# HG changeset patch
# User insilmaril
# Date 1107127688 0
# Node ID 0ed77eb5d1cd672f51f1e05cb015dd7d0084755c
# Parent  7e69734a51c43e3a66979effabb1fa4efcce3482
added linkobj.*

diff -r 7e69734a51c4 -r 0ed77eb5d1cd linkobj.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/linkobj.cpp	Sun Jan 30 23:28:08 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+#include "linkobj.h"
+#include "branchobj.h"
+// LinkObj
+LinkObj::LinkObj ():MapObj() 
+//	cout << "Const LinkObj ()\n";
+    init();
+LinkObj::LinkObj (QCanvas* c):MapObj(c)
+//	cout << "Const LinkObj (c)  called from MapCenterObj (c)\n";
+    init();
+LinkObj::~LinkObj ()
+//	cout << "Destr LinkObj\n";
+	if (linkState!=undefinedLink)
+		deactivate();
+	delete (line);
+void LinkObj::init () 
+	beginBranch=NULL;
+	endBranch=NULL;
+	linkState=undefinedLink;
+	line=new QCanvasLine (canvas);
+	line->setPoints (0,0,200,200);
+	line->setPen (QPen(QColor(200,200,200), 1));
+	setVisibility (false);
+void LinkObj::copy (LinkObj* other)
+	// FIXME copy not used yet
+	cout << "LO::copy called\n";
+	MapObj::copy (other);
+	setVisibility (other->visible);
+	beginBranch=other->beginBranch;
+	endBranch=other->endBranch;
+void LinkObj::setBegin (BranchObj *bo)
+	if (bo) 
+	{
+		linkState=initLink;
+		beginBranch=bo;
+		beginPos=beginBranch->getChildPos();
+	}	
+void LinkObj::setEnd (BranchObj *bo)
+	if (bo) 
+	{
+		linkState=initLink;
+		endBranch=bo;
+		endPos=endBranch->getChildPos();
+	}		
+void LinkObj::setEnd (QPoint p)
+	endPos=p;
+bool LinkObj::activate ()
+	if (beginBranch && endBranch)
+	{
+		linkState=activeLink;
+		beginBranch->addLink (this);
+		endBranch->addLink (this);
+		setVisibility (true);
+		return true;
+	} else
+		return false;
+void LinkObj::deactivate ()
+	if (beginBranch)
+		beginBranch->removeLink (this);
+	beginBranch=NULL;	
+	if (endBranch)
+		endBranch->removeLink (this);
+	endBranch=NULL;	
+	linkState=undefinedLink;
+	line->hide();
+bool LinkObj::isUsed()
+	if (beginBranch || endBranch || linkState!=undefinedLink)
+		return true;
+	else
+		return false;
+void LinkObj::updateLink()
+	QPoint a,b;
+	if (beginBranch)
+		// If a link is just drawed in the editor,
+		// we have already a beginBranch
+		a=beginBranch->getChildPos();
+	else
+		// This shouldn't be reached normally...
+		a=beginPos;
+	if (linkState==activeLink && endBranch)
+		b=endBranch->getChildPos();
+	else
+		b=endPos;
+	if (line->startPoint()==a && line->endPoint()==b)
+		// update is called from both branches, so only
+		// update if needed
+		return;
+	else
+	{
+		beginPos=a;
+		endPos=b;
+		line->setPoints (a.x(), a.y(), b.x(), b.y());
+	}
+void LinkObj::positionBBox()
+void LinkObj::calcBBoxSize()
+void LinkObj::setVisibility (bool b)
+	MapObj::setVisibility (b);
+	if (b)
+	{
+		line->show();
+	}	
+	else
+	{
+		line->hide();
+	}	
diff -r 7e69734a51c4 -r 0ed77eb5d1cd linkobj.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/linkobj.h	Sun Jan 30 23:28:08 2005 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#ifndef LINKOBJ_H
+#define LINKOBJ_H
+#include "linkablemapobj.h"
+enum LinkState {undefinedLink,initLink,activeLink,deleteLink};
+class LinkObj:public MapObj {
+    LinkObj ();
+    LinkObj (QCanvas*);
+    ~LinkObj ();
+    virtual void init ();
+    virtual void copy (LinkObj*);
+	void setBegin (BranchObj*);
+	void setEnd   (BranchObj*);
+	void setEnd   (QPoint);
+	bool activate ();			// Sets pointers in branchObjects
+	void deactivate();			// removes those pointers
+	bool isUsed();				// true, if at least on branch uses it
+	void updateLink();
+	void positionBBox();
+	void calcBBoxSize();
+	void setVisibility (bool);
+	QCanvasLine *line;
+	BranchObj *beginBranch;
+	BranchObj *endBranch;
+	LinkState linkState;	// init during drawing or active
+	QPoint beginPos;
+	QPoint   endPos;