author insilmaril
Tue Jul 12 12:02:55 2005 +0000 (2005-07-12)
changeset 126 1ad2d5c80848
parent 124 e0f6a21cc6d6
child 127 ebfc893dde31
permissions -rw-r--r--
     1 \documentclass{article}
     2 \usepackage{a4}
     3 \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
     4 \usepackage{verbatim}
     5 \usepackage{hyperref}
     6 \usepackage{graphicx}
     7 \usepackage{longtable}
    10 %\input{udmath}
    13 \hypersetup{bookmarks, bookmarksopen,
    14   pdftitle={VYM - a tool for visual thinking },
    15   pdfauthor={Uwe Drechsel},    
    16   pdfsubject={map},
    17   pdfkeywords={map, tool},
    18   pdfpagemode={UseOutlines},                                 
    19   bookmarksopenlevel={1},   
    20   colorlinks={true},     
    21   linkcolor={blue},
    22   urlcolor={green},
    23   citecolor={red}} 
    26 \newcommand{\vym}{{\sc vym }}
    27 \newcommand{\ra}{$\longrightarrow$}
    28 \newcommand{\la}{$\longleftarrow$}
    29 \newcommand{\ua}{$\uparrow$}
    30 \newcommand{\da}{$\downarrow$}
    31 \newcommand{\key}[1]{[#1]}
    33 \begin{document}
    34 \title{VYM \\ -- \\View Your Mind}
    35 \author{\textcopyright Uwe Drechsel  }
    37 \maketitle
    39 \tableofcontents
    41 \newpage
    43 \section{Introduction}
    44 \subsection{What is a \vym map?}
    45 A \vym map (in short words {\em map}) is a tree like structure:
    46 \begin{center}
    47 	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{example1.png}
    48 \end{center}
    49 Such maps can be drawn by hand on paper or a flip chart and help to
    50 structure your thoughs. While a tree like structure like above can be
    51 drawn by hand or any drawing software \vym offers
    52 much more features to work with such maps. \vym is not another drawing
    53 software, but a tool to store and modify information in an intuitive
    54 way. For example you can reorder parts of the map by pressing a key or
    55 add various information like a complete email by a simple mouse click.
    57 \subsection{Why should I use maps? Time, Space and your Brain.}
    58 \subsubsection*{Space}
    59 A map can concentrate a very complex content on little space e.g. a
    60 piece of paper. It helps to use both sides of your brain: the logical
    61 side and also your creative side (e.g. by using pictures, colors and
    62 keywords in a map, so called {\em anchors}).  It is a technique to
    63 organize the way you think: It can help you by developing, sorting and
    64 memorizing your thoughts. 
    66 \subsubsection*{Time}
    67 Because you just use keywords and drawings, it is much faster than good
    68 old fashioned notes. Your brain memorizes things by associating them to
    69 other things -- a map makes use of those connections and stimulates
    70 new asccociations. 
    73 \subsubsection*{Your Brain}
    74 In 1960 the Prof. {\sc Roger Sperry} discovered that both hemispheres
    75 of the human brain have different tasks (of course both of them
    76 basically {\em can} do the same): 
    77 \begin{center}
    78 \begin{tabular}{|p{5.5cm}|p{5.5cm}|} \hline
    79 	Left side & Right side \\ \hline
    80 	\begin{itemize}
    81 	   \item verbal speech and writing 
    82 	   \item numbers
    83 	   \item logical thinking
    84 	   \item analyzing and details
    85 	   \item science
    86 	   \item linear thinking
    87 	   \item concept of time
    88 	\end{itemize} &
    89 	\begin{itemize}
    90 		\item body language
    91 		\item visual thinking, day dreams
    92 		\item intuition and emotion
    93 		\item overview of things
    94 		\item creativity
    95 		\item art, music, dancing
    96 		\item non-linear thinking, connecting things
    97 		\item spatial awareness
    98 	\end{itemize}     \\ \hline
    99 \end{tabular}	
   100 \end{center}
   101 In our science oriented society we have learned to mainly rely on our
   102 left side of the brain, the "rational" one. In other cultures,
   103 especially like the native americans and other "old" cultures, the right
   104 side is much more important. maps are just one way to stimulate the
   105 other side and make use of additional ressources we all have.
   108 \subsection{Where could I use a map?}
   109 Here are some examples, how you can use those maps
   110 \begin{itemize}
   111     \item to prepare articles, papers, books, talks, \ldots
   112     \item to sort complex data
   113     \item to memorize facts, persons, vocabulary, \ldots
   114     \item to sort emails, files and bookmarks on your computer
   115     \item to moderate conferences
   116 \end{itemize}
   118 \subsection{What you shouldn't do with a map...}
   119 A map drawn by somebody shows the way the author thinks. There is
   120 no right or wrong in the way it is drawn, so there is no way to critize
   121 it. "It is, what it is" ({\sc F.~Lehmann}).
   123 %\section{Tutorials}
   124 %TODO
   126 \subsection{Internet Ressources} 
   127 A good starting point to learn more about maps in general is Wikipedia:
   128 \begin{itemize}
   129 	\item English: 
   130 		\href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_map}{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind\_map}
   131 	\item German: 
   132 		\href{http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindmap}{http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mindmap}
   133 \end{itemize}
   135 \subsection{Concept of \vym}
   137 %TODO may add a general introduction here...
   139 \vym uses two windows: an editor for the map itself and another one for
   140 notes, which are part of the map. Let's call them {\em mapeditor} and
   141 {\em noteeditor}: 
   142 \begin{center}
   143 	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{windows.png}
   144 \end{center}
   145 Usually you will work in the {\em mapeditor} by just adding new
   146 branches, moving around and reordering them. The various ways to do this
   147 will be explained in \ref{mapeditor}. You can store additional
   148 information e.g. the content of a email easily in a {\em branch}: Just
   149 type or copy\&paste it into the {\em noteeditor}. Working with notes is
   150 explained in \ref{noteeditor}
   152 The map itself has always a {\em mapcenter}.  The
   153 mapcenter has {\em branches} just like the trunk of a tree. Each branch
   154 in turn may have branches again.
   155 \begin{center}
   156 	\includegraphics[width=10cm]{branches.png}
   157 \end{center}
   158 We will call a branch directly connected to the mapcenter a {\em
   159 mainbranch}, because it determines the position of all its child
   160 branches.
   162 The mapcenter and the branches all have a {\em heading}. This is the
   163 text you see in the mapeditor. Usually it should just be one or a few
   164 words, so that one can easily keep track of the whole map.
   167 In the toolbar above the mapeditor you see various symbols.
   168 \begin{center}
   169 	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{default-flags.png}
   170 \end{center}
   171 These are called {\em flags} and can be used to mark branches in the
   172 map, e.g. if something is important or questionable. 
