ExportXHTMLDialog ExportXHTMLDialog 0 0 514 468 0 130 Export XHTML unnamed layout17 unnamed textLabel1 1 5 0 0 Export to directory: lineEditDir 7 0 0 0 browseExportDirButton 0 0 0 0 Browse layout17 unnamed spacer5 Horizontal Expanding 61 21 exportButton Export true cancelButton Cancel buttonGroup2 5 5 0 0 0 160 Options unnamed imageButton Include image textColorButton Colored headings in text saveSettingsInMapButton Save settings in map warningsButton showWarnings e.g. if directory is not empty outputButton 1 0 0 0 show output of external scripts groupBox2 Stylesheets unnamed layout7 unnamed textLabel2 0 5 0 0 125 0 XSL: AlignVCenter|AlignRight lineEditXSL browseXSLButton 0 0 0 0 Browse layout6 unnamed textLabel1_2 0 5 0 0 125 0 CSS: AlignVCenter|AlignRight lineEditCSS browseCSSButton 0 0 0 0 Browse groupBox1 Scripts unnamed layout4 unnamed textLabel1_3 0 5 0 0 125 0 Before export: AlignVCenter|AlignRight lineEditPostScript browsePreExportButton 0 0 0 0 Browse layout5 unnamed textLabel2_2 0 5 0 0 125 0 NoFrame After Export: AlignVCenter|AlignRight lineEditPreScript browsePostExportButton 0 0 0 0 Browse spacer3 Vertical MinimumExpanding 20 20 outputButton toggled(bool) ExportXHTMLDialog outputButtonPressed(bool) exportButton pressed() ExportXHTMLDialog accept() cancelButton pressed() ExportXHTMLDialog close() browseExportDirButton pressed() ExportXHTMLDialog browseDirectoryPressed() browseXSLButton pressed() ExportXHTMLDialog browseXSLPressed() browseCSSButton pressed() ExportXHTMLDialog browseCSSPressed() imageButton toggled(bool) ExportXHTMLDialog imageButtonPressed(bool) textColorButton toggled(bool) ExportXHTMLDialog textcolorButtonPressed(bool) lineEditDir textChanged(const QString&) ExportXHTMLDialog dirChanged() lineEditCSS textChanged(const QString&) ExportXHTMLDialog cssChanged() lineEditXSL textChanged(const QString&) ExportXHTMLDialog xslChanged() warningsButton toggled(bool) ExportXHTMLDialog warningsButtonPressed(bool) saveSettingsInMapButton toggled(bool) ExportXHTMLDialog saveSettingsInMapButtonPressed(bool) browsePreExportButton pressed() ExportXHTMLDialog browsePreExportButtonPressed() lineEditPreScript textChanged(const QString&) ExportXHTMLDialog prescriptChanged() lineEditPostScript textChanged(const QString&) ExportXHTMLDialog postscriptChanged() browsePostExportButton pressed() ExportXHTMLDialog browsePostExportButtonPressed() qfiledialog.h qmessagebox.h settings.h xsltproc.h process.h exportxhtmldialog.ui.h bool useTextColor; bool showWarnings; QString xsl; QString css; bool useImage; bool showOutput; QString dir; QString filepath; QString prescript; QString postscript; bool settingsChanged; QString mapname; bool saveSettingsInMap; XSLTProc p; Process *scriptProc; readSettings() dirChanged() browseDirectoryPressed() imageButtonPressed( bool b ) textcolorButtonPressed( bool b ) saveSettingsInMapButtonPressed( bool b ) warningsButtonPressed( bool b ) outputButtonPressed( bool b ) cssChanged() browseCSSPressed() xslChanged() prescriptChanged() browseXSLPressed() postscriptChanged() browsePreExportButtonPressed() browsePostExportButtonPressed() doExport( const QString & mapname ) setFilePath( const QString & s ) setMapName( const QString & s ) init() destroy() getDir() warnings() hasChanged() runScript( QString spath, QString fpath )