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editUndo() ) );
103.358 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.359 + a->addTo( tb );
103.360 + a->addTo( menu );
103.361 + actionEditUndo=a;
103.362 + /*
103.363 + a = new QAction( tr( "Redo" ), QPixmap( editredo_xpm ), tr( "&Redo" ), CTRL + Key_Y, this, "editRedo" );
103.364 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editRedo() ) );
103.365 + a->addTo( tb );
103.366 + a->addTo( menu );
103.367 + */
103.368 + menu->insertSeparator();
103.369 + a = new QAction( tr( "Copy" ), QPixmap( editcopy_xpm ), tr( "&Copy" ), CTRL + Key_C, this, "editCopy" );
103.370 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCopy() ) );
103.371 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.372 + a->addTo( tb );
103.373 + a->addTo( menu );
103.374 + actionEditCopy=a;
103.375 + a = new QAction( tr( "Cut" ), QPixmap( editcut_xpm ), tr( "Cu&t" ), CTRL + Key_X, this, "editCut" );
103.376 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCut() ) );
103.377 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.378 + a->addTo( tb );
103.379 + a->addTo( menu );
103.380 + actionEditCut=a;
103.381 + a = new QAction( tr( "Paste" ), QPixmap( editpaste_xpm ), tr( "&Paste" ), CTRL + Key_V, this, "editPaste" );
103.382 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editPaste() ) );
103.383 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.384 + a->addTo( tb );
103.385 + a->addTo( menu );
103.386 + actionEditPaste=a;
103.387 + a = new QAction( tr( "Move branch up" ), QPixmap( editmoveup_xpm ), tr( "Move up" ), Key_PageUp, this, "editMoveUp" );
103.388 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editMoveUp() ) );
103.389 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.390 + a->addTo( tb );
103.391 + a->addTo( menu );
103.392 + actionEditMoveUp=a;
103.393 + a = new QAction( tr( "Move branch down" ), QPixmap( editmovedown_xpm ), tr( "Move down" ), Key_PageDown, this, "editMoveDown" );
103.394 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editMoveDown() ) );
103.395 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.396 + a->addTo( tb );
103.397 + a->addTo( menu );
103.398 + actionEditMoveDown=a;
103.399 +
103.400 + a = new QAction( tr( "Scroll branch" ), QPixmap(flag_scrolled_right_xpm), tr( "Scroll branch" ), Key_ScrollLock, this, "scroll" );
103.401 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editToggleScroll() ) );
103.402 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.403 + a->addTo( tb );
103.404 + a->addTo( menu );
103.405 + actionEditToggleScroll=a;
103.406 +
103.407 + a = new QAction( tr( "Unscroll all" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Unscroll all scrolled branches" ), 0, this, "scroll" );
103.408 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editUnScrollAll() ) );
103.409 + a->addTo( menu );
103.410 +
103.411 + menu->insertSeparator();
103.412 +
103.413 + a = new QAction( tr( "Find" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Find" ), CTRL + Key_F, this, "find" );
103.414 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editOpenFindWindow() ) );
103.415 + a->addTo( menu );
103.416 +
103.417 + menu->insertSeparator();
103.418 +
103.419 + a = new QAction( tr( "Open URL" ), QPixmap(flag_url_xpm), tr( "Open URL" ), CTRL + Key_U, this, "url" );
103.420 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editOpenURL() ) );
103.421 + a->addTo( menu );
103.422 + a->addTo( tb );
103.423 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.424 + actionEditOpenURL=a;
103.425 +
103.426 + a = new QAction( tr( "Edit URL" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Edit URL" ), SHIFT + CTRL + Key_U, this, "url" );
103.427 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editURL() ) );
103.428 + a->addTo( menu );
103.429 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.430 + actionEditURL=a;
103.431 +
103.432 + a = new QAction( tr( "Use heading of selected branch as URL" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Use heading for URL" ), 0, this, "heading2url" );
103.433 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editHeading2URL() ) );
103.434 + a->addTo( menu );
103.435 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.436 + actionEditHeading2URL=a;
103.437 +
103.438 + a = new QAction( tr( "Create URL to Bugzilla" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Create URL to Bugzilla" ), 0, this, "bugzilla2url" );
103.439 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editBugzilla2URL() ) );
103.440 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.441 + actionEditBugzilla2URL=a;
103.442 +
103.443 + menu->insertSeparator();
103.444 +
103.445 + a = new QAction( tr( "Jump to another vym map, if needed load it first" ), QPixmap(flag_vymlink_xpm), tr( "Jump to map" ), 0, this, "jumpMap" );
103.446 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editOpenVymLink() ) );
103.447 + a->addTo( menu );
103.448 + a->addTo( tb );
103.449 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.450 + actionEditOpenVymLink=a;
103.451 +
103.452 + a = new QAction( tr( "Edit link to another vym map" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Edit vym link" ), 0, this, "editLinkMap" );
103.453 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editVymLink() ) );
103.454 + a->addTo( menu );
103.455 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.456 + actionEditVymLink=a;
103.457 +
103.458 + a = new QAction( tr( "Delete link to another vym map" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Delete vym link" ), 0, this, "deleteLinkMap" );
103.459 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editDeleteVymLink() ) );
103.460 + a->addTo( menu );
103.461 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.462 + actionEditDeleteVymLink=a;
103.463 +
103.464 + menu->insertSeparator();
103.465 +
103.466 + a = new QAction( tr( "Edit Map Info" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Edit Map Info" ), 0, this, "editMapInfo" );
103.467 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editMapInfo() ) );
103.468 + a->addTo( menu );
103.469 + a->setEnabled (true);
103.470 + actionEditMapInfo=a;
103.471 +
103.472 + menu->insertSeparator();
103.473 +
103.474 + // Shortcuts to modify heading:
103.475 + a = new QAction( tr( "edit Heading" ),tr( "Edit heading" ), Key_Enter, this, "editHeading" );
103.476 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editHeading() ) );
103.477 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.478 + a->addTo ( menu );
103.479 + actionEditHeading=a;
103.480 + a = new QAction( tr( "edit Heading" ),tr( "Edit heading" ), Key_Return, this, "editHeading" );
103.481 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editHeading() ) );
103.482 + //a->addTo ( menu );
103.483 +
103.484 + // Shortcut to delete selection
103.485 + a = new QAction( tr( "Delete Selection" ),tr( "Delete Selection" ), Key_Delete, this, "deleteBranch" );
103.486 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editDeleteSelection() ) );
103.487 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.488 + a->addTo ( menu );
103.489 + actionEditDelete=a;
103.490 +
103.491 + // Shortcut to add branch
103.492 + #if defined (Q_OS_MACX)
103.493 + a = new QAction( tr( "Add a branch as child of selection" ),tr( "Add branch as child" ), CTRL + Key_I, this, "newBranch" );
103.494 + #else
103.495 + a = new QAction( tr( "Add a branch as child of selection" ),tr( "Add branch as child" ), Key_Insert, this, "newBranch" );
103.496 + #endif
103.497 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editNewBranch() ) );
103.498 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.499 + a->addTo ( menu );
103.500 + actionEditAddBranch=a;
103.501 +
103.502 + // Add branch above
103.503 + a = new QAction( tr( "Add a branch above selection" ),tr( "Add branch above" ), SHIFT+Key_Insert, this, "newBranch" );
103.504 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editNewBranchAbove() ) );
103.505 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.506 + a->addTo ( menu );
103.507 + actionEditAddBranchAbove=a;
103.508 +
103.509 + // Add branch below
103.510 + a = new QAction( tr( "Add a branch below selection" ),tr( "Add branch below" ), CTRL +Key_Insert, this, "newBranch" );
103.511 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editNewBranchBelow() ) );
103.512 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.513 + a->addTo ( menu );
103.514 + actionEditAddBranchBelow=a;
103.515 +
103.516 + // Import at selection (adding to selection)
103.517 + a = new QAction( tr( "Add map at selection" ),tr( "Import (add)" ), 0, this, "importAdd" );
103.518 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editImportAdd() ) );
103.519 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.520 + a->addTo ( menu );
103.521 + actionEditImportAdd=a;
103.522 +
103.523 + // Import at selection (replacing selection)
103.524 + a = new QAction( tr( "Replace selection with map" ),tr( "Import (replace)" ), 0, this, "importReplace" );
103.525 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editImportReplace() ) );
103.526 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.527 + a->addTo ( menu );
103.528 + actionEditImportReplace=a;
103.529 +
103.530 + // Save selection
103.531 + a = new QAction( tr( "Save selction" ),tr( "Save selection" ), 0, this, "saveSelection" );
103.532 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editSaveBranch() ) );
103.533 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.534 + a->addTo ( menu );
103.535 + actionEditSaveBranch=a;
103.536 +
103.537 + // Shortcuts for navigating with cursor:
103.538 + a = new QAction( tr( "Select upper branch" ),tr( "Select upper branch" ), Key_Up, this, "upperBranch" );
103.539 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editUpperBranch() ) );
103.540 + a = new QAction( tr( "Select lower branch" ),tr( "Select lower branch" ), Key_Down, this, "lowerBranch" );
103.541 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editLowerBranch() ) );
103.542 + a = new QAction( tr( "Select left branch" ),tr( "Select left branch" ), Key_Left, this, "upperBranch" );
103.543 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editLeftBranch() ) );
103.544 + a = new QAction( tr( "Select right branch" ),tr( "Select child branch" ), Key_Right, this, "rightBranch" );
103.545 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editRightBranch() ) );
103.546 + a = new QAction( tr( "Select first branch" ),tr( "Select first branch" ), Key_Home, this, "firstBranch" );
103.547 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.548 + a->addTo ( menu );
103.549 + actionEditSelectFirst=a;
103.550 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editFirstBranch() ) );
103.551 + a = new QAction( tr( "Select last branch" ),tr( "Select last branch" ), Key_End, this, "lastBranch" );
103.552 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editLastBranch() ) );
103.553 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.554 + a->addTo ( menu );
103.555 + actionEditSelectLast=a;
103.556 +
103.557 + a = new QAction( tr( "Add Image" ),tr( "Add Image" ), 0, this, "loadImage" );
103.558 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editLoadImage() ) );
103.559 + actionEditLoadImage=a;
103.560 +}
103.561 +
103.562 +// Format Actions
103.563 +void Main::setupFormatActions()
103.564 +{
103.565 + QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
103.566 + menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&Format" ), menu );
103.567 +
103.568 + QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this );
103.569 + QAction *a;
103.570 + QPixmap pix( 16,16);
103.571 + pix.fill (black);
103.572 + actionFormatColor= new QAction( tr( "Set Color" ), pix, tr( "Set &Color" ), 0, this, "formatColor" );
103.573 + connect( actionFormatColor, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatSelectColor() ) );
103.574 + actionFormatColor->addTo( tb );
103.575 + actionFormatColor->addTo( menu );
103.576 + a= new QAction( tr( "Pick color\nHint: You can pick a color from another branch and color using CTRL+Left Button" ), QPixmap(formatcolorpicker_xpm), tr( "Pic&k color" ), CTRL + Key_K, this, "pickColor" );
103.577 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatPickColor() ) );
103.578 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.579 + a->addTo( tb );
103.580 + a->addTo( menu );
103.581 + actionFormatPickColor=a;
103.582 + a= new QAction( tr( "Color branch" ), QPixmap(formatcoloritem_xpm), tr( "Color &branch" ), CTRL + Key_I, this, "colorItem" );
103.583 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatColorItem() ) );
103.584 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.585 + a->addTo( tb );
103.586 + a->addTo( menu );
103.587 + actionFormatColorBranch=a;
103.588 + a= new QAction( tr( "Color Subtree" ), QPixmap(formatcolorbranch_xpm), tr( "Color sub&tree" ), CTRL + Key_T, this, "colorBranch" );
103.589 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatColorBranch() ) );
103.590 + a->setEnabled (false);
103.591 + a->addTo( menu );
103.592 + a->addTo( tb );
103.593 + actionFormatColorSubtree=a;
103.594 +
103.595 + menu->insertSeparator();
103.596 + actionGroupFormatLinkStyles=new QActionGroup ( this, "formatLinkStyles");
103.597 + actionGroupFormatLinkStyles->setExclusive (true);
103.598 + a= new QAction( tr( "Line" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Linkstyle Line" ), 0, actionGroupFormatLinkStyles, "formatLinkStyleLine" );
103.599 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.600 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatLinkStyleLine() ) );
103.601 + actionFormatLinkStyleLine=a;
103.602 + a= new QAction( tr( "Line" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Linkstyle Parabel" ), 0, actionGroupFormatLinkStyles, "formatLinkStyleLine" );
103.603 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.604 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatLinkStyleParabel() ) );
103.605 + actionFormatLinkStyleParabel=a;
103.606 + a= new QAction( tr( "PolyLine" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Linkstyle Thick Line" ), 0, actionGroupFormatLinkStyles, "formatLinkStyleLine" );
103.607 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.608 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatLinkStylePolyLine() ) );
103.609 + actionFormatLinkStylePolyLine=a;
103.610 + a= new QAction( tr( "PolyParabel" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Linkstyle Thick Parabel" ), 0, actionGroupFormatLinkStyles, "formatLinkStylePolyParabel" );
103.611 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.612 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatLinkStylePolyParabel() ) );
103.613 + actionFormatLinkStylePolyParabel=a;
103.614 + actionGroupFormatLinkStyles->addTo (menu);
103.615 +
103.616 + actionGroupFormatFrameTypes=new QActionGroup ( this, "formatFrameTypes");
103.617 + actionGroupFormatFrameTypes->setExclusive (true);
103.618 + a = new QAction( tr( "No Frame" ),tr( "No Frame" ), 0, actionGroupFormatFrameTypes, "frameNone" );
103.619 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.620 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatFrameNone() ) );
103.621 + actionFormatFrameNone=a;
103.622 + a = new QAction( tr( "Rectangle" ),tr( "Rectangle" ), 0, actionGroupFormatFrameTypes, "frameRectangle" );
103.623 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.624 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatFrameRectangle() ) );
103.625 + actionFormatFrameRectangle=a;
103.626 +
103.627 + menu->insertSeparator();
103.628 + a= new QAction( tr( "Use same color for links and headings" ), QPixmap(), tr( "&Use color of heading for link" ), 0, this, "formatLinkColorHint" );
103.629 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.630 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatToggleLinkColorHint() ) );
103.631 + a->addTo( menu );
103.632 + actionFormatLinkColorHint=a;
103.633 + pix.fill (white);
103.634 + actionFormatLinkColor= new QAction( tr( "Set Link Color" ), pix, tr( "Set &Link Color" ), 0, this, "formatLinkColor" );
103.635 + connect( actionFormatLinkColor, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatSelectLinkColor() ) );
103.636 + actionFormatLinkColor->addTo( menu );
103.637 + actionFormatBackColor= new QAction( tr( "Set Background Color" ), pix, tr( "Set &Background Color" ), 0, this, "formatBackColor" );
103.638 + connect( actionFormatBackColor, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( formatSelectBackColor() ) );
103.639 + actionFormatBackColor->addTo( menu );
103.640 +}
103.641 +
103.642 +// View Actions
103.643 +void Main::setupViewActions()
103.644 +{
103.645 + QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this );
103.646 + tb->setLabel( "View Actions" );
103.647 + QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
103.648 + menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&View" ), menu );
103.649 +
103.650 + QAction *a;
103.651 + a = new QAction( tr( "Zoom reset" ), QPixmap(viewzoomreset_xpm), tr( "reset Zoom" ), 0, this, "zoomReset" );
103.652 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT(viewZoomReset() ) );
103.653 + a->addTo( tb );
103.654 + a->addTo( menu );
103.655 + a = new QAction( tr( "Zoom in" ), QPixmap(viewzoomin_xpm), tr( "Zoom in" ), CTRL + Key_Plus, this, "zoomIn" );
103.656 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT(viewZoomIn() ) );
103.657 + a->addTo( tb );
103.658 + a->addTo( menu );
103.659 + a = new QAction( tr( "Zoom out" ), QPixmap(viewzoomout_xpm), tr( "Zoom out" ), CTRL + Key_Minus, this, "zoomOut" );
103.660 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( viewZoomOut() ) );
103.661 + a->addTo( tb );
103.662 + a->addTo( menu );
103.663 + a = new QAction( tr( "Toggle Note Editor" ), QPixmap(flag_note_xpm), tr( "Toggle Note Editor" ), CTRL + Key_E , this, "noteEditor" );
103.664 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT(windowToggleNoteEditor() ) );
103.665 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.666 + if (textEditor->showWithMain())
103.667 + a->setOn(true);
103.668 + else
103.669 + a->setOn(false);
103.670 + a->addTo( tb );
103.671 + a->addTo( menu );
103.672 + actionViewToggleNoteEditor=a;
103.673 + a = new QAction( tr( "&Next Window" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Next Window" ), ALT + Key_N , this, "nextWindow" );
103.674 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT(windowNextEditor() ) );
103.675 + a->addTo( menu );
103.676 + a = new QAction( tr( "&Previous Window" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Previous Window" ), ALT + Key_P , this, "previousWindow" );
103.677 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT(windowPreviousEditor() ) );
103.678 + a->addTo( menu );
103.679 +}
103.680 +
103.681 +// Flag Actions
103.682 +void Main::setupFlagActions()
103.683 +{
103.684 + standardFlagsDefault->makeToolbar(this, "Standard Flags");
103.685 +}
103.686 +
103.687 +// Settings Actions
103.688 +void Main::setupSettingsActions()
103.689 +{
103.690 + QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
103.691 + menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&Settings" ), menu );
103.692 +
103.693 + QAction *a;
103.694 +
103.695 +
103.696 + a = new QAction( tr( "Set application to open pdf files" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Set application to open pdf files" ), 0, this, "setPDF" );
103.697 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( settingsPDF() ) );
103.698 + a->addTo( menu );
103.699 +
103.700 + a = new QAction( tr( "Set application to open an URL" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Set application to open an URL" ), 0, this, "setURL" );
103.701 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( settingsURL() ) );
103.702 + a->addTo( menu );
103.703 +
103.704 + menu->insertSeparator();
103.705 + a = new QAction( tr( "Edit branch after adding it" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Edit branch after adding it" ), 0, this, "autoedit" );
103.706 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.707 + a->setOn ( settings.readBoolEntry ("/vym/mapeditor/editmode/autoedit",true) );
103.708 + a->addTo( menu );
103.709 + actionSettingsAutoedit=a;
103.710 +
103.711 + a= new QAction( tr( "Select branch after adding it" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Select branch after adding it" ), 0, this, "autoselectheading" );
103.712 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.713 + a->setOn ( settings.readBoolEntry ("/vym/mapeditor/editmode/autoselect",false) );
103.714 + a->addTo( menu );
103.715 + actionSettingsAutoselectHeading=a;
103.716 +
103.717 + a= new QAction( tr( "Select heading before editing" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Select existing heading" ), 0, this, "autoselectexistingtext" );
103.718 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.719 + a->setOn ( settings.readBoolEntry ("/vym/mapeditor/editmode/autoselectexistingtext",true) );
103.720 + a->addTo( menu );
103.721 + actionSettingsAutoselectText=a;
103.722 +
103.723 + a= new QAction( tr( "Enable pasting into new branch" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Enable pasting into new branch" ), 0, this, "pastenewheading" );
103.724 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.725 + a->setOn ( settings.readBoolEntry ("/vym/mapeditor/editmode/newheadingisempty",true) );
103.726 + a->addTo( menu );
103.727 + actionSettingsPasteNewHeading=a;
103.728 +
103.729 + a= new QAction( tr( "Enable Delete key for deleting branches" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Enable Delete key" ), 0, this, "delkey" );
103.730 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.731 + a->setOn ( settings.readBoolEntry ("/vym/mapeditor/editmode/useDelKey",false) );
103.732 + a->addTo( menu );
103.733 + actionSettingsUseDelKey=a;
103.734 +}
103.735 +
103.736 +// Test Actions
103.737 +void Main::setupTestActions()
103.738 +{
103.739 + QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
103.740 + menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&Test" ), menu );
103.741 +
103.742 + QAction *a;
103.743 + a = new QAction( tr( "Test Flag" ), QPixmap(), tr( "test flag" ), 0, this, "flag" );
103.744 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( testFunction() ) );
103.745 + a->addTo( menu );
103.746 +
103.747 + a = new QAction( tr( "Show Clipboard" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Show clipboard" ), 0, this, "clipboard" );
103.748 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( testShowClipboard() ) );
103.749 + a->addTo( menu );
103.750 +}
103.751 +
103.752 +// Help Actions
103.753 +void Main::setupHelpActions()
103.754 +{
103.755 + QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
103.756 + menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&Help" ), menu );
103.757 +
103.758 + QAction *a;
103.759 + a = new QAction( tr( "Open VYM Documentation (pdf)" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Open VYM Documentation (pdf) " ), 0, this, "about" );
103.760 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( helpDoc() ) );
103.761 + a->addTo( menu );
103.762 +
103.763 + a = new QAction( tr( "Information about VYM" ), QPixmap(), tr( "About VYM" ), 0, this, "about" );
103.764 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( helpAbout() ) );
103.765 + a->addTo( menu );
103.766 +
103.767 + a = new QAction( tr( "Information about QT toolkit" ), QPixmap(), tr( "About QT" ), 0, this, "about" );
103.768 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( helpAboutQT() ) );
103.769 + a->addTo( menu );
103.770 +}
103.771 +
103.772 +// Context Menus
103.773 +void Main::setupContextMenus()
103.774 +{
103.775 + QAction*a;
103.776 +
103.777 + // Context Menu for branch or mapcenter
103.778 + branchContextMenu =new QPopupMenu (this);
103.779 + actionEditAddBranch->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
103.780 + actionEditAddBranchAbove->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
103.781 + actionEditAddBranchBelow->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
103.782 + actionEditSaveBranch->addTo( branchContextMenu );
103.783 + branchContextMenu->insertSeparator();
103.784 + actionEditImportAdd->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
103.785 + actionEditImportReplace->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
103.786 + branchContextMenu->insertSeparator();
103.787 + actionEditOpenURL->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
103.788 + actionEditURL->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
103.789 + actionEditHeading2URL->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
103.790 + if (settings.readBoolEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/showTestMenu",false))
103.791 + actionEditBugzilla2URL->addTo( branchContextMenu );
103.792 + branchContextMenu->insertSeparator();
103.793 + actionEditOpenVymLink->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
103.794 + actionEditVymLink->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
103.795 + actionEditDeleteVymLink->addTo ( branchContextMenu );
103.796 + branchContextMenu->insertSeparator();
103.797 + actionEditLoadImage->addTo( branchContextMenu );
103.798 + branchContextMenu->insertSeparator();
103.799 + actionEditCopy->addTo( branchContextMenu );
103.800 + actionEditCut->addTo( branchContextMenu );
103.801 + actionEditPaste->addTo( branchContextMenu );
103.802 + branchContextMenu->insertSeparator();
103.803 + actionGroupFormatFrameTypes->addTo( branchContextMenu );
103.804 +
103.805 + // Context menu for floatimage
103.806 + floatimageContextMenu =new QPopupMenu (this);
103.807 + saveImageFormatMenu=new QPopupMenu (this);
103.808 + exportImageFormatMenu=new QPopupMenu (this);
103.809 +
103.810 + QStrList fmt = QImage::outputFormats();
103.811 + for (const char* f = fmt.first(); f; f = fmt.next())
103.812 + {
103.813 + saveImageFormatMenu->insertItem( f );
103.814 + exportImageFormatMenu->insertItem( f );
103.815 + }
103.816 + connect( saveImageFormatMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( editSaveImage(int ) ) );
103.817 + connect( exportImageFormatMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( fileExportImage(int ) ) );
103.818 + floatimageContextMenu->insertItem( tr("Save image"),saveImageFormatMenu );
103.819 +
103.820 + floatimageContextMenu->insertSeparator();
103.821 + actionEditCopy->addTo( floatimageContextMenu );
103.822 + actionEditCut->addTo( floatimageContextMenu );
103.823 +
103.824 + floatimageContextMenu->insertSeparator();
103.825 + a = new QAction( tr( "Use for Export" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Use for Export"), 0, this, "useForExport" );
103.826 + a->setToggleAction(true);
103.827 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editToggleFloatExport() ) );
103.828 + a->addTo( floatimageContextMenu);
103.829 + actionEditToggleFloatExport=a;
103.830 +
103.831 +
103.832 +
103.833 + // Context menu for exports
103.834 + exportMenu->insertItem ( tr("Export map as image"),exportImageFormatMenu);
103.835 +
103.836 + a = new QAction( tr( "Export as ASCII (still experimental)" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Export (ASCII)" ), 0, this, "exportASCII" );
103.837 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportASCII() ) );
103.838 + a->addTo( exportMenu );
103.839 +
103.840 + a = new QAction( tr( "Export XML" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Export XML" ), 0, this, "exportXML" );
103.841 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportXML() ) );
103.842 + a->addTo( exportMenu );
103.843 +
103.844 + if (settings.readBoolEntry( "/vym/mainwindow/showTestMenu",false))
103.845 + {
103.846 + a = new QAction( tr( "Export HTML" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Export HTML" ), 0, this, "exportHTML" );
103.847 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportHTML() ) );
103.848 + a->addTo( exportMenu );
103.849 + }
103.850 +
103.851 + a = new QAction( tr( "Export XHTML" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Export XHTML" ), ALT + Key_X, this, "exportXHTML" );
103.852 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExportXHTML() ) );
103.853 + a->addTo( exportMenu );
103.854 +
103.855 +
103.856 + // Context menu for canvas
103.857 + canvasContextMenu =new QPopupMenu (this);
103.858 + actionEditMapInfo->addTo( canvasContextMenu );
103.859 + canvasContextMenu->insertSeparator();
103.860 + actionGroupFormatLinkStyles->addTo( canvasContextMenu );
103.861 + canvasContextMenu->insertSeparator();
103.862 + actionFormatLinkColorHint->addTo( canvasContextMenu );
103.863 + actionFormatLinkColor->addTo( canvasContextMenu );
103.864 + actionFormatBackColor->addTo( canvasContextMenu );
103.865 +
103.866 + // Menu for last opened files
103.867 + // Read settings initially
103.868 + QString s;
103.869 + int j=settings.readNumEntry( "/vym/lastMaps/number",0);
103.870 + for (int i=1;i<=j;i++)
103.871 + {
103.872 + s=settings.readEntry(QString("/vym/lastMaps/map-%1").arg(i),"");
103.873 + if (!s.isEmpty() && j<=maxLastMaps)
103.874 + lastMaps.append(s);
103.875 + }
103.876 + setupLastMapsMenu();
103.877 + connect( lastMapsMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( fileLoadLast(int ) ) );
103.878 +}
103.879 +
103.880 +void Main::setupLastMapsMenu()
103.881 +{
103.882 + // Remove double entries
103.883 + QStringList::Iterator it=lastMaps.begin();
103.884 + QStringList::Iterator jt;
103.885 + while (it!=lastMaps.end() )
103.886 + {
103.887 + jt=it;
103.888 + ++jt;
103.889 + while (jt!=lastMaps.end() )
103.890 + {
103.891 + if (*it == *jt)
103.892 + jt=lastMaps.remove(jt);
103.893 + else
103.894 + jt++;
103.895 + }
103.896 + it++;
103.897 + }
103.898 +
103.899 + // Limit length of list to maxLastMaps
103.900 + while ((int)(lastMaps.count()) > maxLastMaps) lastMaps.pop_back();
103.901 +
103.902 + // build Menu from lastMaps string list
103.903 + lastMapsMenu->clear();
103.904 + for (it = lastMaps.begin(); it != lastMaps.end(); ++it )
103.905 + lastMapsMenu->insertItem (*it );
103.906 +
103.907 +}
103.908 +
103.909 +void Main::hideEvent (QHideEvent * )
103.910 +{
103.911 + if (!textEditor->isMinimized() ) textEditor->hide();
103.912 +}
103.913 +
103.914 +void Main::showEvent (QShowEvent * )
103.915 +{
103.916 + if (textEditor->showWithMain()) textEditor->show();
103.917 +}
103.918 +
103.919 +bool Main::reallyWriteDirectory(const QString &dir)
103.920 +{
103.921 + QStringList eList = QDir(dir).entryList();
103.922 + if (eList.first() ==".") eList.pop_front(); // remove "."
103.923 + if (eList.first() =="..") eList.pop_front(); // remove "."
103.924 + if (!eList.isEmpty())
103.925 + {
103.926 + QMessageBox mb( "VYM",
103.927 + tr("The directory ") + dir +
103.928 + tr(" is not empty. Do you risk to overwrite its contents?"),
103.929 + QMessageBox::Warning,
103.930 + QMessageBox::Yes ,
103.931 + QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Default,
103.932 + QMessageBox::QMessageBox::NoButton );
103.933 +
103.934 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr("Overwrite") );
103.935 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::No, tr("Cancel"));
103.936 + switch( mb.exec() )
103.937 + {
103.938 + case QMessageBox::Yes:
103.939 + // save
103.940 + return true;
103.941 + case QMessageBox::Cancel:
103.942 + // do nothing
103.943 + return false;
103.944 + }
103.945 + }
103.946 + return true;
103.947 +}
103.948 +
103.949 +QString Main::browseDirectory (const QString &caption)
103.950 +{
103.951 + QFileDialog fd(this,caption);
103.952 + fd.setMode (QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly);
103.953 + fd.setCaption("VYM - "+caption);
103.954 + fd.show();
103.955 +
103.956 + if ( fd.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
103.957 + return fd.selectedFile();
103.958 + else
103.959 + return "";
103.960 +}
103.961 +
103.962 +MapEditor* Main::currentMapEditor() const
103.963 +{
103.964 + if ( tabWidget->currentPage() &&
103.965 + tabWidget->currentPage()->inherits( "MapEditor" ) )
103.966 + return (MapEditor*)tabWidget->currentPage();
103.967 + return NULL;
103.968 +}
103.969 +
103.970 +//TODO not used now, maybe use this for overview window later
103.971 +void Main::newView()
103.972 +{
103.973 + // Open a new view... have it delete when closed.
103.974 + Main *m = new Main(0, 0, WDestructiveClose);
103.975 + qApp->setMainWidget(m);
103.976 + m->show();
103.977 + qApp->setMainWidget(0);
103.978 +}
103.979 +
103.980 +void Main::editorChanged(QWidget *)
103.981 +{
103.982 + // Unselect all possibly selected objects
103.983 + // (Important to update note editor)
103.984 + int i;
103.985 + MapEditor *me;
103.986 + for (i=0;i<=tabWidget->count() -1;i++)
103.987 + {
103.988 +
103.989 + me=(MapEditor*)tabWidget->page(i);
103.990 + me->unselect();
103.991 + }
103.992 + currentMapEditor()->reselect();
103.993 +
103.994 + // Update actions to in menus and toolbars according to editor
103.995 + currentMapEditor()->updateActions();
103.996 +}
103.997 +
103.998 +void Main::fileNew()
103.999 +{
103.1000 + QString fn="unnamed";
103.1001 + MapEditor* medit = new MapEditor (tabWidget, true);
103.1002 + tabWidget->addTab (medit,fn);
103.1003 + tabWidget->showPage(medit);
103.1004 + medit->viewport()->setFocus();
103.1005 + medit->select("mc:");
103.1006 +}
103.1007 +
103.1008 +void Main::fileLoad(QString fn, const LoadMode &lmode)
103.1009 +{
103.1010 + // Error codes
103.1011 + enum errorCode {success,aborted};
103.1012 + errorCode err=success;
103.1013 +
103.1014 + // fn is usually the archive, mapfile the file after uncompressing
103.1015 + QString mapfile;
103.1016 +
103.1017 + // Make fn absolute (needed for unzip)
103.1018 + fn=QDir (fn).absPath();
103.1019 +
103.1020 + MapEditor *me;
103.1021 +
103.1022 + if (lmode==NewMap)
103.1023 + {
103.1024 + // Check, if map is already loaded
103.1025 + int i=0;
103.1026 + while (i<=tabWidget->count() -1)
103.1027 + {
103.1028 + me=(MapEditor*)tabWidget->page(i);
103.1029 + if (me->getFilePath() == fn)
103.1030 + {
103.1031 + // Already there, ask for confirmation
103.1032 + QMessageBox mb( "VYM",
103.1033 + tr("The map ") + fn + tr ("\n is already opened."
103.1034 + "Opening the same map in multiple editors may lead \n"
103.1035 + "to confusion when finishing working with vym."
103.1036 + "Do you want to"),
103.1037 + QMessageBox::Warning,
103.1038 + QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
103.1039 + QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Escape,
103.1040 + QMessageBox::QMessageBox::NoButton);
103.1041 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr("Open anyway") );
103.1042 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Cancel, tr("Cancel"));
103.1043 + switch( mb.exec() )
103.1044 + {
103.1045 + case QMessageBox::Yes:
103.1046 + // load anyway
103.1047 + i=tabWidget->count();
103.1048 + break;
103.1049 + case QMessageBox::Cancel:
103.1050 + // do nothing
103.1051 + return;
103.1052 + break;
103.1053 + }
103.1054 + }
103.1055 + i++;
103.1056 + }
103.1057 + }
103.1058 +
103.1059 +
103.1060 + // Try to load map
103.1061 + if ( !fn.isEmpty() )
103.1062 + {
103.1063 + me = currentMapEditor();
103.1064 + int tabIndex=tabWidget->currentPageIndex();
103.1065 + // Check first, if mapeditor exists
103.1066 + // If it is not default AND we want a new map,
103.1067 + // create a new mapeditor in a new tab
103.1068 + if ( lmode==NewMap && (!me || !me->isDefault() ) )
103.1069 + {
103.1070 + me = new MapEditor (tabWidget,true);
103.1071 + tabWidget->addTab (me,fn);
103.1072 + tabIndex=tabWidget->indexOf (me);
103.1073 + tabWidget->setCurrentPage (tabIndex);
103.1074 + }
103.1075 +
103.1076 + // Check, if file exists (important for creating new files
103.1077 + // from command line
103.1078 + if (!QFile(fn).exists() )
103.1079 + {
103.1080 + QMessageBox mb( "VYM",
103.1081 + tr("The map") + fn +
103.1082 + tr(" does not exist.\n Do you want to create a new one?"),
103.1083 + QMessageBox::Question,
103.1084 + QMessageBox::Yes ,
103.1085 + QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Default,
103.1086 + QMessageBox::QMessageBox::NoButton );
103.1087 +
103.1088 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr("Create"));
103.1089 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::No, tr("Cancel"));
103.1090 + switch( mb.exec() )
103.1091 + {
103.1092 + case QMessageBox::Yes:
103.1093 + // Create new map
103.1094 + currentMapEditor()->setFilePath(fn);
103.1095 + tabWidget->setTabLabel (currentMapEditor(),
103.1096 + currentMapEditor()->getFileName() );
103.1097 + statusBar()->message( "Created " + fn , statusbarTime );
103.1098 + return;
103.1099 +
103.1100 + case QMessageBox::Cancel:
103.1101 + // don't create new map
103.1102 + statusBar()->message( "Loading " + fn + " failed!", statusbarTime );
103.1103 + fileCloseMap();
103.1104 + return;
103.1105 + }
103.1106 + }
103.1107 +
103.1108 +
103.1109 + //tabWidget->currentPage() won't be NULL here, because of above...
103.1110 + tabWidget->showPage(me);
103.1111 + me->viewport()->setFocus();
103.1112 +
103.1113 + // Create temporary directory for packing
103.1114 + char tmpdir1[]="/tmp/vym-XXXXXX";
103.1115 + QString tmpMapDir=mkdtemp(tmpdir1);
103.1116 +
103.1117 + // Try to unzip file
103.1118 + Process *zipProc=new Process ();
103.1119 + zipProc->clearArguments();
103.1120 + zipProc->setWorkingDirectory (QDir(tmpMapDir));
103.1121 + zipProc->addArgument ("unzip");
103.1122 + zipProc->addArgument (fn );
103.1123 + zipProc->addArgument ("-d");
103.1124 + zipProc->addArgument (tmpMapDir);
103.1125 +
103.1126 + if (!zipProc->start() )
103.1127 + {
103.1128 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Load Error" ),
103.1129 + tr("Couldn't start unzip to decompress data."));
103.1130 + err=aborted;
103.1131 +
103.1132 + } else
103.1133 + {
103.1134 + zipProc->waitFinished();
103.1135 + if (!zipProc->normalExit() )
103.1136 + {
103.1137 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Load Error" ),
103.1138 + tr("unzip didn't exit normally") +
103.1139 + zipProc->getErrout() );
103.1140 + err=aborted;
103.1141 + } else
103.1142 + {
103.1143 + if (zipProc->exitStatus()>0)
103.1144 + {
103.1145 + if (zipProc->exitStatus()==9)
103.1146 + {
103.1147 + // no zipped file, but maybe .xml or old version? Try again.
103.1148 + mapfile=fn;
103.1149 + me->setZipped(false);
103.1150 + }
103.1151 + else
103.1152 + {
103.1153 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Load Error" ),
103.1154 + QString("unzip exit code: %1").arg(zipProc->exitStatus() ) +
103.1155 + zipProc->getErrout() );
103.1156 + err=aborted;
103.1157 + }
103.1158 + } else
103.1159 + { // Uncompressing was successfull,
103.1160 + // load from uncompressed temporary directory
103.1161 +
103.1162 + me->setZipped(true);
103.1163 +
103.1164 +
103.1165 + // Look for mapname.xml
103.1166 + mapfile= fn.left(fn.findRev(".",-1,true));
103.1167 + mapfile=mapfile.section( '/', -1 );
103.1168 + QFile file( tmpMapDir + "/" + mapfile + ".xml");
103.1169 + if (!file.exists() )
103.1170 + {
103.1171 + // mapname.xml does not exist, well,
103.1172 + // maybe some renamed the mapname.vym file...
103.1173 + // Try to find any .xml in the toplevel
103.1174 + // directory of the .vym file
103.1175 + QStringList flist=QDir (tmpMapDir).entryList("*.xml");
103.1176 + if (flist.count()==1)
103.1177 + {
103.1178 + // Only one entry, take this one
103.1179 + mapfile=tmpMapDir + "/"+flist.first();
103.1180 + } else
103.1181 + {
103.1182 + for ( QStringList::Iterator it = flist.begin(); it != flist.end(); ++it )
103.1183 + *it=tmpMapDir + "/" + *it;
103.1184 + // FIXME
103.1185 + // Multiple entries, load all (but only the first one into this ME)
103.1186 + //mainWindow->fileLoadFromTmp (flist);
103.1187 + //returnCode=1; // Silently forget this attempt to load
103.1188 + qWarning ("MainWindow::load (fn) multimap found...");
103.1189 + }
103.1190 +
103.1191 + if (flist.isEmpty() )
103.1192 + {
103.1193 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Load Error" ),
103.1194 + tr("Couldn't find a map (*.xml) in .vym archive.\n"));
103.1195 + err=aborted;
103.1196 + }
103.1197 + } //file doesn't exist
103.1198 + else
103.1199 + mapfile=file.name();
103.1200 + } // Uncompressing successfull
103.1201 + }
103.1202 + }
103.1203 +
103.1204 + // Finally load map into mapEditor
103.1205 + me->setFilePath (mapfile,fn);
103.1206 + if (me->load(mapfile,lmode))
103.1207 + err=aborted;
103.1208 +
103.1209 + // Delete tmpDir
103.1210 + system ( "rm -rf "+tmpMapDir);
103.1211 +
103.1212 + // Check for errors
103.1213 + if (err==success)
103.1214 + {
103.1215 + if (lmode==NewMap)
103.1216 + {
103.1217 + me->setFilePath (fn);
103.1218 + tabWidget->changeTab(tabWidget->page(tabIndex), me->getFileName());
103.1219 + lastMaps.prepend(me->getFilePath() );
103.1220 + setupLastMapsMenu();
103.1221 + actionFilePrint->setEnabled (true);
103.1222 + }
103.1223 + statusBar()->message( "Loaded " + fn, statusbarTime );
103.1224 + return;
103.1225 + } else
103.1226 + {
103.1227 + if (lmode==NewMap)
103.1228 + fileCloseMap();
103.1229 + }
103.1230 +
103.1231 +
103.1232 + }
103.1233 + statusBar()->message( "Could not load " + fn, statusbarTime );
103.1234 +}
103.1235 +
103.1236 +
103.1237 +void Main::fileLoad(const LoadMode &lmode)
103.1238 +{
103.1239 + QFileDialog *fd=new QFileDialog( this);
103.1240 + if (!lastFileDir.isEmpty())
103.1241 + fd->setDir (lastFileDir);
103.1242 + fd->addFilter ("XML (*.xml)");
103.1243 + fd->addFilter ("VYM map (*.vym *.vyp)");
103.1244 + switch (lmode)
103.1245 + {
103.1246 + case NewMap:
103.1247 + fd->setCaption(tr("Load vym map"));
103.1248 + break;
103.1249 + case ImportAdd:
103.1250 + fd->setCaption(tr("Import: Add vym map to selection"));
103.1251 + break;
103.1252 + case ImportReplace:
103.1253 + fd->setCaption(tr("Import: Replace selection with vym map"));
103.1254 + break;
103.1255 + }
103.1256 + fd->show();
103.1257 +
103.1258 + QString fn;
103.1259 + if ( fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
103.1260 + {
103.1261 + lastFileDir=fd->dirPath();
103.1262 + fn = fd->selectedFile();
103.1263 + fileLoad(fn, lmode);
103.1264 + }
103.1265 +}
103.1266 +
103.1267 +void Main::fileLoad()
103.1268 +{
103.1269 + fileLoad (NewMap);
103.1270 +}
103.1271 +
103.1272 +void Main::fileLoadLast(int i)
103.1273 +{
103.1274 + fileLoad(*lastMaps.at(lastMapsMenu->indexOf (i) ),NewMap);
103.1275 +}
103.1276 +
103.1277 +void Main::fileSave(const SaveMode &savemode)
103.1278 +{
103.1279 + // tmp dir for zipping
103.1280 + QString tmpMapDir;
103.1281 +
103.1282 + // Error codes
103.1283 + enum errorCode {success,aborted};
103.1284 + errorCode err=success;
103.1285 +
103.1286 + QString safeFilePath;
103.1287 +
103.1288 + bool saveZipped=currentMapEditor()->saveZipped();
103.1289 +
103.1290 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1291 + {
103.1292 + QString fn=currentMapEditor()->getFilePath();
103.1293 + // filename=unnamed, filepath="" in constructor...
103.1294 + if ( !fn.isEmpty() )
103.1295 + {
103.1296 + // We have a filepath, go on saving
103.1297 + // First remove existing file, we
103.1298 + // don't want to add to old zip archives
103.1299 + QFile f(fn);
103.1300 + if (f.exists() )
103.1301 + if (!f.remove())
103.1302 + QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Save Error" ),
103.1303 + fn+ tr("\ncould not be removed before saving"));
103.1304 +
103.1305 + // Look, if we should zip the data:
103.1306 + if (!saveZipped)
103.1307 + {
103.1308 + QMessageBox mb( "VYM",
103.1309 + tr("The map ") + fn +
103.1310 + tr ("\ndid not use the compressed "
103.1311 + "vym file format.\nWriting it uncompressed will also write images \n"
103.1312 + "and flags and thus may overwrite files in the "
103.1313 + "given directory\n\nDo you want to write the map"),
103.1314 + QMessageBox::Warning,
103.1315 + QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
103.1316 + QMessageBox::No ,
103.1317 + QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Escape);
103.1318 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr("compressed (vym default)") );
103.1319 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::No, tr("uncompressed") );
103.1320 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Cancel, tr("Cancel"));
103.1321 + switch( mb.exec() )
103.1322 + {
103.1323 + case QMessageBox::Yes:
103.1324 + // save compressed (default file format)
103.1325 + saveZipped=true;
103.1326 + break;
103.1327 + case QMessageBox::No:
103.1328 + // save uncompressed
103.1329 + saveZipped=false;
103.1330 + break;
103.1331 + case QMessageBox::Cancel:
103.1332 + // do nothing
103.1333 + return;
103.1334 + break;
103.1335 + }
103.1336 + }
103.1337 +
103.1338 + if (saveZipped)
103.1339 + {
103.1340 + char tmpdir1[]="/tmp/vym-XXXXXX";
103.1341 + tmpMapDir=mkdtemp(tmpdir1);
103.1342 +
103.1343 + safeFilePath=currentMapEditor()->getFilePath();
103.1344 + currentMapEditor()->setFilePath (tmpMapDir+"/"+
103.1345 + currentMapEditor()->getMapName()+ ".xml",
103.1346 + safeFilePath);
103.1347 + currentMapEditor()->save (savemode);
103.1348 + currentMapEditor()->setFilePath (safeFilePath);
103.1349 +
103.1350 + // zip the temporary directory
103.1351 + Process *zipProc=new Process ();
103.1352 + zipProc->clearArguments();
103.1353 + zipProc->setWorkingDirectory (QDir(tmpMapDir));
103.1354 + zipProc->addArgument ("zip");
103.1355 + zipProc->addArgument ("-r");
103.1356 + zipProc->addArgument (fn);
103.1357 + zipProc->addArgument (".");
103.1358 +
103.1359 + if (!zipProc->start() )
103.1360 + {
103.1361 + // zip could not be started
103.1362 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Save Error" ),
103.1363 + tr("Couldn't start zip to compress data."));
103.1364 + err=aborted;
103.1365 + } else
103.1366 + {
103.1367 + // zip could be started
103.1368 + zipProc->waitFinished();
103.1369 + if (!zipProc->normalExit() )
103.1370 + {
103.1371 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Save Error" ),
103.1372 + tr("zip didn't exit normally")+
103.1373 + "\n" + zipProc->getErrout());
103.1374 + err=aborted;
103.1375 + } else
103.1376 + {
103.1377 + if (zipProc->exitStatus()>0)
103.1378 + {
103.1379 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Save Error" ),
103.1380 + QString("zip exit code: %1").arg(zipProc->exitStatus() )+
103.1381 + "\n" + zipProc->getErrout() );
103.1382 + err=aborted;
103.1383 + }
103.1384 + }
103.1385 + } // zip could be started
103.1386 + } // save zipped
103.1387 + else
103.1388 + {
103.1389 + // Save unzipped.
103.1390 + safeFilePath=currentMapEditor()->getFilePath();
103.1391 + currentMapEditor()->setFilePath (fn, safeFilePath);
103.1392 + currentMapEditor()->save (savemode);
103.1393 + currentMapEditor()->setFilePath (safeFilePath);
103.1394 + } // save zipped
103.1395 + } // filepath available
103.1396 + else
103.1397 + {
103.1398 + // We have no filepath yet,
103.1399 + // call fileSaveAs() now, this will call fileSave()
103.1400 + // again.
103.1401 + fileSaveAs(savemode);
103.1402 + }
103.1403 + }
103.1404 +
103.1405 + if (currentMapEditor()->saveZipped())
103.1406 + {
103.1407 + // Delete tmpDir
103.1408 + system ( "rm -rf "+ tmpMapDir );
103.1409 + }
103.1410 +
103.1411 + if (err==success)
103.1412 + statusBar()->message(
103.1413 + tr("Saved")+" " + currentMapEditor()->getFilePath(),
103.1414 + statusbarTime );
103.1415 + else
103.1416 + statusBar()->message(
103.1417 + tr("Couldn't save")+" " + currentMapEditor()->getFilePath(),
103.1418 + statusbarTime );
103.1419 +}
103.1420 +
103.1421 +void Main::fileSave()
103.1422 +{
103.1423 + fileSave (CompleteMap);
103.1424 +}
103.1425 +
103.1426 +void Main::fileSaveAs(const SaveMode& savemode)
103.1427 +{
103.1428 + QString tmpMapDir;
103.1429 + QString fn;
103.1430 +
103.1431 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1432 + {
103.1433 + if (savemode==CompleteMap)
103.1434 + fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( QString::null, "VYM map (*.vym)", this );
103.1435 + else
103.1436 + fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( QString::null, "VYM part of map (*.vyp)", this );
103.1437 + if ( !fn.isEmpty() )
103.1438 + {
103.1439 + // Check for existing file
103.1440 + if (QFile (fn).exists())
103.1441 + {
103.1442 + QMessageBox mb( "VYM",
103.1443 + tr("The file ") + fn + tr ("\nexists already. Do you want to"),
103.1444 + QMessageBox::Warning,
103.1445 + QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
103.1446 + QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Escape,
103.1447 + QMessageBox::QMessageBox::NoButton);
103.1448 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr("Overwrite") );
103.1449 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Cancel, tr("Cancel"));
103.1450 + switch( mb.exec() )
103.1451 + {
103.1452 + case QMessageBox::Yes:
103.1453 + // save
103.1454 + break;
103.1455 + case QMessageBox::Cancel:
103.1456 + // do nothing
103.1457 + return;
103.1458 + break;
103.1459 + }
103.1460 + } else
103.1461 + {
103.1462 + // New file, add extension to filename, if missing
103.1463 + // This is always .vym or .vyp, depending on savemode
103.1464 + if (savemode==CompleteMap)
103.1465 + {
103.1466 + if (!fn.contains (".vym") && !fn.contains (".xml"))
103.1467 + fn +=".vym";
103.1468 + } else
103.1469 + {
103.1470 + if (!fn.contains (".vyp") && !fn.contains (".xml"))
103.1471 + fn +=".vyp";
103.1472 + }
103.1473 + }
103.1474 +
103.1475 +
103.1476 +
103.1477 +
103.1478 + // Save now
103.1479 + currentMapEditor()->setFilePath(fn);
103.1480 + fileSave(savemode);
103.1481 +
103.1482 + // Set name of tab
103.1483 + tabWidget->setTabLabel (currentMapEditor(),
103.1484 + currentMapEditor()->getFileName() );
103.1485 + return;
103.1486 + }
103.1487 + }
103.1488 +}
103.1489 +
103.1490 +void Main::fileSaveAs()
103.1491 +{
103.1492 + fileSaveAs (CompleteMap);
103.1493 +}
103.1494 +
103.1495 +void Main::fileImportDir()
103.1496 +{
103.1497 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1498 + currentMapEditor()->importDir();
103.1499 +}
103.1500 +
103.1501 +void Main::fileExportXML()
103.1502 +{
103.1503 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1504 + {
103.1505 + QString dir=browseDirectory(tr("Export XML to directory"));
103.1506 + if (dir !="" && reallyWriteDirectory(dir) )
103.1507 + currentMapEditor()->exportXML(dir);
103.1508 + }
103.1509 +}
103.1510 +
103.1511 +void Main::fileExportHTML()
103.1512 +{
103.1513 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1514 + {
103.1515 + ExportHTMLDialog dia(this);
103.1516 +
103.1517 + if (dia.exec()==QDialog::Accepted)
103.1518 + {
103.1519 + QString dir=dia.getDir();
103.1520 + if (reallyWriteDirectory(dir) )
103.1521 + {
103.1522 + currentMapEditor()->exportXML (dia.getDir() );
103.1523 + dia.doExport(currentMapEditor()->getMapName() );
103.1524 + }
103.1525 + }
103.1526 + }
103.1527 +}
103.1528 +
103.1529 +void Main::fileExportXHTML()
103.1530 +{
103.1531 + QString dir;
103.1532 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1533 + {
103.1534 + ExportXHTMLDialog dia(this);
103.1535 + dia.setFilePath (currentMapEditor()->getFilePath() );
103.1536 + dia.setMapName (currentMapEditor()->getMapName() );
103.1537 + dia.readSettings();
103.1538 +
103.1539 + if (dia.exec()==QDialog::Accepted)
103.1540 + {
103.1541 + QString dir=dia.getDir();
103.1542 + // Check, if warnings should be used before overwriting
103.1543 + // the output directory
103.1544 + bool ok;
103.1545 + if (dia.warnings())
103.1546 + ok=reallyWriteDirectory(dir);
103.1547 + else
103.1548 + ok=true;
103.1549 +
103.1550 + if (ok)
103.1551 + {
103.1552 + currentMapEditor()->exportXML (dia.getDir() );
103.1553 + dia.doExport(currentMapEditor()->getMapName() );
103.1554 + if (dia.hasChanged())
103.1555 + currentMapEditor()->setChanged();
103.1556 + }
103.1557 + }
103.1558 + }
103.1559 +}
103.1560 +
103.1561 +void Main::fileExportImage(int item)
103.1562 +{
103.1563 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1564 + {
103.1565 + QString fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( QString::null, "Image (*.bmp *.jpg *.pbm *.pgm *.png *.ppm *xbm *.xpm)",
103.1566 + this );
103.1567 + if ( !fn.isEmpty() )
103.1568 + {
103.1569 + currentMapEditor()->exportImage(fn,item);
103.1570 + } else {
103.1571 + statusBar()->message( tr("Couldn't save") + fn, statusbarTime );
103.1572 + }
103.1573 + }
103.1574 +}
103.1575 +
103.1576 +void Main::fileExportASCII()
103.1577 +{
103.1578 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1579 + currentMapEditor()->exportASCII();
103.1580 +}
103.1581 +
103.1582 +void Main::fileCloseMap()
103.1583 +{
103.1584 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1585 + {
103.1586 + if (currentMapEditor()->hasChanged())
103.1587 + {
103.1588 + QMessageBox mb( "VYM",
103.1589 + tr("The map ") + currentMapEditor()->getFileName() +
103.1590 + tr(" has been modified but not saved yet. Do you want to"),
103.1591 + QMessageBox::Warning,
103.1592 + QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
103.1593 + QMessageBox::No,
103.1594 + QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Escape );
103.1595 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr("Save modified map before closing it") );
103.1596 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::No, tr("Discard changes"));
103.1597 + switch( mb.exec() )
103.1598 + {
103.1599 + case QMessageBox::Yes:
103.1600 + // save and close
103.1601 + fileSave(CompleteMap);
103.1602 + break;
103.1603 + case QMessageBox::No:
103.1604 + // close without saving
103.1605 + break;
103.1606 + case QMessageBox::Cancel:
103.1607 + // do nothing
103.1608 + return;
103.1609 + }
103.1610 + }
103.1611 + currentMapEditor()->closeMap();
103.1612 + tabWidget->removePage(currentMapEditor());
103.1613 + if (tabWidget->count()==0)
103.1614 + actionFilePrint->setEnabled (false);
103.1615 + }
103.1616 +}
103.1617 +
103.1618 +void Main::filePrint()
103.1619 +{
103.1620 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1621 + currentMapEditor()->print();
103.1622 +}
103.1623 +
103.1624 +void Main::fileExitVYM()
103.1625 +{
103.1626 + // Check if one or more editors have changed
103.1627 + MapEditor *me;
103.1628 + int i;
103.1629 + for (i=0;i<=tabWidget->count() -1;i++)
103.1630 + {
103.1631 +
103.1632 + me=(MapEditor*)tabWidget->page(i);
103.1633 +
103.1634 + // If something changed, ask what to do
103.1635 + if (me->isUnsaved())
103.1636 + {
103.1637 + tabWidget->setCurrentPage(i);
103.1638 + QMessageBox mb( "VYM",
103.1639 + tr("This map is not saved yet. Do you want to"),
103.1640 + QMessageBox::Warning,
103.1641 + QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
103.1642 + QMessageBox::No,
103.1643 + QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Escape );
103.1644 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr("Save map") );
103.1645 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::No, tr("Discard changes") );
103.1646 + mb.show();
103.1647 + // Call undocumented function: setActiveWindow is only
103.1648 + // possible, if widget is visible. This depends on
103.1649 + // windowmanager...
103.1650 +#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
103.1651 + qt_wait_for_window_manager( this);
103.1652 +#endif
103.1653 + mb.setActiveWindow();
103.1654 + switch( mb.exec() ) {
103.1655 + case QMessageBox::Yes:
103.1656 + // save (the changed editors) and exit
103.1657 + fileSave(CompleteMap);
103.1658 + break;
103.1659 + case QMessageBox::No:
103.1660 + // exit without saving
103.1661 + break;
103.1662 + case QMessageBox::Cancel:
103.1663 + // don't save and don't exit
103.1664 + return;
103.1665 + }
103.1666 + }
103.1667 + } // loop over all MEs
103.1668 + qApp->quit();
103.1669 +}
103.1670 +
103.1671 +void Main::editUndo()
103.1672 +{
103.1673 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1674 + currentMapEditor()->undo();
103.1675 +}
103.1676 +
103.1677 +void Main::editRedo() // TODO
103.1678 +{
103.1679 +}
103.1680 +
103.1681 +void Main::editCopy()
103.1682 +{
103.1683 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1684 + currentMapEditor()->copy();
103.1685 +}
103.1686 +
103.1687 +void Main::editPaste()
103.1688 +{
103.1689 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1690 + currentMapEditor()->paste();
103.1691 +}
103.1692 +
103.1693 +void Main::editCut()
103.1694 +{
103.1695 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1696 + currentMapEditor()->cut();
103.1697 +}
103.1698 +
103.1699 +void Main::editOpenFindWindow()
103.1700 +{
103.1701 + findWindow->popup();
103.1702 + findWindow->raise();
103.1703 +
103.1704 + // Call undocumented function: setActiveWindow is only
103.1705 + // possible, if widget is visible. This depends on
103.1706 + // windowmanager...
