changeset 513 5f576e56ad99
parent 493 a3caa8bed260
child 514 497fab7d1404
     1.1 --- a/tex/vym.tex	Thu May 17 20:19:07 2007 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/tex/vym.tex	Tue Jun 19 14:20:29 2007 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,11 +1,44 @@
     1.4 -\documentclass{article}
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    1.29 +		\includegraphics[width=\maximgwidth]{#1} 
    1.30 +	\end{center}
    1.31 +}
    1.32 +\newcommand{\hint}[1]{
    1.33 +	\begin{center}
    1.34 +		\begin{tabular}{|rp{12cm}|} \hline
    1.35 +			
    1.36 +			{\bf Hint}:& #1\\	\hline
    1.37 +		\end{tabular}
    1.38 +	\end{center}
    1.39 +}
    1.40 +
    1.41 +\newcommand{\vym}{{\sc vym }}
    1.42 +\newcommand{\ra}{$\longrightarrow$}
    1.43 +\newcommand{\la}{$\longleftarrow$}
    1.44 +\newcommand{\ua}{$\uparrow$}
    1.45 +\newcommand{\da}{$\downarrow$}
    1.46 +\newcommand{\key}[1]{[#1]}
    1.47 +
    1.48  \hypersetup{bookmarks, bookmarksopen,
    1.49    pdftitle={VYM - a tool for visual thinking },
    1.50    pdfauthor={Uwe Drechsel},    
    1.51 @@ -19,13 +52,6 @@
    1.52    citecolor={red}} 
    1.55 -\newcommand{\vym}{{\sc vym }}
    1.56 -\newcommand{\ra}{$\longrightarrow$}
    1.57 -\newcommand{\la}{$\longleftarrow$}
    1.58 -\newcommand{\ua}{$\uparrow$}
    1.59 -\newcommand{\da}{$\downarrow$}
    1.60 -\newcommand{\key}[1]{[#1]}
    1.61 -
    1.62  \begin{document}
    1.63  \title{
    1.64  	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/vym-logo-new.png}
    1.65 @@ -45,9 +71,7 @@
    1.66  \section{Introduction}
    1.67  \subsection{What is a \vym map?}
    1.68  A \vym map (abbreviated below as {\em map}) is a tree like structure:
    1.69 -\begin{center}
    1.70 -	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{images/example1.png}
    1.71 -\end{center}
    1.72 +\maximage{images/example1.png}
    1.73  Such maps can be drawn by hand on a sheet of paper or flip chart and help to
    1.74  structure your thoughts. While a tree like structure like the illustration above can be
    1.75  drawn manually \vym offers much more features to work with such maps.
    1.76 @@ -57,7 +81,11 @@
    1.77  email by a simple mouse click.
    1.79  Once you have finished collecting and organising your ideas, you can
    1.80 -easily generate a variety of outputs including for example a presentation in Open~Office based on a {\em map}.
    1.81 +easily generate a variety of outputs including for example a
    1.82 +presentation in Open~Office based on a {\em map}.
    1.83 +
    1.84 +\hint{You find the map shown above and others by clicking \begin{center}Help \ra Open vym
    1.85 +examples\end{center} in the menu bar.}
    1.87  \subsection{Why should I use {\em maps}? Time, Space and your Brain.}
    1.88  \subsubsection*{Space}
    1.89 @@ -160,9 +188,7 @@
    1.90  }. 
    1.91  The image below shows the {\em mapeditor}
    1.92  together with the often used {\em noteeditor}: 
    1.93 -\begin{center}
    1.94 -	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/windows.png}
    1.95 -\end{center}
    1.96 +\maximage{images/windows.png}
    1.97  Most of the time you will work in the {\em mapeditor} by just adding new
    1.98  branches, moving around and reordering them. The various ways to do this
    1.99  will be explained in \ref{mapeditor}. You can store additional
   1.100 @@ -191,19 +217,18 @@
   1.101  branch may show certain {\em flags}, the corresponding flags are also
   1.102  set in the toolbar. 
   1.104 -Note that you can reposition all toolbars by simply grabbing and
   1.105 +\hint {You can reposition all toolbars by simply grabbing and
   1.106  dragging them with the toolbar handle to a new position. For example you
   1.107  can move the flags-toolbar from its original horizontal position on top
   1.108  of the mapeditor to a vertical position on the right side.  Or just
   1.109  insert it again at its original position. Also hiding some of the
   1.110 -toolbars is possible by right-clicking on the toolbar handle.
   1.111 +toolbars is possible by right-clicking on the toolbar handle.}
   1.113  \subsection{Maps}
   1.114  The  {\em map} itself has always a {\em mapcenter}.  The
   1.115 -mapcenter has {\em branches} radiating out from the centre just like the trunk of a tree. Each branch in turn may have branches again.
   1.116 -\begin{center}
   1.117 -	\includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/branches.png}
   1.118 -\end{center}
   1.119 +mapcenter has {\em branches} radiating out from the centre just like the trunk 
   1.120 +of a tree. Each branch in turn may have branches again.
