changeset 478 f4aae4fdc1bc
parent 420 b7447adddc9a
child 479 7a651cb19690
     1.1 --- a/tex/vym.tex	Wed Jan 10 13:26:12 2007 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/tex/vym.tex	Wed Apr 25 16:02:54 2007 +0000
     1.3 @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
     1.5  \begin{document}
     1.6  \title{
     1.7 -	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{vym-logo-new.png}
     1.8 +	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/vym-logo-new.png}
     1.9  	\\
    1.10 -VYM \\ -- \\View Your Mind\\ {\small Version 1.8.0}}
    1.11 +VYM \\ -- \\View Your Mind\\ {\small Version 1.8.71}}
    1.12  \author{\textcopyright Uwe Drechsel  }
    1.15 @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
    1.16  \subsection{What is a \vym map?}
    1.17  A \vym map (in short words {\em map}) is a tree like structure:
    1.18  \begin{center}
    1.19 -	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{example1.png}
    1.20 +	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{images/example1.png}
    1.21  \end{center}
    1.22  Such maps can be drawn by hand on a paper or flip chart and help to
    1.23  structure your thoughts. While a tree like structure like above can be
    1.24 @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
    1.25  notes, which are part of the map. Let's call them {\em mapeditor} and
    1.26  {\em noteeditor}: 
    1.27  \begin{center}
    1.28 -	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{windows.png}
    1.29 +	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/windows.png}
    1.30  \end{center}
    1.31  Usually you will work in the {\em mapeditor} by just adding new
    1.32  branches, moving around and reordering them. The various ways to do this
    1.33 @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
    1.34  mapcenter has {\em branches} just like the trunk of a tree. Each branch
    1.35  in turn may have branches again.
    1.36  \begin{center}
    1.37 -	\includegraphics[width=10cm]{branches.png}
    1.38 +	\includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/branches.png}
    1.39  \end{center}
    1.40  We will call a branch directly connected to the mapcenter a {\em
    1.41  mainbranch}, because it determines the position of all its child
    1.42 @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
    1.44  In the toolbar above the mapeditor you see various symbols.
    1.45  \begin{center}
    1.46 -	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{default-flags.png}
    1.47 +	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/default-flags.png}
    1.48  \end{center}
    1.49  These are called {\em flags} and can be used to mark branches in the
    1.50  map, e.g. if something is important or questionable. 
    1.51 @@ -215,6 +215,7 @@
    1.52  versa. You can change this default behaviour in the settings menu.
    1.54  %TODO add info about toolbars e.g. undo/redo, ...
    1.55 +%TODO or reference to advanced editing undo/redo
    1.57  \section{Mapeditor} \label {mapeditor}
    1.58  \subsection{Start a new map}
    1.59 @@ -268,7 +269,7 @@
    1.60  	\item from the menu View \ra Zoom
    1.61  	\item the toolbar buttons 
    1.62  		\begin{center}
    1.63 -			\includegraphics[width=3cm]{zoom-buttons.png}
    1.64 +			\includegraphics[width=3cm]{images/zoom-buttons.png}
    1.65  		\end{center}	
    1.66  \end{itemize}	
    1.67  The crossed magnifying lens resets the zoomed view to its original size.
    1.68 @@ -278,7 +279,7 @@
    1.69  With huge maps there is the need to have a
    1.70  find function. Choose Edit \ra Find to open the Find Window:
    1.71  \begin{center}
    1.72 -	\includegraphics[width=6cm]{find-window.png}
    1.73 +	\includegraphics[width=6cm]{images/find-window.png}
    1.74  \end{center}	
    1.75  The text you enter here will be searched in all the headings and also in
    1.76  notes. Everytime you press the "Find"-button it will look for the next
    1.77 @@ -349,7 +350,7 @@
    1.78  	\item selecting Edit \ra Move branch
    1.79  	\item clicking on the toolbar buttons:
    1.80  		\begin{center}
    1.81 -			\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{move-buttons.png}
    1.82 +			\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{images/move-buttons.png}
    1.83  		\end{center}	
    1.84  \end{itemize}
    1.85  %tipp
    1.86 @@ -366,7 +367,7 @@
    1.87  	\item use the menu and choose e.g Format \rq Set Color
    1.88  	\item use the toolbar
    1.89  		\begin{center}
    1.90 -			\includegraphics[width=3cm]{color-buttons.png}
    1.91 +			\includegraphics[width=3cm]{images/color-buttons.png}
    1.92  		\end{center}	
    1.93  \end{itemize}
    1.94  The first button (black in the graphic above) shows the actual color.
    1.95 @@ -391,7 +392,7 @@
    1.96  left or the right side of the window or even detach them. Just grab the
    1.97  very left "dotted" part of the toolbar with your left-mouse button.) 