   173 There are also more flags set by \vym automatically to show additional
   174 information, e.g. when a  exists for a  particular branch.
   176 By default some of these flags are set exclusively e.g. when the \lq
   177 thumb-up\rq flag is set, then the \lq thumb down\rq is unset and vice
   178 versa. You can change this default behaviour in the settings menu.
   180 \section{Mapeditor} \label {mapeditor}
   181 \subsection{Start a new map}
   182 After \vym is started two windows will open: the mapeditor and the
   183 noteditor. Usually you will work in both windows, but at the moment we
   184 will just need the mapeditor. 
   186 Select the mapcenter "New map" in the middle of the mapeditor by
   187 left-clicking with the mouse. It will turn yellow to show that is
   188 selected. There are several ways to add a new branch to the center:
   189 \begin{itemize}
   190 	\item Using the mouse: Open the context meny by clicking with the
   191 	right mouse button (CTRL-Click on Mac) onto the
   192 	mapcenter and choose Add \ra Add as child
   193 	\item Press \key{Ins} or \key{A}
   194 \end{itemize}
   195 A new branch will appear and you will be able to type the heading of the
   196 branch. Finish adding the new branch by pressing \key{Enter}.
   197 %tipp
   198 Sometimes it comes handy to add a new branch above or below the current
   199 one. Use \key{Ins} together with \key{Shift} or \key{Ctrl}. It is also
   200 possible to add a branch in such a way, that the current selection
   201 becomes the child of the new branch, which is like inserting it {\em
   202 before} the selection. This can be done using the context menu.
   204 \subsection{Navigate through a map}
   205 \subsubsection*{Select branches}
   206 To select branches you can use the left button of your mouse or also the
   207 arrow keys. Depending on the {\em orientation} of a branch type
   208 \key{\la} or \key{\ra} to get nearer to the mapcenter or deeper
   209 down into the branches. Within a set of branches, let's call them a 
   210 {\em subtree}, you can use \key{\ua} and \key{\da} to go up and down. You can
   211 also use \key{Pos1} and \key{End} to select the first and last branch.
   214 \subsubsection*{Zoom a map}
   215 While adding more and more branches the size of the map may become
   216 bigger than the mapeditor window. You can use the scrollbars on the
   217 right and the bottom of your mapeditor window to scroll, but it is
   218 easier to just scroll using the left mouse button: Click onto the {\em
   219 canvas} itself, the empty space somewhere between the branches. The
   220 mouse pointer will change from an arrow to a hand, now move the visible
   221 part of the map to show the desired part.
   223 If you select branches using the arrow keys, the map will scroll
   224 to ensure that the selected branch is always visible.
   226 Working with huge maps, the {\em zoom}-function comes in handy: You can
   227 use 
   228 \begin{itemize}
   229 	\item from the menu View \ra Zoom
   230 	\item the toolbar buttons 
   231 		\begin{center}
   232 			\includegraphics[width=3cm]{zoom-buttons.png}
   233 		\end{center}	
   234 \end{itemize}	
   235 The crossed magnifying lens resets the zoomed view to its original size.
   238 \subsubsection*{Find Function} \label{findwindow}
   239 With huge maps there is the need to have a
   240 find function. Choose Edit \ra Find to open the Find Window:
   241 \begin{center}
   242 	\includegraphics[width=6cm]{find-window.png}
   243 \end{center}	
   244 The text you enter here will be searched in all the headings and also in
   245 notes. Everytime you press the "Find"-button it will look for the next
   246 occurence, which then will be selected automatically. If the search
   247 fails, there will appear a short message "Nothing found" or a few
   248 seconds in the {\em statusbar} on the bottom of the mapeditor.
   250 \subsubsection*{Scroll a part of the map}
   251 A very big subtree of a map e.g. a branch with hundreds of childs makes
   252 it very hard to keep an overview over the whole map. You can hide all
   253 the childs of a branch by {\em scrolling} it -- this function is also
   254 often called {\em folding}. Think of the whole subtree as painted onto a
   255 big newspaper. You can scroll the paper to a small roll, leaving just
   256 the headline readable.
   258 To scroll or unscroll a branch and its childs, press the
   259 \begin{itemize}
   260 	\item \key{Scroll} key or  \key{S}
   261 	\item press the middle-mouse button or
   262 	\item choose the little scroll from the toolbar.
   263 \end{itemize}
   264 If you select parts of a scrolled branch e.g. using the find function or
   265 by using the arrow-keys, it will unscroll temporary. This is shown as a
   266 scroll with a little hour glass. If the temporary unscrolled part is not
   267 longer needed, it will be hidden again automatically. It is also
   268 possible to unscroll all branches using "Edit\ra Unscroll all scrolled
   269 branches".
   273 \subsection{Modify and move branches}
   274 \subsubsection*{Modify the heading of a branch}
   275 You can edit the heading by selecting the branch and then
   276 \begin{itemize}
   277 	\item pressing \key{Enter}
   278 	\item double-clicking with left mouse.
   279 \end{itemize}
   280 Just type the new heading (or edit the old one) and press \key{Enter}.
   282 \subsubsection*{Move a branch}
   283 The easiest way to move a branch is to select it with left-mouse and
   284 drag it to the destination while keeping the mouse button pressed.
   285 Depending on the branch  it will be
   286 \begin{itemize}
   287 	\item moved to the destination or
   288 	\item {\em linked} to a new {\em parent} (mapcenter or branch)
   289 \end{itemize}
   290 If you drag the branch over another one or over the mapcenter, you will
   291 notice that the  link connecting it to the old parent will be changed to
   292 lead to the  new parent which is now under your mousepointer. 
   293 If you release the button now, the branch will be relinked.
   295 If you release the button in the middle of nowhere, the result will
   296 depend on the type of branch you are releasing:
   297 \begin{itemize}
   298 	\item A mainbranch is directly connected to the mapcenter.
   299 		It will stay on its new position.
   300 	\item An ordinary branch will "jump" back to its original position.	
   301 \end{itemize}
   302 Thus you can easily rearrange the layout of the mainbranches to avoid
   303 overlapping of their subtrees.
   304 There is another convenient way to move branches, especially if you want
   305 to {\em reorder} a subtree: You can move a branch up or down in a
   306 subtree by
   307 \begin{itemize}
   308 	\item pressing \key{\ua} and \key {\da}
   309 	\item selecting Edit \ra Move branch
   310 	\item clicking on the toolbar buttons:
   311 		\begin{center}
   312 			\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{move-buttons.png}
   313 		\end{center}	
   314 \end{itemize}
   315 %tipp
   316 There is yet another way to move branches: If you press \key{Shift} or
   317 \key{Ctrl} while moving with the mouse, the branch will be added above
   318 or below the one the mouse pointer is over. This helps also to reorder a
   319 map.
