Version 1.6.10: Updated documentation
Mon Jul 11 19:55:57 2005 +0000 (2005-07-11)
changeset 1258cdfa8dda71e
parent 124 e0f6a21cc6d6
child 126 1ad2d5c80848
Version 1.6.10: Updated documentation
     1.1 Binary file demos/time-management.vym has changed
     2.1 Binary file demos/todo.vym has changed
     3.1 --- a/exportxhtmldialog.ui	Fri Jul 08 08:06:36 2005 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/exportxhtmldialog.ui	Mon Jul 11 19:55:57 2005 +0000
     3.3 @@ -155,130 +155,6 @@
     3.4                  </widget>
     3.5              </vbox>
     3.6          </widget>
     3.7 -        <widget class="QButtonGroup">
     3.8 -            <property name="name">
     3.9 -                <cstring>buttonGroup2_2</cstring>
    3.10 -            </property>
    3.11 -            <property name="sizePolicy">
    3.12 -                <sizepolicy>
    3.13 -                    <hsizetype>3</hsizetype>
    3.14 -                    <vsizetype>3</vsizetype>
    3.15 -                    <horstretch>0</horstretch>
    3.16 -                    <verstretch>0</verstretch>
    3.17 -                </sizepolicy>
    3.18 -            </property>
    3.19 -            <property name="title">
    3.20 -                <string>Stylesheets</string>
    3.21 -            </property>
    3.22 -            <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
    3.23 -                <property name="name">
    3.24 -                    <cstring>layout19</cstring>
    3.25 -                </property>
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    3.27 -                    <rect>
    3.28 -                        <x>9</x>
    3.29 -                        <y>24</y>
    3.30 -                        <width>562</width>
    3.31 -                        <height>31</height>
    3.32 -                    </rect>
    3.33 -                </property>
    3.34 -                <hbox>
    3.35 -                    <property name="name">
    3.36 -                        <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
    3.37 -                    </property>
    3.38 -                    <widget class="QLabel">
    3.39 -                        <property name="name">
    3.40 -                            <cstring>textLabel1_2</cstring>
    3.41 -                        </property>
    3.42 -                        <property name="text">
    3.43 -                            <string>CSS:</string>
    3.44 -                        </property>
    3.45 -                        <property name="alignment">
    3.46 -                            <set>AlignVCenter|AlignRight</set>
    3.47 -                        </property>
    3.48 -                    </widget>
    3.49 -                    <widget class="QLineEdit">
    3.50 -                        <property name="name">
    3.51 -                            <cstring>lineEditCSS</cstring>
    3.52 -                        </property>
    3.53 -                    </widget>
    3.54 -                    <widget class="QPushButton">
    3.55 -                        <property name="name">
    3.56 -                            <cstring>browseCSSButton</cstring>
    3.57 -                        </property>
    3.58 -                        <property name="sizePolicy">
    3.59 -                            <sizepolicy>
    3.60 -                                <hsizetype>0</hsizetype>
    3.61 -                                <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
    3.62 -                                <horstretch>0</horstretch>
    3.63 -                                <verstretch>0</verstretch>
    3.64 -                            </sizepolicy>
    3.65 -                        </property>
    3.66 -                        <property name="text">
    3.67 -                            <string>Browse</string>
    3.68 -                        </property>
    3.69 -                    </widget>
    3.70 -                </hbox>
    3.71 -            </widget>
    3.72 -            <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
    3.73 -                <property name="name">
    3.74 -                    <cstring>layout20</cstring>
    3.75 -                </property>
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    3.77 -                    <rect>
    3.78 -                        <x>9</x>
    3.79 -                        <y>64</y>
    3.80 -                        <width>562</width>
    3.81 -                        <height>31</height>
    3.82 -                    </rect>
    3.83 -                </property>
    3.84 -                <hbox>
    3.85 -                    <property name="name">
    3.86 -                        <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
    3.87 -                    </property>
    3.88 -                    <widget class="QLabel">
    3.89 -                        <property name="name">
    3.90 -                            <cstring>textLabel2</cstring>
    3.91 -                        </property>
    3.92 -                        <property name="text">
    3.93 -                            <string>XSL:</string>
    3.94 -                        </property>
    3.95 -                        <property name="alignment">
    3.96 -                            <set>AlignVCenter|AlignRight</set>
    3.97 -                        </property>
    3.98 -                    </widget>
    3.99 -                    <widget class="QLineEdit">
   3.100 -                        <property name="name">
   3.101 -                            <cstring>lineEditXSL</cstring>
   3.102 -                        </property>
   3.103 -                    </widget>
   3.104 -                    <widget class="QPushButton">
   3.105 -                        <property name="name">
   3.106 -                            <cstring>browseXSLButton</cstring>
   3.107 -                        </property>
   3.108 -                        <property name="sizePolicy">
   3.109 -                            <sizepolicy>
   3.110 -                                <hsizetype>0</hsizetype>
   3.111 -                                <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
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   3.113 -                                <verstretch>0</verstretch>
   3.114 -                            </sizepolicy>
   3.115 -                        </property>
   3.116 -                        <property name="text">
   3.117 -                            <string>Browse</string>
   3.118 -                        </property>
   3.119 -                    </widget>
   3.120 -                </hbox>
   3.121 -            </widget>
   3.122 -        </widget>
   3.123 -        <widget class="QGroupBox">
   3.124 -            <property name="name">
   3.125 -                <cstring>groupBox2</cstring>
   3.126 -            </property>
   3.127 -            <property name="title">
   3.128 -                <string>groupBox2</string>
   3.129 -            </property>
   3.130 -        </widget>
   3.131          <widget class="QLayoutWidget">
   3.132              <property name="name">
   3.133                  <cstring>layout6</cstring>
   3.134 @@ -287,8 +163,120 @@
   3.135                  <property name="name">
   3.136                      <cstring>unnamed</cstring>
   3.137                  </property>
   3.138 +                <widget class="QPushButton" row="5" column="3">
   3.139 +                    <property name="name">
   3.140 +                        <cstring>browsePostExportButton</cstring>