    1.98  \begin{center}
    1.99 -	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{default-flags.png}
   1.100 +	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/default-flags.png}
   1.101  \end{center}
   1.102  If you have a branch selected, you can set any number of flags by
   1.103  clicking them in the toolbar. The toolbar buttons change their state and
   1.104 @@ -510,7 +511,7 @@
   1.105  	The browser can be changed in the Settings Menu.}
   1.106  will be started.
   1.107  \begin{center}
   1.108 -	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{flag-url.png}
   1.109 +	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{images/flag-url.png}
   1.110  \end{center}
   1.111  For more information on working with bookmarks and webbrowsers see
   1.112  section \ref{bookmarks}.
   1.113 @@ -521,7 +522,7 @@
   1.114  Enter \vym link". A file dialog opens where you can choose the map. A
   1.115  branch with a link is marked with 
   1.116  \begin{center}
   1.117 -	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{flag-vymlink.png}
   1.118 +	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{images/flag-vymlink.png}
   1.119  \end{center}
   1.120  Clicking this flag in the toolbar or in the context menu of a branch
   1.121  will open the map in another tab (see \ref{tabs} for working with
   1.122 @@ -558,7 +559,7 @@
   1.123  cooking recipe, or the whole source code of a software project, you can
   1.124  use the noteeditor. 
   1.125  \begin{center}
   1.126 -	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{noteeditor.png}
   1.127 +	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/noteeditor.png}
   1.128  \end{center}
   1.129  This editor displays text associated to a branch selected in the
   1.130  mapeditor. To visualize that there maybe is no text yet, the noteeditor
   1.131 @@ -577,7 +578,7 @@
   1.132  information for a particular branch, a little note flag will appear next
   1.133  to the heading of the branch. See the lower branch on the right side:
   1.134  \begin{center}
   1.135 -	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{branches-flags.png}
   1.136 +	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/branches-flags.png}
   1.137  \end{center}
   1.139  \subsection{Import and export notes}
   1.140 @@ -616,7 +617,7 @@
   1.141  Both fonts can easily switched using the following symbol from the
   1.142  toolbar:
   1.143  \begin{center}
   1.144 -	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{formatfixedfont.png}
   1.145 +	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{images/formatfixedfont.png}
   1.146  \end{center}
   1.147  In the Settings menu both fonts can be set and also which font should be
   1.148  used for default. 
   1.149 @@ -682,7 +683,7 @@
   1.150  To achieve this you can "hide" parts of the map during exports by
   1.151  setting the "hide in export" flag.
   1.152  \begin{center}
   1.153 -	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{flag-hideexport.png}
   1.154 +	\includegraphics[width=0.5cm]{images/flag-hideexport.png}
   1.155  \end{center}
   1.156  You can toggle this flag in the toolbar or by pressing \key{H}.
   1.157  Note that there is a global option in the settings menu to toggle the
   1.158 @@ -699,7 +700,7 @@
   1.159  you get a file dialogue where you can choose the output file and the
   1.160  file type:
   1.161  \begin{center}
   1.162 -	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{export-oo.png}
   1.163 +	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{images/export-oo.png}
   1.164  \end{center}
   1.165  The file types represent various templates, which can be created with
   1.166  some manual work from an existing Open Office document. The structure of
   1.167 @@ -804,6 +805,19 @@
   1.168  \subsection{Changing the history: Undo and Redo}
   1.169  %FIXME
   1.171 +\subsection{Macros} \label{macros}
   1.172 +Macros have been added to \vym in version~1.9.0. Each function key
   1.173 +\key{F1} to \key{F12} holds a macro, which is executed on the current
   1.174 +selection if the key is pressed. The default macros change the color of
   1.175 +a subtree or set the frame of a branch:
   1.176 +\begin{center}
   1.177 +	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/macros.png}
   1.178 +\end{center}
   1.179 +Each macro is a \vym script, which is executed when the associated key
   1.180 +is pressed. The default location of the scripts can be changed in the
   1.181 +Settings menu. More information on using scripts in \vym is found in
   1.182 +appendix~\ref{scripts}.