   321 \subsection{The right side of your brain - colors and images}
   322 \subsubsection*{Change color of a heading}
   323 You can also use colors to put more information into a map, e.g. use
   324 red, green and more colors to prioritize tasks. Again you can
   325 \begin{itemize}
   326 	\item use the menu and choose e.g Format \rq Set Color
   327 	\item use the toolbar
   328 		\begin{center}
   329 			\includegraphics[width=3cm]{color-buttons.png}
   330 		\end{center}	
   331 \end{itemize}
   332 The first button (black in the graphic above) shows the actual color.
   333 Clicking on it let's you choose another color. You can also "pick"
   334 another color by selecting a branch with the desired color and using the
   335 "pick color" button. Both of the buttons showing a bucket actually put
   336 the current color to the selected branch. While the first one just
   337 colors the heading of the selection, the last one also colors all the
   338 childs of the selected branch.
   340 %tipp
   341 A very useful function is the "copy color" using the mouse: Select the
   342 branch which should get the new color, then press \key{Ctrl} and
   343 simultanously click with left-mouse on another branch to copy its color
   344 to the first one. Here the childs of the selection also will get the new
   345 color, if you just want to color the selection itself, additionally
   346 press \key{Shift}.
   348 \subsubsection*{Use flags}
   349 \vym provides various flags. You see them in the toolbar on top of the
   350 mapeditor window. (Note: Like all toolbars you can also move them to the
   351 left or the right side of the window or even detach them. Just grab the
   352 very left "dotted" part of the toolbar with your left-mouse button.) 
   353 \begin{center}
   354 	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{default-flags.png}
   355 \end{center}
   356 If you have a branch selected, you can set any number of flags by
   357 clicking them in the toolbar. The toolbar buttons change their state and
   358 always reflect the flags set in the selected branch.
   360 Presently \vym uses two kinds of flags: {\em System Flags} and {\em
   361 Standard Flags}. The standard flags are those shown in the toolbar.
   362 System flags are set by \vym to indicate e.g. that there is additional
   363 information in a note (more on this in \ref{noteeditor}). Later versions
   364 of \vym may have another kind of flags, which may be edited by the user.
   366 \subsubsection*{Images}
   367 The easiest way to add an image to a branch is by dragging it e.g. from a
   368 webbrowser to the mapeditor while a branch is selected there.
   370 You can also add a image to a branch by opening the context menu of the
   371 branch choose "Add Image". A
   372 dialog window lets you choose the image to load. 
   373 \footnote{Supported image types are: PNG, BMP, XBM, XPM and PNM. It may
   374 	also support JPEG, MNG and GIF, if specially configured during
   375 	compilation (as done when \vym is part of SUSE LINUX).}
   376 While an image is selected in the dialog, you can see a preview of the
   377 image.	
   379 You can position the image anywhere you want, just drag it with left
   380 mouse. To relink it to another branch, press \key{Shift} while moving
   381 it. To delete it, press \key{Del}. 
   383 If you right-click onto an image, a context menu will open which let's
   384 you first choose one of several image formats. Then a file dialog opens
   385 to save the image. Hint: This is used to "export" the image, it will be
   386 saved anyway in the map itself! You can also cut and
   387 copy images, but it is not possible to add objects to an image\footnote{
   388 	Images are regarded as "extra feature". It would make working with
   389 	the map much more complex if e.g. images could be linked to images.}
   391 The option \lq{\bf Use for export} \rq controls the output of exports
   392 e.g. to HTML: If set to no, the image won't appear in the {\em text}
   393 part of the output. This is useful for large images or if images are
   394 used as a kind of frame e.g. the famous cloud symbol around a part of
   395 the map. Those shouldn't appear in the middle of the text.
   397 At the moment image support is preliminary: Images will be saved
   398 together with all the other data of a map in the {\tt .vym}-file.
   399 Later versions will include more functionality like resizing the images,
   400 changing its z-value (put it into background) etc.
   402 \subsubsection*{Frames}
   403 A frame can be added to a branch by clicking with the
   404 right-mouse button.  A context menu will open, where you can choose the
   405 frame. At the moment just a rectangle resp. "No Frame" will be offered,
   406 nevertheless you can use images as frames. Have a look at the demo map
   407 {\tt todo.vym} as an example, where the mapcenter is a cloud. You can
   408 use an external drawing program like {\tt gimp} to create an image,
   409 preferable with an transparency channel, so that you can design frames
   410 which don't use a rectangular borderline, just like the cloud.
   413 \subsection{Background design}
   414 The design of the background of a map and also of the links connecting
   415 various parts of the map can be changed by
   416 \begin{itemize}
   417 	\item Selecting Format from the menu
   418 	\item Right clicking onto the canvas, which will open a context menu
   419 \end{itemize}
   421 \subsubsection*{Background color}
   422 The color is set (and also displayed) as "Set background color".
   424 \subsubsection*{Link color}
   425 Links connecting branches can be colored in one of the following ways:
   426 \begin{itemize}
   427 	\item use the color of the heading of the branch the links is
   428 	\item use {\em one} color for all links. The default color is blue.
   429 	leading to.
   430 \end{itemize}
   431 The latter can be set with "Set link color". Check or uncheck the "Use
   432 color of heading for link" option to choose one of the two designs for
   433 your map.
   435 \subsubsection*{Link style}
   436 \vym offers four different styles for the appearences of links:
   437 \begin{itemize}
   438 	\item Line
   439 	\item Parabel
   440 	\item Thick Line
   441 	\item Thick Parabel
   442 \end{itemize}
   443 The "thick" styles only draw links starting at mapcenter thick, the rest
   444 of the map is always painted "thin".
   447 \subsection{Link to other documents}
   448 Presently \vym supports two kind of links:
   449 \begin{itemize}
   450 	\item Document, which will be opened in an external webbrowser
   451 	\item \vym map, which will be opened in \vym itself
   452 \end{itemize}
   454 \subsubsection*{Webbrowser}
   455 Modern Webbrowsers like {\tt konqueror} are able to display various
   456 types of files, both local or in the internet. To enter the URL of
   457 any document, right-click  onto a branch or use the Edit Menu
   458 and choose "Edit URL". Enter the path to your document (or copy and
   459 paste it from your browser). Examples for valid paths are:
   460 \begin{verbatim}
   461 	http://www.insilmaril.de/vym/index.html
   462 	file:/usr/share/doc/packages/vym/doc/vym.pdf
   463 \end{verbatim}
   464 If an URL was entered, a little globe will appear in the branch. By
   465 clicking on the globe in the toolbar or the context menu an external
   466 browser\footnote{
   467 	The browser can be changed in the Settings Menu.}
   468 will be started.