103.1707 +#if defined(Q_OS_LINUX)
103.1708 + qt_wait_for_window_manager( this);
103.1709 +#endif
103.1710 + findWindow->setActiveWindow();
103.1711 +}
103.1712 +
103.1713 +void Main::editFind(QString s)
103.1714 +{
103.1715 + bool cs=false;
103.1716 + BranchObj *bo=currentMapEditor()->findText(s, cs);
103.1717 + if (bo)
103.1718 + {
103.1719 + statusBar()->message( "Found: " + bo->getHeading(), statusbarTime );
103.1720 + } else
103.1721 + {
103.1722 + QMessageBox::information( findWindow, tr( "VYM -Information:" ),
103.1723 + tr("No matches found for ")+
103.1724 + "'<b>"+s+"</b>'");
103.1725 + }
103.1726 +}
103.1727 +
103.1728 +void Main::editFindChanged()
103.1729 +{ // Notify editor, to abort the current find process
103.1730 + currentMapEditor()->findReset();
103.1731 +}
103.1732 +
103.1733 +void Main::editOpenURL()
103.1734 +{
103.1735 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1736 + currentMapEditor()->openURL();
103.1737 +}
103.1738 +
103.1739 +void Main::editURL()
103.1740 +{
103.1741 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1742 + currentMapEditor()->editURL();
103.1743 +}
103.1744 +
103.1745 +void Main::editHeading2URL()
103.1746 +{
103.1747 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1748 + currentMapEditor()->editHeading2URL();
103.1749 +}
103.1750 +
103.1751 +void Main::editBugzilla2URL()
103.1752 +{
103.1753 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1754 + currentMapEditor()->editBugzilla2URL();
103.1755 +}
103.1756 +
103.1757 +void Main::editOpenVymLink()
103.1758 +{
103.1759 + // Get current path to map
103.1760 + QString currentVymLink;
103.1761 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1762 + {
103.1763 + currentVymLink=currentMapEditor()->getVymLink();
103.1764 + // compare path with already loaded maps
103.1765 + int index=-1;
103.1766 + int i;
103.1767 + MapEditor *me;
103.1768 + for (i=0;i<=tabWidget->count() -1;i++)
103.1769 + {
103.1770 + me=(MapEditor*)tabWidget->page(i);
103.1771 + if (currentVymLink==me->getFilePath() )
103.1772 + {
103.1773 + index=i;
103.1774 + break;
103.1775 + }
103.1776 + }
103.1777 + if (index<0)
103.1778 + // Load map
103.1779 + {
103.1780 + if (!QFile(currentVymLink).exists() )
103.1781 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Error" ),
103.1782 + tr("Couldn't open map " +currentVymLink)+".");
103.1783 + else
103.1784 + {
103.1785 + fileLoad (currentVymLink, NewMap);
103.1786 + tabWidget->setCurrentPage (tabWidget->count()-1);
103.1787 + }
103.1788 + } else
103.1789 + // Go to tab containing the map
103.1790 + tabWidget->setCurrentPage (index);
103.1791 + }
103.1792 +}
103.1793 +
103.1794 +void Main::editVymLink()
103.1795 +{
103.1796 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1797 + currentMapEditor()->editVymLink();
103.1798 +}
103.1799 +
103.1800 +void Main::editDeleteVymLink()
103.1801 +{
103.1802 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1803 + currentMapEditor()->deleteVymLink();
103.1804 +}
103.1805 +
103.1806 +void Main::editMapInfo()
103.1807 +{
103.1808 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1809 + currentMapEditor()->editMapInfo();
103.1810 +}
103.1811 +
103.1812 +void Main::editMoveUp()
103.1813 +{
103.1814 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1815 + currentMapEditor()->moveBranchUp();
103.1816 +}
103.1817 +
103.1818 +void Main::editMoveDown()
103.1819 +{
103.1820 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1821 + currentMapEditor()->moveBranchDown();
103.1822 +}
103.1823 +
103.1824 +void Main::editToggleScroll()
103.1825 +{
103.1826 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1827 + {
103.1828 + currentMapEditor()->toggleScroll();
103.1829 + }
103.1830 +}
103.1831 +
103.1832 +void Main::editUnScrollAll()
103.1833 +{
103.1834 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1835 + {
103.1836 + currentMapEditor()->unScrollAll();
103.1837 + }
103.1838 +}
103.1839 +
103.1840 +void Main::editHeading()
103.1841 +{
103.1842 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1843 + currentMapEditor()->editHeading();
103.1844 +}
103.1845 +
103.1846 +void Main::editNewBranch()
103.1847 +{
103.1848 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1849 + currentMapEditor()->addNewBranch(0);
103.1850 +}
103.1851 +
103.1852 +void Main::editNewBranchAbove()
103.1853 +{
103.1854 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1855 + currentMapEditor()->addNewBranch(-1);
103.1856 +}
103.1857 +
103.1858 +void Main::editNewBranchBelow()
103.1859 +{
103.1860 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1861 + currentMapEditor()->addNewBranch(1);
103.1862 +}
103.1863 +
103.1864 +void Main::editImportAdd()
103.1865 +{
103.1866 + fileLoad (ImportAdd);
103.1867 +}
103.1868 +
103.1869 +void Main::editImportReplace()
103.1870 +{
103.1871 + fileLoad (ImportReplace);
103.1872 +}
103.1873 +
103.1874 +void Main::editSaveBranch()
103.1875 +{
103.1876 + fileSaveAs (PartOfMap);
103.1877 +}
103.1878 +
103.1879 +void Main::editDeleteSelection()
103.1880 +{
103.1881 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1882 + currentMapEditor()->deleteSelection();
103.1883 +}
103.1884 +
103.1885 +void Main::editUpperBranch()
103.1886 +{
103.1887 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1888 + currentMapEditor()->selectUpperBranch();
103.1889 +}
103.1890 +
103.1891 +void Main::editLowerBranch()
103.1892 +{
103.1893 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1894 + currentMapEditor()->selectLowerBranch();
103.1895 +}
103.1896 +
103.1897 +void Main::editLeftBranch()
103.1898 +{
103.1899 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1900 + currentMapEditor()->selectLeftBranch();
103.1901 +}
103.1902 +
103.1903 +void Main::editRightBranch()
103.1904 +{
103.1905 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1906 + currentMapEditor()->selectRightBranch();
103.1907 +}
103.1908 +
103.1909 +void Main::editFirstBranch()
103.1910 +{
103.1911 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1912 + currentMapEditor()->selectFirstBranch();
103.1913 +}
103.1914 +
103.1915 +void Main::editLastBranch()
103.1916 +{
103.1917 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1918 + currentMapEditor()->selectLastBranch();
103.1919 +}
103.1920 +
103.1921 +void Main::editLoadImage()
103.1922 +{
103.1923 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1924 + currentMapEditor()->loadFloatImage();
103.1925 +}
103.1926 +
103.1927 +void Main::editSaveImage(int item)
103.1928 +{
103.1929 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1930 + currentMapEditor()->saveFloatImage(item);
103.1931 +}
103.1932 +
103.1933 +void Main::editToggleFloatExport()
103.1934 +{
103.1935 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1936 + currentMapEditor()->toggleFloatExport();
103.1937 +}
103.1938 +
103.1939 +void Main::formatSelectColor()
103.1940 +{
103.1941 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1942 + {
103.1943 + QColor col = QColorDialog::getColor( currentMapEditor()->color(), this );
103.1944 + if ( !col.isValid() ) return;
103.1945 + currentMapEditor()->setColor( col );
103.1946 + colorChanged( col );
103.1947 + }
103.1948 +}
103.1949 +
103.1950 +void Main::formatPickColor()
103.1951 +{
103.1952 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1953 + colorChanged( currentMapEditor()->pickColor() );
103.1954 +}
103.1955 +
103.1956 +void Main::colorChanged(QColor c)
103.1957 +{
103.1958 + QPixmap pix( 16, 16 );
103.1959 + pix.fill( c );
103.1960 + actionFormatColor->setIconSet( pix );
103.1961 +}
103.1962 +
103.1963 +void Main::formatColorItem()
103.1964 +{
103.1965 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1966 + currentMapEditor()->colorItem();
103.1967 +}
103.1968 +
103.1969 +void Main::formatColorBranch()
103.1970 +{
103.1971 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1972 + currentMapEditor()->colorBranch();
103.1973 +}
103.1974 +
103.1975 +void Main::formatLinkStyleLine()
103.1976 +{
103.1977 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1978 + currentMapEditor()->setLinkStyle(StyleLine);
103.1979 +}
103.1980 +
103.1981 +void Main::formatLinkStyleParabel()
103.1982 +{
103.1983 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1984 + currentMapEditor()->setLinkStyle(StyleParabel);
103.1985 +}
103.1986 +
103.1987 +void Main::formatLinkStylePolyLine()
103.1988 +{
103.1989 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1990 + currentMapEditor()->setLinkStyle(StylePolyLine);
103.1991 +}
103.1992 +
103.1993 +void Main::formatLinkStylePolyParabel()
103.1994 +{
103.1995 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.1996 + currentMapEditor()->setLinkStyle(StylePolyParabel);
103.1997 +}
103.1998 +
103.1999 +void Main::formatSelectBackColor()
103.2000 +{
103.2001 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.2002 + currentMapEditor()->selectBackgroundColor();
103.2003 +}
103.2004 +
103.2005 +void Main::formatSelectLinkColor()
103.2006 +{
103.2007 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.2008 + currentMapEditor()->selectLinkColor();
103.2009 +}
103.2010 +
103.2011 +void Main::formatToggleLinkColorHint()
103.2012 +{
103.2013 + currentMapEditor()->toggleLinkColorHint();
103.2014 +}
103.2015 +
103.2016 +void Main::formatFrameNone()
103.2017 +{
103.2018 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.2019 + currentMapEditor()->setFrame(NoFrame);
103.2020 +}
103.2021 +
103.2022 +void Main::formatFrameRectangle()
103.2023 +{
103.2024 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.2025 + currentMapEditor()->setFrame(Rectangle);
103.2026 +}
103.2027 +
103.2028 +void Main::viewZoomReset()
103.2029 +{
103.2030 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.2031 + {
103.2032 + QWMatrix m;
103.2033 + m.reset();
103.2034 + currentMapEditor()->setWorldMatrix( m );
103.2035 + currentMapEditor()->setViewCenter();
103.2036 + currentMapEditor()->adjustCanvasSize();
103.2037 + }
103.2038 +}
103.2039 +
103.2040 +void Main::viewZoomIn()
103.2041 +{
103.2042 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.2043 + {
103.2044 + QWMatrix m = currentMapEditor()->worldMatrix();
103.2045 + m.scale( 1.25, 1.25 );
103.2046 + currentMapEditor()->setWorldMatrix( m );
103.2047 + currentMapEditor()->setViewCenter();
103.2048 + currentMapEditor()->adjustCanvasSize();
103.2049 + }
103.2050 +}
103.2051 +
103.2052 +void Main::viewZoomOut()
103.2053 +{
103.2054 + if (currentMapEditor())
103.2055 + {
103.2056 + QWMatrix m = currentMapEditor()->worldMatrix();
103.2057 + m.scale( 0.8, 0.8 );
103.2058 + currentMapEditor()->setWorldMatrix( m );
103.2059 + currentMapEditor()->setViewCenter();
103.2060 + currentMapEditor()->adjustCanvasSize();
103.2061 + }
103.2062 +}
103.2063 +bool Main::settingsPDF()
103.2064 +{
103.2065 + // Default browser is set in constructor
103.2066 + bool ok;
103.2067 + QString text = QInputDialog::getText(
103.2068 + "VYM", tr("Enter path for pdf reader:"), QLineEdit::Normal,
103.2069 + settings.readEntry("/vym/mainwindow/readerPDF"), &ok, this );
103.2070 + if (ok)
103.2071 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/mainwindow/readerPDF",text);
103.2072 + return ok;
103.2073 +}
103.2074 +
103.2075 +
103.2076 +bool Main::settingsURL()
103.2077 +{
103.2078 + // Default browser is set in constructor
103.2079 + bool ok;
103.2080 + QString text = QInputDialog::getText(
103.2081 + "VYM", tr("Enter path for application to open an URL:"), QLineEdit::Normal,
103.2082 + settings.readEntry("/vym/mainwindow/readerURL")
103.2083 + , &ok, this );
103.2084 + if (ok)
103.2085 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/mainwindow/readerURL",text);
103.2086 + return ok;
103.2087 +}
103.2088 +
103.2089 +void Main::windowToggleNoteEditor()
103.2090 +{
103.2091 + if (textEditor->showWithMain() )
103.2092 + windowHideNoteEditor();
103.2093 + else
103.2094 + windowShowNoteEditor();
103.2095 +}
103.2096 +
103.2097 +void Main::windowShowNoteEditor()
103.2098 +{
103.2099 + textEditor->setShowWithMain(true);
103.2100 + textEditor->show();
103.2101 + actionViewToggleNoteEditor->setOn (true);
103.2102 +}
103.2103 +
103.2104 +void Main::windowHideNoteEditor()
103.2105 +{
103.2106 + textEditor->setShowWithMain(false);
103.2107 + textEditor->hide();
103.2108 + actionViewToggleNoteEditor->setOn (false);
103.2109 +}
103.2110 +
103.2111 +void Main::windowNextEditor()
103.2112 +{
103.2113 + if (tabWidget->currentPageIndex() < tabWidget->count())
103.2114 + tabWidget->setCurrentPage (tabWidget->currentPageIndex() +1);
103.2115 +}
103.2116 +
103.2117 +void Main::windowPreviousEditor()
103.2118 +{
103.2119 + if (tabWidget->currentPageIndex() >0)
103.2120 + tabWidget->setCurrentPage (tabWidget->currentPageIndex() -1);
103.2121 +}
103.2122 +
103.2123 +void Main::standardFlagChanged()
103.2124 +{
103.2125 + currentMapEditor()->toggleStandardFlag(sender()->name());
103.2126 +}
103.2127 +
103.2128 +void Main::testFunction()
103.2129 +{
103.2130 + //textEditor->stackUnder(this);
103.2131 + currentMapEditor()->testFunction();
103.2132 +}
103.2133 +
103.2134 +void Main::testShowClipboard()
103.2135 +{
103.2136 + clipboardME->show();
103.2137 +}
103.2138 +
103.2139 +void Main::helpDoc()
103.2140 +{
103.2141 + QString docpath;
103.2142 + // default path in SUSE LINUX
103.2143 + docpath="/usr/share/doc/packages/vym/doc/vym.pdf";
103.2144 +
103.2145 + if (!QFile (docpath).exists() )
103.2146 + {
103.2147 + // relative path for easy testing in tarball
103.2148 + docpath="doc/vym.pdf";
103.2149 + if (!QFile (docpath).exists() )
103.2150 + {
103.2151 + // relative path for testing while still writing vym.tex
103.2152 + docpath="doc/tex/vym.pdf";
103.2153 + if (!QFile (docpath).exists() )
103.2154 + {
103.2155 + QMessageBox::critical(0,
103.2156 + tr("Critcal error"),
103.2157 + tr("Couldn't find the documentation\n"
103.2158 + "vym.pdf in various places."));
103.2159 + return;
103.2160 + }
103.2161 + }
103.2162 + }
103.2163 +
103.2164 + Process *pdfProc = new Process();
103.2165 + pdfProc->clearArguments();
103.2166 + pdfProc->addArgument( settings.readEntry("/vym/mainwindow/readerPDF"));
103.2167 + pdfProc->addArgument( docpath);
103.2168 +
103.2169 + if ( !pdfProc->start() )
103.2170 + {
103.2171 + // error handling
103.2172 + QMessageBox::critical(0,
103.2173 + tr("Critcal error"),
103.2174 + tr("Couldn't find a viewer to read vym.pdf.\n"
103.2175 + "Please use Settings->")+tr("Set application to open pdf files"));
103.2176 + return;
103.2177 + }
103.2178 +}
103.2179 +
103.2180 +
103.2181 +void Main::helpAbout()
103.2182 +{
103.2183 + static QMessageBox* about = new QMessageBox( "VYM",
103.2184 + "<h3>VYM - View Your Mind </h3>"
103.2185 + "<p> A tool to put the things you have got in your mind into a map.</p>"
103.2186 + "<ul>"
103.2187 + "<li> (c) by Uwe Drechsel (vym@InSilmaril.de)</li>"
103.2188 + "<li> vym is released under the GPL (Gnu General Public License)"
103.2189 + ", with one exception (see the file \"LICENSE\"which "
103.2190 + "comes with vym). This exception is needed to build vym with QT libraries for proprietary operating systems.</li>"
103.2191 + "<li> Project homepage <a href=\"http:/www.InSilmaril.de/vym\">"
103.2192 + "http:/www.InSilmaril.de/vym</a></li>"
103.2193 + "<li> Credits "
103.2194 + "<ul>"
103.2195 + "<li>Thomas Schraitle for the stylesheet used for XHTML-export </li>"
103.2196 + "<li>Clemens Kraus for stylesheets and script used for HTML-export "
103.2197 + "<a href=\"http://www.clemens-kraus.de\">(www.clemens-kraus.de)</a></li>"
103.2198 + "<li>Alexander Johannesen for providing stylesheets from his xsiteable project "
103.2199 + "<a href=\"http://www.shelter.nu/xsiteable/xsiteable.html\">(www.shelter.nu/xsiteable/xsiteable.html)</a>. </li>"
103.2200 + "<li>Ken Wimer and Olaf Hering for Mac support</li>"
103.2201 + "</ul>"
103.2202 + "</li>"
103.2203 + "<li> Version " __VYM_VERSION__ "</li>"
103.2204 + "<li> Build date " __BUILD_DATE__"</li>"
103.2205 + "</ul>", QMessageBox::Information, 1, 0, 0, this, 0, FALSE );
103.2206 + about->setButtonText( 1, "Dismiss" );
103.2207 + about->setMinimumSize(QSize(300,300));
103.2208 + about->setIconPixmap (QPixmap(vym_logo_xpm));
103.2209 + about->show();
103.2210 +}
103.2211 +
103.2212 +void Main::helpAboutQT()
103.2213 +{
103.2214 + QMessageBox::aboutQt( this, "Qt Application Example" );
103.2215 +}
103.2216 +
104.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
104.2 +++ b/mainwindow.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
104.3 @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
104.4 +#ifndef MAINWINDOW_H
104.5 +#define MAINWINDOW_H
104.6 +
104.7 +#include <qpopupmenu.h>
104.8 +#include <qmainwindow.h>
104.9 +#include <qtextedit.h>
104.10 +#include <qintdict.h>
104.11 +#include <qcanvas.h>
104.12 +#include <qlineedit.h>
104.13 +#include <qaction.h>
104.14 +#include <qcursor.h>
104.15 +#include <qtabwidget.h>
104.16 +#include <qmap.h>
104.17 +
104.18 +#include "xml.h"
104.19 +#include "texteditor.h"
104.20 +#include "mapeditor.h"
104.21 +#include "findwindow.h"
104.22 +
104.23 +class Main : public QMainWindow
104.24 +{
104.25 + Q_OBJECT
104.26 +
104.27 +public:
104.28 + Main(QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0, WFlags f=0);
104.29 + ~Main();
104.30 + void loadCmdLine();
104.31 + void statusMessage (const QString &);
104.32 +
104.33 +public slots:
104.34 + void fileNew();
104.35 +
104.36 +protected:
104.37 + void closeEvent( QCloseEvent* );
104.38 +
104.39 +private:
104.40 + void setupFileActions();
104.41 + void setupEditActions();
104.42 + void setupFormatActions();
104.43 + void setupViewActions();
104.44 + void setupWindowActions();
104.45 + void setupFlagActions();
104.46 + void setupSettingsActions();
104.47 + void setupTestActions();
104.48 + void setupHelpActions();
104.49 + void setupContextMenus();
104.50 + void setupLastMapsMenu();
104.51 + void hideEvent (QHideEvent * );
104.52 + void showEvent (QShowEvent * );
104.53 + bool reallyWriteDirectory(const QString&);
104.54 + QString browseDirectory(const QString&);
104.55 + MapEditor* currentMapEditor() const;
104.56 +
104.57 +private slots:
104.58 + void newView();
104.59 + void editorChanged(QWidget*);
104.60 +
104.61 + void fileLoad(QString ,const LoadMode &);
104.62 + void fileLoad(const LoadMode &);
104.63 + void fileLoad();
104.64 + void fileLoadLast(int);
104.65 + void fileSave(const SaveMode & );
104.66 + void fileSave();
104.67 + void fileSaveAs(const SaveMode &);
104.68 + void fileSaveAs();
104.69 + void fileImportDir();
104.70 + void fileExportXML();
104.71 + void fileExportHTML();
104.72 + void fileExportXHTML();
104.73 + void fileExportImage(int);
104.74 + void fileExportASCII();
104.75 + void fileCloseMap();
104.76 + void filePrint();
104.77 + void fileExitVYM();
104.78 +
104.79 + void editUndo();
104.80 + void editRedo();
104.81 + void editCopy();
104.82 + void editPaste();
104.83 + void editCut();
104.84 + void editOpenFindWindow();
104.85 + void editFind(QString);
104.86 + void editFindChanged();
104.87 +public slots:
104.88 + void editOpenURL();
104.89 +private slots:
104.90 + void editURL();
104.91 + void editHeading2URL();
104.92 + void editBugzilla2URL();
104.93 + void editVymLink();
104.94 +public slots:
104.95 + void editOpenVymLink();
104.96 +private slots:
104.97 + void editDeleteVymLink();
104.98 + void editMapInfo();
104.99 + void editMoveUp();
104.100 + void editMoveDown();
104.101 + void editToggleScroll();
104.102 + void editUnScrollAll();
104.103 + void editHeading();
104.104 + void editNewBranch();
104.105 + void editNewBranchAbove();
104.106 + void editNewBranchBelow();
104.107 + void editImportAdd();
104.108 + void editImportReplace();
104.109 + void editSaveBranch();
104.110 + void editDeleteSelection();
104.111 + void editUpperBranch();
104.112 + void editLowerBranch();
104.113 + void editLeftBranch();
104.114 + void editRightBranch();
104.115 + void editFirstBranch();
104.116 + void editLastBranch();
104.117 + void editLoadImage();
104.118 + void editSaveImage(int);
104.119 + void editToggleFloatExport();
104.120 +
104.121 + void formatSelectColor();
104.122 + void formatPickColor();
104.123 + void colorChanged(QColor);
104.124 + void formatColorItem();
104.125 + void formatColorBranch();
104.126 + void formatLinkStyleLine();
104.127 + void formatLinkStyleParabel();
104.128 + void formatLinkStylePolyLine();
104.129 + void formatLinkStylePolyParabel();
104.130 + void formatSelectBackColor();
104.131 + void formatSelectLinkColor();
104.132 + void formatToggleLinkColorHint();
104.133 + void formatFrameNone();
104.134 + void formatFrameRectangle();
104.135 +
104.136 + void viewZoomReset();
104.137 + void viewZoomIn();
104.138 + void viewZoomOut();
104.139 +
104.140 +public slots:
104.141 + bool settingsPDF();
104.142 + bool settingsURL();
104.143 +
104.144 + void windowToggleNoteEditor();
104.145 +private slots:
104.146 + void windowNextEditor();
104.147 + void windowPreviousEditor();
104.148 + void windowShowNoteEditor();
104.149 + void windowHideNoteEditor();
104.150 +
104.151 + void standardFlagChanged();
104.152 +
104.153 + void testFunction();
104.154 + void testShowClipboard();
104.155 +
104.156 + void helpDoc();
104.157 + void helpAbout();
104.158 + void helpAboutQT();
104.159 +
104.160 +private:
104.161 + QCanvas* canvas;
104.162 + QTabWidget *tabWidget;
104.163 + FindWindow *findWindow;
104.164 + QStringList lastMaps;
104.165 + int maxLastMaps;
104.166 + QString lastFileDir;
104.167 +};
104.168 +
104.169 +
104.170 +#endif
104.171 +
105.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
105.2 +++ b/mapcenterobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
105.3 @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
105.4 +#include <qdatetime.h>
105.5 +
105.6 +#include "mapcenterobj.h"
105.7 +#include "floatimageobj.h"
105.8 +#include "mapeditor.h"
105.9 +
105.10 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
105.11 +// MapCenterObj
105.12 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
105.13 +MapCenterObj::MapCenterObj() : BranchObj ()
105.14 +{
105.15 +// cout << "Const MapCenterObj\n";
105.16 + init();
105.17 +}
105.18 +
105.19 +MapCenterObj::MapCenterObj(QCanvas* c) : BranchObj (c)
105.20 +{
105.21 +// cout << "Const MapCenterObj canvas="<<c<<"\n";
105.22 + init();
105.23 +}
105.24 +
105.25 +MapCenterObj::~MapCenterObj()
105.26 +{
105.27 +// cout << "Destr MapCenterObj\n";
105.28 +}
105.29 +
105.30 +void MapCenterObj::clear()
105.31 +{
105.32 + BranchObj::clear();
105.33 + init();
105.34 +}
105.35 +
105.36 +void MapCenterObj::init ()
105.37 +{
105.38 + orientation=OrientUndef;
105.39 + absPos=QPoint (canvas->width()/2, canvas->height()/2);
105.40 +
105.41 + // FIXME this should be done in TextObj later...
105.42 + QFont font ("Sans Serif,16,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0");
105.43 + heading->setFont(font);
105.44 +
105.45 + branch.setAutoDelete (TRUE);
105.46 + floatimage.setAutoDelete (TRUE);
105.47 +
105.48 + move (absPos.x(), absPos.y() );
105.49 + depth=0;
105.50 +
105.51 + scrolled=false;
105.52 + tmpUnscrolled=false;
105.53 +
105.54 + frame->setFrameType (Rectangle);
105.55 +}
105.56 +
105.57 +void MapCenterObj::move (double x, double y)
105.58 +{
105.59 + BranchObj::move(x,y);
105.60 + positionBBox();
105.61 +}
105.62 +
105.63 +void MapCenterObj::moveBy (double x, double y)
105.64 +{
105.65 + BranchObj::moveBy(x,y);
105.66 + positionBBox();
105.67 +}
105.68 +
105.69 +void MapCenterObj::moveAll (double x, double y)
105.70 +{
105.71 + // Get rel. position
105.72 + double dx=x-absPos.x();
105.73 + double dy=y-absPos.y();
105.74 +
105.75 + // Move myself and branches
105.76 + moveAllBy (dx,dy);
105.77 +}
105.78 +
105.79 +void MapCenterObj::moveAllBy (double dx, double dy)
105.80 +{
105.81 + // Move myself
105.82 + moveBy(dx,dy);
105.83 +
105.84 + positionBBox();
105.85 +}
105.86 +
105.87 +void MapCenterObj::updateLink()
105.88 +{
105.89 + // set childPos to middle of MapCenterObj
105.90 + childPos=QPoint(
105.91 + absPos.x() + QSize(getSize() ).width()/2,
105.92 + absPos.y() + QSize(getSize() ).height()/2);
105.93 + parPos=childPos;
105.94 + BranchObj *b;
105.95 + for (b=branch.first(); b; b=branch.next() )
105.96 + b->updateLink();
105.97 +}
105.98 +
105.99 +LinkableMapObj* MapCenterObj::findMapObj(QPoint p, LinkableMapObj *excludeLMO)
105.100 + {
105.101 + BranchObj *bo;
105.102 + LinkableMapObj *lmo;
105.103 +
105.104 + // Search through child branches
105.105 + for (bo=branch.first(); bo; bo=branch.next() )
105.106 + {
105.107 + lmo = bo->findMapObj(p, excludeLMO);
105.108 +
105.109 + if (lmo!= NULL)
105.110 + {
105.111 + return lmo;
105.112 + }
105.113 + }
105.114 + // is p in MapCenter?
105.115 + if (inBBox (p) && (this != excludeLMO) ) return this;
105.116 +
105.117 + // Search float images
105.118 + FloatImageObj *foi;
105.119 + for (foi=floatimage.first(); foi; foi=floatimage.next() )
105.120 + if (foi->inBBox(p) && (foi != excludeLMO) && foi->getParObj()!= excludeLMO) return foi;
105.121 +
105.122 + // nothing found
105.123 + return NULL;
105.124 +}
105.125 +
105.126 +QString MapCenterObj::saveToDir (const QString &tmpdir,const QString &prefix, int verbose, const QPoint &offset)
105.127 +{
105.128 + QString s,a;
105.129 +
105.130 + // save area, if not scrolled
105.131 + QString areaAttr=
105.132 + attribut("x1",QString().setNum(absPos.x()-offset.x(),10)) +
105.133 + attribut("y1",QString().setNum(absPos.y()-offset.y(),10)) +
105.134 + attribut("x2",QString().setNum(absPos.x()+width()-offset.x(),10)) +
105.135 + attribut("y2",QString().setNum(absPos.y()+height()-offset.y(),10));
105.136 +
105.137 + s=beginElement ("mapcenter"
105.138 + +attribut("absPosX",QString().setNum(absPos.x(),10))
105.139 + +attribut("absPosY",QString().setNum(absPos.y(),10))
105.140 + +attribut("frameType",frame->getFrameTypeName())
105.141 + +areaAttr
105.142 + );
105.143 +
105.144 + incIndent();
105.145 + if (heading->getColor()!=QColor("black"))
105.146 + a=attribut ("textColor",QColor(heading->getColor()).name() );
105.147 + else
105.148 + a="";
105.149 +
105.150 + // Save flags. If verbose is set (export to xml dir), also write
105.151 + // the flags as picture
105.152 + s+=standardFlags->saveToDir(tmpdir+"/flags", "/standardFlag-", verbose);
105.153 + s=s+valueElement("heading", getHeading(),a);
105.154 +
105.155 + // Reset the counters before saving
105.156 + FloatImageObj (canvas).resetSaveCounter();
105.157 +
105.158 + // add link to file in s
105.159 + if (!note.isEmpty() )
105.160 + s+=note.saveToDir();
105.161 +
105.162 + // Save FloatImages
105.163 + FloatImageObj *fio;
105.164 + for (fio=floatimage.first(); fio; fio=floatimage.next() )
105.165 + s+=fio->saveToDir (tmpdir,prefix);
105.166 +
105.167 + // Save branches
105.168 + BranchObj *bo;
105.169 + for (bo=branch.first(); bo; bo=branch.next() )
105.170 + s+=bo->saveToDir(tmpdir,prefix, offset);
105.171 +
105.172 + decIndent();
105.173 + s+=endElement ("mapcenter");
105.174 + return s;
105.175 +}
105.176 +
105.177 +void MapCenterObj::setVersion (const QString &s)
105.178 +{
105.179 + version=s;
105.180 +}
105.181 +
105.182 +bool MapCenterObj::checkVersion ()
105.183 +{
105.184 + // returns true, if vym is able to read file regarding
105.185 + // the version set with setVersion
105.186 + QString s1=version.section (".",0,0);
105.187 + QString s2=version.section (".",1,1);
105.188 + QString s3=version.section (".",2,2);
105.189 + bool ok;
105.190 + int vv1 =QString(__VYM_VERSION__).section (".",0,0).toInt(&ok,10);
105.191 + int vv2 =QString(__VYM_VERSION__).section (".",1,1).toInt(&ok,10);
105.192 + int vv3 =QString(__VYM_VERSION__).section (".",2,2).toInt(&ok,10);
105.193 + int mv1=0;
105.194 + int mv2=0;
105.195 + int mv3=0;
105.196 + if (!s1.isEmpty() ) mv1=s1.toInt(&ok,10);
105.197 + if (!s2.isEmpty() ) mv2=s2.toInt(&ok,10);
105.198 + if (!s3.isEmpty() ) mv3=s3.toInt(&ok,10);
105.199 +
105.200 + if (vv1 > mv1)
105.201 + return true;
105.202 + if (vv1 < mv1)
105.203 + return false;
105.204 + if (vv2 > mv2)
105.205 + return true;
105.206 + if (vv2 < mv2)
105.207 + return false;
105.208 + if (vv3 > mv3)
105.209 + return true;
105.210 + if (vv3 < mv3)
105.211 + return false;
105.212 + return true;
105.213 +}
105.214 +
105.215 +void MapCenterObj::setAuthor (const QString &s)
105.216 +{
105.217 + author=s;
105.218 +}
105.219 +
105.220 +QString MapCenterObj::getAuthor()
105.221 +{
105.222 + return author;
105.223 +}
105.224 +
105.225 +void MapCenterObj::setComment (const QString &s)
105.226 +{
105.227 + comment=s;
105.228 +}
105.229 +
105.230 +QString MapCenterObj::getComment ()
105.231 +{
105.232 + return comment;
105.233 +}
105.234 +
105.235 +QString MapCenterObj::getDate ()
105.236 +{
105.237 + return QDate::currentDate().toString ("yyyy-MM-dd");
105.238 +}
106.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
106.2 +++ b/mapcenterobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
106.3 @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
106.4 +#ifndef MAPCENTEROBJ_H
106.5 +#define MAPCENTEROBJ_H
106.6 +
106.7 +#include "branchobj.h"
106.8 +#include "version.h"
106.9 +
106.10 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
106.11 +class MapCenterObj:public BranchObj {
106.12 +public:
106.13 + MapCenterObj ();
106.14 + MapCenterObj (QCanvas*);
106.15 + ~MapCenterObj ();
106.16 + void clear();
106.17 + void init();
106.18 + virtual void move (double,double);
106.19 + virtual void moveBy (double,double);
106.20 + virtual void moveAll (double,double);
106.21 + virtual void moveAllBy (double,double);
106.22 + virtual void updateLink();
106.23 + LinkableMapObj* findMapObj(QPoint,LinkableMapObj*); // find MapObj
106.24 + virtual QString saveToDir (const QString&,const QString&,int, const QPoint&);// Save data recursivly to tempdir
106.25 + void setVersion(const QString &);
106.26 + bool checkVersion(); // check if program version is higher than saved version
106.27 + void setAuthor (const QString &);
106.28 + QString getAuthor ();
106.29 + void setComment (const QString &);
106.30 + QString getComment ();
106.31 + QString getDate();
106.32 +private:
106.33 + QString version; // version string saved in vym file
106.34 + QString author;
106.35 + QString comment;
106.36 + QDate date;
106.37 +};
106.38 +#endif
107.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
107.2 +++ b/mapeditor.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
107.3 @@ -0,0 +1,3062 @@
107.4 +#include "mapeditor.h"
107.5 +
107.6 +#include <qstatusbar.h>
107.7 +#include <qmessagebox.h>
107.8 +#include <qapplication.h>
107.9 +#include <qpainter.h>
107.10 +#include <qpopupmenu.h>
107.11 +#include <qprinter.h>
107.12 +#include <qpaintdevicemetrics.h>
107.13 +#include <qfile.h>
107.14 +#include <qfiledialog.h>
107.15 +#include <qdir.h>
107.16 +#include <qcolor.h>
107.17 +#include <qcolordialog.h>
107.18 +#include <qbitmap.h>
107.19 +#include <qprocess.h>
107.20 +#include <qinputdialog.h>
107.21 +
107.22 +#include <iostream>
107.23 +#include <stdlib.h>
107.24 +#include <typeinfo>
107.25 +
107.26 +#include "version.h"
107.27 +
107.28 +#include "xml.h"
107.29 +#include "texteditor.h"
107.30 +#include "linkablemapobj.h"
107.31 +#include "exports.h"
107.32 +#include "misc.h"
107.33 +#include "mainwindow.h"
107.34 +#include "extrainfodialog.h"
107.35 +#include "settings.h"
107.36 +
107.37 +#include "icons/flag-note.xpm"
107.38 +#include "icons/flag-url.xpm"
107.39 +#include "icons/flag-vymlink.xpm"
107.40 +#include "icons/flag-scrolled-right.xpm"
107.41 +#include "icons/flag-tmpUnscrolled-right.xpm"
107.42 +#include "icons/flag-questionmark.xpm"
107.43 +#include "icons/flag-exclamationmark.xpm"
107.44 +#include "icons/flag-hook-green.xpm"
107.45 +#include "icons/flag-cross-red.xpm"
107.46 +#include "icons/flag-stopsign.xpm"
107.47 +#include "icons/flag-smiley-good.xpm"
107.48 +#include "icons/flag-smiley-sad.xpm"
107.49 +#include "icons/flag-clock.xpm"
107.50 +#include "icons/flag-lamp.xpm"
107.51 +#include "icons/flag-arrow-up.xpm"
107.52 +#include "icons/flag-arrow-down.xpm"
107.53 +#include "icons/flag-thumb-up.xpm"
107.54 +#include "icons/flag-thumb-down.xpm"
107.55 +#include "icons/flag-heart.xpm"
107.56 +#include "icons/flag-flash.xpm"
107.57 +#include "icons/flag-lifebelt.xpm"
107.58 +
107.59 +extern TextEditor *textEditor;
107.60 +extern int statusbarTime;
107.61 +extern Main *mainWindow;
107.62 +extern FlagRowObj *systemFlagsDefault;
107.63 +extern FlagRowObj *standardFlagsDefault;
107.64 +extern MapEditor *clipboardME;
107.65 +
107.66 +extern QAction *actionFileSave;
107.67 +extern QAction *actionEditUndo;
107.68 +extern QAction *actionEditCopy;
107.69 +extern QAction *actionEditCut;
107.70 +extern QAction *actionEditPaste;
107.71 +extern QAction *actionEditMoveUp;
107.72 +extern QAction *actionEditMoveDown;
107.73 +extern QAction *actionEditToggleScroll;
107.74 +extern QAction *actionEditOpenURL;
107.75 +extern QAction *actionEditURL;
107.76 +extern QAction *actionEditHeading2URL;
107.77 +extern QAction *actionEditBugzilla2URL;
107.78 +extern QAction *actionEditOpenVymLink;
107.79 +extern QAction *actionEditVymLink;
107.80 +extern QAction *actionEditDeleteVymLink;
107.81 +extern QAction *actionEditHeading;
107.82 +extern QAction *actionEditDelete;
107.83 +extern QAction *actionEditAddBranch;
107.84 +extern QAction *actionEditAddBranchAbove;
107.85 +extern QAction *actionEditAddBranchBelow;
107.86 +extern QAction *actionEditImportAdd;
107.87 +extern QAction *actionEditImportReplace;
107.88 +extern QAction *actionEditSaveBranch;
107.89 +extern QAction *actionEditSelectFirst;
107.90 +extern QAction *actionEditSelectLast;
107.91 +extern QAction *actionEditLoadImage;
107.92 +extern QAction *actionEditToggleFloatExport;
107.93 +
107.94 +extern QAction* actionFormatPickColor;
107.95 +extern QAction* actionFormatColorBranch;
107.96 +extern QAction* actionFormatColorSubtree;
107.97 +extern QAction *actionFormatLinkColorHint;
107.98 +extern QAction *actionFormatBackColor;
107.99 +extern QAction *actionFormatLinkColor;
107.100 +
107.101 +extern QActionGroup *actionGroupFormatFrameTypes;
107.102 +extern QAction *actionFormatFrameNone;
107.103 +extern QAction *actionFormatFrameRectangle;
107.104 +
107.105 +extern QActionGroup *actionGroupFormatLinkStyles;
107.106 +extern QAction *actionFormatLinkStyleLine;
107.107 +extern QAction *actionFormatLinkStyleParabel;
107.108 +extern QAction *actionFormatLinkStylePolyLine;
107.109 +extern QAction *actionFormatLinkStylePolyParabel;
107.110 +
107.111 +extern QAction *actionViewToggleNoteEditor;
107.112 +
107.113 +extern QAction *actionSettingsAutoedit;
107.114 +extern QAction *actionSettingsAutoselectHeading;
107.115 +extern QAction *actionSettingsAutoselectText;
107.116 +extern QAction *actionSettingsPasteNewHeading;
107.117 +
107.118 +extern QPopupMenu *branchContextMenu;
107.119 +extern QPopupMenu *floatimageContextMenu;
107.120 +extern QPopupMenu *saveImageFormatMenu;
107.121 +extern QPopupMenu *exportImageFormatMenu;
107.122 +extern QPopupMenu *canvasContextMenu;
107.123 +
107.124 +extern Settings settings;
107.125 +
107.126 +
107.127 +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
107.128 +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
107.129 +MapEditor::MapEditor(
107.130 + QWidget* parent, bool interactive, const char* name, WFlags f) :
107.131 + QCanvasView(parent,name,f)
107.132 +{
107.133 + //cout << "Constructor ME "<<this<<endl;
107.134 +
107.135 + mapCanvas = new QCanvas(1000,800);
107.136 + mapCanvas->setAdvancePeriod(30);
107.137 +
107.138 + setCanvas (mapCanvas);
107.139 +
107.140 + setVScrollBarMode ( QScrollView::AlwaysOn );
107.141 + setHScrollBarMode ( QScrollView::AlwaysOn );
107.142 +
107.143 + // Now create the _global_ system flags _once_:
107.144 + // (Later all OrnamentedObj copy from this
107.145 + // and set their own canvas)
107.146 + if (!systemFlagsDefault)
107.147 + {
107.148 + systemFlagsDefault = new FlagRowObj (mapCanvas);
107.149 + systemFlagsDefault->setVisibility (false);
107.150 + systemFlagsDefault->setName ("systemFlagsDef");
107.151 +
107.152 + FlagObj *fo = new FlagObj (mapCanvas);
107.153 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_note_xpm));
107.154 + fo->setName("note");
107.155 + fo->setToolTip(tr("Note"));
107.156 + systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo); // makes deep copy
107.157 +
107.158 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_url_xpm));
107.159 + fo->setName("url");
107.160 + fo->setToolTip(tr("WWW Document (external)"));
107.161 + systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.162 +
107.163 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_vymlink_xpm));
107.164 + fo->setName("vymLink");
107.165 + fo->setToolTip(tr("Link to another vym map"));
107.166 + systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.167 +
107.168 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_scrolled_right_xpm));
107.169 + fo->setName("scrolledright");
107.170 + fo->setToolTip(tr("subtree is scrolled"));
107.171 + systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.172 +
107.173 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_tmpUnscrolled_right_xpm));
107.174 + fo->setName("tmpUnscrolledright");
107.175 + fo->setToolTip(tr("subtree is temporary scrolled"));
107.176 + systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.177 + delete (fo);
107.178 + }
107.179 + if (!standardFlagsDefault)
107.180 + {
107.181 + standardFlagsDefault = new FlagRowObj (mapCanvas);
107.182 + standardFlagsDefault->setVisibility (false);
107.183 + standardFlagsDefault->setName ("standardFlagsDef");
107.184 +
107.185 + FlagObj *fo = new FlagObj (mapCanvas);
107.186 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_exclamationmark_xpm));
107.187 + fo->setName("exclamationmark");
107.188 + fo->setToolTip(tr("Take care!"));
107.189 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo); // makes deep copy
107.190 +
107.191 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_questionmark_xpm));
107.192 + fo->setName("questionmark");
107.193 + fo->setToolTip(tr("Really?"));
107.194 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.195 +
107.196 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_hook_green_xpm));
107.197 + fo->setName("hook-green");
107.198 + fo->setToolTip(tr("ok!"));
107.199 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.200 +
107.201 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_cross_red_xpm));
107.202 + fo->setName("cross-red");
107.203 + fo->setToolTip(tr("Not ok!"));
107.204 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.205 +
107.206 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_stopsign_xpm));
107.207 + fo->setName("stopsign");
107.208 + fo->setToolTip(tr("This won't work!"));
107.209 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.210 +
107.211 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_smiley_good_xpm));
107.212 + fo->setName("smiley-good");
107.213 + fo->setToolTip(tr("Good"));
107.214 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.215 +
107.216 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_smiley_sad_xpm));
107.217 + fo->setName("smiley-sad");
107.218 + fo->setToolTip(tr("Bad"));
107.219 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.220 +
107.221 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_clock_xpm));
107.222 + fo->setName("clock");
107.223 + fo->setToolTip(tr("Time critical"));
107.224 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.225 +
107.226 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_lamp_xpm));
107.227 + fo->setName("lamp");
107.228 + fo->setToolTip(tr("Idea!"));
107.229 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.230 +
107.231 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_arrow_up_xpm));
107.232 + fo->setName("arrow-up");
107.233 + fo->setToolTip(tr("Important"));
107.234 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.235 +
107.236 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_arrow_down_xpm));
107.237 + fo->setName("arrow-down");
107.238 + fo->setToolTip(tr("Unimportant"));
107.239 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.240 +
107.241 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_thumb_up_xpm));
107.242 + fo->setName("thumb-up");
107.243 + fo->setToolTip(tr("I like this"));
107.244 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.245 +
107.246 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_thumb_down_xpm));
107.247 + fo->setName("thumb-down");
107.248 + fo->setToolTip(tr("I do not like this"));
107.249 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.250 +
107.251 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_heart_xpm));
107.252 + fo->setName("heart");
107.253 + fo->setToolTip(tr("I just love... "));
107.254 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.255 +
107.256 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_flash_xpm));
107.257 + fo->setName("flash");
107.258 + fo->setToolTip(tr("Dangerous"));
107.259 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.260 +
107.261 + fo->load(QPixmap(flag_lifebelt_xpm));
107.262 + fo->setName("lifebelt");
107.263 + fo->setToolTip(tr("This will help"));
107.264 + standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
107.265 + delete (fo);
107.266 +
107.267 + }
107.268 +
107.269 + mapCenter = new MapCenterObj(mapCanvas);
107.270 + mapCenter->setVisibility (true);
107.271 + mapCenter->setMapEditor (this);
107.272 + mapCenter->setHeading (tr("New Map"));
107.273 +
107.274 + printer=NULL;
107.275 +
107.276 + lineedit = new QLineEdit(this, "lineedit" );
107.277 + connect( lineedit, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), SLOT( finishedLineEditNoSave() ) );
107.278 + lineedit->hide();
107.279 +
107.280 + actColor=black; setColor (actColor);
107.281 + deflinkcolor=QColor (0,0,255);
107.282 + linkcolorhint=DefaultColor;
107.283 + linkstyle=StylePolyParabel;
107.284 + mapCanvas->setBackgroundColor (white);
107.285 +
107.286 + // Create bitmap cursors, patform dependant
107.287 + #if defined(Q_OS_MACX)
107.288 + #include "icons/cursorhandopen16.xpm"
107.289 + #include "icons/cursorcolorpicker16.xpm"
107.290 + QBitmap cb( 16, 16, chandopen, TRUE );
107.291 + QBitmap cm( 16, 16, chandopenmask, TRUE );
107.292 + handOpenCursor=QCursor ( cb, cm );
107.293 + // set hot spot to tip of picker
107.294 + pickColorCursor=QCursor ( cursorcolorpicker_xpm, 1,15 );
107.295 + #else
107.296 + #include "icons/cursorhandopen.xpm"
107.297 + #include "icons/cursorcolorpicker.xpm"
107.298 +
107.299 + QBitmap cb( 32, 32, chandopen, TRUE );
107.300 + QBitmap cm( 32, 32, chandopenmask, TRUE );
107.301 + handOpenCursor=QCursor ( cb, cm );
107.302 + // set hot spot to tip of picker
107.303 + pickColorCursor=QCursor ( cursorcolorpicker_xpm, 5,27 );
107.304 + #endif
107.305 +
107.306 +
107.307 + pickingColor=false;
107.308 +
107.309 + editingBO=NULL;
107.310 + selection=NULL;
107.311 + selectionLast=NULL;
107.312 + movingObj=NULL;
107.313 +
107.314 + mapChanged=false;
107.315 + mapDefault=true;
107.316 + mapUnsaved=false;
107.317 + undoSelection=NULL;
107.318 +
107.319 + zipped=true;
107.320 + filePath="";
107.321 + fileName="unnamed";
107.322 + mapName="";
107.323 +
107.324 + // Initialize find routine
107.325 + itFind=NULL;
107.326 + EOFind=false;
107.327 +
107.328 + printFrame=true;
107.329 + printFooter=true;
107.330 +
107.331 + blockreposition=false;
107.332 + isInteractive=interactive;
107.333 + if (isInteractive)
107.334 + // Create temporary files
107.335 + makeTmpDirs();
107.336 +
107.337 + // Initially set movingCentre
107.338 + updateViewCenter();
107.339 +
107.340 + mapCenter->reposition(); // for positioning heading
107.341 +}
107.342 +
107.343 +MapEditor::~MapEditor()
107.344 +{
107.345 + //cout <<"Destructor MapEditor\n";
107.346 + if (isInteractive) delTmpDirs();
107.347 +
107.348 + // Save Settings
107.349 + //settings.writeEntry( "/vym/mapeditor/editmode/autoselect", );
107.350 +
107.351 +}
107.352 +
107.353 +QColor MapEditor::color()
107.354 +{
107.355 + return actColor;
107.356 +}
107.357 +
107.358 +QColor MapEditor::backgroundColor()
107.359 +{
107.360 + return mapCanvas->backgroundColor();
107.361 +}
107.362 +
107.363 +MapCenterObj* MapEditor::getMapCenter()
107.364 +{
107.365 + return mapCenter;
107.366 +}
107.367 +
107.368 +QCanvas* MapEditor::getCanvas()
107.369 +{
107.370 + return mapCanvas;
107.371 +}
107.372 +
107.373 +void MapEditor::adjustCanvasSize()
107.374 +{
107.375 + // To adjust the canvas to map, viewport size and position, we have to
107.376 + // do some coordinate magic...
107.377 + //
107.378 + // Get rectangle of (scroll-)view.
107.379 + // We want to be in canvas coords, so
107.380 + // we map. Important if view is zoomed...
107.381 + QRect view = inverseWorldMatrix().mapRect( QRect( contentsX(), contentsY(),
107.382 + visibleWidth(), visibleHeight()) );
107.383 +
107.384 + // Now we need the bounding box of view AND map to calc the correct canvas size.
107.385 + // Why? Because if the map itself is moved out of view, the view has to be enlarged
107.386 + // to avoid jumping aroung...
107.387 + QRect map=mapCenter->getTotalBBox();
107.388 +
107.389 + // right edge - left edge
107.390 + int cw= max(map.x() + map.width(), view.x() + view.width()) - min(map.x(), view.x());
107.391 + int ch= max(map.y() + map.height(), view.y() + view.height()) - min(map.y(), view.y());
107.392 +
107.393 +
107.394 + if ( (cw!=mapCanvas->width()) || (ch!=mapCanvas->height()) ||
107.395 + !mapCanvas->onCanvas (map.topLeft()) || !mapCanvas->onCanvas (map.bottomRight())
107.396 + )
107.397 + {
107.398 + // move the map on canvas (in order to not move it on screen) this is neccessary
107.399 + // a) if topleft corner of canvas is left or above topleft corner of view and also left of
107.400 + // above topleft corner of map. E.g. if map is completly inside view, but it would be possible
107.401 + // to scroll to an empty area of canvas to the left.
107.402 + // b) if topleft corner of map left of or above topleft of canvas
107.403 + int dx=0;
107.404 + int dy=0;
107.405 +
107.406 + if (cw > mapCanvas->width() )
107.407 + {
107.408 + if (map.x()<0) dx=-map.x();
107.409 + }
107.410 + if (cw < mapCanvas->width() )
107.411 + dx=-min (view.x(),map.x());
107.412 + if (ch > mapCanvas->height() )
107.413 + {
107.414 + if (map.y()<0) dy=-map.y();
107.415 + }
107.416 + if (ch < mapCanvas->height() )
107.417 + {
107.418 + dy=-min (view.y(),map.y());
107.419 + }
107.420 + // We really have to resize now. Let's go...
107.421 + mapCanvas->resize (cw,ch);
107.422 + if ( (dx!=0) || (dy!=0) )
107.423 + {
107.424 + mapCenter->moveAllBy(dx,dy);
107.425 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.426 +
107.427 + // scroll the view (in order to not move map on screen)
107.428 + scrollBy (dx,dy);
107.429 + }
107.430 + }
107.431 +}
107.432 +
107.433 +bool MapEditor::blockReposition()
107.434 +{
107.435 + return blockreposition;
107.436 +}
107.437 +
107.438 +void MapEditor::makeTmpDirs()
107.439 +{
107.440 + // Create unique temporary directories
107.441 + char tmpdir[]="/tmp/vym-XXXXXX";
107.442 + bakMapDir=mkdtemp(tmpdir);
107.443 + makeSubDirs(bakMapDir);
107.444 + // FIXME set permissions
107.445 + // and maybe use QT method for portability
107.446 +}
107.447 +
107.448 +void MapEditor::delTmpDirs()
107.449 +{
107.450 + //FIXME delete tmp directory, better use QT methods here:
107.451 + system ( "rm -rf "+ bakMapDir );
107.452 +}
107.453 +
107.454 +
107.455 +void MapEditor::makeSubDirs(const QString &s)
107.456 +{
107.457 + QDir d(s);
107.458 + d.mkdir ("images");
107.459 + d.mkdir ("flags");
107.460 +}
107.461 +
107.462 +
107.463 +QString MapEditor::saveToDir(const QString &tmpdir, const QString &prefix, bool writeflags, const QPoint &offset, SaveMode savemode)
107.464 +{
107.465 + // tmpdir temporary directory to which data will be writte
107.466 + // prefix mapname, which will be appended to images etc.
107.467 + // writeflags Only write flags for "real" save of map, not undo
107.468 + // offset offset of bbox of whole map in canvas.
107.469 + // Needed for XML export
107.470 + // completeMap if false, only vympart will be written, without
107.471 + // mapcenter
107.472 +
107.473 + // Save Header
107.474 + QString ls;
107.475 + switch (linkstyle)
107.476 + {
107.477 + case StyleLine:
107.478 + ls="StyleLine";
107.479 + break;
107.480 + case StyleParabel:
107.481 + ls="StyleParabel";
107.482 + break;
107.483 + case StylePolyLine:
107.484 + ls="StylePolyLine";
107.485 + break;
107.486 + default:
107.487 + ls="StylePolyParabel";
107.488 + break;
107.489 + }
107.490 +
107.491 + QString s="<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><!DOCTYPE vymmap>\n";
107.492 + QString colhint="";
107.493 + if (linkcolorhint==HeadingColor)
107.494 + colhint=attribut("linkColorHint","HeadingColor");
107.495 +
107.496 + QString mapAttr=attribut("version",__VYM_VERSION__);
107.497 + if (savemode==CompleteMap)
107.498 + mapAttr+= attribut("author",mapCenter->getAuthor()) +
107.499 + attribut("comment",mapCenter->getComment()) +
107.500 + attribut("date",mapCenter->getDate()) +
107.501 + attribut("backgroundColor", mapCanvas->backgroundColor().name() ) +
107.502 + attribut("linkStyle", ls ) +
107.503 + attribut("linkColor", deflinkcolor.name() ) +
107.504 + colhint;
107.505 + s+=beginElement("vymmap",mapAttr);
107.506 + incIndent();
107.507 +
107.508 + // Find the used flags while traversing the tree
107.509 + standardFlagsDefault->resetUsedCounter();
107.510 +
107.511 + // Build xml recursivly
107.512 + if (savemode==CompleteMap)
107.513 + s+=mapCenter->saveToDir(tmpdir,prefix,writeflags,offset);
107.514 + else
107.515 + {
107.516 + if ( undoSelection &&
107.517 + typeid(*undoSelection) == typeid(BranchObj) )
107.518 + s+=((BranchObj*)(undoSelection))->saveToDir(tmpdir,prefix,offset);
107.519 + }
107.520 +
107.521 + // Save local settings
107.522 + s+=settings.getXMLData (destPath);
107.523 +
107.524 + // Save selection
107.525 + if (selection)
107.526 + s+=valueElement("select",selection->getSelectString());
107.527 +
107.528 + decIndent();
107.529 + s+=endElement("vymmap");
107.530 +
107.531 + if (writeflags)
107.532 + standardFlagsDefault->saveToDir (tmpdir+"/flags/","",writeflags);
107.533 +
107.534 + return s;
107.535 +}
107.536 +
107.537 +void MapEditor::saveState()
107.538 +{
107.539 + saveState (CompleteMap,NULL);
107.540 +}
107.541 +
107.542 +void MapEditor::saveState(const SaveMode &mode, LinkableMapObj *part)
107.543 +{
107.544 + // all binary data is saved in bakMapDir (created in Constructor)
107.545 + // the xml data itself is kept in memory in backupXML
107.546 + //
107.547 + // For faster write/read of data, a part of the map can be
107.548 + // written. Then the undoSelection will mark, which part of the
107.549 + // map should be replaced if an undo is wanted later.
107.550 +
107.551 + if (mode==PartOfMap && part && (typeid(*part) == typeid (BranchObj) ) )
107.552 + {
107.553 + // Writing a vympart only is useful for BranchObj
107.554 + undoSelection=part;
107.555 + backupXML=saveToDir (bakMapDir,mapName+"-",false, QPoint (),PartOfMap);
107.556 + } else
107.557 + {
107.558 + undoSelection=NULL;
107.559 + backupXML=saveToDir (bakMapDir,mapName+"-",false, QPoint (),CompleteMap);
107.560 + }
107.561 +}
107.562 +
107.563 +void MapEditor::finishedLineEditNoSave()
107.564 +{
107.565 + // This is called by finishedLineEdit or any MapEditor method,
107.566 + // which wants to assure, that lineedits finish, before e.g. a branch is
107.567 + // deleted
107.568 +
107.569 + // After calling LineEdit and using the clipboard, the
107.570 + // focus is not any longer on the main widget, we
107.571 + // have to restore it using parentWidget()->setFocus()
107.572 +
107.573 + if (editingBO!=NULL)
107.574 + {
107.575 + editingBO->setHeading(lineedit->text() );
107.576 + editingBO=NULL;
107.577 + lineedit->releaseKeyboard();
107.578 + lineedit->hide();
107.579 + parentWidget()->setFocus();
107.580 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.581 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.582 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.583 + }
107.584 +}
107.585 +
107.586 +
107.587 +bool MapEditor::isDefault()
107.588 +{
107.589 + return mapDefault;
107.590 +}
107.591 +
107.592 +bool MapEditor::isUnsaved()
107.593 +{
107.594 + return mapUnsaved;
107.595 +}
107.596 +
107.597 +bool MapEditor::hasChanged()
107.598 +{
107.599 + return mapChanged;
107.600 +}
107.601 +
107.602 +void MapEditor::setChanged()
107.603 +{
107.604 + mapChanged=true;
107.605 + mapDefault=false;
107.606 + mapUnsaved=true;
107.607 + actionEditUndo->setEnabled (true);
107.608 + actionFileSave->setEnabled (true);
107.609 + findReset();
107.610 +}
107.611 +
107.612 +void MapEditor::closeMap()
107.613 +{
107.614 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.615 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.616 +
107.617 + // Unselect before disabling the toolbar actions
107.618 + if (selection) selection->unselect();
107.619 + selection=NULL;
107.620 + updateActions();
107.621 +
107.622 + clear();
107.623 + close();
107.624 +}
107.625 +
107.626 +void MapEditor::setFilePath(QString fname)
107.627 +{
107.628 + setFilePath (fname,fname);
107.629 +}
107.630 +
107.631 +void MapEditor::setFilePath(QString fname, QString destname)
107.632 +{
107.633 + filePath=fname;
107.634 + fileName=fname;
107.635 + destPath=destname;
107.636 +
107.637 + // If fname is not an absolute path, complete it
107.638 + filePath=QDir(fname).absPath();
107.639 + fileDir=filePath.left (1+filePath.findRev ("/"));
107.640 +
107.641 + // Set short name, too. Search from behind:
107.642 + int i=fileName.findRev("/");
107.643 + if (i>=0) fileName=fileName.remove (0,i+1);
107.644 +
107.645 + // Forget the .vym (or .xml) for name of map
107.646 + mapName=fileName.left(fileName.findRev(".",-1,true) );
107.647 +}
107.648 +
107.649 +QString MapEditor::getFilePath()
107.650 +{
107.651 + return filePath;
107.652 +}
107.653 +
107.654 +QString MapEditor::getFileName()
107.655 +{
107.656 + return fileName;
107.657 +}
107.658 +
107.659 +QString MapEditor::getMapName()
107.660 +{
107.661 + return mapName;
107.662 +}
107.663 +
107.664 +QString MapEditor::getDestPath()
107.665 +{
107.666 + return destPath;
107.667 +}
107.668 +
107.669 +int MapEditor::load (QString &fname, const LoadMode &lmode)
107.670 +{
107.671 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.672 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.673 +
107.674 + int returnCode=0;
107.675 +
107.676 + if (lmode==NewMap)
107.677 + {
107.678 + if (selection) selection->unselect();
107.679 + selection=NULL;
107.680 + mapCenter->clear();
107.681 + mapCenter->setMapEditor(this);
107.682 + // (map state is set later at end of load...)
107.683 + } else
107.684 + {
107.685 + setChanged();
107.686 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection);
107.687 + }
107.688 +
107.689 +
107.690 + mapBuilderHandler handler;
107.691 + QFile file( fname );
107.692 +
107.693 + // I am paranoid: file should exist anyway
107.694 + // according to check in mainwindow.
107.695 + if (!file.exists() )
107.696 + {
107.697 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Parse Error" ),
107.698 + tr("Couldn't open map " +fname)+".");
107.699 + returnCode=1;
107.700 + } else
107.701 + {
107.702 + blockreposition=true;
107.703 + QXmlInputSource source( file);
107.704 + QXmlSimpleReader reader;
107.705 + reader.setContentHandler( &handler );
107.706 + reader.setErrorHandler( &handler );
107.707 + handler.setMapEditor( this );
107.708 + handler.setTmpDir (filePath.left(filePath.findRev("/",-1))); // needed to load files with rel. path
107.709 + handler.setLoadMode (lmode);
107.710 + bool ok = reader.parse( source );
107.711 + blockreposition=false;
107.712 + file.close();
107.713 + if ( ok )
107.714 + {
107.715 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.716 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.717 + if (lmode==NewMap)
107.718 + {
107.719 + mapDefault=false;
107.720 + mapChanged=false;
107.721 + mapUnsaved=false;
107.722 + }
107.723 + } else
107.724 + {
107.725 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Parse Error" ),
107.726 + tr( handler.errorProtocol() ) );
107.727 + // returnCode=1;
107.728 + // Still return "success": the map maybe at least
107.729 + // partially read by the parser
107.730 + }
107.731 + }
107.732 + updateActions();
107.733 + return returnCode;
107.734 +}
107.735 +
107.736 +int MapEditor::save (const SaveMode &savemode)
107.737 +{
107.738 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.739 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.740 +
107.741 + int returnCode=0;
107.742 +
107.743 + // Create mapName and fileDir
107.744 + makeSubDirs (fileDir);
107.745 + QString fname;
107.746 + if (saveZipped())
107.747 + // save as .xml
107.748 + fname=mapName+".xml";
107.749 + else
107.750 + // use name given by user, even if he chooses .doc
107.751 + fname=fileName;
107.752 +
107.753 +
107.754 + // Check if fname is writeable
107.755 + QFile file( fileDir+fname);
107.756 + if (!file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) )
107.757 + {
107.758 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Save Error" ),
107.759 + tr("Couldn't write to ") +fileDir+fname);
107.760 + return 1;
107.761 + }
107.762 + file.close();
107.763 +
107.764 + QString saveFile;
107.765 + saveFile=saveToDir (fileDir,mapName+"-",true,QPoint(),savemode);
107.766 +
107.767 + file.setName ( fileDir + fname);
107.768 + if ( !file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) )
107.769 + {
107.770 + // This should neverever happen
107.771 + QMessageBox::critical(0, tr("Critcal save error"),"MapEditor::save() Couldn't open "+file.name());
107.772 + return 1;
107.773 + }
107.774 +
107.775 + // Write it finally, and write in UTF8, no matter what
107.776 + QTextStream ts( &file );
107.777 + ts.setEncoding (QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
107.778 + ts << saveFile;
107.779 + file.close();
107.780 +
107.781 + if (returnCode==0)
107.782 + {
107.783 + mapChanged=false;
107.784 + mapUnsaved=false;
107.785 + actionFileSave->setEnabled(false);
107.786 + }
107.787 +
107.788 + return returnCode;
107.789 +}
107.790 +
107.791 +void MapEditor::setZipped (bool z)
107.792 +{
107.793 + zipped=z;
107.794 +}
107.795 +
107.796 +bool MapEditor::saveZipped ()
107.797 +{
107.798 + return zipped;
107.799 +}
107.800 +
107.801 +void MapEditor::print()
107.802 +{
107.803 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.804 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.805 +
107.806 + if ( !printer )
107.807 + {
107.808 + printer = new QPrinter;
107.809 + printer->setColorMode (QPrinter::Color);
107.810 + }
107.811 +
107.812 + QRect totalBBox=mapCenter->getTotalBBox();
107.813 +
107.814 + // Try to set orientation automagically
107.815 + // Note: Interpretation of generated postscript is amibiguous, if
107.816 + // there are problems with landscape mode, see
107.817 + // http://sdb.suse.de/de/sdb/html/jsmeix_print-cups-landscape-81.html
107.818 +
107.819 + if (totalBBox.width()>totalBBox.height())
107.820 + // recommend landscape
107.821 + printer->setOrientation (QPrinter::Landscape);
107.822 + else
107.823 + // recommend portrait
107.824 + printer->setOrientation (QPrinter::Portrait);
107.825 +
107.826 + if ( printer->setup(this) )
107.827 + // returns false, if printing is canceled
107.828 + {
107.829 + QPainter pp(printer);
107.830 +
107.831 + // Don't print the visualisation of selection
107.832 + LinkableMapObj *oldselection=NULL;
107.833 + if (selection)
107.834 + {
107.835 + oldselection=selection;
107.836 + selection->unselect();
107.837 + }
107.838 +
107.839 + // Handle sizes of map and paper:
107.840 + //
107.841 + // setWindow defines which part of the canvas will be transformed
107.842 + // setViewport defines area on paper in device coordinates (dpi)
107.843 + // e.g. (0,50,700,700) is upper part on A4
107.844 + // see also /usr/lib/qt3/doc/html/coordsys.html
107.845 +
107.846 + QPaintDeviceMetrics metrics (printer);
107.847 +
107.848 + double paperAspect = (double)metrics.width() / (double)metrics.height();
107.849 + double mapAspect = (double)totalBBox.width() / (double)totalBBox.height();
107.850 +
107.851 + QRect mapRect=mapCenter->getTotalBBox();
107.852 + QCanvasRectangle *frame=NULL;
107.853 + QCanvasText *footerFN=NULL;
107.854 + QCanvasText *footerDate=NULL;
107.855 + if (printFrame || printFooter)
107.856 + {
107.857 +
107.858 + if (printFrame)
107.859 + {
107.860 + // Print frame around map
107.861 + mapRect.setRect (mapRect.x()-10, mapRect.y()-10,
107.862 + mapRect.width()+20, mapRect.height()+20);
107.863 + frame=new QCanvasRectangle (mapRect,mapCanvas);
107.864 + frame->setBrush (QColor(white));
107.865 + frame->setPen (QColor(black));
107.866 + frame->setZ(0);
107.867 + frame->show();
107.868 + }
107.869 + if (printFooter)
107.870 + {
107.871 + // Print footer below map
107.872 + QFont font;
107.873 + font.setPointSize(10);
107.874 + footerFN=new QCanvasText (mapCanvas);
107.875 + footerFN->setText ("VYM - " + fileName);
107.876 + footerFN->setFont(font);
107.877 + footerFN->move (mapRect.x(), mapRect.y() + mapRect.height() );
107.878 + footerFN->setZ(Z_TEXT);
107.879 + footerFN->show();
107.880 + footerDate=new QCanvasText (mapCanvas);
107.881 + footerDate->setText (QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::TextDate));
107.882 + footerDate->setFont(font);
107.883 + footerDate->move (mapRect.x()+mapRect.width()-footerDate->boundingRect().width(), mapRect.y() + mapRect.height() );
107.884 + footerDate->setZ(Z_TEXT);
107.885 + footerDate->show();
107.886 + mapRect.setRect (mapRect.x(), mapRect.y(),
107.887 + mapRect.width(), mapRect.height()+20);
107.888 + }
107.889 + pp.setWindow (mapRect.x(), mapRect.y(), mapRect.width(), mapRect.height());
107.890 + } else
107.891 + {
107.892 + pp.setWindow (mapRect);
107.893 + }
107.894 +
107.895 + if (mapAspect>=paperAspect)
107.896 + {
107.897 + // Fit horizontally to paper width
107.898 + pp.setViewport(0,0, metrics.width(),(int)(metrics.width()/mapAspect) );
107.899 + } else
107.900 + {
107.901 + // Fit vertically to paper height
107.902 + pp.setViewport(0,0,(int)(metrics.height()*mapAspect),metrics.height());
107.903 + }
107.904 +
107.905 + mapCanvas->drawArea(mapRect, &pp); // draw Canvas to printer
107.906 +
107.907 + // Delete Frame and footer
107.908 + if (footerFN)
107.909 + {
107.910 + delete (footerFN);
107.911 + delete (footerDate);
107.912 + }
107.913 + if (frame) delete (frame);
107.914 +
107.915 + // Restore selection
107.916 + if (oldselection)
107.917 + {
107.918 + selection=oldselection;
107.919 + selection->select();
107.920 + }
107.921 + }
107.922 +}
107.923 +
107.924 +QPixmap MapEditor::getPixmap()
107.925 +{
107.926 + QRect mapRect=mapCenter->getTotalBBox();
107.927 + QPixmap pix (mapRect.size());
107.928 + QPainter pp (&pix);
107.929 +
107.930 + // Don't print the visualisation of selection
107.931 + LinkableMapObj *oldselection=NULL;
107.932 + if (selection)
107.933 + {
107.934 + oldselection=selection;
107.935 + selection->unselect();
107.936 + }
107.937 +
107.938 + pp.setWindow (mapRect);
107.939 +
107.940 + mapCanvas->drawArea(mapRect, &pp); // draw Canvas to painter
107.941 +
107.942 +
107.943 + // Restore selection
107.944 + if (oldselection)
107.945 + {
107.946 + selection=oldselection;
107.947 + selection->select();
107.948 + }
107.949 +
107.950 + return pix;
107.951 +}
107.952 +
107.953 +void MapEditor::exportImage(QString fn)
107.954 +{
107.955 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.956 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.957 +
107.958 + QPixmap pix (getPixmap());
107.959 + pix.save(fn, "PNG");
107.960 +}
107.961 +
107.962 +void MapEditor::exportImage(QString fn, int item)
107.963 +{
107.964 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.965 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.966 +
107.967 + QPixmap pix (getPixmap());
107.968 + pix.save(fn, exportImageFormatMenu->text(item) );
107.969 +}
107.970 +
107.971 +void MapEditor::exportASCII()
107.972 +{
107.973 + // FIXME still experimental
107.974 + QFileDialog *fd=new QFileDialog( this, tr("VYM - Export (ASCII)"));
107.975 + fd->addFilter ("TXT (*.txt)");
107.976 + fd->setCaption("VYM - Export (ASCII) (still experimental)");
107.977 + fd->setMode( QFileDialog::AnyFile );
107.978 + fd->show();
107.979 +
107.980 + if ( fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
107.981 + {
107.982 + if (QFile (fd->selectedFile()).exists() )
107.983 + {
107.984 + QMessageBox mb( "VYM",
107.985 + tr("The file ") + fd->selectedFile() +
107.986 + tr(" exists already. Do you want to overwrite it?"),
107.987 + QMessageBox::Warning,
107.988 + QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
107.989 + QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Escape,
107.990 + QMessageBox::NoButton );
107.991 +
107.992 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr("Overwrite") );
107.993 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::No, tr("Cancel"));
107.994 + Export ex;
107.995 + switch( mb.exec() )
107.996 + {
107.997 + case QMessageBox::Yes:
107.998 + // save
107.999 + if (!ex.setOutputDir ("out"))
107.1000 + {
107.1001 + QMessageBox::critical (0,tr("Critical Export Error "),tr("Couldn't create directory ") + "out");
107.1002 + return;
107.1003 + }
107.1004 + break;;
107.1005 + case QMessageBox::Cancel:
107.1006 + // do nothing
107.1007 + return;
107.1008 + break;
107.1009 + }
107.1010 + }
107.1011 + Export ex;
107.1012 + ex.setPath (fd->selectedFile() );
107.1013 + ex.setMapCenter(mapCenter);
107.1014 + ex.exportMap();
107.1015 + }
107.1016 +}
107.1017 +
107.1018 +
107.1019 +void MapEditor::exportXML(const QString &dir)
107.1020 +{
107.1021 + // Create subdirectories
107.1022 + makeSubDirs (dir);
107.1023 +
107.1024 + // write to directory
107.1025 + QString saveFile=saveToDir (dir,mapName+"-",true,mapCenter->getTotalBBox().topLeft() ,CompleteMap);
107.1026 + QFile file;
107.1027 +
107.1028 + file.setName ( dir + "/"+mapName+".xml");
107.1029 + if ( !file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) )
107.1030 + {
107.1031 + // This should neverever happen
107.1032 + QMessageBox::critical (0,tr("Critical Export Error"),tr("MapEditor::exportXML couldn't open ")+file.name());
107.1033 + return;
107.1034 + }
107.1035 +
107.1036 + // Write it finally, and write in UTF8, no matter what
107.1037 + QTextStream ts( &file );
107.1038 + ts.setEncoding (QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8);
107.1039 + ts << saveFile;
107.1040 + file.close();
107.1041 +
107.1042 + // Now write image, too
107.1043 + exportImage (dir+"/images/"+mapName+".png");
107.1044 +}
107.1045 +
107.1046 +void MapEditor::clear()
107.1047 +{
107.1048 + if (selection)
107.1049 + {
107.1050 + selection->unselect();
107.1051 + selection=NULL;
107.1052 + }
107.1053 +
107.1054 + mapCenter->clear();
107.1055 +}
107.1056 +
107.1057 +void MapEditor::undo()
107.1058 +{
107.1059 + QDir d;
107.1060 + d.setPath(bakMapDir);
107.1061 + if (d.exists() )
107.1062 + {
107.1063 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1064 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1065 +
107.1066 + if (selection)
107.1067 + {
107.1068 + selection->unselect();
107.1069 + selection=NULL;
107.1070 + }
107.1071 +
107.1072 + mapBuilderHandler handler;
107.1073 + QXmlInputSource source;
107.1074 + source.setData(backupXML);
107.1075 + QXmlSimpleReader reader;
107.1076 + reader.setContentHandler( &handler );
107.1077 + reader.setErrorHandler( &handler );
107.1078 + handler.setMapEditor( this );
107.1079 + handler.setTmpDir ( bakMapDir ); // needed to load files with rel. path
107.1080 + if (undoSelection)
107.1081 + {
107.1082 + selection=undoSelection;
107.1083 + selection->select();
107.1084 + handler.setLoadMode (ImportReplace);
107.1085 +
107.1086 + } else
107.1087 + {
107.1088 + mapCenter->clear();
107.1089 + handler.setLoadMode (NewMap);
107.1090 + }
107.1091 + blockreposition=true;
107.1092 + bool ok = reader.parse( source );
107.1093 + blockreposition=false;
107.1094 + if ( ok )
107.1095 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.1096 +
107.1097 + else
107.1098 + {
107.1099 + // This should never ever happen
107.1100 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Parse Error by reading backupFile" ),
107.1101 + tr( handler.errorProtocol() )+" in "+backupXML );
107.1102 + }
107.1103 + // Undo not longer available now
107.1104 + actionEditUndo->setEnabled (false);
107.1105 + undoSelection=false;
107.1106 + mapChanged=false;
107.1107 + return;
107.1108 + } else
107.1109 + {
107.1110 + QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Critical Error" ),
107.1111 + "Temporary directory " +bakMapDir +
107.1112 + tr (" used for undo is gone. \n"
107.1113 + "I will create a new one, but at the moment no undo is available.\n"
107.1114 + "Maybe you want to reload your original data.\n\n"
107.1115 + "Sorry for any inconveniences.") );
107.1116 + makeTmpDirs();
107.1117 + }
107.1118 +}
107.1119 +
107.1120 +void MapEditor::copy()
107.1121 +{
107.1122 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1123 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1124 +
107.1125 + if (selection)
107.1126 + {
107.1127 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) )
107.1128 + {
107.1129 + BranchObj* to;
107.1130 + BranchObj* from;
107.1131 + clipboardME->clear();
107.1132 + clipboardME->getMapCenter()->addBranch();
107.1133 + to=clipboardME->getMapCenter()->getLastBranch();
107.1134 + if (to)
107.1135 + {
107.1136 + from=(BranchObj*)(selection);
107.1137 + to->copy(from);
107.1138 +
107.1139 + // keep position relative to parent
107.1140 + to->move2RelPos ( from->getRelPos());
107.1141 +
107.1142 + // select data in clipboard
107.1143 + clipboardME->select ("bo:0");
107.1144 +
107.1145 + // repositioning makes testing nicer,
107.1146 + // but is not needed usually:
107.1147 + if (clipboardME->isVisible())
107.1148 + {
107.1149 + clipboardME->getMapCenter()->reposition();
107.1150 + }
107.1151 + else
107.1152 + clipboardME->hide();
107.1153 + }
107.1154 + }
107.1155 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(FloatImageObj) )
107.1156 + {
107.1157 + FloatImageObj* to;
107.1158 + FloatImageObj* from;
107.1159 + clipboardME->clear();
107.1160 + clipboardME->getMapCenter()->addFloatImage();
107.1161 + to=clipboardME->getMapCenter()->getLastFloatImage();
107.1162 + if (to)
107.1163 + {
107.1164 + from=(FloatImageObj*)(selection);
107.1165 + to->copy(from);
107.1166 +
107.1167 + // select data in clipboard
107.1168 + clipboardME->select ("fi:0");
107.1169 +
107.1170 + // repositioning makes testing nicer,
107.1171 + // but is not needed usually:
107.1172 + if (clipboardME->isVisible())
107.1173 + {
107.1174 + clipboardME->getMapCenter()->reposition();
107.1175 + }
107.1176 + else
107.1177 + clipboardME->hide();
107.1178 + }
107.1179 + }
107.1180 + }
107.1181 +}
107.1182 +
107.1183 +LinkableMapObj* MapEditor::pasteNoSave()
107.1184 +{
107.1185 + return pasteAtNoSave (-1);
107.1186 +}
107.1187 +
107.1188 +LinkableMapObj* MapEditor::pasteAtNoSave(int pos)
107.1189 +{
107.1190 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1191 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1192 +
107.1193 + LinkableMapObj *fromLMO=clipboardME->getSelection();
107.1194 + LinkableMapObj *returnLMO=NULL;
107.1195 +
107.1196 + if (selection && fromLMO)
107.1197 + {
107.1198 +
107.1199 + if (typeid(*fromLMO) == typeid(BranchObj) )
107.1200 + {
107.1201 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj))
107.1202 + {
107.1203 + returnLMO=mapCenter->addBranch( (BranchObj*)(fromLMO) );
107.1204 + ((BranchObj*)(returnLMO))->move2RelPos(normalise(fromLMO->getRelPos() ) );
107.1205 + }
107.1206 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj))
107.1207 + if (pos<0)
107.1208 + returnLMO=((BranchObj*)(selection))->addBranch((BranchObj*)(fromLMO) );
107.1209 + else
107.1210 + {
107.1211 + BranchObj *par=(BranchObj*)(selection->getParObj());
107.1212 + if (par) returnLMO=par->insertBranch((BranchObj*)(fromLMO),pos );
107.1213 + }
107.1214 + }
107.1215 +
107.1216 + if (typeid(*fromLMO) == typeid(FloatImageObj) &&
107.1217 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid (BranchObj) ||
107.1218 + typeid(*selection)==typeid(MapCenterObj)) )
107.1219 + returnLMO=((BranchObj*) (selection))->addFloatImage ((FloatImageObj*)(fromLMO));
107.1220 +
107.1221 + }
107.1222 + return returnLMO;
107.1223 +}
107.1224 +
107.1225 +void MapEditor::cutNoSave()
107.1226 +{
107.1227 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1228 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1229 +
107.1230 + BranchObj* bo;
107.1231 + BranchObj* par;
107.1232 + if (selection != NULL) {
107.1233 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) )
107.1234 + {
107.1235 + bo=(BranchObj*)(selection);
107.1236 + par=(BranchObj*)(bo->getParObj());
107.1237 + bo->unselect();
107.1238 + selection=NULL;
107.1239 + par->removeBranch(bo);
107.1240 + selection=par;
107.1241 + selection->select();
107.1242 + }
107.1243 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(FloatImageObj) )
107.1244 + {
107.1245 + FloatImageObj* fio=(FloatImageObj*)(selection);
107.1246 + par=(BranchObj*)(fio->getParObj());
107.1247 + fio->unselect();
107.1248 + selection=NULL;
107.1249 + par->removeFloatImage(fio);
107.1250 + selection=par;
107.1251 + selection->select();
107.1252 + }
107.1253 + }
107.1254 +}
107.1255 +
107.1256 +void MapEditor::paste()
107.1257 +{
107.1258 + setChanged();
107.1259 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection);
107.1260 + pasteNoSave();
107.1261 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.1262 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1263 +}
107.1264 +
107.1265 +void MapEditor::cut()
107.1266 +{
107.1267 + setChanged();
107.1268 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection->getParObj());
107.1269 + copy();
107.1270 + cutNoSave();
107.1271 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.1272 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1273 +}
107.1274 +
107.1275 +void MapEditor::moveBranchUp()
107.1276 +{
107.1277 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1278 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1279 +
107.1280 + BranchObj* bo;
107.1281 + BranchObj* par;
107.1282 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) )
107.1283 + {
107.1284 + setChanged();
107.1285 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection->getParObj());
107.1286 + bo=(BranchObj*)(selection);
107.1287 + par=(BranchObj*)(bo->getParObj());
107.1288 + selection->unselect();
107.1289 + selection=par->moveBranchUp (bo);
107.1290 + selection->select();
107.1291 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.1292 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1293 + }
107.1294 +}
107.1295 +
107.1296 +void MapEditor::moveBranchDown()
107.1297 +{
107.1298 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1299 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1300 +
107.1301 + BranchObj* bo;
107.1302 + BranchObj* par;
107.1303 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) )
107.1304 + {
107.1305 + setChanged();
107.1306 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection->getParObj());
107.1307 + bo=(BranchObj*)(selection);
107.1308 + par=(BranchObj*)(bo->getParObj());
107.1309 + selection->unselect();
107.1310 + selection=par->moveBranchDown(bo);
107.1311 + selection->select();
107.1312 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.1313 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1314 + }
107.1315 +}
107.1316 +
107.1317 +void MapEditor::editHeading()
107.1318 +{
107.1319 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1320 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1321 +
107.1322 + if (selection &&
107.1323 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.1324 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj) ) )
107.1325 + {
107.1326 + setChanged();
107.1327 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection);
107.1328 +
107.1329 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1330 + BranchObj *bo=(BranchObj*)(selection);
107.1331 + editingBO=(BranchObj*)(selection);
107.1332 + QPoint p = worldMatrix().map(QPoint (bo->x(),bo->y()));
107.1333 + lineedit->setGeometry(p.x()-contentsX(),p.y()-contentsY(),200,25);
107.1334 + QString s=bo->getHeading();
107.1335 + lineedit->setText(s);
107.1336 + lineedit->setCursorPosition(1);
107.1337 + if (actionSettingsAutoselectText->isOn() && !s.isEmpty() && actionSettingsPasteNewHeading->isOn() )
107.1338 + lineedit->selectAll();
107.1339 + lineedit->show();
107.1340 +
107.1341 + lineedit->grabKeyboard();
107.1342 + lineedit->setFocus();
107.1343 + }
107.1344 +}
107.1345 +
107.1346 +
107.1347 +void MapEditor::addNewBranch(int pos)
107.1348 +{
107.1349 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1350 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1351 +
107.1352 + if (selection &&
107.1353 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.1354 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj) ) )
107.1355 + {
107.1356 + setChanged();
107.1357 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection);
107.1358 +
107.1359 + BranchObj* bo1 = (BranchObj*) (selection);
107.1360 + bool wasScrolled=false;
107.1361 + BranchObj *newbo=NULL;
107.1362 + if (pos==0)
107.1363 + {
107.1364 + // save scroll state. If scrolled, automatically select
107.1365 + // new branch in order to tmp unscroll parent...