   1.183 +
   1.184  \subsection{How to deal with Bookmarks} \label{bookmarks}
   1.185  \subsubsection*{Open new tabs instead of new windows}
   1.186  If you use konqueror as browser, \vym will remember the konqueror which
   1.187 @@ -848,7 +862,7 @@
   1.188  The image ist still positioned relatively to its parent branch, but the
   1.189  heading and border of the branch adapt to the floating image, see below: 
   1.190  \begin{center}
   1.191 -	\includegraphics[width=11cm]{includeImages.png}
   1.192 +	\includegraphics[width=11cm]{images/includeImages.png}
   1.193  \end{center}
   1.195  \subsection{Modifier Modes} 
   1.196 @@ -862,7 +876,7 @@
   1.197  it. For the behaviour of the \key{Ctrl} modifier there are several
   1.198  options, which can be set from the modifier toolbar:
   1.199  \begin{center}
   1.200 -	\includegraphics[width=3cm]{modmodes.png}
   1.201 +	\includegraphics[width=3cm]{images/modmodes.png}
   1.202  \end{center}
   1.203  The default  is to copy the color from the clicked branch to the already
   1.204  selected branch. In the toolbar shown above the default modifier is
   1.205 @@ -878,8 +892,10 @@
   1.206  mapcenter. This can be used e.g. for legends or a collection of vymLinks
   1.207  pointing to other maps:
   1.208  \begin{center}
   1.209 -	\includegraphics[width=9cm]{hiddenlink.png}
   1.210 +	\includegraphics[width=9cm]{images/hiddenlink.png}
   1.211  \end{center}
   1.212 +Change hiding of the links in the property window (opened in context
   1.213 +menu or with \key{CTRL-I} on the "links"-tab.
   1.216  \subsection{XLinks} \label{xlinks}
   1.217 @@ -892,7 +908,7 @@
   1.218  can be crosslinked. In the graphics there is a link from a task (prepare
   1.219  a presentation) to general information:
   1.220  \begin{center}
   1.221 -	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{xlink.png}
   1.222 +	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{images/xlink.png}
   1.223  \end{center}
   1.224  Note that a xLink which points to a branch that is not visible (because
   1.225  it is scrolled), is just show as a little horizontal arrow. In the
   1.226 @@ -1000,18 +1016,27 @@
   1.227  \subsection{Command line options} \label{options}
   1.228  \vym has the following options:
   1.229  \begin{center}
   1.230 -\begin{tabular}{ccp{8cm}}\\ 
   1.231 -\bf Option	& \bf Comment & \bf Description \\ \hline
   1.232 -v & version & Show version ov \vym\\
   1.233 -l & local	& Use local paths to stylesheets, translations, icons, 
   1.234 -              etc. instead of system paths. Useful for testing\\
   1.235 -h & help	& Show help\\
   1.236 -q & quit	& Quit immediatly after startup. Useful for benchmarks.\\
   1.237 +\begin{tabular}{cccp{8cm}}\\ 
   1.238 +\bf Option	& \bf Comment & \bf Argument & \bf Description \\ \hline
   1.239 +v & version &			& Show version ov \vym\\
   1.240 +l & local	&			& Use local paths to stylesheets, translations, icons, 
   1.241 +                          etc. instead of system paths. Useful for testing\\
   1.242 +h & help	&			& Show help\\
   1.243 +r & run 	& filename	& Run script\\
   1.244 +q & quit	&			& Quit immediatly after startup. Useful for benchmarks.\\
   1.245  \end{tabular}
   1.246  \end{center}
   1.247  You can also give several filenames at the commandline to let \vym open
   1.248  several maps at once.
   1.250 +
   1.251 + \section{Scripts} \label{scripts}
   1.252 + %FIXME
   1.253 +
   1.254 +
   1.255 +
   1.256 +
   1.257 +
   1.258  \section{Contributing to \vym}
   1.259  So far I'd say I have written 98\% of the code on my own. No surprise,
   1.260  that \vym exactly fits my own needs. Nevertheless I would like to
   1.261 @@ -1099,7 +1124,7 @@
   1.262  may be omitted, if you just want to test \vym.
   1.264  %\subsubsection*{Compiling \vym on Macs}
   1.265 -%TODO
   1.266 +%FIXME
   1.268  \subsection{\vym file format} \label{fileformat}
   1.269  \vym maps usually have the postfix "{\tt .vym}" and represent a