   469 \begin{center}
   470 	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{flag-url.png}
   471 \end{center}
   472 If you want to keep bookmarks in a map, you may want to copy the heading
   473 as URL: Right click onto the branch and select "Use heading for URL".
   475 \subsubsection*{\vym map}
   476 To link to to another map right click on a branch or choose "Edit \ra
   477 Enter \vym link". A file dialog opens where you can choose the map. A
   478 branch with a link is marked with 
   479 \begin{center}
   480 	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{flag-vymlink.png}
   481 \end{center}
   482 Clicking this flag in the toolbar or in the context menu of a branch
   483 will open the map in another tab (see \ref{tabs} for working with
   484 multiple maps). To delete an existing link, just press the "Cancel"
   485 button.
   487 Technical note: Internally \vym uses absolute paths, to avoid opening
   488 several tabs containing the same map. When a map is saved, this path is
   489 converted to a relative one (e.g. {\tt /home/user/vym.map} might become
   490 {\tt ./vym.map}. This makes it fairly easy to use multiple maps on
   491 different computers or export them to HTML in future.
   493 \subsection{Multiple maps} \label{tabs}
   494 You can work on multiple maps at the same time. Each new map is opened
   495 in another {\em tab}. The available tabs are shown just above the
   496 mapeditor. You can use the normal cut/copy/paste functions to
   497 copy data from one map to another.
   499 %todo
   501 %TODO
   502 %\subsubsection{Menus}
   503 %\subsubsection{Keyboard shortcuts}
   505 % Settings
   506 % Images
   507 % Copy & Paste
   508 % Working with tabs (multiple maps)
   509 % Exporting
   510 % Scrolling
   512 \section{Noteeditor} \label {noteeditor}
   513 If you want to save more text in a branch e.g. a complete email, a
   514 cooking recipe, or the whole source code of a software project, you can
   515 use the noteeditor. 
   517 \subsection{States}
   518 Before you can type or paste text into it, you have
   519 to select a branch in the mapeditor. Note that the background color
   520 of the noteeditor indicates its state:
   521 \begin{itemize}
   522 	\item black: no branch selected
   523 	\item grey: no text entered yet
   524 	\item white: text is already available
   525 \end{itemize}	
   526 To show you in the mapeditor itself that there is a note with more
   527 information for a particular branch, a little note flag will appear next
   528 to the heading of the branch. See the lower branch on the right side:
   529 \begin{center}
   530 	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{branches-flags.png}
   531 \end{center}
   533 \subsection{Import and export notes}
   534 The note is always saved automatically within the \vym file itself.
   535 Nevertheless sometimes it is nice to import a note from an external file
   536 or write it. Use "File\ra~Import" and "File\ra~Export" to do so. 
   538 \subsection{Edit and print note}
   539 Editing works like in any simple texteditor, including undo and redo
   540 functions. You can delete the complete note by clicking the
   541 trashcan. Only the note itself is printed by clicking the printer icon.
   543 When pasting into the editor using the X11 copy\&paste mechanism, the
   544 editor will create a paragraph for each new line. Usually this is not
   545 wanted, so there you can convert all paragraphs into linebreaks by using
   546 Edit~\ra~Remove~Paragraphs or \key{ALT-X}.
   548 \subsection{Fonts}
   549 The noteeditor is ment to be used for simple notes, not really as full
   550 featured text editor. Because of many requests \vym supports now
   551 formatted text in the noteeditor\footnote{
   552 	\vym uses the QRichtText format, which is basically a subset of the
   553 	formatting provided in HTML.}
   554 Two default fonts are supported which can be set in the Settings menu.
   555 One is a fixed width font, the other has variable width. The fixed font
   556 is usually used for emails, source code etc.\ while the variable font is
   557 used for simple notes, where one doesn't need fixed character widths.
   558 Both fonts can easily switched using the following symbol from the
   559 toolbar:
   560 \begin{center}
   561 	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{formatfixedfont.png}
   562 \end{center}
   563 In the Settings menu both fonts can be set and also which font should be
   564 used for default. 
   566 Additionally to the default fonts any font installed on your system can
   567 be used. Please note, that the chosen font also will be used for HTML
   568 exports, so you should only use fonts which are available generally.
   570 \subsection{Colors and formatted text}
   571 \vym supports formatted text (QT Rich Text) in the noteeditor since
   572 version 1.4.7.  Colors and text attributes (e.g. italic, bold) can be
   573 set with the buttons above the text.  The text itself is divided in
   574 paragraphs. For each paragraph the format can be set (e.g. centered,
   575 right). A paragraph is ended when a \key{Return} is entered. If you just
   576 want to begin a new line, press \key{CTRL-Return}.
   578 \subsection{Finding text}
   579 The noteeditor itself has no Find function, use Find in the mapeditor,
   580 which will also search all notes (see \ref{findwindow}).
   582 \subsection{Pasting text into note editor}
   583 Often you will paste text into the editor from another application e.g.
   584 an email. Normally \vym will generate a new paragraph for each new line.
   585 This usually is not what you want, so you can choose from the menu
   587 \subsection{Advanced actions}
   588 \subsubsection{Edit \ra Convert subsubsections:}
   589 This turns subsubsections in selected text (or all text, if nothing is
   590 selected) into linebreaks. This is especially useful for snippets of
   591 source code.
   593 \subsubsection{Edit \ra Join Lines:}
   594 Tries to format text, so that empty lines are used to delimit
   595 paragraphs. This is done for selected text (or all text, if nothing is
   596 selected). Especially useful for text like emails, meeting minutes etc.
   598 \section{Hello world}
   599 \vym can export its maps in various formats and can import data from
   600 outside (though import is still limited at the moment).
   601 Also parts of a map can be exported.
   603 \subsection{Export}
   604 The format in which the map will be exported can be chosen with
   605 \begin{itemize}
   606 	\item File \ra Export \ra {\em format}
   607 \end{itemize}
   608 \vym offers both HTML and ASCII export.
   610 \subsubsection*{Image}
   611 \vym supports all image formats which are natively supported by the
   612 QT~toolkit:
   613 BMP, JPEG, PBM, PGM, PNG, PPN, XPM, and XBM.
   614 For use in websites and for sending images by email PNG is a good
   615 recommodation regarding quality and size of the image. \vym uses QTs
   616 default options for compressing the images.
   618 \subsubsection*{ASCII}
   619 Exporting an image as text is somewhat experimental at the moment. Later
   620 this will probably done using stylesheets. So the output may change in
   621 future versions of \vym.
   623 \subsubsection*{HTML}
   624 Before a map is exported as HTML, it will be first written as XML into a
   625 directory (see \ref{xmlexport}). Then the external program {\tt
   626 xsltproc}\footnote{On SUSE Linux {\tt xsltproc} is installed by
   627 default.}
   628 will be called to process the XML file and generate HTML code.