107.1366 + wasScrolled=bo1->isScrolled();
107.1367 + newbo=bo1->addBranch();
107.1368 + } else
107.1369 + {
107.1370 + BranchObj *parbo=(BranchObj*)(selection->getParObj());
107.1371 + if (parbo)
107.1372 + {
107.1373 + if (pos<0)
107.1374 + // add above selection
107.1375 + newbo=parbo->insertBranch(bo1->getNum());
107.1376 + else
107.1377 + // add below selection
107.1378 + newbo=parbo->insertBranch(bo1->getNum()+1);
107.1379 + } else
107.1380 + // This should not happen...
107.1381 + return;
107.1382 +
107.1383 + }
107.1384 +
107.1385 + LinkableMapObj *oldselection=selection;
107.1386 +
107.1387 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.1388 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1389 + if (actionSettingsAutoedit->isOn() ||
107.1390 + actionSettingsAutoselectHeading->isOn() )
107.1391 + {
107.1392 + selection->unselect();
107.1393 + selection=newbo;
107.1394 + selection->select();
107.1395 + if (actionSettingsPasteNewHeading->isOn() )
107.1396 + {
107.1397 + BranchObj *bo2= (BranchObj*)(selection);
107.1398 + bo2->setHeading("");
107.1399 + }
107.1400 + if (actionSettingsAutoedit->isOn() )
107.1401 + editHeading();
107.1402 + if (!actionSettingsAutoselectHeading->isOn()
107.1403 + && !wasScrolled)
107.1404 + {
107.1405 + selection->unselect();
107.1406 + selection=oldselection;
107.1407 + selection->select();
107.1408 + }
107.1409 + }
107.1410 + }
107.1411 +}
107.1412 +
107.1413 +void MapEditor::deleteSelection()
107.1414 +{
107.1415 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1416 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1417 +
107.1418 + if (selection && typeid(*selection) ==typeid(BranchObj) )
107.1419 + {
107.1420 + setChanged();
107.1421 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection->getParObj());
107.1422 + BranchObj* bo=dynamic_cast <BranchObj*> (selection);
107.1423 + BranchObj* par=(BranchObj*)(bo->getParObj());
107.1424 + bo->unselect();
107.1425 + selection=NULL;
107.1426 + par->removeBranch(bo);
107.1427 + selection=par;
107.1428 + selection->select();
107.1429 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1430 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.1431 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1432 + }
107.1433 + if (selection && typeid(*selection) ==typeid(FloatImageObj) )
107.1434 + {
107.1435 + setChanged();
107.1436 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection->getParObj());
107.1437 + FloatImageObj* fio=dynamic_cast <FloatImageObj*> (selection);
107.1438 + BranchObj* par=(BranchObj*)(fio->getParObj());
107.1439 + fio->unselect();
107.1440 + selection=NULL;
107.1441 + par->removeFloatImage(fio);
107.1442 + selection=par;
107.1443 + selection->select();
107.1444 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1445 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.1446 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1447 + }
107.1448 +}
107.1449 +
107.1450 +LinkableMapObj* MapEditor::getSelection()
107.1451 +{
107.1452 + return selection;
107.1453 +}
107.1454 +
107.1455 +bool MapEditor::select (QString s)
107.1456 +{
107.1457 + LinkableMapObj *lmo=mapCenter;
107.1458 + QString part;
107.1459 + QString typ;
107.1460 + QString num;
107.1461 + while (!s.isEmpty() )
107.1462 + {
107.1463 + part=s.section(",",0,0);
107.1464 + typ=part.left (3);
107.1465 + num=part.right(part.length() - 3);
107.1466 +
107.1467 + if (typ=="mc:")
107.1468 + {
107.1469 + if (num=="")
107.1470 + break;
107.1471 + else
107.1472 + lmo=mapCenter->getBranchNum (num.toUInt());
107.1473 + } else
107.1474 + if (typ=="bo:")
107.1475 + lmo=((BranchObj*)(lmo))->getBranchNum (num.toUInt());
107.1476 + else
107.1477 + if (typ=="fi:")
107.1478 + lmo=((BranchObj*)(lmo))->getFloatImageNum (num.toUInt());
107.1479 +
107.1480 +
107.1481 +
107.1482 + if (!lmo) break;
107.1483 +
107.1484 + if (s.contains(","))
107.1485 + s=s.right(s.length() - part.length() -1 );
107.1486 + else
107.1487 + break;
107.1488 + }
107.1489 +
107.1490 + // Finally select the found object
107.1491 + if (lmo)
107.1492 + {
107.1493 + if (selection) selection->unselect();
107.1494 + selection=lmo;
107.1495 + selection->select();
107.1496 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1497 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1498 + return true;
107.1499 + } else
107.1500 + return false;
107.1501 +
107.1502 +
107.1503 +}
107.1504 +
107.1505 +void MapEditor::unselect()
107.1506 +{
107.1507 + if (selection)
107.1508 + {
107.1509 + selectionLast=selection;
107.1510 + selection->unselect();
107.1511 + selection=NULL;
107.1512 + }
107.1513 +}
107.1514 +
107.1515 +void MapEditor::reselect()
107.1516 +{
107.1517 + if (selectionLast)
107.1518 + {
107.1519 + selection=selectionLast;
107.1520 + selection->select();
107.1521 + selectionLast=NULL;
107.1522 + }
107.1523 +}
107.1524 +
107.1525 +void MapEditor::selectNextBranch()
107.1526 +{
107.1527 + // Increase number of branch
107.1528 + if (selection)
107.1529 + {
107.1530 + QString s=selection->getSelectString();
107.1531 + QString part;
107.1532 + QString typ;
107.1533 + QString num;
107.1534 +
107.1535 + // Where am I?
107.1536 + part=s.section(",",-1);
107.1537 + typ=part.left (3);
107.1538 + num=part.right(part.length() - 3);
107.1539 +
107.1540 + s=s.left (s.length() -num.length());
107.1541 +
107.1542 + // Go to next lmo
107.1543 + num=QString ("%1").arg(num.toUInt()+1);
107.1544 +
107.1545 + s=s+num;
107.1546 +
107.1547 + // Try to select this one
107.1548 + if (select (s)) return;
107.1549 +
107.1550 + // We have no direct successor,
107.1551 + // try to increase the parental number in order to
107.1552 + // find a successor with same depth
107.1553 +
107.1554 + int d=selection->getDepth();
107.1555 + int oldDepth=d;
107.1556 + int i;
107.1557 + bool found=false;
107.1558 + bool b;
107.1559 + while (!found && d>0)
107.1560 + {
107.1561 + s=s.section (",",0,d-1);
107.1562 + // replace substring of current depth in s with "1"
107.1563 + part=s.section(",",-1);
107.1564 + typ=part.left (3);
107.1565 + num=part.right(part.length() - 3);
107.1566 +
107.1567 + if (d>1)
107.1568 + {
107.1569 + // increase number of parent
107.1570 + num=QString ("%1").arg(num.toUInt()+1);
107.1571 + s=s.section (",",0,d-2) + ","+ typ+num;
107.1572 + } else
107.1573 + {
107.1574 + // Special case, look at orientation
107.1575 + if (selection->getOrientation()==OrientRightOfCenter)
107.1576 + num=QString ("%1").arg(num.toUInt()+1);
107.1577 + else
107.1578 + num=QString ("%1").arg(num.toUInt()-1);
107.1579 + s=typ+num;
107.1580 + }
107.1581 +
107.1582 + if (select (s))
107.1583 + // pad to oldDepth, select the first branch for each depth
107.1584 + for (i=d;i<oldDepth;i++)
107.1585 + {
107.1586 + b=select (s);
107.1587 + if (b)
107.1588 + {
107.1589 + if ( ((BranchObj*)(selection))->countBranches()>0)
107.1590 + s+=",bo:0";
107.1591 + else
107.1592 + break;
107.1593 + } else
107.1594 + break;
107.1595 + }
107.1596 +
107.1597 + // try to select the freshly built string
107.1598 + found=select(s);
107.1599 + d--;
107.1600 + }
107.1601 + return;
107.1602 + }
107.1603 +}
107.1604 +
107.1605 +void MapEditor::selectPrevBranch()
107.1606 +{
107.1607 + // Decrease number of branch
107.1608 + if (selection)
107.1609 + {
107.1610 + QString s=selection->getSelectString();
107.1611 + QString part;
107.1612 + QString typ;
107.1613 + QString num;
107.1614 +
107.1615 + // Where am I?
107.1616 + part=s.section(",",-1);
107.1617 + typ=part.left (3);
107.1618 + num=part.right(part.length() - 3);
107.1619 +
107.1620 + s=s.left (s.length() -num.length());
107.1621 +
107.1622 + // Go to next lmo
107.1623 + num=QString ("%1").arg(num.toUInt()-1);
107.1624 +
107.1625 + s=s+num;
107.1626 +
107.1627 + // Try to select this one
107.1628 + if (select (s)) return;
107.1629 +
107.1630 + // We have no direct precessor,
107.1631 + // try to decrease the parental number in order to
107.1632 + // find a precessor with same depth
107.1633 +
107.1634 + int d=selection->getDepth();
107.1635 + int oldDepth=d;
107.1636 + int i;
107.1637 + bool found=false;
107.1638 + bool b;
107.1639 + while (!found && d>0)
107.1640 + {
107.1641 + s=s.section (",",0,d-1);
107.1642 + // replace substring of current depth in s with "1"
107.1643 + part=s.section(",",-1);
107.1644 + typ=part.left (3);
107.1645 + num=part.right(part.length() - 3);
107.1646 +
107.1647 + if (d>1)
107.1648 + {
107.1649 + // decrease number of parent
107.1650 + num=QString ("%1").arg(num.toUInt()-1);
107.1651 + s=s.section (",",0,d-2) + ","+ typ+num;
107.1652 + } else
107.1653 + {
107.1654 + // Special case, look at orientation
107.1655 + if (selection->getOrientation()==OrientRightOfCenter)
107.1656 + num=QString ("%1").arg(num.toUInt()-1);
107.1657 + else
107.1658 + num=QString ("%1").arg(num.toUInt()+1);
107.1659 + s=typ+num;
107.1660 + }
107.1661 +
107.1662 + if (select(s))
107.1663 + // pad to oldDepth, select the last branch for each depth
107.1664 + for (i=d;i<oldDepth;i++)
107.1665 + {
107.1666 + b=select (s);
107.1667 + if (b)
107.1668 + if ( ((BranchObj*)(selection))->countBranches()>0)
107.1669 + s+=",bo:"+ QString ("%1").arg( ((BranchObj*)(selection))->countBranches()-1 );
107.1670 + else
107.1671 + break;
107.1672 + else
107.1673 + break;
107.1674 + }
107.1675 +
107.1676 + // try to select the freshly built string
107.1677 + found=select(s);
107.1678 + d--;
107.1679 + }
107.1680 + return;
107.1681 + }
107.1682 +}
107.1683 +
107.1684 +void MapEditor::selectUpperBranch()
107.1685 +{
107.1686 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1687 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1688 +
107.1689 + if (selection)
107.1690 + {
107.1691 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj))
107.1692 + {
107.1693 + if (selection->getOrientation()==OrientRightOfCenter)
107.1694 + selectPrevBranch();
107.1695 + else
107.1696 + if (selection->getDepth()==1)
107.1697 + selectNextBranch();
107.1698 + else
107.1699 + selectPrevBranch();
107.1700 + }
107.1701 + }
107.1702 +}
107.1703 +
107.1704 +void MapEditor::selectLowerBranch()
107.1705 +{
107.1706 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1707 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1708 +
107.1709 + if (selection)
107.1710 + {
107.1711 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj))
107.1712 + {
107.1713 + if (selection->getOrientation()==OrientRightOfCenter)
107.1714 + selectNextBranch();
107.1715 + else
107.1716 + if (selection->getDepth()==1)
107.1717 + selectPrevBranch();
107.1718 + else
107.1719 + selectNextBranch();
107.1720 + }
107.1721 + }
107.1722 +}
107.1723 +
107.1724 +
107.1725 +void MapEditor::selectLeftBranch()
107.1726 +{
107.1727 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1728 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1729 +
107.1730 + BranchObj* bo;
107.1731 + BranchObj* par;
107.1732 + if (selection)
107.1733 + {
107.1734 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj))
107.1735 + {
107.1736 + par= (BranchObj*) (selection);
107.1737 + bo=par->getLastSelectedBranch();
107.1738 + if (bo)
107.1739 + {
107.1740 + // Workaround for reselecting on left and right side
107.1741 + if (bo->getOrientation()==OrientRightOfCenter)
107.1742 + {
107.1743 + bo=par->getLastBranch();
107.1744 + }
107.1745 + if (bo)
107.1746 + {
107.1747 + par->unselect();
107.1748 + selection=bo;
107.1749 + selection->select();
107.1750 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1751 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1752 + }
107.1753 + }
107.1754 + } else
107.1755 + {
107.1756 + par=(BranchObj*)(selection->getParObj());
107.1757 + if (selection->getOrientation()==OrientRightOfCenter)
107.1758 + {
107.1759 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.1760 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(FloatImageObj))
107.1761 + {
107.1762 + selection->unselect();
107.1763 + selection=par;
107.1764 + selection->select();
107.1765 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1766 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1767 + }
107.1768 + } else
107.1769 + {
107.1770 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) )
107.1771 + {
107.1772 + bo=((BranchObj*)(selection))->getLastSelectedBranch();
107.1773 + if (bo)
107.1774 + {
107.1775 + selection->unselect();
107.1776 + selection=bo;
107.1777 + selection->select();
107.1778 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1779 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1780 + }
107.1781 + }
107.1782 + }
107.1783 + }
107.1784 + }
107.1785 +}
107.1786 +
107.1787 +void MapEditor::selectRightBranch()
107.1788 +{
107.1789 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1790 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1791 +
107.1792 + BranchObj* bo;
107.1793 + BranchObj* par;
107.1794 +
107.1795 + if (selection)
107.1796 + {
107.1797 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj))
107.1798 + {
107.1799 + par= (BranchObj*) (selection);
107.1800 + bo=par->getLastSelectedBranch();
107.1801 + if (bo)
107.1802 + {
107.1803 + // Workaround for relecting on left and right side
107.1804 + if (bo->getOrientation()==OrientLeftOfCenter)
107.1805 + bo=par->getFirstBranch();
107.1806 + if (bo)
107.1807 + {
107.1808 + par->unselect();
107.1809 + selection=bo;
107.1810 + selection->select();
107.1811 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1812 + }
107.1813 + }
107.1814 + } else
107.1815 + {
107.1816 + par=(BranchObj*)(selection->getParObj());
107.1817 + if (selection->getOrientation()==OrientLeftOfCenter)
107.1818 + {
107.1819 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.1820 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(FloatImageObj))
107.1821 + {
107.1822 + selection->unselect();
107.1823 + selection=par;
107.1824 + selection->select();
107.1825 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1826 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1827 + }
107.1828 + } else
107.1829 + {
107.1830 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) )
107.1831 + {
107.1832 + bo=((BranchObj*)(selection))->getLastSelectedBranch();
107.1833 + if (bo)
107.1834 + {
107.1835 + selection->unselect();
107.1836 + selection=bo;
107.1837 + selection->select();
107.1838 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1839 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1840 + }
107.1841 + }
107.1842 + }
107.1843 + }
107.1844 + }
107.1845 +}
107.1846 +
107.1847 +void MapEditor::selectFirstBranch()
107.1848 +{
107.1849 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1850 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1851 +
107.1852 + BranchObj *bo1;
107.1853 + BranchObj *bo2;
107.1854 + BranchObj* par;
107.1855 + if (selection) {
107.1856 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj))
107.1857 + {
107.1858 + bo1= (BranchObj*) (selection);
107.1859 + par=(BranchObj*)(bo1->getParObj());
107.1860 + bo2=par->getFirstBranch();
107.1861 + if (bo2) {
107.1862 + bo1->unselect();
107.1863 + selection=bo2;
107.1864 + selection->select();
107.1865 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1866 + }
107.1867 + }
107.1868 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1869 + }
107.1870 +}
107.1871 +
107.1872 +void MapEditor::selectLastBranch()
107.1873 +{
107.1874 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1875 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1876 +
107.1877 + BranchObj *bo1;
107.1878 + BranchObj *bo2;
107.1879 + BranchObj* par;
107.1880 + if (selection) {
107.1881 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj))
107.1882 + {
107.1883 + bo1= (BranchObj*) (selection);
107.1884 + par=(BranchObj*)(bo1->getParObj());
107.1885 + bo2=par->getLastBranch();
107.1886 + if (bo2) {
107.1887 + bo1->unselect();
107.1888 + selection=bo2;
107.1889 + selection->select();
107.1890 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.1891 + }
107.1892 + }
107.1893 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.1894 + }
107.1895 +}
107.1896 +
107.1897 +void MapEditor::setColor(QColor c)
107.1898 +{
107.1899 + actColor=c;
107.1900 +}
107.1901 +
107.1902 +void MapEditor::selectBackgroundColor()
107.1903 +{
107.1904 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.1905 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.1906 +
107.1907 + QColor col = QColorDialog::getColor( mapCanvas->backgroundColor(), this );
107.1908 + if ( !col.isValid() ) return;
107.1909 + setBackgroundColor( col );
107.1910 + setChanged();
107.1911 +}
107.1912 +
107.1913 +void MapEditor::setBackgroundColor(QColor c)
107.1914 +{
107.1915 + mapCanvas->setBackgroundColor (c);
107.1916 +}
107.1917 +
107.1918 +QColor MapEditor::pickColor()
107.1919 +{
107.1920 + if (selection)
107.1921 + {
107.1922 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.1923 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj))
107.1924 + {
107.1925 + BranchObj *bo=(BranchObj*)(selection);
107.1926 + actColor=bo->getColor();
107.1927 + }
107.1928 + }
107.1929 + return actColor;
107.1930 +}
107.1931 +
107.1932 +void MapEditor::colorItem()
107.1933 +{
107.1934 + if (selection)
107.1935 + {
107.1936 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.1937 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj))
107.1938 + {
107.1939 + setChanged();
107.1940 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection);
107.1941 + BranchObj *bo=(BranchObj*)(selection);
107.1942 + bo->setColor(actColor, false); // color links, color childs
107.1943 + }
107.1944 + }
107.1945 +}
107.1946 +
107.1947 +void MapEditor::colorBranch()
107.1948 +{
107.1949 + if (selection)
107.1950 + {
107.1951 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.1952 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj))
107.1953 + {
107.1954 + setChanged();
107.1955 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection);
107.1956 + BranchObj *bo=(BranchObj*)(selection);
107.1957 + bo->setColor(actColor, true); // color links, color childs
107.1958 + }
107.1959 + }
107.1960 +}
107.1961 +
107.1962 +
107.1963 +void MapEditor::toggleStandardFlag(QString f)
107.1964 +{
107.1965 + if (selection)
107.1966 + {
107.1967 + setChanged();
107.1968 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection);
107.1969 + ((BranchObj*)(selection))->toggleStandardFlag (f);
107.1970 + }
107.1971 +}
107.1972 +
107.1973 +void MapEditor::setViewCenter()
107.1974 +{
107.1975 + // transform to CanvasView Coord:
107.1976 + QPoint p=worldMatrix().map(movingCenter);
107.1977 + center ( p.x(), p.y());
107.1978 +}
107.1979 +
107.1980 +
107.1981 +BranchObj* MapEditor::findText (QString s, bool cs)
107.1982 +{
107.1983 + if (!itFind)
107.1984 + { // Nothing found or new find process
107.1985 + if (EOFind)
107.1986 + // nothing found, start again
107.1987 + EOFind=false;
107.1988 + itFind=mapCenter->first();
107.1989 + }
107.1990 + bool searching=true;
107.1991 + bool foundNote=false;
107.1992 + while (searching && !EOFind)
107.1993 + {
107.1994 + if (itFind)
107.1995 + {
107.1996 + // Searching in Note
107.1997 + if (itFind->getNote().contains(s,cs))
107.1998 + {
107.1999 + if (selection!=itFind)
107.2000 + {
107.2001 + if (selection) ((BranchObj*)(selection))->unselect();
107.2002 + selection=itFind;
107.2003 + selection->select();
107.2004 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.2005 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.2006 + }
107.2007 + if (textEditor->findText(s,cs))
107.2008 + {
107.2009 + searching=false;
107.2010 + foundNote=true;
107.2011 + }
107.2012 + }
107.2013 + // Searching in Heading
107.2014 + if (searching && itFind->getHeading().contains (s,cs) )
107.2015 + {
107.2016 + if (selection) ((BranchObj*)(selection))->unselect();
107.2017 + selection=itFind;
107.2018 + selection->select();
107.2019 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.2020 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.2021 + searching=false;
107.2022 + }
107.2023 + }
107.2024 + if (!foundNote)
107.2025 + {
107.2026 + itFind=itFind->next();
107.2027 + if (!itFind) EOFind=true;
107.2028 + }
107.2029 + }
107.2030 + if (!searching)
107.2031 + {
107.2032 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.2033 + return (BranchObj*)(selection);
107.2034 + } else
107.2035 + return NULL;
107.2036 +}
107.2037 +
107.2038 +void MapEditor::findReset()
107.2039 +{ // Necessary if text to find changes during a find process
107.2040 + itFind=NULL;
107.2041 + EOFind=false;
107.2042 +}
107.2043 +
107.2044 +void MapEditor::openURL()
107.2045 +{
107.2046 + if (selection )
107.2047 + {
107.2048 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.2049 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj))
107.2050 + {
107.2051 + QString url=((BranchObj*)(selection))->getURL();
107.2052 +
107.2053 + QProcess *proc = new QProcess( this );
107.2054 +
107.2055 +#if !defined(Q_OS_MACX)
107.2056 + proc->addArgument( settings.readEntry("/vym/mainwindow/readerURL","konqueror" ));
107.2057 +#else
107.2058 + proc->addArgument( settings.readEntry("/vym/mainwindow/readerURL",
107.2059 + "/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari" ));
107.2060 +#endif
107.2061 +
107.2062 + proc->addArgument( url);
107.2063 +
107.2064 + if ( !proc->start() )
107.2065 + // error handling
107.2066 + if (mainWindow->settingsURL() )
107.2067 + openURL();
107.2068 + }
107.2069 + }
107.2070 +}
107.2071 +
107.2072 +void MapEditor::editURL()
107.2073 +{
107.2074 + if (selection && (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.2075 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj)) )
107.2076 + {
107.2077 + bool ok;
107.2078 + QString text = QInputDialog::getText(
107.2079 + "VYM", tr("Enter URL:"), QLineEdit::Normal,
107.2080 + ((BranchObj*)(selection))->getURL(), &ok, this );
107.2081 + if ( ok)
107.2082 + {
107.2083 + // user entered something and pressed OK
107.2084 + ((BranchObj*)(selection))->setURL (text);
107.2085 + updateActions();
107.2086 + setChanged();
107.2087 + }
107.2088 + }
107.2089 +}
107.2090 +
107.2091 +void MapEditor::editHeading2URL()
107.2092 +{
107.2093 + if (selection && (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.2094 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj)) )
107.2095 + {
107.2096 + BranchObj *b=(BranchObj*)(selection);
107.2097 + b->setURL (b->getHeading());
107.2098 + updateActions();
107.2099 + setChanged();
107.2100 + }
107.2101 +}
107.2102 +
107.2103 +void MapEditor::editBugzilla2URL()
107.2104 +{
107.2105 + if (selection && (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.2106 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj)) )
107.2107 + {
107.2108 + BranchObj *b=(BranchObj*)(selection);
107.2109 + b->setURL ("http://bugzilla.suse.de/show_bug.cgi?id="+b->getHeading());
107.2110 + updateActions();
107.2111 + setChanged();
107.2112 + }
107.2113 +}
107.2114 +
107.2115 +void MapEditor::editVymLink()
107.2116 +{
107.2117 + if (selection && (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.2118 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj)) )
107.2119 + {
107.2120 + QFileDialog *fd=new QFileDialog( this,tr("VYM - Link to another map"));
107.2121 + fd->addFilter (QString (tr("vym map") + " (*.vym)"));
107.2122 + fd->setCaption(tr("VYM - Link to another map"));
107.2123 + if (! ((BranchObj*)(selection))->getVymLink().isEmpty() )
107.2124 + fd->setSelection( ((BranchObj*)(selection))->getVymLink() );
107.2125 + fd->show();
107.2126 +
107.2127 + QString fn;
107.2128 + if ( fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
107.2129 + ((BranchObj*)(selection))->setVymLink (fd->selectedFile() );
107.2130 + updateActions();
107.2131 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.2132 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.2133 + canvas()->update();
107.2134 + setChanged();
107.2135 + }
107.2136 +}
107.2137 +
107.2138 +void MapEditor::deleteVymLink()
107.2139 +{
107.2140 + if (selection && (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.2141 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj)) )
107.2142 + {
107.2143 + ((BranchObj*)(selection))->setVymLink ("" );
107.2144 + updateActions();
107.2145 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.2146 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.2147 + canvas()->update();
107.2148 + setChanged();
107.2149 + }
107.2150 +}
107.2151 +
107.2152 +QString MapEditor::getVymLink()
107.2153 +{
107.2154 + if (selection && (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.2155 + typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj)) )
107.2156 + {
107.2157 + return ((BranchObj*)(selection))->getVymLink();
107.2158 + }
107.2159 + return "";
107.2160 +
107.2161 +}
107.2162 +
107.2163 +void MapEditor::editMapInfo()
107.2164 +{
107.2165 + ExtraInfoDialog dia;
107.2166 + dia.setMapName (getFileName() );
107.2167 + dia.setAuthor (mapCenter->getAuthor() );
107.2168 + dia.setComment(mapCenter->getComment() );
107.2169 +
107.2170 + // Calc some stats
107.2171 + QString stats;
107.2172 + int i=0;
107.2173 + QCanvasItemList l=canvas()->allItems();
107.2174 + for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it)
107.2175 + i++;
107.2176 + stats+=QString ("%1 items on canvas\n").arg (i,6);
107.2177 +
107.2178 + uint b=0;
107.2179 + uint f=0;
107.2180 + uint n=0;
107.2181 + BranchObj *bo;
107.2182 + bo=mapCenter->first();
107.2183 + while (bo)
107.2184 + {
107.2185 + if (!bo->getNote().isEmpty() ) n++;
107.2186 + f+= bo->countFloatImages();
107.2187 + b++;
107.2188 + bo=bo->next();
107.2189 + }
107.2190 + stats+=QString ("%1 branches\n").arg (b-1,6);
107.2191 + stats+=QString ("%1 notes\n").arg (n,6);
107.2192 + stats+=QString ("%1 images\n").arg (f,6);
107.2193 + dia.setStats (stats);
107.2194 +
107.2195 + // Finally show dialog
107.2196 + if (dia.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
107.2197 + {
107.2198 + mapCenter->setAuthor (dia.getAuthor() );
107.2199 + mapCenter->setComment (dia.getComment() );
107.2200 + setChanged();
107.2201 + }
107.2202 +}
107.2203 +
107.2204 +void MapEditor::updateActions()
107.2205 +{
107.2206 + if (getLinkColorHint()==HeadingColor)
107.2207 + actionFormatLinkColorHint->setOn(true);
107.2208 + else
107.2209 + actionFormatLinkColorHint->setOn(false);
107.2210 +
107.2211 + switch (linkstyle)
107.2212 + {
107.2213 + case StyleLine:
107.2214 + actionFormatLinkStyleLine->setOn(true);
107.2215 + break;
107.2216 + case StyleParabel:
107.2217 + actionFormatLinkStyleParabel->setOn(true);
107.2218 + break;
107.2219 + case StylePolyLine:
107.2220 + actionFormatLinkStylePolyLine->setOn(true);
107.2221 + break;
107.2222 + case StylePolyParabel:
107.2223 + actionFormatLinkStylePolyParabel->setOn(true);
107.2224 + break;
107.2225 + default:
107.2226 + break;
107.2227 + }
107.2228 +
107.2229 + QPixmap pix( 16, 16 );
107.2230 + pix.fill( mapCanvas->backgroundColor() );
107.2231 + actionFormatBackColor->setIconSet( pix );
107.2232 + pix.fill( deflinkcolor );
107.2233 + actionFormatLinkColor->setIconSet( pix );
107.2234 +
107.2235 + actionEditUndo->setEnabled( mapChanged );
107.2236 + actionFileSave->setEnabled( mapUnsaved );
107.2237 +
107.2238 + if (selection)
107.2239 + {
107.2240 + if ( (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj)) ||
107.2241 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj)) )
107.2242 + {
107.2243 + standardFlagsDefault->setEnabled (true);
107.2244 +
107.2245 + if ( ((BranchObj*)(selection))->getURL().isEmpty() )
107.2246 + actionEditOpenURL->setEnabled (false);
107.2247 + else
107.2248 + actionEditOpenURL->setEnabled (true);
107.2249 + actionEditURL->setEnabled (true);
107.2250 + actionEditHeading2URL->setEnabled (true);
107.2251 + actionEditBugzilla2URL->setEnabled (true);
107.2252 +
107.2253 + if ( ((BranchObj*)(selection))->getVymLink().isEmpty() )
107.2254 + {
107.2255 + actionEditOpenVymLink->setEnabled (false);
107.2256 + actionEditDeleteVymLink->setEnabled (false);
107.2257 + } else
107.2258 + {
107.2259 + actionEditOpenVymLink->setEnabled (true);
107.2260 + actionEditDeleteVymLink->setEnabled (true);
107.2261 + }
107.2262 + actionEditVymLink->setEnabled (true);
107.2263 +
107.2264 + actionEditCopy->setEnabled (true);
107.2265 + actionEditCut->setEnabled (true);
107.2266 + actionEditPaste->setEnabled (true);
107.2267 + actionEditMoveUp->setEnabled (true);
107.2268 + actionEditMoveDown->setEnabled (true);
107.2269 + actionEditToggleScroll->setEnabled (true);
107.2270 + actionEditHeading->setEnabled (true);
107.2271 + actionEditDelete->setEnabled (true);
107.2272 + actionEditAddBranch->setEnabled (true);
107.2273 + actionEditAddBranchAbove->setEnabled (true);
107.2274 + actionEditAddBranchBelow->setEnabled (true);
107.2275 + actionEditImportAdd->setEnabled (true);
107.2276 + actionEditImportReplace->setEnabled (true);
107.2277 + actionEditSaveBranch->setEnabled (true);
107.2278 + actionEditSelectFirst->setEnabled (true);
107.2279 + actionEditSelectLast->setEnabled (true);
107.2280 + actionEditToggleFloatExport->setEnabled (false);
107.2281 + actionFormatPickColor->setEnabled (true);
107.2282 + actionFormatColorBranch->setEnabled (true);
107.2283 + actionFormatColorSubtree->setEnabled (true);
107.2284 + switch (selection->getFrameType())
107.2285 + {
107.2286 + case NoFrame:
107.2287 + actionFormatFrameNone->setOn(true);
107.2288 + break;
107.2289 + case Rectangle:
107.2290 + actionFormatFrameRectangle->setOn(true);
107.2291 + break;
107.2292 + default:
107.2293 + break;
107.2294 + }
107.2295 + }
107.2296 + if ( (typeid(*selection) == typeid(FloatImageObj)) )
107.2297 + {
107.2298 + standardFlagsDefault->setEnabled (false);
107.2299 +
107.2300 + actionEditOpenURL->setEnabled (false);
107.2301 + actionEditURL->setEnabled (false);
107.2302 + actionEditHeading2URL->setEnabled (false);
107.2303 + actionEditBugzilla2URL->setEnabled (false);
107.2304 + actionEditOpenVymLink->setEnabled (false);
107.2305 + actionEditVymLink->setEnabled (false);
107.2306 + actionEditDeleteVymLink->setEnabled (false);
107.2307 +
107.2308 + actionEditCopy->setEnabled (true);
107.2309 + actionEditCut->setEnabled (true);
107.2310 + actionEditPaste->setEnabled (false); //FIXME
107.2311 + actionEditMoveUp->setEnabled (false);
107.2312 + actionEditMoveDown->setEnabled (false);
107.2313 + actionEditToggleScroll->setEnabled (false);
107.2314 + actionEditHeading->setEnabled (false);
107.2315 + actionEditDelete->setEnabled (true);
107.2316 + actionEditAddBranch->setEnabled (false);
107.2317 + actionEditAddBranchAbove->setEnabled (false);
107.2318 + actionEditAddBranchBelow->setEnabled (false);
107.2319 + actionEditImportAdd->setEnabled (false);
107.2320 + actionEditSaveBranch->setEnabled (false);
107.2321 + actionEditImportReplace->setEnabled (false);
107.2322 + actionEditSelectFirst->setEnabled (false);
107.2323 + actionEditSelectLast->setEnabled (false);
107.2324 + actionEditToggleFloatExport->setOn
107.2325 + ( ((FloatImageObj*)(selection))->getFloatExport() );
107.2326 + actionFormatPickColor->setEnabled (false);
107.2327 + actionFormatColorBranch->setEnabled (false);
107.2328 + actionFormatColorSubtree->setEnabled (false);
107.2329 + }
107.2330 +
107.2331 + } else
107.2332 + {
107.2333 + standardFlagsDefault->setEnabled (false);
107.2334 +
107.2335 + actionEditCopy->setEnabled (false);
107.2336 + actionEditCut->setEnabled (false);
107.2337 + actionEditPaste->setEnabled (false);
107.2338 + actionEditMoveUp->setEnabled (false);
107.2339 + actionEditMoveDown->setEnabled (false);
107.2340 + actionEditToggleScroll->setEnabled (false);
107.2341 + actionEditOpenURL->setEnabled (false);
107.2342 + actionEditURL->setEnabled (false);
107.2343 + actionEditOpenVymLink->setEnabled (false);
107.2344 + actionEditVymLink->setEnabled (false);
107.2345 + actionEditDeleteVymLink->setEnabled (false);
107.2346 + actionEditHeading2URL->setEnabled (false);
107.2347 + actionEditBugzilla2URL->setEnabled (false);
107.2348 + actionEditHeading->setEnabled (false);
107.2349 + actionEditDelete->setEnabled (false);
107.2350 + actionEditAddBranch->setEnabled (false);
107.2351 + actionEditAddBranchAbove->setEnabled (false);
107.2352 + actionEditAddBranchBelow->setEnabled (false);
107.2353 + actionEditSaveBranch->setEnabled (false);
107.2354 + actionEditImportReplace->setEnabled (false);
107.2355 + actionEditSelectFirst->setEnabled (false);
107.2356 + actionEditSelectLast->setEnabled (false);
107.2357 + actionEditToggleFloatExport->setEnabled (false);
107.2358 + actionFormatPickColor->setEnabled (false);
107.2359 + actionFormatColorBranch->setEnabled (false);
107.2360 + actionFormatColorSubtree->setEnabled (false);
107.2361 + }
107.2362 +}
107.2363 +
107.2364 +void MapEditor::setLinkStyle (LinkStyle ls)
107.2365 +{
107.2366 + linkstyle=ls;
107.2367 +
107.2368 + BranchObj *bo;
107.2369 + bo=mapCenter->first();
107.2370 + bo=bo->next();
107.2371 + while (bo)
107.2372 + {
107.2373 + bo->setLinkStyle(bo->getDefLinkStyle());
107.2374 + bo=bo->next();
107.2375 + }
107.2376 + //setChanged();
107.2377 + //saveState();
107.2378 +}
107.2379 +
107.2380 +LinkStyle MapEditor::getLinkStyle ()
107.2381 +{
107.2382 + return linkstyle;
107.2383 +}
107.2384 +
107.2385 +void MapEditor::setLinkColor(QColor c)
107.2386 +{
107.2387 + deflinkcolor=c;
107.2388 + updateActions();
107.2389 +}
107.2390 +
107.2391 +void MapEditor::setLinkColorHint()
107.2392 +{
107.2393 + // called from setLinkColorHint(lch) or at end of parse
107.2394 + BranchObj *bo;
107.2395 + bo=mapCenter->first();
107.2396 + while (bo)
107.2397 + {
107.2398 + bo->setLinkColor();
107.2399 + bo=bo->next();
107.2400 + }
107.2401 +}
107.2402 +
107.2403 +void MapEditor::setLinkColorHint(LinkColorHint lch)
107.2404 +{
107.2405 + linkcolorhint=lch;
107.2406 + setLinkColorHint();
107.2407 +}
107.2408 +
107.2409 +void MapEditor::toggleLinkColorHint()
107.2410 +{
107.2411 + if (linkcolorhint==HeadingColor)
107.2412 + linkcolorhint=DefaultColor;
107.2413 + else
107.2414 + linkcolorhint=HeadingColor;
107.2415 + BranchObj *bo;
107.2416 + bo=mapCenter->first();
107.2417 + while (bo)
107.2418 + {
107.2419 + bo->setLinkColor();
107.2420 + bo=bo->next();
107.2421 + }
107.2422 +}
107.2423 +
107.2424 +LinkColorHint MapEditor::getLinkColorHint()
107.2425 +{
107.2426 + return linkcolorhint;
107.2427 +}
107.2428 +
107.2429 +QColor MapEditor::getDefLinkColor()
107.2430 +{
107.2431 + return deflinkcolor;
107.2432 +}
107.2433 +
107.2434 +void MapEditor::selectLinkColor()
107.2435 +{
107.2436 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.2437 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.2438 +
107.2439 + QColor col = QColorDialog::getColor( deflinkcolor, this );
107.2440 + if ( !col.isValid() ) return;
107.2441 + setLinkColor( col );
107.2442 + setChanged();
107.2443 +}
107.2444 +
107.2445 +void MapEditor::toggleScroll()
107.2446 +{
107.2447 + if (selection && (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj)) )
107.2448 + {
107.2449 + BranchObj *bo=((BranchObj*)(selection));
107.2450 + if (bo->countBranches()==0) return;
107.2451 + if (bo->getDepth()==0) return;
107.2452 + setChanged();
107.2453 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection);
107.2454 + bo->toggleScroll();
107.2455 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.2456 + canvas()->update();
107.2457 + }
107.2458 +}
107.2459 +
107.2460 +void MapEditor::unScrollAll()
107.2461 +{
107.2462 + BranchObj *bo;
107.2463 + bo=mapCenter->first();
107.2464 + while (bo)
107.2465 + {
107.2466 + if (bo->isScrolled()) bo->toggleScroll();
107.2467 + bo=bo->next();
107.2468 + }
107.2469 +}
107.2470 +
107.2471 +void MapEditor::loadFloatImage ()
107.2472 +{
107.2473 + if (selection &&
107.2474 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj)) ||
107.2475 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj)) )
107.2476 + {
107.2477 + BranchObj *bo=((BranchObj*)(selection));
107.2478 +
107.2479 + QFileDialog *fd=new QFileDialog( this,tr("vym - load image"));
107.2480 + fd->addFilter (QString (tr("Images") + " (*.png *.bmp *.xbm *.jpg *.png *.xpm *.gif *.pnm)"));
107.2481 + ImagePreview *p =new ImagePreview (fd);
107.2482 + fd->setContentsPreviewEnabled( TRUE );
107.2483 + fd->setContentsPreview( p, p );
107.2484 + fd->setPreviewMode( QFileDialog::Contents );
107.2485 + fd->setCaption(tr("vym - Load image"));
107.2486 + fd->setDir (lastImageDir);
107.2487 + fd->show();
107.2488 +
107.2489 + QString fn;
107.2490 + if ( fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
107.2491 + {
107.2492 + setChanged();
107.2493 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection);
107.2494 + QString fn=fd->selectedFile();
107.2495 + lastImageDir=fn.left(fn.findRev ("/"));
107.2496 + bo->addFloatImage();
107.2497 + // FIXME check if load was successful
107.2498 + bo->getLastFloatImage()->load(fn);
107.2499 + bo->getLastFloatImage()->setOriginalFilename(fn);
107.2500 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.2501 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.2502 + canvas()->update();
107.2503 + }
107.2504 + }
107.2505 +}
107.2506 +
107.2507 +void MapEditor::saveFloatImage (int item)
107.2508 +{
107.2509 + if (selection &&
107.2510 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(FloatImageObj)) )
107.2511 + {
107.2512 + FloatImageObj *fio=((FloatImageObj*)(selection));
107.2513 + const char* fmt = saveImageFormatMenu->text(item);
107.2514 +
107.2515 + QFileDialog *fd=new QFileDialog( this, tr("vym - save image as") + fmt);
107.2516 + fd->addFilter ("PNG (*.png)");
107.2517 + fd->addFilter ("BMP (*.bmp)");
107.2518 + fd->addFilter ("XBM (*.xbm)");
107.2519 + fd->addFilter ("JPG (*.jpg)");
107.2520 + fd->addFilter ("XPM (*.xpm)");
107.2521 + fd->addFilter ("GIF (*.gif)");
107.2522 + fd->addFilter ("PNM (*.pnm)");
107.2523 + fd->addFilter (QString (tr("Images") + " (*.png *.bmp *.xbm *.jpg *.png *.xpm *.gif *.pnm)"));
107.2524 + fd->setCaption(tr("vym - Save image as ") + fmt);
107.2525 + fd->setMode( QFileDialog::AnyFile );
107.2526 + fd->setSelection (fio->getOriginalFilename());
107.2527 + fd->show();
107.2528 +
107.2529 + QString fn;
107.2530 + if ( fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
107.2531 + {
107.2532 + if (QFile (fd->selectedFile()).exists() )
107.2533 + {
107.2534 + QMessageBox mb( "VYM",
107.2535 + tr("The file ") + fd->selectedFile() +
107.2536 + tr(" exists already. "
107.2537 + "Do you want to overwrite it?"),
107.2538 + QMessageBox::Warning,
107.2539 + QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
107.2540 + QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Escape,
107.2541 + QMessageBox::QMessageBox::NoButton );
107.2542 +
107.2543 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr("Overwrite") );
107.2544 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::No, tr("Cancel"));
107.2545 + switch( mb.exec() )
107.2546 + {
107.2547 + case QMessageBox::Yes:
107.2548 + // save
107.2549 + break;;
107.2550 + case QMessageBox::Cancel:
107.2551 + // do nothing
107.2552 + return;
107.2553 + break;
107.2554 + }
107.2555 + }
107.2556 + fio->save (fd->selectedFile(),fmt);
107.2557 + }
107.2558 + }
107.2559 +}
107.2560 +
107.2561 +void MapEditor::toggleFloatExport()
107.2562 +{
107.2563 + if (selection &&
107.2564 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(FloatImageObj))||
107.2565 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(FloatObj)) )
107.2566 + {
107.2567 + FloatImageObj *fio=((FloatImageObj*)(selection));
107.2568 + fio->setFloatExport (actionEditToggleFloatExport->isOn() );
107.2569 + }
107.2570 +}
107.2571 +
107.2572 +void MapEditor::setFrame(const FrameType &t)
107.2573 +{
107.2574 + if (selection &&
107.2575 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj)) ||
107.2576 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj)) )
107.2577 + {
107.2578 + selection->setFrameType (t);
107.2579 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.2580 + selection->updateLink();
107.2581 + }
107.2582 +}
107.2583 +
107.2584 +void MapEditor::importDir(BranchObj *dst, QDir d)
107.2585 +{
107.2586 + if (selection &&
107.2587 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj)) ||
107.2588 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj)) )
107.2589 + {
107.2590 + BranchObj *bo;
107.2591 +
107.2592 + // Traverse directories
107.2593 + d.setFilter( QDir::Dirs| QDir::Hidden | QDir::NoSymLinks );
107.2594 + const QFileInfoList *dirlist = d.entryInfoList();
107.2595 + QFileInfoListIterator itdir( *dirlist );
107.2596 + QFileInfo *fi;
107.2597 +
107.2598 + while ( (fi = itdir.current()) != 0 )
107.2599 + {
107.2600 + if (fi->fileName() != "." && fi->fileName() != ".." )
107.2601 + {
107.2602 + dst->addBranch();
107.2603 + bo=dst->getLastBranch();
107.2604 + bo->setHeading (fi->fileName() );
107.2605 + bo->setColor (QColor("blue"),false);
107.2606 + bo->toggleScroll();
107.2607 + if ( !d.cd(fi->fileName()) )
107.2608 + QMessageBox::critical (0,tr("Critical Import Error"),tr("Cannot find the directory"));
107.2609 + else
107.2610 + {
107.2611 + importDir (bo,d);
107.2612 + d.cdUp();
107.2613 + }
107.2614 + }
107.2615 + ++itdir;
107.2616 + }
107.2617 + // Traverse files
107.2618 + d.setFilter( QDir::Files| QDir::Hidden | QDir::NoSymLinks );
107.2619 + const QFileInfoList *filelist = d.entryInfoList();
107.2620 + QFileInfoListIterator itfile( *filelist );
107.2621 +
107.2622 + while ( (fi = itfile.current()) != 0 )
107.2623 + {
107.2624 + dst->addBranch();
107.2625 + bo=dst->getLastBranch();
107.2626 + bo->setHeading (fi->fileName() );
107.2627 + bo->setColor (QColor("black"),false);
107.2628 + ++itfile;
107.2629 + }
107.2630 + }
107.2631 +}
107.2632 +
107.2633 +void MapEditor::importDir()
107.2634 +{
107.2635 + if (selection &&
107.2636 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj)) ||
107.2637 + (typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj)) )
107.2638 + {
107.2639 + QFileDialog *fd=new QFileDialog( this,tr("VYM - Choose directory structur to import"));
107.2640 + fd->setMode (QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly);
107.2641 + fd->addFilter (QString (tr("vym map") + " (*.vym)"));
107.2642 + fd->setCaption(tr("VYM - Choose directory structur to import"));
107.2643 + fd->show();
107.2644 +
107.2645 + QString fn;
107.2646 + if ( fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
107.2647 + {
107.2648 + BranchObj *bo=((BranchObj*)(selection));
107.2649 + importDir (bo,QDir(fd->selectedFile()) );
107.2650 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.2651 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.2652 + canvas()->update();
107.2653 + }
107.2654 + }
107.2655 +}
107.2656 +
107.2657 +void MapEditor::testFunction()
107.2658 +{
107.2659 + cout << "MapEditor::testFunction() called\n";
107.2660 +}
107.2661 +
107.2662 +void MapEditor::ensureSelectionVisible()
107.2663 +{
107.2664 + LinkableMapObj* lmo= dynamic_cast <LinkableMapObj*> (selection);
107.2665 + QPoint p;
107.2666 + if (selection->getOrientation() == OrientLeftOfCenter)
107.2667 + p= worldMatrix().map(QPoint (lmo->x(),lmo->y()));
107.2668 + else
107.2669 + p= worldMatrix().map(QPoint (lmo->x()+lmo->width(),lmo->y()+lmo->height()));
107.2670 + ensureVisible (p.x(), p.y() );
107.2671 +
107.2672 +}
107.2673 +
107.2674 +void MapEditor::updateViewCenter()
107.2675 +{
107.2676 + // Update movingCenter, so that we can zoom comfortably later
107.2677 + QRect rc = QRect( contentsX(), contentsY(),
107.2678 + visibleWidth(), visibleHeight() );
107.2679 + QRect canvasRect = inverseWorldMatrix().mapRect(rc);
107.2680 + movingCenter.setX((canvasRect.right() + canvasRect.left())/2);
107.2681 + movingCenter.setY((canvasRect.top() + canvasRect.bottom())/2);
107.2682 +}
107.2683 +
107.2684 +void MapEditor::contentsContextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent * e )
107.2685 +{
107.2686 + // Lineedits are already closed by preceding
107.2687 + // mouseEvent, we don't need to close here.
107.2688 +
107.2689 + QPoint p = inverseWorldMatrix().map(e->pos());
107.2690 + LinkableMapObj* lmo=mapCenter->findMapObj(p, NULL);
107.2691 +
107.2692 + if (lmo)
107.2693 + { // MapObj was found
107.2694 + if (selection != lmo)
107.2695 + {
107.2696 + // select the MapObj
107.2697 + if (selection) selection->unselect();
107.2698 + selection=lmo;
107.2699 + selection->select();
107.2700 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.2701 + }
107.2702 + // Context Menu
107.2703 + if (selection)
107.2704 + {
107.2705 + if (typeid(*selection)==typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.2706 + typeid(*selection)==typeid(MapCenterObj) )
107.2707 + {
107.2708 + // Context Menu on branch or mapcenter
107.2709 + updateActions();
107.2710 + branchContextMenu->popup(e->globalPos() );
107.2711 + }
107.2712 + if (typeid(*selection)==typeid(FloatImageObj))
107.2713 + {
107.2714 + // Context Menu on floatimage
107.2715 + updateActions();
107.2716 + floatimageContextMenu->popup(e->globalPos() );
107.2717 + }
107.2718 + }
107.2719 + } else
107.2720 + { // No MapObj found, we are on the Canvas itself
107.2721 + // Context Menu on Canvas
107.2722 + updateActions();
107.2723 + canvasContextMenu->popup(e->globalPos() );
107.2724 + }
107.2725 +}
107.2726 +
107.2727 +void MapEditor::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
107.2728 +{
107.2729 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.2730 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.2731 +
107.2732 + QPoint p = inverseWorldMatrix().map(e->pos());
107.2733 + LinkableMapObj* lmo=mapCenter->findMapObj(p, NULL);
107.2734 +
107.2735 + // Special case: CTRL is pressed, don't select anything
107.2736 + if (e->state() & QMouseEvent::ControlButton)
107.2737 + {
107.2738 + pickingColor=true;
107.2739 + setCursor (pickColorCursor);
107.2740 + return;
107.2741 + }
107.2742 +
107.2743 + if (lmo)
107.2744 + { // MapObj was found
107.2745 + if (selection != lmo)
107.2746 + {
107.2747 + // select the MapObj
107.2748 + if (selection) selection->unselect();
107.2749 + selection=lmo;
107.2750 + selection->select();
107.2751 +
107.2752 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.2753 + }
107.2754 +
107.2755 + // Check, if systemFlag clicked
107.2756 + if (typeid(*selection)==typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.2757 + typeid(*selection)==typeid(MapCenterObj) )
107.2758 + {
107.2759 + QString foname=((BranchObj*)(selection))->getSystemFlagName(p);
107.2760 + if (!foname.isEmpty())
107.2761 + {
107.2762 + // Do not move, if systemFlag clicked
107.2763 + if (foname=="url")
107.2764 + openURL();
107.2765 + else
107.2766 + if (foname=="vymLink")
107.2767 + {
107.2768 + mainWindow->editOpenVymLink();
107.2769 + // tabWidget may change, better return now
107.2770 + // before segfaulting...
107.2771 + return;
107.2772 + } else
107.2773 + if (foname=="note")
107.2774 + mainWindow->windowToggleNoteEditor();
107.2775 + }
107.2776 + }
107.2777 +
107.2778 + // Left Button Move Branches
107.2779 + if (e->button() == QMouseEvent::LeftButton )
107.2780 + {
107.2781 + movingObj=selection;
107.2782 + movingObj_start.setX( p.x() - selection->x() );
107.2783 + movingObj_start.setY( p.y() - selection->y() );
107.2784 + } else
107.2785 + // Middle Button Toggle Scroll
107.2786 + // (On Mac OS X this won't work, but we still have
107.2787 + // a button in the toolbar)
107.2788 + if (e->button() == QMouseEvent::MidButton )
107.2789 + {
107.2790 + toggleScroll();
107.2791 + }
107.2792 + updateActions();
107.2793 + } else
107.2794 + { // No MapObj found, we are on the Canvas itself
107.2795 + // Left Button move Pos of CanvasView
107.2796 + if (e->button() == QMouseEvent::LeftButton )
107.2797 + {
107.2798 + movingObj=NULL; // move Content not Obj
107.2799 + movingObj_start=e->globalPos();
107.2800 + movingCont_start=QPoint (contentsX(), contentsY() );
107.2801 + movingVec=QPoint(0,0);
107.2802 + setCursor(handOpenCursor);
107.2803 + }
107.2804 + }
107.2805 +}
107.2806 +
107.2807 +void MapEditor::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
107.2808 +{
107.2809 + // Move the selected MapObj
107.2810 + if ( selection && movingObj)
107.2811 + {
107.2812 + QPoint p = inverseWorldMatrix().map(e->pos());
107.2813 +
107.2814 + // Now move the selection, but add relative position (movingObj_start)
107.2815 + // where selection
107.2816 + // was chosen with mousepointer. (This avoids flickering resp. jumping
107.2817 + // of selection back to absPos)
107.2818 +
107.2819 + LinkableMapObj *lmosel;
107.2820 + lmosel = dynamic_cast <LinkableMapObj*> (selection);
107.2821 +
107.2822 + // Check if we could link
107.2823 + LinkableMapObj* lmo=mapCenter->findMapObj(p, lmosel);
107.2824 +
107.2825 +
107.2826 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(FloatImageObj))
107.2827 + {
107.2828 + setChanged();
107.2829 + saveState();
107.2830 + FloatObj *fo=(FloatObj*)(selection);
107.2831 + if (fo->getLinkStyle()==StyleUndef)
107.2832 + {
107.2833 + fo->setLinkStyle(fo->getDefLinkStyle());
107.2834 + fo->setLinkColor(fo->getParObj()->getLinkColor());
107.2835 + }
107.2836 + fo->move (p.x() -movingObj_start.x(), p.y()-movingObj_start.y() );
107.2837 + fo->setRelPos();
107.2838 + fo->reposition();
107.2839 +
107.2840 + // Relink float to new mapcenter or branch, if shift is pressed
107.2841 + // Only relink, if selection really has a new parent
107.2842 + if ( (e->state() & QMouseEvent::ShiftButton) && lmo &&
107.2843 + ( (typeid(*lmo)==typeid(BranchObj)) ||
107.2844 + (typeid(*lmo)==typeid(MapCenterObj)) ) &&
107.2845 + ( lmo != fo->getParObj())
107.2846 + )
107.2847 + {
107.2848 + if (typeid(*fo) == typeid(FloatImageObj))
107.2849 + {
107.2850 + FloatImageObj *fio=(FloatImageObj*)(fo);
107.2851 + ((BranchObj*)(lmo))->addFloatImage (fio);
107.2852 + fio->unselect();
107.2853 + ((BranchObj*)(fio->getParObj()))->removeFloatImage (fio);
107.2854 + fio=((BranchObj*)(lmo))->getLastFloatImage();
107.2855 + fio->setRelPos();
107.2856 + fio->reposition();
107.2857 + selection=(LinkableMapObj*)(fio);
107.2858 + selection->select();
107.2859 + movingObj=(MapObj*)(fio);
107.2860 + // setLinkStyle calls updateLink, only set it once
107.2861 + if (fio->getLinkStyle()!=fio->getDefLinkStyle() )
107.2862 + fio->setLinkStyle (fio->getDefLinkStyle());
107.2863 +
107.2864 + }
107.2865 + // TODO if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(FloatTextObj))
107.2866 + }
107.2867 + } else // selection != a FloatObj
107.2868 + {
107.2869 + if (lmosel->getDepth()==0)
107.2870 + {
107.2871 + if (e->state() == (LeftButton | !ShiftButton))
107.2872 + // If mapCenter is moved, move all the rest by default, too.
107.2873 + mapCenter->moveAll(p.x() -movingObj_start.x(), p.y()-movingObj_start.y() );
107.2874 + else
107.2875 + mapCenter->move (p.x() -movingObj_start.x(), p.y()-movingObj_start.y() );
107.2876 + } else
107.2877 + {
107.2878 + if (lmosel->getDepth()==1)
107.2879 + {
107.2880 + // depth==1, mainbranch
107.2881 + setChanged();
107.2882 + saveState(PartOfMap,lmosel);
107.2883 + lmosel->move(p.x() -movingObj_start.x(), p.y()-movingObj_start.y() );
107.2884 + } else
107.2885 + {
107.2886 + // depth>1
107.2887 + if (lmosel->getOrientation() == OrientLeftOfCenter)
107.2888 + // Add width of bbox here, otherwise alignRelTo will cause jumping around
107.2889 + lmosel->move(p.x() -movingObj_start.x()+lmosel->getBBox().width(),
107.2890 + p.y()-movingObj_start.y() );
107.2891 + else
107.2892 + lmosel->move(p.x() -movingObj_start.x(), p.y()-movingObj_start.y() );
107.2893 + }
107.2894 + // reposition subbranch
107.2895 + lmosel->reposition();
107.2896 + ensureSelectionVisible();
107.2897 +
107.2898 + if (lmo && (lmo!=selection) &&
107.2899 + (typeid(*lmo) == typeid(BranchObj) ||
107.2900 + (typeid(*lmo) == typeid(MapCenterObj) )
107.2901 + ) )
107.2902 + {
107.2903 + if (e->state() & QMouseEvent::ControlButton)
107.2904 + {
107.2905 + // Special case: CTRL to link below lmo
107.2906 + lmosel->setParObjTmp (lmo,p,+1);
107.2907 + }
107.2908 + else if (e->state() & QMouseEvent::ShiftButton)
107.2909 + lmosel->setParObjTmp (lmo,p,-1);
107.2910 + else
107.2911 + lmosel->setParObjTmp (lmo,p,0);
107.2912 + } else
107.2913 + {
107.2914 + if (lmo &&(lmo==selection))
107.2915 + // Could link to myself (happens sometimes...)
107.2916 + lmosel->unsetParObjTmp();
107.2917 + if (!lmo)
107.2918 + // no Obj under selection, go back to original Parent
107.2919 + lmosel->unsetParObjTmp();
107.2920 + }
107.2921 + } // depth>0
107.2922 +
107.2923 + } // no FloatImageObj
107.2924 +
107.2925 + canvas()->update();
107.2926 + return;
107.2927 + } // selection && moving_obj
107.2928 +
107.2929 + // Move CanvasView
107.2930 + if (!movingObj && !pickingColor)
107.2931 + {
107.2932 + QPoint p=e->globalPos();
107.2933 + movingVec.setX(-p.x() + movingObj_start.x() );
107.2934 + movingVec.setY(-p.y() + movingObj_start.y() );
107.2935 + setContentsPos( movingCont_start.x() + movingVec.x(),
107.2936 + movingCont_start.y() + movingVec.y());
107.2937 +
107.2938 + updateViewCenter();
107.2939 + }
107.2940 +}
107.2941 +
107.2942 +
107.2943 +void MapEditor::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
107.2944 +{
107.2945 + LinkableMapObj *dst;
107.2946 + // Have we been picking color?
107.2947 + if (pickingColor)
107.2948 + {
107.2949 + pickingColor=false;
107.2950 + setCursor (ArrowCursor);
107.2951 + // Check if we are over another branch
107.2952 + dst=mapCenter->findMapObj(inverseWorldMatrix().map(e->pos() ), NULL);
107.2953 + if (dst && selection)
107.2954 + {
107.2955 + if (e->state() & QMouseEvent::ShiftButton)
107.2956 + {
107.2957 + ((BranchObj*)(selection))->setColor (((BranchObj*)(dst))->getColor(),false);
107.2958 + ((BranchObj*)(selection))->setLinkColor ();
107.2959 + }
107.2960 + else
107.2961 + {
107.2962 + ((BranchObj*)(selection))->setColor (((BranchObj*)(dst))->getColor(),true);
107.2963 + ((BranchObj*)(selection))->setLinkColor ();
107.2964 + }
107.2965 + }
107.2966 + return;
107.2967 + }
107.2968 + // Have we been moving something?