   3.141 +                    </property>
   3.142 +                    <property name="sizePolicy">
   3.143 +                        <sizepolicy>
   3.144 +                            <hsizetype>0</hsizetype>
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   3.148 +                        </sizepolicy>
   3.149 +                    </property>
   3.150 +                    <property name="text">
   3.151 +                        <string>Browse</string>
   3.152 +                    </property>
   3.153 +                </widget>
   3.154 +                <widget class="QLabel" row="4" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
   3.155 +                    <property name="name">
   3.156 +                        <cstring>textLabel1_3</cstring>
   3.157 +                    </property>
   3.158 +                    <property name="sizePolicy">
   3.159 +                        <sizepolicy>
   3.160 +                            <hsizetype>1</hsizetype>
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   3.164 +                        </sizepolicy>
   3.165 +                    </property>
   3.166 +                    <property name="text">
   3.167 +                        <string>Before export:</string>
   3.168 +                    </property>
   3.169 +                    <property name="alignment">
   3.170 +                        <set>AlignVCenter|AlignRight</set>
   3.171 +                    </property>
   3.172 +                </widget>
   3.173 +                <widget class="QLineEdit" row="2" column="1" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
   3.174 +                    <property name="name">
   3.175 +                        <cstring>lineEditXSL</cstring>
   3.176 +                    </property>
   3.177 +                </widget>
   3.178 +                <widget class="QPushButton" row="2" column="3">
   3.179 +                    <property name="name">
   3.180 +                        <cstring>browseXSLButton</cstring>
   3.181 +                    </property>
   3.182 +                    <property name="sizePolicy">
   3.183 +                        <sizepolicy>
   3.184 +                            <hsizetype>0</hsizetype>
   3.185 +                            <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
   3.186 +                            <horstretch>0</horstretch>
   3.187 +                            <verstretch>0</verstretch>
   3.188 +                        </sizepolicy>
   3.189 +                    </property>
   3.190 +                    <property name="text">
   3.191 +                        <string>Browse</string>
   3.192 +                    </property>
   3.193 +                </widget>
   3.194 +                <widget class="QLineEdit" row="4" column="2">
   3.195 +                    <property name="name">
   3.196 +                        <cstring>lineEditPreScript</cstring>
   3.197 +                    </property>
   3.198 +                </widget>
   3.199 +                <widget class="QPushButton" row="4" column="3">
   3.200 +                    <property name="name">
   3.201 +                        <cstring>browsePreExportButton</cstring>
   3.202 +                    </property>
   3.203 +                    <property name="sizePolicy">
   3.204 +                        <sizepolicy>
   3.205 +                            <hsizetype>0</hsizetype>
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   3.210 +                    </property>
   3.211 +                    <property name="text">
   3.212 +                        <string>Browse</string>
   3.213 +                    </property>
   3.214 +                </widget>
   3.215 +                <widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0">
   3.216 +                    <property name="name">
   3.217 +                        <cstring>textLabel2_3</cstring>
   3.218 +                    </property>
   3.219 +                    <property name="text">
   3.220 +                        <string>Stylesheets:</string>
   3.221 +                    </property>
   3.222 +                </widget>
   3.223 +                <widget class="QPushButton" row="1" column="3">
   3.224 +                    <property name="name">
   3.225 +                        <cstring>browseCSSButton</cstring>
   3.226 +                    </property>
   3.227 +                    <property name="sizePolicy">
   3.228 +                        <sizepolicy>
   3.229 +                            <hsizetype>0</hsizetype>
   3.230 +                            <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
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   3.232 +                            <verstretch>0</verstretch>
   3.233 +                        </sizepolicy>
   3.234 +                    </property>
   3.235 +                    <property name="text">
   3.236 +                        <string>Browse</string>
   3.237 +                    </property>
   3.238 +                </widget>
   3.239                  <widget class="QLabel" row="1" column="0">
   3.240                      <property name="name">
   3.241 +                        <cstring>textLabel1_2</cstring>
   3.242 +                    </property>
   3.243 +                    <property name="text">
   3.244 +                        <string>CSS:</string>
   3.245 +                    </property>
   3.246 +                    <property name="alignment">
   3.247 +                        <set>AlignVCenter|AlignRight</set>
   3.248 +                    </property>
   3.249 +                </widget>
   3.250 +                <widget class="QLabel" row="5" column="0" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
   3.251 +                    <property name="name">
   3.252                          <cstring>textLabel2_2</cstring>
   3.253                      </property>
   3.254                      <property name="sizePolicy">
   3.255 @@ -309,65 +297,33 @@
   3.256                          <set>AlignVCenter|AlignRight</set>
   3.257                      </property>
   3.258                  </widget>
   3.259 -                <widget class="QLineEdit" row="0" column="1">
   3.260 +                <widget class="QLineEdit" row="1" column="1" rowspan="1" colspan="2">
   3.261                      <property name="name">
   3.262 -                        <cstring>lineEditPreScript</cstring>
   3.263 +                        <cstring>lineEditCSS</cstring>
   3.264                      </property>
   3.265                  </widget>
   3.266 -                <widget class="QPushButton" row="0" column="2">
   3.267 +                <widget class="QLabel" row="2" column="0">
   3.268                      <property name="name">
   3.269 -                        <cstring>browsePreExportButton</cstring>
   3.270 -                    </property>
   3.271 -                    <property name="sizePolicy">
   3.272 -                        <sizepolicy>
   3.273 -                            <hsizetype>0</hsizetype>
   3.274 -                            <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
   3.275 -                            <horstretch>0</horstretch>
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   3.277 -                        </sizepolicy>
   3.278 +                        <cstring>textLabel2</cstring>
   3.279                      </property>
   3.280                      <property name="text">
   3.281 -                        <string>Browse</string>