   629 %A script then will transform the XML
   630 %version. 
   631 A dialog allows to set various options:
   632 \begin{itemize}
   633 	\item {\bf Include image:} If set, \vym will creat an image map at
   634 	the top of the HTML output. Clicking on a branch in the map will
   635 	jump to the corresponding section in the output.
   637 	\item {\bf Colored headings:}
   638 	If set to yes, \vym will color the headings in the text part  with the
   639 	same colors like in the map.
   640 	\item {\bf Show Warnings:}
   641 	If set to yes, \vym will ask before overwriting data.
   642 	\item {\bf Show output:}
   643 	This is useful mainly for debugging. It will show how the processing of
   644 	the XML file works by calling the external {\tt xsltproc}.
   645 \end{itemize}
   646 Additionally the paths to the CSS and XSL stylesheets can be set. By
   647 default on SUSE~Linux they will be in {\tt /usr/share/vym/styles}.
   649 %\paragraph{WIKI style:} This is very useful for easy design of webpages.
   650 %Here is a short overview:
   651 %\begin{verbatim}
   652 %Lines:
   653 %	+ Big headlines start with the '+' character.
   654 %	- Small headlines start with the '-' character.
   655 %	  Normal text doesn't have any starting notation.
   656 %	! Notes start with an exclamation.
   657 %	. Indented text starts with a dot.
   658 %	? Questions start with a question-mark, and
   659 %	= Answers starts with the equal-sign.
   660 %	* Points for a item-list
   661 %	# clues
   662 %	
   663 %Links:
   664 %	use '{...}' or '{(vym homepage) http://www.insilmaril.de/vym/}'
   665 %	for external links.
   666 %	
   667 %Markup:
   668 %	|This is bold| text, while 
   669 %	|/this text is italic|, 
   670 %	|*this is pre-formatted|, and 
   671 %	|!this is a note|
   672 %\end{verbatim}
   673 %
   674 %\paragraph{Show output:} This is used for debugging. \vym uses an
   675 %the external script {\tt vym2html.sh} to preprocess the XML-data. Then
   676 %\vym calls {\tt xsltproc} to generate the HTML page by using various
   677 %{\tt .xsl} stylesheets and {\tt wireframe.css}. If you run into problems
   678 %here, changing paths in {\tt $\sim$/.qt/vymrc} might help.
   680 \subsubsection*{XML} \label{xmlexport}
   681 The map is written into a directory both as an image and as XML. The
   682 directory is set in a file dialog. If the directory is not empty, you
   683 will be questioned if you risk to overwrite its contents.
   685 It is possible to export different maps into the same directory. Each
   686 file generated will have the map's name as prefix, e.g. {\tt todo.vym}
   687 becomes {\tt todo.xml}, {\tt todo.png}, {\tt todo-image-1.png} and so
   688 on. This is useful if e.g. for a website several combined maps have to
   689 be stored in the same directory.
   691 \subsubsection*{Export a part of a map}
   692 Select a branch you want to export together with its childs, than open
   693 the context menu and choose {\em Save Selection}. This will create a
   694 file with the postfix {\tt .vyp}, which is an abbreviation for \lq vym
   695 part\rq.
   697 \subsection{Import} 
   698 At the moment \vym can read a directory structure. This is mainly for
   699 testing \vym e.g. to easily create huge maps used for benchmarks (yes,
   700 there is still room to optimize \vym ;-)
   702 Many other applications meanwhile can export their data using XML, so
   703 volunteers to write import filters are welcome.
   705 Also parts of a vym map ({\tt .vyp}) can be imported.
   707 \subsection{File format}
   708 \vym maps usually have the postfix "{\tt .vym}" and represent a
   709 compressed archive of data. If you want to have a
   710 closer look into the data structure, just uncompress the map manually
   711 using
   712 \begin{verbatim}
   713 	unzip vymfile.vym
   714 \end{verbatim}
   715 A directory named {\tt vymfile} will be created containing further
   716 directories both for {\tt images} and {\tt flags}. In the {\tt vymfile}
   717 directory you will find the map itself, usually named {\tt vymfile.xml}.
   719 This file can be loaded directly into \vym, it does not have to be
   720 compressed. If you want to compress all the data yourself, use
   721 \begin{verbatim}
   722 	cd vymfile
   723 	zip -r vymfile.vym .
   724 \end{verbatim}
   726 \subsubsection*{Importa part of a map}
   727 Select a branch where you want to add a previously save part of a map
   728 ({\tt .vyp}), then open
   729 the context menu and choose {\em Add \ra Import}. For the import you can
   730 choose between {\em Import Add} and {\em Import Replace}: The imported
   731 data will be added after the selection resp. replace the selection.
   734 \section{Advanced Editing}
   735 \vym offers a few shortcuts to let you work more quickly and literally
   736 to connect any branches directly.  
   737 \subsection{Modifier Modes} 
   738 Modifiers are for example the \key{Shift}- or the \key{Alt}-keys. When
   739 pressed while doing actions with the mouse, they will cause \vym to use
   740 a "modified" action. E.g. you can move branches with mouse. If
   741 \key{Ctrl} or \key{Alt}is pressed while releasing the branch, it will be
   742 added above/below the target, not as child of the target.
   744 Without a modifier pressed, the first click on a branch just selects
   745 it. For the behaviour of the \key{Ctrl} modifier there are several
   746 options, which can be set from the modifier toolbar:
   747 \begin{center}
   748 	\includegraphics[width=3cm]{modmodes.png}
   749 \end{center}
   750 The default  is to copy the color from the clicked branch to the already
   751 selected branch. In the toolbar shown above the default modifier is
   752 selected, namely to copy the color of a branch. The second modifier
   753 let's you easily copy a whole branch with a single click. The third
   754 modifier lets you create {\em xLinks}, which will be explained in the
   755 next section.
   757 \subsection{XLinks}
   758 So far all the data in the \vym map has been treelike. Using xLinks you
   759 can link one branch to any other, just like attaching a rope between two
   760 branches in a real tree. This is especially useful in complex maps,
   761 where you want to have crossreferences which don't fit on the same
   762 visible area, which fits on your screen. The following example, which is
   763 part of the \vym package, still fits on one screen, but shows how data
   764 can be crosslinked. In the graphics there is a link from a task (prepare
   765 a presentation) to general information:
   766 \begin{center}
   767 	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{xlink.png}
   768 \end{center}
   769 Note that a xLink which points to a branch that is not visible (because
   770 it is scrolled), is just show as a little horizontal arrow. In the
   771 screenshot above have a look at the \lq Tuesday\rq\ branch.
