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insilmaril@28: \newcommand{\vym}{{\sc vym }}
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insilmaril@28: \newcommand{\da}{$\downarrow$}
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insilmaril@28: \begin{document}
insilmaril@28: \title{VYM \\ -- \\View Your Mind}
insilmaril@28: \author{\textcopyright Uwe Drechsel  }
insilmaril@28: \maketitle
insilmaril@28: \tableofcontents
insilmaril@28: \newpage
insilmaril@28: \section{Introduction}
insilmaril@28: \subsection{What is a \vym map?}
insilmaril@28: A \vym map (in short words {\em map}) is a tree like structure:
insilmaril@28: \begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{example1.png}
insilmaril@28: \end{center}
insilmaril@28: Such maps can be drawn by hand on paper or a flip chart and help to
insilmaril@28: structure your thoughs. While a tree like structure like above can be
insilmaril@28: drawn by hand or any drawing software \vym offers
insilmaril@28: much more features to work with such maps. \vym is not another drawing
insilmaril@28: software, but a tool to store and modify information in an intuitive
insilmaril@28: way. For example you can reorder parts of the map by pressing a key or
insilmaril@28: add various information like a complete email by a simple mouse click.
insilmaril@28: \subsection{Why should I use maps? Time, Space and your Brain.}
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Space}
insilmaril@28: A map can concentrate a very complex content on little space e.g. a
insilmaril@28: piece of paper. It helps to use both sides of your brain: the logical
insilmaril@28: side and also your creative side (e.g. by using pictures, colors and
insilmaril@28: keywords in a map, so called {\em anchors}).  It is a technique to
insilmaril@28: organize the way you think: It can help you by developing, sorting and
insilmaril@28: memorizing your thoughts. 
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Time}
insilmaril@28: Because you just use keywords and drawings, it is much faster than good
insilmaril@28: old fashioned notes. Your brain memorizes things by associating them to
insilmaril@28: other things -- a map makes use of those connections and stimulates
insilmaril@28: new asccociations. 
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Your Brain}
insilmaril@28: In 1960 the Prof. {\sc Roger Sperry} discovered that both hemispheres
insilmaril@28: of the human brain have different tasks (of course both of them
insilmaril@125: basically {\em can} do the same): 
insilmaril@125: \begin{center}
insilmaril@125: \begin{tabular}{|p{5.5cm}|p{5.5cm}|} \hline
insilmaril@125: 	Left side & Right side \\ \hline
insilmaril@125: 	\begin{itemize}
insilmaril@125: 	   \item verbal speech and writing 
insilmaril@125: 	   \item numbers
insilmaril@125: 	   \item logical thinking
insilmaril@125: 	   \item analyzing and details
insilmaril@125: 	   \item science
insilmaril@125: 	   \item linear thinking
insilmaril@125: 	   \item concept of time
insilmaril@125: 	\end{itemize} &
insilmaril@125: 	\begin{itemize}
insilmaril@125: 		\item body language
insilmaril@125: 		\item visual thinking, day dreams
insilmaril@125: 		\item intuition and emotion
insilmaril@125: 		\item overview of things
insilmaril@125: 		\item creativity
insilmaril@125: 		\item art, music, dancing
insilmaril@125: 		\item non-linear thinking, connecting things
insilmaril@125: 		\item spatial awareness
insilmaril@125: 	\end{itemize}     \\ \hline
insilmaril@125: \end{tabular}	
insilmaril@125: \end{center}
insilmaril@28: In our science oriented society we have learned to mainly rely on our
insilmaril@28: left side of the brain, the "rational" one. In other cultures,
insilmaril@28: especially like the native americans and other "old" cultures, the right
insilmaril@28: side is much more important. maps are just one way to stimulate the
insilmaril@28: other side and make use of additional ressources we all have.
insilmaril@28: \subsection{Where could I use a map?}
insilmaril@28: Here are some examples, how you can use those maps
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28:     \item to prepare articles, papers, books, talks, \ldots
insilmaril@28:     \item to sort complex data
insilmaril@28:     \item to memorize facts, persons, vocabulary, \ldots
insilmaril@28:     \item to sort emails, files and bookmarks on your computer
insilmaril@28:     \item to moderate conferences
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: \subsection{What you shouldn't do with a map...}
insilmaril@28: A map drawn by somebody shows the way the author thinks. There is
insilmaril@28: no right or wrong in the way it is drawn, so there is no way to critize
insilmaril@28: it. "It is, what it is" ({\sc F.~Lehmann}).
insilmaril@28: %\section{Tutorials}
insilmaril@28: %TODO
insilmaril@125: \subsection{Internet Ressources} 
insilmaril@125: A good starting point to learn more about maps in general is Wikipedia:
insilmaril@125: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@125: 	\item English: 
insilmaril@125: 		\href{}{\_map}
insilmaril@125: 	\item German: 
insilmaril@125: 		\href{}{}
insilmaril@125: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@125: \subsection{Concept of \vym}
insilmaril@28: %TODO may add a general introduction here...
insilmaril@28: \vym uses two windows: an editor for the map itself and another one for
insilmaril@28: notes, which are part of the map. Let's call them {\em mapeditor} and
insilmaril@28: {\em noteeditor}: 
insilmaril@28: \begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{windows.png}
insilmaril@28: \end{center}
insilmaril@28: Usually you will work in the {\em mapeditor} by just adding new
insilmaril@28: branches, moving around and reordering them. The various ways to do this
insilmaril@28: will be explained in \ref{mapeditor}. You can store additional
insilmaril@28: information e.g. the content of a email easily in a {\em branch}: Just
insilmaril@28: type or copy\&paste it into the {\em noteeditor}. Working with notes is
insilmaril@28: explained in \ref{noteeditor}
insilmaril@28: The map itself has always a {\em mapcenter}.  The
insilmaril@28: mapcenter has {\em branches} just like the trunk of a tree. Each branch
insilmaril@28: in turn may have branches again.
insilmaril@28: \begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 	\includegraphics[width=10cm]{branches.png}
insilmaril@28: \end{center}
insilmaril@28: We will call a branch directly connected to the mapcenter a {\em
insilmaril@28: mainbranch}, because it determines the position of all its child
insilmaril@28: branches.
insilmaril@28: The mapcenter and the branches all have a {\em heading}. This is the
insilmaril@28: text you see in the mapeditor. Usually it should just be one or a few
insilmaril@28: words, so that one can easily keep track of the whole map.
insilmaril@28: In the toolbar above the mapeditor you see various symbols.
insilmaril@28: \begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{default-flags.png}
insilmaril@28: \end{center}
insilmaril@28: These are called {\em flags} and can be used to mark branches in the
insilmaril@28: map, e.g. if something is important or questionable. 
insilmaril@28: There are also more flags set by \vym automatically to show additional
insilmaril@28: information, e.g. when a  exists for a  particular branch.
insilmaril@104: By default some of these flags are set exclusively e.g. when the \lq
insilmaril@104: thumb-up\rq flag is set, then the \lq thumb down\rq is unset and vice
insilmaril@104: versa. You can change this default behaviour in the settings menu.
insilmaril@28: \section{Mapeditor} \label {mapeditor}
insilmaril@28: \subsection{Start a new map}
insilmaril@28: After \vym is started two windows will open: the mapeditor and the
insilmaril@28: noteditor. Usually you will work in both windows, but at the moment we
insilmaril@28: will just need the mapeditor. 
