rudimentary mmap import
Tue Feb 21 16:18:23 2006 +0000 (2006-02-21)
changeset 217375be2baa976
parent 216 d5a0ea67c91d
child 218 160459d924a1
rudimentary mmap import
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/styles/mmap2vym.xsl	Tue Feb 21 16:18:23 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
     1.4 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
     1.5 +
     1.6 +<!--
     1.7 +	Document   : mmap2vym.xsl
     1.8 +	Created on : 20051120
     1.9 +	Modified   : 20051128
    1.10 +	Version    : 0.1.2
    1.11 +	Author     : Clemens Kraus (
    1.12 +	
    1.13 +	Description: transforms exported MindManager-files (version x5/6) into vym-format.
    1.14 +	Bugs       : First Version, work still in progress!
    1.15 +	Todo       : - xlinks still to be implemented
    1.16 +	             - codes/symbols still to be implemented
    1.17 +							 - Multimap links (.mmap) still to be implemented
    1.18 +-->
    1.19 +
    1.20 +<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
    1.21 +	xmlns:xlink=""
    1.22 +  xmlns:ap=""
    1.23 +	xmlns:exsl="" extension-element-prefixes="exsl math func"
    1.24 +	xmlns:math=""
    1.25 +	xmlns:func=""
    1.26 +	version="1.0">
    1.27 +
    1.28 +<xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
    1.29 +  <xsl:param name="filenamep" />
    1.30 +  <xsl:variable name="filename" select="$filenamep"/>
    1.31 +  <!--<xsl:variable name="maxxCoord"><xsl:value-of select="math:max(map//xCoord)" /></xsl:variable>-->
    1.32 +  <xsl:variable name="maxxCoord"><xsl:value-of select="600" /></xsl:variable>
    1.33 +  <xsl:variable name="maxyCoord"><xsl:value-of select="800" /></xsl:variable>
    1.34 +  <xsl:variable name="minxCoord"><xsl:value-of select="0" /></xsl:variable>
    1.35 +  <xsl:variable name="minyCoord"><xsl:value-of select="0" /></xsl:variable>
    1.36 +
    1.37 +
    1.38 +  <!-- root element -->	
    1.39 +	<xsl:template match="/">
    1.40 +	
    1.41 +   	<xsl:element name="vymmap">
    1.42 +			<!-- default settings: -->
    1.43 +			<xsl:attribute name="comment">Generated with mmap2vym (V0.1.2) - MindManager to vym converter. More infos:</xsl:attribute>
    1.44 +			<xsl:attribute name="backgroundColor">#ffffff</xsl:attribute>
    1.45 +			<xsl:attribute name="linkStyle">StyleLine</xsl:attribute>
    1.46 +			<xsl:attribute name="linkColor">#00007f</xsl:attribute>
    1.47 +			<xsl:attribute name="linkColorHint">HeadingColor</xsl:attribute>
    1.48 +			<xsl:attribute name="defXLinkColor">#e6e6e6</xsl:attribute>
    1.49 +			<xsl:attribute name="defXLinkWidth">1</xsl:attribute>
    1.50 +
    1.51 +			<xsl:variable name="author" select="concat(/ap:Map/ap:DocumentGroup/ap:Author/@UserName, ' ', /ap:Map/ap:DocumentGroup/ap:Author/@UserEmail)" />
    1.52 +			<xsl:if test="$author">
    1.53 +				<xsl:attribute name="author"><xsl:value-of select="$author"/></xsl:attribute>
    1.54 +			</xsl:if>
    1.55 +			
    1.56 +			<xsl:element name="mapcenter">
    1.57 +				<!--xsl:attribute name="absPosX"><xsl:value-of select="300"/></xsl:attribute-->
    1.58 +				<!--xsl:attribute name="absPosY"><xsl:value-of select="400"/></xsl:attribute-->
    1.59 +				<!--xsl:attribute name="absPosX"><xsl:value-of select="- floor($minxCoord * 0.6) - 30"/></xsl:attribute-->
    1.60 +				<!--xsl:attribute name="absPosY"><xsl:value-of select="floor($maxyCoord * 0.6)"/></xsl:attribute-->
    1.61 +				<!-- xsl:message>absPos: <xsl:value-of select="-