   773 \subsubsection{Create a xLink}
   774 Choose the link mode from the modifier toolbar (by clicking or pressing
   775 \key{L}). Select the branch, where the xLink should start. Press the
   776 modifier key \key{Ctr} and simultanously click on the branch where the
   777 link should end. (The link is already drawn before you release the mouse
   778 key). If you release the mouse over a branch the xLink becomes
   779 permanent.
   781 \subsubsection{Modify or delete a xLink}
   782 Open the context menu of a branch and select \lq Edit xLink\rq. A
   783 submenu contains all the xLinks of the branch (if there are any). They
   784 are named like the branches, where they end. Choose one and
   785 the xLink dialogue opens, where you can set color, width and also delete
   786 the xLink.
   788 \subsubsection{Follow a xLink}
   789 In a complext \vym map it sometimes comes handy to jump to the other end
   790 of a xLink. You can do this by opening the context menu of the branch
   791 and clicking on \lq Goto xLink\rq and selecting the xLink you want to
   792 follow.
   796 \subsection{Adding and removing links}
   797 The context menu of a branch shows some more ways to add and delete data
   798 e.g. you can delete a branch while keeping its childs. The childs become
   799 linked to the parent of the previously removed branch.
   800 Similar branches can be inserted into existing maps. For keyboard
   801 shortcuts also have a look at the context menu.
   804 \section{\vym on Mac OS X}
   805 \subsection{Overview}
   806 Basically there are two ways to run \vym on Macs:
   807 \subsubsection{QT Mac Edition:}
   808 	\vym here provides the well known Mac look and feel.  \vym is
   809 	available as zipped Mac OS X application. It has been compiled and
   810 	tested in Mac~OS~10.3, but should also work on Tiger. It is using
   811 	the Mac version of Trolltechs QT library.  
   812 \subsubsection{X11}
   813 	\vym can also be run using the Linux version, but then menus and
   814 	handling will also be those of the Linux version e.g. The menu bar
   815 	will look different. 
   817 \subsection	{Contextmenu and special keys}
   818 Most Macs unfortunatly just have a single mouse button. In order to show
   819 the context menu which usually would be opened with the right mouse
   820 button, you can click while pressing the \key{kommand}-key.
   822 Especially on Laptops some of the keys usually used on PC keyboards seem
   823 to be missing. The QT-Mac Edition of \vym has its own keyboard
   824 shortcuts. To find the shortcuts just have a look at all the menu
   825 entries, the shortcut is visible next to an entry. Toolbar buttons also
   826 may have shortcuts, just position the mouse pointer over a button and
   827 wait for the little help window to appear. 
   829 \subsection {Viewing external links}
   830 \vym on Mac uses the system call {\tt /usr/bin/open} to view links.
   831 Mac~OS determines automatically if the link is a pdf or www page and
   832 opens the right browser.
   834 \subsection{Compiling \vym on Macs}
   835 Please refer to the documentation available on the internet:
   836 \begin{center}
   837 \href{http://www.InSilmaril.de/vym/faq.html}{http://www.InSilmaril.de/vym/faq.html}
   838 \end{center}
   839 \end{document}
   841 \section{History of \vym}
   842 \subsection{Future}
   843 There are lots of features which might find their way into \vym.
   844 Together with \vym you should have received a directory with example
   845 maps e.g. on SUSE~LINUX this is
   846 \begin{center}
   847 	{\tt /usr/share/doc/packages/vym/demos}
   848 \end{center}
   849 where you find the map {\tt todo.vym}. It lists quite a lot of things to
   850 be done in future. If you have more ideas, contact the author at
   851 {\tt vym@insilmaril.de}.
   853 \subsection{Past}
   854 \input{vym.changelog}
   855 \begin{center}
   856 \begin{longtable}{|lcp{8cm}l|} \hline
   857 Version	&	&	Comment								& Date	\\ \hline \hline \endhead
   858 	\hline \endfoot
   859 1.6.8	& - &	Dramatic speedup in some operations 
   860 				(e.g. move branch up/down) due to extended 
   861 				undo engine							& 2005-06-07 \\ 
   862 1.6.7	& - &	Changed default pdf-reader for Mac OSX & 2005-05-27 \\ 
   863 		& - &	Bugfix: xLinks stopped working in 1.6.6			&\\
   864 		& - &	Bugfix: drawing error when using modModeCopy    &\\
   865 		& - &	Bugfix: replaced lrint by qRound for BSD ports	&\\
   866 1.6.6	& -	&	Exclusive standard flags			& 2005-05-23 \\
   867 1.6.5	& -	&	removing a branch and keeping its childs	& 2005-05-19 \\
   868         & -	&	removing childs of a branch			& \\
   869         & -	&	insert branch and make selection its child& \\
   870         & -	&	restructured branch context menu	
   871 				in a basic version (straight line)	& 2005-04-15\\
   872         & -	&	New shortcuts  for use on Mac OS X	& \\
   873         & -	&	Importing directories generates vymlinks now & \\
   874         & -	&	Bugfix: Changing linkstyle now automatically redraws all
   875 				links again& \\
   876         & -	&	Bugfix: Paste icon is disabled if clipboard is empty &\\
   877 1.6.4	& -	&	xLinks (arbitrary connection between 2 branches) works
   878 				in a basic version (straight line)	& 2005-04-15\\
   879 1.6.3	& -	&	Bugfix: Saving of selection to a vym part (.vyp)	&2005-03-30\\
   880 		& - &	Bugfix: Closing the noteeditor by closing its window now
   881 				also toggles the responding toolbar button. &\\
   882 1.6.2	& -	&	Introduced Modifier modes: color, link, copy &2005-03-24\\
   883       & -	&	Linking branches is basically possible, though it can't
   884 				be edited/saved yet &\\
   885 1.6.1	& -	&	Optimized moving of branches: much faster especially 
   886 				with huge subtrees					&2005-01-30\\
   887 		& -	&	Bugfix: Segfault when loading vym part &\\
   888 		& -	&	Bugfix: ugly unitialized lines, when 
   889 				temporary drawn link was moved from a 
   890 				temporary parent back to canvas		& \\ 
   891 1.6.0 	& -	&	Added saving of xhtml settings in map& 2004-12-14 \\ 
   892 1.5.2 	& -	&	Added Import of maps with two modes: 
   893 				add/replace							& 2004-12-13 \\ 
   894 		& - &	Added export of part of maps		& \\
   895 		& - &	Added joining of paragraphs in text editor		& \\
   896 		& - &	Optimized undo: Only relevant parts are saved, which
   897 				dramatically improves e.g. moving branches up/down 
   898 				in most maps & \\
   899 		& -	&	Bugfix: QTextEdit generates invalid XML code, which
   900 				could lead to a parse error, if font name contains a \& &  \\ 
   901 		& -	&	Bugfix: Wrong order of mainbranches in Export	&  \\ 
   902 		& -	&	Bugfix: zip archive was not deleted before save, which
   903 				could lead to much bigger files, e.g. 