107.2969 + if ( selection && movingObj )
107.2970 + {
107.2971 + // Check if we are over another branch, but ignore
107.2972 + // any found LMOs, which are FloatObjs
107.2973 + dst=mapCenter->findMapObj(inverseWorldMatrix().map(e->pos() ),
107.2974 + ((LinkableMapObj*)(selection)) );
107.2975 +
107.2976 + if (dst &&
107.2977 + (typeid(*dst)!=typeid(BranchObj)&&typeid(*dst)!=typeid(MapCenterObj)))
107.2978 + {
107.2979 + dst=NULL;
107.2980 + }
107.2981 +
107.2982 + // Now check, if we have been moving a branch
107.2983 + if (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) )
107.2984 + {
107.2985 + // save the position in case we link to mapcenter
107.2986 + QPoint savePos=QPoint (selection->x(),selection->y() );
107.2987 +
107.2988 + // Reset the temporary drawn link to the original one
107.2989 + ((LinkableMapObj*)(selection))->unsetParObjTmp();
107.2990 +
107.2991 + if (dst )
107.2992 + {
107.2993 + setChanged();
107.2994 + saveState();
107.2995 + // TODO we also could check, if dest and src are on same branch,
107.2996 + // then it would be sufficient to saveState of this branch
107.2997 +
107.2998 + // FIXME better introduce BO::move to speed up and keep IDs
107.2999 + copy(); // copy selection to clipboard
107.3000 + cutNoSave(); // remove selection here
107.3001 +
107.3002 + selection->unselect();
107.3003 + selection=dst;
107.3004 + // Modifiers allow to insert above/below dst
107.3005 + if (e->state() & QMouseEvent::ShiftButton)
107.3006 + {
107.3007 + selection=pasteAtNoSave (((BranchObj*)(dst))->getNum());
107.3008 + if (selection) selection->select();
107.3009 + }
107.3010 + else if (e->state() & QMouseEvent::ControlButton)
107.3011 + {
107.3012 + selection=pasteAtNoSave (((BranchObj*)(dst))->getNum()+1);
107.3013 + if (selection) selection->select();
107.3014 + }
107.3015 + else
107.3016 + {
107.3017 + selection=pasteNoSave();
107.3018 + selection->select();
107.3019 + if (dst->getDepth()==0)
107.3020 + ((BranchObj*)(selection))->move (savePos);
107.3021 + }
107.3022 + }
107.3023 + // Draw the original link, before selection was moved around
107.3024 + mapCenter->reposition();
107.3025 + }
107.3026 + // Finally resize canvas, if needed
107.3027 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.3028 + canvas()->update();
107.3029 + movingObj=NULL;
107.3030 + } else
107.3031 + { // maybe we moved View: set old cursor
107.3032 + setCursor (ArrowCursor);
107.3033 + }
107.3034 +}
107.3035 +
107.3036 +void MapEditor::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
107.3037 +{
107.3038 + // Finish open lineEdits
107.3039 + if (lineedit) finishedLineEditNoSave();
107.3040 +
107.3041 + if (e->button() == QMouseEvent::LeftButton )
107.3042 + {
107.3043 + QPoint p = inverseWorldMatrix().map(e->pos());
107.3044 + LinkableMapObj *lmo=mapCenter->findMapObj(p, NULL);
107.3045 + if (lmo) { // MapObj was found
107.3046 + // First select the MapObj than edit heading
107.3047 + if (selection) selection->unselect();
107.3048 + selection=lmo;
107.3049 + selection->select();
107.3050 + setChanged();
107.3051 + saveState(PartOfMap,selection);
107.3052 + editHeading();
107.3053 + }
107.3054 + }
107.3055 +}
107.3056 +
107.3057 +void MapEditor::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent* e)
107.3058 +{
107.3059 + QCanvasView::resizeEvent( e );
107.3060 +
107.3061 + QString s="";
107.3062 + if (!fileName.isEmpty()) s=fileName;
107.3063 + adjustCanvasSize();
107.3064 +}
107.3065 +
108.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
108.2 +++ b/mapeditor.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
108.3 @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
108.4 +#ifndef MAPEDITOR_H
108.5 +#define MAPEDITOR_H
108.6 +
108.7 +#include <qcanvas.h>
108.8 +#include <qlineedit.h>
108.9 +#include <qcursor.h>
108.10 +#include <qfiledialog.h>
108.11 +#include <qevent.h>
108.12 +#include <qprocess.h>
108.13 +
108.14 +#include "mapcenterobj.h"
108.15 +#include "misc.h"
108.16 +
108.17 +class MapEditor : public QCanvasView , public xmlObj {
108.18 + Q_OBJECT
108.19 +
108.20 +public:
108.21 + MapEditor(QWidget* parent=0, bool interactive=false, const char* name=0, WFlags f=0);
108.22 + ~MapEditor();
108.23 + QColor color();
108.24 + QColor backgroundColor();
108.25 + MapCenterObj* getMapCenter();
108.26 + QCanvas* getCanvas();
108.27 + void adjustCanvasSize();// adjust canvas size to map and scrollview
108.28 + bool blockReposition(); // block while load or undo
108.29 +
108.30 +private:
108.31 + void makeTmpDirs(); // create temporary directories
108.32 + void delTmpDirs(); // delete temporary directories
108.33 + void makeSubDirs(const QString&);
108.34 + // create subdirs in dir
108.35 + QString saveToDir(const QString&,const QString &,bool, const QPoint
108.36 + &,SaveMode);
108.37 + void saveState(); // save actual state to backup
108.38 + void saveState(const SaveMode&, LinkableMapObj *);
108.39 +
108.40 +private slots:
108.41 + void finishedLineEditNoSave();
108.42 +
108.43 +public:
108.44 + bool isDefault(); // false, if map was changed once
108.45 + bool isUnsaved(); // save necessary
108.46 + bool hasChanged(); // undo possible
108.47 + void setChanged(); // called from NoteEditor via LMO
108.48 + void closeMap();
108.49 + void setFilePath (QString);
108.50 + void setFilePath (QString,QString);
108.51 + QString getFilePath (); // Full path e.g. "/home/tux/map.xml"
108.52 + QString getFileName (); // e.g. "map.xml"
108.53 + QString getMapName (); // e.g. "map"
108.54 + QString getDestPath (); // e.g. "/home/tux/map.vym"
108.55 + int load (QString&, const LoadMode &); // newmap, import/replace selection
108.56 + int save(const SaveMode &); // Save map
108.57 + void setZipped(bool); // save map zipped
108.58 + bool saveZipped(); // 1 if file will be saved zipped
108.59 + void print(); // print canvas
108.60 +private:
108.61 + QPixmap getPixmap();
108.62 +public:
108.63 + void exportImage (QString fn); // export as PNG
108.64 + void exportImage (QString fn, int); // export in given format
108.65 + void exportASCII();
108.66 + void exportXML(const QString&); // export to directory
108.67 + void clear(); // clear map
108.68 + void undo(); // undo last action
108.69 + void copy(); // copy branch to clipboard
108.70 +private:
108.71 + LinkableMapObj* pasteNoSave(); // paste clipboard to branch
108.72 + LinkableMapObj* pasteAtNoSave(int); // paste clipboard to branch at position i
108.73 + void cutNoSave(); // cut to clipboard
108.74 +public:
108.75 + void paste(); // paste clipboard to branch and backup
108.76 + void cut(); // cut to clipboard and backup
108.77 + void moveBranchUp();
108.78 + void moveBranchDown();
108.79 + void editHeading();
108.80 + void addNewBranch(int); // pos allows to add above/below selection
108.81 + void deleteSelection();
108.82 + LinkableMapObj* getSelection(); // returns selection
108.83 + bool select(QString ); // Select
108.84 + void unselect(); // before changing current noteedit
108.85 + void reselect(); // after changing current noteedit
108.86 +private:
108.87 + void selectNextBranch(); // Increment number of branch
108.88 + void selectPrevBranch(); // Decrement number of branch
108.89 +public:
108.90 + void selectUpperBranch();
108.91 + void selectLowerBranch();
108.92 + void selectLeftBranch();
108.93 + void selectRightBranch();
108.94 + void selectFirstBranch();
108.95 + void selectLastBranch();
108.96 + void setColor(QColor);
108.97 + void selectBackgroundColor();
108.98 + void setBackgroundColor(QColor);
108.99 + QColor pickColor();
108.100 + void colorItem();
108.101 + void colorBranch();
108.102 + void toggleStandardFlag(QString);
108.103 + virtual void setViewCenter(); // needed for zooming
108.104 + BranchObj* findText(QString,bool); // Find object
108.105 + void findReset(); // Reset Find
108.106 + void openURL(); // open URL in external browser
108.107 + void editURL(); // edit the URL
108.108 + void editHeading2URL(); // copy heading to URL
108.109 + void editBugzilla2URL(); // create URL to Bugzilla
108.110 + void editVymLink(); // edit link to another map
108.111 + void deleteVymLink(); // delete link to another map
108.112 + QString getVymLink(); // return path to map
108.113 + void editMapInfo(); // dialog to enter author, ...
108.114 + void updateActions(); // update e.g. format buttons
108.115 + void setLinkStyle (LinkStyle); // Set style of link
108.116 + LinkStyle getLinkStyle (); // requested in LMO
108.117 + void setLinkColor(QColor); // default color of links
108.118 + void setLinkColorHint(); // color of links
108.119 + void setLinkColorHint(LinkColorHint); // color of links
108.120 + LinkColorHint getLinkColorHint();
108.121 + QColor getDefLinkColor();
108.122 + void toggleLinkColorHint(); // after changing linkStyles
108.123 + void selectLinkColor();
108.124 + void toggleScroll();
108.125 + void unScrollAll();
108.126 + void loadFloatImage ();
108.127 + void saveFloatImage (int);
108.128 + void toggleFloatExport();
108.129 + void setFrame(const FrameType &);
108.130 +private:
108.131 + void importDir(BranchObj *,QDir);
108.132 +public:
108.133 + void importDir();
108.134 + void testFunction(); // FIXME just testing
108.135 +
108.136 +protected:
108.137 + void ensureSelectionVisible();
108.138 + virtual void updateViewCenter(); // needed for zooming
108.139 + virtual void contentsContextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent *e );
108.140 + virtual void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*);
108.141 + virtual void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*);
108.142 + virtual void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*);
108.143 + virtual void contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*);
108.144 +
108.145 +private:
108.146 + QCanvas* mapCanvas;
108.147 + MapCenterObj* mapCenter;
108.148 +
108.149 + bool adjustCanvasRequested; // collect requests until end of user event
108.150 + BranchObj *editingBO; // entering Text into BO
108.151 + QLineEdit* lineedit;
108.152 +
108.153 + QColor actColor; // actual color
108.154 + QColor deflinkcolor; // default color for links
108.155 + LinkColorHint linkcolorhint;// use heading color or own color
108.156 + LinkStyle linkstyle; // default style for links
108.157 +
108.158 + QCursor handOpenCursor; // cursor while moving canvas view
108.159 + QCursor pickColorCursor; // cursor while picking color
108.160 + bool pickingColor; // true while picking Color CTRL-LeftButton
108.161 +
108.162 + LinkableMapObj* selection; // select a LinkableMapObj
108.163 + LinkableMapObj* selectionLast; // last selection
108.164 + MapObj* movingObj; // moving a MapObj
108.165 + QPoint movingObj_start; // rel. pos of mouse to absPos
108.166 + QPoint movingCont_start; // inital pos of moving Content or
108.167 + QPoint movingVec; // how far has Content moved
108.168 + QPoint movingCenter; // used when zooming
108.169 + QPrinter* printer; // Printing
108.170 +
108.171 + bool mapDefault; // Flag if map is untouched
108.172 + bool mapChanged; // Flag if undo is possible
108.173 + bool mapUnsaved; // Flag if map should be saved
108.174 + QString backupXML; // backup (XML) for undo
108.175 + LinkableMapObj* undoSelection; // replace this LMO with vympart from backup
108.176 + // if != NULL
108.177 +
108.178 + bool printFrame; // Print frame around map
108.179 + bool printFooter; // Print footer below map
108.180 +
108.181 + bool zipped; // should map be zipped
108.182 + QString fileName; // short name of file (for tab)
108.183 + QString filePath; // path to file which will be saved
108.184 + QString fileDir; // dir where file is saved
108.185 + QString destPath; // path to .vym file (needed for vymlinks)
108.186 + QString mapName; // fileName without ".vym"
108.187 + QString lastImageDir; // save dir for adding images
108.188 +
108.189 + bool isInteractive; // non interactive don't need tmpdirs
108.190 + QString bakMapDir; // tmp directory with data for undo
108.191 + bool blockreposition; // block while load or undo
108.192 +
108.193 + BranchObj* itFind; // next object in find process
108.194 + bool EOFind; // true, if search failed
108.195 +
108.196 + QPoint exportOffset; // set before export, used in save
108.197 + void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * );
108.198 +};
108.199 +#endif
108.200 +
109.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
109.2 +++ b/mapobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
109.3 @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
109.4 +#include "mapobj.h"
109.5 +
109.6 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
109.7 +// MapObj
109.8 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
109.9 +MapObj::MapObj ()
109.10 +{
109.11 + // TODO not used any longer...
109.12 + cout << "Const MapObj (): Please set canvas somehow!!!\n";
109.13 + // canvas=actMapEditor->getCanvas();
109.14 + init ();
109.15 +}
109.16 +
109.17 +MapObj::MapObj (QCanvas* c)
109.18 +{
109.19 +// cout << "Const MapObj\n";
109.20 + canvas=c;
109.21 + init ();
109.22 +}
109.23 +
109.24 +
109.25 +MapObj::MapObj (MapObj* mo)
109.26 +{
109.27 +// cout << "CopyConst MapObj\n";
109.28 + copy (mo);
109.29 +}
109.30 +
109.31 +MapObj::~MapObj ()
109.32 +{
109.33 +// cout << "Destr MapObj\n";
109.34 +}
109.35 +
109.36 +void MapObj::init ()
109.37 +{
109.38 + absPos=QPoint(0,0);
109.39 + visible=true;
109.40 +}
109.41 +
109.42 +void MapObj::copy(MapObj* other)
109.43 +{
109.44 +// canvas=other->canvas; // already set in constr. of child, use that one...
109.45 + absPos=other->absPos;
109.46 + bbox.setX (other->bbox.x() );
109.47 + bbox.setY (other->bbox.y() );
109.48 + bbox.setSize (QSize(other->bbox.width(), other->bbox.height() ) );
109.49 +}
109.50 +
109.51 +QCanvas* MapObj::getCanvas()
109.52 +{
109.53 + return canvas;
109.54 +}
109.55 +
109.56 +int MapObj::x()
109.57 +{
109.58 + return absPos.x();
109.59 +}
109.60 +
109.61 +int MapObj::y()
109.62 +{
109.63 + return absPos.y();
109.64 +}
109.65 +
109.66 +int MapObj::width()
109.67 +{
109.68 + return bbox.width();
109.69 +}
109.70 +
109.71 +int MapObj::height()
109.72 +{
109.73 + return bbox.height();
109.74 +}
109.75 +
109.76 +void MapObj::move (double x, double y)
109.77 +{
109.78 + int xi=static_cast <int> (x);
109.79 + int yi=static_cast <int> (y);
109.80 + absPos.setX( xi);
109.81 + absPos.setY( yi);
109.82 + bbox.moveTopLeft(QPoint(xi,yi));
109.83 +}
109.84 +
109.85 +void MapObj::moveBy (double x, double y)
109.86 +{
109.87 + move (x+absPos.x(),y+absPos.y() );
109.88 +}
109.89 +
109.90 +bool MapObj::inBBox(QPoint p)
109.91 +{
109.92 + if (p.x() >= bbox.left() && p.x() <= bbox.right()
109.93 + && p.y() <= bbox.bottom() && p.y() >= bbox.top() )
109.94 + return true;
109.95 + return false;
109.96 +}
109.97 +
109.98 +QRect MapObj::getBBox()
109.99 +{
109.100 + return bbox;
109.101 +}
109.102 +
109.103 +QRect MapObj::addBBox(QRect r1, QRect r2)
109.104 +{
109.105 + QRect n;
109.106 + // Set left border
109.107 + if (r1.left() <= r2.left() )
109.108 + n.setLeft(r1.left() );
109.109 + else
109.110 + n.setLeft(r2.left() );
109.111 +
109.112 + // Set top border
109.113 + if (r1.top() <= r2.top() )
109.114 + n.setTop(r1.top() );
109.115 + else
109.116 + n.setTop(r2.top() );
109.117 +
109.118 + // Set right border
109.119 + if (r1.right() <= r2.right() )
109.120 + n.setRight(r2.right() );
109.121 + else
109.122 + n.setRight(r1.right() );
109.123 +
109.124 + // Set bottom
109.125 + if (r1.bottom() <= r2.bottom() )
109.126 + n.setBottom(r2.bottom() );
109.127 + else
109.128 + n.setBottom(r1.bottom() );
109.129 + return n;
109.130 +}
109.131 +
109.132 +QSize MapObj::getSize()
109.133 +{
109.134 + return bbox.size();
109.135 +}
109.136 +
109.137 +
109.138 +bool MapObj::isVisibleObj()
109.139 +{
109.140 + return visible;
109.141 +}
109.142 +
109.143 +void MapObj::setVisibility(bool v)
109.144 +{
109.145 + visible=v;
109.146 +}
110.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
110.2 +++ b/mapobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
110.3 @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
110.4 +#ifndef MAPOBJ_H
110.5 +#define MAPOBJ_H
110.6 +
110.7 +#include <qcanvas.h>
110.8 +#include <iostream>
110.9 +
110.10 +#include "misc.h"
110.11 +
110.12 +using namespace std;
110.13 +
110.14 +#define Z_BBOX 0
110.15 +#define Z_LINK 20
110.16 +#define Z_FRAME 50
110.17 +#define Z_SELBOX 60
110.18 +#define Z_ICON 80
110.19 +#define Z_TEXT 100
110.20 +
110.21 +class MapObj:public xmlObj {
110.22 +public:
110.23 + MapObj ();
110.24 + MapObj (QCanvas*);
110.25 + MapObj (MapObj*);
110.26 + virtual ~MapObj ();
110.27 + virtual void init ();
110.28 + virtual void copy (MapObj*);
110.29 + virtual QCanvas* getCanvas();
110.30 + virtual int x();
110.31 + virtual int y();
110.32 + virtual int width();
110.33 + virtual int height();
110.34 + virtual void move (double x,double y); // move to absolute Position
110.35 + virtual void moveBy (double x,double y); // move to relative Position
110.36 + virtual bool inBBox(QPoint); // Check if Point is in bbox
110.37 + virtual QRect getBBox(); // returns bounding box
110.38 + virtual QRect addBBox(QRect,QRect); // returns bbox which includes both boxes
110.39 + virtual QSize getSize(); // returns size of bounding box
110.40 + virtual bool isVisibleObj();
110.41 + virtual void setVisibility(bool);
110.42 +protected:
110.43 + QCanvas* canvas;
110.44 + QRect bbox; // bounding box of MO itself
110.45 + virtual void positionBBox()=0;
110.46 + virtual void calcBBoxSize()=0;
110.47 + QPoint absPos; // Position on canvas
110.48 + bool visible;
110.49 +};
110.50 +
110.51 +#endif
111.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
111.2 +++ b/misc.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
111.3 @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
111.4 +#include <qregexp.h>
111.5 +#include <qpoint.h>
111.6 +
111.7 +#include <math.h>
111.8 +
111.9 +#include "misc.h"
111.10 +
111.11 +
111.12 +ostream &operator<< (ostream &stream, QPoint const &p)
111.13 +{
111.14 + return (stream << "(" << p.x() << "," << p.y() << ")");
111.15 +}
111.16 +
111.17 +float getAngle(const QPoint &p)
111.18 +{
111.19 + // Calculate angle of vector to y-axis
111.20 + if (p.y()==0)
111.21 + {
111.22 + if (p.x()>=0)
111.23 + return M_PI_2;
111.24 + else
111.25 + return 3* M_PI_2;
111.26 + } else
111.27 + {
111.28 + if (p.y()>0)
111.29 + return (float)(M_PI - atan ( (double)(p.x()) / (double)(p.y()) ) );
111.30 + else
111.31 + if (p.x()<0)
111.32 + return (float)( 2*M_PI - atan ( (double)(p.x()) / (double)(p.y()) ) );
111.33 + else
111.34 + return (float)( - atan ( (double)(p.x()) / (double)(p.y()) ) );
111.35 + }
111.36 +}
111.37 +
111.38 +QPoint normalise(const QPoint &p)
111.39 +{
111.40 + // Calculate normalised position (fixed length)
111.41 +
111.42 + double px=p.x();
111.43 + double py=p.y();
111.44 + double x;
111.45 + double y;
111.46 + double r=150;
111.47 +
111.48 + if (px==0)
111.49 + {
111.50 + x=0;
111.51 + if (py>=0)
111.52 + y=r;
111.53 + else
111.54 + y=-r;
111.55 + } else
111.56 + {
111.57 + double sign;
111.58 + double a;
111.59 + if (px>0)
111.60 + sign=1;
111.61 + else
111.62 + sign=-1;
111.63 +
111.64 + a=atan (py / px);
111.65 + x=cos (a) * r *sign;
111.66 + y=sin (a) * r *sign;
111.67 + }
111.68 + return QPoint ((int) (x),(int) (y));
111.69 +}
111.70 +
111.71 +QString maskPath(QString p)
111.72 +{
111.73 + // Change " " to "\ " to enable blanks in filenames
111.74 + p=p.replace(QChar('&'),"\\&");
111.75 + return p.replace(QChar(' '),"\\ ");
111.76 +}
111.77 +
111.78 +QString convertToRel (const QString &src, const QString &dst)
111.79 +{
111.80 + QString s=src;
111.81 + QString d=dst;
111.82 + int i;
111.83 + // Find relative path from src to dst
111.84 +
111.85 + // Remove the first "/"
111.86 + if (s.section ("/",0,0).isEmpty())
111.87 + {
111.88 + s=s.right (s.length()-1);
111.89 + d=d.right (d.length()-1);
111.90 + }
111.91 +
111.92 + // remove identical left parts
111.93 + while (s.section("/",0,0) == d.section("/",0,0) )
111.94 + {
111.95 + i=s.find ("/");
111.96 + s=s.right (s.length()-i-1);
111.97 + d=d.right (d.length()-i-1);
111.98 + }
111.99 +
111.100 + int srcsep=s.contains("/");
111.101 + int dstsep=d.contains("/");
111.102 + if (srcsep >= dstsep )
111.103 + {
111.104 + // find path to go up first and then back to dst
111.105 + i=1;
111.106 + while (i<=srcsep)
111.107 + {
111.108 + d="../"+d;
111.109 + i++;
111.110 + }
111.111 + }
111.112 + return d;
111.113 +}
111.114 +
111.115 +// returns masked "<" ">" "&"
111.116 +QString quotemeta(const QString &s)
111.117 +{
111.118 + QString r=s;
111.119 + QRegExp rx("&(?!amp;)");
111.120 + r.replace ( rx,"&");
111.121 + rx.setPattern( ">");
111.122 + r.replace ( rx,">");
111.123 + rx.setPattern( "<");
111.124 + r.replace ( rx,"<");
111.125 + rx.setPattern( "\"");
111.126 + r.replace ( rx,""");
111.127 + return r;
111.128 +}
111.129 +
111.130 +int max(int a, int b)
111.131 +{
111.132 + if (a>b)
111.133 + return a;
111.134 + return b;
111.135 +}
111.136 +
111.137 +int xmlObj::actindent=0; // make instance of actindent
111.138 +
111.139 +xmlObj::xmlObj()
111.140 +{
111.141 + indentwidth=4;
111.142 +}
111.143 +
111.144 +
111.145 +// returns <s at />
111.146 +QString xmlObj::singleElement(QString s, QString at)
111.147 +{
111.148 + return indent() + "<" + s +" " + at +" " + "/>\n";
111.149 +}
111.150 +
111.151 +// returns <s>
111.152 +QString xmlObj::beginElement(QString s)
111.153 +{
111.154 + return indent() + "<" + s + ">\n";
111.155 +}
111.156 +
111.157 +// returns <s at>
111.158 +QString xmlObj::beginElement(QString s, QString at)
111.159 +{
111.160 + return indent() + "<" + s + " " + at + ">\n";
111.161 +}
111.162 +
111.163 +// returns </s>
111.164 +QString xmlObj::endElement(QString s)
111.165 +{
111.166 + return indent() + "</" + s + ">\n";
111.167 +}
111.168 +
111.169 +// returns at="val"
111.170 +QString xmlObj::attribut(QString at, QString val)
111.171 +{
111.172 + return " " + at + "=\"" + quotemeta (val) + "\"";
111.173 +}
111.174 +
111.175 +// returns <s> val </s>
111.176 +QString xmlObj::valueElement(QString el, QString val)
111.177 +{
111.178 + return indent() + "<" + el + ">" + quotemeta(val) + "</" +el + ">\n";
111.179 +}
111.180 +
111.181 +// returns <s at> val </s>
111.182 +QString xmlObj::valueElement(QString el, QString val, QString at)
111.183 +{
111.184 + return indent() + "<" + el + " " + at + ">" + quotemeta(val) + "</" +el + ">\n";
111.185 +}
111.186 +
111.187 +void xmlObj::incIndent()
111.188 +{
111.189 + actindent++;
111.190 +}
111.191 +
111.192 +void xmlObj::decIndent()
111.193 +{
111.194 + actindent--;
111.195 + if (actindent<0) actindent=0;
111.196 +}
111.197 +
111.198 +QString xmlObj::indent()
111.199 +{
111.200 + QString s;
111.201 + int i;
111.202 + for (i=0; i<actindent*indentwidth; i++)
111.203 + {
111.204 + s= s + " ";
111.205 + }
111.206 + return s;
111.207 +}
111.208 +
111.209 +
111.210 +
111.211 +ImagePreview::ImagePreview (QWidget *parent=0): QLabel (parent)
111.212 +{
111.213 +}
111.214 +
111.215 +void ImagePreview::previewUrl( const QUrl &u )
111.216 +{
111.217 + QString path = u.path();
111.218 + QPixmap pix( path );
111.219 + if ( pix.isNull() )
111.220 + setText( QObject::tr("This is not an image.") );
111.221 + else
111.222 + {
111.223 + float max_w=300;
111.224 + float max_h=300;
111.225 + float r;
111.226 + if (pix.width()>max_w)
111.227 + {
111.228 + r=max_w / pix.width();
111.229 + pix.resize(lrint(pix.width()*r), lrint(pix.height()*r));
111.230 + // TODO not a resize, but a shrink/enlarge is needed here...
111.231 + }
111.232 + if (pix.height()>max_h)
111.233 + {
111.234 + r=max_h / pix.height();
111.235 + pix.resize(lrint(pix.width()*r), lrint(pix.height()*r));
111.236 + // TODO not a resize, but a shrink/enlarge is needed here...
111.237 + }
111.238 + setPixmap( pix );
111.239 + }
111.240 +}
111.241 +
112.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
112.2 +++ b/misc.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
112.3 @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
112.4 +#ifndef MISC_H
112.5 +#define MISC_H
112.6 +
112.7 +#include <qpoint.h>
112.8 +#include <iostream>
112.9 +
112.10 +using namespace std;
112.11 +
112.12 +#define Z_BBOX 0
112.13 +#define Z_LINK 20
112.14 +#define Z_FRAME 50
112.15 +#define Z_SELBOX 60
112.16 +#define Z_ICON 80
112.17 +#define Z_TEXT 100
112.18 +
112.19 +enum LoadMode {NewMap,ImportAdd,ImportReplace};
112.20 +enum SaveMode {PartOfMap,CompleteMap};
112.21 +
112.22 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
112.23 +extern ostream &operator<< (ostream &stream, QPoint const &p);
112.24 +float getAngle(const QPoint &);
112.25 +QPoint normalise (const QPoint &);
112.26 +QString maskPath (QString );
112.27 +QString convertToRel (const QString &,const QString &);
112.28 +QString quotemeta(const QString&);
112.29 +int max (int,int);
112.30 +class BranchObj;
112.31 +class MapEditor;
112.32 +
112.33 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
112.34 +class xmlObj
112.35 +{
112.36 +public:
112.37 + xmlObj();
112.38 + QString singleElement(QString,QString);
112.39 + QString beginElement(QString,QString);
112.40 + QString beginElement(QString);
112.41 + QString endElement (QString);
112.42 + QString attribut (QString,QString);
112.43 + QString valueElement(QString,QString);
112.44 + QString valueElement(QString,QString,QString);
112.45 + void incIndent();
112.46 + void decIndent();
112.47 + static int actindent;
112.48 +
112.49 +protected:
112.50 + QString indent();
112.51 + int indentwidth;
112.52 +};
112.53 +
112.54 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
112.55 +
112.56 +#include <qlabel.h>
112.57 +#include <qfiledialog.h>
112.58 +#include <qpixmap.h>
112.59 +
112.60 +class ImagePreview : public QLabel, public QFilePreview
112.61 +{
112.62 +public:
112.63 + ImagePreview( QWidget * );
112.64 + void previewUrl( const QUrl & );
112.65 +};
112.66 +
112.67 +#endif
113.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
113.2 +++ b/noteobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
113.3 @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
113.4 +#include <qfile.h>
113.5 +#include <qtextstream.h>
113.6 +#include <qmessagebox.h>
113.7 +#include <qregexp.h>
113.8 +
113.9 +#include "noteobj.h"
113.10 +
113.11 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
113.12 +// NoteObj
113.13 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
113.14 +
113.15 +NoteObj::NoteObj()
113.16 +{
113.17 + clear();
113.18 +}
113.19 +
113.20 +void NoteObj::copy (NoteObj other)
113.21 +{
113.22 + note=other.note;
113.23 + fonthint=other.fonthint;
113.24 + filenamehint="";
113.25 +}
113.26 +
113.27 +void NoteObj::clear()
113.28 +{
113.29 + note="";
113.30 + fonthint="undef";
113.31 + filenamehint="";
113.32 +}
113.33 +
113.34 +void NoteObj::setNote (const QString &s)
113.35 +{
113.36 + note=s;
113.37 +}
113.38 +
113.39 +QString NoteObj::getNote()
113.40 +{
113.41 + return note;
113.42 +}
113.43 +
113.44 +void NoteObj::setFontHint (const QString &s)
113.45 +{
113.46 + // only for backward compatibility (pre 1.5 )
113.47 + fonthint=s;
113.48 +}
113.49 +
113.50 +QString NoteObj::getFontHint()
113.51 +{
113.52 + // only for backward compatibility (pre 1.5 )
113.53 + return fonthint;
113.54 +}
113.55 +
113.56 +void NoteObj::setFilenameHint (const QString &s)
113.57 +{
113.58 + filenamehint=s;
113.59 +}
113.60 +
113.61 +QString NoteObj::getFilenameHint()
113.62 +{
113.63 + return filenamehint;
113.64 +}
113.65 +
113.66 +bool NoteObj::isEmpty ()
113.67 +{
113.68 + return note.isEmpty();
113.69 +}
113.70 +
113.71 +QString NoteObj::saveToDir ()
113.72 +{
113.73 + // QTextEdit may generate fontnames with unquoted &, like
113.74 + // in "Lucida B&H". This is invalid in XML and thus would crash
113.75 + // the XML parser
113.76 + uint pos=0;
113.77 + uint pos2;
113.78 + bool inbracket=false;
113.79 + bool inquot=false;
113.80 + while (pos<note.length())
113.81 + {
113.82 + if (note.mid(pos,1)=="<") inbracket=true;
113.83 + if (note.mid(pos,1)==">") inbracket=false;
113.84 + if (note.mid(pos,1)=="\"" && inbracket)
113.85 + {
113.86 + if (!inquot)
113.87 + inquot=true;
113.88 + else
113.89 + inquot=false;
113.90 + }
113.91 + if (note.mid(pos,1)=="&" && inquot)
113.92 + {
113.93 + // Now we are inside < " " >
113.94 + // look for ending "
113.95 + pos2=pos+1;
113.96 + while (note.mid(pos2,1)!=";" && note.mid(pos2,1)!="\"")
113.97 + pos2++;
113.98 + if (note.mid(pos2,1)=="\"")
113.99 + {
113.100 + note.replace(pos,1,"&");
113.101 + pos=pos2;
113.102 + }
113.103 + }
113.104 + pos++;
113.105 + }
113.106 + return beginElement ("htmlnote",attribut("fonthint",fonthint)) + "\n"+ note+ "\n" +endElement ("htmlnote");
113.107 +}
113.108 +
114.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
114.2 +++ b/noteobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
114.3 @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
114.4 +#ifndef NOTEOBJ_H
114.5 +#define NOTEOBJ_H
114.6 +
114.7 +#include <qstring.h>
114.8 +
114.9 +class NoteObj;
114.10 +
114.11 +#include "misc.h"
114.12 +
114.13 +class NoteObj:public xmlObj
114.14 +{
114.15 +public:
114.16 + NoteObj();
114.17 + void copy (NoteObj);
114.18 + void clear();
114.19 + void setNote (const QString&);
114.20 + QString getNote();
114.21 + void setFontHint (const QString&);
114.22 + QString getFontHint ();
114.23 + void setFilenameHint (const QString&);
114.24 + QString getFilenameHint ();
114.25 + bool isEmpty();
114.26 + QString saveToDir();
114.27 +
114.28 +private:
114.29 + QString note;
114.30 + QString fonthint;
114.31 + QString filenamehint;
114.32 +};
114.33 +#endif
115.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
115.2 +++ b/options.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
115.3 @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
115.4 +#include "options.h"
115.5 +#include <iostream>
115.6 +
115.7 +#include <qapplication.h>
115.8 +
115.9 +using namespace std;
115.10 +
115.11 +
115.12 +Option::Option()
115.13 +{
115.14 + name="";
115.15 + sName="";
115.16 + lName="";
115.17 + type=SwitchOption;
115.18 + sarg="";
115.19 + active=false;
115.20 +}
115.21 +
115.22 +void Option::set(const QString &n, const OptionType &t, const QString &s, const QString &l)
115.23 +{
115.24 + sName="-"+s;
115.25 + lName="--"+l;
115.26 + type=t;
115.27 + name=n;
115.28 +}
115.29 +
115.30 +QString Option::getName () { return name; }
115.31 +QString Option::getShort () { return sName; }
115.32 +QString Option::getLong() { return lName; }
115.33 +OptionType Option::getType() { return type; }
115.34 +void Option::setArg(const QString& s) { sarg=s; }
115.35 +QString Option::getArg() { return sarg; }
115.36 +void Option::setActive() { active=true; }
115.37 +bool Option::isActive() { return active; }
115.38 +
115.39 +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
115.40 +Options::Options() {}
115.41 +
115.42 +int Options::parse()
115.43 +{
115.44 + QStringList arglist;
115.45 + int i=0;
115.46 + while (i<qApp->argc())
115.47 + {
115.48 + arglist.append (qApp->argv()[i]);
115.49 + i++;
115.50 + }
115.51 +
115.52 + // Get program name
115.53 + progname=arglist.first();
115.54 + arglist.pop_front();
115.55 +
115.56 + // Work through rest of options
115.57 + bool isFile;
115.58 + OptionList::iterator itopt;
115.59 + QStringList::iterator itarg;
115.60 + itarg=arglist.begin();
115.61 + while (itarg!=arglist.end())
115.62 + {
115.63 + isFile=true;
115.64 + if ((*itarg).left(1)=="-")
115.65 + {
115.66 + // Compare given option to all defined options
115.67 + itopt=optlist.begin();
115.68 + while (itopt!=optlist.end())
115.69 + {
115.70 + if ((*itarg)==(*itopt).getShort() ||
115.71 + (*itarg)==(*itopt).getLong())
115.72 + {
115.73 + (*itopt).setActive();
115.74 + isFile=false;
115.75 + if ((*itopt).getType()==StringOption)
115.76 + {
115.77 + itarg++;
115.78 + if (itarg==arglist.end())
115.79 + {
115.80 + cout << "Error: argument to option missing\n";
115.81 + return 1;
115.82 + }
115.83 + (*itopt).setArg (*itarg);
115.84 + isFile=false;
115.85 + }
115.86 + break;
115.87 + }
115.88 + itopt++;
115.89 + }
115.90 + if (isFile)
115.91 + {
115.92 + cout << "Error: Unknown argument "<<*itarg<<endl;
115.93 + return 1;
115.94 + }
115.95 + } else
115.96 + filelist.append (*itarg);
115.97 + itarg++;
115.98 + }
115.99 + return 0;
115.100 +}
115.101 +
115.102 +void Options::add (const QString &n, const OptionType &t=SwitchOption, const QString &s="", const QString &l="")
115.103 +{
115.104 + Option o;
115.105 + o.set (n,t,s,l);
115.106 + optlist.append (o);
115.107 +}
115.108 +
115.109 +void Options::setHelpText (const QString &s)
115.110 +{
115.111 + helptext=s;
115.112 +}
115.113 +
115.114 +QString Options::getHelpText ()
115.115 +{
115.116 + return helptext;
115.117 +}
115.118 +
115.119 +QString Options::getProgramName()
115.120 +{
115.121 + return progname;
115.122 +}
115.123 +
115.124 +QStringList Options::getFileList ()
115.125 +{
115.126 + return filelist;
115.127 +}
115.128 +
115.129 +bool Options::isOn(const QString &s)
115.130 +{
115.131 + OptionList::iterator it;
115.132 + for ( it = optlist.begin(); it != optlist.end(); ++it )
115.133 + if ((*it).getName()==s && (*it).isActive() )
115.134 + return true;
115.135 + return false;
115.136 +}
115.137 +
115.138 +QString Options::getArg(const QString &s)
115.139 +{
115.140 + OptionList::iterator it;
115.141 + for ( it = optlist.begin(); it != optlist.end(); ++it )
115.142 + {
115.143 + if ((*it).getName()==s)
115.144 + return (*it).getArg();
115.145 + }
115.146 + return "";
115.147 +}
116.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
116.2 +++ b/options.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
116.3 @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
116.4 +#ifndef OPTIONS_H
116.5 +#define OPTIONS_H
116.6 +
116.7 +#include <qstring.h>
116.8 +#include <qstringlist.h>
116.9 +
116.10 +enum OptionType {SwitchOption,StringOption};
116.11 +
116.12 +class Option
116.13 +{
116.14 +public:
116.15 + Option();
116.16 + void set (const QString &, const OptionType &, const QString &, const QString &);
116.17 + QString getName();
116.18 + QString getShort();
116.19 + QString getLong();
116.20 + OptionType getType();
116.21 + void setArg(const QString &);
116.22 + QString getArg();
116.23 + void setActive();
116.24 + bool isActive();
116.25 +private:
116.26 + QString name;
116.27 + OptionType type;
116.28 + QString sName;
116.29 + QString lName;
116.30 + QString sarg;
116.31 + bool active;
116.32 +};
116.33 +
116.34 +
116.35 +
116.36 +typedef QValueList <Option> OptionList;
116.37 +
116.38 +class Options
116.39 +{
116.40 +public:
116.41 + Options();
116.42 + int parse();
116.43 + void add (const QString &,const OptionType &, const QString &, const QString&);
116.44 + void setHelpText(const QString&);
116.45 + QString getHelpText();
116.46 + QString getProgramName();
116.47 + QStringList getFileList();
116.48 + bool isOn (const QString &);
116.49 + QString getArg (const QString &);
116.50 +
116.51 +private:
116.52 + QString progname;
116.53 + QString helptext;
116.54 + QStringList filelist;
116.55 + OptionList optlist;
116.56 +};
116.57 +
116.58 +#endif
117.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
117.2 +++ b/ornamentedobj.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
117.3 @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
117.4 +#include "ornamentedobj.h"
117.5 +#include "texteditor.h"
117.6 +#include "mapeditor.h"
117.7 +#include "linkablemapobj.h"
117.8 +
117.9 +extern TextEditor *textEditor;
117.10 +extern FlagRowObj *systemFlagsDefault;
117.11 +extern FlagRowObj *standardFlagsDefault;
117.12 +
117.13 +
117.14 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
117.15 +// OrnamentedObj
117.16 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
117.17 +
117.18 +OrnamentedObj::OrnamentedObj():LinkableMapObj()
117.19 +{
117.20 + // cout << "Const OrnamentedObj ()\n";
117.21 + init ();
117.22 +}
117.23 +
117.24 +OrnamentedObj::OrnamentedObj(QCanvas* c) :LinkableMapObj(c)
117.25 +{
117.26 +// cout << "Const OrnamentedObj\n";
117.27 + init ();
117.28 +}
117.29 +
117.30 +OrnamentedObj::OrnamentedObj (OrnamentedObj* lmo) : LinkableMapObj (lmo->canvas)
117.31 +{
117.32 + copy (lmo);
117.33 +}
117.34 +
117.35 +OrnamentedObj::~OrnamentedObj()
117.36 +{
117.37 + delete (heading);
117.38 + delete (systemFlags);
117.39 + delete (standardFlags);
117.40 +
117.41 +}
117.42 +
117.43 +
117.44 +void OrnamentedObj::init ()
117.45 +{
117.46 + heading = new HeadingObj(canvas);
117.47 + heading->move (absPos.x(), absPos.y());
117.48 +
117.49 + note.setNote("");
117.50 + note.setFontHint (textEditor->getFontHintDefault() );
117.51 +
117.52 + systemFlags=new FlagRowObj(canvas);
117.53 + systemFlags->clone(systemFlagsDefault);
117.54 + systemFlags->setName ("systemFlags");
117.55 +
117.56 + standardFlags=new FlagRowObj(canvas);
117.57 + standardFlags->clone(standardFlagsDefault);
117.58 + standardFlags->setName ("standardFlags");
117.59 +
117.60 +
117.61 +
117.62 +}
117.63 +
117.64 +void OrnamentedObj::copy (OrnamentedObj* other)
117.65 +{
117.66 + LinkableMapObj::copy(other);
117.67 + heading->copy(other->heading);
117.68 + setColor (other->heading->getColor(),false);
117.69 +
117.70 + note.copy (other->note);
117.71 + systemFlags->copy (other->systemFlags);
117.72 + standardFlags->copy (other->standardFlags);
117.73 +
117.74 +}
117.75 +
117.76 +QString OrnamentedObj::getHeading()
117.77 +{
117.78 + return heading->text();
117.79 +}
117.80 +
117.81 +void OrnamentedObj::setLinkColor()
117.82 +{
117.83 + if (mapEditor->getLinkColorHint()==HeadingColor)
117.84 + LinkableMapObj::setLinkColor (heading->getColor());
117.85 + else
117.86 + LinkableMapObj::setLinkColor (mapEditor->getDefLinkColor());
117.87 +}
117.88 +
117.89 +QColor OrnamentedObj::getColor ()
117.90 +{
117.91 + return heading->getColor();
117.92 +}
117.93 +
117.94 +
117.95 +void OrnamentedObj::move (double x, double y)
117.96 +{
117.97 + MapObj::move (x,y);
117.98 + double dx=frame->getBorder()/2; // care for border around object
117.99 + double dy=frame->getBorder()/2;
117.100 + systemFlags-> move (x + dx, y + dy);
117.101 +
117.102 + // vertical align heading to bottom
117.103 + int h=max (systemFlags->getBBox().height(), standardFlags->getBBox().height());
117.104 + h=max (h,heading->getHeight());
117.105 + heading->move (x + dx + systemFlags->getBBox().width(),
117.106 + y + dy + h - heading->getHeight()
117.107 + );
117.108 + standardFlags->move (x + heading->getWidth() + systemFlags->getBBox().width(), y + dy );
117.109 +
117.110 + updateLink();
117.111 + requestReposition();
117.112 +}
117.113 +
117.114 +void OrnamentedObj::move (QPoint p)
117.115 +{
117.116 + move (p.x(), p.y());
117.117 +}
117.118 +
117.119 +void OrnamentedObj::moveBy (double x, double y)
117.120 +{
117.121 +
117.122 + MapObj::moveBy (x,y);
117.123 + frame->moveBy (x,y);
117.124 + systemFlags->moveBy (x,y);
117.125 + standardFlags->moveBy (x,y);
117.126 + heading->moveBy (x,y);
117.127 + updateLink();
117.128 + requestReposition();
117.129 +}
117.130 +
117.131 +void OrnamentedObj::moveBy (QPoint p)
117.132 +{
117.133 + moveBy (p.x(), p.y());
117.134 +}
117.135 +
117.136 +void OrnamentedObj::move2RelPos(double x, double y)
117.137 +{
117.138 + if (!parObj) return;
117.139 + move (parObj->getChildPos().x()+x, parObj->getChildPos().y()+y);
117.140 +}
117.141 +
117.142 +void OrnamentedObj::move2RelPos(QPoint p)
117.143 +{
117.144 + if (!parObj) return;
117.145 + move (parObj->getChildPos().x() + p.x(), parObj->getChildPos().y() + p.y() );
117.146 +}
117.147 +
117.148 +void OrnamentedObj::setNote(QString s)
117.149 +{
117.150 + note.setNote(s);
117.151 + if (!note.isEmpty())
117.152 + systemFlags->activate("note");
117.153 + else
117.154 + systemFlags->deactivate("note");
117.155 + calcBBoxSize();
117.156 + positionBBox();
117.157 + move (absPos.x(), absPos.y() );
117.158 + forceReposition();
117.159 +}
117.160 +
117.161 +void OrnamentedObj::setNote(NoteObj n)
117.162 +{
117.163 + note=n;
117.164 + if (!note.isEmpty())
117.165 + systemFlags->activate("note");
117.166 + else
117.167 + systemFlags->deactivate("note");
117.168 + calcBBoxSize();
117.169 + positionBBox();
117.170 + move (absPos.x(), absPos.y() );
117.171 + forceReposition();
117.172 +
117.173 +}
117.174 +
117.175 +QString OrnamentedObj::getNote()
117.176 +{
117.177 + return note.getNote();
117.178 +}
117.179 +
117.180 +void OrnamentedObj::toggleStandardFlag(QString f)
117.181 +{
117.182 + standardFlags->toggle(f);
117.183 + calcBBoxSize();
117.184 + positionBBox();
117.185 + move (absPos.x(), absPos.y() );
117.186 + forceReposition();
117.187 +}
117.188 +
117.189 +void OrnamentedObj::activateStandardFlag(QString f)
117.190 +{
117.191 + standardFlags->activate(f);
117.192 + calcBBoxSize();
117.193 + positionBBox();
117.194 + move (absPos.x(), absPos.y() );
117.195 + forceReposition();
117.196 +}
117.197 +
117.198 +QString OrnamentedObj::getSystemFlagName(const QPoint &p)
117.199 +{
117.200 + return systemFlags->getFlagName(p);
117.201 +}
117.202 +
117.203 +void OrnamentedObj::updateNoteFlag()
117.204 +{
117.205 + // text in NoteEditor has changed, notify MapEditor
117.206 + mapEditor->setChanged();
117.207 +
117.208 + // save text
117.209 + setNote( textEditor->getText() );
117.210 +
117.211 + // save font
117.212 + note.setFontHint (textEditor->getFontHint() );
117.213 +}
117.214 +
118.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
118.2 +++ b/ornamentedobj.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
118.3 @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
118.4 +#ifndef ORNAMENTEDOBJ_H
118.5 +#define ORNAMENTEDOBJ_H
118.6 +
118.7 +#include "linkablemapobj.h"
118.8 +
118.9 +class OrnamentedObj:public LinkableMapObj {
118.10 + Q_OBJECT
118.11 +public:
118.12 + OrnamentedObj ();
118.13 + OrnamentedObj (QCanvas*);
118.14 + OrnamentedObj (OrnamentedObj*);
118.15 + ~OrnamentedObj ();
118.16 + virtual void init ();
118.17 + virtual void copy (OrnamentedObj*);
118.18 +
118.19 + virtual void setHeading (QString s)=0; // set the heading, pure virtual
118.20 + // to take care of fontsize
118.21 + virtual QString getHeading(); // returns the heading
118.22 + virtual void setLinkColor(); // sets color according to colorhint, overloaded
118.23 + virtual void setVisibility(bool,int)=0; // set visibility
118.24 + virtual void setVisibility(bool)=0; // set vis. for w
118.25 + virtual void setColor(QColor,bool)=0; // set the color of text and link
118.26 + QColor getColor (); // get color of heading
118.27 + virtual void move (double,double);
118.28 + virtual void move (QPoint);
118.29 + virtual void moveBy (double,double);
118.30 + virtual void moveBy (QPoint);
118.31 + virtual void move2RelPos (QPoint); // move relativly to parent^
118.32 + virtual void move2RelPos (double,double);
118.33 + virtual void setNote(QString); // set note
118.34 + virtual void setNote(NoteObj); // set note
118.35 + virtual QString getNote(); // returns note
118.36 + virtual void toggleStandardFlag(QString);
118.37 + virtual void activateStandardFlag(QString);
118.38 + virtual QString getSystemFlagName (const QPoint &p);
118.39 +
118.40 +public slots:
118.41 + void updateNoteFlag();
118.42 +
118.43 +protected:
118.44 + HeadingObj *heading; // Heading
118.45 + NoteObj note; // Notes
118.46 + FlagRowObj *systemFlags; // System Flags
118.47 + FlagRowObj *standardFlags; // Standard Flags
118.48 +};
118.49 +
118.50 +#endif
119.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
119.2 +++ b/process.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
119.3 @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
119.4 +#include "process.h"
119.5 +
119.6 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
119.7 +// Process
119.8 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
119.9 +Process::Process()
119.10 +{
119.11 + connect( this, SIGNAL(readyReadStderr()),
119.12 + this, SLOT(readProcErrout()) );
119.13 + connect( this, SIGNAL(readyReadStdout()),
119.14 + this, SLOT(readProcStdout()) );
119.15 + clear();
119.16 +}
119.17 +
119.18 +Process::~Process()
119.19 +{
119.20 +}
119.21 +
119.22 +void Process::clear()
119.23 +{
119.24 + errOut="";
119.25 + stdOut="";
119.26 +}
119.27 +
119.28 +void Process::waitFinished()
119.29 +{
119.30 + while (isRunning())
119.31 + {
119.32 + // FIXME use some kind of sleep here...
119.33 + }
119.34 +}
119.35 +
119.36 +void Process::readProcErrout()
119.37 +{
119.38 + errOut+=readStderr();
119.39 +}
119.40 +
119.41 +void Process::readProcStdout()
119.42 +{
119.43 + stdOut+=readStdout();
119.44 +}
119.45 +
119.46 +QString Process::getErrout()
119.47 +{
119.48 + return errOut;
119.49 +}
119.50 +
119.51 +QString Process::getStdout()
119.52 +{
119.53 + return stdOut;
119.54 +}
120.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
120.2 +++ b/process.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
120.3 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
120.4 +#ifndef PROCESS_H
120.5 +#define PROCESS_H
120.6 +
120.7 +#include <qprocess.h>
120.8 +#include <qstring.h>
120.9 +
120.10 +
120.11 +using namespace std;
120.12 +
120.13 +class Process:public QProcess
120.14 +{
120.15 + Q_OBJECT
120.16 +public:
120.17 + Process ();
120.18 + ~Process ();
120.19 + void clear();
120.20 + void waitFinished();
120.21 + QString getErrout();
120.22 + QString getStdout();
120.23 +
120.24 +
120.25 +public slots:
120.26 + virtual void readProcErrout();
120.27 + virtual void readProcStdout();
120.28 +
120.29 +private:
120.30 + QString errOut;
120.31 + QString stdOut;
120.32 +};
120.33 +
120.34 +#endif
121.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
121.2 +++ b/scripts/exportvym Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
121.3 @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
121.4 +#!/usr/bin/perl
121.5 +#
121.6 +# Script to convert vym files to arbitrary formats
121.7 +# Using xml stylesheets
121.8 +#
121.9 +# written by Uwe Drechsel <vym@insilmaril.de>
121.10 +#
121.11 +
121.12 +my $version="0.1";
121.13 +my $PARSER="xsltproc";
121.14 +my $OUTDIR="";
121.15 +my $INPUTDIR="";
121.16 +my $XSL="vym2html.xsl";
121.17 +
121.18 +
121.19 +use Getopt::Long;
121.20 +GetOptions (
121.21 + "o=s" => \$opt_outdir,
121.22 + "x=s"=> \$opt_xst,
121.23 + "h!" => \$opt_usage ) || usage ();
121.24 +
121.25 +
121.26 +
121.27 +if ($opt_usage) {
121.28 + $0 =~ s#.*/##g;
121.29 + print <<Helpende;
121.30 +
121.31 +exportvym written by Uwe Drechsel - Version $version
121.32 +
121.33 +usage: $0 [-h] VYMFILE
121.34 +
121.35 +...TODO...
121.36 +
121.37 +Helpende
121.38 +}
121.39 +
121.40 +
121.41 +if ($opt_xst) { $XST=$opt_XST; }
121.42 +if ($opt_outdir) { $OUTDIR="$opt_outdir/"; }
121.43 +if ($#ARGV <0)
121.44 +{
121.45 + die "not enough parameters given";
121.46 +} else
121.47 +{
121.48 + # get MAPNAME
121.49 + $MAPNAME=pop(@ARGV);
121.50 + if ($MAPNAME=~/\//)
121.51 + {
121.52 + # Get inputdir from path
121.53 + $MAPNAME=~/(.*\/)(.*)/;
121.54 + $INPUTDIR=$1;
121.55 + $MAPNAME=$2;
121.56 + }
121.57 + if ($MAPNAME=~/(.*)(\.xml)/) { $MAPNAME=$1;}
121.58 +}
121.59 +
121.60 +transform();
121.61 +
121.62 +exit;
121.63 +
121.64 +########################################################
121.65 +sub transform {
121.66 +########################################################
121.67 + my $command="$PARSER -o $OUTDIR$MAPNAME.html $XSL $INPUTDIR$MAPNAME.xml";
121.68 + print "$command\n";
121.69 + system ($command);
121.70 +}
121.71 +
121.72 +
121.73 +
122.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
122.2 +++ b/scripts/vym2html.sh Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
122.3 @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
122.4 +#!/bin/sh
122.5 +#
122.6 +# vym2html.sh
122.7 +#
122.8 +VERSION="0.7"
122.9 +# Date: 20040625
122.10 +# Author: Clemens Kraus (http://www.clemens-kraus.de)
122.11 +#
122.12 +# AddOns: Uwe Drechsel
122.13 +#echo $@
122.14 +
122.15 +
122.16 +unpacker()
122.17 +# Unpack vym-file, only if it is one
122.18 +{
122.19 + echo $VYMFILE_EXT | grep -F ".vym" 1>/dev/null
122.20 +
122.21 + if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
122.22 + echo ">> Unpacking files ..."
122.23 + unzip $VYMFILE_EXT -d $VYMPATH 1>/dev/null
122.24 + if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
122.25 + echo ">>> Error in unzip! Aborting."
122.26 + exit 4
122.27 + fi
122.28 + fi
122.29 +}
122.30 +
122.31 +
122.32 +transform()
122.33 +{
122.34 + # copy stylesheet
122.35 + if [ -z $STYLESHEETP ] ; then
122.36 + echo ">>> Error: could not process stylesheet "$STYLESHEETP"! Aborting."
122.37 + exit 5
122.38 + else
122.39 + if [ -n $VYMPATH ] ; then
122.40 + if [ -n "$WIKISTYLEP" ] ; then
122.41 + mkdir -p $VYMPATH/images
122.42 + cp `dirname $STYLESHEETP`/wiki/* $VYMPATH/images
122.43 + if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
122.44 + echo ">>> Warning: could not copy images for WIKI style
122.45 + \""$STYLESHEETP"/wiki/*\"!"
122.46 + else
122.47 + echo ">> WIKI style images \""$STYLESHEETP"/wiki/*\" copied ..."
122.48 + fi
122.49 + fi
122.50 + cp `dirname $STYLESHEETP`/$CSSFILE $VYMPATH
122.51 + if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
122.52 + echo ">>> Warning: could not copy CSS-file \""$CSSFILE"\"!"
122.53 + else
122.54 + echo ">> CSS-file \""$CSSFILE"\" copied ..."
122.55 + fi
122.56 + fi
122.57 + fi
122.58 +
122.59 + echo ">> Starting XSLT transformation ..."
122.60 +
122.61 + OPTIONS=" -o $VYMFILE.html \
122.62 + --stringparam filenamep \"$VYMFILE\" \
122.63 + --stringparam wikistylep \"$WIKISTYLEP\" \
122.64 + --stringparam genimagep \"$GENIMAGEP\" \
122.65 + --stringparam imageonlyp \"$IMAGEONLYP\" \
122.66 + --stringparam urlHeadingp \"$URLHEADING\" \
122.67 + --stringparam urlImagep \"$URLIMG\" \
122.68 + --stringparam stylesheetp $CSSFILE \
122.69 + `dirname $STYLESHEETP`/vym2html.xsl \
122.70 + $VYMFILE.xml "
122.71 +
122.72 +
122.73 +# echo Executing: xsltproc $OPTIONS 2>&1
122.74 +# xsltproc $OPTIONS 2>&1
122.75 +
122.76 +xsltproc -o $VYMPATH/$VYMNAME".html" --stringparam filenamep "$VYMPATH/$VYMNAME" --stringparam wikistylep "$WIKISTYLEP" --stringparam genimagep "$GENIMAGEP" --stringparam imageonlyp "$IMAGEONLYP" --stringparam urlHeadingp "$URLHEADING" --stringparam urlImagep "$URLIMAGE" --stringparam stylesheetp "$CSSFILE" `dirname $STYLESHEETP`/vym2html.xsl $VYMPATH/$VYMNAME".xml" 2>&1
122.77 +
122.78 + if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
122.79 + echo ">>> Error in xsltproc! Aborting."
122.80 + exit 3
122.81 + fi
122.82 +
122.83 +}
122.84 +
122.85 +
122.86 +txt2html()
122.87 +# change all txt-files into xml-format
122.88 +{
122.89 + for i in `ls $VYMPATH/notes/$VYMNAME-note-*.txt 2>/dev/null`
122.90 + do
122.91 + # Check whether already modified
122.92 + grep "<note>" $i 1>/dev/null
122.93 +
122.94 + if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
122.95 + echo ">> Modifying: "$i
122.96 + cp $i $i"_tmp"
122.97 + echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" > $i
122.98 + echo "<note>" >> $i
122.99 + if [ -z "$WIKISTYLEP" ] ; then
122.100 + echo "<![CDATA[" >> $i
122.101 + fi
122.102 +
122.103 + cat $i"_tmp" >> $i
122.104 +
122.105 + if [ -z "$WIKISTYLEP" ] ; then
122.106 + echo "]]>" >> $i
122.107 + fi
122.108 + echo "</note>" >> $i
122.109 +
122.110 + rm $i"_tmp"
122.111 + fi
122.112 + done
122.113 +}
122.114 +
122.115 +
122.116 +remove_files()
122.117 +# remove all temporary unpacked vym-files
122.118 +{
122.119 + echo $VYMFILE_EXT | grep -F ".vym" 1>/dev/null
122.120 +
122.121 + if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
122.122 + echo ">> Removing temporary files ..."
122.123 + for i in `ls $VYMPATH/notes/$VYMNAME-note-*.txt 2>/dev/null`
122.124 + do
122.125 + rm $i
122.126 + done
122.127 +
122.128 + for i in `ls $VYMPATH/images/$VYMNAME-image-*.* 2>/dev/null`
122.129 + do
122.130 + rm $i
122.131 + done
122.132 +
122.133 + rm $VYMPATH/$VYMFILE".xml" 2>/dev/null
122.134 + fi
122.135 +}
122.136 +
122.137 +
122.138 +reducesize()
122.139 +{
122.140 + # optional: reducing image-size
122.141 + echo ">> reducing image size to 256 colors ..."
122.142 + convert -colors 255 $VYMPATH/images/$VYMFILE".png" $VYMPATH/images/$VYMFILE".png"
122.143 +}
122.144 +
122.145 +
122.146 +# -------------------- Parameter check -----------------------
122.147 +GENIMAGEP=""
122.148 +IMAGEONLYP=""
122.149 +WIKISTYLEP=""
122.150 +STYLESHEETP=""
122.151 +CSSFILE="vym.css"
122.152 +
122.153 +USAGE="USAGE:\t`basename $0` vymfile.[vym|xml] -sp=\077 [Options]\n
122.154 +\t-sp=\077: absolute stylesheet path (including name of stylesheet)\n
122.155 +Output:\tvymfile.html\n\n
122.156 +Options:\n
122.157 +-image: creates a clickable image at the beginning of the HTML-output\n
122.158 +-imageonly: creates a clickable image without further HTML-output\n
122.159 +-URLHeading: if set, URLs will show the heading\n
122.160 +-URLImage: if set, URLs will show the globe visible in the map\n
122.161 +-css=\077: tell vym2html to use this CSS-file, default is '$CSSFILE'\n
122.162 +-v: prints the version of vym2html\n
122.163 +-wikistyle: activates some wiki-shortcuts\n
122.164 +\tWiki-style notation overview: \n
122.165 +\tLines:\n
122.166 +\t+ Big headlines start with the '+' character.\n
122.167 +\t- Small headlines start with the '-' character.\n
122.168 +\t Normal text doesn't have any starting notation.\n
122.169 +\t! Notes start with an exclamation.\n
122.170 +\t. Indented text starts with a dot.\n
122.171 +\t\077 Questions start with a question-mark, and\n
122.172 +\t= Answers starts with the equal-sign.\n
122.173 +\t\052 Points for a item-list\n
122.174 +\t# clues\n
122.175 +\n
122.176 +\tLinks:\n
122.177 +\tuse '{...}' or '{(Clemens homepage) http://www.clemens-kraus.de/}'\n\tfor external links.\n
122.178 +\n
122.179 +\tMarkup:\n
122.180 +\t|This is bold| text, while |/this text is italic|, \n\t|*this is pre-formatted|, and |!this is a note|"
122.181 +
122.182 +if [ "$1" = '-v' ]; then
122.183 + echo "vym2html Version: "$VERSION
122.184 + exit 0
122.185 +fi
122.186 +
122.187 +
122.188 +if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
122.189 + echo -e $USAGE
122.190 + exit 1
122.191 +else
122.192 + VYMFILE_EXT=$1
122.193 + VYMNAME=`echo $VYMFILE_EXT | sed "s/.*\///" | sed "s/\\..*$//"`
122.194 + VYMPATH=`dirname $VYMFILE_EXT`
122.195 +fi
122.196 +
122.197 +shift 1
122.198 +
122.199 +for arg do
122.200 + if [ "$arg" = '-wikistyle' ]; then
122.201 + WIKISTYLEP="yes"
122.202 + elif [ "$arg" = '-image' ]; then
122.203 + GENIMAGEP="yes"
122.204 + elif [ "$arg" = '-imageonly' ]; then
122.205 + IMAGEONLYP="yes"
122.206 + GENIMAGEP="yes"
122.207 + elif [ ${arg:0:3} = '-sp' ]; then # take first 3 chars
122.208 + STYLESHEETP=`echo $arg | cut -d= -f2`
122.209 + elif [ ${arg:0:4} = '-css' ]; then # take first 4 chars
122.210 + CSSFILE=`echo $arg | cut -d= -f2`
122.211 + elif [ $arg = "-useURLHeading" ]; then
122.212 + URLHEADING="yes"
122.213 + elif [ $arg = "-useURLImage" ]; then
122.214 + URLIMAGE="yes"
122.215 + elif [ "$arg" = '-help' ]; then
122.216 + echo -e $USAGE
122.217 + exit 1
122.218 + else
122.219 + echo -e $USAGE
122.220 + exit 1
122.221 + fi
122.222 +done
122.223 +
122.224 +#Debugging
122.226 +echo VYMNAME=$VYMNAME
122.227 +echo VYMPATH=$VYMPATH
122.229 +
122.230 +
122.231 +# ---------------------- Los geht's --------------------------
122.232 +echo ">> Processing file '$VYMFILE_EXT' ..."
122.233 +
122.234 +# Unpack vym-file
122.235 +unpacker
122.236 +
122.237 +# Modify "*-note-x.txt" files
122.238 +txt2html
122.239 +
122.240 +# Transform
122.241 +transform
122.242 +
122.243 +#reducesize
122.244 +
122.245 +# clean up
122.246 +remove_files
122.247 +
122.248 +echo ">> Ready!"
122.249 +echo ">> ---------------------"
122.250 +
122.251 +exit 0
122.252 +
122.253 +
123.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
123.2 +++ b/scripts/vym2txt.sh Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
123.3 @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
123.4 +#!/bin/sh
123.5 +#
123.6 +# vym2txt.sh
123.7 +#
123.8 +VERSION="0.11"
123.9 +# Date: 20040417
123.10 +# Author: Clemens Kraus (http://www.clemens-kraus.de)
123.11 +#
123.12 +#echo $@
123.13 +
123.14 +
123.15 +unpacker()
123.16 +# Unpack vym-file, only if it is one
123.17 +{
123.18 + echo $VYMFILE_EXT | grep -F ".vym" 1>/dev/null
123.19 +
123.20 + if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
123.21 + echo ">> Unpacking files ..."
123.22 + unzip $VYMFILE_EXT -d $VYMFILE_PATH 1>/dev/null
123.23 + if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
123.24 + echo ">>> Error in unzip! Aborting."
123.25 + exit 4
123.26 + fi
123.27 + fi
123.28 +}
123.29 +
123.30 +
123.31 +txt2xml()
123.32 +# change all txt-files into xml-format
123.33 +{
123.34 + for i in `ls $VYMFILE-note-*.txt 2>/dev/null`
123.35 + do
123.36 + # Check whether already modified
123.37 + grep "<note>" $i 1>/dev/null
123.38 +
123.39 + if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
123.40 + echo ">> Modifying: "$i
123.41 + # Each line gets an additional <line>-tag, because of the indents!
123.42 + sed -e 's,^,<line><![CDATA[,g' -e 's,$,]]>\
</line>,g' $i > $i"_tmp"
123.43 +
123.44 + #cp $i $i"_tmp"
123.45 + echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" > $i
123.46 + echo "<note>" >> $i
123.47 + #echo "<![CDATA[" >> $i
123.48 + cat $i"_tmp" >> $i
123.49 + #echo "]]>" >> $i
123.50 + echo "</note>" >> $i
123.51 +
123.52 + rm $i"_tmp"
123.53 + fi
123.54 + done
123.55 +}
123.56 +
123.57 +
123.58 +transform()
123.59 +{
123.60 + echo ">> Starting XSLT transformation ..."
123.61 +# sabcmd vym2html.xsl $VYMFILE".xml" \$filenamep=$VYMFILE \$wikistylep=$WIKISTYLEP \$genimagep=$GENIMAGEP \$stylesheetp=$STYLESHEETP > $VYMFILE".html"
123.62 + xsltproc -o $VYMFILE".txt" --stringparam filenamep `pwd`/"$VYMFILE" `dirname $STYLESHEETP`/vym2txt.xsl $VYMFILE".xml"
123.63 +
123.64 + if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
123.65 + echo ">>> Error in xsltproc! Aborting."
123.66 + exit 3
123.67 + fi
123.68 +}
123.69 +
123.70 +
123.71 +remove_files()
123.72 +# remove all temporary unpacked vym-files
123.73 +{
123.74 + echo $VYMFILE_EXT | grep -F ".vym" 1>/dev/null
123.75 +
123.76 + if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
123.77 + echo ">> Removing temporary files ..."
123.78 + for i in `ls $VYMFILE-note-*.txt 2>/dev/null`
123.79 + do
123.80 + rm $i
123.81 + done
123.82 +
123.83 + for i in `ls $VYMFILE-image-*.* 2>/dev/null`
123.84 + do
123.85 + rm $i
123.86 + done
123.87 +
123.88 + rm $VYMFILE".xml" 2>/dev/null
123.89 + fi
123.90 +}
123.91 +
123.92 +# -------------------- Parameter check -----------------------
123.93 +STYLESHEETP=""
123.94 +
123.95 +USAGE="USAGE:\t`basename $0` vymfile.[vym|xml] -sp=\077 [Options]\n"
123.96 +USAGE=$USAGE"\t-sp=\077: absolute stylesheet path (including name of stylesheet)\n"
123.97 +USAGE=$USAGE"Output:\tvymfile.txt\n\n"
123.98 +USAGE=$USAGE"Options:\n"
123.99 +USAGE=$USAGE"-v: prints the version of vym2txt\n"
123.100 +
123.101 +if [ "$1" = '-v' ]; then
123.102 + echo "vym2txt Version: "$VERSION
123.103 + exit 0
123.104 +fi
123.105 +if [ $# -lt 1 -o $# -gt 2 -o "$1" = '-help' ]; then
123.106 + echo -e $USAGE
123.107 + exit 1
123.108 +else
123.109 + VYMFILE_EXT=$1
123.110 + VYMFILE=`echo $VYMFILE_EXT | cut -d. -f1`
123.111 + VYMFILE_PATH=`dirname $VYMFILE_EXT`
123.112 +fi
123.113 +
123.114 +for arg in $2
123.115 +do
123.116 + if [ ${arg:0:3} = '-sp' ]; then # take first 3 chars
123.117 + STYLESHEETP=`echo $arg | cut -d= -f2`
123.118 + elif [ "$arg" = '-help' ]; then
123.119 + echo -e $USAGE
123.120 + exit 1
123.121 + else
123.122 + echo -e $USAGE
123.123 + exit 1
123.124 + fi
123.125 +done
123.126 +
123.127 +
123.128 +# ---------------------- Los geht's --------------------------
123.129 +echo ">> Processing file '$VYMFILE_EXT' ..."
123.130 +
123.131 +# Unpack vym-file
123.132 +unpacker
123.133 +
123.134 +txt2xml
123.135 +
123.136 +# Transform
123.137 +transform
123.138 +
123.139 +# clean up
123.140 +remove_files
123.141 +
123.142 +echo ">> Ready!"
