diff -r 000000000000 -r 0e994bf2346b scripts/vym2html.sh
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/scripts/vym2html.sh	Wed Mar 15 13:53:53 2006 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# vym2html.sh
+# Date: 20040625
+# Author: Clemens Kraus (http://www.clemens-kraus.de)
+# AddOns: Uwe Drechsel
+#echo $@
+# Unpack vym-file, only if it is one
+  echo $VYMFILE_EXT | grep -F ".vym" 1>/dev/null
+  if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
+	  echo ">> Unpacking files ..."
+	  unzip $VYMFILE_EXT -d $VYMPATH 1>/dev/null
+	  if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
+		echo ">>> Error in unzip! Aborting."
+	  	exit 4
+	  fi
+  fi
+  # copy stylesheet
+  if [ -z $STYLESHEETP ] ; then
+	  echo ">>> Error: could not process stylesheet "$STYLESHEETP"! Aborting."
+	  exit 5
+  else
+	  if [ -n $VYMPATH ] ; then
+		  if [ -n "$WIKISTYLEP" ] ; then
+		    mkdir -p $VYMPATH/images
+			cp `dirname $STYLESHEETP`/wiki/* $VYMPATH/images
+			if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
+				echo ">>> Warning: could not copy images for WIKI style
+				\""$STYLESHEETP"/wiki/*\"!"
+			else
+			  echo ">> WIKI style images \""$STYLESHEETP"/wiki/*\" copied ..."
+			fi  
+		  fi
+		if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
+			echo ">>> Warning: could not copy CSS-file \""$CSSFILE"\"!"
+		else
+		  echo ">> CSS-file \""$CSSFILE"\" copied ..."
+		fi
+	  fi
+  fi
+  echo ">> Starting XSLT transformation ..."
+  OPTIONS=" -o $VYMFILE.html \
+  --stringparam filenamep \"$VYMFILE\" \
+  --stringparam wikistylep \"$WIKISTYLEP\" \
+  --stringparam genimagep \"$GENIMAGEP\" \
+  --stringparam imageonlyp \"$IMAGEONLYP\" \
+  --stringparam urlHeadingp \"$URLHEADING\" \
+  --stringparam urlImagep \"$URLIMG\" \
+  --stringparam stylesheetp $CSSFILE  \
+  `dirname $STYLESHEETP`/vym2html.xsl \
+  $VYMFILE.xml "
+# echo Executing: xsltproc $OPTIONS 2>&1
+#  xsltproc $OPTIONS 2>&1
+xsltproc -o $VYMPATH/$VYMNAME".html" --stringparam filenamep "$VYMPATH/$VYMNAME" --stringparam wikistylep "$WIKISTYLEP" --stringparam genimagep "$GENIMAGEP" --stringparam imageonlyp "$IMAGEONLYP" --stringparam urlHeadingp "$URLHEADING" --stringparam urlImagep "$URLIMAGE" --stringparam stylesheetp "$CSSFILE"  `dirname $STYLESHEETP`/vym2html.xsl  $VYMPATH/$VYMNAME".xml" 2>&1
+  if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
+	  echo ">>> Error in xsltproc! Aborting."
+	  exit 3
+  fi
+# change all txt-files into xml-format
+  for i in `ls $VYMPATH/notes/$VYMNAME-note-*.txt 2>/dev/null`
+  do
+    # Check whether already modified
+	grep "<note>" $i 1>/dev/null
+	if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
+	  echo ">> Modifying: "$i
+	  cp $i $i"_tmp"
+	  echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" > $i
+	  echo "<note>" >> $i
+	  if [ -z "$WIKISTYLEP" ] ; then
+		  echo "<![CDATA[" >> $i
+	  fi
+	  cat $i"_tmp" >> $i
+	  if [ -z "$WIKISTYLEP" ] ; then
+		  echo "]]>" >> $i
+	  fi
+	  echo "</note>" >> $i
+	  rm $i"_tmp"
+	fi
+  done
+# remove all temporary unpacked vym-files
+  echo $VYMFILE_EXT | grep -F ".vym" 1>/dev/null
+  if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
+	echo ">> Removing temporary files ..."