   904 				when working on older \vym maps or deleted images&  \\ 
   905 		& -	&	Bugfix: Printing in Texteditor      &  \\ 
   906 		& -	&	Bugfix: Wrong URLs in xhtml output				&  \\
   907       	& -	&	Bugfix: Segfault fixed at Cursor left/right in empty map&  \\
   908 1.5.1 	& -	&	More options in xhtml export: external scripts 	& 2004-10-01 \\
   909 1.5.0 	& -	&	Public release of all changes since 1.4.1      	& 2004-09-26 \\
   910       	& -	&	New function to replace paragraphs in note editor
   911 				by linebreaks, this makes pasted text much nicer& \\
   912       	& -	&	New option to toggle exporting of of floatimages& \\
   913       	& -	&	z-plane of floatimages can be set (manually only)& \\
   914 		& - &	Bugfix: Wrong ordering of branches, if mainbranch is
   915 				exactly left of center& \\
   916 1.4.7 	& -	&	New Export to XHTML by Thomas Schraitle.	& 2004-09-24 \\
   917 		& - &	Bugfix: vymLink&	\\
   918 		& - &	Bugfix: spaces and dots in filenames	& \\
   919 		& - &	Bugfix: Error message if xsltproc is not installed& \\
   920 1.4.6 	& -	&	New file format: notes are saved as part of the .xml file
   921 			& 2004-09-15	\\
   922 		& - &	Note Editor supports Rich Text now.&\\
   923 		& - &	Parser now also nows {\tt standardflag} (all letters
   924 				lowercase)&\\
   925 1.4.5 	& -	&	Correct handling of font size in Heading			& 2004-08-23	\\
   926 1.4.4 	& -	&	Selecting with cursor now works between subtrees	& 2004-07-29	\\
   927 		& - &	Bugfix: vymLink was set to temporary dir in 1.4.3	& \\
   928 		& - &	Bugfix: & \\
   929 1.4.3 	& -	&	Optimisation: Reduced canvas objects by only
   930 				creating objects for used flags		& 2004-07-19 \\ 
   931 		& - &	Better visualization of moving branch above/below target&\\		
   932 		& - &	Find Window informs with dialog, if the search failed&\\
   933 		& - &	System Flags are clickable now		&\\
   934 		& - &	Reworked CSS and XST stylsheets (comments, indent, browser
   935 				compatibility)						&\\
   936 		& - &	vymLinks are shown in statusbar		&\\
   937 		& - &	current directory is save			&\\
   938 		& - &	Rewritten load/save to improve multimap handling and
   939 				unzipped files&\\
   940 		& - &	Bugfix: vymLinks don't get deleted 
   941 				when Cancel is pressed				&\\		
   942       	& -	&	Bugfix: Fixed a bunch of bugs in XSL for HTML export&            \\ 
   943       	& -	&	Bugfix: More toolbar buttons disabled, if action not
   944 				possible&            \\ 
   945 		& - &	Bugfix: Renaming .vymfile now works&\\		
   946 		& - &	Bugfix: mapChanged set when toggling flags&\\		
   947 		& - &	Bugfix: CTRL-N was used twice		&\\
   948 		& - &	Bugfix: Del didn't work on floatimage &\\
   949 1.4.2 	& -	&	Bugfix: Float image could not be deleted& \\ 
   950 1.4.1 	& -	&	Bugfix: Color of branch not saved	& 2004-05-25 \\ 
   951       	& -	&	Bugfix: wrong path at HTML export	&            \\ 
   952 		& -	&	Bugfix: map is not save with special characters in path&  \\ 
   953 1.4.0 	& -	&	Ask for confirmation before opening 
   954 				a map in multiple editors			& 2004-05-17 \\
   955 		& - &	Save state of note editor (visible/minimized)& \\
   956 		& - &	Export to HTML						& \\
   957 		& - &	Author and Comment is saved in map	& \\
   958 		& - &	Stats are shown in Edit MapInfo		& \\
   959 		& - &	Changes for OS X port (QCursor, QContextMenuEvent)	& \\
   960 		& - &	Bugfix: Fonts from note editor are save now			&\\
   961 		& - &	Bugfix: invisible image when parent is scrolled		&\\
   962 		& - &	Bugfix: Segfault pressing "enter" for floatimage	&\\
   963 		& - &	Bugfix: Images can't be outside of exported area
   964 				anymore.& \\
   965 		& - &	Bugfix: Filenames with blanks		& \\
   966 		& - &	Bugfix: Old maplink is shown when editing maplink& \\
   967 		& - &	Bugfix: always show cursor while editing heading & \\
   968 1.3.5 	& -	&	Export map to dir					& 2004-04-16 \\
   969 		& - &	Export to any of QTs image formats	& \\
   970 		& - &	Also right side of selection is always visible now.& \\
   971 1.3.4 	& -	&	Load last maps in file menu         & 2004-04-07 \\
   972 		& - &	save last image path for loading	& \\
   973 		& - &	Also export standard flags to dir.	& \\
   974 1.3.3 	& -	&	Enabled <br> in headings as manual linebreak	& 2004-03-26 \\
   975 		& -	&	Heading can be copied to URL		&\\
   976 		& -	&	Bugfix: GIFs are automatically converted to PNG now&\\
   977 1.3.2 	& -	&	Add and move branches above/below selection, Texteditor copy all,& 2004-03-26 \\
   978 1.3.1 	& -	&	Export to directory, changed naming in .vym& 2004-03-25 \\
   979 1.3.0 	& -	&	Bugfix: Check if map can be saved at all& 2004-03-23 \\
   980 1.2.12	& -	&	Select image format before saving image	& 2004-03-22 \\
   981 1.2.11	& -	&	Selecting mainbranches by up/down	& 2004-03-18 \\
   982 		& -	&	Export ASCII (experimental)			&			\\
   983 		& -	&	Each map can be saved individually at quit	&	\\
   984 		& -	&	Bugfix: Opening VymLink crashes QT	&			\\
   985 		& -	&	Bugfix: 50\% less objects on canvas	&			\\
   986 		& -	&	Bugfix: Ignoring LANG, now always written as UTF8&\\
   987 1.2.10	& -	&	Sort Mainbranches by angle to y-axis& 2004-03-16 \\
   988 		& -	&	Import directory structure			&			\\
   989 		& - &	Fix: Set FrameType of MapCenter while loading map &\\
   990 1.2.9	& -	&	Jump to another vym map		        & 2004-03-12 \\
   991      	& -	&	Mainbranches are alwas ordered clockwise   &     \\
   992 1.2.8	& -	&	Change frame types in context menu  & 2004-03-03 \\
   993 1.2.7	& -	&	Copy / Paste and save Floatimages & 2004-02-25 \\