   3.282 -                    </property>
   3.283 -                </widget>
   3.284 -                <widget class="QLabel" row="0" column="0">
   3.285 -                    <property name="name">
   3.286 -                        <cstring>textLabel1_3</cstring>
   3.287 -                    </property>
   3.288 -                    <property name="sizePolicy">
   3.289 -                        <sizepolicy>
   3.290 -                            <hsizetype>1</hsizetype>
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   3.293 -                            <verstretch>0</verstretch>
   3.294 -                        </sizepolicy>
   3.295 -                    </property>
   3.296 -                    <property name="text">
   3.297 -                        <string>Before export:</string>
   3.298 +                        <string>XSL:</string>
   3.299                      </property>
   3.300                      <property name="alignment">
   3.301                          <set>AlignVCenter|AlignRight</set>
   3.302                      </property>
   3.303                  </widget>
   3.304 -                <widget class="QLineEdit" row="1" column="1">
   3.305 +                <widget class="QLineEdit" row="5" column="2">
   3.306                      <property name="name">
   3.307                          <cstring>lineEditPostScript</cstring>
   3.308                      </property>
   3.309                  </widget>
   3.310 -                <widget class="QPushButton" row="1" column="2">
   3.311 +                <widget class="QLabel" row="3" column="0">
   3.312                      <property name="name">
   3.313 -                        <cstring>browsePostExportButton</cstring>
   3.314 -                    </property>
   3.315 -                    <property name="sizePolicy">
   3.316 -                        <sizepolicy>
   3.317 -                            <hsizetype>0</hsizetype>
   3.318 -                            <vsizetype>0</vsizetype>
   3.319 -                            <horstretch>0</horstretch>
   3.320 -                            <verstretch>0</verstretch>
   3.321 -                        </sizepolicy>
   3.322 +                        <cstring>textLabel1_4</cstring>
   3.323                      </property>
   3.324                      <property name="text">
   3.325 -                        <string>Browse</string>
   3.326 +                        <string>Scripts:</string>
   3.327                      </property>
   3.328                  </widget>
   3.329              </grid>
   3.330 @@ -385,7 +341,7 @@
   3.331              <property name="sizeHint">
   3.332                  <size>
   3.333                      <width>20</width>
   3.334 -                    <height>40</height>
   3.335 +                    <height>60</height>
   3.336                  </size>
   3.337              </property>
   3.338          </spacer>
     4.1 --- a/lang/vym_en.ts	Fri Jul 08 08:06:36 2005 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/lang/vym_en.ts	Mon Jul 11 19:55:57 2005 +0000
     4.3 @@ -1,5 +1,36 @@
     4.4  <!DOCTYPE TS><TS>
     4.5  <context>
     4.6 +    <name>EditXLinkDialog</name>
     4.7 +    <message>
     4.8 +        <source>Edit XLink</source>
     4.9 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.10 +    </message>
    4.11 +    <message>
    4.12 +        <source>XLink width:</source>
    4.13 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.14 +    </message>
    4.15 +    <message>
    4.16 +        <source>Set color of heading</source>
    4.17 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.18 +    </message>
    4.19 +    <message>
    4.20 +        <source>XLink color:</source>
    4.21 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.22 +    </message>
    4.23 +    <message>
    4.24 +        <source>Use as default:</source>
    4.25 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.26 +    </message>
    4.27 +    <message>
    4.28 +        <source>Delete XLink</source>
    4.29 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.30 +    </message>
    4.31 +    <message>
    4.32 +        <source>Ok</source>
    4.33 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.34 +    </message>
    4.35 +</context>
    4.36 +<context>
    4.37      <name>ExportHTMLDialog</name>
    4.38      <message>
    4.39          <source>Export HTML</source>
    4.40 @@ -101,10 +132,6 @@
    4.41          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.42      </message>
    4.43      <message>
    4.44 -        <source>Stylesheets</source>
    4.45 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.46 -    </message>
    4.47 -    <message>
    4.48          <source>CSS:</source>
    4.49          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.50      </message>
    4.51 @@ -113,10 +140,6 @@
    4.52          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.53      </message>
    4.54      <message>
    4.55 -        <source>Scripts</source>
    4.56 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.57 -    </message>
    4.58 -    <message>
    4.59          <source>Before export:</source>
    4.60          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.61      </message>
    4.62 @@ -183,6 +206,14 @@
    4.63          <source>didn&apos;t exit normally</source>
    4.64          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.65      </message>
    4.66 +    <message>
    4.67 +        <source>Stylesheets:</source>
    4.68 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.69 +    </message>
    4.70 +    <message>
    4.71 +        <source>Scripts:</source>
    4.72 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.73 +    </message>
    4.74  </context>
    4.75  <context>
    4.76      <name>ExtraInfoDialog</name>
    4.77 @@ -479,10 +510,6 @@
    4.78          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.79      </message>
    4.80      <message>
    4.81 -        <source>Save selction</source>
    4.82 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.83 -    </message>
    4.84 -    <message>
    4.85          <source>Save selection</source>
    4.86          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.87      </message>
    4.88 @@ -519,10 +546,6 @@
    4.89          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.90      </message>
    4.91      <message>
    4.92 -        <source>No link available</source>
    4.93 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.94 -    </message>
    4.95 -    <message>
    4.96          <source>&amp;Format</source>
    4.97          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
    4.98      </message>
    4.99 @@ -668,10 +691,6 @@
   4.100          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.101      </message>
   4.102      <message>
   4.103 -        <source>Use modifier to draw links</source>
   4.104 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.105 -    </message>
   4.106 -    <message>
   4.107          <source>&amp;Settings</source>
   4.108          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.109      </message>
   4.110 @@ -822,15 +841,6 @@
   4.111          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.112      </message>
   4.113      <message>
   4.114 -        <source>The map</source>
   4.115 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.116 -    </message>
   4.117 -    <message>
   4.118 -        <source> does not exist.
