# HG changeset patch
# User insilmaril
# Date 1268140145 0
# Node ID bfacef6f29c1db4dc838d497b2ca5429ce45537e
# Parent  6a6018ba4cc7e591f139d024e5f2968a258d5021
Bugfix: Previous checkin caused toggleScroll to fail

diff -r 6a6018ba4cc7 -r bfacef6f29c1 mainwindow.cpp
--- a/mainwindow.cpp	Tue Mar 09 09:37:57 2010 +0000
+++ b/mainwindow.cpp	Tue Mar 09 13:09:05 2010 +0000
@@ -565,7 +565,6 @@
 	QMenu *editMenu = menuBar()->addMenu( tr("&Edit","Edit menu") );
 	QAction *a;
-	QAction *alt;
 	a = new QAction( QPixmap( iconPath+"undo.png"), tr( "&Undo","Edit menu" ),this);
 	connect( a, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( editUndo() ) );
 	a->setStatusTip (tr( "Undo" ) );
@@ -648,25 +647,20 @@
 	// Shortcut to add branch
-	alt = new QAction(QPixmap(iconPath+"newbranch.png"), tr( "Add branch as child","Edit menu" ), this);
-	alt->setStatusTip ( tr( "Add a branch as child of selection" ));
-	alt->setShortcut (Qt::Key_A);					//Add branch
-	alt->setShortcutContext (Qt::WindowShortcut);
-	switchboard.addConnection(alt,tr("Edit","Shortcut group"));
-	addAction (alt);
-	connect( alt, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( editNewBranch() ) );
+	a = new QAction(QPixmap(iconPath+"newbranch.png"), tr( "Add branch as child","Edit menu" ), this);
+	a->setStatusTip ( tr( "Add a branch as child of selection" ));
+	a->setShortcut (Qt::Key_A);					//Add branch
+	a->setShortcutContext (Qt::WindowShortcut);
+	switchboard.addConnection(a,tr("Edit","Shortcut group"));
+	addAction (a);
+	connect( a, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( editNewBranch() ) );
 	a = new QAction(QPixmap(iconPath+"newbranch.png"), tr( "Add branch as child","Edit menu" ), this);
 	a->setStatusTip ( tr( "Add a branch as child of selection" ));
 	a->setShortcut (Qt::Key_Insert);				//Add branch
 	switchboard.addConnection(a,tr("Edit","Shortcut group"));
 	connect( a, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( editNewBranch() ) );
-	#if defined (Q_OS_MACX)
-		// In OSX show different shortcut in menues, the keys work indepently always			
-		actionAddBranch=alt;
-	#else	
-		actionAddBranch=a;
-	#endif	
+	actionAddBranch=a;
 	editMenu->addAction (actionAddBranch);
 	tb->addAction (actionAddBranch);
@@ -778,8 +772,8 @@
 	a = new QAction( QPixmap(flagsPath+"flag-scrolled-right.png"), tr( "Scroll branch","Edit menu" ), this);
 	a->setShortcut ( Qt::Key_S );					// Scroll branch
 	a->setStatusTip (tr( "Scroll branch" )); 
-	switchboard.addConnection(alt,tr("Edit","Shortcut group"));
-	connect( alt, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( editToggleScroll() ) );
+	switchboard.addConnection(a,tr("Edit","Shortcut group"));
+	connect( a, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( editToggleScroll() ) );
 	a->setEnabled (false);
diff -r 6a6018ba4cc7 -r bfacef6f29c1 tex/vym.changelog
--- a/tex/vym.changelog	Tue Mar 09 09:37:57 2010 +0000
+++ b/tex/vym.changelog	Tue Mar 09 13:09:05 2010 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+Tue Mar  9 14:04:10 CET 2010 - vym@insilmaril.de
+- Bugfix: Regression in scrolling branches
 Mon Mar  8 07:45:34 CET 2010 - vym@insilmaril.de