author insilmaril
Tue Apr 28 09:51:48 2009 +0000 (2009-04-28)
changeset 758 04039e47ac74
parent 749 9ff332964015
child 760 59614eaf5fbb
permissions -rw-r--r--
colors work again
     1 TEMPLATE	= app
     2 LANGUAGE	= C++
     4 CONFIG	+= qt warn_on release debug
     5 CONFIG += x86 ppc
     7 TRANSLATIONS += lang/vym_de.ts
     8 TRANSLATIONS += lang/vym_en.ts
     9 TRANSLATIONS += lang/vym_es.ts
    10 TRANSLATIONS += lang/vym_it.ts
    11 TRANSLATIONS += lang/vym_fr.ts
    12 TRANSLATIONS += lang/vym_zh_CN.ts
    13 TRANSLATIONS += lang/vym_pt_BR.ts
    14 TRANSLATIONS += lang/vym_sv.ts
    15 TRANSLATIONS += lang/vym_zh_TW.ts
    17 # Manifest embedding was suggested by Qt docs somewhere...
    18 win32: CONFIG += embed_manifest_exe
    20 # Without this, M_PI, and M_PI_2 won`t be defined.
    23 ICON =icons/vym.icns
    25 QT += qt3support
    26 QT += network
    28 HEADERS	+= \
    29 	aboutdialog.h \
    30 	animpoint.h \
    31 	attribute.h \
    32 	attributedelegate.h\
    33 	attributedialog.h \
    34 	attributewidget.h \
    35 	branchitem.h \
    36 	branchobj.h \
    37 	branchpropwindow.h\
    38 	editxlinkdialog.h \
    39 	exportoofiledialog.h \
    40 	exportxhtmldialog.h\
    41 	exports.h \
    42 	extrainfodialog.h \
    43 	file.h \
    44 	findwindow.h \
    45 	flagobj.h \
    46 	flagrowobj.h \
    47 	floatimageobj.h \
    48 	floatobj.h \
    49 	frameobj.h \
    50 	geometry.h \
    51 	headingobj.h \
    52 	highlighter.h \
    53 	historywindow.h \
    54 	imageobj.h \
    55 	imports.h \
    56 	linkablemapobj.h \
    57 	mainwindow.h \
    58 	mapcenterobj.h \
    59 	mapcenteritem.h \
    60 	mapeditor.h \
    61 	mapobj.h \
    62 	misc.h \
    63 	noteobj.h \
    64 	options.h \
    65 	ornamentedobj.h \
    66 	parser.h \
    67 	process.h \
    68 	selection.h \
    69 	showtextdialog.h\
    70 	simplescripteditor.h\
    71 	texteditor.h \
    72 	version.h \
    73 	vymmodel.h \
    74 	xlinkobj.h \
    75 	xml-base.h \
    76 	xml-vym.h \
    77 	xml-freemind.h \
    78 	xmlobj.h\
    79 	xsltproc.h \
    80 	settings.h \
    81 	treeitem.h \
    82 	treemodel.h \
    83 	vymview.h \
    84 	warningdialog.h
    86 SOURCES	+= \
    87 	aboutdialog.cpp \
    88 	animpoint.cpp \
    89 	attribute.cpp \
    90 	attributedelegate.cpp \
    91 	attributedialog.cpp \
    92 	attributewidget.cpp \
    93 	branchitem.cpp \
    94 	branchobj.cpp \
    95 	branchpropwindow.cpp \
    96 	editxlinkdialog.cpp \
    97 	exportoofiledialog.cpp \
    98 	exports.cpp \
    99 	exportxhtmldialog.cpp \
   100 	extrainfodialog.cpp \
   101 	file.cpp \
   102 	findwindow.cpp \
   103 	flagobj.cpp \
   104 	flagrowobj.cpp \
   105 	floatimageobj.cpp \
   106 	floatobj.cpp \
   107 	frameobj.cpp \
   108 	geometry.cpp \
   109 	headingobj.cpp \
   110 	highlighter.cpp \
   111 	historywindow.cpp \
   112 	imageobj.cpp \
   113 	imports.cpp \
   114 	linkablemapobj.cpp \
   115 	main.cpp \
   116 	mainwindow.cpp \
   117 	mapcenteritem.cpp \
   118 	mapcenterobj.cpp \
   119 	mapeditor.cpp \
   120 	mapobj.cpp \
   121 	misc.cpp \
   122 	noteobj.cpp \
   123 	options.cpp \
   124 	ornamentedobj.cpp \
   125 	parser.cpp \
   126 	process.cpp \
   127 	selection.cpp \
   128 	showtextdialog.cpp \
   129 	simplescripteditor.cpp \
   130 	texteditor.cpp \
   131 	treeitem.cpp \
   132 	treemodel.cpp \
   133 	version.cpp \
   134 	vymmodel.cpp \
   135 	xlinkobj.cpp \
   136 	xml-base.cpp \
   137 	xml-vym.cpp \
   138 	xml-freemind.cpp \
   139 	xmlobj.cpp \
   140 	xsltproc.cpp \
   141 	settings.cpp \
   142 	vymview.cpp \
   143 	warningdialog.cpp
   145 FORMS = \
   146 	attributewidget.ui \
   147 	branchpropwindow.ui \
   148 	exportxhtmldialog.ui \
   149 	extrainfodialog.ui \
   150 	editxlinkdialog.ui \
   151 	historywindow.ui \
   152 	simplescripteditor.ui \
   153 	showtextdialog.ui \
   154 	warningdialog.ui
   156 win32 {
   157 	HEADERS += mkdtemp.h
   158 	SOURCES += mkdtemp.cpp
   159 	RC_FILE = vym.rc
   160 }
   162 #The following lines were inserted by qt3to4
   163 QT += xml
   165 TARGET  = vym
   168 isEmpty( PREFIX ) {
   169 	PREFIX = /usr/local
   170 	count( INSTALLDIR, 1 ) {
   171 		PREFIX = $${INSTALLDIR}
   172 		message( "Please use PREFIX instead of INSTALLDIR" )
   173 	}
   174 }
   175 isEmpty( BINDIR ) {
   176 	BINDIR = $${PREFIX}/bin
   177 }
   178 isEmpty( DATADIR ) {
   179 	DATADIR = $${PREFIX}/share
   180 }
   181 isEmpty( DOCDIR ) {
   182 	DOCDIR = $${DATADIR}/doc/packages/vym
   183 }
   185 message( "Installation directory" )
   186 message( $$PREFIX )
   189 target.path = $${BINDIR}
   190 INSTALLS += target
   192 support.files = styles/ scripts/ icons/ flags/ lang/ macros/ exports/ demos/
   193 support.path = $${DATADIR}/vym
   194 INSTALLS += support 
   196 doc.files = doc/vym.pdf
   197 doc.path = $${DOCDIR}
   198 INSTALLS += doc
   199 DEFINES += VYM_DOCDIR=\\\"$${DOCDIR}\\\"