   4.119 - Do you want to create a new one?</source>
   4.120 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.121 -    </message>
   4.122 -    <message>
   4.123          <source>Create</source>
   4.124          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.125      </message>
   4.126 @@ -976,98 +986,76 @@
   4.127  Please use Settings-&gt;</source>
   4.128          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.129      </message>
   4.130 +    <message>
   4.131 +        <source>Add a branch by inserting and making selection its child</source>
   4.132 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.133 +    </message>
   4.134 +    <message>
   4.135 +        <source>Add branch (insert)</source>
   4.136 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.137 +    </message>
   4.138 +    <message>
   4.139 +        <source>Remove only branch and keep its childs</source>
   4.140 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.141 +    </message>
   4.142 +    <message>
   4.143 +        <source>Remove only branch </source>
   4.144 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.145 +    </message>
   4.146 +    <message>
   4.147 +        <source>Remove childs of branch</source>
   4.148 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.149 +    </message>
   4.150 +    <message>
   4.151 +        <source>Remove childs</source>
   4.152 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.153 +    </message>
   4.154 +    <message>
   4.155 +        <source>Use modifier to copy</source>
   4.156 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.157 +    </message>
   4.158 +    <message>
   4.159 +        <source>Add</source>
   4.160 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.161 +    </message>
   4.162 +    <message>
   4.163 +        <source>Remove</source>
   4.164 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.165 +    </message>
   4.166 +    <message>
   4.167 +        <source>Edit XLink</source>
   4.168 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.169 +    </message>
   4.170 +    <message>
   4.171 +        <source>Goto XLink</source>
   4.172 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.173 +    </message>
   4.174 +    <message>
   4.175 +        <source>This map does not exist:
   4.176 +  </source>
   4.177 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.178 +    </message>
   4.179 +    <message>
   4.180 +        <source>
   4.181 +Do you want to create a new one?</source>
   4.182 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.183 +    </message>
   4.184 +    <message>
   4.185 +        <source>Use modifier to draw xLinks</source>
   4.186 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.187 +    </message>
   4.188 +    <message>
   4.189 +        <source>Use exclusive flags in flag toolbars</source>
   4.190 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.191 +    </message>
   4.192 +    <message>
   4.193 +        <source>Enable exclusive flags</source>
   4.194 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.195 +    </message>
   4.196  </context>
   4.197  <context>
   4.198      <name>MapEditor</name>
   4.199      <message>
   4.200 -        <source>Note</source>
   4.201 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.202 -    </message>
   4.203 -    <message>
   4.204 -        <source>WWW Document (external)</source>
   4.205 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.206 -    </message>
   4.207 -    <message>
   4.208 -        <source>Link to another vym map</source>
   4.209 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.210 -    </message>
   4.211 -    <message>
   4.212 -        <source>subtree is scrolled</source>
   4.213 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.214 -    </message>
   4.215 -    <message>
   4.216 -        <source>subtree is temporary scrolled</source>
   4.217 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.218 -    </message>
   4.219 -    <message>
   4.220 -        <source>Take care!</source>
   4.221 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.222 -    </message>
   4.223 -    <message>
   4.224 -        <source>Really?</source>
   4.225 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.226 -    </message>
   4.227 -    <message>
   4.228 -        <source>ok!</source>
   4.229 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.230 -    </message>
   4.231 -    <message>
   4.232 -        <source>Not ok!</source>
   4.233 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.234 -    </message>
   4.235 -    <message>
   4.236 -        <source>This won&apos;t work!</source>
   4.237 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.238 -    </message>
   4.239 -    <message>
   4.240 -        <source>Good</source>
   4.241 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.242 -    </message>
   4.243 -    <message>
   4.244 -        <source>Bad</source>
   4.245 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.246 -    </message>
   4.247 -    <message>
   4.248 -        <source>Time critical</source>
   4.249 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.250 -    </message>
   4.251 -    <message>
   4.252 -        <source>Idea!</source>
   4.253 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.254 -    </message>
   4.255 -    <message>
   4.256 -        <source>Important</source>
   4.257 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.258 -    </message>
   4.259 -    <message>
   4.260 -        <source>Unimportant</source>
   4.261 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.262 -    </message>
   4.263 -    <message>
   4.264 -        <source>I like this</source>
   4.265 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.266 -    </message>
   4.267 -    <message>
   4.268 -        <source>I do not like this</source>
   4.269 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.270 -    </message>
   4.271 -    <message>
   4.272 -        <source>I just love... </source>
   4.273 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.274 -    </message>
   4.275 -    <message>
   4.276 -        <source>Dangerous</source>
   4.277 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.278 -    </message>
   4.279 -    <message>
   4.280 -        <source>This will help</source>
   4.281 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.282 -    </message>
   4.283 -    <message>
   4.284 -        <source>New Map</source>