insilmaril@28: Select the mapcenter "New map" in the middle of the mapeditor by
insilmaril@28: left-clicking with the mouse. It will turn yellow to show that is
insilmaril@103: selected. There are several ways to add a new branch to the center:
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@103: 	\item Using the mouse: Open the context meny by clicking with the
insilmaril@103: 	right mouse button (CTRL-Click on Mac) onto the
insilmaril@103: 	mapcenter and choose Add \ra Add as child
insilmaril@103: 	\item Press \key{Ins} or \key{A}
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: A new branch will appear and you will be able to type the heading of the
insilmaril@28: branch. Finish adding the new branch by pressing \key{Enter}.
insilmaril@28: %tipp
insilmaril@28: Sometimes it comes handy to add a new branch above or below the current
insilmaril@104: one. Use \key{Ins} together with \key{Shift} or \key{Ctrl}. It is also
insilmaril@104: possible to add a branch in such a way, that the current selection
insilmaril@104: becomes the child of the new branch, which is like inserting it {\em
insilmaril@104: before} the selection. This can be done using the context menu.
insilmaril@28: \subsection{Navigate through a map}
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Select branches}
insilmaril@28: To select branches you can use the left button of your mouse or also the
insilmaril@28: arrow keys. Depending on the {\em orientation} of a branch type
insilmaril@28: \key{\la} or \key{\ra} to get nearer to the mapcenter or deeper
insilmaril@28: down into the branches. Within a set of branches, let's call them a 
insilmaril@28: {\em subtree}, you can use \key{\ua} and \key{\da} to go up and down. You can
insilmaril@28: also use \key{Pos1} and \key{End} to select the first and last branch.
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Zoom a map}
insilmaril@28: While adding more and more branches the size of the map may become
insilmaril@28: bigger than the mapeditor window. You can use the scrollbars on the
insilmaril@28: right and the bottom of your mapeditor window to scroll, but it is
insilmaril@28: easier to just scroll using the left mouse button: Click onto the {\em
insilmaril@28: canvas} itself, the empty space somewhere between the branches. The
insilmaril@28: mouse pointer will change from an arrow to a hand, now move the visible
insilmaril@28: part of the map to show the desired part.
insilmaril@28: If you select branches using the arrow keys, the map will scroll
insilmaril@28: to ensure that the selected branch is always visible.
insilmaril@28: Working with huge maps, the {\em zoom}-function comes in handy: You can
insilmaril@28: use 
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item from the menu View \ra Zoom
insilmaril@28: 	\item the toolbar buttons 
insilmaril@28: 		\begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 			\includegraphics[width=3cm]{zoom-buttons.png}
insilmaril@28: 		\end{center}	
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}	
insilmaril@28: The crossed magnifying lens resets the zoomed view to its original size.
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Find Function} \label{findwindow}
insilmaril@28: With huge maps there is the need to have a
insilmaril@28: find function. Choose Edit \ra Find to open the Find Window:
insilmaril@28: \begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 	\includegraphics[width=6cm]{find-window.png}
insilmaril@28: \end{center}	
insilmaril@28: The text you enter here will be searched in all the headings and also in
insilmaril@28: notes. Everytime you press the "Find"-button it will look for the next
insilmaril@28: occurence, which then will be selected automatically. If the search
insilmaril@28: fails, there will appear a short message "Nothing found" or a few
insilmaril@28: seconds in the {\em statusbar} on the bottom of the mapeditor.
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Scroll a part of the map}
insilmaril@28: A very big subtree of a map e.g. a branch with hundreds of childs makes
insilmaril@28: it very hard to keep an overview over the whole map. You can hide all
insilmaril@28: the childs of a branch by {\em scrolling} it -- this function is also
insilmaril@28: often called {\em folding}. Think of the whole subtree as painted onto a
insilmaril@28: big newspaper. You can scroll the paper to a small roll, leaving just
insilmaril@28: the headline readable.
insilmaril@28: To scroll or unscroll a branch and its childs, press the
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@103: 	\item \key{Scroll} key or  \key{S}
insilmaril@28: 	\item press the middle-mouse button or
insilmaril@28: 	\item choose the little scroll from the toolbar.
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: If you select parts of a scrolled branch e.g. using the find function or
insilmaril@28: by using the arrow-keys, it will unscroll temporary. This is shown as a
insilmaril@28: scroll with a little hour glass. If the temporary unscrolled part is not
insilmaril@28: longer needed, it will be hidden again automatically. It is also
insilmaril@28: possible to unscroll all branches using "Edit\ra Unscroll all scrolled
insilmaril@28: branches".
insilmaril@28: \subsection{Modify and move branches}
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Modify the heading of a branch}
insilmaril@28: You can edit the heading by selecting the branch and then
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item pressing \key{Enter}
insilmaril@28: 	\item double-clicking with left mouse.
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: Just type the new heading (or edit the old one) and press \key{Enter}.
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Move a branch}
insilmaril@28: The easiest way to move a branch is to select it with left-mouse and
insilmaril@28: drag it to the destination while keeping the mouse button pressed.
insilmaril@28: Depending on the branch  it will be
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item moved to the destination or
insilmaril@28: 	\item {\em linked} to a new {\em parent} (mapcenter or branch)
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: If you drag the branch over another one or over the mapcenter, you will
insilmaril@28: notice that the  link connecting it to the old parent will be changed to
insilmaril@28: lead to the  new parent which is now under your mousepointer. 
insilmaril@28: If you release the button now, the branch will be relinked.
insilmaril@28: If you release the button in the middle of nowhere, the result will
insilmaril@28: depend on the type of branch you are releasing:
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item A mainbranch is directly connected to the mapcenter.
insilmaril@28: 		It will stay on its new position.
insilmaril@28: 	\item An ordinary branch will "jump" back to its original position.	
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: Thus you can easily rearrange the layout of the mainbranches to avoid
insilmaril@28: overlapping of their subtrees.
insilmaril@28: There is another convenient way to move branches, especially if you want
insilmaril@28: to {\em reorder} a subtree: You can move a branch up or down in a
insilmaril@28: subtree by
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item pressing \key{\ua} and \key {\da}
insilmaril@28: 	\item selecting Edit \ra Move branch
insilmaril@28: 	\item clicking on the toolbar buttons:
insilmaril@28: 		\begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 			\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{move-buttons.png}
insilmaril@28: 		\end{center}	
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: %tipp
insilmaril@28: There is yet another way to move branches: If you press \key{Shift} or
insilmaril@28: \key{Ctrl} while moving with the mouse, the branch will be added above
insilmaril@28: or below the one the mouse pointer is over. This helps also to reorder a
insilmaril@28: map.
insilmaril@28: \subsection{The right side of your brain - colors and images}
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Change color of a heading}
insilmaril@28: You can also use colors to put more information into a map, e.g. use
insilmaril@28: red, green and more colors to prioritize tasks. Again you can
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item use the menu and choose e.g Format \rq Set Color
insilmaril@28: 	\item use the toolbar
insilmaril@28: 		\begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 			\includegraphics[width=3cm]{color-buttons.png}
insilmaril@28: 		\end{center}	
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: The first button (black in the graphic above) shows the actual color.
insilmaril@28: Clicking on it let's you choose another color. You can also "pick"
insilmaril@28: another color by selecting a branch with the desired color and using the
insilmaril@28: "pick color" button. Both of the buttons showing a bucket actually put
insilmaril@28: the current color to the selected branch. While the first one just
insilmaril@28: colors the heading of the selection, the last one also colors all the
insilmaril@28: childs of the selected branch.
insilmaril@28: %tipp
insilmaril@28: A very useful function is the "copy color" using the mouse: Select the
insilmaril@28: branch which should get the new color, then press \key{Ctrl} and
insilmaril@28: simultanously click with left-mouse on another branch to copy its color
insilmaril@28: to the first one. Here the childs of the selection also will get the new
insilmaril@28: color, if you just want to color the selection itself, additionally
insilmaril@28: press \key{Shift}.