123.143 +echo ">> ---------------------"
123.144 +
123.145 +exit 0
123.146 +
123.147 +
124.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
124.2 +++ b/selection.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
124.3 @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
124.4 +#include "selection.h"
124.5 +
124.6 +
124.7 +Selection::Selection()
124.8 +{
124.9 +}
124.10 +
124.11 +Selection::Selection(const Selection &other)
124.12 +{
124.13 +}
124.14 +
124.15 +Selection::~Selection()
124.16 +{
124.17 +}
124.18 +
124.19 +void Selection::init()
124.20 +{
124.21 + selectList.setAutoDelete(true);
124.22 +}
124.23 +
124.24 +void Selection::copy(const Selection &other)
124.25 +{
124.26 +}
124.27 +
124.28 +void Selection::clear()
124.29 +{
124.30 + selectList.clear();
124.31 +}
124.32 +
124.33 +bool Selection::select(LinkableMapObj *lmo)
124.34 +{
124.35 + return false;
124.36 +}
124.37 +
124.38 +void Selection::unselect(LinkableMapObj *lmo)
124.39 +{
124.40 +}
124.41 +
124.42 +bool Selection::isEmpty()
124.43 +{
124.44 + return selectList.isEmpty();
124.45 +}
124.46 +
124.47 +uint Selection::count()
124.48 +{
124.49 + return selectList.count();
124.50 +}
125.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
125.2 +++ b/selection.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
125.3 @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
125.4 +#ifndef SELECTIONOBJ_H
125.5 +#define SELECTIONOBJ_H
125.6 +
125.7 +#include "linkablemapobj.h"
125.8 +#include <qptrlist.h>
125.9 +
125.10 +class Selection
125.11 +{
125.12 +public:
125.13 + Selection ();
125.14 + Selection (const Selection&);
125.15 + ~Selection();
125.16 + void init();
125.17 + void copy(const Selection&);
125.18 + void clear();
125.19 +
125.20 + bool select (LinkableMapObj*);
125.21 + void unselect (LinkableMapObj*);
125.22 + bool isEmpty();
125.23 + uint count();
125.24 +
125.25 +private:
125.26 + QPtrList <LinkableMapObj> selectList;
125.27 +};
125.28 +#endif
125.29 +
126.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
126.2 +++ b/settings.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
126.3 @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
126.4 +#include <iostream>
126.5 +#include "settings.h"
126.6 +#include "misc.h"
126.7 +
126.8 +using namespace std;
126.9 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
126.10 +// Settings
126.11 +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
126.12 +Settings::Settings()
126.13 +{
126.14 + clear();
126.15 +}
126.16 +
126.17 +Settings::~Settings()
126.18 +{
126.19 +}
126.20 +
126.21 +void Settings::clear()
126.22 +{
126.23 + pathlist.clear();
126.24 + keylist.clear();
126.25 + valuelist.clear();
126.26 +}
126.27 +
126.28 +void Settings::clearLocal(const QString &s)
126.29 +{
126.30 + QStringList::Iterator itp=pathlist.begin();
126.31 + QStringList::Iterator itk=keylist.begin();
126.32 + QStringList::Iterator itv=valuelist.begin();
126.33 +
126.34 + while (itp !=pathlist.end() )
126.35 + {
126.36 + if ((*itk).startsWith (s))
126.37 + {
126.38 + itp=pathlist.remove (itp);
126.39 + itk=keylist.remove (itk);
126.40 + itv=valuelist.remove (itv);
126.41 + } else
126.42 + {
126.43 + itp++;
126.44 + itk++;
126.45 + itv++;
126.46 + }
126.47 + }
126.48 +}
126.49 +
126.50 +QString Settings::readLocalEntry ( const QString &fpath, const QString & key, const QString & def = QString::null )
126.51 +{
126.52 + QStringList::Iterator itp=pathlist.begin();
126.53 + QStringList::Iterator itk=keylist.begin();
126.54 + QStringList::Iterator itv=valuelist.begin();
126.55 +
126.56 + // First search for value in settings saved in map
126.57 + while (itp !=pathlist.end() )
126.58 + {
126.59 + if (*itp == fpath && *itk == key)
126.60 + return *itv;
126.61 + itp++;
126.62 + itk++;
126.63 + itv++;
126.64 + }
126.65 +
126.66 + // Fall back to global vym settings
126.67 + bool ok;
126.68 + return readEntry (key,def, &ok);
126.69 +}
126.70 +
126.71 +void Settings::setLocalEntry (const QString &fpath, const QString &key, const QString &value)
126.72 +{
126.73 + QStringList::Iterator itp=pathlist.begin();
126.74 + QStringList::Iterator itk=keylist.begin();
126.75 + QStringList::Iterator itv=valuelist.begin();
126.76 +
126.77 + if (!fpath.isEmpty() && !key.isEmpty() && !value.isEmpty() )
126.78 + {
126.79 + // Search for existing entry first
126.80 + while (itp !=pathlist.end() )
126.81 + {
126.82 + if (*itp == fpath && *itk == key)
126.83 + {
126.84 + *itv=value;
126.85 + return;
126.86 + }
126.87 + itp++;
126.88 + itk++;
126.89 + itv++;
126.90 + }
126.91 +
126.92 + // If no entry exists, append a new one
126.93 + pathlist.append (fpath);
126.94 + keylist.append (key);
126.95 + valuelist.append (value);
126.96 + }
126.97 +}
126.98 +
126.99 +QString Settings::getXMLData (const QString &fpath)
126.100 +{
126.101 + QString s;
126.102 + QStringList::Iterator itp=pathlist.begin();
126.103 + QStringList::Iterator itk=keylist.begin();
126.104 + QStringList::Iterator itv=valuelist.begin();
126.105 +
126.106 + while (itp !=pathlist.end() )
126.107 + {
126.108 + if (*itp == fpath )
126.109 + if (!(*itv).isEmpty())
126.110 + s+=singleElement (
126.111 + "setting",
126.112 + attribut ("key",*itk)
126.113 + +attribut ("value",*itv)
126.114 + )+"\n";
126.115 + itp++;
126.116 + itk++;
126.117 + itv++;
126.118 + }
126.119 + return s;
126.120 +}
126.121 +
126.122 +void Settings::write()
126.123 +{
126.124 + QStringList::Iterator itp=pathlist.begin();
126.125 + QStringList::Iterator itk=keylist.begin();
126.126 + QStringList::Iterator itv=valuelist.begin();
126.127 +
126.128 + while (itp !=pathlist.end() )
126.129 + {
126.130 + itp++;
126.131 + itk++;
126.132 + itv++;
126.133 + }
126.134 +}
126.135 +
127.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
127.2 +++ b/settings.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
127.3 @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
127.4 +#ifndef SETTINGS_H
127.5 +#define SETTINGS_H
127.6 +
127.7 +#include <qsettings.h>
127.8 +#include <qstring.h>
127.9 +#include <qstringlist.h>
127.10 +
127.11 +#include "misc.h"
127.12 +
127.13 +
127.14 +class Settings:public QSettings,public xmlObj
127.15 +{
127.16 +public:
127.17 + Settings ();
127.18 + ~Settings ();
127.19 + void clear();
127.20 + void clearLocal (const QString &);
127.21 + QString readLocalEntry ( const QString &, const QString &, const QString &);
127.22 + void setLocalEntry (const QString &, const QString &, const QString &);
127.23 + QString getXMLData (const QString &);
127.24 + void write ();
127.25 +
127.26 +protected:
127.27 + QStringList pathlist;
127.28 + QStringList keylist;
127.29 + QStringList valuelist;
127.30 +};
127.31 +
127.32 +#endif
128.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
128.2 +++ b/showtextdialog.ui Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
128.3 @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
128.4 +<!DOCTYPE UI><UI version="3.2" stdsetdef="1">
128.5 +<class>ShowTextDialog</class>
128.6 +<author>Uwe Drechsel</author>
128.7 +<widget class="QDialog">
128.8 + <property name="name">
128.9 + <cstring>ShowTextDialog</cstring>
128.10 + </property>
128.11 + <property name="enabled">
128.12 + <bool>true</bool>
128.13 + </property>
128.14 + <property name="geometry">
128.15 + <rect>
128.16 + <x>0</x>
128.17 + <y>0</y>
128.18 + <width>560</width>
128.19 + <height>383</height>
128.20 + </rect>
128.21 + </property>
128.22 + <property name="sizePolicy">
128.23 + <sizepolicy>
128.24 + <hsizetype>5</hsizetype>
128.25 + <vsizetype>5</vsizetype>
128.26 + <horstretch>0</horstretch>
128.27 + <verstretch>0</verstretch>
128.28 + </sizepolicy>
128.29 + </property>
128.30 + <property name="backgroundOrigin">
128.31 + <enum>WidgetOrigin</enum>
128.32 + </property>
128.33 + <property name="caption">
128.34 + <string>VYM - Info</string>
128.35 + </property>
128.36 + <property name="sizeGripEnabled">
128.37 + <bool>false</bool>
128.38 + </property>
128.39 + <vbox>
128.40 + <property name="name">
128.41 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
128.42 + </property>
128.43 + <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
128.44 + <property name="name">
128.45 + <cstring>layout9</cstring>
128.46 + </property>
128.47 + <vbox>
128.48 + <property name="name">
128.49 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
128.50 + </property>
128.51 + <widget class="QTextEdit">
128.52 + <property name="name">
128.53 + <cstring>textEdit1</cstring>
128.54 + </property>
128.55 + <property name="sizePolicy">
128.56 + <sizepolicy>
128.57 + <hsizetype>7</hsizetype>
128.58 + <vsizetype>7</vsizetype>
128.59 + <horstretch>0</horstretch>
128.60 + <verstretch>0</verstretch>
128.61 + </sizepolicy>
128.62 + </property>
128.63 + </widget>
128.64 + <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
128.65 + <property name="name">
128.66 + <cstring>layout8</cstring>
128.67 + </property>
128.68 + <hbox>
128.69 + <property name="name">
128.70 + <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
128.71 + </property>
128.72 + <spacer>
128.73 + <property name="name">
128.74 + <cstring>spacer4</cstring>
128.75 + </property>
128.76 + <property name="orientation">
128.77 + <enum>Horizontal</enum>
128.78 + </property>
128.79 + <property name="sizeType">
128.80 + <enum>Expanding</enum>
128.81 + </property>
128.82 + <property name="sizeHint">
128.83 + <size>
128.84 + <width>141</width>
128.85 + <height>21</height>
128.86 + </size>
128.87 + </property>
128.88 + </spacer>
128.89 + <widget class="QPushButton">
128.90 + <property name="name">
128.91 + <cstring>pushButton4</cstring>
128.92 + </property>
128.93 + <property name="sizePolicy">
128.94 + <sizepolicy>
128.95 + <hsizetype>7</hsizetype>
128.96 + <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
128.97 + <horstretch>0</horstretch>
128.98 + <verstretch>0</verstretch>
128.99 + </sizepolicy>
128.100 + </property>
128.101 + <property name="maximumSize">
128.102 + <size>
128.103 + <width>150</width>
128.104 + <height>32767</height>
128.105 + </size>
128.106 + </property>
128.107 + <property name="text">
128.108 + <string>Close</string>
128.109 + </property>
128.110 + <property name="default">
128.111 + <bool>true</bool>
128.112 + </property>
128.113 + </widget>
128.114 + </hbox>
128.115 + </widget>
128.116 + </vbox>
128.117 + </widget>
128.118 + </vbox>
128.119 +</widget>
128.120 +<connections>
128.121 + <connection>
128.122 + <sender>pushButton4</sender>
128.123 + <signal>clicked()</signal>
128.124 + <receiver>ShowTextDialog</receiver>
128.125 + <slot>accept()</slot>
128.126 + </connection>
128.127 +</connections>
128.128 +<includes>
128.129 + <include location="local" impldecl="in implementation">showtextdialog.ui.h</include>
128.130 +</includes>
128.131 +<slots>
128.132 + <slot access="private">init()</slot>
128.133 + <slot>setText( const QString & t )</slot>
128.134 + <slot>append( const QString & t )</slot>
128.135 +</slots>
128.136 +<pixmapinproject/>
128.137 +<layoutdefaults spacing="6" margin="11"/>
128.138 +</UI>
129.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
129.2 +++ b/showtextdialog.ui.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
129.3 @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
129.4 +void ShowTextDialog::init()
129.5 +{
129.6 + textEdit1->setReadOnly (true);
129.7 +}
129.8 +
129.9 +
129.10 +void ShowTextDialog::setText(const QString &t)
129.11 +{
129.12 + textEdit1->setText (t);
129.13 +}
129.14 +
129.15 +
129.16 +
129.17 +
129.18 +void ShowTextDialog::append( const QString &t )
129.19 +{
129.20 + textEdit1->append (t);
129.21 +}
130.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
130.2 +++ b/styles/cm.xsl Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
130.3 @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
130.4 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
130.5 +<xsl:stylesheet
130.6 + xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
130.7 + xmlns:exsl="http://exslt.org/common"
130.8 + extension-element-prefixes="exsl" version="1.0">
130.9 +
130.10 +<xsl:variable name="controlCharacter" select="'¤'" />
130.11 +<xsl:variable name="crlf" select="' '" />
130.12 +<!-- <xsl:variable name="wikistyle" select="false()" /> -->
130.13 +
130.14 +<xsl:variable name="supportMenu" select="'true'" />
130.15 +<xsl:variable name="supportShowme" select="'true'" />
130.16 +<xsl:variable name="supportSource" select="'true'" />
130.17 +<xsl:variable name="supportImage" select="'true'" />
130.18 +
130.19 +<xsl:template name="findNext">
130.20 + <xsl:param name="content" />
130.21 + <xsl:variable name="escaped" select="substring-after( $content, '\{' )" />
130.22 + <xsl:variable name="item-start" select="substring-after( $content, '{' )" />
130.23 + <xsl:variable name="item-end" select="substring-before( $item-start, '}' )" />
130.24 + <xsl:if test="normalize-space($escaped) != normalize-space($item-start)">
130.25 + <xsl:copy-of select="normalize-space($item-end)" />
130.26 + </xsl:if>
130.27 +</xsl:template>
130.28 +
130.29 +<xsl:template name="findNextTag">
130.30 + <xsl:param name="content" />
130.31 + <xsl:variable name="item-start" select="substring-after( $content, '|' )" />
130.32 + <xsl:variable name="item-end" select="substring-before( $item-start, '|' )" />
130.33 + <xsl:variable name="name-start" select="substring-after( $item-start, '(' )" />
130.34 + <xsl:variable name="name-end" select="substring-before( $name-start, ')' )" />
130.35 + <!-- <xsl:copy-of select="normalize-space($item-end)" /> -->
130.36 + <xsl:variable name="w" select="substring-after( $item-end, ') ')" />
130.37 + <xsl:if test="string($w)">
130.38 + <xsl:element name="{$w}">
130.39 + <xsl:value-of select="$name-end" />
130.40 + </xsl:element>
130.41 + </xsl:if>
130.42 +</xsl:template>
130.43 +
130.44 +<xsl:template name="lastCall">
130.45 + <xsl:param name="content" />
130.46 +
130.47 + <xsl:variable name="inTheBeginning" select="substring-before( $content, '|' )" />
130.48 + <xsl:variable name="markup-start" select="substring-after( $content, '|' )" />
130.49 + <xsl:variable name="markup-end" select="substring-before( $markup-start, '|' )" />
130.50 + <xsl:variable name="markup-after" select="substring-after( $markup-start, concat( $markup-end, '|') )" />
130.51 +
130.52 + <xsl:variable name="cmd" select="substring-before( $markup-end, ';' )" />
130.53 +
130.54 + <xsl:copy-of select="$inTheBeginning" />
130.55 +
130.56 + <xsl:choose>
130.57 + <xsl:when test="string($markup-end)">
130.58 + <xsl:choose>
130.59 + <xsl:when test="starts-with( $markup-end, '!' )">
130.60 + <span class="note"><xsl:copy-of select="substring-after( $markup-end, '!')" /></span>
130.61 + </xsl:when>
130.62 + <xsl:when test="starts-with( $markup-end, '/' )">
130.63 + <em><xsl:copy-of select="substring-after( $markup-end, '/')" /></em>
130.64 + </xsl:when>
130.65 + <xsl:when test="starts-with( $markup-end, '*' )">
130.66 + <pre><xsl:copy-of select="substring-after( $markup-end, '*')" /></pre>
130.67 + </xsl:when>
130.68 + <xsl:otherwise>
130.69 + <strong><xsl:copy-of select="$markup-end" /></strong>
130.70 + </xsl:otherwise>
130.71 + </xsl:choose>
130.72 + <xsl:call-template name="lastCall">
130.73 + <xsl:with-param name="content" select="$markup-after" />
130.74 + </xsl:call-template>
130.75 + <!-- [<xsl:copy-of select="$markup-after" />] -->
130.76 + </xsl:when>
130.77 + <xsl:otherwise>
130.78 + <xsl:copy-of select="$content" />
130.79 + </xsl:otherwise>
130.80 + </xsl:choose>
130.81 +
130.82 +</xsl:template>
130.83 +
130.84 +<xsl:template name="replace-tags">
130.85 + <xsl:param name="content" />
130.86 + <xsl:param name="currentID" />
130.87 + <xsl:variable name="topic"><xsl:call-template name="findNext"><xsl:with-param name="content" select="$content" /></xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
130.88 + <!-- <xsl:variable name="this" select="$thisDoc/item[@id=$topic]" /> -->
130.89 + <!-- <xsl:variable name="name" select="$this/@name" /> -->
130.90 + <xsl:variable name="name"><xsl:call-template name="getTopicName"><xsl:with-param name="id" select="$topic" /></xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
130.91 +
130.92 + <xsl:variable name="escaped-start" select="substring-after( $content, '\{' )" />
130.93 + <xsl:variable name="item-start" select="substring-before( $content, '{' )" />
130.94 +
130.95 + <xsl:variable name="item-end" select="substring-after( $content, '}' )" />
130.96 + <xsl:variable name="escaped-end" select="substring-after( $content, '\}' )" />
130.97 +
130.98 + <xsl:if test="string(normalize-space($item-start))">
130.99 + <xsl:if test="normalize-space($escaped-start) != normalize-space($item-start)">
130.100 + <xsl:call-template name="lastCall">
130.101 + <xsl:with-param name="content" select="$item-start" />
130.102 + </xsl:call-template>
130.103 + </xsl:if>
130.104 + <xsl:if test="normalize-space($escaped-start) = normalize-space($item-start)">
130.105 + <xsl:call-template name="lastCall">
130.106 + <xsl:with-param name="content" select="$escaped-start" />
130.107 + </xsl:call-template>
130.108 + </xsl:if>
130.109 + </xsl:if>
130.110 +
130.111 + <xsl:variable name="middle">
130.112 + <xsl:if test="string(normalize-space($topic))">
130.113 +
130.114 + <!-- <xsl:value-of select="$topic" />(<xsl:value-of select="substring($topic, 1)" />) -->
130.115 + <xsl:choose>
130.116 + <xsl:when test="substring($topic, 1, 1) = '('">
130.117 +
130.118 + <xsl:variable name="tmp"><xsl:value-of select="substring-before( $topic, ')' )" /></xsl:variable>
130.119 + <xsl:variable name="thisName" select="substring-after( $topic, ') ' )" />
130.120 + <xsl:variable name="name2">
130.121 + <xsl:choose>
130.122 + <xsl:when test="substring($topic, 2, 1) = '%'"><img src="{substring( $tmp, 3 )}" class="image" border="0" alt="" /></xsl:when>
130.123 + <xsl:otherwise><xsl:value-of select="substring( $tmp, 2 )" /></xsl:otherwise>
130.124 + </xsl:choose>
130.125 + </xsl:variable>
130.126 + <xsl:choose>
130.127 + <xsl:when test="starts-with($thisName, 'http')">
130.128 + <xsl:element name="a">
130.129 + <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="$thisName" /></xsl:attribute>
130.130 + <xsl:if test="substring($topic, 2, 1) != '%'">
130.131 + <xsl:attribute name="class">extLink</xsl:attribute>
130.132 + </xsl:if><xsl:copy-of select="$name2" />
130.133 + </xsl:element>
130.134 + </xsl:when>
130.135 + <xsl:when test="starts-with($thisName, 'mailto')">
130.136 + <xsl:element name="a">
130.137 + <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="$thisName" /></xsl:attribute>
130.138 + <xsl:if test="substring($topic, 2, 1) != '%'">
130.139 + <xsl:attribute name="class">extLink</xsl:attribute>
130.140 + </xsl:if><xsl:copy-of select="$name2" />
130.141 + </xsl:element>
130.142 + </xsl:when>
130.143 + <xsl:otherwise>
130.144 + <xsl:element name="a">
130.145 + <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="$thisName" />.html</xsl:attribute>
130.146 + <xsl:if test="not(substring($topic, 2, 1) = '%')">
130.147 + <xsl:attribute name="class">topicLink</xsl:attribute>
130.148 + </xsl:if>
130.149 + <xsl:copy-of select="$name2" />
130.150 + </xsl:element>
130.151 + </xsl:otherwise>
130.152 + </xsl:choose>
130.153 +
130.154 + </xsl:when>
130.155 + <xsl:when test="substring($topic, 1, 1) = '!' and string($supportMenu)">
130.156 + <menu style="{substring-after($topic, '!')}"/>
130.157 + </xsl:when>
130.158 + <xsl:when test="substring($topic, 1, 1) = '#' and string($supportShowme)">
130.159 + <show-me what="{substring-after($topic, '#')}" id="{$currentID}" />
130.160 + </xsl:when>
130.161 + <xsl:when test="substring($topic, 1, 1) = '+' and string($supportSource)">
130.162 + <div class="viewSource"><a href="content/{$currentID}.orig" class="viewSource">view content source file</a></div>
130.163 + </xsl:when>
130.164 + <xsl:when test="substring($topic, 1, 1) = '%' and string($supportImage)">
130.165 + <image href="{substring-after($topic, '%')}" id="{$currentID}" />
130.166 + </xsl:when>
130.167 + <xsl:when test="starts-with($topic, 'http')">
130.168 + <xsl:element name="a">
130.169 + <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="$topic" /></xsl:attribute>
130.170 + <xsl:attribute name="class">extLink</xsl:attribute><xsl:value-of select="$topic" />
130.171 + </xsl:element>
130.172 + </xsl:when>
130.173 + <xsl:otherwise>
130.174 + <xsl:element name="a">
130.175 + <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="$topic" />.html</xsl:attribute>
130.176 + <xsl:attribute name="class">topicLink</xsl:attribute><xsl:value-of select="$name" />
130.177 + </xsl:element>
130.178 + </xsl:otherwise>
130.179 + </xsl:choose>
130.180 +
130.181 + </xsl:if>
130.182 + </xsl:variable>
130.183 +
130.184 + <xsl:call-template name="lastCall">
130.185 + <xsl:with-param name="content" select="$middle" />
130.186 + </xsl:call-template>
130.187 +<!-- <xsl:copy-of select="$middle" />
130.188 + -->
130.189 + <xsl:variable name="more">
130.190 + <xsl:call-template name="findNext">
130.191 + <xsl:with-param name="content" select="$item-end" />
130.192 + </xsl:call-template>
130.193 + </xsl:variable>
130.194 +
130.195 + <xsl:choose>
130.196 + <xsl:when test="string(normalize-space($more))">
130.197 + <xsl:call-template name="replace-tags"><xsl:with-param name="content" select="$item-end" /><xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$currentID" /></xsl:call-template>
130.198 + </xsl:when>
130.199 + <xsl:otherwise>
130.200 + <xsl:if test="string(normalize-space($item-end))">
130.201 + <xsl:call-template name="lastCall">
130.202 + <xsl:with-param name="content" select="$item-end" />
130.203 + </xsl:call-template>
130.204 +<!-- <xsl:copy-of select="$item-end" />
130.205 + --> </xsl:if>
130.206 + </xsl:otherwise>
130.207 + </xsl:choose>
130.208 +
130.209 + <xsl:if test="not(string(normalize-space($item-start))) and not(string(normalize-space($item-end))) and not(string(normalize-space($topic)))">
130.210 + <xsl:call-template name="lastCall">
130.211 + <xsl:with-param name="content" select="$content" />
130.212 + </xsl:call-template>
130.213 +<!-- <xsl:copy-of select="$content" /> -->
130.214 + </xsl:if>
130.215 +
130.216 +</xsl:template>
130.217 +
130.218 +<xsl:template name="markupLine">
130.219 + <xsl:param name="content" />
130.220 + <xsl:param name="currentID" />
130.221 + <xsl:variable name="first" select="substring($content, 1, 1)" />
130.222 + <xsl:variable name="c">
130.223 + <xsl:if test="$wikistyle">
130.224 + <xsl:if test="string($first) = '?'">question</xsl:if>
130.225 + <xsl:if test="string($first) = '='">answer</xsl:if>
130.226 + <xsl:if test="string($first) = '!'">note</xsl:if>
130.227 + <xsl:if test="string($first) = '*'">point</xsl:if>
130.228 + <xsl:if test="string($first) = '.'">indent</xsl:if>
130.229 + <xsl:if test="string($first) = '|'">code</xsl:if>
130.230 + <xsl:if test="string($first) = ':'">blank</xsl:if>
130.231 + <xsl:if test="string($first) = '-'">headerSmall</xsl:if>
130.232 + <xsl:if test="string($first) = '+'">headerLarge</xsl:if>
130.233 + <xsl:if test="string($first) = '#'">meta</xsl:if>
130.234 + </xsl:if>
130.235 + <xsl:if test="not($wikistyle)"></xsl:if>
130.236 + </xsl:variable>
130.237 +
130.238 + <!-- <xsl:message>
130.239 + <xsl:text>c: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$c"/>
130.240 + <xsl:text> wikistyle: </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$wikistyle"/>
130.241 + </xsl:message> -->
130.242 +
130.243 + <xsl:variable name="cont">
130.244 + <xsl:if test="string($c) and $wikistyle">
130.245 + <xsl:copy-of select="substring($content, 2)" /></xsl:if>
130.246 + <xsl:if test="not(string($c))">
130.247 + <xsl:copy-of select="$content" /></xsl:if>
130.248 + </xsl:variable>
130.249 +
130.250 + <xsl:variable name="class">
130.251 + <xsl:if test="string($c)">
130.252 + <xsl:copy-of select="$c" /></xsl:if>
130.253 + <xsl:if test="not(string($c))">normal</xsl:if>
130.254 + </xsl:variable>
130.255 +
130.256 + <xsl:choose>
130.257 + <xsl:when test="$c = 'meta'">
130.258 + <xsl:variable name="what" select="$cont" />
130.259 + <xsl:variable name="before" select="substring-before($what, '=')" />
130.260 + <xsl:variable name="after" select="substring-after($what, '=')" />
130.261 + <xsl:if test="string($before)">
130.262 + <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[<]]></xsl:text><xsl:copy-of select="normalize-space($before)" /><xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[>]]></xsl:text>
130.263 + <xsl:copy-of select="$after" />
130.264 + <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[</]]></xsl:text><xsl:copy-of select="normalize-space($before)" /><xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[>]]></xsl:text>
130.265 + </xsl:if>
130.266 + </xsl:when>
130.267 + <xsl:when test="$c = 'code'">
130.268 + <p class="{$class}"><xsl:copy-of select="$cont" /></p>
130.269 + </xsl:when>
130.270 + <xsl:when test="not($wikistyle)">
130.271 + <p class="{$class}"><xsl:copy-of select="$cont" /></p>
130.272 + <!-- <xsl:message terminate="yes" /> -->
130.273 + </xsl:when>
130.274 + <xsl:otherwise>
130.275 + <p class="{$class}"><xsl:call-template name="replace-tags"><xsl:with-param name="content" select="$cont" /><xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$currentID" /></xsl:call-template></p>
130.276 + </xsl:otherwise>
130.277 + </xsl:choose>
130.278 +</xsl:template>
130.279 +
130.280 +<xsl:template name="doLine">
130.281 + <xsl:param name="content" />
130.282 + <xsl:param name="currentID" />
130.283 + <xsl:variable name="line" select="normalize-space(concat( substring-before( $content, $controlCharacter ), $controlCharacter))" />
130.284 + <xsl:variable name="lineClear" select="normalize-space(translate( $line, $controlCharacter, ' ' ))" />
130.285 + <xsl:variable name="next" select="normalize-space(substring-after( $content, $line ))" />
130.286 +<!-- [<xsl:value-of select="$content" />]<br/>
130.287 + [<xsl:value-of select="$line" />]<br/>
130.288 + [<xsl:value-of select="$lineClear" />]<br/>
130.289 + [<xsl:value-of select="$next" />]<br/> -->
130.290 + <xsl:if test="string(normalize-space($lineClear))">
130.291 + <xsl:call-template name="markupLine"><xsl:with-param name="content"><xsl:copy-of select="$lineClear" /></xsl:with-param><xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$currentID" /></xsl:call-template>
130.292 + </xsl:if>
130.293 + <xsl:if test="string(normalize-space($next))">
130.294 + <xsl:call-template name="doLine"><xsl:with-param name="content"><xsl:copy-of select="$next" /></xsl:with-param><xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$currentID" /></xsl:call-template>
130.295 + </xsl:if>
130.296 +</xsl:template>
130.297 +
130.298 +</xsl:stylesheet>
131.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
131.2 +++ b/styles/tm.xsl Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
131.3 @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
131.4 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
131.5 +<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:exsl="http://exslt.org/common" extension-element-prefixes="exsl" version="1.0">
131.6 +
131.7 +<xsl:template name="getTopicName">
131.8 + <xsl:param name="id"/>
131.9 + <xsl:variable name="searching" select="$topics[@id=$id]" />
131.10 + <xsl:variable name="get"><xsl:value-of select="$searching/baseName/baseNameString" /><xsl:value-of select="$searching/@name" /></xsl:variable>
131.11 + <xsl:if test="string( $get )"><xsl:value-of select="$get" /></xsl:if>
131.12 + <xsl:if test="not(string( $get ))"><span class="notFound"><xsl:value-of select="$id" /> not found.</span></xsl:if>
131.13 +</xsl:template>
131.14 +
131.15 +<xsl:template name="getParent">
131.16 + <xsl:param name="currentID"/>
131.17 + <xsl:call-template name="getAllAssocID">
131.18 + <xsl:with-param name="filter" select="'#group-subgroup'" />
131.19 + <xsl:with-param name="role" select="'#parent'" />
131.20 + <xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$currentID" />
131.21 + </xsl:call-template>
131.22 +</xsl:template>
131.23 +
131.24 +<xsl:template name="getChild">
131.25 + <xsl:param name="currentID"/>
131.26 + <xsl:call-template name="getAllAssocID">
131.27 + <xsl:with-param name="filter" select="'#group-subgroup'" />
131.28 + <xsl:with-param name="role" select="'#child'" />
131.29 + <xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$currentID" />
131.30 + </xsl:call-template>
131.31 +</xsl:template>
131.32 +
131.33 +<xsl:template name="getAllAssocID">
131.34 + <xsl:param name="filter"/>
131.35 + <xsl:param name="role"/>
131.36 + <xsl:param name="currentID"/>
131.37 +
131.38 + <xsl:variable name="theseOnes" select="$associations[instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href=$filter][member/topicRef/@xlink:href=concat('#',$currentID)]" />
131.39 + <xsl:variable name="fiddle" select="$theseOnes/member/topicRef[not(@xlink:href=concat('#',$currentID))][parent::*/roleSpec/topicRef/@xlink:href=$role]" />
131.40 +
131.41 + <xsl:value-of select="substring-after($fiddle[1]/@xlink:href, '#')" />
131.42 +
131.43 +</xsl:template>
131.44 +
131.45 +<xsl:template name="getAllAssoc">
131.46 + <xsl:param name="filter"/>
131.47 + <xsl:param name="role"/>
131.48 + <xsl:param name="style" select="'default'" />
131.49 + <xsl:param name="title"/>
131.50 + <xsl:param name="box"/>
131.51 + <xsl:param name="without"/>
131.52 + <xsl:param name="currentID"/>
131.53 + <xsl:param name="againstID"/>
131.54 +
131.55 + <xsl:variable name="theseOnes" select="$associations[instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href=$filter][member/topicRef/@xlink:href=concat('#',$currentID)]" />
131.56 +
131.57 + <xsl:variable name="found"><xsl:choose>
131.58 + <xsl:when test="$style = 'sections'">
131.59 + <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="sections"><tr>
131.60 + <xsl:for-each select="$theseOnes/member/topicRef[@xlink:href!=concat('#',$currentID)][parent::*/roleSpec/topicRef/@xlink:href=$role]">
131.61 + <xsl:variable name="thisOne" select="substring-after(@xlink:href, '#')" />
131.62 + <xsl:variable name="cat" select="concat('#',$currentID)" />
131.63 + <td valign="top" class="{$style}Menu">
131.64 + <a href="{$pre-link}{$thisOne}{$post-link}" class="{$style}MenuLink"><xsl:call-template name="getTopicName"><xsl:with-param name="id" select="$thisOne" /></xsl:call-template></a>
131.65 + <div class="{$style}MenuContent"><xsl:call-template name="getClue"><xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$thisOne" /></xsl:call-template></div>
131.66 + </td>
131.67 + </xsl:for-each>
131.68 + </tr></table>
131.69 + </xsl:when>
131.70 + <xsl:when test="$style = 'news'">
131.71 + <xsl:for-each select="$theseOnes/member/topicRef[@xlink:href!=concat('#',$currentID)][parent::*/roleSpec/topicRef/@xlink:href=$role]">
131.72 + <xsl:variable name="thisOne" select="substring-after(@xlink:href, '#')" />
131.73 + <xsl:variable name="cat" select="concat('#',$currentID)" />
131.74 + <div class="{$style}Menu">
131.75 + <a href="{$pre-link}{$thisOne}{$post-link}" class="{$style}MenuLink">
131.76 + <xsl:call-template name="getTopicName"><xsl:with-param name="id" select="$thisOne" /></xsl:call-template> :
131.77 + <xsl:call-template name="getClue"><xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$thisOne" /><xsl:with-param name="style" select="'news'" /></xsl:call-template>
131.78 + </a>
131.79 + </div>
131.80 + </xsl:for-each>
131.81 + </xsl:when>
131.82 + <xsl:when test="$style = 'smallnews'">
131.83 + <xsl:for-each select="$theseOnes/member/topicRef[@xlink:href!=concat('#',$currentID)][parent::*/roleSpec/topicRef/@xlink:href=$role]">
131.84 + <xsl:variable name="thisOne" select="substring-after(@xlink:href, '#')" />
131.85 + <xsl:variable name="cat" select="concat('#',$currentID)" />
131.86 + <div class="{$style}Menu">
131.87 + <a href="{$pre-link}{$thisOne}{$post-link}" class="{$style}MenuLink">
131.88 + <xsl:call-template name="getTopicName"><xsl:with-param name="id" select="$thisOne" /></xsl:call-template> :
131.89 + <xsl:call-template name="getShort"><xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$thisOne" /></xsl:call-template>
131.90 + </a>
131.91 + </div>
131.92 + </xsl:for-each>
131.93 + </xsl:when>
131.94 + <xsl:otherwise>
131.95 +
131.96 + <xsl:variable name="allThese" select="$theseOnes/member/topicRef[@xlink:href!=concat('#',$currentID)][parent::*/roleSpec/topicRef/@xlink:href=$role]" />
131.97 + <xsl:for-each select="$allThese">
131.98 +
131.99 + <xsl:variable name="thisOne" select="substring-after(@xlink:href, '#')" />
131.100 + <xsl:variable name="cat" select="concat('#',$currentID)" />
131.101 + <xsl:choose>
131.102 + <xsl:when test="$style = 'right' or $style = 'left' or $style = 'full' or $style = 'tree'">
131.103 + <xsl:choose>
131.104 + <xsl:when test="$thisOne = $againstID">
131.105 + <div class="{$style}MenuSelected"><a href="{$pre-link}{$thisOne}{$post-link}"><xsl:call-template name="getTopicName"><xsl:with-param name="id" select="$thisOne" /></xsl:call-template></a> </div>
131.106 + </xsl:when>
131.107 + <xsl:otherwise>
131.108 + <div class="{$style}Menu"><a href="{$pre-link}{$thisOne}{$post-link}"><xsl:call-template name="getTopicName"><xsl:with-param name="id" select="$thisOne" /></xsl:call-template></a> </div>
131.109 + </xsl:otherwise>
131.110 + </xsl:choose>
131.111 + </xsl:when>
131.112 + <xsl:when test="$style = 'banner'">
131.113 + <xsl:choose>
131.114 + <xsl:when test="$thisOne = $againstID">
131.115 + <td class="{$style}MenuSelected"><a href="{$pre-link}{$thisOne}{$post-link}"><xsl:call-template name="getTopicName"><xsl:with-param name="id" select="$thisOne" /></xsl:call-template></a> </td>
131.116 + </xsl:when>
131.117 + <xsl:otherwise>
131.118 + <td class="{$style}Menu"><a href="{$pre-link}{$thisOne}{$post-link}"><xsl:call-template name="getTopicName"><xsl:with-param name="id" select="$thisOne" /></xsl:call-template></a> </td>
131.119 + </xsl:otherwise>
131.120 + </xsl:choose>
131.121 + </xsl:when>
131.122 + <xsl:otherwise>
131.123 + <xsl:if test="position() != 1"> / </xsl:if>
131.124 + <a href="{$pre-link}{$thisOne}{$post-link}"><xsl:call-template name="getTopicName"><xsl:with-param name="id" select="$thisOne" /></xsl:call-template> </a>
131.125 + </xsl:otherwise>
131.126 + </xsl:choose>
131.127 + </xsl:for-each>
131.128 + </xsl:otherwise>
131.129 + </xsl:choose>
131.130 + </xsl:variable>
131.131 + <xsl:if test="string($found)">
131.132 + <xsl:choose>
131.133 + <xsl:when test="string($box) and $style != 'news' and $style != 'right' and $style != 'left' and $style != 'full' and $style = 'tree' and $style = 'banner'">
131.134 + <table class="{$box}">
131.135 + <tr>
131.136 + <xsl:if test="string($title)"><td class="{$box}Title"><xsl:value-of select="$title" /></td></xsl:if>
131.137 + <td class="{$box}Content"><xsl:copy-of select="$found" /></td>
131.138 + </tr>
131.139 + </table>
131.140 + </xsl:when>
131.141 + <xsl:otherwise>
131.142 + <xsl:copy-of select="$found" />
131.143 + </xsl:otherwise>
131.144 + </xsl:choose>
131.145 + </xsl:if>
131.146 +</xsl:template>
131.147 +
131.148 +<xsl:template name="getAllAssocTwo">
131.149 + <xsl:param name="filter"/>
131.150 + <xsl:param name="role"/>
131.151 + <xsl:param name="type"/>
131.152 + <xsl:param name="style" select="'default'" />
131.153 + <xsl:param name="title"/>
131.154 + <xsl:param name="box"/>
131.155 + <xsl:param name="without"/>
131.156 + <xsl:param name="currentID"/>
131.157 + <xsl:param name="againstID"/>
131.158 + <xsl:variable name="theseOnes" select="$associations[instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href=$filter][member/topicRef/@xlink:href=concat('#',$currentID)]" />
131.159 + <xsl:variable name="allThese" select="$theseOnes/member/topicRef[@xlink:href!=concat('#',$currentID)][parent::*/roleSpec/topicRef/@xlink:href=$role]" />
131.160 + <xsl:variable name="w" select="substring-after($type, '#')" />
131.161 + <xsl:variable name="all" select="$topics[starts-with(@id, concat($w, '-'))]" />
131.162 + <xsl:variable name="found">
131.163 + <xsl:for-each select="$all">
131.164 + <xsl:variable name="this" select="@id" />
131.165 + <xsl:variable name="c" select="count( $allThese[substring-after(@xlink:href, '#')=$this])" />
131.166 + <xsl:if test="$c > 0">
131.167 + <xsl:variable name="single" select="$this[1]" />
131.168 + <a href="{$pre-link}{$single}{$post-link}" class="foundLink"><xsl:call-template name="getTopicName"><xsl:with-param name="id" select="$single" /></xsl:call-template></a>
131.169 + </xsl:if>
131.170 + </xsl:for-each>
131.171 + </xsl:variable>
131.172 + <xsl:if test="string($found)"><xsl:copy-of select="$found" /></xsl:if>
131.173 +</xsl:template>
131.174 +
131.175 +<xsl:template name="drawNextLevel">
131.176 + <xsl:param name="currentID"/>
131.177 + <xsl:param name="againstID"/>
131.178 + <xsl:param name="currentType"/>
131.179 + <xsl:param name="currentRole"/>
131.180 + <xsl:param name="style"/>
131.181 + <xsl:call-template name="getAllAssoc">
131.182 + <xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$currentID" />
131.183 + <xsl:with-param name="againstID" select="$againstID" />
131.184 + <xsl:with-param name="filter" select="'#group-subgroup'" />
131.185 + <xsl:with-param name="role" select="$currentRole" />
131.186 + <xsl:with-param name="box" select="'box'" />
131.187 + <xsl:with-param name="style" select="$style" />
131.188 + </xsl:call-template>
131.189 +</xsl:template>
131.190 +
131.191 +<xsl:template name="drawRelated">
131.192 + <xsl:param name="currentID"/>
131.193 + <xsl:param name="currentType"/>
131.194 + <xsl:param name="currentRole"/>
131.195 + <xsl:param name="style" select="'box'" />
131.196 + <xsl:call-template name="getAll">
131.197 + <xsl:with-param name="ThisThat" select="'#this'" />
131.198 + <xsl:with-param name="role" select="$currentRole" />
131.199 + <xsl:with-param name="box" select="$style" />
131.200 + <xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$currentID" />
131.201 + </xsl:call-template>
131.202 + <xsl:call-template name="getAll">
131.203 + <xsl:with-param name="ThisThat" select="'#that'" />
131.204 + <xsl:with-param name="role" select="$currentRole" />
131.205 + <xsl:with-param name="box" select="$style" />
131.206 + <xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$currentID" />
131.207 + </xsl:call-template>
131.208 +</xsl:template>
131.209 +
131.210 +<xsl:template name="getAll">
131.211 + <xsl:param name="ThisThat"/>
131.212 + <xsl:param name="filter"/>
131.213 + <xsl:param name="title"/>
131.214 + <xsl:param name="role"/>
131.215 + <xsl:param name="box"/>
131.216 + <xsl:param name="without"/>
131.217 + <xsl:param name="currentID"/>
131.218 + <xsl:variable name="allRelations" select="$topics[starts-with(@id, 'relation-')]" />
131.219 + <xsl:variable name="allAssociations" select="$associations[member/topicRef/@xlink:href=concat('#',$currentID)]" />
131.220 + <xsl:for-each select="$allRelations">
131.221 + <xsl:variable name="relID" select="concat('#', @id)" />
131.222 + <xsl:variable name="ThisThatRole"><xsl:choose><xsl:when test="$ThisThat = '#that'">#child</xsl:when><xsl:otherwise>#parent</xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose></xsl:variable>
131.223 + <xsl:variable name="thisName"><xsl:value-of select="baseName[scope/topicRef/@xlink:href=$ThisThat]/baseNameString" /></xsl:variable>
131.224 + <xsl:variable name="found">
131.225 + <xsl:for-each select="$allAssociations">
131.226 + <xsl:variable name="assocInstance" select="instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href" />
131.227 + <xsl:variable name="assocHref" select="member[roleSpec/topicRef/@xlink:href=$ThisThatRole]/topicRef/@xlink:href" />
131.228 + <xsl:variable name="thisID" select="substring-after($assocHref, '#')" />
131.229 + <xsl:if test="$relID = $assocInstance and $thisID != $currentID">
131.230 + <span class="{$box}Element"><a href="{$pre-link}{$thisID}{$post-link}"><xsl:call-template name="getTopicName"><xsl:with-param name="id" select="$thisID" /></xsl:call-template></a></span>
131.231 + </xsl:if>
131.232 + </xsl:for-each>
131.233 + </xsl:variable>
131.234 + <xsl:if test="string($found) and string($thisName)">
131.235 + <xsl:call-template name="drawRelationsBox">
131.236 + <xsl:with-param name="style" select="$box" />
131.237 + <xsl:with-param name="title" select="$thisName" />
131.238 + <xsl:with-param name="content" select="$found" />
131.239 + </xsl:call-template>
131.240 + </xsl:if>
131.241 + </xsl:for-each>
131.242 +</xsl:template>
131.243 +
131.244 +<xsl:template name="getAllBlogs">
131.245 + <xsl:param name="currentID"/>
131.246 + <xsl:param name="notraverse"/>
131.247 +
131.248 + <xsl:variable name="parentID">
131.249 + <xsl:call-template name="getParent">
131.250 + <xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$currentID" />
131.251 + </xsl:call-template>
131.252 + </xsl:variable>
131.253 + <xsl:choose>
131.254 + <xsl:when test="string($notraverse)">
131.255 + <xsl:variable name="theseOnes" select="$topics[instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href='#blog']" />
131.256 + <xsl:variable name="assoc" select="$associations[instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href='#group-subgroup'][member/topicRef/@xlink:href=concat('#',$currentID)]/member[roleSpec/topicRef/@xlink:href='#child']/topicRef" />
131.257 + <div class="doc">
131.258 + <xsl:for-each select="$theseOnes">
131.259 + <xsl:variable name="ct" select="." />
131.260 + <xsl:for-each select="$assoc">
131.261 + <xsl:variable name="ca" select="." />
131.262 + <xsl:variable name="t" select="substring-after($ca/@xlink:href, '#')" />
131.263 + <xsl:if test="$t = $ct/@id">
131.264 + <xsl:variable name="currentDate" select="$ct/occurrence[instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href='#blog-date']/resourceData" />
131.265 + <div class="blogDate"><xsl:value-of select="$currentDate" /></div>
131.266 + <xsl:call-template name="displayBlogItem">
131.267 + <xsl:with-param name="item" select="$ct" />
131.268 + </xsl:call-template>
131.269 + </xsl:if>
131.270 + </xsl:for-each>
131.271 + </xsl:for-each>
131.272 + </div>
131.273 + </xsl:when>
131.274 + <xsl:otherwise>
131.275 + <xsl:variable name="items" select="$topics[instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href='#blog']" />
131.276 + <xsl:call-template name="traverseBlog">
131.277 + <xsl:with-param name="items" select="$items[position() < 6]" />
131.278 + <xsl:with-param name="currentNo" select="'1'" />
131.279 + </xsl:call-template>
131.280 + </xsl:otherwise>
131.281 + </xsl:choose>
131.282 +
131.283 +</xsl:template>
131.284 +
131.285 +<xsl:template name="traverseBlog">
131.286 + <xsl:param name="items" />
131.287 + <xsl:param name="currentNo" />
131.288 + <xsl:param name="previousDate" />
131.289 +
131.290 + <xsl:variable name="item" select="$items[position() = $currentNo]" />
131.291 +
131.292 + <xsl:variable name="currentDate" select="$item/occurrence[instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href='#blog-date']/resourceData" />
131.293 +
131.294 + <xsl:if test="string($currentDate)">
131.295 +
131.296 + <xsl:if test="string($previousDate) = string($currentDate)">
131.297 + <div class="blogEnd"> </div>
131.298 + </xsl:if>
131.299 +
131.300 + <xsl:if test="$previousDate != $currentDate">
131.301 + <div class="blogDate"><xsl:value-of select="$currentDate" /></div>
131.302 + </xsl:if>
131.303 +
131.304 + <xsl:call-template name="displayBlogItem">
131.305 + <xsl:with-param name="item" select="$item" />
131.306 + </xsl:call-template>
131.307 +
131.308 + <xsl:if test="string($items[position() = $currentNo+1])">
131.309 + <xsl:call-template name="traverseBlog">
131.310 + <xsl:with-param name="items" select="$items" />
131.311 + <xsl:with-param name="currentNo" select="$currentNo + 1" />
131.312 + <xsl:with-param name="previousDate" select="$currentDate" />
131.313 + </xsl:call-template>
131.314 + </xsl:if>
131.315 +
131.316 + </xsl:if>
131.317 +
131.318 +</xsl:template>
131.319 +
131.320 +<xsl:template name="displayBlogItem">
131.321 + <xsl:param name="item" />
131.322 +
131.323 + <xsl:variable name="currentHeader" select="$item/baseName/baseNameString" />
131.324 + <xsl:variable name="currentDate" select="$item/occurrence[instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href='#blog-date']/resourceData" />
131.325 + <xsl:variable name="currentLink" select="$item/occurrence[instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href='#blog-link']/resourceData" />
131.326 + <xsl:variable name="currentShort" select="$item/occurrence[instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href='#blog-short']/resourceData" />
131.327 +
131.328 + <div class="blogItem">
131.329 + <xsl:if test="string($currentHeader)"><div class="blogHeader"><xsl:value-of select="$currentHeader" /></div></xsl:if>
131.330 +
131.331 + <xsl:variable name="fileName">../content/<xsl:value-of select="$item/@id" />.xml</xsl:variable>
131.332 + <xsl:variable name="this" select="document($fileName)/div/*" />
131.333 + <xsl:apply-templates select="$this"><xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$item/@id" /></xsl:apply-templates>
131.334 +
131.335 + <xsl:if test="string($currentLink)"><div class="blogLinkBox">Read the full story at < <a href="{$currentLink}"><xsl:value-of select="$currentHeader" /></a> ></div></xsl:if>
131.336 +
131.337 + <xsl:variable name="theseOnes" select="$associations[instanceOf/topicRef/@xlink:href='#group-subgroup'][member/topicRef/@xlink:href=concat('#',$item/@id)]/member[roleSpec/topicRef/@xlink:href='#parent']" />
131.338 +
131.339 + <span class="blogLinks"><a href="{$item/@id}.html" class="blogLink">Permalink</a>added <strong><xsl:value-of select="$currentDate" /></strong>.</span>
131.340 +
131.341 + <xsl:if test="count($theseOnes) > 0">
131.342 + <span class="blogLinks">
131.343 + Catalogued under:
131.344 + <xsl:for-each select="$theseOnes">
131.345 + <xsl:variable name="chug" select="substring-after(topicRef/@xlink:href, '#')" />
131.346 + <a href="{$pre-link}{$chug}{$post-link}" class="blogLink"><xsl:call-template name="getTopicName"><xsl:with-param name="id" select="$chug" /></xsl:call-template> </a>
131.347 + </xsl:for-each>
131.348 + </span>
131.349 + </xsl:if>
131.350 +
131.351 + </div>
131.352 +
131.353 +</xsl:template>
131.354 +
131.355 +
131.356 +</xsl:stylesheet>
132.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
132.2 +++ b/styles/vym.css Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
132.3 @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
132.4 +html { font-family:arial,sans-serif; }
132.5 +body { margin:0; padding:10px; font-family:arial,sans-serif; align:center; background-color:#ffffff; }
132.6 +
132.7 +
132.8 +
132.9 +a, a:visited, a:link, a:active
132.10 + { color:#666666; text-decoration:none; }
132.11 +a:hover { text-decoration:underline; }
132.12 +
132.13 +/* VYM specific elements*/
132.14 +
132.15 +.vym-header{
132.16 + width:96%;
132.17 + padding:2%;
132.18 + margin-bottom:10px;
132.19 + border:solid 1px black;
132.20 + background-color:#f0f0f0;
132.21 + text-align:center;
132.22 + vertical-align:center;
132.23 + font-size: 2em;
132.24 +}
132.25 +.vym-imagemap{
132.26 + width:96%;
132.27 + padding:2%;
132.28 + margin-bottom:10px;
132.29 + border: 0px;
132.30 + text-align:center;
132.31 + vertical-align:center;
132.32 +}
132.33 +.vym-BoxBottom {
132.34 + padding:10px;
132.35 + font-size:0.7em;
132.36 + border:solid 1px black;
132.37 + margin:0;
132.38 + background-color:#f0f0f0;
132.39 +}
132.40 +.vym-BoxBottomR
132.41 +{
132.42 + padding-top:1em;
132.43 + color:#676767;
132.44 + text-align:right;
132.45 +}
132.46 +.vym-footer {
132.47 + width:100%;
132.48 + border:1;
132.49 +}
132.50 +.vym-footerL { font-size:0.7em; color:#676767; text-align:left; }
132.51 +.vym-footerC { font-size:0.7em; color:#676767; text-align:center; }
132.52 +.vym-footerR { font-size:0.7em; color:#676767; text-align:right; }
132.53 +
132.54 +.vym-url {}
132.55 +
132.56 +.vym-branch0 {
132.57 + color:#000000;
132.58 + font-size: x-large;
132.59 + font-weight: bold;
132.60 +}
132.61 +.vym-branch1{
132.62 + font-size: normal;
132.63 + font-weight: normal;
132.64 +}
132.65 +.vym-branch2{
132.66 + font-size: 0.5em;
132.67 + font-weight: normal;
132.68 +}
132.69 +.vym-branch3{
132.70 + font-size:0.5em;
132.71 + font-weight: normal;
132.72 +}
132.73 +.vym-branch4{
132.74 + font-size:0.5em;
132.75 + font-weight: normal;
132.76 +}
132.77 +.vym-branch5{
132.78 + font-size:0.5em;
132.79 + font-weight: normal;
132.80 +}
132.81 +.vym-branch6{
132.82 + font-size:0.5em;
132.83 + font-weight: normal;
132.84 +}
132.85 +.vym-branch7{
132.86 + font-size:0.5em;
132.87 + font-weight: normal;
132.88 +}
132.89 +
132.90 +.vym-htmlnote{
132.91 + width:96%;
132.92 + border: solid 1px black;
132.93 + border-color: #000000;
132.94 + background-color: #eeeeee;
132.95 + font-size: 0.5em;
132.96 + font-weight: normal;
132.97 + padding: 5px;
132.98 +}
132.99 +
132.100 +.vym-note {
132.101 + width:100%;
132.102 + border: solid 1px black;
132.103 + border-color: #000000;
132.104 + background-color: #eeeeee;
132.105 + font-size: 0.5em;
132.106 + font-weight: normal;
132.107 +}
133.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
133.2 +++ b/styles/vym2html.xsl Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
133.3 @@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
133.4 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
133.5 +
133.6 +<!--
133.7 + Document : vym2html.xsl
133.8 + Created on : 20040313
133.9 + Modified : 20040512,20040622 Uwe Drechsel
133.10 + Version : 0.7
133.11 + Author : Clemens Kraus (http://www.clemens-kraus.de)
133.12 + Description: transforms vym-files into html format.
133.13 +
133.14 + Hint:
133.15 + tm.xsl and cm.xsl were taken from Alexander Johannesen's
133.16 + beautiful xSiteable content management system:
133.17 + http://xsiteable.org
133.18 + and are used with kind permission
133.19 +-->
133.20 +
133.21 +
133.22 +
133.23 +<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
133.24 +
133.25 + <!-- Include external stylesheets -->
133.26 + <xsl:include href="tm.xsl" />
133.27 + <xsl:include href="cm.xsl" />
133.28 +
133.29 + <!-- Settings and parameters -->
133.30 + <xsl:output method="html" indent="no" encoding="UTF-8"/>
133.31 + <xsl:param name="filenamep" />
133.32 + <xsl:param name="wikistylep" />
133.33 + <xsl:param name="genimagep" />
133.34 + <xsl:param name="imageonlyp" />
133.35 + <xsl:param name="stylesheetp" />
133.36 + <xsl:param name="urlHeadingp" />
133.37 + <xsl:param name="urlImagep" />
133.38 + <xsl:variable name="filename" select="$filenamep"/>
133.39 + <xsl:variable name="wikistyle" select="$wikistylep"/>
133.40 + <xsl:variable name="genimage" select="$genimagep"/>
133.41 + <xsl:variable name="imageonly" select="$imageonlyp"/>
133.42 + <xsl:variable name="stylesheet" select="$stylesheetp"/>
133.43 + <xsl:variable name="topics" select="//item" />
133.44 + <xsl:variable name="urlHeading" select="$urlHeadingp"/>
133.45 + <xsl:variable name="urlImage" select="$urlImagep"/>
133.46 +
133.47 + <xsl:variable name="level" select="'0'"/>
133.48 + <xsl:variable name="contentlist" select="false()"/>
133.49 +
133.50 +
133.51 + <xsl:variable name="fn" >
133.52 + <xsl:call-template name="getfn" >
133.53 + <xsl:with-param name="txt" select="$filename" />
133.54 + </xsl:call-template>
133.55 + </xsl:variable>
133.56 +
133.57 + <xsl:variable name="path" >
133.58 + <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space( substring($filename, 1, number(string-length($filename)-string-length($fn))) )" />
133.59 + </xsl:variable>
133.60 +
133.61 + <xsl:variable name="stylesheetn" >
133.62 + <xsl:call-template name="getfn" >
133.63 + <xsl:with-param name="txt" select="$stylesheet" />
133.64 + </xsl:call-template>
133.65 + </xsl:variable><!-- path -->
133.66 +
133.67 +
133.68 +
133.69 + <!-- Beginning of transformation here -->
133.70 + <xsl:template match="/">
133.71 + <xsl:variable name="mapversion" select="vymmap/@version"/>
133.72 + <xsl:variable name="header" >
133.73 + <xsl:call-template name="getheading" >
133.74 + <xsl:with-param name="txt" select="vymmap/mapcenter/heading" />
133.75 + </xsl:call-template>
133.76 + </xsl:variable><!-- header -->
133.77 +
133.78 + <!-- Write head of HTML document -->
133.79 + <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">]]>
133.80 + <html><xsl:text>
133.81 + <head><xsl:text>
133.82 + <title><xsl:value-of select="$header"/></title>
133.83 + <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">
<![CDATA[<link href="]]></xsl:text>
133.84 + <xsl:value-of select="$stylesheetn"/>
133.85 + <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[" rel="stylesheet" id="]]></xsl:text>
133.86 + <xsl:value-of select="$stylesheetn"/>
133.87 + <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[">]]>
133.88 + <meta name="generator" content="vym (http://www.insilmaril.de/vym/) and vym2html.xsl (http://www.clemens-kraus.de)"/><xsl:text>
133.89 + </head>
133.90 + <xsl:text>
133.91 +
133.92 + <!-- Write body of HTML document -->
133.93 + <body>
133.94 + <!-- vym title box at top of page -->
133.95 + <xsl:text>
133.96 + <div class="vymTitleBox">
133.97 + <xsl:value-of select="$header"/>
133.98 + </div>
133.99 +
133.100 + <!-- Include image of map, if wanted -->
133.101 + <xsl:if test="$genimage != ''">
133.102 + <xsl:variable name="image" select="concat($fn, '.png')" />
133.103 +
133.104 + <div class="vymImageMap">
133.105 + <img src="images/{$image}"
133.106 + border="0"
133.107 + usemap="#vymmap"
133.108 + alt="vymmap">
133.109 + </img>
133.110 + </div>
133.111 + <xsl:text>
133.112 +
133.113 + <!-- Generate image map by a first walk through all branches -->
133.114 + <map name="vymmap">
133.115 + <xsl:apply-templates select="vymmap/mapcenter/branch">
133.116 + <xsl:with-param name="genarea" select="true()"/>
133.117 + <xsl:with-param name="imageonly" select="$imageonly"/>
133.118 + </xsl:apply-templates>
133.119 + </map>
133.120 +
133.121 + <xsl:text>
133.122 + </xsl:if>
133.123 +
133.124 + <!-- Include note of mapcenter here -->
133.125 + <xsl:apply-templates select="vymmap/mapcenter/note/@href"/>
133.126 +
133.127 +
133.128 + <!-- Include all the branches, if not only image is wanted-->
133.129 + <xsl:if test="$imageonly = ''">
133.130 + <xsl:apply-templates select="vymmap/mapcenter/branch">
133.131 + <xsl:with-param name="genarea" select="false()"/>
133.132 + <xsl:with-param name="imageonly" select="$imageonly"/>
133.133 + <xsl:with-param name="depth" select="0"/>
133.134 + </xsl:apply-templates>
133.135 + </xsl:if>
133.136 +
133.137 + <!-- Box at bottom of page, containing comment and author -->
133.138 + <div class="vymBoxBottom">
133.139 + <xsl:value-of select="vymmap/@comment"/>
133.140 + <div class="vymBoxBottomR">
133.141 + <xsl:value-of select="vymmap/@author"/>
133.142 + </div>
133.143 + </div>
133.144 +
133.145 + <!-- Footer containing filename, date, selfpromotion -->
133.146 + <table class="vymFooter">
133.147 + <tr>
133.148 + <td class="vymFooterL">
133.149 + <xsl:value-of select="$fn"/>.vym
133.150 + </td>
133.151 + <td class="vymFooterC">
133.152 + <xsl:value-of select="vymmap/@date"/>
133.153 + </td>
133.154 + <td class="vymFooterR">
133.155 + vym <xsl:value-of select="$mapversion"/>
133.156 + </td>
133.157 + </tr>
133.158 + </table>
133.159 +
133.160 + </body>

133.161 + </html>

133.162 + </xsl:template><!-- Beginning of tranformation, "/" template -->
133.163 +
133.164 +
133.165 + <!-- Main Function generating a branch -->
133.166 + <xsl:template match="branch">
133.167 + <!-- Work a branch twice: a) make id for anchors, b) make output -->
133.168 + <xsl:param name="genarea"/>
133.169 + <xsl:param name="imageonly"/>
133.170 + <xsl:param name="depth"/>
133.171 + <xsl:if test="$genarea">
133.172 + <!-- Generate id's and anchors, no output yet -->
133.173 + <xsl:if test="(@x1 != '' and @y1 != '' and @x2 != '' and @y2 != '') and not(../@scrolled = 'yes')">
133.174 + <!-- Heading is used in ALT field of anchor -->
133.175 + <xsl:variable name="header">
133.176 + <xsl:call-template name="getheading" >
133.177 + <xsl:with-param name="txt" select="heading" />
133.178 + </xsl:call-template>
133.179 + </xsl:variable>
133.180 +
133.181 + <xsl:if test="($imageonly and @url) or ($imageonly and @vymLink) or $imageonly=''">
133.182 + <area>
133.183 + <xsl:attribute name="shape">
133.184 + <xsl:text>rect</xsl:text>
133.185 + </xsl:attribute>
133.186 + <xsl:attribute name="coords">
133.187 + <xsl:value-of select="@x1"/>
133.188 + <xsl:text>,</xsl:text>
133.189 + <xsl:value-of select="@y1"/>
133.190 + <xsl:text>,</xsl:text>
133.191 + <xsl:value-of select="@x2"/>
133.192 + <xsl:text>,</xsl:text>
133.193 + <xsl:value-of select="@y2"/>
133.194 + </xsl:attribute>
133.195 + <xsl:attribute name="href">
133.196 + <xsl:if test="$imageonly = ''">
133.197 + <xsl:text>#</xsl:text>
133.198 + <xsl:value-of select="generate-id(.)"/>
133.199 + </xsl:if>
133.200 + <xsl:if test="$imageonly and @url">
133.201 + <xsl:value-of select="@url"/>
133.202 + </xsl:if>
133.203 + <xsl:if test="$imageonly and @vymLink">
133.204 + <xsl:value-of select="concat( substring-before(@vymLink, '.vym'), '.html')"/>
133.205 + </xsl:if>
133.206 + </xsl:attribute>
133.207 + <xsl:attribute name="alt">
133.208 + <xsl:value-of select="$header"/>
133.209 + </xsl:attribute>
133.210 + <xsl:attribute name="title">
133.211 + <xsl:value-of select="$header"/>
133.212 + </xsl:attribute>
133.213 + </area>
133.214 + <xsl:text>
133.215 + </xsl:if>
133.216 + </xsl:if> <!--generating id's and anchors -->
133.217 +
133.218 + <xsl:apply-templates select="branch">
133.219 + <xsl:with-param name="genarea" select="true()"/>
133.220 + <xsl:with-param name="imageonly" select="$imageonly"/>
133.221 + <xsl:with-param name="depth" select="$depth +1"/>
133.222 + </xsl:apply-templates>
133.223 + </xsl:if><!--genarea-->
133.224 +
133.225 +
133.226 + <xsl:if test="$imageonly = ''">
133.227 + <xsl:if test="not($genarea)">
133.228 + <xsl:call-template name="anchor">
133.229 + <xsl:with-param name="depth" select="$depth"/>
133.230 + </xsl:call-template>
133.231 + <xsl:text>
133.232 + </xsl:if>
133.233 + </xsl:if>
133.234 + </xsl:template><!--branch-->
133.235 +
133.236 +
133.237 +
133.238 + <xsl:template name="anchor">
133.239 + <xsl:param name="depth"/>
133.240 + <xsl:if test="$depth=0">
133.241 + <hr />
133.242 + <xsl:call-template name="gen-anchor-tag">
133.243 + <xsl:with-param name="depth" select="$depth"/>
133.244 + </xsl:call-template>
133.245 + <xsl:if test="count(descendant::branch)">
133.246 + <ul>
133.247 + <xsl:apply-templates select="branch">
133.248 + <xsl:with-param name="genarea" select="false()"/>
133.249 + <xsl:with-param name="depth" select="$depth+1"/>
133.250 + </xsl:apply-templates>
133.251 + </ul>
133.252 + </xsl:if>
133.253 + </xsl:if>
133.254 +
133.255 + <xsl:if test="$depth > 0">
133.256 + <li>
133.257 + <xsl:call-template name="gen-anchor-tag">
133.258 + <xsl:with-param name="depth" select="$depth"/>
133.259 + </xsl:call-template>
133.260 + <xsl:if test="count(descendant::branch)">
133.261 + <ul>
133.262 + <xsl:apply-templates select="branch">
133.263 + <xsl:with-param name="genarea" select="false()"/>
133.264 + <xsl:with-param name="depth" select="$depth+1"/>
133.265 + </xsl:apply-templates>
133.266 + </ul>
133.267 + </xsl:if>
133.268 + </li>
133.269 + </xsl:if>
133.270 + </xsl:template><!--anchor-->
133.271 +
133.272 +
133.273 + <xsl:template name="gen-anchor-tag">
133.274 + <xsl:param name="depth"/>
133.275 +
133.276 + <xsl:variable name="header">
133.277 + <xsl:call-template name="getheading" >
133.278 + <xsl:with-param name="txt" select="heading" />
133.279 + </xsl:call-template>
133.280 + </xsl:variable><!--header-->
133.281 +
133.282 + <div class="vymBranch{$depth}">
133.283 + <xsl:if test="not($genimage = '')">
133.284 + <a name="{generate-id(.)}"></a>
133.285 + </xsl:if>
133.286 +
133.287 + <!-- start header -->
133.288 + <xsl:value-of select="$header"/>
133.289 +
133.290 + <!-- Include flags -->
133.291 + <xsl:apply-templates select="./standardFlag" />
133.292 +
133.293 + <!-- URL to external document -->
133.294 + <xsl:if test="@url != ''">
133.295 + <p class="vymURL">
133.296 + <xsl:element name="a">
133.297 + <xsl:attribute name="href">
133.298 + <xsl:value-of select="@url"/>
133.299 + </xsl:attribute>
133.300 + <xsl:if test="$urlImage= 'yes'">
133.301 + <img src="flags/url.png"
133.302 + border="0"
133.303 + valign="middle"
133.304 + alt="URL">
133.305 + </img>
133.306 + </xsl:if>
133.307 + <xsl:if test="$urlImage!= 'yes'">
133.308 + <xsl:text>> </xsl:text>
133.309 + </xsl:if>
133.310 + <xsl:if test="$urlHeading = 'yes'">
133.311 + <xsl:value-of select="$header"/>
133.312 + </xsl:if>
133.313 + <xsl:if test="$urlHeading != 'yes'">
133.314 + <xsl:value-of select="@url"/>
133.315 + </xsl:if>
133.316 + </xsl:element>
133.317 + </p>
133.318 + </xsl:if><!-- URL to ext. doc -->
133.319 + <xsl:text>
133.320 + </div>
133.321 +
133.322 + <xsl:apply-templates select="note/@href"/>
133.323 +
133.324 + <xsl:text>
133.325 + </xsl:template><!--gen-anchor-tag-->
133.326 +
133.327 +
133.328 + <xsl:template match="standardFlag">
133.329 + <xsl:variable name="flag" select="concat(., '.png')" />
133.330 + <img src="flags/{$flag}" valign="middle" border="0" alt="{$flag}">
133.331 + </img>
133.332 +
133.333 + </xsl:template><!--standardFlag-->
133.334 +
133.335 +
133.336 + <xsl:template match="note/@href">
133.337 + <div class="vymNote">
133.338 + <xsl:variable name="actualnotename">
133.339 + <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(current(),':')"/>
133.340 + </xsl:variable>
133.341 +
133.342 + <xsl:variable name="note-name">
133.343 + <xsl:if test="$path = ''">
133.344 + <xsl:value-of select="$actualnotename"/>
133.345 + </xsl:if>
133.346 + <xsl:if test="not($path = '')">
133.347 + <xsl:value-of select="concat($path, '/', $actualnotename)"/>
133.348 + </xsl:if>
133.349 + </xsl:variable><!--note-name-->
133.350 +
133.351 +
133.352 + <xsl:if test="../@fonthint = 'fixed'">
133.353 + <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><pre></xsl:text>
133.354 + </xsl:if>
133.355 +
133.356 + <xsl:variable name="currentID" select="@id" />
133.357 +
133.358 + <xsl:apply-templates select="document($note-name)/note">
133.359 + <xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$currentID" />
133.360 + </xsl:apply-templates>
133.361 +
133.362 + <xsl:if test="../@fonthint = 'fixed'">
133.363 + <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"></pre></xsl:text>
133.364 + </xsl:if>
133.365 +
133.366 + </div>
133.367 + </xsl:template><!--note/@href-->
133.368 +
133.369 +
133.370 +
133.371 +<!-- Wiki-style notation overview:
133.372 + Lines:
133.373 + + Big headlines start with the '+' character.