   4.285 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.286 -    </message>
   4.287 -    <message>
   4.288          <source>Critical Parse Error</source>
   4.289          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.290      </message>
   4.291 @@ -1080,10 +1068,6 @@
   4.292          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.293      </message>
   4.294      <message>
   4.295 -        <source>Critcal save error</source>
   4.296 -        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.297 -    </message>
   4.298 -    <message>
   4.299          <source>VYM - Export (ASCII)</source>
   4.300          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.301      </message>
   4.302 @@ -1179,6 +1163,120 @@
   4.303          <source>VYM - Choose directory structur to import</source>
   4.304          <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.305      </message>
   4.306 +    <message>
   4.307 +        <source>Note</source>
   4.308 +        <comment>Systemflag</comment>
   4.309 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.310 +    </message>
   4.311 +    <message>
   4.312 +        <source>WWW Document (external)</source>
   4.313 +        <comment>Systemflag</comment>
   4.314 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.315 +    </message>
   4.316 +    <message>
   4.317 +        <source>Link to another vym map</source>
   4.318 +        <comment>Systemflag</comment>
   4.319 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.320 +    </message>
   4.321 +    <message>
   4.322 +        <source>subtree is scrolled</source>
   4.323 +        <comment>Systemflag</comment>
   4.324 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.325 +    </message>
   4.326 +    <message>
   4.327 +        <source>subtree is temporary scrolled</source>
   4.328 +        <comment>Systemflag</comment>
   4.329 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.330 +    </message>
   4.331 +    <message>
   4.332 +        <source>Take care!</source>
   4.333 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.334 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.335 +    </message>
   4.336 +    <message>
   4.337 +        <source>Really?</source>
   4.338 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.339 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.340 +    </message>
   4.341 +    <message>
   4.342 +        <source>ok!</source>
   4.343 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.344 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.345 +    </message>
   4.346 +    <message>
   4.347 +        <source>Not ok!</source>
   4.348 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.349 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.350 +    </message>
   4.351 +    <message>
   4.352 +        <source>This won&apos;t work!</source>
   4.353 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.354 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.355 +    </message>
   4.356 +    <message>
   4.357 +        <source>Good</source>
   4.358 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.359 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.360 +    </message>
   4.361 +    <message>
   4.362 +        <source>Bad</source>
   4.363 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.364 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.365 +    </message>
   4.366 +    <message>
   4.367 +        <source>Time critical</source>
   4.368 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.369 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.370 +    </message>
   4.371 +    <message>
   4.372 +        <source>Idea!</source>
   4.373 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.374 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.375 +    </message>
   4.376 +    <message>
   4.377 +        <source>Important</source>
   4.378 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.379 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.380 +    </message>
   4.381 +    <message>
   4.382 +        <source>Unimportant</source>
   4.383 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.384 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.385 +    </message>
   4.386 +    <message>
   4.387 +        <source>I like this</source>
   4.388 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.389 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.390 +    </message>
   4.391 +    <message>
   4.392 +        <source>I do not like this</source>
   4.393 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.394 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.395 +    </message>
   4.396 +    <message>
   4.397 +        <source>I just love... </source>
   4.398 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.399 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.400 +    </message>
   4.401 +    <message>
   4.402 +        <source>Dangerous</source>
   4.403 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.404 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.405 +    </message>
   4.406 +    <message>
   4.407 +        <source>This will help</source>
   4.408 +        <comment>Standardflag</comment>
   4.409 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.410 +    </message>
   4.411 +    <message>
   4.412 +        <source>New Map</source>
   4.413 +        <comment>Heading of mapcenter in new map</comment>
   4.414 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.415 +    </message>
   4.416 +    <message>
   4.417 +        <source>Critcal Save error</source>
   4.418 +        <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
   4.419 +    </message>
   4.420  </context>
   4.421  <context>
   4.422      <name>QObject</name>
     5.1 --- a/mainwindow.cpp	Fri Jul 08 08:06:36 2005 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/mainwindow.cpp	Mon Jul 11 19:55:57 2005 +0000
     5.3 @@ -761,18 +761,18 @@
     5.4      QAction *a;
     5.5  	actionGroupModModes=new QActionGroup ( this, "formatLinkStyles");
     5.6  	actionGroupModModes->setExclusive (true);
     5.7 -    a= new QAction( tr( "Use modifier to color branches" ), QPixmap(modecolor_xpm), tr( "Linkstyle Line" ), Key_J, actionGroupModModes, "modModeColor" );
     5.8 +    a= new QAction( tr( "Use modifier to color branches" ), QPixmap(modecolor_xpm), 0, Key_J, actionGroupModModes, "modModeColor" );
     5.9  	a->setToggleAction(true);
    5.10  	a->addTo (tb);