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Use flags}
insilmaril@28: \vym provides various flags. You see them in the toolbar on top of the
insilmaril@28: mapeditor window. (Note: Like all toolbars you can also move them to the
insilmaril@28: left or the right side of the window or even detach them. Just grab the
insilmaril@28: very left "dotted" part of the toolbar with your left-mouse button.) 
insilmaril@28: \begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{default-flags.png}
insilmaril@28: \end{center}
insilmaril@28: If you have a branch selected, you can set any number of flags by
insilmaril@28: clicking them in the toolbar. The toolbar buttons change their state and
insilmaril@28: always reflect the flags set in the selected branch.
insilmaril@28: Presently \vym uses two kinds of flags: {\em System Flags} and {\em
insilmaril@28: Standard Flags}. The standard flags are those shown in the toolbar.
insilmaril@28: System flags are set by \vym to indicate e.g. that there is additional
insilmaril@28: information in a note (more on this in \ref{noteeditor}). Later versions
insilmaril@28: of \vym may have another kind of flags, which may be edited by the user.
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Images}
insilmaril@125: The easiest way to add an image to a branch is by dragging it e.g. from a
insilmaril@125: webbrowser to the mapeditor while a branch is selected there.
insilmaril@125: You can also add a image to a branch by opening the context menu of the
insilmaril@125: branch choose "Add Image". A
insilmaril@28: dialog window lets you choose the image to load. 
insilmaril@28: \footnote{Supported image types are: PNG, BMP, XBM, XPM and PNM. It may
insilmaril@28: 	also support JPEG, MNG and GIF, if specially configured during
insilmaril@28: 	compilation (as done when \vym is part of SUSE LINUX).}
insilmaril@28: While an image is selected in the dialog, you can see a preview of the
insilmaril@28: image.	
insilmaril@28: You can position the image anywhere you want, just drag it with left
insilmaril@28: mouse. To relink it to another branch, press \key{Shift} while moving
insilmaril@28: it. To delete it, press \key{Del}. 
insilmaril@28: If you right-click onto an image, a context menu will open which let's
insilmaril@28: you first choose one of several image formats. Then a file dialog opens
insilmaril@28: to save the image. Hint: This is used to "export" the image, it will be
insilmaril@28: saved anyway in the map itself! You can also cut and
insilmaril@28: copy images, but it is not possible to add objects to an image\footnote{
insilmaril@28: 	Images are regarded as "extra feature". It would make working with
insilmaril@28: 	the map much more complex if e.g. images could be linked to images.}
insilmaril@28: The option \lq{\bf Use for export} \rq controls the output of exports
insilmaril@28: e.g. to HTML: If set to no, the image won't appear in the {\em text}
insilmaril@28: part of the output. This is useful for large images or if images are
insilmaril@28: used as a kind of frame e.g. the famous cloud symbol around a part of
insilmaril@28: the map. Those shouldn't appear in the middle of the text.
insilmaril@28: At the moment image support is preliminary: Images will be saved
insilmaril@28: together with all the other data of a map in the {\tt .vym}-file.
insilmaril@28: Later versions will include more functionality like resizing the images,
insilmaril@28: changing its z-value (put it into background) etc.
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Frames}
insilmaril@28: A frame can be added to a branch by clicking with the
insilmaril@28: right-mouse button.  A context menu will open, where you can choose the
insilmaril@28: frame. At the moment just a rectangle resp. "No Frame" will be offered,
insilmaril@28: nevertheless you can use images as frames. Have a look at the demo map
insilmaril@28: {\tt todo.vym} as an example, where the mapcenter is a cloud. You can
insilmaril@28: use an external drawing program like {\tt gimp} to create an image,
insilmaril@28: preferable with an transparency channel, so that you can design frames
insilmaril@28: which don't use a rectangular borderline, just like the cloud.
insilmaril@28: \subsection{Background design}
insilmaril@28: The design of the background of a map and also of the links connecting
insilmaril@28: various parts of the map can be changed by
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item Selecting Format from the menu
insilmaril@28: 	\item Right clicking onto the canvas, which will open a context menu
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Background color}
insilmaril@28: The color is set (and also displayed) as "Set background color".
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Link color}
insilmaril@28: Links connecting branches can be colored in one of the following ways:
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item use the color of the heading of the branch the links is
insilmaril@28: 	\item use {\em one} color for all links. The default color is blue.
insilmaril@28: 	leading to.
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: The latter can be set with "Set link color". Check or uncheck the "Use
insilmaril@28: color of heading for link" option to choose one of the two designs for
insilmaril@28: your map.
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Link style}
insilmaril@28: \vym offers four different styles for the appearences of links:
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item Line
insilmaril@28: 	\item Parabel
insilmaril@28: 	\item Thick Line
insilmaril@28: 	\item Thick Parabel
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: The "thick" styles only draw links starting at mapcenter thick, the rest
insilmaril@28: of the map is always painted "thin".
insilmaril@28: \subsection{Link to other documents}
insilmaril@28: Presently \vym supports two kind of links:
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item Document, which will be opened in an external webbrowser
insilmaril@28: 	\item \vym map, which will be opened in \vym itself
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Webbrowser}
insilmaril@28: Modern Webbrowsers like {\tt konqueror} are able to display various
insilmaril@28: types of files, both local or in the internet. To enter the URL of
insilmaril@28: any document, right-click  onto a branch or use the Edit Menu
insilmaril@28: and choose "Edit URL". Enter the path to your document (or copy and
insilmaril@28: paste it from your browser). Examples for valid paths are:
insilmaril@28: \begin{verbatim}
insilmaril@28: 	file:/usr/share/doc/packages/vym/doc/vym.pdf
insilmaril@28: \end{verbatim}
insilmaril@28: If an URL was entered, a little globe will appear in the branch. By
insilmaril@28: clicking on the globe in the toolbar or the context menu an external
insilmaril@28: browser\footnote{
insilmaril@28: 	The browser can be changed in the Settings Menu.}
insilmaril@28: will be started.
insilmaril@28: \begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{flag-url.png}
insilmaril@28: \end{center}
insilmaril@127: If you want to keep bookmarks in a map, select a branch where you want
insilmaril@128: to add the bookmark, then simply drag the URL from your browser to the
insilmaril@127: map. Also you could use an existing heading as URL: Right click onto the
insilmaril@127: branch and select "Use heading for URL".