133.374 + - Small headlines start with the '-' character.
133.375 + Normal text doesn't have any starting notation.
133.376 + ! Notes start with an exclamation.
133.377 + . Indented text starts with a dot.
133.378 + ? Questions start with a question-mark, and
133.379 + = Answers starts with the equal-sign.
133.380 + * Points for a item-list
133.381 + # clues
133.382 +
133.383 + Links:
133.384 + use "{...}" or {(Clemens homepage) http://www.clemens-kraus.de/} for external links.
133.385 +
133.386 + Markup:
133.387 + |This is bold| text, while |/this text is italic|, |*this is pre-formatted|, and |!this is a note|
133.388 + -->
133.389 +
133.390 + <xsl:template match="note">
133.391 + <xsl:param name="currentID"/>
133.392 +
133.393 +
133.394 + <xsl:call-template name="doLine">
133.395 + <xsl:with-param name="content" select="concat(translate(.,$crlf,$controlCharacter), $controlCharacter)"/>
133.396 + <xsl:with-param name="currentID" select="$currentID"/>
133.397 + </xsl:call-template>
133.398 + </xsl:template><!--note-->
133.399 +
133.400 +
133.401 +
133.402 +
133.403 +
133.404 + <xsl:template name="getfn">
133.405 + <xsl:param name="txt" select="." />
133.406 +
133.407 + <xsl:choose>
133.408 + <xsl:when test="contains($txt, '/')" >
133.409 + <xsl:variable name="right" select="substring-after($txt, '/')" />
133.410 + <xsl:if test="string-length($right)>1" >
133.411 + <xsl:call-template name="getfn" >
133.412 + <xsl:with-param name="txt" select="$right" />
133.413 + </xsl:call-template>
133.414 + </xsl:if>
133.415 + </xsl:when>
133.416 + <xsl:otherwise>
133.417 + <xsl:value-of select="$txt" />
133.418 + </xsl:otherwise>
133.419 + </xsl:choose>
133.420 + </xsl:template><!--getfn-->
133.421 +
133.422 +
133.423 + <!-- Take care of br's (WHY?) -->
133.424 + <xsl:template name="getheading">
133.425 + <xsl:param name="txt" select="." />
133.426 + <xsl:variable name="br">
133.427 + <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><br></xsl:text>
133.428 + </xsl:variable>
133.429 + <xsl:choose>
133.430 + <xsl:when test="contains($txt, $br)" >
133.431 + <xsl:variable name="right" select="substring-after($txt, $br)" />
133.432 + <xsl:variable name="left" select="substring-before($txt, $br)" />
133.433 + <xsl:value-of select="concat( $left, ' ', $right )" />
133.434 + </xsl:when>
133.435 + <xsl:otherwise>
133.436 + <xsl:value-of select="$txt" />
133.437 + </xsl:otherwise>
133.438 + </xsl:choose>
133.439 + </xsl:template><!--getheading-->
133.440 +
133.441 +</xsl:stylesheet>
133.442 +
134.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
134.2 +++ b/styles/vym2txt.xsl Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
134.3 @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
134.4 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
134.5 +
134.6 +<!--
134.7 + Document : vym2txt.xsl
134.8 + Created on : 20040317
134.9 + Modified : 20040417
134.10 + Version : 0.1
134.11 + Author : Clemens Kraus (http://www.clemens-kraus.de)
134.12 + Description: transforms vym-files into text-format.
134.13 +
134.14 +-->
134.15 +
134.16 +<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
134.17 +
134.18 + <xsl:output method="text" indent="no" encoding="UTF-8"/>
134.19 + <xsl:param name="filenamep" />
134.20 + <xsl:variable name="filename" select="$filenamep"/>
134.21 +
134.22 + <xsl:variable name="fn" >
134.23 + <xsl:call-template name="getfn" >
134.24 + <xsl:with-param name="txt" select="$filename" />
134.25 + </xsl:call-template>
134.26 + </xsl:variable>
134.27 +
134.28 + <xsl:variable name="path" >
134.29 + <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space( substring($filename, 1, number(string-length($filename)-string-length($fn))) )" />
134.30 + </xsl:variable>
134.31 +
134.32 +
134.33 + <xsl:template match="/">
134.34 +
134.35 + <xsl:text>#VYM-Export VYM-Version:</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="vymmap/@version"/>
134.36 + <xsl:text>

134.37 +
134.38 +
134.39 + <xsl:value-of select="vymmap/mapcenter/heading"/>
134.40 + <xsl:text>

134.41 +
134.42 +
134.43 + <xsl:apply-templates select="vymmap/mapcenter/branch" >
134.44 + <xsl:with-param name="indent" select="''" />
134.45 + </xsl:apply-templates>
134.46 +
134.47 + </xsl:template>
134.48 +
134.49 +
134.50 +
134.51 +
134.52 + <xsl:template match="branch">
134.53 + <xsl:param name="width" select="70" />
134.54 +
134.55 +
134.56 + <xsl:call-template name="gen-anchor-tag" >
134.57 + <xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
134.58 + </xsl:call-template>
134.59 +
134.60 +
134.61 + <xsl:apply-templates select="branch" >
134.62 + <xsl:with-param name="indent" select="concat($indent, ' ')" />
134.63 + </xsl:apply-templates>
134.64 +
134.65 + </xsl:template>
134.66 +
134.67 +
134.68 +
134.69 +
134.70 + <xsl:template name="gen-anchor-tag">
134.71 + <xsl:param name="indent"/>
134.72 +
134.73 + <xsl:value-of select="$indent"/><xsl:text>- </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="heading"/>
134.74 +
134.75 +
134.76 + <xsl:if test="@url != ''"> (<xsl:value-of select="@url"/>)</xsl:if>
134.77 +
134.78 +
134.79 + <xsl:apply-templates select="note/@href" >
134.80 + <xsl:with-param name="indent" select="$indent" />
134.81 + </xsl:apply-templates>
134.82 +
134.83 + <xsl:text>
134.84 + </xsl:template>
134.85 +
134.86 +
134.87 +
134.88 +
134.89 +
134.90 + <xsl:template match="note/@href">
134.91 + <xsl:param name="indent"/>
134.92 +
134.93 + <xsl:variable name="actualnotename">
134.94 + <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(current(),':')"/>
134.95 + </xsl:variable>
134.96 +
134.97 + <xsl:variable name="note-name">
134.98 + <xsl:if test="$path = ''">
134.99 + <xsl:value-of select="$actualnotename"/>
134.100 + </xsl:if>
134.101 + <xsl:if test="not($path = '')">
134.102 + <xsl:value-of select="concat($path, '/', $actualnotename)"/>
134.103 + </xsl:if>
134.104 + </xsl:variable>
134.105 +
134.106 +
134.107 + <xsl:variable name="currentID" select="@id" />
134.108 +
134.109 + <xsl:text>
134.110 +
134.111 + <xsl:for-each select="document($note-name)/note/line">
134.112 + <xsl:value-of select="$indent"/><xsl:text> </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="."/>
134.113 + </xsl:for-each>
134.114 +
134.115 + </xsl:template>
134.116 +
134.117 +
134.118 +
134.119 +
134.120 +
134.121 + <xsl:template name="getfn">
134.122 + <xsl:param name="txt" select="." />
134.123 +
134.124 + <xsl:choose>
134.125 + <xsl:when test="contains($txt, '/')" >
134.126 + <xsl:variable name="right" select="substring-after($txt, '/')" />
134.127 + <xsl:if test="string-length($right)>1" >
134.128 + <xsl:call-template name="getfn" >
134.129 + <xsl:with-param name="txt" select="$right" />
134.130 + </xsl:call-template>
134.131 + </xsl:if>
134.132 + </xsl:when>
134.133 + <xsl:otherwise>
134.134 + <xsl:value-of select="$txt" />
134.135 + </xsl:otherwise>
134.136 + </xsl:choose>
134.137 +
134.138 + </xsl:template>
134.139 +
134.140 +</xsl:stylesheet>
134.141 +
135.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
135.2 +++ b/styles/vym2xhtml.xsl Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
135.3 @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
135.4 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
135.5 +<!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet
135.6 +[
135.7 + <!-- Namespace for XHTML -->
135.8 + <!ENTITY xhtmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
135.9 +]>
135.10 +
135.11 +<!--
135.12 + Document : vym2xhtml.xsl
135.13 + Created : 20040818
135.14 + License : GPL
135.15 + Version : 0.3.4
135.16 + VYM version : 1.6.0
135.17 + Author : Thomas Schraitle <tom_schr@web.de>
135.18 + Description : transforms vym-files into XHTML.
135.19 + Bugs : Many. ;) Produces at the moment not valid XHTML
135.20 + Needs to checked.
135.21 +-->
135.22 +
135.23 +<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
135.24 + xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
135.25 + xmlns:date="http://exslt.org/dates-and-times"
135.26 + extension-element-prefixes="date"
135.27 + xmlns="&xhtmlns;">
135.28 +
135.29 +
135.30 +<xsl:output method="xml"
135.31 + doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
135.32 + doctype-system="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"
135.33 + encoding="UTF-8"
135.34 + indent="yes"
135.35 + media-type="application/xhtml+xml"/>
135.36 +
135.37 +
135.38 +
135.39 +<!-- ====================================================================== -->
135.40 +<!-- 1 = true, 0 = false -->
135.41 +
135.42 +<!-- URL to CSS stylesheet -->
135.43 +<xsl:param name="css.stylesheet" select="'vym.css'"/>
135.44 +
135.45 +<!-- Should a default CSS stylesheet be used? -->
135.46 +<xsl:param name="use.default.css.stylesheet" select="1"/>
135.47 +
135.48 +<!-- Should textcolors be used? -->
135.49 +<xsl:param name="use.textcolor" select="0"/>
135.50 +
135.51 +<!-- Should an imagemap be generated? -->
135.52 +<xsl:param name="use.imagemap" select="1"/>
135.53 +
135.54 +<!-- URL to image for imagemap -->
135.55 +<xsl:param name="imagemap" select="''"/>
135.56 +
135.57 +<!-- This stylesheet is able to process the following VYM version -->
135.58 +<xsl:param name="vym.version" select="'1.6.0'"/>
135.59 +
135.60 +<!-- Should the VYM XML format be checked -->
135.61 +<xsl:param name="checkvym.version" select="1"/>
135.62 +
135.63 +<!-- Which is the image extension? -->
135.64 +<xsl:param name="image.extension" select="'.png'"/>
135.65 +
135.66 +<!-- Where are the flags? -->
135.67 +<xsl:param name="image.flags.path" select="'flags/'"/>
135.68 +
135.69 +<!-- Filename of the XML document -->
135.70 +<xsl:param name="mapname" />
135.71 +
135.72 +<!-- Should a footer be generated? -->
135.73 +<xsl:param name="use.footer" select="1"/>
135.74 +
135.75 +<!-- How should Links generated:
135.76 + name : Use only the name of the branch (default)
135.77 + url : Use only the URL of the branch
135.78 + both : Use both
135.79 +-->
135.80 +<xsl:param name="link.style" select="'name'"/>
135.81 +
135.82 +
135.83 +
135.84 +<!-- Debuggin on/off? -->
135.85 +<xsl:param name="debug" select="0"/>
135.86 +<xsl:template name="generate.footer">
135.87 + <xsl:if test="$use.footer">
135.88 + <hr/>
135.89 + <table class="vym-footer">
135.90 + <tr >
135.91 + <td class="vym-footerL"><xsl:value-of select="$mapname"/></td>
135.92 + <td class="vym-footerC"><xsl:value-of select="vymmap/@date"/> </td>
135.93 + <!--<td class="vym-footerC"><xsl:value-of select="date:date()"/></td>-->
135.94 + <td class="vym-footerR">vym <xsl:value-of select="vymmap/@version"/></td>
135.95 + </tr>
135.96 + </table>
135.97 + </xsl:if>
135.98 +</xsl:template>
135.99 +
135.100 +
135.101 +
135.102 +
135.103 +
135.104 +<!-- ====================================================================== -->
135.105 +<xsl:variable name="head.title">
135.106 + <xsl:choose>
135.107 + <xsl:when test="/vymmap/mapcenter/heading">
135.108 + <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(/vymmap/mapcenter/heading)"/>
135.109 + </xsl:when>
135.110 + <xsl:otherwise></xsl:otherwise>
135.111 + </xsl:choose>
135.112 +</xsl:variable>
135.113 +
135.114 +
135.115 +<xsl:variable name="default.css.stylesheet">
135.116 + <xsl:text>
135.117 +h1 {border-width: 1; border: solid; text-align: center}
135.118 +div.imagemap { align: center; border: 0; }
135.119 + </xsl:text>
135.120 +</xsl:variable>
135.121 +
135.122 +
135.123 +<!-- ====================================================================== -->
135.124 +<xsl:template name="generate.head">
135.125 + <head>
135.126 + <title><xsl:value-of select="$head.title"/></title>
135.127 + <xsl:if test="$use.default.css.stylesheet">
135.128 + <style type="text/css">
135.129 + <xsl:value-of select="$default.css.stylesheet"/>
135.130 + </style>
135.131 + </xsl:if>
135.132 + <xsl:if test="vymmap/@author!=''">
135.133 + <meta name="author" content="{vymmap/@author}"/>
135.134 + </xsl:if>
135.135 + <xsl:if test="vymmap/@comment!=''">
135.136 + <meta name="comment" content="{vymmap/@comment}"/>
135.137 + </xsl:if>
135.138 + <meta name="generator" content="vym"/>
135.139 + <xsl:if test="$css.stylesheet!=''">
135.140 + <link rel="stylesheet" id="css.stylesheet" href="{$css.stylesheet}"/>
135.141 + </xsl:if>
135.142 + </head>
135.143 +</xsl:template>
135.144 +
135.145 +
135.146 +<xsl:template name="check.vym.version">
135.147 + <xsl:if test="$checkvym.version">
135.148 + <xsl:if test="not(/vymmap/@version=$vym.version)">
135.149 + <xsl:message>
135.150 + <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
135.151 + <xsl:text> WARNING:</xsl:text>
135.152 + <xsl:text> This stylesheet applies to VYM XML format v.</xsl:text>
135.153 + <xsl:value-of select="$vym.version"/>
135.154 + <xsl:text>. Your XML format has v</xsl:text>
135.155 + <xsl:value-of select="/vymmap/@version"/>
135.156 + <xsl:text>. Check your HTML output!</xsl:text>
135.157 + <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
135.158 + </xsl:message>
135.159 + </xsl:if>
135.160 + </xsl:if>
135.161 +</xsl:template>
135.162 +
135.163 +
135.164 +<!-- ====================================================================== -->
135.165 +<xsl:template match="*">
135.166 + <xsl:message>
135.167 + <xsl:text>WARNING: Unknown tag "</xsl:text>
135.168 + <xsl:value-of select="local-name(.)"/>
135.169 + <xsl:text>": </xsl:text>
135.170 + <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
135.171 + <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
135.172 + </xsl:message>
135.173 +</xsl:template>
135.174 +
135.175 +
135.176 +<xsl:template match="/">
135.177 + <xsl:call-template name="check.vym.version"/>
135.178 +
135.179 + <html xmlns="&xhtmlns;">
135.180 + <xsl:call-template name="generate.head"/>
135.181 + <body>
135.182 + <xsl:apply-templates/>
135.183 + <xsl:call-template name="generate.footer"/>
135.184 +
135.185 + </body>
135.186 + </html>
135.187 +</xsl:template>
135.188 +
135.189 +
135.190 +<xsl:template match="vymmap">
135.191 + <div class="vymmap">
135.192 + <xsl:apply-templates/>
135.193 + </div>
135.194 +</xsl:template>
135.195 +
135.196 +
135.197 +<xsl:template match="mapcenter">
135.198 + <div class="mapcenter">
135.199 + <xsl:apply-templates/>
135.200 + </div>
135.201 +</xsl:template>
135.202 +
135.203 +
135.204 +<xsl:template match="mapcenter/heading">
135.205 + <div class="vym-header">
135.206 + <xsl:apply-templates/>
135.207 + </div>
135.208 +
135.209 + <xsl:if test="$use.imagemap=1">
135.210 + <div class="vym-imagemap">
135.211 + <img src="{$imagemap}"
135.212 + alt="Imagemap"
135.213 + class="imagemap"
135.214 + usemap="#vym_imagemap"/>
135.215 + </div>
135.216 + <map name="vym_imagemap">
135.217 + <xsl:apply-templates select="../branch" mode="imagemap"/>
135.218 + </map>
135.219 + </xsl:if>
135.220 +</xsl:template>
135.221 +
135.222 +
135.223 +<xsl:template match="mapcenter/branch">
135.224 + <hr/>
135.225 + <ul class="branch">
135.226 + <xsl:apply-templates/>
135.227 + </ul>
135.228 +</xsl:template>
135.229 +
135.230 +
135.231 +<xsl:template match="branch">
135.232 + <ul class="branch">
135.233 + <xsl:apply-templates/>
135.234 + </ul>
135.235 +</xsl:template>
135.236 +
135.237 +
135.238 +<xsl:template match="heading">
135.239 + <li class="heading">
135.240 + <span id="{generate-id(..)}">
135.241 + <xsl:if test="@textColor!='' and $use.textcolor=1">
135.242 + <xsl:attribute name="style" >color: <xsl:value-of select="@textColor" />
135.243 + </xsl:attribute>
135.244 + </xsl:if>
135.245 + <xsl:choose>
135.246 + <xsl:when test="../@url">
135.247 + <xsl:variable name="url" select="../@url"/>
135.248 +
135.249 + <!-- Check, how links should be generated -->
135.250 + <xsl:choose>
135.251 + <xsl:when test="$link.style = 'name'">
135.252 + <a href="{$url}">
135.253 + <img src="{concat($image.flags.path,'url.png')}" border="0" valign="middle" alt="URL"/>
135.254 + <xsl:apply-templates/>
135.255 + </a>
135.256 + </xsl:when>
135.257 + <xsl:when test="$link.style = 'url'">
135.258 + <a href="{$url}">
135.259 + <img src="{concat($image.flags.path,'url.png')}" border="0" valign="middle" alt="URL"/>
135.260 + <xsl:value-of select="$url"/>
135.261 + </a>
135.262 + </xsl:when>
135.263 + <xsl:when test="$link.style = 'both'">
135.264 + <a href="{$url}">
135.265 + <img src="{concat($image.flags.path,'url.png')}" border="0" valign="middle" alt="URL"/>
135.266 + <xsl:apply-templates/> ( <xsl:value-of select="$url"/>)
135.267 + </a>
135.268 + </xsl:when>
135.269 + <xsl:otherwise>
135.270 + <xsl:message>
135.271 + <xsl:text>WARNING: Parameter link.style doesn't contain the correct</xsl:text>
135.272 + <xsl:text> value (name|url|both)</xsl:text>
135.273 + <xsl:text> was "</xsl:text>
135.274 + <xsl:value-of select="$link.style"/>
135.275 + <xsl:text>"</xsl:text>
135.276 + </xsl:message>
135.277 + <a href="{$url}"><xsl:apply-templates/></a>
135.278 + </xsl:otherwise>
135.279 + </xsl:choose>
135.280 +
135.281 + </xsl:when>
135.282 + <xsl:otherwise>
135.283 + <xsl:apply-templates/>
135.284 + </xsl:otherwise>
135.285 + </xsl:choose>
135.286 +
135.287 + <xsl:for-each select="following-sibling::standardflag">
135.288 + <xsl:apply-templates select="current()" mode="standardflag"/>
135.289 + </xsl:for-each>
135.290 + </span>
135.291 + </li>
135.292 +</xsl:template>
135.293 +
135.294 +
135.295 +<xsl:template match="floatimage">
135.296 + <xsl:variable name="filename">
135.297 + <xsl:choose>
135.298 + <xsl:when test="contains(@href,':')">
135.299 + <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(@href,':')"/>
135.300 + </xsl:when>
135.301 + <xsl:otherwise>
135.302 + <xsl:value-of select="@href"/>
135.303 + </xsl:otherwise>
135.304 + </xsl:choose>
135.305 + </xsl:variable>
135.306 +
135.307 + <xsl:if test="@floatExport='true'">
135.308 + <span><img src="{$filename}" alt="{$filename}"/></span>
135.309 + </xsl:if>
135.310 +</xsl:template>
135.311 +
135.312 +
135.313 +<xsl:template match="standardflag"/><!-- Do nothing in normal mode -->
135.314 +
135.315 +<xsl:template match="standardflag" mode="standardflag">
135.316 + <span class="standardflag">
135.317 + <xsl:element name="img">
135.318 + <xsl:variable name="_srcimg">
135.319 + <xsl:choose>
135.320 + <xsl:when test="$image.flags.path">
135.321 + <xsl:value-of select="concat($image.flags.path,
135.322 + .,
135.323 + $image.extension)"/>
135.324 + </xsl:when>
135.325 + <xsl:otherwise>
135.326 + <xsl:value-of select="concat(., $image.extension)"/>
135.327 + </xsl:otherwise>
135.328 + </xsl:choose>
135.329 + </xsl:variable>
135.330 + <xsl:attribute name="src">
135.331 + <xsl:value-of select="$_srcimg"/>
135.332 + </xsl:attribute>
135.333 + <xsl:attribute name="alt">
135.334 + <xsl:value-of select="$_srcimg"/>
135.335 + </xsl:attribute>
135.336 + </xsl:element>
135.337 + </span>
135.338 +</xsl:template>
135.339 +
135.340 +<!-- Do nothing! -->
135.341 +<xsl:template match="select"/>
135.342 +<xsl:template match="setting"/>
135.343 +
135.344 +
135.345 +<xsl:template match="htmlnote">
135.346 + <div class="vym-htmlnote" >
135.347 + <xsl:apply-templates select=".//body/*"/><!-- Select only body elements -->
135.348 + </div>
135.349 +</xsl:template>
135.350 +
135.351 +<!-- Do nothing! We don't need some informational elements -->
135.352 +<xsl:template match="htmlnote/html/*"/>
135.353 +
135.354 +<xsl:template match="htmlnote/html/body">
135.355 + <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
135.356 +</xsl:template>
135.357 +
135.358 +<xsl:template match="htmlnote/html/body/*">
135.359 + <xsl:copy-of select="."/>
135.360 +</xsl:template>
135.361 +
135.362 +
135.363 +<!-- ====================================================================== -->
135.364 +<xsl:template match="branch" mode="imagemap">
135.365 + <xsl:param name="node"/>
135.366 + <xsl:variable name="title">
135.367 + <xsl:apply-templates mode="imagemap"/>
135.368 + </xsl:variable>
135.369 +
135.370 + <xsl:if test="$debug=1">
135.371 + <xsl:message>
135.372 + branch/heading = "<xsl:value-of select="normalize-space($title)"/>"
135.373 + x1, x2 = <xsl:value-of select="concat(@x1, '/', @x2)"/>
135.374 + y1, y2 = <xsl:value-of select="concat(@y1, '/', @y2)"/>
135.375 + </xsl:message>
135.376 + </xsl:if>
135.377 +
135.378 + <area shape="rect">
135.379 + <xsl:attribute name="href">
135.380 + <xsl:choose><!-- Fix begin (!) -->
135.381 + <xsl:when test="$imagemap != ''">
135.382 + <xsl:value-of select="concat('#', generate-id(.))"/>
135.383 + </xsl:when>
135.384 + <xsl:when test="$imagemap and @url">
135.385 + <xsl:value-of select="@url"/>
135.386 + </xsl:when>
135.387 + <xsl:when test="$imagemap and @vymLink">
135.388 + <xsl:value-of select="concat( substring-before(@vymLink,
135.389 +'.vym'), '.html')"/>
135.390 + </xsl:when>
135.391 + </xsl:choose><!-- Fix end -->
135.392 + </xsl:attribute>
135.393 + <xsl:attribute name="alt">
135.394 + <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space($title)"/>
135.395 + </xsl:attribute>
135.396 + <xsl:attribute name="title">
135.397 + <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space($title)"/>
135.398 + </xsl:attribute>
135.399 + <xsl:attribute name="coords">
135.400 + <xsl:choose>
135.401 + <xsl:when test="@x1!='' and @x2!='' and @y1!='' and @y2!=''">
135.402 + <xsl:value-of select="@x1"/>
135.403 + <xsl:text>,</xsl:text>
135.404 + <xsl:value-of select="@y1"/>
135.405 + <xsl:text>,</xsl:text>
135.406 + <xsl:value-of select="@x2"/>
135.407 + <xsl:text>,</xsl:text>
135.408 + <xsl:value-of select="@y2"/>
135.409 + </xsl:when>
135.410 + <xsl:otherwise>
135.411 + <!--
135.412 + <xsl:message>
135.413 + <xsl:text>ERROR: Some coordinates in branch are
135.414 +missing! </xsl:text>
135.415 + <xsl:text> See branch with </xsl:text>
135.416 + <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space($title)"/>
135.417 + </xsl:message>
135.418 + //-->
135.419 + </xsl:otherwise>
135.420 + </xsl:choose>
135.421 + </xsl:attribute>
135.422 + </area>
135.423 + <xsl:apply-templates select="./branch" mode="imagemap"/>
135.424 +</xsl:template>
135.425 +
135.426 +
135.427 +
135.428 +<xsl:template match="heading" mode="imagemap">
135.429 + <xsl:apply-templates mode="imagemap"/>
135.430 +</xsl:template>
135.431 +
135.432 +
135.433 +</xsl:stylesheet>
135.434 \ No newline at end of file
136.1 Binary file styles/wiki/answer.gif has changed
137.1 Binary file styles/wiki/point.gif has changed
138.1 Binary file styles/wiki/question.gif has changed
139.1 Binary file tex/branches-flags.png has changed
140.1 Binary file tex/branches.png has changed
141.1 Binary file tex/color-buttons.png has changed
142.1 Binary file tex/default-flags.png has changed
143.1 Binary file tex/example1.png has changed
144.1 Binary file tex/find-window.png has changed
145.1 Binary file tex/flag-url.png has changed
146.1 Binary file tex/flag-vymlink.png has changed
147.1 Binary file tex/formatfixedfont.png has changed
148.1 Binary file tex/move-buttons.png has changed
149.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
149.2 +++ b/tex/vym.tex Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
149.3 @@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
149.4 +\documentclass{article}
149.5 +\usepackage{a4}
149.6 +\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
149.7 +\usepackage{verbatim}
149.8 +\usepackage{hyperref}
149.9 +\usepackage{graphicx}
149.10 +\usepackage{longtable}
149.11 +
149.12 +
149.13 +%\input{udmath}
149.14 +
149.15 +
149.16 +\hypersetup{bookmarks, bookmarksopen,
149.17 + pdftitle={VYM - a tool for visual thinking },
149.18 + pdfauthor={Uwe Drechsel},
149.19 + pdfsubject={map},
149.20 + pdfkeywords={map, tool},
149.21 + pdfpagemode={UseOutlines},
149.22 + bookmarksopenlevel={1},
149.23 + colorlinks={true},
149.24 + linkcolor={blue},
149.25 + urlcolor={green},
149.26 + citecolor={red}}
149.27 +
149.28 +
149.29 +\newcommand{\vym}{{\sc vym }}
149.30 +\newcommand{\ra}{$\longrightarrow$}
149.31 +\newcommand{\la}{$\longleftarrow$}
149.32 +\newcommand{\ua}{$\uparrow$}
149.33 +\newcommand{\da}{$\downarrow$}
149.34 +\newcommand{\key}[1]{[#1]}
149.35 +
149.36 +\begin{document}
149.37 +\title{VYM \\ -- \\View Your Mind}
149.38 +\author{\textcopyright Uwe Drechsel }
149.39 +%\date{September 26, 2002}
149.40 +
149.41 +\maketitle
149.42 +
149.43 +\tableofcontents
149.44 +
149.45 +\newpage
149.46 +
149.47 +\section{Introduction}
149.48 +\subsection{What is a \vym map?}
149.49 +A \vym map (in short words {\em map}) is a tree like structure:
149.50 +\begin{center}
149.51 + \includegraphics[width=12cm]{example1.png}
149.52 +\end{center}
149.53 +Such maps can be drawn by hand on paper or a flip chart and help to
149.54 +structure your thoughs. While a tree like structure like above can be
149.55 +drawn by hand or any drawing software \vym offers
149.56 +much more features to work with such maps. \vym is not another drawing
149.57 +software, but a tool to store and modify information in an intuitive
149.58 +way. For example you can reorder parts of the map by pressing a key or
149.59 +add various information like a complete email by a simple mouse click.
149.60 +
149.61 +\subsection{Why should I use maps? Time, Space and your Brain.}
149.62 +\subsubsection*{Space}
149.63 +A map can concentrate a very complex content on little space e.g. a
149.64 +piece of paper. It helps to use both sides of your brain: the logical
149.65 +side and also your creative side (e.g. by using pictures, colors and
149.66 +keywords in a map, so called {\em anchors}). It is a technique to
149.67 +organize the way you think: It can help you by developing, sorting and
149.68 +memorizing your thoughts.
149.69 +
149.70 +\subsubsection*{Time}
149.71 +Because you just use keywords and drawings, it is much faster than good
149.72 +old fashioned notes. Your brain memorizes things by associating them to
149.73 +other things -- a map makes use of those connections and stimulates
149.74 +new asccociations.
149.75 +
149.76 +\subsubsection*{Your Brain}
149.77 +In 1960 the Prof. {\sc Roger Sperry} discovered that both hemispheres
149.78 +of the human brain have different tasks (of course both of them
149.79 +basically {\em can} do the same): The left side is specialised in
149.80 +\begin{itemize}
149.81 + \item verbal speech and writing
149.82 + \item numbers
149.83 + \item logical thinking
149.84 + \item analyzing and details
149.85 + \item science
149.86 + \item linear thinking
149.87 + \item concept of time
149.88 +\end{itemize}
149.89 +while the right side of the human brain is specialised in
149.90 +\begin{itemize}
149.91 + \item body language
149.92 + \item visual thinking, day dreams
149.93 + \item intuition and emotion
149.94 + \item overview of things
149.95 + \item creativity
149.96 + \item art, music, dancing
149.97 + \item non-linear thinking, connecting things
149.98 + \item spatial awareness
149.99 +\end{itemize}
149.100 +In our science oriented society we have learned to mainly rely on our
149.101 +left side of the brain, the "rational" one. In other cultures,
149.102 +especially like the native americans and other "old" cultures, the right
149.103 +side is much more important. maps are just one way to stimulate the
149.104 +other side and make use of additional ressources we all have.
149.105 +
149.106 +
149.107 +\subsection{Where could I use a map?}
149.108 +Here are some examples, how you can use those maps
149.109 +\begin{itemize}
149.110 + \item to prepare articles, papers, books, talks, \ldots
149.111 + \item to sort complex data
149.112 + \item to memorize facts, persons, vocabulary, \ldots
149.113 + \item to sort emails, files and bookmarks on your computer
149.114 + \item to moderate conferences
149.115 +\end{itemize}
149.116 +
149.117 +\subsection{What you shouldn't do with a map...}
149.118 +A map drawn by somebody shows the way the author thinks. There is
149.119 +no right or wrong in the way it is drawn, so there is no way to critize
149.120 +it. "It is, what it is" ({\sc F.~Lehmann}).
149.121 +
149.122 +%\section{Tutorials}
149.123 +%TODO
149.124 +
149.125 +\section{Concept}
149.126 +
149.127 +%TODO may add a general introduction here...
149.128 +
149.129 +\vym uses two windows: an editor for the map itself and another one for
149.130 +notes, which are part of the map. Let's call them {\em mapeditor} and
149.131 +{\em noteeditor}:
149.132 +\begin{center}
149.133 + \includegraphics[width=8cm]{windows.png}
149.134 +\end{center}
149.135 +Usually you will work in the {\em mapeditor} by just adding new
149.136 +branches, moving around and reordering them. The various ways to do this
149.137 +will be explained in \ref{mapeditor}. You can store additional
149.138 +information e.g. the content of a email easily in a {\em branch}: Just
149.139 +type or copy\&paste it into the {\em noteeditor}. Working with notes is
149.140 +explained in \ref{noteeditor}
149.141 +
149.142 +The map itself has always a {\em mapcenter}. The
149.143 +mapcenter has {\em branches} just like the trunk of a tree. Each branch
149.144 +in turn may have branches again.
149.145 +\begin{center}
149.146 + \includegraphics[width=10cm]{branches.png}
149.147 +\end{center}
149.148 +We will call a branch directly connected to the mapcenter a {\em
149.149 +mainbranch}, because it determines the position of all its child
149.150 +branches.
149.151 +
149.152 +The mapcenter and the branches all have a {\em heading}. This is the
149.153 +text you see in the mapeditor. Usually it should just be one or a few
149.154 +words, so that one can easily keep track of the whole map.
149.155 +
149.156 +
149.157 +In the toolbar above the mapeditor you see various symbols.
149.158 +\begin{center}
149.159 + \includegraphics[width=8cm]{default-flags.png}
149.160 +\end{center}
149.161 +These are called {\em flags} and can be used to mark branches in the
149.162 +map, e.g. if something is important or questionable.
149.163 +There are also more flags set by \vym automatically to show additional
149.164 +information, e.g. when a exists for a particular branch.
149.165 +
149.166 +\section{Mapeditor} \label {mapeditor}
149.167 +\subsection{Start a new map}
149.168 +After \vym is started two windows will open: the mapeditor and the
149.169 +noteditor. Usually you will work in both windows, but at the moment we
149.170 +will just need the mapeditor.
149.171 +
149.172 +Select the mapcenter "New map" in the middle of the mapeditor by
149.173 +left-clicking with the mouse. It will turn yellow to show that is
149.174 +selected. There are two ways to add a new branch to the center:
149.175 +\begin{itemize}
149.176 + \item Main menu on top of mapeditor window:
149.177 + Edit \ra Add new Branch
149.178 + \item Press \key{Ins}
149.179 +\end{itemize}
149.180 +A new branch will appear and you will be able to type the heading of the
149.181 +branch. Finish adding the new branch by pressing \key{Enter}.
149.182 +%tipp
149.183 +Sometimes it comes handy to add a new branch above or below the current
149.184 +one. Use \key{Ins} together with \key{Shift} or \key{Ctrl}.
149.185 +
149.186 +\subsection{Navigate through a map}
149.187 +\subsubsection*{Select branches}
149.188 +To select branches you can use the left button of your mouse or also the
149.189 +arrow keys. Depending on the {\em orientation} of a branch type
149.190 +\key{\la} or \key{\ra} to get nearer to the mapcenter or deeper
149.191 +down into the branches. Within a set of branches, let's call them a
149.192 +{\em subtree}, you can use \key{\ua} and \key{\da} to go up and down. You can
149.193 +also use \key{Pos1} and \key{End} to select the first and last branch.
149.194 +
149.195 +
149.196 +\subsubsection*{Zoom a map}
149.197 +While adding more and more branches the size of the map may become
149.198 +bigger than the mapeditor window. You can use the scrollbars on the
149.199 +right and the bottom of your mapeditor window to scroll, but it is
149.200 +easier to just scroll using the left mouse button: Click onto the {\em
149.201 +canvas} itself, the empty space somewhere between the branches. The
149.202 +mouse pointer will change from an arrow to a hand, now move the visible
149.203 +part of the map to show the desired part.
149.204 +
149.205 +If you select branches using the arrow keys, the map will scroll
149.206 +to ensure that the selected branch is always visible.
149.207 +
149.208 +Working with huge maps, the {\em zoom}-function comes in handy: You can
149.209 +use
149.210 +\begin{itemize}
149.211 + \item from the menu View \ra Zoom
149.212 + \item the toolbar buttons
149.213 + \begin{center}
149.214 + \includegraphics[width=3cm]{zoom-buttons.png}
149.215 + \end{center}
149.216 +\end{itemize}
149.217 +The crossed magnifying lens resets the zoomed view to its original size.
149.218 +
149.219 +
149.220 +\subsubsection*{Find Function} \label{findwindow}
149.221 +With huge maps there is the need to have a
149.222 +find function. Choose Edit \ra Find to open the Find Window:
149.223 +\begin{center}
149.224 + \includegraphics[width=6cm]{find-window.png}
149.225 +\end{center}
149.226 +The text you enter here will be searched in all the headings and also in
149.227 +notes. Everytime you press the "Find"-button it will look for the next
149.228 +occurence, which then will be selected automatically. If the search
149.229 +fails, there will appear a short message "Nothing found" or a few
149.230 +seconds in the {\em statusbar} on the bottom of the mapeditor.
149.231 +
149.232 +\subsubsection*{Scroll a part of the map}
149.233 +A very big subtree of a map e.g. a branch with hundreds of childs makes
149.234 +it very hard to keep an overview over the whole map. You can hide all
149.235 +the childs of a branch by {\em scrolling} it -- this function is also
149.236 +often called {\em folding}. Think of the whole subtree as painted onto a
149.237 +big newspaper. You can scroll the paper to a small roll, leaving just
149.238 +the headline readable.
149.239 +
149.240 +To scroll or unscroll a branch and its childs, press the
149.241 +\begin{itemize}
149.242 + \item \key{Scroll} key or
149.243 + \item press the middle-mouse button or
149.244 + \item choose the little scroll from the toolbar.
149.245 +\end{itemize}
149.246 +If you select parts of a scrolled branch e.g. using the find function or
149.247 +by using the arrow-keys, it will unscroll temporary. This is shown as a
149.248 +scroll with a little hour glass. If the temporary unscrolled part is not
149.249 +longer needed, it will be hidden again automatically. It is also
149.250 +possible to unscroll all branches using "Edit\ra Unscroll all scrolled
149.251 +branches".
149.252 +
149.253 +
149.254 +
149.255 +\subsection{Modify and move branches}
149.256 +\subsubsection*{Modify the heading of a branch}
149.257 +You can edit the heading by selecting the branch and then
149.258 +\begin{itemize}
149.259 + \item pressing \key{Enter}
149.260 + \item double-clicking with left mouse.
149.261 +\end{itemize}
149.262 +Just type the new heading (or edit the old one) and press \key{Enter}.
149.263 +
149.264 +\subsubsection*{Move a branch}
149.265 +The easiest way to move a branch is to select it with left-mouse and
149.266 +drag it to the destination while keeping the mouse button pressed.
149.267 +Depending on the branch it will be
149.268 +\begin{itemize}
149.269 + \item moved to the destination or
149.270 + \item {\em linked} to a new {\em parent} (mapcenter or branch)
149.271 +\end{itemize}
149.272 +If you drag the branch over another one or over the mapcenter, you will
149.273 +notice that the link connecting it to the old parent will be changed to
149.274 +lead to the new parent which is now under your mousepointer.
149.275 +If you release the button now, the branch will be relinked.
149.276 +
149.277 +If you release the button in the middle of nowhere, the result will
149.278 +depend on the type of branch you are releasing:
149.279 +\begin{itemize}
149.280 + \item A mainbranch is directly connected to the mapcenter.
149.281 + It will stay on its new position.
149.282 + \item An ordinary branch will "jump" back to its original position.
149.283 +\end{itemize}
149.284 +Thus you can easily rearrange the layout of the mainbranches to avoid
149.285 +overlapping of their subtrees.
149.286 +There is another convenient way to move branches, especially if you want
149.287 +to {\em reorder} a subtree: You can move a branch up or down in a
149.288 +subtree by
149.289 +\begin{itemize}
149.290 + \item pressing \key{\ua} and \key {\da}
149.291 + \item selecting Edit \ra Move branch
149.292 + \item clicking on the toolbar buttons:
149.293 + \begin{center}
149.294 + \includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{move-buttons.png}
149.295 + \end{center}
149.296 +\end{itemize}
149.297 +%tipp
149.298 +There is yet another way to move branches: If you press \key{Shift} or
149.299 +\key{Ctrl} while moving with the mouse, the branch will be added above
149.300 +or below the one the mouse pointer is over. This helps also to reorder a
149.301 +map.
149.302 +
149.303 +\subsection{The right side of your brain - colors and images}
149.304 +\subsubsection*{Change color of a heading}
149.305 +You can also use colors to put more information into a map, e.g. use
149.306 +red, green and more colors to prioritize tasks. Again you can
149.307 +\begin{itemize}
149.308 + \item use the menu and choose e.g Format \rq Set Color
149.309 + \item use the toolbar
149.310 + \begin{center}
149.311 + \includegraphics[width=3cm]{color-buttons.png}
149.312 + \end{center}
149.313 +\end{itemize}
149.314 +The first button (black in the graphic above) shows the actual color.
149.315 +Clicking on it let's you choose another color. You can also "pick"
149.316 +another color by selecting a branch with the desired color and using the
149.317 +"pick color" button. Both of the buttons showing a bucket actually put
149.318 +the current color to the selected branch. While the first one just
149.319 +colors the heading of the selection, the last one also colors all the
149.320 +childs of the selected branch.
149.321 +
149.322 +%tipp
149.323 +A very useful function is the "copy color" using the mouse: Select the
149.324 +branch which should get the new color, then press \key{Ctrl} and
149.325 +simultanously click with left-mouse on another branch to copy its color
149.326 +to the first one. Here the childs of the selection also will get the new
149.327 +color, if you just want to color the selection itself, additionally
149.328 +press \key{Shift}.
149.329 +
149.330 +\subsubsection*{Use flags}
149.331 +\vym provides various flags. You see them in the toolbar on top of the
149.332 +mapeditor window. (Note: Like all toolbars you can also move them to the
149.333 +left or the right side of the window or even detach them. Just grab the
149.334 +very left "dotted" part of the toolbar with your left-mouse button.)
149.335 +\begin{center}
149.336 + \includegraphics[width=8cm]{default-flags.png}
149.337 +\end{center}
149.338 +If you have a branch selected, you can set any number of flags by
149.339 +clicking them in the toolbar. The toolbar buttons change their state and
149.340 +always reflect the flags set in the selected branch.
149.341 +
149.342 +Presently \vym uses two kinds of flags: {\em System Flags} and {\em
149.343 +Standard Flags}. The standard flags are those shown in the toolbar.
149.344 +System flags are set by \vym to indicate e.g. that there is additional
149.345 +information in a note (more on this in \ref{noteeditor}). Later versions
149.346 +of \vym may have another kind of flags, which may be edited by the user.
149.347 +
149.348 +\subsubsection*{Images}
149.349 +You can add a image to a branch or the mapcenter by clicking with the
149.350 +right-mouse button. A context menu will open, choose "Add Image". A
149.351 +dialog window lets you choose the image to load.
149.352 +\footnote{Supported image types are: PNG, BMP, XBM, XPM and PNM. It may
149.353 + also support JPEG, MNG and GIF, if specially configured during
149.354 + compilation (as done when \vym is part of SUSE LINUX).}
149.355 +While an image is selected in the dialog, you can see a preview of the
149.356 +image.
149.357 +
149.358 +You can position the image anywhere you want, just drag it with left
149.359 +mouse. To relink it to another branch, press \key{Shift} while moving
149.360 +it. To delete it, press \key{Del}.
149.361 +
149.362 +If you right-click onto an image, a context menu will open which let's
149.363 +you first choose one of several image formats. Then a file dialog opens
149.364 +to save the image. Hint: This is used to "export" the image, it will be
149.365 +saved anyway in the map itself! You can also cut and
149.366 +copy images, but it is not possible to add objects to an image\footnote{
149.367 + Images are regarded as "extra feature". It would make working with
149.368 + the map much more complex if e.g. images could be linked to images.}
149.369 +
149.370 +The option \lq{\bf Use for export} \rq controls the output of exports
149.371 +e.g. to HTML: If set to no, the image won't appear in the {\em text}
149.372 +part of the output. This is useful for large images or if images are
149.373 +used as a kind of frame e.g. the famous cloud symbol around a part of
149.374 +the map. Those shouldn't appear in the middle of the text.
149.375 +
149.376 +At the moment image support is preliminary: Images will be saved
149.377 +together with all the other data of a map in the {\tt .vym}-file.
149.378 +Later versions will include more functionality like resizing the images,
149.379 +changing its z-value (put it into background) etc.
149.380 +
149.381 +\subsubsection*{Frames}
149.382 +A frame can be added to a branch by clicking with the
149.383 +right-mouse button. A context menu will open, where you can choose the
149.384 +frame. At the moment just a rectangle resp. "No Frame" will be offered,
149.385 +nevertheless you can use images as frames. Have a look at the demo map
149.386 +{\tt todo.vym} as an example, where the mapcenter is a cloud. You can
149.387 +use an external drawing program like {\tt gimp} to create an image,
149.388 +preferable with an transparency channel, so that you can design frames
149.389 +which don't use a rectangular borderline, just like the cloud.
149.390 +
149.391 +
149.392 +\subsection{Background design}
149.393 +The design of the background of a map and also of the links connecting
149.394 +various parts of the map can be changed by
149.395 +\begin{itemize}
149.396 + \item Selecting Format from the menu
149.397 + \item Right clicking onto the canvas, which will open a context menu
149.398 +\end{itemize}
149.399 +
149.400 +\subsubsection*{Background color}
149.401 +The color is set (and also displayed) as "Set background color".
149.402 +
149.403 +\subsubsection*{Link color}
149.404 +Links connecting branches can be colored in one of the following ways:
149.405 +\begin{itemize}
149.406 + \item use the color of the heading of the branch the links is
149.407 + \item use {\em one} color for all links. The default color is blue.
149.408 + leading to.
149.409 +\end{itemize}
149.410 +The latter can be set with "Set link color". Check or uncheck the "Use
149.411 +color of heading for link" option to choose one of the two designs for
149.412 +your map.
149.413 +
149.414 +\subsubsection*{Link style}
149.415 +\vym offers four different styles for the appearences of links:
149.416 +\begin{itemize}
149.417 + \item Line
149.418 + \item Parabel
149.419 + \item Thick Line
149.420 + \item Thick Parabel
149.421 +\end{itemize}
149.422 +The "thick" styles only draw links starting at mapcenter thick, the rest
149.423 +of the map is always painted "thin".
149.424 +
149.425 +
149.426 +\subsection{Link to other documents}
149.427 +Presently \vym supports two kind of links:
149.428 +\begin{itemize}
149.429 + \item Document, which will be opened in an external webbrowser
149.430 + \item \vym map, which will be opened in \vym itself
149.431 +\end{itemize}
149.432 +
149.433 +\subsubsection*{Webbrowser}
149.434 +Modern Webbrowsers like {\tt konqueror} are able to display various
149.435 +types of files, both local or in the internet. To enter the URL of
149.436 +any document, right-click onto a branch or use the Edit Menu
149.437 +and choose "Edit URL". Enter the path to your document (or copy and
149.438 +paste it from your browser). Examples for valid paths are:
149.439 +\begin{verbatim}
149.440 + http://www.insilmaril.de/vym/index.html
149.441 + file:/usr/share/doc/packages/vym/doc/vym.pdf
149.442 +\end{verbatim}
149.443 +If an URL was entered, a little globe will appear in the branch. By
149.444 +clicking on the globe in the toolbar or the context menu an external
149.445 +browser\footnote{
149.446 + The browser can be changed in the Settings Menu.}
149.447 +will be started.
149.448 +\begin{center}
149.449 + \includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{flag-url.png}
149.450 +\end{center}
149.451 +If you want to keep bookmarks in a map, you may want to copy the heading
149.452 +as URL: Right click onto the branch and select "Use heading for URL".
149.453 +
149.454 +\subsubsection*{\vym map}
149.455 +To link to to another map right click on a branch or choose "Edit \ra
149.456 +Enter \vym link". A file dialog opens where you can choose the map. A
149.457 +branch with a link is marked with
149.458 +\begin{center}
149.459 + \includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{flag-vymlink.png}
149.460 +\end{center}
149.461 +Clicking this flag in the toolbar or in the context menu of a branch
149.462 +will open the map in another tab (see \ref{tabs} for working with
149.463 +multiple maps). To delete an existing link, just press the "Cancel"
149.464 +button.
149.465 +
149.466 +Technical note: Internally \vym uses absolute paths, to avoid opening
149.467 +several tabs containing the same map. When a map is saved, this path is
149.468 +converted to a relative one (e.g. {\tt /home/user/vym.map} might become
149.469 +{\tt ./vym.map}. This makes it fairly easy to use multiple maps on
149.470 +different computers or export them to HTML in future.
149.471 +
149.472 +\subsection{Multiple maps} \label{tabs}
149.473 +You can work on multiple maps at the same time. Each new map is opened
149.474 +in another {\em tab}. The available tabs are shown just above the
149.475 +mapeditor. You can use the normal cut/copy/paste functions to
149.476 +copy data from one map to another.
149.477 +
149.478 +%todo
149.479 +
149.480 +%TODO
149.481 +%\subsubsection{Menus}
149.482 +%\subsubsection{Keyboard shortcuts}
149.483 +
149.484 +% Settings
149.485 +% Images
149.486 +% Copy & Paste
149.487 +% Working with tabs (multiple maps)
149.488 +% Exporting
149.489 +% Scrolling
149.490 +
149.491 +\section{Noteeditor} \label {noteeditor}
149.492 +If you want to save more text in a branch e.g. a complete email, a
149.493 +cooking recipe, or the whole source code of a software project, you can
149.494 +use the noteeditor. Since version 1.4.7 \vym supports formatted text in
149.495 +the noteeditor.
149.496 +
149.497 +\subsubsection*{States}
149.498 +Before you can type or paste text into it, you have
149.499 +to select a branch in the mapeditor. Note that the background color
149.500 +of the noteeditor indicates its state:
149.501 +\begin{itemize}
149.502 + \item black: no branch selected
149.503 + \item grey: no text entered yet
149.504 + \item white: text is already available
149.505 +\end{itemize}
149.506 +To show you in the mapeditor itself that there is a note with more
149.507 +information for a particular branch, a little note flag will appear next
149.508 +to the heading of the branch. See the lower branch on the right side:
149.509 +\begin{center}
149.510 + \includegraphics[width=8cm]{branches-flags.png}
149.511 +\end{center}
149.512 +
149.513 +\subsubsection*{Import and export notes}
149.514 +The note is always saved automatically within the \vym file itself.
149.515 +Nevertheless sometimes it is nice to import a note from an external file
149.516 +or write it. Use "File\ra~Import" and "File\ra~Export" to do so.
149.517 +
149.518 +\subsubsection*{Edit and print note}
149.519 +Editing works like in any simple texteditor, including undo and redo
149.520 +functions. You can delete the complete note by clicking the
149.521 +trashcan. Only the note itself is printed by clicking the printer icon.
149.522 +
149.523 +When pasting into the editor using the X11 copy\&paste mechanism, the
149.524 +editor will create a paragraph for each new line. Usually this is not
149.525 +wanted, so there you can convert all paragraphs into linebreaks by using
149.526 +Edit~\ra~Remove~Paragraphs or \key{ALT-X}.
149.527 +
149.528 +\subsubsection*{Fonts}
149.529 +The noteeditor is ment to be used for simple notes, not really as full
149.530 +featured text editor. Because of many requests \vym supports now
149.531 +formatted text in the noteeditor\footnote{
149.532 + \vym uses the QRichtText format, which is basically a subset of the
149.533 + formatting provided in HTML.}
149.534 +Two default fonts are supported which can be set in the Settings menu.
149.535 +One is a fixed width font, the other has variable width. The fixed font
149.536 +is usually used for emails, source code etc.\ while the variable font is
149.537 +used for simple notes, where one doesn't need fixed character widths.
149.538 +Both fonts can easily switched using the following symbol from the
149.539 +toolbar:
149.540 +\begin{center}
149.541 + \includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{formatfixedfont.png}
149.542 +\end{center}
149.543 +In the Settings menu both fonts can be set and also which font should be
149.544 +used for default.
149.545 +
149.546 +Additionally to the default fonts any font installed on your system can
149.547 +be used. Please note, that the chosen font also will be used for HTML
149.548 +exports, so you should only use fonts which are available generally.
149.549 +
149.550 +\subsubsection*{Colors and formatted text}
149.551 +Colors and text attributes (e.g. italic, bold) can
149.552 +be set with the buttons above the text.
149.553 +The text itself is divided in paragraphs. For each paragraph the format
149.554 +can be set (e.g. centered, right). A paragraph is ended when a
149.555 +\key{Return} is entered. If you just want to begin a new line, press
149.556 +\key{CTRL-Return}.
149.557 +
149.558 +\subsubsection*{Finding text}
149.559 +The noteeditor itself has no Find function, use Find in the mapeditor,
149.560 +which will also search all notes (see \ref{findwindow}).
149.561 +
149.562 +\subsubsection*{Pasting text into note editor}
149.563 +Often you will paste text into the editor from another application e.g.
149.564 +an email. Normally \vym will generate a new paragraph for each new line.
149.565 +This usually is not what you want, so you can choose from the menu
149.566 +
149.567 +\paragraph{Edit \ra Convert Paragraphs:}
149.568 +This turns paragraphs in selected text (or all text, if nothing is
149.569 +selected) into linebreaks. This is especially useful for snippets of
149.570 +source code.
149.571 +
149.572 +\paragraph{Edit \ra Join Lines:}
149.573 +Tries to format text, so that empty lines are used to delimit
149.574 +paragraphs. This is done for selected text (or all text, if nothing is
149.575 +selected). Especially useful for text like emails, meeting minutes etc.
149.576 +
149.577 +\section{Hello world}
149.578 +\vym can export its maps in various formats and can import data from
149.579 +outside (though import is still limited at the moment).
149.580 +
149.581 +\subsection{Export}
149.582 +The format in which the map will be exported can be chosen with
149.583 +\begin{itemize}
149.584 + \item File \ra Export \ra {\em format}
149.585 +\end{itemize}
149.586 +\vym offers both HTML and ASCII export.
149.587 +
149.588 +\subsubsection*{Image}
149.589 +\vym supports all image formats which are natively supported by the
149.590 +QT~toolkit:
149.591 +BMP, JPEG, PBM, PGM, PNG, PPN, XPM, and XBM.
149.592 +For use in websites and for sending images by email PNG is a good
149.593 +recommodation regarding quality and size of the image. \vym uses QTs
149.594 +default options for compressing the images.
149.595 +
149.596 +\subsubsection*{ASCII}
149.597 +Exporting an image as text is somewhat experimental at the moment. Later
149.598 +this will probably done using stylesheets. So the output may change in
149.599 +future versions of \vym.
149.600 +
149.601 +\subsubsection*{HTML}
149.602 +Before a map is exported as HTML, it will be first written as XML into a
149.603 +directory (see \ref{xmlexport}). Then the external program {\tt
149.604 +xsltproc}\footnote{On SUSE Linux {\tt xsltproc} is installed by
149.605 +default.}
149.606 +will be called to process the XML file and generate HTML code.
149.607 +%A script then will transform the XML
149.608 +%version.
149.609 +A dialog allows to set various options:
149.610 +\begin{itemize}
149.611 + \item {\bf Include image:} If set, \vym will creat an image map at
149.612 + the top of the HTML output. Clicking on a branch in the map will
149.613 + jump to the corresponding section in the output.
149.614 +
149.615 + \item {\bf Colored headings:}
149.616 + If set to yes, \vym will color the headings in the text part with the
149.617 + same colors like in the map.
149.618 + \item {\bf Show Warnings:}
149.619 + If set to yes, \vym will ask before overwriting data.
149.620 + \item {\bf Show output:}
149.621 + This is useful mainly for debugging. It will show how the processing of
149.622 + the XML file works by calling the external {\tt xsltproc}.
149.623 +\end{itemize}
149.624 +Additionally the paths to the CSS and XSL stylesheets can be set. By
149.625 +default on SUSE~Linux they will be in {\tt /usr/share/vym/styles}.
149.626 +
149.627 +%\paragraph{WIKI style:} This is very useful for easy design of webpages.
149.628 +%Here is a short overview:
149.629 +%\begin{verbatim}
149.630 +%Lines:
149.631 +% + Big headlines start with the '+' character.
149.632 +% - Small headlines start with the '-' character.
149.633 +% Normal text doesn't have any starting notation.
149.634 +% ! Notes start with an exclamation.
149.635 +% . Indented text starts with a dot.
149.636 +% ? Questions start with a question-mark, and
149.637 +% = Answers starts with the equal-sign.
149.638 +% * Points for a item-list
149.639 +% # clues
149.640 +%
149.641 +%Links:
149.642 +% use '{...}' or '{(vym homepage) http://www.insilmaril.de/vym/}'
149.643 +% for external links.
149.644 +%
149.645 +%Markup:
149.646 +% |This is bold| text, while
149.647 +% |/this text is italic|,
149.648 +% |*this is pre-formatted|, and
149.649 +% |!this is a note|
149.650 +%\end{verbatim}
149.651 +%
149.652 +%\paragraph{Show output:} This is used for debugging. \vym uses an
149.653 +%the external script {\tt vym2html.sh} to preprocess the XML-data. Then
149.654 +%\vym calls {\tt xsltproc} to generate the HTML page by using various
149.655 +%{\tt .xsl} stylesheets and {\tt wireframe.css}. If you run into problems
149.656 +%here, changing paths in {\tt $\sim$/.qt/vymrc} might help.
149.657 +
149.658 +\subsubsection*{XML} \label{xmlexport}
149.659 +The map is written into a directory both as an image and as XML. The
149.660 +directory is set in a file dialog. If the directory is not empty, you
149.661 +will be questioned if you risk to overwrite its contents.
149.662 +
149.663 +It is possible to export different maps into the same directory. Each
149.664 +file generated will have the map's name as prefix, e.g. {\tt todo.vym}
149.665 +becomes {\tt todo.xml}, {\tt todo.png}, {\tt todo-image-1.png} and so
149.666 +on. This is useful if e.g. for a website several combined maps have to
149.667 +be stored in the same directory.
149.668 +
149.669 +\subsection{Import}
149.670 +At the moment \vym can read a directory structure. This is mainly for
149.671 +testing \vym e.g. to easily create huge maps used for benchmarks (yes,
149.672 +there is still room to optimize \vym ;-)
149.673 +
149.674 +Many other applications meanwhile can export their data using XML, so
149.675 +volunteers to write import filters are welcome.
149.676 +
149.677 +\subsection{File format}
149.678 +\vym maps usually have the postfix "{\tt .vym}" and represent a
149.679 +compressed archive of data. If you want to have a
149.680 +closer look into the data structure, just uncompress the map manually
149.681 +using
149.682 +\begin{verbatim}
149.683 + unzip vymfile.vym
149.684 +\end{verbatim}
149.685 +A directory named {\tt vymfile} will be created containing further
149.686 +directories both for {\tt images} and {\tt flags}. In the {\tt vymfile}
149.687 +directory you will find the map itself, usually named {\tt vymfile.xml}.
149.688 +
149.689 +This file can be loaded directly into \vym, it does not have to be
149.690 +compressed. If you want to compress all the data yourself, use
149.691 +\begin{verbatim}
149.692 + cd vymfile
149.693 + zip -r vymfile.vym .
149.694 +\end{verbatim}
149.695 +
149.696 +
149.697 +%TODO
149.698 +%\subsubsection{Menus}
149.699 +%\subsubsection{Keyboard shortcuts}
149.700 +%Where does vym save its settings? -> ~/.qt/vymrc
149.701 +
149.702 +\section{History of \vym}
149.703 +\subsection{Future}
149.704 +There are lots of features which might find their way into \vym.
149.705 +Together with \vym you should have received a directory with example
149.706 +maps e.g. on SUSE~LINUX this is
149.707 +\begin{center}
149.708 + {\tt /usr/share/doc/packages/vym/demos}
149.709 +\end{center}
149.710 +where you find the map {\tt todo.vym}. It lists quite a lot of things to
149.711 +be done in future. If you have more ideas, contact the author at
149.712 +{\tt vym@insilmaril.de}.
149.713 +
149.714 +\subsection{Past}
149.715 +\begin{center}
149.716 +\begin{longtable}{|lcp{8cm}l|} \hline
149.717 +Version & & Comment & Date \\ \hline \hline \endhead
149.718 + \hline \endfoot
149.719 +1.6.0 & - & Added saving of xhtml settings in map& 2004-12-14 \\
149.720 +1.5.2 & - & Added Import of maps with two modes:
149.721 + add/replace & 2004-12-13 \\
149.722 + & - & Added export of part of maps & \\
149.723 + & - & Added joining of paragraphs in text editor & \\
149.724 + & - & Optimized undo: Only relevant parts are saved, which
149.725 + dramatically improves e.g. moving branches up/down
149.726 + in most maps & \\
149.727 + & - & Bugfix: QTextEdit generates invalid XML code, which
149.728 + could lead to a parse error, if font name contains a \& & \\
149.729 + & - & Bugfix: Wrong order of mainbranches in Export & \\
149.730 + & - & Bugfix: zip archive was not deleted before save, which
149.731 + could lead to much bigger files, e.g.