    5.11  	a->setOn(true);
    5.12  	actionModModeColor=a;
    5.14 -    a= new QAction( tr( "Use modifier to copy" ), QPixmap(modecopy_xpm), tr( "Linkstyle Line" ), Key_K, actionGroupModModes, "modModeCopy" );
    5.15 +    a= new QAction( tr( "Use modifier to copy" ), QPixmap(modecopy_xpm), 0, Key_K, actionGroupModModes, "modModeCopy" );
    5.16  	a->setToggleAction(true);
    5.17  	a->addTo (tb);
    5.18  	actionModModeCopy=a;
    5.20 -    a= new QAction( tr( "Use modifier to draw links" ), QPixmap(modelink_xpm), tr( "Linkstyle Line" ), Key_L, actionGroupModModes, "modModeLink" );
    5.21 +    a= new QAction( tr( "Use modifier to draw xLinks" ), QPixmap(modelink_xpm), 0, Key_L, actionGroupModModes, "modModeLink" );
    5.22  	a->setToggleAction(true);
    5.23  	a->addTo (tb);
    5.24  	actionModModeLink=a;
    5.25 @@ -832,7 +832,7 @@
    5.26      a->addTo( menu );
    5.27  	actionSettingsUseDelKey=a;
    5.29 -    a= new QAction( tr( "Use groups in flag toolbars" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Enable flag groups" ), 0, this, "flaggroups" );
    5.30 +    a= new QAction( tr( "Use exclusive flags in flag toolbars" ), QPixmap(), tr( "Enable exclusive flags" ), 0, this, "flaggroups" );
    5.31  	a->setToggleAction(true);
    5.32  	a->setOn ( settings.readBoolEntry ("/vym/mapeditor/editmode/useFlagGroups",true) );
    5.33      a->addTo( menu );
    5.34 @@ -2375,6 +2375,7 @@
    5.35      					"http:/</a></li>"
    5.36  			"<li> Credits " 
    5.37  				"<ul>"
    5.38 +					"<li>Jakob Hilmer for image drag and drop patch </li>"
    5.39  					"<li>Thomas Schraitle for the stylesheet  used for XHTML-export </li>"
    5.40  					"<li>Clemens Kraus for stylesheets and script used for HTML-export "
    5.41  					"<a href=\"\">(</a></li>"
     6.1 --- a/mapeditor.cpp	Fri Jul 08 08:06:36 2005 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/mapeditor.cpp	Mon Jul 11 19:55:57 2005 +0000
     6.3 @@ -2407,9 +2407,9 @@
     6.4  			if (bo->countXLinks()==0)
     6.5  			{
     6.6  				branchLinksContextMenu->clear();
     6.7 -				branchLinksContextMenu->insertItem ("No link available");
     6.8 +				branchLinksContextMenu->insertItem ("No xLink available");
     6.9  				branchLinksContextMenuDup->clear();
    6.10 -				branchLinksContextMenuDup->insertItem ("No link available");
    6.11 +				branchLinksContextMenuDup->insertItem ("No xLink available");
    6.13  			} else
    6.14  			{
    6.15 @@ -3407,6 +3407,7 @@
    6.16        event->accept(true);
    6.17        return;
    6.18      }
    6.19 +
    6.20    }
    6.22    event->ignore();
    6.23 @@ -3435,8 +3436,7 @@
    6.24    }
    6.25  }
    6.27 -void
    6.28 -MapEditor::addFloatImage(const QPixmap &img) 
    6.29 +void MapEditor::addFloatImage(const QPixmap &img) 
    6.30  {
    6.31    if (selection && 
    6.32        (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj)) || 
     7.1 --- a/tex/vym.tex	Fri Jul 08 08:06:36 2005 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/tex/vym.tex	Mon Jul 11 19:55:57 2005 +0000
     7.3 @@ -69,30 +69,35 @@
     7.4  other things -- a map makes use of those connections and stimulates
     7.5  new asccociations. 
     7.7 +
     7.8  \subsubsection*{Your Brain}
     7.9  In 1960 the Prof. {\sc Roger Sperry} discovered that both hemispheres
    7.10  of the human brain have different tasks (of course both of them
    7.11 -basically {\em can} do the same): The left side is specialised in 
    7.12 -\begin{itemize}
    7.13 -   \item verbal speech and writing 
    7.14 -   \item numbers
    7.15 -   \item logical thinking
    7.16 -   \item analyzing and details
    7.17 -   \item science
    7.18 -   \item linear thinking
    7.19 -   \item concept of time
    7.20 -\end{itemize}
    7.21 -while the right side of the human brain is specialised in
    7.22 -\begin{itemize}
    7.23 -    \item body language
    7.24 -    \item visual thinking, day dreams
    7.25 -    \item intuition and emotion
    7.26 -    \item overview of things
    7.27 -    \item creativity
    7.28 -    \item art, music, dancing
    7.29 -    \item non-linear thinking, connecting things
    7.30 -    \item spatial awareness
    7.31 -\end{itemize}    
    7.32 +basically {\em can} do the same): 
    7.33 +\begin{center}
    7.34 +\begin{tabular}{|p{5.5cm}|p{5.5cm}|} \hline
    7.35 +	Left side & Right side \\ \hline
    7.36 +	\begin{itemize}
    7.37 +	   \item verbal speech and writing 
    7.38 +	   \item numbers
    7.39 +	   \item logical thinking
    7.40 +	   \item analyzing and details
    7.41 +	   \item science
    7.42 +	   \item linear thinking
    7.43 +	   \item concept of time
    7.44 +	\end{itemize} &
    7.45 +	\begin{itemize}
    7.46 +		\item body language
    7.47 +		\item visual thinking, day dreams
    7.48 +		\item intuition and emotion
    7.49 +		\item overview of things
    7.50 +		\item creativity
    7.51 +		\item art, music, dancing
    7.52 +		\item non-linear thinking, connecting things
    7.53 +		\item spatial awareness
    7.54 +	\end{itemize}     \\ \hline
    7.55 +\end{tabular}	
    7.56 +\end{center}
    7.57  In our science oriented society we have learned to mainly rely on our
    7.58  left side of the brain, the "rational" one. In other cultures,
    7.59  especially like the native americans and other "old" cultures, the right
    7.60 @@ -118,7 +123,16 @@
    7.61  %\section{Tutorials}
    7.62  %TODO
    7.64 -\section{Concept}
    7.65 +\subsection{Internet Ressources} 
    7.66 +A good starting point to learn more about maps in general is Wikipedia:
    7.67 +\begin{itemize}
    7.68 +	\item English: 
    7.69 +		\href{}{\_map}
    7.70 +	\item German: 
    7.71 +		\href{}{}
    7.72 +\end{itemize}
    7.73 +
    7.74 +\subsection{Concept of \vym}
    7.76  %TODO may add a general introduction here...
    7.78 @@ -350,8 +364,11 @@
    7.79  of \vym may have another kind of flags, which may be edited by the user.
    7.81  \subsubsection*{Images}
    7.82 -You can add a image to a branch or the mapcenter by clicking with the
    7.83 -right-mouse button. A context menu will open, choose "Add Image". A
    7.84 +The easiest way to add an image to a branch is by dragging it e.g. from a
    7.85 +webbrowser to the mapeditor while a branch is selected there.
    7.86 +
    7.87 +You can also add a image to a branch by opening the context menu of the
    7.88 +branch choose "Add Image". A
    7.89  dialog window lets you choose the image to load. 