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{\vym map}
insilmaril@28: To link to to another map right click on a branch or choose "Edit \ra
insilmaril@28: Enter \vym link". A file dialog opens where you can choose the map. A
insilmaril@28: branch with a link is marked with 
insilmaril@28: \begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{flag-vymlink.png}
insilmaril@28: \end{center}
insilmaril@28: Clicking this flag in the toolbar or in the context menu of a branch
insilmaril@28: will open the map in another tab (see \ref{tabs} for working with
insilmaril@28: multiple maps). To delete an existing link, just press the "Cancel"
insilmaril@28: button.
insilmaril@28: Technical note: Internally \vym uses absolute paths, to avoid opening
insilmaril@28: several tabs containing the same map. When a map is saved, this path is
insilmaril@28: converted to a relative one (e.g. {\tt /home/user/} might become
insilmaril@28: {\tt ./}. This makes it fairly easy to use multiple maps on
insilmaril@28: different computers or export them to HTML in future.
insilmaril@28: \subsection{Multiple maps} \label{tabs}
insilmaril@28: You can work on multiple maps at the same time. Each new map is opened
insilmaril@28: in another {\em tab}. The available tabs are shown just above the
insilmaril@28: mapeditor. You can use the normal cut/copy/paste functions to
insilmaril@28: copy data from one map to another.
insilmaril@28: %todo
insilmaril@28: %TODO
insilmaril@28: %\subsubsection{Menus}
insilmaril@28: %\subsubsection{Keyboard shortcuts}
insilmaril@28: % Settings
insilmaril@28: % Images
insilmaril@28: % Copy & Paste
insilmaril@28: % Working with tabs (multiple maps)
insilmaril@28: % Exporting
insilmaril@28: % Scrolling
insilmaril@28: \section{Noteeditor} \label {noteeditor}
insilmaril@28: If you want to save more text in a branch e.g. a complete email, a
insilmaril@28: cooking recipe, or the whole source code of a software project, you can
insilmaril@125: use the noteeditor. 
insilmaril@125: \subsection{States}
insilmaril@28: Before you can type or paste text into it, you have
insilmaril@28: to select a branch in the mapeditor. Note that the background color
insilmaril@28: of the noteeditor indicates its state:
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item black: no branch selected
insilmaril@28: 	\item grey: no text entered yet
insilmaril@28: 	\item white: text is already available
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}	
insilmaril@28: To show you in the mapeditor itself that there is a note with more
insilmaril@28: information for a particular branch, a little note flag will appear next
insilmaril@28: to the heading of the branch. See the lower branch on the right side:
insilmaril@28: \begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{branches-flags.png}
insilmaril@28: \end{center}
insilmaril@125: \subsection{Import and export notes}
insilmaril@28: The note is always saved automatically within the \vym file itself.
insilmaril@28: Nevertheless sometimes it is nice to import a note from an external file
insilmaril@28: or write it. Use "File\ra~Import" and "File\ra~Export" to do so. 
insilmaril@125: \subsection{Edit and print note}
insilmaril@28: Editing works like in any simple texteditor, including undo and redo
insilmaril@28: functions. You can delete the complete note by clicking the
insilmaril@28: trashcan. Only the note itself is printed by clicking the printer icon.
insilmaril@28: When pasting into the editor using the X11 copy\&paste mechanism, the
insilmaril@28: editor will create a paragraph for each new line. Usually this is not
insilmaril@28: wanted, so there you can convert all paragraphs into linebreaks by using
insilmaril@28: Edit~\ra~Remove~Paragraphs or \key{ALT-X}.
insilmaril@125: \subsection{Fonts}
insilmaril@28: The noteeditor is ment to be used for simple notes, not really as full
insilmaril@28: featured text editor. Because of many requests \vym supports now
insilmaril@28: formatted text in the noteeditor\footnote{
insilmaril@28: 	\vym uses the QRichtText format, which is basically a subset of the
insilmaril@28: 	formatting provided in HTML.}
insilmaril@28: Two default fonts are supported which can be set in the Settings menu.
insilmaril@28: One is a fixed width font, the other has variable width. The fixed font
insilmaril@28: is usually used for emails, source code etc.\ while the variable font is
insilmaril@28: used for simple notes, where one doesn't need fixed character widths.
insilmaril@28: Both fonts can easily switched using the following symbol from the
insilmaril@28: toolbar:
insilmaril@28: \begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{formatfixedfont.png}
insilmaril@28: \end{center}
insilmaril@28: In the Settings menu both fonts can be set and also which font should be
insilmaril@28: used for default. 
insilmaril@28: Additionally to the default fonts any font installed on your system can
insilmaril@28: be used. Please note, that the chosen font also will be used for HTML
insilmaril@28: exports, so you should only use fonts which are available generally.
insilmaril@125: \subsection{Colors and formatted text}
insilmaril@125: \vym supports formatted text (QT Rich Text) in the noteeditor since
insilmaril@125: version 1.4.7.  Colors and text attributes (e.g. italic, bold) can be
insilmaril@125: set with the buttons above the text.  The text itself is divided in
insilmaril@125: paragraphs. For each paragraph the format can be set (e.g. centered,
insilmaril@125: right). A paragraph is ended when a \key{Return} is entered. If you just
insilmaril@125: want to begin a new line, press \key{CTRL-Return}.
insilmaril@125: \subsection{Finding text}
insilmaril@28: The noteeditor itself has no Find function, use Find in the mapeditor,
insilmaril@28: which will also search all notes (see \ref{findwindow}).
insilmaril@125: \subsection{Pasting text into note editor}
insilmaril@28: Often you will paste text into the editor from another application e.g.
insilmaril@28: an email. Normally \vym will generate a new paragraph for each new line.
insilmaril@28: This usually is not what you want, so you can choose from the menu
insilmaril@125: \subsection{Advanced actions}
insilmaril@125: \subsubsection{Edit \ra Convert subsubsections:}
insilmaril@125: This turns subsubsections in selected text (or all text, if nothing is
insilmaril@28: selected) into linebreaks. This is especially useful for snippets of
insilmaril@28: source code.
insilmaril@125: \subsubsection{Edit \ra Join Lines:}
insilmaril@28: Tries to format text, so that empty lines are used to delimit
insilmaril@28: paragraphs. This is done for selected text (or all text, if nothing is
insilmaril@28: selected). Especially useful for text like emails, meeting minutes etc.
insilmaril@28: \section{Hello world}
insilmaril@28: \vym can export its maps in various formats and can import data from
insilmaril@28: outside (though import is still limited at the moment).
insilmaril@105: Also parts of a map can be exported.
insilmaril@28: \subsection{Export}
insilmaril@28: The format in which the map will be exported can be chosen with
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item File \ra Export \ra {\em format}
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: \vym offers both HTML and ASCII export.
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{Image}
insilmaril@28: \vym supports all image formats which are natively supported by the
insilmaril@28: QT~toolkit:
insilmaril@28: BMP, JPEG, PBM, PGM, PNG, PPN, XPM, and XBM.
insilmaril@28: For use in websites and for sending images by email PNG is a good
insilmaril@28: recommodation regarding quality and size of the image. \vym uses QTs
insilmaril@28: default options for compressing the images.
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{ASCII}
insilmaril@28: Exporting an image as text is somewhat experimental at the moment. Later
insilmaril@28: this will probably done using stylesheets. So the output may change in
insilmaril@28: future versions of \vym.