149.732 + when working on older \vym maps or deleted images& \\
149.733 + & - & Bugfix: Printing in Texteditor & \\
149.734 + & - & Bugfix: Wrong URLs in xhtml output & \\
149.735 + & - & Bugfix: Segfault fixed at Cursor left/right in empty map& \\
149.736 +1.5.1 & - & More options in xhtml export: external scripts & 2004-10-01 \\
149.737 +1.5.0 & - & Public release of all changes since 1.4.1 & 2004-09-26 \\
149.738 + & - & New function to replace paragraphs in note editor
149.739 + by linebreaks, this makes pasted text much nicer& \\
149.740 + & - & New option to toggle exporting of of floatimages& \\
149.741 + & - & z-plane of floatimages can be set (manually only)& \\
149.742 + & - & Bugfix: Wrong ordering of branches, if mainbranch is
149.743 + exactly left of center& \\
149.744 +1.4.7 & - & New Export to HTML by Thomas Schraitle. & 2004-09.24 \\
149.745 + & - & Bugfix: vymLink& \\
149.746 + & - & Bugfix: spaces and dots in filenames & \\
149.747 + & - & Bugfix: Error message if xsltproc is not installed& \\
149.748 +1.4.6 & - & New file format: notes are saved as part of the .xml file
149.749 + & 2004-09-15 \\
149.750 + & - & Note Editor supports Rich Text now.&\\
149.751 + & - & Parser now also nows {\tt standardflag} (all letters
149.752 + lowercase)&\\
149.753 +1.4.5 & - & Correct handling of font size in Heading & 2004-08-23 \\
149.754 +1.4.4 & - & Selecting with cursor now works between subtrees & 2004-07-29 \\
149.755 + & - & Bugfix: vymLink was set to temporary dir in 1.4.3 & \\
149.756 + & - & Bugfix: & \\
149.757 +1.4.3 & - & Optimisation: Reduced canvas objects by only
149.758 + creating objects for used flags & 2004-07-19 \\
149.759 + & - & Better visualization of moving branch above/below target&\\
149.760 + & - & Find Window informs with dialog, if the search failed&\\
149.761 + & - & System Flags are clickable now &\\
149.762 + & - & Reworked CSS and XST stylsheets (comments, indent, browser
149.763 + compatibility) &\\
149.764 + & - & vymLinks are shown in statusbar &\\
149.765 + & - & current directory is save &\\
149.766 + & - & Rewritten load/save to improve multimap handling and
149.767 + unzipped files&\\
149.768 + & - & Bugfix: vymLinks don't get deleted
149.769 + when Cancel is pressed &\\
149.770 + & - & Bugfix: Fixed a bunch of bugs in XSL for HTML export& \\
149.771 + & - & Bugfix: More toolbar buttons disabled, if action not
149.772 + possible& \\
149.773 + & - & Bugfix: Renaming .vymfile now works&\\
149.774 + & - & Bugfix: mapChanged set when toggling flags&\\
149.775 + & - & Bugfix: CTRL-N was used twice &\\
149.776 + & - & Bugfix: Del didn't work on floatimage &\\
149.777 +1.4.2 & - & Bugfix: Float image could not be deleted& \\
149.778 +1.4.1 & - & Bugfix: Color of branch not saved & 2004-05-25 \\
149.779 + & - & Bugfix: wrong path at HTML export & \\
149.780 + & - & Bugfix: map is not save with special characters in path& \\
149.781 +1.4.0 & - & Ask for confirmation before opening
149.782 + a map in multiple editors & 2004-05-17 \\
149.783 + & - & Save state of note editor (visible/minimized)& \\
149.784 + & - & Export to HTML & \\
149.785 + & - & Author and Comment is saved in map & \\
149.786 + & - & Stats are shown in Edit MapInfo & \\
149.787 + & - & Changes for OS X port (QCursor, QContextMenuEvent) & \\
149.788 + & - & Bugfix: Fonts from note editor are save now &\\
149.789 + & - & Bugfix: invisible image when parent is scrolled &\\
149.790 + & - & Bugfix: Segfault pressing "enter" for floatimage &\\
149.791 + & - & Bugfix: Images can't be outside of exported area
149.792 + anymore.& \\
149.793 + & - & Bugfix: Filenames with blanks & \\
149.794 + & - & Bugfix: Old maplink is shown when editing maplink& \\
149.795 + & - & Bugfix: always show cursor while editing heading & \\
149.796 +1.3.5 & - & Export map to dir & 2004-04-16 \\
149.797 + & - & Export to any of QTs image formats & \\
149.798 + & - & Also right side of selection is always visible now.& \\
149.799 +1.3.4 & - & Load last maps in file menu & 2004-04-07 \\
149.800 + & - & save last image path for loading & \\
149.801 + & - & Also export standard flags to dir. & \\
149.802 +1.3.3 & - & Enabled <br> in headings as manual linebreak & 2004-03-26 \\
149.803 + & - & Heading can be copied to URL &\\
149.804 + & - & Bugfix: GIFs are automatically converted to PNG now&\\
149.805 +1.3.2 & - & Add and move branches above/below selection, Texteditor copy all,& 2004-03-26 \\
149.806 +1.3.1 & - & Export to directory, changed naming in .vym& 2004-03-25 \\
149.807 +1.3.0 & - & Bugfix: Check if map can be saved at all& 2004-03-23 \\
149.808 +1.2.12 & - & Select image format before saving image & 2004-03-22 \\
149.809 +1.2.11 & - & Selecting mainbranches by up/down & 2004-03-18 \\
149.810 + & - & Export ASCII (experimental) & \\
149.811 + & - & Each map can be saved individually at quit & \\
149.812 + & - & Bugfix: Opening VymLink crashes QT & \\
149.813 + & - & Bugfix: 50\% less objects on canvas & \\
149.814 + & - & Bugfix: Ignoring LANG, now always written as UTF8&\\
149.815 +1.2.10 & - & Sort Mainbranches by angle to y-axis& 2004-03-16 \\
149.816 + & - & Import directory structure & \\
149.817 + & - & Fix: Set FrameType of MapCenter while loading map &\\
149.818 +1.2.9 & - & Jump to another vym map & 2004-03-12 \\
149.819 + & - & Mainbranches are alwas ordered clockwise & \\
149.820 +1.2.8 & - & Change frame types in context menu & 2004-03-03 \\
149.821 +1.2.7 & - & Copy / Paste and save Floatimages & 2004-02-25 \\
149.822 +1.2.6 & - & Closing vym in KDE now asks for save, too & 2004-02-24 \\
149.823 + & - & Context menu for branches & \\
149.824 + & - & Selection is saved in .vym file & \\
149.825 +1.2.5 & - & URLs to external links can be added & 2004-02-18 \\
149.826 + & - & All actions are deactived if not possible & \\
149.827 +1.2.4 & - & Images: Can be loaded, saved, relinked to other parents
149.828 +& 2004-02-16 \\
149.829 +1.2.3 & - & Zoom: Reset and finer steps shrinking/enlarging & 2004-01-27 \\
149.830 +1.2.2 & - & Editing of links (style and color) & 2004-01-27 \\
149.831 +1.2.1 & - & Bugfix: LineEdit when adding branch has correct position
149.832 + again. & 2004-01-27 \\
149.833 +1.2.0 & - & Scrolled parts are automatically unscrolled when
149.834 + selected and scrolled again later. & 2004-01-23 \\
149.835 + & - & Bugfix: Save flag is updated when multiple maps are opened& \\
149.836 + & - & Bugfix: Moving of branches is faster and more accurat
149.837 + when adding to mapcenter& \\
149.838 +1.1.7 & - & Bugfix: Remember filename of note in noteeditor & 2003-12-04 \\
149.839 +1.1.6 & - & Find Text also in Notes. & 2003-12-02 \\
149.840 +1.1.5 & - & Bugfix: Correct setting and positioning when relinking branches & 2003-11-07 \\
149.841 +1.1.4 & - & Scroll mode added (folding of subtrees). & 2003-11-03 \\
149.842 + & - & Bugfix: Wrong position of linedit in zoomed view& \\
149.843 +1.1.3 & - & Added clear button in find window, bugfixes & 2003-10-09 \\
149.844 +1.1.2 & - & Links can be colored with color of heading & 2003-10-07 \\
149.845 +1.1.1 & - & Improved visualization of linking to new branch& 2003-09-26 \\
149.846 +1.1.0 & - & Find Function & 2003-09-25 \\
149.847 + & - & Selection always stays in view & \\ \hline
149.848 +1.0.1 & - & Find function scrolls to result now & 2003-09-18\\
149.849 + & - & Bugfix: Adding branch with midmouse & \\
149.850 + & - & Bugfix: multiple repositioning of map,
149.851 + when noteeditor was changed (speedup) & \\
149.852 + & - & New Linestyles (still hardcoded) & \\ \hline
149.853 +1.0.0 & - & First public stable release & 2003-09-16 \\ \hline
149.854 +0.9.0 & - & added quick color picker (CTRL + Left Mouse) & ? \\ \hline
149.855 +0.8.0 & - & added automatic canvas resizer, removed manual resizing of
149.856 + canvas & \\
149.857 +
149.858 + & - & added settings option to paste text into new branch & \\
149.859 + & - & simplified code & \\
149.860 + & - & Added heart flag & \\
149.861 + & - & Choose and switch between fixed and variable width fonts& \\
149.862 + & - & note editor & \\
149.863 + & - & Fixed segfault caused by undo and a call of updateNoteFlag of
149.864 + note editor & \\
149.865 + & - & Added settings menu to configure autoselect \& autoedit mode & \\
149.866 + & - & autoedit \& autoselect mode & \\
149.867 + & - & Fixed ugly display problem with QT Palette (Klaas Freitag)& \\
149.868 + & - & Reduced temporary directories from 4 to 1 & \\
149.869 + & - & Added wordwrap in printing of notes & \\
149.870 + & - & New toolbar buttons in texteditor & \\
149.871 + & - & Set background color & \\
149.872 + & - & Fixed bug: Flags in toolbar not updated when selecting map center & \\ \hline
149.873 +0.7.0 & - & No more segfault, when an object is deleted while being edited & \\
149.874 + & - & Keep focus constant when zooming in/out & \\
149.875 + & - & Export as png graphic & \\
149.876 + & - & Keep Center of map where it is while zooming & \\
149.877 + & - & Added Standard Flags (Smiley, Hook, Stopsign, ...) & \\
149.878 + & - & MDI: Multi Document Interface enables working on several
149.879 + maps simultanously & \\
149.880 + & - & Enabled creating a new map via argument on commandline & \\
149.881 + & - & Changed file extension from .mmap to .vym & \\
149.882 + & - & noteeditor changes color, if empty or nothing is selected & \\
149.883 + & - & Changes in NoteEditor window are recognized by main window,
149.884 + too, thus preventing loosing data when quitting the program. & \\ \hline
149.885 +0.6.0 & - & New rendering engine: Faster, no flickering & \\ \hline
149.886 +0.5.0 & - & Changed printing to use maximum space on paper& \\
149.887 + & - & Note editor is hidden, too, when mapeditor is minimized& \\
149.888 + & - & New (compressed) file format& \\ \hline
149.889 +0.4.0 & - & Size of map is saved& \\
149.890 + & - & Multi Line Headings & \\
149.891 + & - & Reworked Rendering Engine: Much faster now.& \\
149.892 + & - & Reworked Undo: Much faster now.& \\
149.893 + & - & Enabled moving of map center& \\
149.894 + & - & Multi-line headings & \\ \hline
149.895 +0.3.0 & - & Introduced Undo& \\
149.896 + & - & Fixed some bugs & \\ \hline
149.897 +0.2.0 & - & Moving view of map improved:& \\
149.898 + & - & New handling (acrobat reader style)& \\
149.899 + & - & New mousepointer& \\
149.900 + & - & Several tools to color a map& \\ \hline
149.901 +0.1.0 & - & Inital version, basic map layout & \\
149.902 + & - & Data is stored in XML& \\
149.903 +\end{longtable}
149.904 +\end{center}
149.905 +
149.906 +
149.907 +% INDEX
149.908 +% mapeditor
149.909 +% noteditor
149.910 +% branch
149.911 +% mapcenter
149.912 +% heading
149.913 +% flag
149.914 +% orientation
149.915 +% zoom
149.916 +% orientation
149.917 +% Toolbar
149.918 +% Zoom
149.919 +% Find
149.920 +% statusbar
149.921 +% link
149.922 +% mainbranch
149.923 +% subtree
149.924 +% reorder
149.925 +% scroll
149.926 +% fold
149.927 +
149.928 +
149.929 +
149.930 +\end{document}
149.931 \ No newline at end of file
150.1 Binary file tex/windows.png has changed
151.1 Binary file tex/zoom-buttons.png has changed
152.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
152.2 +++ b/texteditor.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
152.3 @@ -0,0 +1,921 @@
152.4 +#include "texteditor.h"
152.5 +
152.6 +#include <qcanvas.h>
152.7 +#include <qstatusbar.h>
152.8 +#include <qmessagebox.h>
152.9 +#include <qaction.h>
152.10 +#include <qapplication.h>
152.11 +#include <qpainter.h>
152.12 +#include <qprinter.h>
152.13 +#include <qfile.h>
152.14 +#include <qfiledialog.h>
152.15 +#include <qtoolbar.h>
152.16 +#include <qpopupmenu.h>
152.17 +#include <qmenubar.h>
152.18 +#include <qtextedit.h>
152.19 +#include <qaccel.h>
152.20 +#include <qtextstream.h>
152.21 +#include <qpaintdevicemetrics.h>
152.22 +#include <qsettings.h>
152.23 +#include <qfontdialog.h>
152.24 +#include <qmessagebox.h>
152.25 +#include <qcolordialog.h>
152.26 +#include <qregexp.h>
152.27 +#include <qlineedit.h>
152.28 +#include <qsimplerichtext.h>
152.29 +
152.30 +#include <iostream>
152.31 +#include <stdlib.h>
152.32 +#include <typeinfo>
152.33 +
152.34 +#include "icons/fileopen.xpm"
152.35 +#include "icons/filesave.xpm"
152.36 +#include "icons/fileprint.xpm"
152.37 +#include "icons/editundo.xpm"
152.38 +#include "icons/editredo.xpm"
152.39 +#include "icons/editcopy.xpm"
152.40 +#include "icons/editcut.xpm"
152.41 +#include "icons/editpaste.xpm"
152.42 +#include "icons/edittrash.xpm"
152.43 +#include "icons/formatfixedfont.xpm"
152.44 +#include "icons/formattextbold.xpm"
152.45 +#include "icons/formattextitalic.xpm"
152.46 +#include "icons/formattextunder.xpm"
152.47 +#include "icons/formattextleft.xpm"
152.48 +#include "icons/formattextcenter.xpm"
152.49 +#include "icons/formattextright.xpm"
152.50 +#include "icons/formattextjustify.xpm"
152.51 +
152.52 +extern QCanvas* actCanvas;
152.53 +extern int statusbarTime;
152.54 +extern QSettings settings;
152.55 +
152.56 +using namespace std;
152.57 +
152.58 +
152.59 +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
152.60 +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
152.61 +
152.62 +TextEditor::TextEditor()
152.63 +{
152.64 + printer = new QPrinter( QPrinter::HighResolution );
152.65 +
152.66 + // Editor
152.67 + e = new QTextEdit( this, "editor" );
152.68 + e->setFocus();
152.69 + e->setTextFormat(RichText); // default
152.70 + e->setTabStopWidth (20); // unit is pixel
152.71 + e->setColor (black);
152.72 + connect (e, SIGNAL( textChanged() ), this, SLOT( editorChanged() ) );
152.73 + setCentralWidget( e );
152.74 + statusBar()->message( "Ready", statusbarTime);
152.75 + setCaption("VYM - Note Editor");
152.76 +
152.77 + // Toolbars
152.78 + setupFileActions();
152.79 + setupEditActions();
152.80 + setupFormatActions();
152.81 + setupSettingsActions();
152.82 +
152.83 + // Various states
152.84 + emptyPaper = QBrush(gray);
152.85 + filledPaper = QBrush(white);
152.86 + inactivePaper= QBrush(black);
152.87 + setInactive();
152.88 +
152.89 + // Load Settings
152.90 + resize (settings.readNumEntry( "/vym/noteeditor/geometry/width", 450),
152.91 + settings.readNumEntry( "/vym/noteeditor/geometry/height",600));
152.92 + move (settings.readNumEntry( "/vym/noteeditor/geometry/posX", 150),
152.93 + settings.readNumEntry( "/vym/noteeditor/geometry/posY", 50));
152.94 +
152.95 + if (settings.readEntry( "/vym/noteeditor/showWithMain","yes") =="yes")
152.96 + setShowWithMain(true);
152.97 + else
152.98 + setShowWithMain(false);
152.99 +
152.100 + varFont.fromString( settings.readEntry
152.101 + ("/vym/noteeditor/fonts/varFont",
152.102 + "Nimbus Sans l,14,-1,5,48,0,0,0,0,0")
152.103 + );
152.104 + fixedFont.fromString (settings.readEntry (
152.105 + "/vym/noteeditor/fonts/fixedFont",
152.106 + "Courier,14,-1,5,48,0,0,0,1,0")
152.107 + );
152.108 + QString s=settings.readEntry ("/vym/noteeditor/fonts/fonthintDefault","variable");
152.109 + if (s == "fixed")
152.110 + {
152.111 + actionSettingsFonthintDefault->setOn (true);
152.112 + e->setCurrentFont (fixedFont);
152.113 + } else
152.114 + {
152.115 + actionSettingsFonthintDefault->setOn (false);
152.116 + e->setCurrentFont (varFont);
152.117 + }
152.118 +}
152.119 +
152.120 +
152.121 +TextEditor::~TextEditor()
152.122 +{
152.123 + if (printer) delete printer;
152.124 + // Save Settings
152.125 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/noteeditor/geometry/width", width() );
152.126 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/noteeditor/geometry/height", height() );
152.127 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/noteeditor/geometry/posX", pos().x() );
152.128 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/noteeditor/geometry/posY", pos().y() );
152.129 +
152.130 + if (showWithMain())
152.131 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/noteeditor/showWithMain","yes");
152.132 + else
152.133 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/noteeditor/showWithMain","no");
152.134 +
152.135 + QString s;
152.136 + if (actionSettingsFonthintDefault->isOn() )
152.137 + s="fixed";
152.138 + else
152.139 + s="variable";
152.140 + settings.writeEntry( "/vym/noteeditor/fonts/fonthintDefault",s );
152.141 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/noteeditor/fonts/varFont",
152.142 + varFont.toString() );
152.143 + settings.writeEntry ("/vym/noteeditor/fonts/fixedFont",
152.144 + fixedFont.toString() );
152.145 +}
152.146 +
152.147 +bool TextEditor::isEmpty()
152.148 +{
152.149 + if (e->text().length())
152.150 + return false;
152.151 + else
152.152 + return true;
152.153 +}
152.154 +
152.155 +void TextEditor::setShowWithMain(bool v)
152.156 +{
152.157 + showwithmain=v;
152.158 +}
152.159 +
152.160 +bool TextEditor::showWithMain()
152.161 +{
152.162 + return showwithmain;
152.163 +}
152.164 +
152.165 +void TextEditor::setFontHint (const QString &fh)
152.166 +{
152.167 + if (fh=="fixed")
152.168 + actionFormatUseFixedFont->setOn (true);
152.169 + else
152.170 + actionFormatUseFixedFont->setOn (false);
152.171 +}
152.172 +
152.173 +
152.174 +QString TextEditor::getFontHint()
152.175 +{
152.176 + if (actionFormatUseFixedFont->isOn())
152.177 + return "fixed";
152.178 + else
152.179 + return "var";
152.180 +}
152.181 +
152.182 +QString TextEditor::getFontHintDefault()
152.183 +{
152.184 + if (actionSettingsFonthintDefault->isOn())
152.185 + return "fixed";
152.186 + else
152.187 + return "var";
152.188 +}
152.189 +
152.190 +void TextEditor::setFilename(const QString &fn)
152.191 +{
152.192 + if (state==filledEditor)
152.193 + if (fn.isEmpty() )
152.194 + {
152.195 + filename="";
152.196 + statusBar()->message( "No filename available for this note.", statusbarTime );
152.197 + }
152.198 + else
152.199 + {
152.200 + filename=fn;
152.201 + statusBar()->message( QString( "Current filename is %1" ).arg( filename ), statusbarTime );
152.202 + }
152.203 +}
152.204 +
152.205 +QString TextEditor::getFilename()
152.206 +{
152.207 + return filename;
152.208 +}
152.209 +
152.210 +bool TextEditor::findText(const QString &t, const bool &cs)
152.211 +{
152.212 + bool wo=false; // word matches
152.213 + if (e->find (t, cs, wo, true, 0, 0 ))
152.214 + return true;
152.215 + else
152.216 + return false;
152.217 +}
152.218 +
152.219 +void TextEditor::setupFileActions()
152.220 +{
152.221 + QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this );
152.222 + tb->setLabel( "File Actions" );
152.223 + QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
152.224 + menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&File" ), menu );
152.225 +
152.226 + QAction *a;
152.227 + a = new QAction( tr( "Import" ), QPixmap( fileopen_xpm), tr( "&Import..." ), CTRL + Key_O, this, "fileImport" );
152.228 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textLoad() ) );
152.229 + a->setEnabled(false);
152.230 + a->addTo( tb );
152.231 + a->addTo( menu );
152.232 + actionFileLoad=a;
152.233 +
152.234 + menu->insertSeparator();
152.235 + a = new QAction( tr( "Export Note (HTML)" ), QPixmap( filesave_xpm ), tr( "&Export..." ), CTRL + Key_S, this, "fileSave" );
152.236 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textSave() ) );
152.237 + a->addTo( tb );
152.238 + a->addTo( menu );
152.239 + actionFileSave=a;
152.240 +
152.241 + a = new QAction( tr( "Export Note As (HTML) " ), QPixmap(), tr( "Export &As... (HTML)" ), 0, this, "exportHTML" );
152.242 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textSaveAs() ) );
152.243 + a->addTo( menu );
152.244 + actionFileSaveAs=a;
152.245 +
152.246 + a = new QAction( tr( "Export Note As (ASCII) " ), QPixmap(), tr( "Export &As...(ASCII)" ), ALT + Key_X, this, "exportASCII" );
152.247 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textExportAsASCII() ) );
152.248 + a->addTo( menu );
152.249 + actionFileSaveAs=a;
152.250 +
152.251 + menu->insertSeparator();
152.252 + a = new QAction( tr( "Print Note" ), QPixmap( fileprint_xpm ), tr( "&Print..." ), CTRL + Key_P, this, "filePrint" );
152.253 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textPrint() ) );
152.254 + a->addTo( tb );
152.255 + a->addTo( menu );
152.256 + actionFilePrint=a;
152.257 +}
152.258 +
152.259 +void TextEditor::setupEditActions()
152.260 +{
152.261 + QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this );
152.262 + tb->setLabel( "Edit Actions" );
152.263 + QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
152.264 + menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&Edit" ), menu );
152.265 +
152.266 + QAction *a;
152.267 + a = new QAction( tr( "Undo" ), QPixmap(editundo_xpm), tr( "&Undo" ), CTRL + Key_Z, this, "undoEvent" );
152.268 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), e, SLOT( undo() ) );
152.269 + a->addTo( menu );
152.270 + a->addTo( tb);
152.271 + actionEditUndo=a;
152.272 +
152.273 + a = new QAction( tr( "Redo" ), QPixmap( editredo_xpm ), tr( "&Redo" ), CTRL + Key_Y, this, "editRedo" );
152.274 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), e, SLOT( redo() ) );
152.275 + a->addTo( tb );
152.276 + a->addTo( menu );
152.277 + actionEditRedo=a;
152.278 +
152.279 + menu->insertSeparator();
152.280 + a = new QAction( tr( "Select and copy all" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Select and copy &all" ), CTRL + Key_A, this, "editcopyall" );
152.281 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCopyAll() ) );
152.282 + a->addTo( menu );
152.283 +
152.284 + menu->insertSeparator();
152.285 + a = new QAction( tr( "Copy" ), QPixmap( editcopy_xpm ), tr( "&Copy" ), CTRL + Key_C, this, "editCopy" );
152.286 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), e, SLOT( copy() ) );
152.287 + a->addTo( tb );
152.288 + a->addTo( menu );
152.289 + actionEditCopy=a;
152.290 +
152.291 + a = new QAction( tr( "Cut" ), QPixmap( editcut_xpm ), tr( "Cu&t" ), CTRL + Key_X, this, "editCut" );
152.292 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), e, SLOT( cut() ) );
152.293 + a->addTo( tb );
152.294 + a->addTo( menu );
152.295 + actionEditCut=a;
152.296 +
152.297 + a = new QAction( tr( "Paste" ), QPixmap( editpaste_xpm ), tr( "&Paste" ), CTRL + Key_V, this, "editPaste" );
152.298 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), e, SLOT( paste() ) );
152.299 + a->addTo( tb );
152.300 + a->addTo( menu );
152.301 + actionEditPaste=a;
152.302 +
152.303 + a = new QAction( tr( "Delete all" ), QPixmap( edittrash_xpm ), tr( "&Delete All" ), 0, this, "editDeleteAll" );
152.304 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), e, SLOT( clear() ) );
152.305 + a->addTo( tb );
152.306 + a->addTo( menu );
152.307 + actionEditDeleteAll=a;
152.308 +
152.309 + a = new QAction( tr( "Convert paragraphs to linebreaks" ), QPixmap(), tr( "&Convert Paragraphs" ), ALT + Key_P, this, "editConvertPar" );
152.310 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textConvertPar() ) );
152.311 + a->addTo( menu );
152.312 + actionEditConvertPar=a;
152.313 +
152.314 + a = new QAction( tr( "Join all lines of a paragraph" ), QPixmap(), tr( "&Join lines" ), ALT + Key_J, this, "editJoinLines" );
152.315 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textJoinLines() ) );
152.316 + a->addTo( menu );
152.317 + actionEditJoinLines=a;
152.318 +}
152.319 +
152.320 +void TextEditor::setupFormatActions()
152.321 +{
152.322 + QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar( this );
152.323 + tb->setLabel( "Format Actions" );
152.324 + QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
152.325 + menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&Format" ), menu );
152.326 +
152.327 + QAction *a;
152.328 +
152.329 + a = new QAction( tr( "Toggle font hint for the whole text" ), QPixmap(formatfixedfont_xpm), tr( "&Font hint" ), ALT + Key_I, this, "fontHint" );
152.330 + a->setToggleAction (true);
152.331 + a->setOn (settings.readBoolEntry ("/vym/noteeditor/fonts/useFixedByDefault",false) );
152.332 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( toggleFonthint() ) );
152.333 + a->addTo( menu );
152.334 + a->addTo( tb );
152.335 + actionFormatUseFixedFont=a;
152.336 +
152.337 + menu->insertSeparator();
152.338 +
152.339 + comboFont = new QComboBox( true, tb );
152.340 + QFontDatabase db;
152.341 + comboFont->insertStringList( db.families() );
152.342 + connect( comboFont, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ),
152.343 + this, SLOT( textFamily( const QString & ) ) );
152.344 + comboFont->lineEdit()->setText( QApplication::font().family() );
152.345 +
152.346 + comboSize = new QComboBox( true, tb );
152.347 + QValueList<int> sizes = db.standardSizes();
152.348 + QValueList<int>::Iterator it = sizes.begin();
152.349 + for ( ; it != sizes.end(); ++it )
152.350 + comboSize->insertItem( QString::number( *it ) );
152.351 + connect( comboSize, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ),
152.352 + this, SLOT( textSize( const QString & ) ) );
152.353 + comboSize->lineEdit()->setText( QString::number( QApplication::font().pointSize() ) );
152.354 +
152.355 + menu->insertSeparator();
152.356 +
152.357 + QPixmap pix( 16, 16 );
152.358 + pix.fill( e->color());
152.359 + actionTextColor = new QAction( pix, tr( "&Color..." ), 0, this, "textColor" );
152.360 + connect( actionTextColor, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textColor() ) );
152.361 + actionTextColor->addTo( tb );
152.362 + actionTextColor->addTo( menu );
152.363 +
152.364 + actionTextBold = new QAction( QPixmap (formattextbold_xpm), tr( "&Bold" ), CTRL + Key_B, this, "textBold" );
152.365 + connect( actionTextBold, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textBold() ) );
152.366 + actionTextBold->addTo( tb );
152.367 + actionTextBold->addTo( menu );
152.368 + actionTextBold->setToggleAction( true );
152.369 + actionTextItalic = new QAction( QPixmap(formattextitalic_xpm ), tr( "&Italic" ), CTRL + Key_I, this, "textItalic" );
152.370 + connect( actionTextItalic, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textItalic() ) );
152.371 + actionTextItalic->addTo( tb );
152.372 + actionTextItalic->addTo( menu );
152.373 + actionTextItalic->setToggleAction( true );
152.374 + actionTextUnderline = new QAction( QPixmap (formattextunder_xpm ), tr( "&Underline" ), CTRL + Key_U, this, "textUnderline" );
152.375 + connect( actionTextUnderline, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( textUnderline() ) );
152.376 + actionTextUnderline->addTo( tb );
152.377 + actionTextUnderline->addTo( menu );
152.378 + actionTextUnderline->setToggleAction( true );
152.379 + menu->insertSeparator();
152.380 +
152.381 + QActionGroup *grp = new QActionGroup( this );
152.382 + connect( grp, SIGNAL( selected( QAction* ) ), this, SLOT( textAlign( QAction* ) ) );
152.383 +
152.384 + actionAlignLeft = new QAction( QPixmap (formattextleft_xpm ), tr( "&Left" ), CTRL + Key_L, grp, "textLeft" );
152.385 + actionAlignLeft->setToggleAction( true );
152.386 + actionAlignCenter = new QAction( QPixmap (formattextcenter_xpm ), tr( "C&enter" ), CTRL + Key_E, grp, "textCenter" );
152.387 + actionAlignCenter->setToggleAction( true );
152.388 + actionAlignRight = new QAction( QPixmap (formattextright_xpm ), tr( "&Right" ), CTRL + Key_R, grp, "textRight" );
152.389 + actionAlignRight->setToggleAction( true );
152.390 + actionAlignJustify = new QAction( QPixmap ( formattextjustify_xpm ), tr( "&Justify" ), CTRL + Key_J, grp, "textjustify" );
152.391 + actionAlignJustify->setToggleAction( true );
152.392 +
152.393 + grp->addTo( tb );
152.394 + grp->addTo( menu );
152.395 +
152.396 + connect( e, SIGNAL( currentFontChanged( const QFont & ) ),
152.397 + this, SLOT( fontChanged( const QFont & ) ) );
152.398 + connect( e, SIGNAL( currentColorChanged( const QColor & ) ),
152.399 + this, SLOT( colorChanged( const QColor & ) ) );
152.400 + connect( e, SIGNAL( currentAlignmentChanged( int ) ),
152.401 + this, SLOT( alignmentChanged( int ) ) );
152.402 +
152.403 +}
152.404 +
152.405 +void TextEditor::setupSettingsActions()
152.406 +{
152.407 + QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
152.408 + menuBar()->insertItem( tr( "&Settings" ), menu );
152.409 +
152.410 + QAction *a;
152.411 + a = new QAction( tr( "Set fixed font" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Set &fixed font" ), 0, this, "setFixedFont" );
152.412 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( setFixedFont() ) );
152.413 + a->addTo( menu );
152.414 + actionSettingsFixedFont=a;
152.415 +
152.416 + a = new QAction( tr( "Set variable font" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Set &variable font" ), 0, this, "setvariableFont" );
152.417 + connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( setVarFont() ) );
152.418 + a->addTo( menu );
152.419 + actionSettingsVarFont=a;
152.420 +
152.421 + a = new QAction( tr( "Used fixed font by default" ), QPixmap(), tr( "&fixed font is default" ), 0, this, "fonthintDefault" );
152.422 + a->setToggleAction (true);
152.423 + // set state later in constructor...
152.424 + a->addTo( menu );
152.425 + actionSettingsFonthintDefault=a;
152.426 +}
152.427 +
152.428 +void TextEditor::textLoad()
152.429 +{
152.430 + if (state!=inactiveEditor)
152.431 + {
152.432 + if (e->length())
152.433 + {
152.434 + QMessageBox mb( "VYM - Note Editor",
152.435 + "Loading will overwrite the existing note",
152.436 + QMessageBox::Warning,
152.437 + QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
152.438 + QMessageBox::Cancel,
152.439 + 0 );
152.440 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, "Load note" );
152.441 + switch( mb.exec() ) {
152.442 + case QMessageBox::Cancel:
152.443 + return;
152.444 + break;
152.445 + }
152.446 + }
152.447 + // Load note
152.448 + QFileDialog *fd=new QFileDialog( this);
152.449 + fd->addFilter ("ASCII texts (*.txt)");
152.450 + fd->addFilter ("VYM notes (*.html)");
152.451 + fd->show();
152.452 + QString fn;
152.453 + if ( fd->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
152.454 + fn = fd->selectedFile();
152.455 +
152.456 + if ( !fn.isEmpty() )
152.457 + {
152.458 + QFile f( fn );
152.459 + if ( !f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) )
152.460 + return;
152.461 +
152.462 + QTextStream ts( &f );
152.463 + setText( ts.read() );
152.464 + editorChanged();
152.465 + }
152.466 + }
152.467 +}
152.468 +
152.469 +void TextEditor::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* ce )
152.470 +{
152.471 + if ( !e->isModified() )
152.472 + {
152.473 + ce->accept(); // TextEditor can be reopened with show()
152.474 + return;
152.475 + }
152.476 +}
152.477 +
152.478 +QString TextEditor::getText()
152.479 +{
152.480 + return e->text();
152.481 +}
152.482 +
152.483 +void TextEditor::editorChanged()
152.484 +{
152.485 + // received, when QTextEdit::text() has changed
152.486 + EditorState oldstate=state;
152.487 +
152.488 + if (isEmpty())
152.489 + state=emptyEditor;
152.490 + else
152.491 + state=filledEditor;
152.492 +
152.493 + if (state != oldstate)
152.494 + {
152.495 + if (state==emptyEditor)
152.496 + e->setPaper (emptyPaper);
152.497 + else
152.498 + e->setPaper (filledPaper);
152.499 + }
152.500 + // SLOT is LinkableMapObj, which will update systemFlag
152.501 + emit (textHasChanged() );
152.502 +}
152.503 +
152.504 +
152.505 +void TextEditor::setText(QString t)
152.506 +{
152.507 + if ( !QStyleSheet::mightBeRichText( t ) )
152.508 + t = QStyleSheet::convertFromPlainText( t, QStyleSheetItem::WhiteSpaceNormal );
152.509 + e->setReadOnly(false);
152.510 + e->setText(t);
152.511 + editorChanged(); //not called automagically
152.512 +
152.513 + enableActions();
152.514 +}
152.515 +
152.516 +void TextEditor::setInactive()
152.517 +{
152.518 + setText("");
152.519 + state=inactiveEditor;
152.520 + e->setPaper (inactivePaper);
152.521 + e->setReadOnly (true);
152.522 +
152.523 + disableActions();
152.524 +}
152.525 +
152.526 +void TextEditor::editCopyAll()
152.527 +{
152.528 + e->selectAll();
152.529 + e->copy();
152.530 +}
152.531 +
152.532 +void TextEditor::textSaveAs()
152.533 +{
152.534 + QString fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( QString::null, "VYM Note (HTML) (*.html);;All files (*)",
152.535 + this,"export note dialog",tr("Export Note to single file") );
152.536 +
152.537 + if ( !fn.isEmpty() )
152.538 + {
152.539 + QFile file (fn);
152.540 + if (file.exists())
152.541 + {
152.542 + QMessageBox mb( "VYM",
152.543 + tr("The file ") + fn +
152.544 + tr(" exists already. "
152.545 + "Do you want to overwrite it?"),
152.546 + QMessageBox::Warning,
152.547 + QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
152.548 + QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Escape,
152.549 + QMessageBox::NoButton );
152.550 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr("Overwrite") );
152.551 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::No, tr("Cancel"));
152.552 + switch( mb.exec() ) {
152.553 + case QMessageBox::Yes:
152.554 + // save
152.555 + filename = fn;
152.556 + textSave();
152.557 + return;
152.558 + case QMessageBox::Cancel:
152.559 + // do nothing
152.560 + break;
152.561 + }
152.562 + } else
152.563 + {
152.564 + filename = fn;
152.565 + textSave();
152.566 + return;
152.567 + }
152.568 + }
152.569 + statusBar()->message(tr( "Couldn't export note ") + fn, statusbarTime );
152.570 +}
152.571 +
152.572 +
152.573 +void TextEditor::textSave()
152.574 +{
152.575 + if ( filename.isEmpty() )
152.576 + {
152.577 + textSaveAs();
152.578 + return;
152.579 + }
152.580 +
152.581 + QString text = e->text();
152.582 + QFile f( filename );
152.583 + if ( !f.open( IO_WriteOnly ) )
152.584 + {
152.585 + statusBar()->message( QString("Could not write to %1").arg(filename),
152.586 + statusbarTime );
152.587 + return;
152.588 + }
152.589 +
152.590 + QTextStream t( &f );
152.591 + t << text;
152.592 + f.close();
152.593 +
152.594 + e->setModified( FALSE );
152.595 +
152.596 + statusBar()->message( QString( "Note exported as %1" ).arg( filename ), statusbarTime );
152.597 +}
152.598 +
152.599 +void TextEditor::textConvertPar()
152.600 +{
152.601 + // In X11 a copy&paste generates paragraphs,
152.602 + // which is not always wanted
152.603 + // This function replaces paragraphs by linebreaks.
152.604 + int parFrom, parTo, indFrom, indTo;
152.605 + e->getSelection (&parFrom,&indFrom,&parTo,&indTo);
152.606 + QString t;
152.607 + if (parFrom>-1)
152.608 + t=e->selectedText();
152.609 + else
152.610 + t=e->text();
152.611 +
152.612 + QRegExp re("<p.*>");
152.613 + re.setMinimal(true);
152.614 + t.replace (re,"");
152.615 + t.replace ("</p>","<br />");
152.616 + if (parFrom>-1)
152.617 + {
152.618 + e->setCursorPosition (parFrom,indFrom);
152.619 + e->cut();
152.620 + // Tried to simply insert the changed text with
152.621 + // e->insert (t,(uint)(QTextEdit::RemoveSelected));
152.622 + // but then the html would be quoted. So I use the ugly
152.623 + // way: insert a marker, replace it in whole text of QTextEdit
152.624 + QString marker="R3PlAcEMeL4teR!";
152.625 + e->insert (marker);
152.626 + e->setText (e->text().replace(marker,t));
152.627 + } else
152.628 + e->setText(t);
152.629 +}
152.630 +
152.631 +void TextEditor::textJoinLines()
152.632 +{
152.633 + int parFrom, parTo, indFrom, indTo;
152.634 + e->getSelection (&parFrom,&indFrom,&parTo,&indTo);
152.635 + QString t;
152.636 + if (parFrom>-1)
152.637 + t=e->selectedText();
152.638 + else
152.639 + t=e->text();
152.640 + // In addition to textConvertPar it is sometimes
152.641 + // useful to join all lines of a paragraph
152.642 + QRegExp re("</p>\n+<p>(?!</p>)");
152.643 + re.setMinimal(true);
152.644 + t.replace (re," ");
152.645 +
152.646 + // Above we may have introduced new " " at beginning of a
152.647 + // paragraph - remove it.
152.648 + re.setPattern("<p> ");
152.649 + t.replace (re,"<p>");
152.650 + if (parFrom>-1)
152.651 + {
152.652 + e->setCursorPosition (parFrom,indFrom);
152.653 + e->cut();
152.654 + // Tried to simply insert the changed text with
152.655 + // e->insert (t,(uint)(QTextEdit::RemoveSelected));
152.656 + // but then the html would be quoted. So I use the ugly
152.657 + // way: insert a marker, replace it in whole text of QTextEdit
152.658 + QString marker="R3PlAcEMeL4teR!";
152.659 + e->insert (marker);
152.660 + e->setText (e->text().replace(marker,t));
152.661 + } else
152.662 + e->setText(t);
152.663 +}
152.664 +
152.665 +QString TextEditor::textConvertToASCII(const QString &t)
152.666 +{
152.667 + QString r=t;
152.668 +
152.669 + // convert all "<br*>" to "\n"
152.670 + QRegExp re("<br.*>");
152.671 + re.setMinimal(true);
152.672 + r.replace (re,"\n");
152.673 +
152.674 + // convert all "</p>" to "\n"
152.675 + re.setPattern ("/p");
152.676 + r.replace (re,"\n");
152.677 +
152.678 + // remove all remaining tags
152.679 + re.setPattern ("<.*>");
152.680 + r.replace (re,"");
152.681 +
152.682 + // convert "&", "<" and ">"
152.683 + re.setPattern (">");
152.684 + r.replace (re,">");
152.685 + re.setPattern ("<");
152.686 + r.replace (re,"<");
152.687 + re.setPattern ("&");
152.688 + r.replace (re,"&");
152.689 + return r;
152.690 +}
152.691 +
152.692 +void TextEditor::textExportAsASCII()
152.693 +{
152.694 + QString text = textConvertToASCII( e->text());
152.695 + QString fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( QString::null, "VYM Note (ASCII) (*.txt);;All files (*)",
152.696 + this,"export note dialog",tr("Export Note to single file (ASCII)") );
152.697 + int ret=-1;
152.698 +
152.699 + if ( !fn.isEmpty() )
152.700 + {
152.701 + QFile file (fn);
152.702 + if (file.exists())
152.703 + {
152.704 + QMessageBox mb( "VYM",
152.705 + tr("The file ") + fn +
152.706 + tr(" exists already. "
152.707 + "Do you want to overwrite it?"),
152.708 + QMessageBox::Warning,
152.709 + QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Default,
152.710 + QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Escape,
152.711 + QMessageBox::NoButton );
152.712 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Yes, tr("Overwrite") );
152.713 + mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::No, tr("Cancel"));
152.714 + ret=mb.exec();
152.715 + }
152.716 + if (ret==QMessageBox::Cancel)
152.717 + return;
152.718 +
152.719 + // save
152.720 + if ( !file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) )
152.721 + statusBar()->message( QString("Could not write to %1").arg(filename),
152.722 + statusbarTime );
152.723 + else
152.724 + {
152.725 + QTextStream t( &file );
152.726 + t << text;
152.727 + file.close();
152.728 +
152.729 + statusBar()->message( QString( "Note exported as %1" ).arg( fn ), statusbarTime );
152.730 + }
152.731 + }
152.732 +}
152.733 +
152.734 +
152.735 +void TextEditor::textPrint()
152.736 +{
152.737 + printer->setFullPage(TRUE);
152.738 + if ( printer->setup( this ) )
152.739 + {
152.740 + QPainter p( printer );
152.741 + // Check that there is a valid device to print to.
152.742 + if ( !p.device() ) return;
152.743 + QPaintDeviceMetrics metrics( p.device() );
152.744 + int dpiy = metrics.logicalDpiY();
152.745 + int margin = (int) ( (2/2.54)*dpiy ); // 2 cm margins
152.746 + QRect body( margin, margin, metrics.width() - 2*margin, metrics.height() - 2*margin );
152.747 + QFont font( e->currentFont() );
152.748 + font.setPointSize( 10 ); // we define 10pt to be a nice base size for printing
152.749 +
152.750 + QSimpleRichText richText( e->text(), font,
152.751 + e->context(),
152.752 + e->styleSheet(),
152.753 + e->mimeSourceFactory(),
152.754 + body.height() );
152.755 + richText.setWidth( &p, body.width() );
152.756 + QRect view( body );
152.757 + int page = 1;
152.758 + do
152.759 + {
152.760 + richText.draw( &p, body.left(), body.top(), view, colorGroup() );
152.761 + view.moveBy( 0, body.height() );
152.762 + p.translate( 0 , -body.height() );
152.763 + p.setFont( font );
152.764 + p.drawText( view.right() - p.fontMetrics().width( QString::number( page ) ),
152.765 + view.bottom() + p.fontMetrics().ascent() + 5, QString::number( page ) );
152.766 + if ( view.top() >= richText.height() )
152.767 + break;
152.768 + printer->newPage();
152.769 + page++;
152.770 + } while (TRUE);
152.771 + }
152.772 +}
152.773 +
152.774 +void TextEditor::textEditUndo()
152.775 +{
152.776 +}
152.777 +
152.778 +void TextEditor::toggleFonthint()
152.779 +{
152.780 + setUpdatesEnabled (false);
152.781 + e->selectAll (true);
152.782 + if (!actionFormatUseFixedFont->isOn() )
152.783 + e->setCurrentFont (varFont);
152.784 + else
152.785 + e->setCurrentFont (fixedFont);
152.786 + e->selectAll (false);
152.787 + setUpdatesEnabled (true);
152.788 + repaint();
152.789 +}
152.790 +
152.791 +void TextEditor::setFixedFont()
152.792 +{
152.793 + bool ok;
152.794 + QFont font =QFontDialog::getFont(
152.795 + &ok, fixedFont, this );
152.796 + if ( ok )
152.797 + // font is set to the font the user selected
152.798 + fixedFont=font;
152.799 +}
152.800 +
152.801 +void TextEditor::setVarFont()
152.802 +{
152.803 + bool ok;
152.804 + QFont font =QFontDialog::getFont(
152.805 + &ok, varFont, this );
152.806 + if ( ok )
152.807 + // font is set to the font the user selected
152.808 + varFont=font;
152.809 +}
152.810 +
152.811 +void TextEditor::textBold()
152.812 +{
152.813 + e->setBold( actionTextBold->isOn() );
152.814 +}
152.815 +
152.816 +void TextEditor::textUnderline()
152.817 +{
152.818 + e->setUnderline( actionTextUnderline->isOn() );
152.819 +}
152.820 +
152.821 +void TextEditor::textItalic()
152.822 +{
152.823 + e->setItalic( actionTextItalic->isOn() );
152.824 +}
152.825 +
152.826 +void TextEditor::textFamily( const QString &f )
152.827 +{
152.828 + e->setFamily( f );
152.829 +}
152.830 +
152.831 +void TextEditor::textSize( const QString &p )
152.832 +{
152.833 + e->setPointSize( p.toInt() );
152.834 +}
152.835 +
152.836 +
152.837 +void TextEditor::textColor()
152.838 +{
152.839 + QColor col = QColorDialog::getColor( e->color(), this );
152.840 + if ( !col.isValid() )
152.841 + return;
152.842 + e->setColor( col );
152.843 + QPixmap pix( 16, 16 );
152.844 + pix.fill( black );
152.845 + actionTextColor->setIconSet( pix );
152.846 +}
152.847 +
152.848 +void TextEditor::textAlign( QAction *a )
152.849 +{
152.850 + if ( a == actionAlignLeft )
152.851 + e->setAlignment( AlignLeft );
152.852 + else if ( a == actionAlignCenter )
152.853 + e->setAlignment( AlignHCenter );
152.854 + else if ( a == actionAlignRight )
152.855 + e->setAlignment( AlignRight );
152.856 + else if ( a == actionAlignJustify )
152.857 + e->setAlignment( AlignJustify );
152.858 +}
152.859 +
152.860 +void TextEditor::fontChanged( const QFont &f )
152.861 +{
152.862 + comboFont->lineEdit()->setText( f.family() );
152.863 + comboSize->lineEdit()->setText( QString::number( f.pointSize() ) );
152.864 + actionTextBold->setOn( f.bold() );
152.865 + actionTextItalic->setOn( f.italic() );
152.866 + actionTextUnderline->setOn( f.underline() );
152.867 +}
152.868 +
152.869 +void TextEditor::colorChanged( const QColor &c )
152.870 +{
152.871 + QPixmap pix( 16, 16 );
152.872 + pix.fill( c );
152.873 + actionTextColor->setIconSet( pix );
152.874 +}
152.875 +
152.876 +void TextEditor::alignmentChanged( int a )
152.877 +{
152.878 + if ( ( a == AlignAuto ) || ( a & AlignLeft ))
152.879 + actionAlignLeft->setOn( true );
152.880 + else if ( ( a & AlignHCenter ) )
152.881 + actionAlignCenter->setOn( true );
152.882 + else if ( ( a & AlignRight ) )
152.883 + actionAlignRight->setOn( true );
152.884 + else if ( ( a & AlignJustify ) )
152.885 + actionAlignJustify->setOn( true );
152.886 +}
152.887 +
152.888 +
152.889 +
152.890 +void TextEditor::enableActions()
152.891 +{
152.892 + actionFileLoad->setEnabled(true);
152.893 + actionFileSave->setEnabled(true);
152.894 + actionFileSaveAs->setEnabled(true);
152.895 + actionFilePrint->setEnabled(true);
152.896 + actionEditUndo->setEnabled(true);
152.897 + actionEditRedo->setEnabled(true);
152.898 + actionEditCopy->setEnabled(true);
152.899 + actionEditCut->setEnabled(true);
152.900 + actionEditPaste->setEnabled(true);
152.901 + actionEditDeleteAll->setEnabled(true);
152.902 + actionEditConvertPar->setEnabled(true);
152.903 + actionEditJoinLines->setEnabled(true);
152.904 + actionFormatUseFixedFont->setEnabled(true);
152.905 +}
152.906 +
152.907 +void TextEditor::disableActions()
152.908 +{
152.909 + actionFileLoad->setEnabled(false);
152.910 + actionFileSave->setEnabled(false);
152.911 + actionFileSaveAs->setEnabled(false);
152.912 + actionFilePrint->setEnabled(false);
152.913 + actionEditUndo->setEnabled(false);
152.914 + actionEditRedo->setEnabled(false);
152.915 + actionEditCopy->setEnabled(false);
152.916 + actionEditCut->setEnabled(false);
152.917 + actionEditPaste->setEnabled(false);
152.918 + actionEditDeleteAll->setEnabled(false);
152.919 + actionEditConvertPar->setEnabled(false);
152.920 + actionEditJoinLines->setEnabled(false);
152.921 + actionFormatUseFixedFont->setEnabled(false);
152.922 +}
152.923 +
152.924 +
153.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
153.2 +++ b/texteditor.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
153.3 @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
153.4 +#ifndef TEXTEDITOR_H
153.5 +#define TEXTEDITOR_H
153.6 +
153.7 +#include <qmainwindow.h>
153.8 +#include <qtextedit.h>
153.9 +#include <qaction.h>
153.10 +#include <qfontdatabase.h>
153.11 +#include <qcombobox.h>
153.12 +
153.13 +
153.14 +enum EditorState {inactiveEditor,emptyEditor,filledEditor};
153.15 +
153.16 +class TextEditor : public QMainWindow {
153.17 + Q_OBJECT
153.18 +public:
153.19 + TextEditor();
153.20 + ~TextEditor();
153.21 +
153.22 + bool isEmpty();
153.23 + void setShowWithMain (bool);
153.24 + bool showWithMain ();
153.25 + void setFontHint(const QString&);
153.26 + QString getFontHint();
153.27 + QString getFontHintDefault();
153.28 + void setFilename (const QString&);
153.29 + QString getFilename ();
153.30 + bool findText(const QString &, const bool &); // find Text
153.31 +
153.32 +protected:
153.33 + void setupFileActions();
153.34 + void setupEditActions();
153.35 + void setupFormatActions();
153.36 + void setupSettingsActions();
153.37 + void closeEvent( QCloseEvent* );
153.38 +
153.39 +
153.40 +public:
153.41 + QString getText();
153.42 +
153.43 +public slots:
153.44 + void editorChanged(); // received when text() changed
153.45 + void setText(QString); // set Text (by MapEditor)
153.46 + void setInactive(); // Nothing can be entered
153.47 + void editCopyAll();
153.48 +
153.49 +signals:
153.50 + void textHasChanged();
153.51 + void fontFamilyHasChanged();
153.52 + void fontSizeHasChanged();
153.53 +
153.54 +private slots:
153.55 + void textLoad();
153.56 + void textSaveAs();
153.57 + void textSave();
153.58 + void textConvertPar();
153.59 + void textJoinLines();
153.60 + QString textConvertToASCII(const QString &);
153.61 + void textExportAsASCII();
153.62 + void textPrint();
153.63 + void textEditUndo();
153.64 + void toggleFonthint();
153.65 + void setFixedFont();
153.66 + void setVarFont();
153.67 + void textBold();
153.68 + void textUnderline();
153.69 + void textItalic();
153.70 + void textFamily( const QString &f );
153.71 + void textSize( const QString &p );
153.72 + void textColor();
153.73 + void textAlign(QAction*);
153.74 + void fontChanged( const QFont &f );
153.75 + void colorChanged( const QColor &c );
153.76 + void alignmentChanged( int a );
153.77 + void enableActions();
153.78 + void disableActions();
153.79 +
153.80 +private:
153.81 + QPrinter *printer;
153.82 + QTextEdit *e;
153.83 + QPoint lastPos; // save last position of window
153.84 + QString filename;
153.85 +
153.86 + QBrush emptyPaper; // setting the background color
153.87 + QBrush filledPaper; // depending on the state
153.88 + QBrush inactivePaper; // depending on the state
153.89 + EditorState state;
153.90 + bool showwithmain; // same visibility as mainwindow?
153.91 +
153.92 + QFont varFont;
153.93 + QFont fixedFont;
153.94 + QComboBox
153.95 + *comboFont,
153.96 + *comboSize;
153.97 +
153.98 + QAction *actionFileLoad,
153.99 + *actionFileSave,
153.100 + *actionFileSaveAs,
153.101 + *actionFilePrint,
153.102 + *actionEditUndo,
153.103 + *actionEditRedo,
153.104 + *actionEditCopy,
153.105 + *actionEditCut,
153.106 + *actionEditPaste,
153.107 + *actionEditDeleteAll,
153.108 + *actionEditConvertPar,
153.109 + *actionEditJoinLines,
153.110 + *actionFormatUseFixedFont,
153.111 + *actionSettingsVarFont,
153.112 + *actionSettingsFixedFont,
153.113 + *actionSettingsFonthintDefault,
153.114 + *actionTextBold,
153.115 + *actionTextUnderline,
153.116 + *actionTextItalic,
153.117 + *actionTextColor,
153.118 + *actionAlignLeft,
153.119 + *actionAlignCenter,
153.120 + *actionAlignRight,
153.121 + *actionAlignJustify;
153.122 +
153.123 +
153.124 +};
153.125 +
153.126 +#endif
154.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
154.2 +++ b/version.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
154.3 @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
154.4 +#ifndef VERSION_H
154.5 +#define VERSION_H
154.6 +
154.7 +#define __VYM_VERSION__ "1.6.0"
154.8 +#define __BUILD_DATE__ "January 4, 2005"
154.9 +
154.10 +#endif
155.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
155.2 +++ b/vym.pro Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
155.3 @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
155.4 +TARGET = vym
155.5 +TRANSLATIONS += vym_de.ts
155.6 +
155.7 +TEMPLATE = app
155.8 +LANGUAGE = C++
155.9 +
155.10 +CONFIG += qt warn_on release
155.11 +
155.12 +DESTROOT = /usr
155.13 +
155.14 +target.path = $${DESTROOT}/bin
155.15 +INSTALLS += target
155.16 +
155.17 +support.files = styles/ scripts/ icons/
155.18 +support.path = $${DESTROOT}/share/vym
155.19 +INSTALLS += support
155.20 +
155.21 +doc.files = doc/*
155.22 +doc.path = $${DESTROOT}/share/doc/packages/vym
155.23 +INSTALLS += doc
155.24 +
155.25 +demo.files = demos/
155.26 +demo.path = $${DESTROOT}/share/vym
155.27 +INSTALLS += demo
155.28 +
155.29 +
155.30 +HEADERS += branchobj.h \
155.31 + exports.h \
155.32 + findwindow.h \
155.33 + flagobj.h \
155.34 + flagrowobj.h \
155.35 + floatimageobj.h \
155.36 + floatobj.h \
155.37 + frameobj.h \
155.38 + headingobj.h \
155.39 + imageobj.h \
155.40 + linkablemapobj.h \
155.41 + mainwindow.h \
155.42 + mapcenterobj.h \
155.43 + mapeditor.h \
155.44 + mapobj.h \
155.45 + misc.h \
155.46 + noteobj.h \
155.47 + ornamentedobj.h \
155.48 + process.h \
155.49 + selection.h \
155.50 + texteditor.h \
155.51 + version.h \
155.52 + xml.h \
155.53 + settings.h \
155.54 + options.h
155.55 +SOURCES += branchobj.cpp \
155.56 + exports.cpp \
155.57 + findwindow.cpp \
155.58 + flagobj.cpp \
155.59 + flagrowobj.cpp \
155.60 + floatimageobj.cpp \
155.61 + floatobj.cpp \
155.62 + frameobj.cpp \
155.63 + headingobj.cpp \
155.64 + imageobj.cpp \
155.65 + linkablemapobj.cpp \
155.66 + main.cpp \
155.67 + mainwindow.cpp \
155.68 + mapcenterobj.cpp \
155.69 + mapeditor.cpp \
155.70 + mapobj.cpp \
155.71 + misc.cpp \
155.72 + noteobj.cpp \
155.73 + ornamentedobj.cpp \
155.74 + process.cpp \
155.75 + selection.cpp \
155.76 + texteditor.cpp \
155.77 + xml.cpp \
155.78 + settings.cpp \
155.79 + options.cpp
155.80 +FORMS = exporthtmldialog.ui \
155.81 + exportxhtmldialog.ui \
155.82 + showtextdialog.ui \
155.83 + extrainfodialog.ui
155.84 +
156.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
156.2 +++ b/vym_de.ts Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
156.3 @@ -0,0 +1,1574 @@
156.4 +<!DOCTYPE TS><TS>
156.5 +<context>
156.6 + <name>ExportHTMLDialog</name>
156.7 + <message>
156.8 + <source>Export HTML</source>
156.9 + <translation>Exportiere HTML</translation>
156.10 + </message>
156.11 + <message>
156.12 + <source>Directory:</source>
156.13 + <translation>Verzeichnis:</translation>
156.14 + </message>
156.15 + <message>
156.16 + <source>Browse</source>
156.17 + <translation>Durchsuchen</translation>
156.18 + </message>
156.19 + <message>
156.20 + <source>Options</source>
156.21 + <translation>Optionen</translation>
156.22 + </message>
156.23 + <message>
156.24 + <source>Include image of map</source>
156.25 + <translation>Bild der Map erzeugen</translation>
156.26 + </message>
156.27 + <message>
156.28 + <source>use WIKI style</source>
156.29 + <translation>WIKI Stil verwenden</translation>
156.30 + </message>
156.31 + <message>
156.32 + <source>show output</source>
156.33 + <translation type="obsolete">Ausgabe der Scripte anzeigen</translation>
156.34 + </message>
156.35 + <message>
156.36 + <source>Export</source>
156.37 + <translation>Exportieren</translation>
156.38 + </message>
156.39 + <message>
156.40 + <source>Cancel</source>
156.41 + <translation>Abbrechen</translation>
156.42 + </message>
156.43 + <message>
156.44 + <source>VYM - Export HTML to directory</source>
156.45 + <translation>VYM - Exportiere HTML in Verzeichnis</translation>
156.46 + </message>
156.47 + <message>
156.48 + <source>Critcal export error</source>
156.49 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler beim Exportieren</translation>
156.50 + </message>
156.51 + <message>
156.52 + <source>create image only</source>
156.53 + <translation>Nur Bild erzeugen</translation>
156.54 + </message>
156.55 + <message>
156.56 + <source>use heading for URLs (instead of link target)</source>
156.57 + <translation>Verwende Zweigbeschriftung für URL</translation>
156.58 + </message>
156.59 + <message>
156.60 + <source>use image of earth to mark URLs in text</source>
156.61 + <translation>Verwende Globus Symbol für URLs</translation>
156.62 + </message>
156.63 + <message>
156.64 + <source>show output of external scripts</source>
156.65 + <translation>Zeige Ausgabe der externen Skripte</translation>
156.66 + </message>
156.67 + <message>
156.68 + <source>use default CSS file</source>
156.69 + <translation>Default CSS Datei verwenden</translation>
156.70 + </message>
156.71 +</context>
156.72 +<context>
156.73 + <name>ExportXHTMLDialog</name>
156.74 + <message>
156.75 + <source>Export XHTML</source>
156.76 + <translation>Exportiere XHTML</translation>
156.77 + </message>
156.78 + <message>
156.79 + <source>Directory:</source>
156.80 + <translation type="obsolete">Verzeichnis:</translation>
156.81 + </message>
156.82 + <message>
156.83 + <source>Browse</source>
156.84 + <translation>Durchsuchen</translation>
156.85 + </message>
156.86 + <message>
156.87 + <source>Options</source>
156.88 + <translation>Optionen</translation>
156.89 + </message>
156.90 + <message>
156.91 + <source>Include image</source>
156.92 + <translation>Bild erzeugen</translation>
156.93 + </message>
156.94 + <message>
156.95 + <source>Include text</source>
156.96 + <translation type="obsolete">Text erzeugen</translation>
156.97 + </message>
156.98 + <message>
156.99 + <source>show output of external scripts</source>
156.100 + <translation>Zeige Ausgabe der externen Skripte</translation>
156.101 + </message>
156.102 + <message>
156.103 + <source>Export</source>
156.104 + <translation>Exportieren</translation>
156.105 + </message>
156.106 + <message>
156.107 + <source>Cancel</source>
156.108 + <translation>Abbrechen</translation>
156.109 + </message>
156.110 + <message>
156.111 + <source>VYM - Export HTML to directory</source>
156.112 + <translation>VYM - Exportiere HTML in Verzeichnis</translation>
156.113 + </message>
156.114 + <message>
156.115 + <source>Critical Error</source>
156.116 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler</translation>
156.117 + </message>
156.118 + <message>
156.119 + <source>Couldn't start </source>
156.120 + <translation>Konnte nicht starten</translation>
156.121 + </message>
156.122 + <message>
156.123 + <source>didn't exit normally</source>
156.124 + <translation>Exportiere XHTML</translation>
156.125 + </message>
156.126 + <message>
156.127 + <source>Export to directory:</source>
156.128 + <translation>Export Verzeichnis:</translation>
156.129 + </message>
156.130 + <message>
156.131 + <source>Colored headings in text</source>
156.132 + <translation>Farbige Headings im Text</translation>
156.133 + </message>
156.134 + <message>
156.135 + <source>showWarnings e.g. if directory is not empty</source>
156.136 + <translation>Warnung, falls Verzeichnis nicht leer ist</translation>
156.137 + </message>
156.138 + <message>
156.139 + <source>Stylesheets</source>
156.140 + <translation>Stylesheets</translation>
156.141 + </message>
156.142 + <message>
156.143 + <source>CSS:</source>
156.144 + <translation>CSS:</translation>
156.145 + </message>
156.146 + <message>
156.147 + <source>XSL:</source>
156.148 + <translation>XSL:</translation>
156.149 + </message>
156.150 + <message>
156.151 + <source>VYM - Path to CSS file</source>
156.152 + <translation>VYM - Pfad zu CSS Datei</translation>
156.153 + </message>
156.154 + <message>
156.155 + <source>VYM - Path to XSL file</source>
156.156 + <translation>VYM - Pfad zu XSL Datei</translation>
156.157 + </message>
156.158 + <message>
156.159 + <source>Warning</source>
156.160 + <translation>Warnung</translation>
156.161 + </message>
156.162 + <message>
156.163 + <source> could not be opened!</source>
156.164 + <translation>konnte nicht geöffnet werden!</translation>
156.165 + </message>
156.166 + <message>
156.167 + <source>Save settings in map</source>
156.168 + <translation>Einstellungen in map speichern</translation>
156.169 + </message>
156.170 + <message>
156.171 + <source>Scripts</source>
156.172 + <translation>Skripte</translation>
156.173 + </message>
156.174 + <message>
156.175 + <source>Before export:</source>
156.176 + <translation>Vor Export:</translation>
156.177 + </message>
156.178 + <message>
156.179 + <source>After Export:</source>
156.180 + <translation>Nach Export:</translation>
156.181 + </message>
156.182 + <message>
156.183 + <source>The settings saved in the map would like to run scripts:
156.184 +
156.185 +</source>
156.186 + <translation>Die in der Map gespeicherten Einstellungen wollen Skripte starten:
156.187 +
156.188 +</translation>
156.189 + </message>
156.190 + <message>
156.191 + <source>Please check, if you really
156.192 +want to allow this in your system!</source>
156.193 + <translation>Bitte prüfen Sie, ob Sie das in Ihrem
156.194 +System wirklich zulassen wollen!</translation>
156.195 + </message>
156.196 + <message>
156.197 + <source>VYM - Path to pre export script</source>
156.198 + <translation>VYM - Pfad für Prä-Export Skript</translation>
156.199 + </message>
156.200 + <message>
156.201 + <source>VYM - Path to post export script</source>
156.202 + <translation>VYM -Pfad für Post-Export Skript</translation>
156.203 + </message>
156.204 +</context>
156.205 +<context>
156.206 + <name>ExtraInfoDialog</name>
156.207 + <message>
156.208 + <source>VYM - Info</source>
156.209 + <translation>VYM - Info</translation>
156.210 + </message>
156.211 + <message>
156.212 + <source>Map:</source>
156.213 + <translation>Map:</translation>
156.214 + </message>
156.215 + <message>
156.216 + <source>Author:</source>
156.217 + <translation>Author:</translation>
156.218 + </message>
156.219 + <message>
156.220 + <source>Comment:</source>
156.221 + <translation>Kommentar:</translation>
156.222 + </message>
156.223 + <message>
156.224 + <source>Statistics:</source>
156.225 + <translation>Statistik:</translation>
156.226 + </message>
156.227 + <message>
156.228 + <source>Cancel</source>
156.229 + <translation>Abbrechen</translation>
156.230 + </message>
156.231 + <message>
156.232 + <source>Close</source>
156.233 + <translation>Schliessen</translation>
156.234 + </message>
156.235 +</context>
156.236 +<context>
156.237 + <name>FindWindow</name>
156.238 + <message>
156.239 + <source>Clear</source>
156.240 + <translation>Neuer Suchbegriff</translation>
156.241 + </message>
156.242 + <message>
156.243 + <source>Cancel</source>
156.244 + <translation>Abbrechen</translation>
156.245 + </message>
156.246 + <message>
156.247 + <source>Find</source>
156.248 + <translation>Suchen</translation>
156.249 + </message>
156.250 +</context>
156.251 +<context>
156.252 + <name>Main</name>
156.253 + <message>
156.254 + <source>&File</source>
156.255 + <translation>&Datei</translation>
156.256 + </message>
156.257 + <message>
156.258 + <source>New map</source>
156.259 + <translation>Neu</translation>
156.260 + </message>
156.261 + <message>
156.262 + <source>&New...</source>
156.263 + <translation>&Neu...</translation>
156.264 + </message>
156.265 + <message>
156.266 + <source>Open</source>
156.267 + <translation>Öffnen</translation>
156.268 + </message>
156.269 + <message>
156.270 + <source>&Open...</source>
156.271 + <translation>&Öffnen...</translation>
156.272 + </message>
156.273 + <message>
156.274 + <source>Save</source>
156.275 + <translation>Speichern</translation>
156.276 + </message>
156.277 + <message>
156.278 + <source>&Save...</source>
156.279 + <translation>Speichern &unter...</translation>
156.280 + </message>
156.281 + <message>
156.282 + <source>Save &As...</source>
156.283 + <translation>Speichern &unter...</translation>
156.284 + </message>
156.285 + <message>
156.286 + <source>Import directory structure (experimental)</source>
156.287 + <translation>Importiere Verzeichnisstruktur (experimentelle Funktion)</translation>
156.288 + </message>
156.289 + <message>
156.290 + <source>Import Dir</source>
156.291 + <translation>Importiere Verzeichnis</translation>
156.292 + </message>
156.293 + <message>
156.294 + <source>Export (png)</source>
156.295 + <translation type="obsolete">Exportiere als png-Grafik</translation>
156.296 + </message>
156.297 + <message>
156.298 + <source>&Export (png)</source>
156.299 + <translation type="obsolete">&Export (png)</translation>
156.300 + </message>
156.301 + <message>
156.302 + <source>Print</source>
156.303 + <translation>Drucken</translation>
156.304 + </message>
156.305 + <message>
156.306 + <source>&Print...</source>
156.307 + <translation>&Drucken...</translation>
156.308 + </message>
156.309 + <message>
156.310 + <source>Close Map</source>
156.311 + <translation>Schließen</translation>
156.312 + </message>
156.313 + <message>
156.314 + <source>&Close Map</source>
156.315 + <translation>Schlie&ßen</translation>
156.316 + </message>
156.317 + <message>
156.318 + <source>Exit VYM</source>
156.319 + <translation>Beenden</translation>
156.320 + </message>
156.321 + <message>
156.322 + <source>E&xit VYM</source>
156.323 + <translation>B&eenden</translation>
156.324 + </message>
156.325 + <message>
156.326 + <source>&Edit</source>
156.327 + <translation>&Bearbeiten</translation>
156.328 + </message>
156.329 + <message>
156.330 + <source>Undo</source>
156.331 + <translation>Rückgängig</translation>
156.332 + </message>
156.333 + <message>
156.334 + <source>&Undo</source>
156.335 + <translation>&Rückgängig</translation>
156.336 + </message>
156.337 + <message>
156.338 + <source>Copy</source>
156.339 + <translation>Kopieren</translation>
156.340 + </message>
156.341 + <message>
156.342 + <source>&Copy</source>
156.343 + <translation>&Kopieren</translation>
156.344 + </message>
156.345 + <message>
156.346 + <source>Cut</source>
156.347 + <translation>Ausschneiden</translation>
156.348 + </message>
156.349 + <message>
156.350 + <source>Cu&t</source>
156.351 + <translation>&Ausschneiden</translation>
156.352 + </message>
156.353 + <message>
156.354 + <source>Paste</source>
156.355 + <translation>Einfügen</translation>
156.356 + </message>
156.357 + <message>
156.358 + <source>&Paste</source>
156.359 + <translation>Ein&fügen</translation>
156.360 + </message>
156.361 + <message>
156.362 + <source>Move branch up</source>
156.363 + <translation>Zweig nach oben bewegen</translation>
156.364 + </message>
156.365 + <message>
156.366 + <source>Move up</source>
156.367 + <translation>Zweig nach oben</translation>
156.368 + </message>
156.369 + <message>
156.370 + <source>Move branch down</source>
156.371 + <translation>Zweig nach unten bewegen</translation>
156.372 + </message>
156.373 + <message>
156.374 + <source>Move down</source>
156.375 + <translation>Zweig nach unten</translation>
156.376 + </message>
156.377 + <message>
156.378 + <source>Scroll branch</source>
156.379 + <translation>Zweig einrollen</translation>
156.380 + </message>
156.381 + <message>
156.382 + <source>Unscroll all</source>
156.383 + <translation>Alles aufrollen</translation>
156.384 + </message>
156.385 + <message>
156.386 + <source>Unscroll all scrolled branches</source>
156.387 + <translation>Alle eingerollten Zweige aufrollen</translation>
156.388 + </message>
156.389 + <message>
156.390 + <source>Find</source>
156.391 + <translation>Finde</translation>
156.392 + </message>
156.393 + <message>
156.394 + <source>Open URL</source>
156.395 + <translation>URL öffnen</translation>
156.396 + </message>
156.397 + <message>
156.398 + <source>Edit URL</source>
156.399 + <translation>URL ändern</translation>
156.400 + </message>
156.401 + <message>
156.402 + <source>Use heading of selected branch as URL</source>
156.403 + <translation>Beschriftung dieses Zweiges auch als URL verwenden</translation>
156.404 + </message>
156.405 + <message>
156.406 + <source>Use heading for URL</source>
156.407 + <translation>Beschriftung als URL übernehmen</translation>
156.408 + </message>
156.409 + <message>
156.410 + <source>Jump to another vym map, if needed load it first</source>
156.411 + <translation>Gehe zu einer weiteren Map. (Falls nötig wird die Map vorher geöffnet.)</translation>
156.412 + </message>
156.413 + <message>
156.414 + <source>Jump to map</source>
156.415 + <translation>Gehe zu einer weiteren Map.</translation>
156.416 + </message>
156.417 + <message>
156.418 + <source>Edit link to another vym map</source>
156.419 + <translation>Bearbeite Verbindung zu einer Map</translation>
156.420 + </message>
156.421 + <message>
156.422 + <source>Edit map link</source>
156.423 + <translation type="obsolete">Bearbeite Verbindung zu einer Map</translation>
156.424 + </message>
156.425 + <message>
156.426 + <source>edit Heading</source>
156.427 + <translation>Bearbeite Zweig-Ãœberschrift</translation>
156.428 + </message>
156.429 + <message>
156.430 + <source>Edit heading</source>
156.431 + <translation>Bearbeite Zweig-Ãœberschrift</translation>
156.432 + </message>
156.433 + <message>
156.434 + <source>Delete Selection</source>
156.435 + <translation>Entfernen</translation>
156.436 + </message>
156.437 + <message>
156.438 + <source>Add a branch as child of selection</source>
156.439 + <translation>Neuer Zweig </translation>
156.440 + </message>
156.441 + <message>
156.442 + <source>Add branch as child</source>
156.443 + <translation>Neuer Zweig </translation>
156.444 + </message>
156.445 + <message>
156.446 + <source>Add a branch above selection</source>
156.447 + <translation>Neuer Zweig - oben</translation>
156.448 + </message>
156.449 + <message>
156.450 + <source>Add branch above</source>
156.451 + <translation>Neuer Zweig - oben</translation>
156.452 + </message>
156.453 + <message>
156.454 + <source>Add a branch below selection</source>
156.455 + <translation>Neuer Zweig - unten</translation>
156.456 + </message>
156.457 + <message>
156.458 + <source>Add branch below</source>
156.459 + <translation>Neuer Zweig - unten</translation>
156.460 + </message>
156.461 + <message>
156.462 + <source>Select upper branch</source>
156.463 + <translation>Zweig oben</translation>
156.464 + </message>
156.465 + <message>
156.466 + <source>Select lower branch</source>
156.467 + <translation>Zweig unten</translation>
156.468 + </message>
156.469 + <message>
156.470 + <source>Select left branch</source>
156.471 + <translation>Zweig links</translation>
156.472 + </message>
156.473 + <message>
156.474 + <source>Select right branch</source>
156.475 + <translation>Zweig rechts</translation>
156.476 + </message>
156.477 + <message>
156.478 + <source>Select child branch</source>
156.479 + <translation>Kind-Zweig</translation>
156.480 + </message>
156.481 + <message>
156.482 + <source>Select first branch</source>
156.483 + <translation>Oberster Zweig</translation>
156.484 + </message>
156.485 + <message>
156.486 + <source>Select last branch</source>
156.487 + <translation>Unterster Zweig</translation>
156.488 + </message>
156.489 + <message>
156.490 + <source>Add Image</source>
156.491 + <translation>Lade Bild</translation>
156.492 + </message>
156.493 + <message>
156.494 + <source>&Format</source>
156.495 + <translation>&Format</translation>
156.496 + </message>
156.497 + <message>
156.498 + <source>Set Color</source>
156.499 + <translation>Wähle Farbe</translation>
156.500 + </message>
156.501 + <message>
156.502 + <source>Set &Color</source>
156.503 + <translation>Wähle &Farbe</translation>
156.504 + </message>
156.505 + <message>
156.506 + <source>Pick color
156.507 +Hint: You can pick a color from another branch and color using CTRL+Left Button</source>
156.508 + <translation>Farb übernehmen
156.509 +Tipp: Zum Kopieren einer Farbe kann man auch CTRL+linke Maustaste nehmen.</translation>
156.510 + </message>
156.511 + <message>
156.512 + <source>Pic&k color</source>
156.513 + <translation>Farbe &übernehmen</translation>
156.514 + </message>
156.515 + <message>
156.516 + <source>Color branch</source>
156.517 + <translation>Zweig färben</translation>
156.518 + </message>
156.519 + <message>
156.520 + <source>Color &branch</source>
156.521 + <translation>Zweig &färben</translation>
156.522 + </message>
156.523 + <message>
156.524 + <source>Color Subtree</source>
156.525 + <translation>Unterbaum färben</translation>
156.526 + </message>
156.527 + <message>
156.528 + <source>Color sub&tree</source>
156.529 + <translation>&Unterbaum färben</translation>
156.530 + </message>
156.531 + <message>
156.532 + <source>Line</source>
156.533 + <translation>Linie</translation>
156.534 + </message>
156.535 + <message>
156.536 + <source>Linkstyle Line</source>
156.537 + <translation>Linie</translation>
156.538 + </message>
156.539 + <message>
156.540 + <source>Linkstyle Parabel</source>
156.541 + <translation>Parabel</translation>
156.542 + </message>
156.543 + <message>
156.544 + <source>PolyLine</source>
156.545 + <translation>Dicke Linie</translation>
156.546 + </message>
156.547 + <message>
156.548 + <source>Linkstyle Thick Line</source>
156.549 + <translation>Dicke Linie</translation>
156.550 + </message>
156.551 + <message>
156.552 + <source>PolyParabel</source>
156.553 + <translation>Dicke Parabel</translation>
156.554 + </message>
156.555 + <message>
156.556 + <source>Linkstyle Thick Parabel</source>
156.557 + <translation>Dicke Parabel</translation>
156.558 + </message>
156.559 + <message>
156.560 + <source>No Frame</source>
156.561 + <translation>Kein Rahmen</translation>
156.562 + </message>
156.563 + <message>
156.564 + <source>Rectangle</source>
156.565 + <translation>Rechteck</translation>
156.566 + </message>
156.567 + <message>
156.568 + <source>Use same color for links and headings</source>
156.569 + <translation>Verbindungen haben Farbe der Beschriftungen</translation>
156.570 + </message>
156.571 + <message>
156.572 + <source>&Use color of heading for link</source>
156.573 + <translation>&Verbindungen haben Farbe der Beschriftungen</translation>
156.574 + </message>
156.575 + <message>
156.576 + <source>Set Link Color</source>
156.577 + <translation>Farbe der Verbindungen</translation>
156.578 + </message>
156.579 + <message>
156.580 + <source>Set &Link Color</source>
156.581 + <translation>&Farbe der Verbindungen</translation>
156.582 + </message>
156.583 + <message>
156.584 + <source>Set Background Color</source>
156.585 + <translation>Hintergrundfarbe</translation>
156.586 + </message>
156.587 + <message>
156.588 + <source>Set &Background Color</source>
156.589 + <translation>&Hintergrundfarbe</translation>
156.590 + </message>
156.591 + <message>
156.592 + <source>&View</source>
156.593 + <translation>&Ansicht</translation>
156.594 + </message>
156.595 + <message>
156.596 + <source>Zoom reset</source>
156.597 + <translation>Keine Vergrösserung</translation>
156.598 + </message>
156.599 + <message>
156.600 + <source>reset Zoom</source>
156.601 + <translation>Keine Vergrösserung</translation>
156.602 + </message>
156.603 + <message>
156.604 + <source>Zoom in</source>
156.605 + <translation>Vergrössern</translation>
156.606 + </message>
156.607 + <message>
156.608 + <source>Zoom out</source>
156.609 + <translation>Verkleinern</translation>
156.610 + </message>
156.611 + <message>
156.612 + <source>Toggle Note Editor</source>
156.613 + <translation>Zeige Notiz Editor</translation>
156.614 + </message>
156.615 + <message>
156.616 + <source>&Next Window</source>
156.617 + <translation>&Nächstes Fenster</translation>
156.618 + </message>
156.619 + <message>
156.620 + <source>Next Window</source>
156.621 + <translation>Nächstes Fenster</translation>
156.622 + </message>
156.623 + <message>
156.624 + <source>&Previous Window</source>
156.625 + <translation>&Vorheriges Fenster</translation>
156.626 + </message>
156.627 + <message>
156.628 + <source>Previous Window</source>
156.629 + <translation>Vorheriges Fenster</translation>
156.630 + </message>
156.631 + <message>
156.632 + <source>&Settings</source>
156.633 + <translation>&Einstellungen</translation>
156.634 + </message>
156.635 + <message>
156.636 + <source>Set application to open pdf files</source>
156.637 + <translation>pdf-Dateien öffnen mit...</translation>
156.638 + </message>
156.639 + <message>
156.640 + <source>Set application to open an URL</source>
156.641 + <translation>URLs öffnen mit...</translation>
156.642 + </message>
156.643 + <message>
156.644 + <source>Edit branch after adding it</source>
156.645 + <translation>Zweig nach dem Einfügen neu beschriften</translation>
156.646 + </message>
156.647 + <message>
156.648 + <source>Select branch after adding it</source>
156.649 + <translation>Zweig nach dem Einfügen auswählen</translation>
156.650 + </message>
156.651 + <message>
156.652 + <source>Select heading before editing</source>
156.653 + <translation>Beschriftung vor dem editieren auswählen</translation>
156.654 + </message>
156.655 + <message>
156.656 + <source>Select existing heading</source>
156.657 + <translation>Beschriftung vor dem editieren auswählen</translation>
156.658 + </message>
156.659 + <message>
156.660 + <source>Enable pasting into new branch</source>
156.661 + <translation>Einfügen in neuen Zweig</translation>
156.662 + </message>
156.663 + <message>
156.664 + <source>Enable Delete key for deleting branches</source>
156.665 + <translation>Delete Taste zum Löschen von Zweigen verwenden</translation>
156.666 + </message>
156.667 + <message>
156.668 + <source>Enable Delete key</source>
156.669 + <translation>Delete Taste zum Löschen von Zweigen verwenden</translation>
156.670 + </message>
156.671 + <message>
156.672 + <source>&Test</source>
156.673 + <translation>&Test</translation>
156.674 + </message>
156.675 + <message>
156.676 + <source>Test Flag</source>
156.677 + <translation>Test Flag</translation>
156.678 + </message>
156.679 + <message>
156.680 + <source>test flag</source>
156.681 + <translation>test Flag</translation>
156.682 + </message>
156.683 + <message>
156.684 + <source>Count Canvas Items</source>
156.685 + <translation type="obsolete">Zähle Canvas Items</translation>
156.686 + </message>
156.687 + <message>
156.688 + <source>Count Items</source>
156.689 + <translation type="obsolete">Zähle Items</translation>
156.690 + </message>
156.691 + <message>
156.692 + <source>Show Clipboard</source>
156.693 + <translation>Zeige Zwischenablage</translation>
156.694 + </message>
156.695 + <message>
156.696 + <source>Show clipboard</source>
156.697 + <translation>Zeige Zwischenablage</translation>
156.698 + </message>
156.699 + <message>
156.700 + <source>Export to dir</source>
156.701 + <translation type="obsolete">Exportiere in Verzeichnis</translation>
156.702 + </message>
156.703 + <message>
156.704 + <source>Export to directory</source>
156.705 + <translation type="obsolete">Exportiere in Verzeichnis</translation>
156.706 + </message>
156.707 + <message>
156.708 + <source>&Help</source>
156.709 + <translation>&Hilfe</translation>
156.710 + </message>
156.711 + <message>
156.712 + <source>Open VYM Documentation (pdf)</source>
156.713 + <translation>VYM Handbuch (pdf)</translation>
156.714 + </message>
156.715 + <message>
156.716 + <source>Open VYM Documentation (pdf) </source>
156.717 + <translation>VYM Handbuch (pdf)</translation>
156.718 + </message>
156.719 + <message>
156.720 + <source>Information about VYM</source>
156.721 + <translation>Information über VYM</translation>
156.722 + </message>
156.723 + <message>
156.724 + <source>About VYM</source>
156.725 + <translation>Ãœber VYM</translation>
156.726 + </message>
156.727 + <message>
156.728 + <source>Information about QT toolkit</source>
156.729 + <translation>Informationen zum QT Toolkit</translation>
156.730 + </message>
156.731 + <message>
156.732 + <source>About QT</source>
156.733 + <translation>Ãœber QT</translation>
156.734 + </message>
156.735 + <message>
156.736 + <source>Save image</source>
156.737 + <translation>Speichere Bild</translation>
156.738 + </message>
156.739 + <message>
156.740 + <source>The file </source>
156.741 + <translation>Die Datei</translation>
156.742 + </message>
156.743 + <message>
156.744 + <source>
156.745 +exists already. Do you want to</source>
156.746 + <translation>gibt es bereits. Wollen Sie sie</translation>
156.747 + </message>
156.748 + <message>
156.749 + <source>Overwrite</source>
156.750 + <translation>Ãœberschreiben</translation>
156.751 + </message>
156.752 + <message>
156.753 + <source>Cancel</source>
156.754 + <translation>Abbrechen</translation>
156.755 + </message>
156.756 + <message>
156.757 + <source>Couldn't save</source>
156.758 + <translation>Diese Datei konnte nicht gespeichert werden:</translation>
156.759 + </message>
156.760 + <message>
156.761 + <source>Saved </source>
156.762 + <translation type="obsolete">Datei gespeichert: </translation>
156.763 + </message>
156.764 + <message>
156.765 + <source>Couldn't save </source>
156.766 + <translation type="obsolete">Diese Datei konnte nicht gespeichert werden: </translation>
156.767 + </message>
156.768 + <message>
156.769 + <source>The map </source>
156.770 + <translation>Die Map </translation>
156.771 + </message>
156.772 + <message>
156.773 + <source> has been modified but not saved yet. Do you want to</source>
156.774 + <translation>wurde verändert aber noch nicht gespeichert. Wollen Sie</translation>
156.775 + </message>
156.776 + <message>
156.777 + <source>Save modified map before closing it</source>
156.778 + <translation>Speichern und Map schliessen</translation>
156.779 + </message>
156.780 + <message>
156.781 + <source>Discard changes</source>
156.782 + <translation>Änderungen verwerfen</translation>
156.783 + </message>
156.784 + <message>
156.785 + <source>This map is not saved yet. Do you want to</source>
156.786 + <translation>Diese Map wurde noch nicht gespeichert. Wollen Sie </translation>
156.787 + </message>
156.788 + <message>
156.789 + <source>Save map</source>
156.790 + <translation>Speichern</translation>
156.791 + </message>
156.792 + <message>
156.793 + <source>Critical Error</source>
156.794 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler</translation>
156.795 + </message>
156.796 + <message>
156.797 + <source>Enter path for pdf reader:</source>
156.798 + <translation>Pfad für pdf-Anwendung:</translation>
156.799 + </message>
156.800 + <message>
156.801 + <source>Enter path for application to open an URL:</source>
156.802 + <translation>Pfad zum Öffnen von URLs:</translation>
156.803 + </message>
156.804 + <message>
156.805 + <source>Save &As</source>
156.806 + <translation>Speichern &unter...</translation>
156.807 + </message>
156.808 + <message>
156.809 + <source>Open Recent</source>
156.810 + <translation>Zuletzt geöffnete Dateien</translation>
156.811 + </message>
156.812 + <message>
156.813 + <source>Export</source>
156.814 + <translation>Exportieren</translation>
156.815 + </message>
156.816 + <message>
156.817 + <source>Export map as image</source>
156.818 + <translation>als Bild</translation>
156.819 + </message>
156.820 + <message>
156.821 + <source>Export as ASCII (still experimental)</source>
156.822 + <translation>als ASCII Text (noch experimentell)</translation>
156.823 + </message>
156.824 + <message>
156.825 + <source>Export (ASCII)</source>
156.826 + <translation>als ASCII</translation>
156.827 + </message>
156.828 + <message>
156.829 + <source>Edit Map Info</source>
156.830 + <translation>Bearbeite Map Info</translation>
156.831 + </message>
156.832 + <message>
156.833 + <source>Export XML</source>
156.834 + <translation>Exportiere als XML</translation>
156.835 + </message>
156.836 + <message>
156.837 + <source>Export HTML</source>
156.838 + <translation>Exportiere als HTML</translation>
156.839 + </message>
156.840 + <message>
156.841 + <source>The directory </source>
156.842 + <translation>Das Verzeichnis</translation>
156.843 + </message>
156.844 + <message>
156.845 + <source> is not empty. Do you risk to overwrite its contents?</source>
156.846 + <translation>ist nicht leer.Riskieren sie es, das Verzeichnis zu überschreiben?</translation>
156.847 + </message>
156.848 + <message>
156.849 + <source>
156.850 + is already opened.Opening the same map in multiple editors may lead
156.851 +to confusion when finishing working with vym.Do you want to</source>
156.852 + <translation>
156.853 +ist bereits geöffnet. Die gleiche Map mehrfach in verschiedenen Ansichten zu öffnen
156.854 +kann beim Beenden von vym zu Problemen führen. Wollen Sie</translation>
156.855 + </message>
156.856 + <message>
156.857 + <source>Open anyway</source>
156.858 + <translation>Trotzdem öffnen</translation>
156.859 + </message>
156.860 + <message>
156.861 + <source>Export XML to directory</source>
156.862 + <translation>Exportiere XML in Verzeichnis</translation>
156.863 + </message>
156.864 + <message>
156.865 + <source>Critcal error</source>
156.866 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler</translation>
156.867 + </message>
156.868 + <message>
156.869 + <source>Couldn't find the documentation
156.870 +vym.pdf in various places.</source>
156.871 + <translation>Konnte die Dokumentation vym.pdf
156.872 +nirgends finden.</translation>
156.873 + </message>
156.874 + <message>
156.875 + <source>Couldn't find a viewer to read vym.pdf.