    1.62 +				floor($minxCoord * 0.6) - 30"/></xsl:message -->
    1.63 +
    1.64 +					<!-- recurse to map title node ... -->
    1.65 +					<xsl:apply-templates select="ap:Map/ap:OneTopic/ap:Topic/ap:Text"/>
    1.66 +				
    1.67 +				<xsl:apply-templates select="ap:Map/ap:OneTopic/ap:Topic/ap:SubTopics" />
    1.68 +				
    1.69 +			</xsl:element>
    1.70 +	
    1.71 +		</xsl:element>
    1.72 +	</xsl:template>
    1.73 +
    1.74 +  <xsl:template match="ap:Topic/ap:Text">
    1.75 +		<xsl:element name="heading">
    1.76 +			<xsl:value-of select="@PlainText" />
    1.77 +		</xsl:element>
    1.78 +	</xsl:template>
    1.79 +
    1.80 +	
    1.81 +  <xsl:template match="ap:Topic">
    1.82 +	
    1.83 +		<xsl:element name="branch">
    1.84 +	  	<xsl:call-template name="position" />
    1.85 +
    1.86 +			<!-- =============================== hyperlink ================================ -->
    1.87 +			<xsl:variable name="url" select="ap:Hyperlink" />
    1.88 +			<xsl:if test="$url">
    1.89 +				<xsl:attribute name="url"><xsl:value-of select="ap:Hyperlink/@Url"/></xsl:attribute>
    1.90 +			</xsl:if>
    1.91 +			
    1.92 +			<xsl:variable name="rect" select="ap:SubTopicShape/@SubTopicShape" />
    1.93 +			<xsl:if test="contains($rect, 'Rectangle')">
    1.94 +				<xsl:attribute name="frameType">Rectangle</xsl:attribute>
    1.95 +				<!--<xsl:message><xsl:text>Rectangle</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$rect"/></xsl:message>-->
    1.96 +			</xsl:if>
    1.97 +			
    1.98 +			<!-- =============================== closed ================================ -->
    1.99 +			<!-- is branch closed? -->
   1.100 +			<xsl:variable name="collapsed" select="ap:TopicViewGroup/Collapsed/@Collapsed" />
   1.101 +			<xsl:if test="$collapsed = 'true'">
   1.102 +				<xsl:attribute name="scrolled">
   1.103 +					<xsl:value-of select="yes"/>
   1.104 +				</xsl:attribute>
   1.105 +			</xsl:if>
   1.106 +
   1.107 +			<xsl:element name="heading">
   1.108 +				 <xsl:if test="ap:Text/ap:Font/@Color">
   1.109 +					 <xsl:attribute name="textColor">
   1.110 +						 <xsl:value-of select="concat('#', substring(ap:Text/ap:Font/@Color, 3, 6))" />
   1.111 +					 </xsl:attribute>
   1.112 +				 </xsl:if>
   1.113 +				 <xsl:value-of select="ap:Text/@PlainText" />
   1.114 +				 
   1.115 +				 <!-- <xsl:variable name="OId" select="@OId" />
   1.116 +				 <xsl:variable name="relation" select="/ap:Map/ap:Relationships/ap:Relationship[ap:ConnectionGroup[@Index=0]/ap:Connection/ap:ObjectReference/@OIdRef=$OId]" />
   1.117 +				 <xsl:if test="$relation">
   1.118 +					 <xsl:variable name="toId" select="$relation/ap:ConnectionGroup[@Index=1]/ap:Connection/ap:ObjectReference/@OIdRef" />
   1.119 +					 <xsl:element name="arrowlink">
   1.120 +						 <xsl:attribute name="ENDARROW">Default</xsl:attribute>
   1.121 +						 <xsl:attribute name="DESTINATION">
   1.122 +							 <xsl:value-of select="$relation/ap:ConnectionGroup[@Index=1]/ap:Connection/ap:ObjectReference/@OIdRef" />
   1.123 +						 </xsl:attribute>
   1.124 +						 <xsl:attribute name="STARTARROW">None</xsl:attribute>
   1.125 +					 </xsl:element>
   1.126 +				 </xsl:if>
   1.127 +				 <xsl:variable name="toId" select="/ap:Map/ap:Relationships/ap:Relationship/ap:ConnectionGroup[@Index=1]/ap:Connection/ap:ObjectReference[@OIdRef=$OId]/@OIdRef" />
   1.128 +				 <xsl:if test="$toId">
   1.129 +					 <xsl:attribute name="ID">