    7.90  \footnote{Supported image types are: PNG, BMP, XBM, XPM and PNM. It may
    7.91  	also support JPEG, MNG and GIF, if specially configured during
    7.92 @@ -495,10 +512,9 @@
    7.93  \section{Noteeditor} \label {noteeditor}
    7.94  If you want to save more text in a branch e.g. a complete email, a
    7.95  cooking recipe, or the whole source code of a software project, you can
    7.96 -use the noteeditor. Since version 1.4.7 \vym supports formatted text in
    7.97 -the noteeditor.
    7.98 +use the noteeditor. 
   7.100 -\subsubsection*{States}
   7.101 +\subsection{States}
   7.102  Before you can type or paste text into it, you have
   7.103  to select a branch in the mapeditor. Note that the background color
   7.104  of the noteeditor indicates its state:
   7.105 @@ -514,12 +530,12 @@
   7.106  	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{branches-flags.png}
   7.107  \end{center}
   7.109 -\subsubsection*{Import and export notes}
   7.110 +\subsection{Import and export notes}
   7.111  The note is always saved automatically within the \vym file itself.
   7.112  Nevertheless sometimes it is nice to import a note from an external file
   7.113  or write it. Use "File\ra~Import" and "File\ra~Export" to do so. 
   7.115 -\subsubsection*{Edit and print note}
   7.116 +\subsection{Edit and print note}
   7.117  Editing works like in any simple texteditor, including undo and redo
   7.118  functions. You can delete the complete note by clicking the
   7.119  trashcan. Only the note itself is printed by clicking the printer icon.
   7.120 @@ -529,7 +545,7 @@
   7.121  wanted, so there you can convert all paragraphs into linebreaks by using
   7.122  Edit~\ra~Remove~Paragraphs or \key{ALT-X}.
   7.124 -\subsubsection*{Fonts}
   7.125 +\subsection{Fonts}
   7.126  The noteeditor is ment to be used for simple notes, not really as full
   7.127  featured text editor. Because of many requests \vym supports now
   7.128  formatted text in the noteeditor\footnote{
   7.129 @@ -551,29 +567,30 @@
   7.130  be used. Please note, that the chosen font also will be used for HTML
   7.131  exports, so you should only use fonts which are available generally.
   7.133 -\subsubsection*{Colors and formatted text}
   7.134 -Colors and text attributes (e.g. italic, bold) can 
   7.135 -be set with the buttons above the text. 
   7.136 -The text itself is divided in paragraphs. For each paragraph the format
   7.137 -can be set (e.g. centered, right). A paragraph is ended when a
   7.138 -\key{Return} is entered. If you just want to begin a new line, press
   7.139 -\key{CTRL-Return}.
   7.140 +\subsection{Colors and formatted text}
   7.141 +\vym supports formatted text (QT Rich Text) in the noteeditor since
   7.142 +version 1.4.7.  Colors and text attributes (e.g. italic, bold) can be
   7.143 +set with the buttons above the text.  The text itself is divided in
   7.144 +paragraphs. For each paragraph the format can be set (e.g. centered,
   7.145 +right). A paragraph is ended when a \key{Return} is entered. If you just
   7.146 +want to begin a new line, press \key{CTRL-Return}.
   7.148 -\subsubsection*{Finding text}
   7.149 +\subsection{Finding text}
   7.150  The noteeditor itself has no Find function, use Find in the mapeditor,
   7.151  which will also search all notes (see \ref{findwindow}).
   7.153 -\subsubsection*{Pasting text into note editor}
   7.154 +\subsection{Pasting text into note editor}
   7.155  Often you will paste text into the editor from another application e.g.
   7.156  an email. Normally \vym will generate a new paragraph for each new line.
   7.157  This usually is not what you want, so you can choose from the menu
   7.159 -\paragraph{Edit \ra Convert Paragraphs:}
   7.160 -This turns paragraphs in selected text (or all text, if nothing is
   7.161 +\subsection{Advanced actions}
   7.162 +\subsubsection{Edit \ra Convert subsubsections:}
   7.163 +This turns subsubsections in selected text (or all text, if nothing is
   7.164  selected) into linebreaks. This is especially useful for snippets of
   7.165  source code.
   7.167 -\paragraph{Edit \ra Join Lines:}
   7.168 +\subsubsection{Edit \ra Join Lines:}
   7.169  Tries to format text, so that empty lines are used to delimit
   7.170  paragraphs. This is done for selected text (or all text, if nothing is
   7.171  selected). Especially useful for text like emails, meeting minutes etc.
   7.172 @@ -713,10 +730,75 @@
   7.173  choose between {\em Import Add} and {\em Import Replace}: The imported
   7.174  data will be added after the selection resp. replace the selection.
   7.176 -%TODO
   7.177 -%\subsubsection{Menus}
   7.178 -%\subsubsection{Keyboard shortcuts}
   7.179 -%Where does vym save its settings? -> ~/.qt/vymrc
   7.180 +
   7.181 +\section{Advanced Editing}
   7.182 +\vym offers a few shortcuts to let you work more quickly and literally
   7.183 +to connect any branches directly.  
   7.184 +\subsection{Modifier Modes} 
   7.185 +Modifiers are for example the \key{Shift}- or the \key{Alt}-keys. When
   7.186 +pressed while doing actions with the mouse, they will cause \vym to use
   7.187 +a "modified" action. E.g. you can move branches with mouse. If
   7.188 +\key{Ctrl} or \key{Alt}is pressed while releasing the branch, it will be
   7.189 +added above/below the target, not as child of the target.