+	for i in `ls $VYMPATH/notes/$VYMNAME-note-*.txt 2>/dev/null`
+	do
+	  rm $i
+	done
+	for i in `ls $VYMPATH/images/$VYMNAME-image-*.* 2>/dev/null`
+	do
+	  rm $i
+	done
+	rm $VYMPATH/$VYMFILE".xml" 2>/dev/null
+  fi
+  # optional: reducing image-size
+  echo ">> reducing image size to 256 colors ..."
+  convert -colors 255 $VYMPATH/images/$VYMFILE".png" $VYMPATH/images/$VYMFILE".png"
+# -------------------- Parameter check -----------------------
+USAGE="USAGE:\t`basename $0`  vymfile.[vym|xml]  -sp=\077  [Options]\n
+\t-sp=\077: absolute stylesheet path (including name of stylesheet)\n
+-image: creates a clickable image at the beginning of the HTML-output\n
+-imageonly: creates a clickable image without further HTML-output\n
+-URLHeading: if set, URLs will show the heading\n
+-URLImage: if set, URLs will show the globe visible in the map\n
+-css=\077: tell vym2html to use this CSS-file, default is '$CSSFILE'\n
+-v: prints the version of vym2html\n
+-wikistyle: activates some wiki-shortcuts\n
+\tWiki-style notation overview: \n
+\t+ Big headlines start with the '+' character.\n
+\t- Small headlines start with the '-' character.\n
+\t  Normal text doesn't have any starting notation.\n
+\t! Notes start with an exclamation.\n
+\t. Indented text starts with a dot.\n
+\t\077 Questions start with a question-mark, and\n
+\t= Answers starts with the equal-sign.\n
+\t\052 Points for a item-list\n
+\t# clues\n
+\tuse '{...}' or '{(Clemens homepage) http://www.clemens-kraus.de/}'\n\tfor external links.\n
+\t|This is bold| text, while |/this text is italic|, \n\t|*this is pre-formatted|, and |!this is a note|"
+if [ "$1" = '-v' ]; then
+	  echo "vym2html Version: "$VERSION
+	  exit 0
+if [ $# -lt 2  ]; then 
+	echo -e $USAGE
+	exit 1
+	VYMNAME=`echo $VYMFILE_EXT | sed "s/.*\///" | sed "s/\\..*$//"`
+shift 1
+for arg do
+  if [ "$arg" = '-wikistyle' ]; then
+	  WIKISTYLEP="yes"
+  elif [ "$arg" = '-image' ]; then
+	  GENIMAGEP="yes"
+  elif [ "$arg" = '-imageonly' ]; then
+	  IMAGEONLYP="yes"
+	  GENIMAGEP="yes"
+  elif [ ${arg:0:3} = '-sp' ]; then			# take first 3 chars
+	  STYLESHEETP=`echo $arg | cut -d= -f2`
+  elif [ ${arg:0:4} = '-css' ]; then		# take first 4 chars
+	  CSSFILE=`echo $arg | cut -d= -f2`
+  elif [ $arg = "-useURLHeading" ]; then
+		URLHEADING="yes"		
+  elif [ $arg = "-useURLImage" ]; then
+		URLIMAGE="yes"		
+  elif [ "$arg" = '-help' ]; then
+	echo -e $USAGE
+	exit 1
+  else
+	echo -e $USAGE
+	exit 1
+  fi
+# ---------------------- Los geht's --------------------------
+echo ">> Processing file '$VYMFILE_EXT' ..."
+# Unpack vym-file
+# Modify "*-note-x.txt" files
+# Transform
+# clean up
+echo ">> Ready!"
+echo ">> ---------------------"
+exit 0