# Hack to make single-line XML file  easier to read by using indention
# (c) Uwe Drechsel
# License: GPL 

my $filename =shift;
my $s;
open (INFILE, "<$filename") ||
	die "Could not read $filename.";


my @lines=split ("\n",$s);
my $i=0;
my $is="";

foreach (@lines)
	if (!/<.*?\/>/)
		if (/<\//)
			# Closing tag
			if ($i<0) {$i=0};
			print "$is$_\n";
		} else
			if (/<(?!\?)/)  # ignore <? ... ?>
				# Opening tag
				print "$is$_\n";
			} else 
				# empty lines etc
				print "$is$_\n"; 
	} else 
		# Ignor single tags <../>
		print "$is$_\n"; 
print "\n";

sub indent()
	my $size=shift;
	my $s="";
	for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++)
		$s=$s."  ";
	return $s;