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{HTML}
insilmaril@28: Before a map is exported as HTML, it will be first written as XML into a
insilmaril@28: directory (see \ref{xmlexport}). Then the external program {\tt
insilmaril@28: xsltproc}\footnote{On SUSE Linux {\tt xsltproc} is installed by
insilmaril@28: default.}
insilmaril@28: will be called to process the XML file and generate HTML code.
insilmaril@28: %A script then will transform the XML
insilmaril@28: %version. 
insilmaril@28: A dialog allows to set various options:
insilmaril@28: \begin{itemize}
insilmaril@28: 	\item {\bf Include image:} If set, \vym will creat an image map at
insilmaril@28: 	the top of the HTML output. Clicking on a branch in the map will
insilmaril@28: 	jump to the corresponding section in the output.
insilmaril@28: 	\item {\bf Colored headings:}
insilmaril@28: 	If set to yes, \vym will color the headings in the text part  with the
insilmaril@28: 	same colors like in the map.
insilmaril@28: 	\item {\bf Show Warnings:}
insilmaril@28: 	If set to yes, \vym will ask before overwriting data.
insilmaril@28: 	\item {\bf Show output:}
insilmaril@28: 	This is useful mainly for debugging. It will show how the processing of
insilmaril@28: 	the XML file works by calling the external {\tt xsltproc}.
insilmaril@28: \end{itemize}
insilmaril@28: Additionally the paths to the CSS and XSL stylesheets can be set. By
insilmaril@28: default on SUSE~Linux they will be in {\tt /usr/share/vym/styles}.
insilmaril@28: %\paragraph{WIKI style:} This is very useful for easy design of webpages.
insilmaril@28: %Here is a short overview:
insilmaril@28: %\begin{verbatim}
insilmaril@28: %Lines:
insilmaril@28: %	+ Big headlines start with the '+' character.
insilmaril@28: %	- Small headlines start with the '-' character.
insilmaril@28: %	  Normal text doesn't have any starting notation.
insilmaril@28: %	! Notes start with an exclamation.
insilmaril@28: %	. Indented text starts with a dot.
insilmaril@28: %	? Questions start with a question-mark, and
insilmaril@28: %	= Answers starts with the equal-sign.
insilmaril@28: %	* Points for a item-list
insilmaril@28: %	# clues
insilmaril@28: %	
insilmaril@28: %Links:
insilmaril@28: %	use '{...}' or '{(vym homepage)}'
insilmaril@28: %	for external links.
insilmaril@28: %	
insilmaril@28: %Markup:
insilmaril@28: %	|This is bold| text, while 
insilmaril@28: %	|/this text is italic|, 
insilmaril@28: %	|*this is pre-formatted|, and 
insilmaril@28: %	|!this is a note|
insilmaril@28: %\end{verbatim}
insilmaril@28: %
insilmaril@28: %\paragraph{Show output:} This is used for debugging. \vym uses an
insilmaril@28: %the external script {\tt} to preprocess the XML-data. Then
insilmaril@28: %\vym calls {\tt xsltproc} to generate the HTML page by using various
insilmaril@28: %{\tt .xsl} stylesheets and {\tt wireframe.css}. If you run into problems
insilmaril@28: %here, changing paths in {\tt $\sim$/.qt/vymrc} might help.
insilmaril@28: \subsubsection*{XML} \label{xmlexport}
insilmaril@28: The map is written into a directory both as an image and as XML. The
insilmaril@28: directory is set in a file dialog. If the directory is not empty, you
insilmaril@28: will be questioned if you risk to overwrite its contents.
insilmaril@28: It is possible to export different maps into the same directory. Each
insilmaril@28: file generated will have the map's name as prefix, e.g. {\tt todo.vym}
insilmaril@28: becomes {\tt todo.xml}, {\tt todo.png}, {\tt todo-image-1.png} and so
insilmaril@28: on. This is useful if e.g. for a website several combined maps have to
insilmaril@28: be stored in the same directory.
insilmaril@105: \subsubsection*{Export a part of a map}
insilmaril@128: Select a branch you want to export together with its childs, then open
insilmaril@105: the context menu and choose {\em Save Selection}. This will create a
insilmaril@105: file with the postfix {\tt .vyp}, which is an abbreviation for \lq vym
insilmaril@105: part\rq.
insilmaril@28: \subsection{Import} 
insilmaril@28: At the moment \vym can read a directory structure. This is mainly for
insilmaril@28: testing \vym e.g. to easily create huge maps used for benchmarks (yes,
insilmaril@28: there is still room to optimize \vym ;-)
insilmaril@28: Many other applications meanwhile can export their data using XML, so
insilmaril@28: volunteers to write import filters are welcome.
insilmaril@105: Also parts of a vym map ({\tt .vyp}) can be imported.
insilmaril@28: \subsection{File format}
insilmaril@28: \vym maps usually have the postfix "{\tt .vym}" and represent a
insilmaril@28: compressed archive of data. If you want to have a
insilmaril@28: closer look into the data structure, just uncompress the map manually
insilmaril@28: using
insilmaril@28: \begin{verbatim}
insilmaril@28: 	unzip vymfile.vym
insilmaril@28: \end{verbatim}
insilmaril@28: A directory named {\tt vymfile} will be created containing further
insilmaril@28: directories both for {\tt images} and {\tt flags}. In the {\tt vymfile}
insilmaril@28: directory you will find the map itself, usually named {\tt vymfile.xml}.
insilmaril@28: This file can be loaded directly into \vym, it does not have to be
insilmaril@28: compressed. If you want to compress all the data yourself, use
insilmaril@28: \begin{verbatim}
insilmaril@28: 	cd vymfile
insilmaril@28: 	zip -r vymfile.vym .
insilmaril@28: \end{verbatim}
insilmaril@143: \subsubsection*{Importing a part of a map}
insilmaril@105: Select a branch where you want to add a previously save part of a map
insilmaril@105: ({\tt .vyp}), then open
insilmaril@105: the context menu and choose {\em Add \ra Import}. For the import you can
insilmaril@105: choose between {\em Import Add} and {\em Import Replace}: The imported
insilmaril@105: data will be added after the selection resp. replace the selection.
insilmaril@125: \section{Advanced Editing}
insilmaril@125: \vym offers a few shortcuts to let you work more quickly and literally
insilmaril@125: to connect any branches directly.  
insilmaril@125: \subsection{Modifier Modes} 
insilmaril@125: Modifiers are for example the \key{Shift}- or the \key{Alt}-keys. When
insilmaril@125: pressed while doing actions with the mouse, they will cause \vym to use
insilmaril@125: a "modified" action. E.g. you can move branches with mouse. If
insilmaril@125: \key{Ctrl} or \key{Alt}is pressed while releasing the branch, it will be
insilmaril@125: added above/below the target, not as child of the target.
insilmaril@125: Without a modifier pressed, the first click on a branch just selects
insilmaril@125: it. For the behaviour of the \key{Ctrl} modifier there are several
insilmaril@125: options, which can be set from the modifier toolbar:
insilmaril@125: \begin{center}
insilmaril@125: 	\includegraphics[width=3cm]{modmodes.png}
insilmaril@125: \end{center}
insilmaril@125: The default  is to copy the color from the clicked branch to the already
insilmaril@125: selected branch. In the toolbar shown above the default modifier is
insilmaril@125: selected, namely to copy the color of a branch. The second modifier
insilmaril@125: let's you easily copy a whole branch with a single click. The third
insilmaril@125: modifier lets you create {\em xLinks}, which will be explained in the
insilmaril@125: next section.