156.876 +Please use Settings-></source>
156.877 + <translation>Konnte kein Programm zum Anzeigen von vym.pdf
156.878 +finden. Bitte benutzen Sie Einstellungen-></translation>
156.879 + </message>
156.880 + <message>
156.881 + <source>The map</source>
156.882 + <translation>Die Map</translation>
156.883 + </message>
156.884 + <message>
156.885 + <source> does not exist.
156.886 + Do you want to create a new one?</source>
156.887 + <translation>gibt es nicht
156.888 +Wollen Sie eine neue anlegen?</translation>
156.889 + </message>
156.890 + <message>
156.891 + <source>Create</source>
156.892 + <translation>Anlegen</translation>
156.893 + </message>
156.894 + <message>
156.895 + <source>Create URL to Bugzilla</source>
156.896 + <translation>URL für Bugzilla anlegen</translation>
156.897 + </message>
156.898 + <message>
156.899 + <source>Edit vym link</source>
156.900 + <translation>vym Verknüpfung ändern</translation>
156.901 + </message>
156.902 + <message>
156.903 + <source>Delete link to another vym map</source>
156.904 + <translation>vym Verknüfung löschen</translation>
156.905 + </message>
156.906 + <message>
156.907 + <source>Delete vym link</source>
156.908 + <translation>vym Verknüpfung löschen</translation>
156.909 + </message>
156.910 + <message>
156.911 + <source>Critical Load Error</source>
156.912 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler beim Laden</translation>
156.913 + </message>
156.914 + <message>
156.915 + <source>Couldn't start unzip to decompress data.</source>
156.916 + <translation>Konnte unzip nicht starten, um Daten zu dekomprimieren.</translation>
156.917 + </message>
156.918 + <message>
156.919 + <source>unzip didn't exit normally</source>
156.920 + <translation>unzip wurde nicht richtig beendet</translation>
156.921 + </message>
156.922 + <message>
156.923 + <source>Couldn't find a map (*.xml) in .vym archive.
156.924 +</source>
156.925 + <translation>Konnte keine map (*.xml) in .vym Datei finden.
156.926 +</translation>
156.927 + </message>
156.928 + <message>
156.929 + <source>Critical Save Error</source>
156.930 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler beim Speichern</translation>
156.931 + </message>
156.932 + <message>
156.933 + <source>Couldn't start zip to compress data.</source>
156.934 + <translation>Konnte zip nicht starten, um Daten zu komprimieren.</translation>
156.935 + </message>
156.936 + <message>
156.937 + <source>zip didn't exit normally</source>
156.938 + <translation>zip wurde nicht richtig beendet</translation>
156.939 + </message>
156.940 + <message>
156.941 + <source>Saving the map as </source>
156.942 + <translation type="obsolete">Das Speichern der map als</translation>
156.943 + </message>
156.944 + <message>
156.945 + <source>
156.946 +will write it uncompressed.
156.947 +This will also write the directories for images
156.948 +and flags and thus may overwrite files in the given directory
156.949 +Do you want to</source>
156.950 + <translation type="obsolete">
156.951 +wird die map unkomprimiert schreiben.
156.952 +Dabei werden Verzeichnisse für die Bilder und Flags erzeugt
156.953 +und dabei evtl. andere Daten im Verzeichnis überschrieben</translation>
156.954 + </message>
156.955 + <message>
156.956 + <source>Proceed</source>
156.957 + <translation type="obsolete">Weiter</translation>
156.958 + </message>
156.959 + <message>
156.960 + <source>Saved</source>
156.961 + <translation>Gespeichert: </translation>
156.962 + </message>
156.963 + <message>
156.964 + <source>VYM -Information:</source>
156.965 + <translation>vym-Information:</translation>
156.966 + </message>
156.967 + <message>
156.968 + <source>No matches found for </source>
156.969 + <translation>Keine Treffer gefunden für</translation>
156.970 + </message>
156.971 + <message>
156.972 + <source>Export XHTML</source>
156.973 + <translation>Exportiere XHTML</translation>
156.974 + </message>
156.975 + <message>
156.976 + <source>
156.977 +did not use the compressed vym file format.
156.978 +Writing it uncompressed will also write images
156.979 +and flags and thus may overwrite files in the given directory
156.980 +
156.981 +Do you want to write the map</source>
156.982 + <translation>
156.983 +verwendet nicht das komprimierte vym Dateiformat.
156.984 +Wenn die Map unkomprimiert geschrieben werden soll,
156.985 +dann werden auch die Flags und Bilder im angegebenen
156.986 +Verzeichnis geschrieben, was evtl. bestehende Daten
156.987 +überschreiben kann
156.988 +
156.989 +Wollen Sie die Map beim Schreiben</translation>
156.990 + </message>
156.991 + <message>
156.992 + <source>compressed (vym default)</source>
156.993 + <translation>komprimieren (vym default)</translation>
156.994 + </message>
156.995 + <message>
156.996 + <source>uncompressed</source>
156.997 + <translation>unkomprimiert lassen</translation>
156.998 + </message>
156.999 + <message>
156.1000 + <source>Use for Export</source>
156.1001 + <translation>Benutze für Export</translation>
156.1002 + </message>
156.1003 + <message>
156.1004 + <source>Add map at selection</source>
156.1005 + <translation>Map an Auswahl anhängen</translation>
156.1006 + </message>
156.1007 + <message>
156.1008 + <source>Import (add)</source>
156.1009 + <translation>Import (hinzufügen)</translation>
156.1010 + </message>
156.1011 + <message>
156.1012 + <source>Replace selection with map</source>
156.1013 + <translation>Auswahl mit Map ersetzen</translation>
156.1014 + </message>
156.1015 + <message>
156.1016 + <source>Import (replace)</source>
156.1017 + <translation>Import (ersetzen)</translation>
156.1018 + </message>
156.1019 + <message>
156.1020 + <source>Save selction</source>
156.1021 + <translation>Auswahl speichern</translation>
156.1022 + </message>
156.1023 + <message>
156.1024 + <source>Save selection</source>
156.1025 + <translation>Auswahl speichern</translation>
156.1026 + </message>
156.1027 + <message>
156.1028 + <source>Load vym map</source>
156.1029 + <translation>Lade vym Map</translation>
156.1030 + </message>
156.1031 + <message>
156.1032 + <source>Import: Add vym map to selection</source>
156.1033 + <translation>Import: Füge Map zu Auswahl hinzu</translation>
156.1034 + </message>
156.1035 + <message>
156.1036 + <source>Import: Replace selection with vym map</source>
156.1037 + <translation>Import: Ersetze Auswahl mit Map</translation>
156.1038 + </message>
156.1039 + <message>
156.1040 + <source>Save Error</source>
156.1041 + <translation>Fehler beim Speichern</translation>
156.1042 + </message>
156.1043 + <message>
156.1044 + <source>
156.1045 +could not be removed before saving</source>
156.1046 + <translation>
156.1047 +konnte vor dem Speichern nicht gelöscht werden</translation>
156.1048 + </message>
156.1049 +</context>
156.1050 +<context>
156.1051 + <name>MapEditor</name>
156.1052 + <message>
156.1053 + <source>Note</source>
156.1054 + <translation>Notiz</translation>
156.1055 + </message>
156.1056 + <message>
156.1057 + <source>WWW Document (external)</source>
156.1058 + <translation>WWW Dokument (extern)</translation>
156.1059 + </message>
156.1060 + <message>
156.1061 + <source>Link to another vym map</source>
156.1062 + <translation>Verbindung zu einer anderen Map</translation>
156.1063 + </message>
156.1064 + <message>
156.1065 + <source>subtree is scrolled</source>
156.1066 + <translation>Teilbaum ist eingerollt</translation>
156.1067 + </message>
156.1068 + <message>
156.1069 + <source>subtree is temporary scrolled</source>
156.1070 + <translation>Teilbaum ist momentan ausgerollt</translation>
156.1071 + </message>
156.1072 + <message>
156.1073 + <source>Take care!</source>
156.1074 + <translation>Vorsicht!</translation>
156.1075 + </message>
156.1076 + <message>
156.1077 + <source>Really?</source>
156.1078 + <translation>Wirklich?</translation>
156.1079 + </message>
156.1080 + <message>
156.1081 + <source>ok!</source>
156.1082 + <translation>ok!</translation>
156.1083 + </message>
156.1084 + <message>
156.1085 + <source>Not ok!</source>
156.1086 + <translation>Nicht ok!</translation>
156.1087 + </message>
156.1088 + <message>
156.1089 + <source>This won't work!</source>
156.1090 + <translation>Das geht nicht!</translation>
156.1091 + </message>
156.1092 + <message>
156.1093 + <source>Good</source>
156.1094 + <translation>Gut</translation>
156.1095 + </message>
156.1096 + <message>
156.1097 + <source>Bad</source>
156.1098 + <translation>Schlecht</translation>
156.1099 + </message>
156.1100 + <message>
156.1101 + <source>Time critical</source>
156.1102 + <translation>Zeitkritisch</translation>
156.1103 + </message>
156.1104 + <message>
156.1105 + <source>Idea!</source>
156.1106 + <translation>Idee!</translation>
156.1107 + </message>
156.1108 + <message>
156.1109 + <source>Important</source>
156.1110 + <translation>Wichtig</translation>
156.1111 + </message>
156.1112 + <message>
156.1113 + <source>Unimportant</source>
156.1114 + <translation>Unwichtig</translation>
156.1115 + </message>
156.1116 + <message>
156.1117 + <source>I like this</source>
156.1118 + <translation>Finde ich gut</translation>
156.1119 + </message>
156.1120 + <message>
156.1121 + <source>I do not like this</source>
156.1122 + <translation>Finde ich schlecht</translation>
156.1123 + </message>
156.1124 + <message>
156.1125 + <source>I just love... </source>
156.1126 + <translation>Das liebe ich!</translation>
156.1127 + </message>
156.1128 + <message>
156.1129 + <source>Critical error while loading map</source>
156.1130 + <translation type="obsolete">Kritischer Fehler beim Laden der Map</translation>
156.1131 + </message>
156.1132 + <message>
156.1133 + <source>Critical Parse Error</source>
156.1134 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler beim Verarbeiten</translation>
156.1135 + </message>
156.1136 + <message>
156.1137 + <source>Warning: Old file format</source>
156.1138 + <translation type="obsolete">Warnung: Altes Dateiformat</translation>
156.1139 + </message>
156.1140 + <message>
156.1141 + <source><h3>Old file format detected</h3><p>The map you are just loading still uses an old uncompressed file format. Saving it later will overwrite the old format by converting it to version </source>
156.1142 + <translation type="obsolete"><h3>Altes Dateiformat gefunden</h3>Die gerade geladene Map verwendet ein unkomprimmiertes Format. Wird sie später gespeichert, so wird sie umgewandelt in das Format von Version</translation>
156.1143 + </message>
156.1144 + <message>
156.1145 + <source>Critical Load Error</source>
156.1146 + <translation type="obsolete">Kritischer Fehler beim Laden</translation>
156.1147 + </message>
156.1148 + <message>
156.1149 + <source>Couldn't open map after uncompressing, I tried:
156.1150 +</source>
156.1151 + <translation type="obsolete">Konnte Map nach dem Entpacken nicht öffnen:
156.1152 +</translation>
156.1153 + </message>
156.1154 + <message>
156.1155 + <source>Critical Save Error</source>
156.1156 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler beim Speichern</translation>
156.1157 + </message>
156.1158 + <message>
156.1159 + <source>Couldn't write to </source>
156.1160 + <translation>Konnte nicht speichern:</translation>
156.1161 + </message>
156.1162 + <message>
156.1163 + <source>Critcal save error</source>
156.1164 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler beim Speichern</translation>
156.1165 + </message>
156.1166 + <message>
156.1167 + <source> doesn't exist</source>
156.1168 + <translation type="obsolete">gibt es nicht</translation>
156.1169 + </message>
156.1170 + <message>
156.1171 + <source>VYM - Export (ASCII)</source>
156.1172 + <translation>VYM - Export (ASCII)</translation>
156.1173 + </message>
156.1174 + <message>
156.1175 + <source>The file </source>
156.1176 + <translation>Die Datei</translation>
156.1177 + </message>
156.1178 + <message>
156.1179 + <source> exists already. Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
156.1180 + <translation>gibt es bereits. Wollen Sie sie</translation>
156.1181 + </message>
156.1182 + <message>
156.1183 + <source>Overwrite</source>
156.1184 + <translation>Ãœberschreiben</translation>
156.1185 + </message>
156.1186 + <message>
156.1187 + <source>Cancel</source>
156.1188 + <translation>Abbrechen</translation>
156.1189 + </message>
156.1190 + <message>
156.1191 + <source>Critical Export Error </source>
156.1192 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler beim Exportieren</translation>
156.1193 + </message>
156.1194 + <message>
156.1195 + <source>Couldn't create directory </source>
156.1196 + <translation>Konnte Verzeichnis nicht anlegen</translation>
156.1197 + </message>
156.1198 + <message>
156.1199 + <source>VYM - Export to directory</source>
156.1200 + <translation type="obsolete">VYM - Export in Verzeichnis</translation>
156.1201 + </message>
156.1202 + <message>
156.1203 + <source>VYM - Export to directory (still experimental)</source>
156.1204 + <translation type="obsolete">VYM - Export in Verzeichnis</translation>
156.1205 + </message>
156.1206 + <message>
156.1207 + <source>The directory </source>
156.1208 + <translation type="obsolete">Das Verzeichnis</translation>
156.1209 + </message>
156.1210 + <message>
156.1211 + <source> is not empty. Do you risk to overwrite its contents?</source>
156.1212 + <translation type="obsolete">ist nicht leer.Riskieren sie es, das Verzeichnis zu überschreiben?</translation>
156.1213 + </message>
156.1214 + <message>
156.1215 + <source>Critical Export Error</source>
156.1216 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler beim Exportieren</translation>
156.1217 + </message>
156.1218 + <message>
156.1219 + <source>Critical Error</source>
156.1220 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler</translation>
156.1221 + </message>
156.1222 + <message>
156.1223 + <source> used for undo is gone.
156.1224 +I will create a new one, but at the moment no undo is available.
156.1225 +Maybe you want to reload your original data.
156.1226 +
156.1227 +Sorry for any inconveniences.</source>
156.1228 + <translation>Vielleicht wollen sie die Orginaldaten erneut laden
156.1229 +Sorry für die Unannehmlichkeiten.</translation>
156.1230 + </message>
156.1231 + <message>
156.1232 + <source>Enter URL:</source>
156.1233 + <translation>Neue URL:</translation>
156.1234 + </message>
156.1235 + <message>
156.1236 + <source>VYM - Link to another map</source>
156.1237 + <translation>VYM - Verbindung zu einer anderen Map</translation>
156.1238 + </message>
156.1239 + <message>
156.1240 + <source>vym map</source>
156.1241 + <translation>vym Map</translation>
156.1242 + </message>
156.1243 + <message>
156.1244 + <source>vym - load image</source>
156.1245 + <translation>VYM - Lade Bild</translation>
156.1246 + </message>
156.1247 + <message>
156.1248 + <source>Images</source>
156.1249 + <translation>Bilder</translation>
156.1250 + </message>
156.1251 + <message>
156.1252 + <source>vym - Load image</source>
156.1253 + <translation>vym - Lade Bild</translation>
156.1254 + </message>
156.1255 + <message>
156.1256 + <source>vym - save image as</source>
156.1257 + <translation>vym - Speichere Bild als</translation>
156.1258 + </message>
156.1259 + <message>
156.1260 + <source>vym - Save image as </source>
156.1261 + <translation>vym - Speichere Bild als</translation>
156.1262 + </message>
156.1263 + <message>
156.1264 + <source>Critical Import Error</source>
156.1265 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler beim Importieren</translation>
156.1266 + </message>
156.1267 + <message>
156.1268 + <source>Cannot find the directory</source>
156.1269 + <translation>Kann das Verzeichnis nicht finden</translation>
156.1270 + </message>
156.1271 + <message>
156.1272 + <source>VYM - Choose directory structur to import</source>
156.1273 + <translation>vym - Wähle Verzeichnisstruktur für Import</translation>
156.1274 + </message>
156.1275 + <message>
156.1276 + <source>Dangerous</source>
156.1277 + <translation>Gefährlich</translation>
156.1278 + </message>
156.1279 + <message>
156.1280 + <source>This will help</source>
156.1281 + <translation>Das könnte helfen</translation>
156.1282 + </message>
156.1283 + <message>
156.1284 + <source>New Map</source>
156.1285 + <translation>Neue Map</translation>
156.1286 + </message>
156.1287 + <message>
156.1288 + <source>Critical Parse Error by reading backupFile</source>
156.1289 + <translation>Kritischer Fehler beim Parsen
156.1290 +der Sicherungskopie</translation>
156.1291 + </message>
156.1292 + <message>
156.1293 + <source>MapEditor::exportXML couldn't open </source>
156.1294 + <translation>MapEditor::exportXML konnte nicht öffnen:</translation>
156.1295 + </message>
156.1296 +</context>
156.1297 +<context>
156.1298 + <name>QMessageBox</name>
156.1299 + <message>
156.1300 + <source>Critical Error</source>
156.1301 + <translation type="obsolete">Kritischer Fehler</translation>
156.1302 + </message>
156.1303 +</context>
156.1304 +<context>
156.1305 + <name>QObject</name>
156.1306 + <message>
156.1307 + <source>new branch</source>
156.1308 + <translation type="obsolete">Neuer Zweig</translation>
156.1309 + </message>
156.1310 + <message>
156.1311 + <source>New Map</source>
156.1312 + <translation type="obsolete">Neue Map</translation>
156.1313 + </message>
156.1314 + <message>
156.1315 + <source>This is not an image.</source>
156.1316 + <translation>Das ist kein Bild.</translation>
156.1317 + </message>
156.1318 +</context>
156.1319 +<context>
156.1320 + <name>ShowTextDialog</name>
156.1321 + <message>
156.1322 + <source>VYM - Info</source>
156.1323 + <translation>VYM - Info</translation>
156.1324 + </message>
156.1325 + <message>
156.1326 + <source>Close</source>
156.1327 + <translation>Schliessen</translation>
156.1328 + </message>
156.1329 +</context>
156.1330 +<context>
156.1331 + <name>TextEditor</name>
156.1332 + <message>
156.1333 + <source>&File</source>
156.1334 + <translation>&Datei</translation>
156.1335 + </message>
156.1336 + <message>
156.1337 + <source>Import</source>
156.1338 + <translation>Importiere</translation>
156.1339 + </message>
156.1340 + <message>
156.1341 + <source>&Import...</source>
156.1342 + <translation>&Importiere</translation>
156.1343 + </message>
156.1344 + <message>
156.1345 + <source>Export Note</source>
156.1346 + <translation type="obsolete">Exportiere Notiz</translation>
156.1347 + </message>
156.1348 + <message>
156.1349 + <source>&Export...</source>
156.1350 + <translation>&Export</translation>
156.1351 + </message>
156.1352 + <message>
156.1353 + <source>Export Note As</source>
156.1354 + <translation type="obsolete">Exportiere Notiz unter...</translation>
156.1355 + </message>
156.1356 + <message>
156.1357 + <source>Export &As...</source>
156.1358 + <translation type="obsolete">Exportiere &unter...</translation>
156.1359 + </message>
156.1360 + <message>
156.1361 + <source>Print Note</source>
156.1362 + <translation>Drucke Notiz</translation>
156.1363 + </message>
156.1364 + <message>
156.1365 + <source>&Print...</source>
156.1366 + <translation>&Drucken</translation>
156.1367 + </message>
156.1368 + <message>
156.1369 + <source>&Edit</source>
156.1370 + <translation>&Bearbeiten</translation>
156.1371 + </message>
156.1372 + <message>
156.1373 + <source>Undo</source>
156.1374 + <translation>Rückgängig</translation>
156.1375 + </message>
156.1376 + <message>
156.1377 + <source>&Undo</source>
156.1378 + <translation>R&ückgängig</translation>
156.1379 + </message>
156.1380 + <message>
156.1381 + <source>Redo</source>
156.1382 + <translation>Wiederherstellen</translation>
156.1383 + </message>
156.1384 + <message>
156.1385 + <source>&Redo</source>
156.1386 + <translation>Wieder&herstellen</translation>
156.1387 + </message>
156.1388 + <message>
156.1389 + <source>Select and copy all</source>
156.1390 + <translation>Alles auswählen und kopieren</translation>
156.1391 + </message>
156.1392 + <message>
156.1393 + <source>Select and copy &all</source>
156.1394 + <translation>&Alles auswählen und kopieren</translation>
156.1395 + </message>
156.1396 + <message>
156.1397 + <source>Copy</source>
156.1398 + <translation>Kopieren</translation>
156.1399 + </message>
156.1400 + <message>
156.1401 + <source>&Copy</source>
156.1402 + <translation>&Kopieren</translation>
156.1403 + </message>
156.1404 + <message>
156.1405 + <source>Cut</source>
156.1406 + <translation>Ausschneiden</translation>
156.1407 + </message>
156.1408 + <message>
156.1409 + <source>Cu&t</source>
156.1410 + <translation>&Ausschneiden</translation>
156.1411 + </message>
156.1412 + <message>
156.1413 + <source>Paste</source>
156.1414 + <translation>Einfügen</translation>
156.1415 + </message>
156.1416 + <message>
156.1417 + <source>&Paste</source>
156.1418 + <translation>Ein&fügen</translation>
156.1419 + </message>
156.1420 + <message>
156.1421 + <source>Delete all</source>
156.1422 + <translation>Alles löschen</translation>
156.1423 + </message>
156.1424 + <message>
156.1425 + <source>&Delete All</source>
156.1426 + <translation>Alles &löschen</translation>
156.1427 + </message>
156.1428 + <message>
156.1429 + <source>&Format</source>
156.1430 + <translation>&Format</translation>
156.1431 + </message>
156.1432 + <message>
156.1433 + <source>Use fixed font</source>
156.1434 + <translation type="obsolete">Benutze fixe Zeichenbreite</translation>
156.1435 + </message>
156.1436 + <message>
156.1437 + <source>&Fixed font</source>
156.1438 + <translation type="obsolete">&fixe Zeichenbreite</translation>
156.1439 + </message>
156.1440 + <message>
156.1441 + <source>&Settings</source>
156.1442 + <translation>&Einstellungen</translation>
156.1443 + </message>
156.1444 + <message>
156.1445 + <source>Set fixed font</source>
156.1446 + <translation>Wähle Zeichensatz mit fixer Breite</translation>
156.1447 + </message>
156.1448 + <message>
156.1449 + <source>Set &fixed font</source>
156.1450 + <translation>Wähle Zeichensatz mit f&ixer Breite</translation>
156.1451 + </message>
156.1452 + <message>
156.1453 + <source>Set variable font</source>
156.1454 + <translation>Wähle Zeichensatz mit variabler Breite</translation>
156.1455 + </message>
156.1456 + <message>
156.1457 + <source>Set &variable font</source>
156.1458 + <translation>Wähle Zeichensatz mit v&ariabler Breite</translation>
156.1459 + </message>
156.1460 + <message>
156.1461 + <source>Used fixed font by default</source>
156.1462 + <translation>Verwende fixen Zeichensatz per default</translation>
156.1463 + </message>
156.1464 + <message>
156.1465 + <source>&fixed font is default</source>
156.1466 + <translation>Verwende fixen Zeichensatz p&er default</translation>
156.1467 + </message>
156.1468 + <message>
156.1469 + <source>Export Note (HTML)</source>
156.1470 + <translation>Exportiere Notiz (HTML)</translation>
156.1471 + </message>
156.1472 + <message>
156.1473 + <source>Export Note As (HTML) </source>
156.1474 + <translation>Exportiere Notiz als (HTML)</translation>
156.1475 + </message>
156.1476 + <message>
156.1477 + <source>Export &As... (HTML)</source>
156.1478 + <translation>Exportiere Notiz &als... (HTML)</translation>
156.1479 + </message>
156.1480 + <message>
156.1481 + <source>Export Note As (ASCII) </source>
156.1482 + <translation>Exportiere Notiz als (ASCII)</translation>
156.1483 + </message>
156.1484 + <message>
156.1485 + <source>Export &As...(ASCII)</source>
156.1486 + <translation>Exportiere a&ls (ASCII)</translation>
156.1487 + </message>
156.1488 + <message>
156.1489 + <source>Use fixed width font for the whole text</source>
156.1490 + <translation type="obsolete">Feste Zeichenbreite für den Text verwenden</translation>
156.1491 + </message>
156.1492 + <message>
156.1493 + <source>&Color...</source>
156.1494 + <translation>&Farbe...</translation>
156.1495 + </message>
156.1496 + <message>
156.1497 + <source>&Bold</source>
156.1498 + <translation>F&ett</translation>
156.1499 + </message>
156.1500 + <message>
156.1501 + <source>&Italic</source>
156.1502 + <translation>K&ursiv</translation>
156.1503 + </message>
156.1504 + <message>
156.1505 + <source>&Underline</source>
156.1506 + <translation>&Unterstrichen</translation>
156.1507 + </message>
156.1508 + <message>
156.1509 + <source>&Left</source>
156.1510 + <translation>&Linksbündig</translation>
156.1511 + </message>
156.1512 + <message>
156.1513 + <source>C&enter</source>
156.1514 + <translation>&Zentriert</translation>
156.1515 + </message>
156.1516 + <message>
156.1517 + <source>&Right</source>
156.1518 + <translation>&Rechtsbündig</translation>
156.1519 + </message>
156.1520 + <message>
156.1521 + <source>&Justify</source>
156.1522 + <translation>&Blocksatz</translation>
156.1523 + </message>
156.1524 + <message>
156.1525 + <source>Export Note to single file</source>
156.1526 + <translation>Notiz in eine einzelne Datei exportieren</translation>
156.1527 + </message>
156.1528 + <message>
156.1529 + <source>The file </source>
156.1530 + <translation>Die Datei</translation>
156.1531 + </message>
156.1532 + <message>
156.1533 + <source> exists already. Do you want to overwrite it?</source>
156.1534 + <translation>gibt es bereits. Wollen Sie sie</translation>
156.1535 + </message>
156.1536 + <message>
156.1537 + <source>Overwrite</source>
156.1538 + <translation>Ãœberschreiben</translation>
156.1539 + </message>
156.1540 + <message>
156.1541 + <source>Cancel</source>
156.1542 + <translation>Abbrechen</translation>
156.1543 + </message>
156.1544 + <message>
156.1545 + <source>Couldn't export note </source>
156.1546 + <translation>Konnte Notiz nicht exportieren</translation>
156.1547 + </message>
156.1548 + <message>
156.1549 + <source>Export Note to single file (ASCII)</source>
156.1550 + <translation>Notiz als ASCII in eine einzelne Datei ausgeben</translation>
156.1551 + </message>
156.1552 + <message>
156.1553 + <source>Convert paragraphs to linebreaks</source>
156.1554 + <translation>Absätze in Zeilenbrüche umwandeln</translation>
156.1555 + </message>
156.1556 + <message>
156.1557 + <source>&Convert Paragraphs</source>
156.1558 + <translation>&Absätze umwandeln</translation>
156.1559 + </message>
156.1560 + <message>
156.1561 + <source>Join all lines of a paragraph</source>
156.1562 + <translation>Alle Zeilenumbrüche eines Absatzes zu vereinen</translation>
156.1563 + </message>
156.1564 + <message>
156.1565 + <source>&Join lines</source>
156.1566 + <translation>&Zeilen vereinen</translation>
156.1567 + </message>
156.1568 + <message>
156.1569 + <source>Toggle font hint for the whole text</source>
156.1570 + <translation>Zeichensatz für gesamten Text umschalten</translation>
156.1571 + </message>
156.1572 + <message>
156.1573 + <source>&Font hint</source>
156.1574 + <translation>Zeichensatz &umschalten</translation>
156.1575 + </message>
156.1576 +</context>
156.1577 +</TS>
157.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
157.2 +++ b/xml.cpp Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
157.3 @@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
157.4 +#include "xml.h"
157.5 +
157.6 +#include <qmessagebox.h>
157.7 +#include <qcolor.h>
157.8 +#include <qstylesheet.h>
157.9 +#include <iostream>
157.10 +
157.11 +#include "misc.h"
157.12 +#include "settings.h"
157.13 +
157.14 +#include "version.h"
157.15 +
157.16 +static BranchObj *lastBranch;
157.17 +static FloatObj *lastFloat;
157.18 +
157.19 +extern Settings settings;
157.20 +
157.21 +mapBuilderHandler::mapBuilderHandler() {}
157.22 +
157.23 +mapBuilderHandler::~mapBuilderHandler() {}
157.24 +
157.25 +QString mapBuilderHandler::errorProtocol() { return errorProt; }
157.26 +
157.27 +bool mapBuilderHandler::startDocument()
157.28 +{
157.29 + errorProt = "";
157.30 + state = StateInit;
157.31 + laststate = StateInit;
157.32 + branchDepth=0;
157.33 + htmldata="";
157.34 + isVymPart=false;
157.35 + return true;
157.36 +}
157.37 +
157.38 +
157.39 +QString mapBuilderHandler::parseHREF(QString href)
157.40 +{
157.41 + QString type=href.section(":",0,0);
157.42 + QString path=href.section(":",1,1);
157.43 + if (!tmpDir.endsWith("/"))
157.44 + return tmpDir + "/" + path;
157.45 + else
157.46 + return tmpDir + path;
157.47 +}
157.48 +
157.49 +bool mapBuilderHandler::startElement ( const QString&, const QString&,
157.50 + const QString& eName, const QXmlAttributes& atts )
157.51 +{
157.52 + QColor col;
157.53 +// cout << "startElement <"<<eName<<"> state="<<state <<" laststate="<<laststate<<endl;
157.54 + if ( state == StateInit && (eName == "vymmap") )
157.55 + {
157.56 + state = StateMap;
157.57 + if (!atts.value( "version").isEmpty() )
157.58 + {
157.59 + mc->setVersion(atts.value( "version" ));
157.60 + if (!mc->checkVersion())
157.61 + QMessageBox::warning( 0, "Warning: Version Problem" ,
157.62 + "<h3>Map is newer than VYM</h3>"
157.63 + "<p>The map you are just trying to load was "
157.64 + "saved using vym " +atts.value("version")+". "
157.65 + "The version of this vym is " __VYM_VERSION__
157.66 + ". If you run into problems after pressing "
157.67 + "the ok-button below, updating vym should help.");
157.68 +
157.69 + }
157.70 + if (loadMode==NewMap)
157.71 + {
157.72 + if (!atts.value( "author").isEmpty() )
157.73 + {
157.74 + mc->setAuthor(atts.value( "author" ) );
157.75 + }
157.76 + if (!atts.value( "comment").isEmpty() )
157.77 + {
157.78 + mc->setComment (atts.value( "comment" ) );
157.79 + }
157.80 + if (!atts.value( "backgroundColor").isEmpty() )
157.81 + {
157.82 + col.setNamedColor(atts.value("backgroundColor"));
157.83 + mc->getCanvas()->setBackgroundColor(col);
157.84 + }
157.85 + if (!atts.value( "linkColorHint").isEmpty() )
157.86 + {
157.87 + if (atts.value("linkColorHint")=="HeadingColor")
157.88 + me->setLinkColorHint(HeadingColor);
157.89 + else
157.90 + me->setLinkColorHint(DefaultColor);
157.91 + }
157.92 + if (!atts.value( "linkStyle").isEmpty() )
157.93 + {
157.94 + QString s=atts.value("linkStyle");
157.95 + if (s=="StyleLine")
157.96 + me->setLinkStyle(StyleLine);
157.97 + else
157.98 + if (s=="StyleParabel")
157.99 + me->setLinkStyle(StyleParabel);
157.100 + else
157.101 + if (s=="StylePolyLine")
157.102 + me->setLinkStyle(StylePolyLine);
157.103 + else
157.104 + me->setLinkStyle(StylePolyParabel);
157.105 + }
157.106 + if (!atts.value( "linkColor").isEmpty() )
157.107 + {
157.108 + col.setNamedColor(atts.value("linkColor"));
157.109 + me->setLinkColor(col);
157.110 + }
157.111 + }
157.112 + } else if ( eName == "select" && state == StateMap )
157.113 + {
157.114 + state=StateMapSelect;
157.115 + } else if ( eName == "setting" && state == StateMap )
157.116 + {
157.117 + state=StateMapSetting;
157.118 + if (loadMode==NewMap)
157.119 + readSettingAttr (atts);
157.120 + } else if ( eName == "mapcenter" && state == StateMap )
157.121 + {
157.122 + state=StateMapCenter;
157.123 + if (loadMode==NewMap)
157.124 + {
157.125 + // Really use the found mapcenter as MCO in a new map
157.126 + lastBranch=mc; // avoid empty pointer
157.127 + } else
157.128 + {
157.129 + // Treat the found mapcenter as a branch
157.130 + // in an existing map
157.131 + LinkableMapObj* lmo=me->getSelection();
157.132 + if (lmo && (typeid(*lmo) == typeid(BranchObj) )
157.133 + || (typeid(*lmo) == typeid(MapCenterObj) ) )
157.134 + {
157.135 + lastBranch=(BranchObj*)(lmo);
157.136 + if (loadMode==ImportAdd)
157.137 + {
157.138 + lastBranch->addBranch();
157.139 + lastBranch=lastBranch->getLastBranch();
157.140 + } else
157.141 + lastBranch->clear();
157.142 + } else
157.143 + return false;
157.144 + }
157.145 + readBranchAttr (atts);
157.146 + } else if ( (eName == "standardflag" ||eName == "standardFlag") && state == StateMapCenter)
157.147 + {
157.148 + state=StateMapCenterStandardFlag;
157.149 + } else if ( eName == "heading" && state == StateMapCenter)
157.150 + {
157.151 + state=StateMapCenterHeading;
157.152 + if (!atts.value( "textColor").isEmpty() )
157.153 + {
157.154 + col.setNamedColor(atts.value("textColor"));
157.155 + lastBranch->setColor(col ,false );
157.156 + }
157.157 + } else if ( eName == "note" && state == StateMapCenter)
157.158 + { // only for backward compatibility (<1.4.6). Use htmlnote now.
157.159 + state=StateMapCenterNote;
157.160 + if (!readNoteAttr (atts) ) return false;
157.161 + } else if ( eName == "htmlnote" && state == StateMapCenter)
157.162 + {
157.163 + laststate=state;
157.164 + state=StateHtmlNote;
157.165 + } else if ( eName == "floatimage" && state == StateMapCenter )
157.166 + {
157.167 + state=StateMapCenterFloatImage;
157.168 + lastBranch->addFloatImage();
157.169 + lastFloat=lastBranch->getLastFloatImage();
157.170 + if (!readFloatImageAttr(atts)) return false;
157.171 + } else if ( eName == "branch" && state == StateMap)
157.172 + {
157.173 + // This is used in vymparts, which have no mapcenter!
157.174 + isVymPart=true;
157.175 + state=StateBranch;
157.176 + LinkableMapObj* lmo=me->getSelection();
157.177 + if (lmo && (typeid(*lmo) == typeid(BranchObj) )
157.178 + || (typeid(*lmo) == typeid(MapCenterObj) ) )
157.179 + {
157.180 + lastBranch=(BranchObj*)(lmo);
157.181 + if (loadMode==ImportAdd)
157.182 + {
157.183 + lastBranch->addBranch();
157.184 + lastBranch=lastBranch->getLastBranch();
157.185 + } else
157.186 + lastBranch->clear();
157.187 + } else
157.188 + return false;
157.189 + branchDepth=1;
157.190 + readBranchAttr (atts);
157.191 + } else if ( eName == "branch" && state == StateMapCenter)
157.192 + {
157.193 + state=StateBranch;
157.194 + branchDepth=1;
157.195 + lastBranch->addBranch();
157.196 + lastBranch=lastBranch->getLastBranch();
157.197 + readBranchAttr (atts);
157.198 + } else if ( (eName=="standardflag" ||eName == "standardFlag") && state == StateBranch)
157.199 + {
157.200 + state=StateBranchStandardFlag;
157.201 + } else if ( eName == "heading" && state == StateBranch)
157.202 + {
157.203 + state=StateBranchHeading;
157.204 + if (!atts.value( "textColor").isEmpty() )
157.205 + {
157.206 + col.setNamedColor(atts.value("textColor"));
157.207 + lastBranch->setColor(col ,false );
157.208 + }
157.209 + } else if ( eName == "note" && state == StateBranch)
157.210 + {
157.211 + state=StateBranchNote;
157.212 + if (!readNoteAttr (atts) ) return false;
157.213 + } else if ( eName == "htmlnote" && state == StateBranch)
157.214 + {
157.215 + laststate=state;
157.216 + state=StateHtmlNote;
157.217 + no.clear();
157.218 + if (!atts.value( "fonthint").isEmpty() )
157.219 + no.setFontHint(atts.value ("fonthint") );
157.220 + } else if ( eName == "floatimage" && state == StateBranch )
157.221 + {
157.222 + state=StateBranchFloatImage;
157.223 + lastBranch->addFloatImage();
157.224 + lastFloat=lastBranch->getLastFloatImage();
157.225 + if (!readFloatImageAttr(atts)) return false;
157.226 + } else if ( eName == "branch" && state == StateBranch )
157.227 + {
157.228 + lastBranch->addBranch();
157.229 + lastBranch=lastBranch->getLastBranch();
157.230 + branchDepth++;
157.231 + readBranchAttr (atts);
157.232 + } else if ( eName == "html" && state == StateHtmlNote )
157.233 + {
157.234 + state=StateHtml;
157.235 + htmldata="<"+eName;
157.236 + readHtmlAttr(atts);
157.237 + htmldata+=">";
157.238 + } else if ( state == StateHtml )
157.239 + {
157.240 + // accept all while in html mode,
157.241 + htmldata+="<"+eName;
157.242 + readHtmlAttr(atts);
157.243 + htmldata+=">";
157.244 + } else
157.245 + return false; // Error
157.246 + return true;
157.247 +}
157.248 +
157.249 +bool mapBuilderHandler::endElement ( const QString&, const QString&, const QString &eName)
157.250 +{
157.251 +// cout << "endElement </"<<eName<<"> state="<<state <<" laststate="<<laststate<<endl;
157.252 + switch ( state )
157.253 + {
157.254 + case StateMapSelect: state=StateMap; return true;
157.255 + case StateMapSetting: state=StateMap; return true;
157.256 + case StateMapCenter: state=StateMap; return true;
157.257 + case StateMapCenterStandardFlag: state=StateMapCenter; return true;
157.258 + case StateMapCenterHeading: state=StateMapCenter; return true;
157.259 + case StateMapCenterNote: state=StateMapCenter; return true;
157.260 + case StateMapCenterFloatImage: state=StateMapCenter; return true;
157.261 + case StateBranch:
157.262 + if (branchDepth>1)
157.263 + {
157.264 + branchDepth--;
157.265 + state=StateBranch;
157.266 + } else
157.267 + {
157.268 + branchDepth=0;
157.269 + if (isVymPart)
157.270 + state=StateMap;
157.271 + else
157.272 + state=StateMapCenter;
157.273 + }
157.274 + lastBranch=(BranchObj*)(lastBranch->getParObj());
157.275 + return true;
157.276 + case StateBranchStandardFlag: state=StateBranch; return true;
157.277 + case StateBranchHeading: state=StateBranch; return true;
157.278 + case StateBranchNote: state=StateBranch; return true;
157.279 + case StateBranchFloatImage: state=StateBranch; return true;
157.280 + case StateHtmlNote: state=laststate; return true;
157.281 + case StateHtml:
157.282 + htmldata+="</"+eName+">";
157.283 + if (eName=="html")
157.284 + {
157.285 + state=StateHtmlNote;
157.286 + htmldata.replace ("<br></br>","<br />");
157.287 + no.setNote (htmldata);
157.288 + lastBranch->setNote (no);
157.289 + return true;
157.290 + } else
157.291 + {
157.292 + return true;
157.293 + }
157.294 + case StateMap: state=StateInit; return true;
157.295 + default :
157.296 + // even for HTML includes, this should never be reached
157.297 + return false;
157.298 + }
157.299 +}
157.300 +
157.301 +bool mapBuilderHandler::characters ( const QString& ch)
157.302 +{
157.303 + //cout << "characters \""<<ch<<"\" state="<<state <<" laststate="<<laststate<<endl;
157.304 +
157.305 + QString ch_org=quotemeta (ch);
157.306 + QString ch_simplified=ch.simplifyWhiteSpace();
157.307 + if ( ch_simplified.isEmpty() ) return true;
157.308 +
157.309 + switch ( state )
157.310 + {
157.311 + case StateInit: break;
157.312 + case StateMap: break;
157.313 + case StateMapSelect:
157.314 + me->select(ch_simplified);
157.315 + break;
157.316 + case StateMapSetting:break;
157.317 + case StateMapCenter: break;
157.318 + case StateMapCenterStandardFlag:
157.319 + lastBranch->activateStandardFlag(ch_simplified);
157.320 + break;
157.321 + case StateMapCenterHeading:
157.322 + lastBranch->setHeading(ch_simplified);
157.323 + break;
157.324 + case StateMapCenterNote:
157.325 + lastBranch->setNote(ch_simplified);
157.326 + break;
157.327 + case StateBranch: break;
157.328 + case StateBranchStandardFlag:
157.329 + lastBranch->activateStandardFlag(ch_simplified);
157.330 + break;
157.331 + case StateBranchHeading:
157.332 + lastBranch->setHeading(ch_simplified);
157.333 + break;
157.334 + case StateBranchNote:
157.335 + lastBranch->setNote(ch_simplified);
157.336 + break;
157.337 + case StateBranchFloatImage: break;
157.338 + case StateHtmlNote: break;
157.339 + case StateHtml:
157.340 + htmldata+=ch_org;
157.341 + break;
157.342 + default:
157.343 + return false;
157.344 + }
157.345 + return true;
157.346 +}
157.347 +
157.348 +QString mapBuilderHandler::errorString()
157.349 +{
157.350 + return "the document is not in the VYM file format";
157.351 +}
157.352 +
157.353 +bool mapBuilderHandler::fatalError( const QXmlParseException& exception )
157.354 +{
157.355 + errorProt += QString( "fatal parsing error: %1 in line %2, column %3\n")
157.356 + .arg( exception.message() )
157.357 + .arg( exception.lineNumber() )
157.358 + .arg( exception.columnNumber() );
157.359 +
157.360 + return QXmlDefaultHandler::fatalError( exception );
157.361 +}
157.362 +
157.363 +void mapBuilderHandler::setMapEditor (MapEditor* e)
157.364 +{
157.365 + me=e;
157.366 + mc=me->getMapCenter();
157.367 +}
157.368 +
157.369 +void mapBuilderHandler::setTmpDir (QString tp)
157.370 +{
157.371 + tmpDir=tp;
157.372 +}
157.373 +
157.374 +void mapBuilderHandler::setLoadMode (const LoadMode &lm)
157.375 +{
157.376 + loadMode=lm;
157.377 +}
157.378 +
157.379 +bool mapBuilderHandler::readBranchAttr (const QXmlAttributes& a)
157.380 +{
157.381 + bool okx,oky;
157.382 + int x,y;
157.383 + if (!a.value( "absPosX").isEmpty() && loadMode==NewMap && branchDepth<2)
157.384 + {
157.385 + if (!a.value( "absPosY").isEmpty() )
157.386 + {
157.387 + x=a.value("absPosX").toInt (&okx, 10);
157.388 + y=a.value("absPosY").toInt (&oky, 10);
157.389 + if (okx && oky)
157.390 + lastBranch->move(x,y);
157.391 + else
157.392 + return false; // Couldn't read absPos
157.393 + }
157.394 + }
157.395 + if (!a.value( "scrolled").isEmpty() )
157.396 + lastBranch->toggleScroll();
157.397 + if (!a.value( "url").isEmpty() )
157.398 + lastBranch->setURL (a.value ("url"));
157.399 + if (!a.value( "vymLink").isEmpty() )
157.400 + lastBranch->setVymLink (a.value ("vymLink"));
157.401 + if (!a.value( "frameType").isEmpty() )
157.402 + lastBranch->setFrameType (a.value("frameType"));
157.403 + return true;
157.404 +}
157.405 +
157.406 +bool mapBuilderHandler::readNoteAttr (const QXmlAttributes& a)
157.407 +{ // only for backward compatibility (<1.4.6). Use htmlnote now.
157.408 + no.clear();
157.409 + QString fn;
157.410 + if (!a.value( "href").isEmpty() )
157.411 + {
157.412 + // Load note
157.413 + fn=parseHREF(a.value ("href") );
157.414 + QFile file (fn);
157.415 + QString s; // Reading a note
157.416 +
157.417 + if ( !file.open( IO_ReadOnly) )
157.418 + {
157.419 + qWarning ("mapBuilderHandler::readNoteAttr: Couldn't load "+fn);
157.420 + return false;
157.421 + }
157.422 + QTextStream stream( &file );
157.423 + QString lines;
157.424 + while ( !stream.eof() ) {
157.425 + lines += stream.readLine()+"\n";
157.426 + }
157.427 + file.close();
157.428 + // Convert to richtext
157.429 + if ( !QStyleSheet::mightBeRichText( lines ) )
157.430 + {
157.431 + // Here we are workarounding the QT conversion method:
157.432 + // convertFromPlainText does not generate valid xml, needed
157.433 + // for the parser, but just <p> and <br> without closing tags.
157.434 + // So we have to add those by ourselves
157.435 + //lines=quotemeta (lines);
157.436 + lines = QStyleSheet::convertFromPlainText( lines, QStyleSheetItem::WhiteSpaceNormal );
157.437 + lines.replace ("<br>","<br />");
157.438 + }
157.439 +
157.440 + lines ="<html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /></head><body>"+lines + "</p></body></html>";
157.441 + no.setNote (lines);
157.442 + }
157.443 + if (!a.value( "fonthint").isEmpty() )
157.444 + no.setFontHint(a.value ("fonthint") );
157.445 + if (state == StateMapCenterNote)
157.446 + mc->setNote(no);
157.447 + else
157.448 + lastBranch->setNote(no);
157.449 + return true;
157.450 +}
157.451 +
157.452 +bool mapBuilderHandler::readFloatImageAttr (const QXmlAttributes& a)
157.453 +{
157.454 + if (!a.value( "useOrientation").isEmpty() )
157.455 + {
157.456 + if (a.value ("useOrientation") =="true")
157.457 + lastFloat->setUseOrientation (true);
157.458 + else
157.459 + lastFloat->setUseOrientation (false);
157.460 + }
157.461 + if (!a.value( "href").isEmpty() )
157.462 + {
157.463 + // Load FloatImage
157.464 + if (!lastFloat->load (parseHREF(a.value ("href") ) ))
157.465 + {
157.466 + QMessageBox::warning( 0, "Warning: " ,
157.467 + "Couldn't load float image\n"+parseHREF(a.value ("href") ));
157.468 + lastBranch->removeFloatImage(((FloatImageObj*)(lastFloat)));
157.469 + lastFloat=NULL;
157.470 + return true;
157.471 + }
157.472 +
157.473 + }
157.474 + if (!a.value( "floatExport").isEmpty() )
157.475 + {
157.476 + if (a.value ("floatExpofrt") =="true")
157.477 + lastFloat->setFloatExport (true);
157.478 + else
157.479 + lastFloat->setFloatExport (false);
157.480 + }
157.481 + if (!a.value( "zPlane").isEmpty() )
157.482 + lastFloat->setZ (a.value("zPlane").toInt ());
157.483 + int x,y;
157.484 + bool okx,oky;
157.485 + if (!a.value( "relPosX").isEmpty() )
157.486 + {
157.487 + if (!a.value( "relPosY").isEmpty() )
157.488 + {
157.489 + // read relPos
157.490 + x=a.value("relPosX").toInt (&okx, 10);
157.491 + y=a.value("relPosY").toInt (&oky, 10);
157.492 + if (okx && oky)
157.493 + lastFloat->setRelPos (QPoint (x,y) );
157.494 + else
157.495 + // Couldn't read relPos
157.496 + return false;
157.497 + }
157.498 + }
157.499 + return true;
157.500 +}
157.501 +
157.502 +bool mapBuilderHandler::readHtmlAttr (const QXmlAttributes& a)
157.503 +{
157.504 + for (int i=1; i<=a.count(); i++)
157.505 + htmldata+=" "+a.localName(i-1)+"=\""+a.value(i-1)+"\"";
157.506 + return true;
157.507 +}
157.508 +
157.509 +bool mapBuilderHandler::readSettingAttr (const QXmlAttributes& a)
157.510 +{
157.511 + if (!a.value( "key").isEmpty() )
157.512 + {
157.513 + if (!a.value( "value").isEmpty() )
157.514 + settings.setLocalEntry (me->getDestPath(), a.value ("key"), a.value ("value"));
157.515 + else
157.516 + return false;
157.517 +
157.518 + } else
157.519 + return false;
157.520 +
157.521 + return true;
157.522 +}
158.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
158.2 +++ b/xml.h Sun Jan 30 12:59:10 2005 +0000
158.3 @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
158.4 +#ifndef XLM_H
158.5 +#define XLM_H
158.6 +
158.7 +
158.8 +#include <qstring.h>
158.9 +#include <qxml.h>
158.10 +
158.11 +#include "mapcenterobj.h"
158.12 +#include "mapeditor.h"
158.13 +
158.14 +
158.15 +class mapBuilderHandler : public QXmlDefaultHandler
158.16 +{
158.17 +public:
158.18 + mapBuilderHandler();
158.19 + ~mapBuilderHandler();
158.20 + QString errorProtocol();
158.21 + bool startDocument();
158.22 + QString mapBuilderHandler::parseHREF(QString);
158.23 + bool startElement ( const QString&, const QString&,
158.24 + const QString& eName, const QXmlAttributes& atts );
158.25 + bool endElement ( const QString&, const QString&, const QString& );
158.26 + bool characters ( const QString&);
158.27 + QString errorString();
158.28 + bool fatalError( const QXmlParseException&);
158.29 + void setMapEditor (MapEditor*);
158.30 + void setTmpDir (QString);
158.31 + void setLoadMode (const LoadMode &);
158.32 + bool readBranchAttr (const QXmlAttributes&);
158.33 + bool readNoteAttr (const QXmlAttributes&);
158.34 + bool readFloatImageAttr (const QXmlAttributes&);
158.35 + bool readHtmlAttr (const QXmlAttributes&);
158.36 + bool readSettingAttr (const QXmlAttributes&);
158.37 +
158.38 +private:
158.39 + QString errorProt;
158.40 + enum State
158.41 + {
158.42 + StateInit, StateMap, StateMapSelect,
158.43 + StateMapSetting,
158.44 + StateMapCenter, StateMapCenterStandardFlag,
158.45 + StateMapCenterHeading, StateMapCenterNote,
158.46 + StateMapCenterFloatImage,
158.47 +
158.48 + StateBranch, StateBranchStandardFlag,
158.49 + StateBranchHeading, StateBranchNote,
158.50 + StateBranchFloatImage,
158.51 + StateHtmlNote, StateHtml
158.52 + };
158.53 +
158.54 +
158.55 + LoadMode loadMode;
158.56 + bool isVymPart;
158.57 + State state;
158.58 + State laststate;
158.59 + QString htmldata;
158.60 + int branchDepth;
158.61 + NoteObj no;
158.62 + MapCenterObj* mc;
158.63 + MapEditor* me; QString tmpDir;
158.64 +};
158.65 +#endif