   1.130 +						 <xsl:value-of select="$toId" />
   1.131 +					 </xsl:attribute>
   1.132 +				 </xsl:if> -->
   1.133 +				 
   1.134 +			 </xsl:element>
   1.135 +			 
   1.136 +			<!-- =============================== createnote ================================ -->
   1.137 + 			<xsl:variable name="note" select="ap:NotesGroup" />
   1.138 +			<xsl:if test="$note">
   1.139 +				<xsl:element name="htmlnote">
   1.140 +					<xsl:attribute name="fonthint">var</xsl:attribute>
   1.141 +						<xsl:copy-of select="ap:NotesGroup/ap:NotesXhtmlData/*"/>
   1.142 +				</xsl:element>
   1.143 +			</xsl:if>
   1.144 +			 
   1.145 +			 <xsl:apply-templates select="ap:SubTopics"/>
   1.146 +			</xsl:element>
   1.147 +			
   1.148 +   </xsl:template>
   1.149 +
   1.150 +
   1.151 +  <!-- =============================== position ================================ -->
   1.152 +  <!-- for position -->
   1.153 +  <xsl:template name="position">
   1.154 +	
   1.155 +    <xsl:attribute name="absPosX">
   1.156 +		<!-- if CX != "" -->
   1.157 +      <xsl:value-of select="floor( (ap:Offset/@CX - $minxCoord) * 0.8  + 10 )"/>
   1.158 +			<!--xsl:message>absPosX: <xsl:value-of select="floor( (ap:Offset/@CX - $minxCoord) * 0.8  + 10 )"/></xsl:message-->
   1.159 +    </xsl:attribute>
   1.160 +    <xsl:attribute name="absPosY">
   1.161 +      	<xsl:value-of select="floor( (- ap:Offset/@CY + $maxyCoord) * 0.6 + 10 )"/>
   1.162 +				<!-- xsl:message>absPosY: <xsl:value-of select="floor( (- ap:Offset/@CY + $maxyCoord) * 0.6 + 10)"/></xsl:message-->
   1.163 +    </xsl:attribute>
   1.164 +		
   1.165 +  </xsl:template>
   1.166 +
   1.167 +
   1.168 +  <!-- ========================== symbol (floatimage) =========================== -->
   1.169 +  <!-- any floatimage? -->
   1.170 +  <xsl:template match="symbol">
   1.171 +  
   1.172 +	<xsl:if test="string-length(./url) &gt; 0">
   1.173 +	  <xsl:variable name="imagename" >
   1.174 +		<xsl:call-template name="getfn" >
   1.175 +			<xsl:with-param name="txt" select="substring-before( translate( normalize-space( current() ), '\', '/' ), '.' )" />
   1.176 +		</xsl:call-template>
   1.177 +	  </xsl:variable>
   1.178 +
   1.179 +	  <xsl:element name="floatimage">
   1.180 +		<xsl:attribute name="relPosX">
   1.181 +			<xsl:value-of select="'20'"/>
   1.182 +		</xsl:attribute>
   1.183 +		<xsl:attribute name="relPosY">
   1.184 +			<xsl:value-of select="'-50'"/>
   1.185 +		</xsl:attribute>
   1.186 +		<xsl:attribute name="useOrientation">
   1.187 +			<xsl:text>true</xsl:text>
   1.188 +		</xsl:attribute>
   1.189 +		<xsl:attribute name="saveInMap">
   1.190 +			<xsl:text>true</xsl:text>
   1.191 +		</xsl:attribute>
   1.192 +		
   1.193 +		<xsl:attribute name="href">
   1.194 +		  <xsl:value-of select="concat('file:', $filename, '-image-', $imagename, '.png')"/>
   1.195 +		</xsl:attribute>
   1.196 +	  </xsl:element>
   1.197 +	</xsl:if>
   1.198 +	
   1.199 +  </xsl:template>
   1.200 +  
   1.201 +  
   1.202 +  <!-- =============================== hyperlink ================================ -->
   1.203 +  <xsl:template match="xhyperLink">
   1.204 +
   1.205 +  <xsl:choose>
   1.206 +	<xsl:when test="substring(., 1, 4)='http'">
   1.207 +	  <xsl:attribute name="url">
   1.208 +		<xsl:value-of select="."/>
   1.209 +	  </xsl:attribute>
   1.210 +	</xsl:when>
   1.211 +	
   1.212 +	<xsl:when test="contains(., '.mmp')">
   1.213 +	  <xsl:attribute name="vymLink">
   1.214 +	  	<!-- Aus .mmp .vym machen und '\' durch '/' ersetzen -->