insilmaril@125: \subsection{XLinks}
insilmaril@125: So far all the data in the \vym map has been treelike. Using xLinks you
insilmaril@125: can link one branch to any other, just like attaching a rope between two
insilmaril@125: branches in a real tree. This is especially useful in complex maps,
insilmaril@125: where you want to have crossreferences which don't fit on the same
insilmaril@125: visible area, which fits on your screen. The following example, which is
insilmaril@125: part of the \vym package, still fits on one screen, but shows how data
insilmaril@125: can be crosslinked. In the graphics there is a link from a task (prepare
insilmaril@125: a presentation) to general information:
insilmaril@125: \begin{center}
insilmaril@125: 	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{xlink.png}
insilmaril@125: \end{center}
insilmaril@125: Note that a xLink which points to a branch that is not visible (because
insilmaril@125: it is scrolled), is just show as a little horizontal arrow. In the
insilmaril@125: screenshot above have a look at the \lq Tuesday\rq\ branch.
insilmaril@125: \subsubsection{Create a xLink}
insilmaril@125: Choose the link mode from the modifier toolbar (by clicking or pressing
insilmaril@125: \key{L}). Select the branch, where the xLink should start. Press the
insilmaril@125: modifier key \key{Ctr} and simultanously click on the branch where the
insilmaril@125: link should end. (The link is already drawn before you release the mouse
insilmaril@125: key). If you release the mouse over a branch the xLink becomes
insilmaril@125: permanent.
insilmaril@125: \subsubsection{Modify or delete a xLink}
insilmaril@125: Open the context menu of a branch and select \lq Edit xLink\rq. A
insilmaril@125: submenu contains all the xLinks of the branch (if there are any). They
insilmaril@125: are named like the branches, where they end. Choose one and
insilmaril@125: the xLink dialogue opens, where you can set color, width and also delete
insilmaril@125: the xLink.
insilmaril@125: \subsubsection{Follow a xLink}
insilmaril@125: In a complext \vym map it sometimes comes handy to jump to the other end
insilmaril@125: of a xLink. You can do this by opening the context menu of the branch
insilmaril@125: and clicking on \lq Goto xLink\rq and selecting the xLink you want to
insilmaril@125: follow.
insilmaril@125: \subsection{Adding and removing links}
insilmaril@125: The context menu of a branch shows some more ways to add and delete data
insilmaril@125: e.g. you can delete a branch while keeping its childs. The childs become
insilmaril@125: linked to the parent of the previously removed branch.
insilmaril@125: Similar branches can be inserted into existing maps. For keyboard
insilmaril@125: shortcuts also have a look at the context menu.
insilmaril@105: \section{\vym on Mac OS X}
insilmaril@105: \subsection{Overview}
insilmaril@105: Basically there are two ways to run \vym on Macs:
insilmaril@105: \subsubsection{QT Mac Edition:}
insilmaril@105: 	\vym here provides the well known Mac look and feel.  \vym is
insilmaril@105: 	available as zipped Mac OS X application. It has been compiled and
insilmaril@105: 	tested in Mac~OS~10.3, but should also work on Tiger. It is using
insilmaril@105: 	the Mac version of Trolltechs QT library.  
insilmaril@105: \subsubsection{X11}
insilmaril@105: 	\vym can also be run using the Linux version, but then menus and
insilmaril@105: 	handling will also be those of the Linux version e.g. The menu bar
insilmaril@105: 	will look different. 
insilmaril@125: \subsection	{Contextmenu and special keys}
insilmaril@125: Most Macs unfortunatly just have a single mouse button. In order to show
insilmaril@125: the context menu which usually would be opened with the right mouse
insilmaril@125: button, you can click while pressing the \key{kommand}-key.
insilmaril@125: Especially on Laptops some of the keys usually used on PC keyboards seem
insilmaril@125: to be missing. The QT-Mac Edition of \vym has its own keyboard
insilmaril@125: shortcuts. To find the shortcuts just have a look at all the menu
insilmaril@125: entries, the shortcut is visible next to an entry. Toolbar buttons also
insilmaril@125: may have shortcuts, just position the mouse pointer over a button and
insilmaril@125: wait for the little help window to appear. 
insilmaril@125: \subsection {Viewing external links}
insilmaril@125: \vym on Mac uses the system call {\tt /usr/bin/open} to view links.
insilmaril@125: Mac~OS determines automatically if the link is a pdf or www page and
insilmaril@125: opens the right browser.
insilmaril@125: \subsection{Compiling \vym on Macs}
insilmaril@125: Please refer to the documentation available on the internet:
insilmaril@125: \begin{center}
insilmaril@125: \href{}{}
insilmaril@125: \end{center}
insilmaril@125: \end{document}
insilmaril@28: \section{History of \vym}
insilmaril@28: \subsection{Future}
insilmaril@28: There are lots of features which might find their way into \vym.
insilmaril@28: Together with \vym you should have received a directory with example
insilmaril@28: maps e.g. on SUSE~LINUX this is
insilmaril@28: \begin{center}
insilmaril@28: 	{\tt /usr/share/doc/packages/vym/demos}
insilmaril@28: \end{center}
insilmaril@28: where you find the map {\tt todo.vym}. It lists quite a lot of things to
insilmaril@28: be done in future. If you have more ideas, contact the author at
insilmaril@28: {\tt}.