   994 1.2.6	& -	&	Closing vym in KDE now asks for save, too	& 2004-02-24 \\
   995 		& -	&	Context menu for branches					&  \\
   996 		& -	&	Selection is saved in .vym file				&  \\
   997 1.2.5	& -	&	URLs to external links can be added & 2004-02-18 \\
   998 		& - &	All actions are deactived if not possible & \\
   999 1.2.4	& -	&	Images: Can be loaded, saved, relinked to other parents
  1000 & 2004-02-16 \\
  1001 1.2.3	& -	&	Zoom: Reset and finer steps shrinking/enlarging	& 2004-01-27 \\
  1002 1.2.2	& -	&	Editing of links (style and color)	& 2004-01-27 \\
  1003 1.2.1	& -	&	Bugfix: LineEdit when adding branch has correct position
  1004 				again.								& 2004-01-27 \\
  1005 1.2.0	& -	&	Scrolled parts are automatically unscrolled when
  1006 				selected and scrolled again later.				& 2004-01-23 \\
  1007 		& - &	Bugfix: Save flag is updated when multiple maps are opened& \\
  1008 		& - &	Bugfix: Moving of branches is faster and more accurat
  1009 				when adding to mapcenter& \\
  1010 1.1.7	& -	&	Bugfix: Remember filename of note in noteeditor	& 2003-12-04 \\
  1011 1.1.6	& -	&	Find Text also in Notes.	& 2003-12-02 \\
  1012 1.1.5	& -	&	Bugfix: Correct setting and positioning when relinking branches	& 2003-11-07 \\
  1013 1.1.4	& -	&	Scroll mode added (folding of subtrees).		& 2003-11-03 \\
  1014 		& - &	Bugfix: Wrong position of linedit in zoomed view& \\
  1015 1.1.3	& -	&	Added clear button in find window, bugfixes    & 2003-10-09 \\ 
  1016 1.1.2	& -	&	Links can be colored with color of heading     & 2003-10-07 \\ 
  1017 1.1.1	& -	&	Improved visualization of linking to new branch& 2003-09-26 \\ 
  1018 1.1.0	& -	&	Find Function							& 2003-09-25 \\ 
  1019 		& -	&	Selection always stays in view		& \\ \hline
  1020 1.0.1	& -	&	Find function scrolls to result now	& 2003-09-18\\
  1021      	& -	&	Bugfix: Adding branch with midmouse	&  \\
  1022 		& -	&	Bugfix: multiple repositioning of map, 
  1023 				when noteeditor was changed (speedup)	& \\
  1024 		& -	&	New Linestyles (still hardcoded)		&	\\ \hline
  1025 1.0.0	& -	&	First public stable release			& 2003-09-16 \\	 \hline	
  1026 0.9.0	& -	&	added quick color picker (CTRL + Left Mouse) & ?	\\ \hline
  1027 0.8.0	& - &	added automatic canvas resizer, removed manual resizing of
  1028 				canvas & \\
  1030 	& - &	added settings option to paste text into new branch	& \\
  1031 	& - &	simplified code	& \\
  1032 	& - &	Added heart flag	& \\
  1033 	& - &	Choose and switch between fixed and variable width fonts& \\
  1034 	& - &	note editor		& \\
  1035 	& -	&	Fixed segfault caused by undo and a call of updateNoteFlag of
  1036 			note editor	& \\
  1037 	& - &	Added settings menu to configure autoselect \& autoedit mode	& \\
  1038 	& - &	autoedit \& autoselect mode	& \\
  1039 	& - &	Fixed ugly display problem with QT Palette (Klaas Freitag)& \\
  1040 	& - &	Reduced temporary directories from 4 to 1	& \\
  1041 	& - &	Added wordwrap in printing of notes	& \\
  1042 	& - &	New toolbar buttons in texteditor	& \\
  1043 	& - &	Set background color	& \\
  1044 	& - &	Fixed bug: Flags in toolbar not updated when selecting map center	& \\ \hline
  1045 0.7.0	& - & No more segfault, when an object is deleted while being edited & \\
  1046 	& - & Keep focus constant when zooming in/out & \\
  1047 	& - & Export as png graphic & \\
  1048 	& - & Keep Center of map where it is while zooming & \\
  1049 	& - & Added Standard Flags (Smiley, Hook, Stopsign, ...) & \\
  1050 	& - & MDI: Multi Document Interface enables working on several
  1051 		maps simultanously & \\
  1052 	& - & Enabled creating a new map via argument on commandline & \\
  1053 	& - & Changed file extension from .mmap to .vym & \\
  1054 	& - & noteeditor changes color, if empty or nothing is selected & \\
  1055 	& - & Changes in NoteEditor window are recognized by main window,
  1056 		too, thus preventing loosing data when quitting the program. & \\ \hline
  1057 0.6.0	& - &	New rendering engine: Faster, no flickering & \\ \hline
  1058 0.5.0	& - & Changed printing to use maximum space on paper& \\ 
  1059 	& - & Note editor is hidden, too, when mapeditor is minimized& \\ 
  1060 	& - & New (compressed) file format& \\ \hline
  1061 0.4.0    & - & Size of map is saved& \\ 
  1062     & - & Multi Line Headings & \\ 
  1063     & - & Reworked Rendering Engine: Much faster now.& \\ 
  1064     & - & Reworked Undo: Much faster now.& \\ 
  1065     & - & Enabled moving of map center& \\ 
  1066     & - & Multi-line headings & \\ \hline
  1067 0.3.0    & - & Introduced Undo& \\ 
  1068     & - & Fixed some bugs & \\  \hline
  1069 0.2.0    & - & Moving view of map improved:& \\ 
  1070 	& - & New handling (acrobat reader style)& \\ 
  1071 	& - & New mousepointer& \\ 
  1072     & - & Several tools to color a map& \\ \hline
  1073 0.1.0 & - & Inital version, basic map layout & \\ 
  1074     & - & Data is stored in XML& \\ 
  1075 \end{longtable}
  1076 \end{center}
  1078 %TODO
  1079 %\subsubsection{Menus}
  1080 %\subsubsection{Keyboard shortcuts}
  1081 %Where does vym save its settings? -> ~/.qt/vymrc
  1084 % INDEX
  1085 % mapeditor
  1086 % noteditor
  1087 % branch
  1088 % mapcenter
  1089 % heading
  1090 % flag
  1091 % orientation 
  1092 % zoom
  1093 % orientation
  1094 % Toolbar
  1095 % Zoom
  1096 % Find
  1097 % statusbar
  1098 % link
  1099 % mainbranch
  1100 % subtree
  1101 % reorder
  1102 % scroll
  1103 % fold
  1104 % vymlink
  1105 % xlink
  1106 % modMode
  1107 % context menu
  1108 % Mac OS X
  1112 \end{document}