   1.215 +		<xsl:value-of select="translate( concat(substring-before(current(),'.mmp'), '.vym'), '\', '/')"/>
   1.216 +	  </xsl:attribute>
   1.217 +	</xsl:when>
   1.218 +	
   1.219 +	<xsl:otherwise>
   1.220 +	 <!-- <xsl:message terminate="yes">Test: <xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:message> -->
   1.221 +	  <xsl:attribute name="url">
   1.222 +		<xsl:value-of select="concat( 'file:/', translate(current(), '\', '/') )"/>
   1.223 +	  </xsl:attribute>
   1.224 +	</xsl:otherwise>
   1.225 +  </xsl:choose>
   1.226 +  
   1.227 +  
   1.228 +<!--   	<xsl:if test="substring(., 1, 4)='http'">
   1.229 +	  <xsl:attribute name="url">
   1.230 +		<xsl:value-of select="."/>
   1.231 +	  </xsl:attribute>
   1.232 +	 </xsl:if>
   1.233 +	 
   1.234 +  	<xsl:if test="contains(., '.mmp')">
   1.235 +	  <xsl:attribute name="vymLink">
   1.236 +		<xsl:value-of select="translate( concat(substring-before(current(),'.mmp'), '.vym'), '\', '/')"/>
   1.237 +	  </xsl:attribute>
   1.238 +	</xsl:if> -->
   1.239 +	
   1.240 +  </xsl:template>
   1.241 +
   1.242 +	
   1.243 +  <!-- ================================= getfn ================================== -->
   1.244 +  <!-- get the filename (without the path) -->
   1.245 +  
   1.246 +  <xsl:template name="getfn">
   1.247 +	  <xsl:param name="txt" select="." />
   1.248 +	  
   1.249 +	  <xsl:choose>
   1.250 +		  <xsl:when test="contains($txt, '/')" >
   1.251 +		  	<xsl:variable name="right" select="substring-after($txt, '/')" />
   1.252 +			<xsl:if test="string-length($right)>1" >
   1.253 +			  <xsl:call-template name="getfn" >
   1.254 +				  <xsl:with-param name="txt" select="$right" />
   1.255 +			  </xsl:call-template>
   1.256 +			</xsl:if>
   1.257 +		  </xsl:when>
   1.258 +		  <xsl:otherwise>
   1.259 +			  <xsl:value-of select="$txt" />
   1.260 +		  </xsl:otherwise>
   1.261 +	  </xsl:choose>
   1.262 +	  
   1.263 +  </xsl:template>
   1.264 +  
   1.265 +
   1.266 +  <!-- =============================== codes ================================ -->
   1.267 +  <xsl:template match="codes">
   1.268 +
   1.269 +  	<!-- file:/home/clemens/CLEMENS/MM/Tools/Open Interface Reference Guide/doc/enum-mmcode.html -->
   1.270 +	<xsl:element name="standardFlag">
   1.271 +	  <xsl:choose>
   1.272 +		<xsl:when test="code = '1'">lamp</xsl:when>
   1.273 +		<xsl:when test="code = '2'">arrow-up</xsl:when>
   1.274 +		<xsl:when test="code = '3'">arrow-down</xsl:when>
   1.275 +		<!-- <xsl:when test="code = ">scrolled-right</xsl:when> -->
   1.276 +		<xsl:when test="code = '5'">hook-green</xsl:when>
   1.277 +		<xsl:when test="code = '6'">questionmark</xsl:when>
   1.278 +		<xsl:when test="code = '7'">smiley-good</xsl:when>
   1.279 +		<xsl:when test="code = '8'">smiley-sad</xsl:when>
   1.280 +		<xsl:when test="code = '11'">stopsign</xsl:when>
   1.281 +		<xsl:when test="code = '13'">clock</xsl:when>
   1.282 +		<xsl:when test="code = '15'">clock</xsl:when>
   1.283 +		<xsl:when test="code = '17'">cross-red</xsl:when>
   1.284 +		<xsl:when test="code = '41'">cross-red</xsl:when>
   1.285 +		<xsl:when test="code = '20'">exclamationmark</xsl:when>
   1.286 +		<xsl:when test="code = '29'">thumb-up</xsl:when>
   1.287 +		<!-- <xsl:when test="code = '9'">note</xsl:when>
   1.288 +		<xsl:when test="code = '32'">note</xsl:when> -->
   1.289 +		<xsl:otherwise>heart</xsl:otherwise>
   1.290 +	  </xsl:choose>