insilmaril@28: \subsection{Past}
insilmaril@124: \input{vym.changelog}
insilmaril@28: \begin{center}
insilmaril@28: \begin{longtable}{|lcp{8cm}l|} \hline
insilmaril@28: Version	&	&	Comment								& Date	\\ \hline \hline \endhead
insilmaril@28: 	\hline \endfoot
insilmaril@124: 1.6.8	& - &	Dramatic speedup in some operations 
insilmaril@106: 				(e.g. move branch up/down) due to extended 
insilmaril@106: 				undo engine							& 2005-06-07 \\ 
insilmaril@104: 1.6.7	& - &	Changed default pdf-reader for Mac OSX & 2005-05-27 \\ 
insilmaril@104: 		& - &	Bugfix: xLinks stopped working in 1.6.6			&\\
insilmaril@104: 		& - &	Bugfix: drawing error when using modModeCopy    &\\
insilmaril@104: 		& - &	Bugfix: replaced lrint by qRound for BSD ports	&\\
insilmaril@103: 1.6.6	& -	&	Exclusive standard flags			& 2005-05-23 \\
insilmaril@103: 1.6.5	& -	&	removing a branch and keeping its childs	& 2005-05-19 \\
insilmaril@98:         & -	&	removing childs of a branch			& \\
insilmaril@98:         & -	&	insert branch and make selection its child& \\
insilmaril@105:         & -	&	restructured branch context menu	
insilmaril@98: 				in a basic version (straight line)	& 2005-04-15\\
insilmaril@103:         & -	&	New shortcuts  for use on Mac OS X	& \\
insilmaril@103:         & -	&	Importing directories generates vymlinks now & \\
insilmaril@102:         & -	&	Bugfix: Changing linkstyle now automatically redraws all
insilmaril@102: 				links again& \\
insilmaril@103:         & -	&	Bugfix: Paste icon is disabled if clipboard is empty &\\
insilmaril@95: 1.6.4	& -	&	xLinks (arbitrary connection between 2 branches) works
insilmaril@95: 				in a basic version (straight line)	& 2005-04-15\\
insilmaril@94: 1.6.3	& -	&	Bugfix: Saving of selection to a vym part (.vyp)	&2005-03-30\\
insilmaril@94: 		& - &	Bugfix: Closing the noteeditor by closing its window now
insilmaril@94: 				also toggles the responding toolbar button. &\\
insilmaril@93: 1.6.2	& -	&	Introduced Modifier modes: color, link, copy &2005-03-24\\
insilmaril@93:       & -	&	Linking branches is basically possible, though it can't
insilmaril@93: 				be edited/saved yet &\\
insilmaril@88: 1.6.1	& -	&	Optimized moving of branches: much faster especially 
insilmaril@88: 				with huge subtrees					&2005-01-30\\
insilmaril@85: 		& -	&	Bugfix: Segfault when loading vym part &\\
insilmaril@85: 		& -	&	Bugfix: ugly unitialized lines, when 
insilmaril@85: 				temporary drawn link was moved from a 
insilmaril@85: 				temporary parent back to canvas		& \\ 
insilmaril@28: 1.6.0 	& -	&	Added saving of xhtml settings in map& 2004-12-14 \\ 
insilmaril@28: 1.5.2 	& -	&	Added Import of maps with two modes: 
insilmaril@28: 				add/replace							& 2004-12-13 \\ 
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Added export of part of maps		& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Added joining of paragraphs in text editor		& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Optimized undo: Only relevant parts are saved, which
insilmaril@28: 				dramatically improves e.g. moving branches up/down 
insilmaril@28: 				in most maps & \\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Bugfix: QTextEdit generates invalid XML code, which
insilmaril@28: 				could lead to a parse error, if font name contains a \& &  \\ 
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Bugfix: Wrong order of mainbranches in Export	&  \\ 
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Bugfix: zip archive was not deleted before save, which
insilmaril@28: 				could lead to much bigger files, e.g. 
insilmaril@28: 				when working on older \vym maps or deleted images&  \\ 
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Bugfix: Printing in Texteditor      &  \\ 
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Bugfix: Wrong URLs in xhtml output				&  \\
insilmaril@28:       	& -	&	Bugfix: Segfault fixed at Cursor left/right in empty map&  \\
insilmaril@28: 1.5.1 	& -	&	More options in xhtml export: external scripts 	& 2004-10-01 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.5.0 	& -	&	Public release of all changes since 1.4.1      	& 2004-09-26 \\
insilmaril@28:       	& -	&	New function to replace paragraphs in note editor
insilmaril@28: 				by linebreaks, this makes pasted text much nicer& \\
insilmaril@28:       	& -	&	New option to toggle exporting of of floatimages& \\
insilmaril@28:       	& -	&	z-plane of floatimages can be set (manually only)& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: Wrong ordering of branches, if mainbranch is
insilmaril@28: 				exactly left of center& \\
insilmaril@106: 1.4.7 	& -	&	New Export to XHTML by Thomas Schraitle.	& 2004-09-24 \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: vymLink&	\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: spaces and dots in filenames	& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: Error message if xsltproc is not installed& \\
insilmaril@28: 1.4.6 	& -	&	New file format: notes are saved as part of the .xml file
insilmaril@28: 			& 2004-09-15	\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Note Editor supports Rich Text now.&\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Parser now also nows {\tt standardflag} (all letters
insilmaril@28: 				lowercase)&\\
insilmaril@28: 1.4.5 	& -	&	Correct handling of font size in Heading			& 2004-08-23	\\
insilmaril@28: 1.4.4 	& -	&	Selecting with cursor now works between subtrees	& 2004-07-29	\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: vymLink was set to temporary dir in 1.4.3	& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: & \\
insilmaril@28: 1.4.3 	& -	&	Optimisation: Reduced canvas objects by only
insilmaril@28: 				creating objects for used flags		& 2004-07-19 \\ 
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Better visualization of moving branch above/below target&\\		
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Find Window informs with dialog, if the search failed&\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	System Flags are clickable now		&\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Reworked CSS and XST stylsheets (comments, indent, browser
insilmaril@28: 				compatibility)						&\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	vymLinks are shown in statusbar		&\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	current directory is save			&\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Rewritten load/save to improve multimap handling and
insilmaril@28: 				unzipped files&\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: vymLinks don't get deleted 
insilmaril@28: 				when Cancel is pressed				&\\		
insilmaril@28:       	& -	&	Bugfix: Fixed a bunch of bugs in XSL for HTML export&            \\ 
insilmaril@28:       	& -	&	Bugfix: More toolbar buttons disabled, if action not
insilmaril@28: 				possible&            \\ 
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: Renaming .vymfile now works&\\		
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: mapChanged set when toggling flags&\\		
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: CTRL-N was used twice		&\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: Del didn't work on floatimage &\\
insilmaril@28: 1.4.2 	& -	&	Bugfix: Float image could not be deleted& \\ 
insilmaril@28: 1.4.1 	& -	&	Bugfix: Color of branch not saved	& 2004-05-25 \\ 
insilmaril@28:       	& -	&	Bugfix: wrong path at HTML export	&            \\ 
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Bugfix: map is not save with special characters in path&  \\ 
insilmaril@28: 1.4.0 	& -	&	Ask for confirmation before opening 
insilmaril@28: 				a map in multiple editors			& 2004-05-17 \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Save state of note editor (visible/minimized)& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Export to HTML						& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Author and Comment is saved in map	& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Stats are shown in Edit MapInfo		& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Changes for OS X port (QCursor, QContextMenuEvent)	& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: Fonts from note editor are save now			&\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: invisible image when parent is scrolled		&\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: Segfault pressing "enter" for floatimage	&\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: Images can't be outside of exported area
insilmaril@28: 				anymore.& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: Filenames with blanks		& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: Old maplink is shown when editing maplink& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: always show cursor while editing heading & \\
insilmaril@28: 1.3.5 	& -	&	Export map to dir					& 2004-04-16 \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Export to any of QTs image formats	& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Also right side of selection is always visible now.& \\
insilmaril@28: 1.3.4 	& -	&	Load last maps in file menu         & 2004-04-07 \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	save last image path for loading	& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Also export standard flags to dir.	& \\
insilmaril@28: 1.3.3 	& -	&	Enabled <br> in headings as manual linebreak	& 2004-03-26 \\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Heading can be copied to URL		&\\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Bugfix: GIFs are automatically converted to PNG now&\\