   7.190 +
   7.191 +Without a modifier pressed, the first click on a branch just selects
   7.192 +it. For the behaviour of the \key{Ctrl} modifier there are several
   7.193 +options, which can be set from the modifier toolbar:
   7.194 +\begin{center}
   7.195 +	\includegraphics[width=3cm]{modmodes.png}
   7.196 +\end{center}
   7.197 +The default  is to copy the color from the clicked branch to the already
   7.198 +selected branch. In the toolbar shown above the default modifier is
   7.199 +selected, namely to copy the color of a branch. The second modifier
   7.200 +let's you easily copy a whole branch with a single click. The third
   7.201 +modifier lets you create {\em xLinks}, which will be explained in the
   7.202 +next section.
   7.203 +
   7.204 +\subsection{XLinks}
   7.205 +So far all the data in the \vym map has been treelike. Using xLinks you
   7.206 +can link one branch to any other, just like attaching a rope between two
   7.207 +branches in a real tree. This is especially useful in complex maps,
   7.208 +where you want to have crossreferences which don't fit on the same
   7.209 +visible area, which fits on your screen. The following example, which is
   7.210 +part of the \vym package, still fits on one screen, but shows how data
   7.211 +can be crosslinked. In the graphics there is a link from a task (prepare
   7.212 +a presentation) to general information:
   7.213 +\begin{center}
   7.214 +	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{xlink.png}
   7.215 +\end{center}
   7.216 +Note that a xLink which points to a branch that is not visible (because
   7.217 +it is scrolled), is just show as a little horizontal arrow. In the
   7.218 +screenshot above have a look at the \lq Tuesday\rq\ branch.
   7.219 +
   7.220 +\subsubsection{Create a xLink}
   7.221 +Choose the link mode from the modifier toolbar (by clicking or pressing
   7.222 +\key{L}). Select the branch, where the xLink should start. Press the
   7.223 +modifier key \key{Ctr} and simultanously click on the branch where the
   7.224 +link should end. (The link is already drawn before you release the mouse
   7.225 +key). If you release the mouse over a branch the xLink becomes
   7.226 +permanent.
   7.227 +
   7.228 +\subsubsection{Modify or delete a xLink}
   7.229 +Open the context menu of a branch and select \lq Edit xLink\rq. A
   7.230 +submenu contains all the xLinks of the branch (if there are any). They
   7.231 +are named like the branches, where they end. Choose one and
   7.232 +the xLink dialogue opens, where you can set color, width and also delete
   7.233 +the xLink.
   7.234 +
   7.235 +\subsubsection{Follow a xLink}
   7.236 +In a complext \vym map it sometimes comes handy to jump to the other end
   7.237 +of a xLink. You can do this by opening the context menu of the branch
   7.238 +and clicking on \lq Goto xLink\rq and selecting the xLink you want to
   7.239 +follow.
   7.240 +
   7.241 +
   7.242 +
   7.243 +\subsection{Adding and removing links}
   7.244 +The context menu of a branch shows some more ways to add and delete data
   7.245 +e.g. you can delete a branch while keeping its childs. The childs become
   7.246 +linked to the parent of the previously removed branch.
   7.247 +Similar branches can be inserted into existing maps. For keyboard
   7.248 +shortcuts also have a look at the context menu.
   7.251  \section{\vym on Mac OS X}
   7.252 @@ -732,7 +814,29 @@
   7.253  	handling will also be those of the Linux version e.g. The menu bar
   7.254  	will look different. 
   7.256 -%TODO  Concept on Mac   context menu, shortcuts...
   7.257 +\subsection	{Contextmenu and special keys}
   7.258 +Most Macs unfortunatly just have a single mouse button. In order to show
   7.259 +the context menu which usually would be opened with the right mouse
   7.260 +button, you can click while pressing the \key{kommand}-key.
   7.261 +
   7.262 +Especially on Laptops some of the keys usually used on PC keyboards seem
   7.263 +to be missing. The QT-Mac Edition of \vym has its own keyboard
   7.264 +shortcuts. To find the shortcuts just have a look at all the menu
   7.265 +entries, the shortcut is visible next to an entry. Toolbar buttons also
   7.266 +may have shortcuts, just position the mouse pointer over a button and
   7.267 +wait for the little help window to appear. 
   7.268 +
   7.269 +\subsection {Viewing external links}
   7.270 +\vym on Mac uses the system call {\tt /usr/bin/open} to view links.
   7.271 +Mac~OS determines automatically if the link is a pdf or www page and
   7.272 +opens the right browser.
   7.273 +
   7.274 +\subsection{Compiling \vym on Macs}
   7.275 +Please refer to the documentation available on the internet:
   7.276 +\begin{center}
   7.277 +\href{}{}
   7.278 +\end{center}
   7.279 +\end{document}
   7.281  \section{History of \vym}
   7.282  \subsection{Future}
   7.283 @@ -971,6 +1075,11 @@
   7.284  \end{longtable}
   7.285  \end{center}
   7.287 +%TODO
   7.288 +%\subsubsection{Menus}
   7.289 +%\subsubsection{Keyboard shortcuts}
   7.290 +%Where does vym save its settings? -> ~/.qt/vymrc
   7.291 +
   7.293  % INDEX
   7.294  % mapeditor
   7.295 @@ -994,9 +1103,10 @@
   7.296  % fold
   7.297  % vymlink
   7.298  % xlink
   7.299 +% modMode
   7.300  % context menu
   7.301  % Mac OS X
   7.305 -\end{document}
   7.306 \ No newline at end of file
   7.307 +\end{document}
     8.1 --- a/version.h	Fri Jul 08 08:06:36 2005 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/version.h	Mon Jul 11 19:55:57 2005 +0000
     8.3 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     8.4  #ifndef VERSION_H 
     8.5  #define VERSION_H
     8.7 -#define __VYM_VERSION__ "1.6.9"
     8.8 -#define __BUILD_DATE__ "July 04, 2005"
     8.9 +#define __VYM_VERSION__ "1.6.10"
    8.10 +#define __BUILD_DATE__ "July 11, 2005"
    8.12  #endif