   1.291 +	  <!-- Fuer spaetere Erweiterung um eigene Codes: z.B. MindManager-Codes "code-9.png"
   1.292 +	  <xsl:value-of select="concat( 'code-', current() )"/> -->
   1.293 +	</xsl:element>
   1.294 +
   1.295 +  </xsl:template>
   1.296 +
   1.297 +  
   1.298 +  <!-- =============================== color ================================ -->
   1.299 +  <xsl:template match="color">
   1.300 +    <xsl:attribute name="textColor">
   1.301 +      <!-- switch from BBGGRR to #RRGGBB representation -->
   1.302 +      <xsl:text>#</xsl:text>
   1.303 +      <xsl:value-of select="substring( ., 5, 2 )"/>
   1.304 +      <xsl:value-of select="substring( ., 3, 2 )"/>
   1.305 +      <xsl:value-of select="substring( ., 1, 2 )"/>
   1.306 +    </xsl:attribute>
   1.307 +  </xsl:template>
   1.308 +
   1.309 +
   1.310 +  <!-- =============================== for future use ================================ -->
   1.311 +  <xsl:template match="Name">
   1.312 +    <xsl:attribute name="NAME">
   1.313 +      <xsl:value-of select="."/>
   1.314 +    </xsl:attribute>
   1.315 +  </xsl:template>
   1.316 +
   1.317 +  <xsl:template match="Size">
   1.318 +      <xsl:attribute name="SIZE">
   1.319 +        <xsl:value-of select="."/>
   1.320 +      </xsl:attribute>
   1.321 +  </xsl:template>
   1.322 +
   1.323 +  <xsl:template match="Bold">
   1.324 +      <xsl:attribute name="BOLD">
   1.325 +        <xsl:value-of select="."/>
   1.326 +      </xsl:attribute>
   1.327 +  </xsl:template>
   1.328 +
   1.329 +  <xsl:template match="Italic">
   1.330 +      <xsl:attribute name="ITALIC">
   1.331 +        <xsl:value-of select="."/>
   1.332 +      </xsl:attribute>
   1.333 +  </xsl:template>
   1.334 +
   1.335 +  <xsl:template match="Underline">
   1.336 +      <xsl:attribute name="UNDERLINE">
   1.337 +        <xsl:value-of select="."/>
   1.338 +      </xsl:attribute>
   1.339 +  </xsl:template>
   1.340 +
   1.341 +  <xsl:template match="Strikethrough">
   1.342 +      <xsl:attribute name="Strikethrough">
   1.343 +        <xsl:value-of select="."/>
   1.344 +      </xsl:attribute>
   1.345 +  </xsl:template>
   1.346 +
   1.347 +  <!-- template extracting a subset of font attributes -->
   1.348 +  <xsl:template match="ap:font">
   1.349 +    <xsl:apply-templates select="@Name"/>
   1.350 +    <xsl:apply-templates select="@Size"/>
   1.351 +    <xsl:apply-templates select="@Bold"/>
   1.352 +    <xsl:apply-templates select="@Italic"/>
   1.353 +    <xsl:apply-templates select="@Underline"/>
   1.354 +    <xsl:apply-templates select="@Strikethrough"/>
   1.355 +  </xsl:template>
   1.356 +  
   1.357 +</xsl:stylesheet>
   1.358 +
   1.359 +
     2.1 --- a/tex/vym.changelog	Tue Feb 21 16:18:23 2006 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/tex/vym.changelog	Tue Feb 21 16:18:23 2006 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
     2.4 +-------------------------------------------------------------------
     2.5 +Tue Feb 21 17:17:48 CET 2006 - uwedr
     2.6 +
     2.7 +- Feature: rudimentary import mmaps 
     2.8 +
     2.9  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    2.10  Tue Feb 14 21:10:26 CET 2006 - uwe
     3.1 --- a/tex/vym.tex	Tue Feb 21 16:18:23 2006 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/tex/vym.tex	Tue Feb 21 16:18:23 2006 +0000
     3.3 @@ -577,22 +577,22 @@
     3.4  right). A paragraph is ended when a \key{Return} is entered. If you just
     3.5  want to begin a new line, press \key{CTRL-Return}.