insilmaril@28: 1.3.2 	& -	&	Add and move branches above/below selection, Texteditor copy all,& 2004-03-26 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.3.1 	& -	&	Export to directory, changed naming in .vym& 2004-03-25 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.3.0 	& -	&	Bugfix: Check if map can be saved at all& 2004-03-23 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.12	& -	&	Select image format before saving image	& 2004-03-22 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.11	& -	&	Selecting mainbranches by up/down	& 2004-03-18 \\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Export ASCII (experimental)			&			\\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Each map can be saved individually at quit	&	\\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Bugfix: Opening VymLink crashes QT	&			\\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Bugfix: 50\% less objects on canvas	&			\\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Bugfix: Ignoring LANG, now always written as UTF8&\\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.10	& -	&	Sort Mainbranches by angle to y-axis& 2004-03-16 \\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Import directory structure			&			\\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Fix: Set FrameType of MapCenter while loading map &\\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.9	& -	&	Jump to another vym map		        & 2004-03-12 \\
insilmaril@28:      	& -	&	Mainbranches are alwas ordered clockwise   &     \\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.8	& -	&	Change frame types in context menu  & 2004-03-03 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.7	& -	&	Copy / Paste and save Floatimages & 2004-02-25 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.6	& -	&	Closing vym in KDE now asks for save, too	& 2004-02-24 \\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Context menu for branches					&  \\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Selection is saved in .vym file				&  \\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.5	& -	&	URLs to external links can be added & 2004-02-18 \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	All actions are deactived if not possible & \\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.4	& -	&	Images: Can be loaded, saved, relinked to other parents
insilmaril@28: & 2004-02-16 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.3	& -	&	Zoom: Reset and finer steps shrinking/enlarging	& 2004-01-27 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.2	& -	&	Editing of links (style and color)	& 2004-01-27 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.1	& -	&	Bugfix: LineEdit when adding branch has correct position
insilmaril@28: 				again.								& 2004-01-27 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.2.0	& -	&	Scrolled parts are automatically unscrolled when
insilmaril@28: 				selected and scrolled again later.				& 2004-01-23 \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: Save flag is updated when multiple maps are opened& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: Moving of branches is faster and more accurat
insilmaril@28: 				when adding to mapcenter& \\
insilmaril@28: 1.1.7	& -	&	Bugfix: Remember filename of note in noteeditor	& 2003-12-04 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.1.6	& -	&	Find Text also in Notes.	& 2003-12-02 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.1.5	& -	&	Bugfix: Correct setting and positioning when relinking branches	& 2003-11-07 \\
insilmaril@28: 1.1.4	& -	&	Scroll mode added (folding of subtrees).		& 2003-11-03 \\
insilmaril@28: 		& - &	Bugfix: Wrong position of linedit in zoomed view& \\
insilmaril@28: 1.1.3	& -	&	Added clear button in find window, bugfixes    & 2003-10-09 \\ 
insilmaril@28: 1.1.2	& -	&	Links can be colored with color of heading     & 2003-10-07 \\ 
insilmaril@28: 1.1.1	& -	&	Improved visualization of linking to new branch& 2003-09-26 \\ 
insilmaril@28: 1.1.0	& -	&	Find Function							& 2003-09-25 \\ 
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Selection always stays in view		& \\ \hline
insilmaril@28: 1.0.1	& -	&	Find function scrolls to result now	& 2003-09-18\\
insilmaril@28:      	& -	&	Bugfix: Adding branch with midmouse	&  \\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	Bugfix: multiple repositioning of map, 
insilmaril@28: 				when noteeditor was changed (speedup)	& \\
insilmaril@28: 		& -	&	New Linestyles (still hardcoded)		&	\\ \hline
insilmaril@28: 1.0.0	& -	&	First public stable release			& 2003-09-16 \\	 \hline	
insilmaril@28: 0.9.0	& -	&	added quick color picker (CTRL + Left Mouse) & ?	\\ \hline
insilmaril@28: 0.8.0	& - &	added automatic canvas resizer, removed manual resizing of
insilmaril@28: 				canvas & \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	added settings option to paste text into new branch	& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	simplified code	& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	Added heart flag	& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	Choose and switch between fixed and variable width fonts& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	note editor		& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& -	&	Fixed segfault caused by undo and a call of updateNoteFlag of
insilmaril@28: 			note editor	& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	Added settings menu to configure autoselect \& autoedit mode	& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	autoedit \& autoselect mode	& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	Fixed ugly display problem with QT Palette (Klaas Freitag)& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	Reduced temporary directories from 4 to 1	& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	Added wordwrap in printing of notes	& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	New toolbar buttons in texteditor	& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	Set background color	& \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - &	Fixed bug: Flags in toolbar not updated when selecting map center	& \\ \hline
insilmaril@28: 0.7.0	& - & No more segfault, when an object is deleted while being edited & \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - & Keep focus constant when zooming in/out & \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - & Export as png graphic & \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - & Keep Center of map where it is while zooming & \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - & Added Standard Flags (Smiley, Hook, Stopsign, ...) & \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - & MDI: Multi Document Interface enables working on several
insilmaril@28: 		maps simultanously & \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - & Enabled creating a new map via argument on commandline & \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - & Changed file extension from .mmap to .vym & \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - & noteeditor changes color, if empty or nothing is selected & \\
insilmaril@28: 	& - & Changes in NoteEditor window are recognized by main window,
insilmaril@28: 		too, thus preventing loosing data when quitting the program. & \\ \hline
insilmaril@28: 0.6.0	& - &	New rendering engine: Faster, no flickering & \\ \hline
insilmaril@28: 0.5.0	& - & Changed printing to use maximum space on paper& \\ 
insilmaril@28: 	& - & Note editor is hidden, too, when mapeditor is minimized& \\ 
insilmaril@28: 	& - & New (compressed) file format& \\ \hline
insilmaril@28: 0.4.0    & - & Size of map is saved& \\ 
insilmaril@28:     & - & Multi Line Headings & \\ 
insilmaril@28:     & - & Reworked Rendering Engine: Much faster now.& \\ 
insilmaril@28:     & - & Reworked Undo: Much faster now.& \\ 
insilmaril@28:     & - & Enabled moving of map center& \\ 
insilmaril@28:     & - & Multi-line headings & \\ \hline
insilmaril@28: 0.3.0    & - & Introduced Undo& \\ 
insilmaril@28:     & - & Fixed some bugs & \\  \hline
insilmaril@28: 0.2.0    & - & Moving view of map improved:& \\ 
insilmaril@28: 	& - & New handling (acrobat reader style)& \\ 
insilmaril@28: 	& - & New mousepointer& \\ 
insilmaril@28:     & - & Several tools to color a map& \\ \hline
insilmaril@28: 0.1.0 & - & Inital version, basic map layout & \\ 
insilmaril@28:     & - & Data is stored in XML& \\ 
insilmaril@28: \end{longtable}
insilmaril@28: \end{center}
insilmaril@125: %TODO
insilmaril@125: %\subsubsection{Menus}
insilmaril@125: %\subsubsection{Keyboard shortcuts}
insilmaril@125: %Where does vym save its settings? -> ~/.qt/vymrc
insilmaril@28: % INDEX
insilmaril@28: % mapeditor
insilmaril@28: % noteditor
insilmaril@28: % branch
insilmaril@28: % mapcenter
insilmaril@28: % heading
insilmaril@28: % flag
insilmaril@28: % orientation 
insilmaril@28: % zoom
insilmaril@28: % orientation
insilmaril@28: % Toolbar
insilmaril@28: % Zoom
insilmaril@28: % Find
insilmaril@28: % statusbar
insilmaril@28: % link
insilmaril@28: % mainbranch
insilmaril@28: % subtree
insilmaril@28: % reorder
insilmaril@28: % scroll
insilmaril@28: % fold
insilmaril@104: % vymlink
insilmaril@104: % xlink
insilmaril@125: % modMode
insilmaril@104: % context menu
insilmaril@104: % Mac OS X
insilmaril@125: \end{document}