     3.7 -\subsection{Finding text}
     3.8 +\subsection{Find text}
     3.9  The noteeditor itself has no Find function, use Find in the mapeditor,
    3.10  which will also search all notes (see \ref{findwindow}).
    3.12 -\subsection{Pasting text into note editor}
    3.13 +\subsection{Paste text into note editor}
    3.14  Often you will paste text into the editor from another application e.g.
    3.15  an email. Normally \vym will generate a new paragraph for each new line.
    3.16  This usually is not what you want, so you can choose from the menu
    3.18  \subsection{Advanced actions}
    3.19 -\subsubsection{Edit \ra Convert subsubsections:}
    3.20 +\subsubsection*{Edit \ra Convert subsubsections:}
    3.21  This turns subsubsections in selected text (or all text, if nothing is
    3.22  selected) into linebreaks. This is especially useful for snippets of
    3.23  source code.
    3.25 -\subsubsection{Edit \ra Join Lines:}
    3.26 +\subsubsection*{Edit \ra Join Lines:}
    3.27  Tries to format text, so that empty lines are used to delimit
    3.28  paragraphs. This is done for selected text (or all text, if nothing is
    3.29  selected). Especially useful for text like emails, meeting minutes etc.
    3.30 @@ -697,16 +697,25 @@
    3.31  part\rq.
    3.33  \subsection{Import} 
    3.34 -At the moment \vym can read a directory structure. This is mainly for
    3.35 +Many applications meanwhile can export their data using XML. \vym also
    3.36 +uses XML to save its maps, see \ref{fileformat} for a more detailed
    3.37 +description.
    3.38 +
    3.39 +%TODO
    3.40 +
    3.41 +%Import of vym maps somewhere (context menu)
    3.42 +%Import of "foreign" formats
    3.43 +
    3.44 +volunteers to write import filters are welcome.
    3.45 +
    3.46 +Also parts of a vym map ({\tt .vyp}) can be imported.
    3.47 +\subsubsection*{Directory structure}
    3.48 +\vym can read a directory structure. This is mainly for
    3.49  testing \vym e.g. to easily create huge maps used for benchmarks (yes,
    3.50  there is still room to optimize \vym ;-)
    3.52 -Many other applications meanwhile can export their data using XML, so
    3.53 -volunteers to write import filters are welcome.
    3.55 -Also parts of a vym map ({\tt .vyp}) can be imported.
    3.56 -
    3.57 -\subsection{File format}
    3.58 +\subsection{\vym file format} \label{fileformat}
    3.59  \vym maps usually have the postfix "{\tt .vym}" and represent a
    3.60  compressed archive of data. If you want to have a
    3.61  closer look into the data structure, just uncompress the map manually
     4.1 --- a/xsltproc.cpp	Tue Feb 21 16:18:23 2006 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/xsltproc.cpp	Tue Feb 21 16:18:23 2006 +0000
     4.3 @@ -67,6 +67,8 @@
     4.4  	xsltProc->addArgument (xslFile);
     4.5  	xsltProc->addArgument (inputFile);
     4.6  	dia.append ("vym is executing: \n" + xsltProc->arguments().join(" ") );	
     4.7 +	//FIXME testing
     4.8 +	cout <<QString("vym is executing: \n" + xsltProc->arguments().join(" ")) <<endl;	
     4.9  	if (!xsltProc->start() )
    4.10  	{
    4.11  		QMessageBox::critical( 0, QObject::tr( "Critical Error" ),