   1.121 +	\maximage{images/branches.png}
   1.122  We will call a branch directly connected to the mapcenter a {\em
   1.123  mainbranch}, because it determines the position of all its child
   1.124  branches.
   1.125 @@ -214,9 +239,7 @@
   1.128  In the toolbar above the mapeditor you see various symbols.
   1.129 -\begin{center}
   1.130 -	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/default-flags.png}
   1.131 -\end{center}
   1.132 +	\maximage{images/default-flags.png}
   1.133  These are called {\em flags} and can be used to mark branches in the
   1.134  {\em map}, e.g. if something is important or questionable. 
   1.135  There are also more flags set by \vym automatically to show additional
   1.136 @@ -246,14 +269,17 @@
   1.137  Sometimes it comes in handy to be able to add a new branch above or below the current
   1.138  one. 
   1.139  \begin{itemize}
   1.140 -	\item Use \key{Shift-Ins} to add a branch above the selected one or... 
   1.141 -	\item \key{Ctrl-Ins} to add one below. 
   1.142 +	\item Use \key{Shift-A} to add a branch above the selected one or... 
   1.143 +	\item \key{Ctrl-A} to add one below. 
   1.144  \end{itemize}
   1.145  It is also
   1.146  possible to add a branch in such a way, that the current selection
   1.147  becomes the child of the new branch, which is like inserting it {\em
   1.148  before} the selection. This can be done using the context menu.
   1.150 +\hint{To delete a branch press \key{CTRL-X}. If enabled in the Settings
   1.151 +menu, you can also use the \key{Del} key.}
   1.152 +
   1.153  \subsection{Navigate through a map}
   1.154  \subsubsection*{Select branches}
   1.155  To select branches you can use the left button of your mouse or also the
   1.156 @@ -400,9 +426,7 @@
   1.157  mapeditor window. (Note: Like all toolbars you can also move them to the
   1.158  left or the right side of the window or even detach them. Just grab the
   1.159  very left "dotted" part of the toolbar with your left-mouse button.) 
   1.160 -\begin{center}
   1.161 -	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/default-flags.png}
   1.162 -\end{center}
   1.163 +	\maximage{images/default-flags.png}
   1.164  If you have a branch selected, you can set any number of flags by
   1.165  clicking them in the toolbar. The toolbar buttons change their state and
   1.166  always reflect the flags set in the selected branch. So, to remove a flag from a branch, select the branch and then click the highlighted flag on the toolbar.
   1.167 @@ -574,9 +598,7 @@
   1.168  If you want to attach more text to a branch e.g. a complete email, a
   1.169  cooking recipe, or the whole source code of a software project, you can
   1.170  use the noteeditor. 
   1.171 -\begin{center}
   1.172 -	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/noteeditor.png}
   1.173 -\end{center}
   1.174 +	\maximage{images/noteeditor.png}
   1.175  This editor displays text associated with a branch selected in the mapeditor. The noteeditor
   1.176  shows different background colours depending on whether text is associated with a selected branch.
   1.178 @@ -591,9 +613,7 @@
   1.179  In the mapeditor itself, to signal that there is a note with more
   1.180  information for a particular branch, a little "note" flag will appear next
   1.181  to the heading of the branch. This is illustrated in the lower branch on the right hand side:
   1.182 -\begin{center}
   1.183 -	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/branches-flags.png}
   1.184 -\end{center}
   1.185 +	\maximage{images/branches-flags.png}
   1.187  \subsection{Import and export notes}
   1.188  The note is always saved automatically within the \vym map itself.
   1.189 @@ -705,9 +725,7 @@
   1.190  \end{itemize}
   1.191  you get a file dialogue where you can choose the output file and the
   1.192  file type:
   1.193 -\begin{center}
   1.194 -	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{images/export-oo.png}
   1.195 -\end{center}
   1.196 +	\maximage{images/export-oo.png}
   1.197  The file types represent various templates, which can be created with
   1.198  some manual work from an existing Open Office document. The structure of
   1.199  \vym map is then inserted into a template. 
   1.200 @@ -828,16 +846,23 @@
   1.201  \vym keeps track of all changes done in a map. The default number of
   1.202  changes which can be undone is~75. The complete history can be seen in
   1.203  the {\em historywindow}:
   1.204 -\begin{center}
   1.205 -	\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/historywindow.png}
   1.206 +	\maximage{images/historywindow.png}
   1.207  	\label{historywindow}
   1.208 -\end{center}
   1.209  A single step back be undone or redone with \key{CTRL-Z} or \key{CTRL-Y},
   1.210  or by using the buttons in the toolbar or the {\em historywindow}.
   1.211  Inside the {\em historywindow}, you can click on a line to unwind all
   1.212  actions done until that point in time -- or redo all changes by clicking
   1.213  on the last line.
   1.215 +\hint{
   1.216 +	You can "paste from the past": Go back in time by e.g. with
   1.217 +	\key{CTRL-Z}, then copy to clipboard by pressing \key{CTRL-C}.
   1.218 +
   1.219 +	Now do all actions again, e.g. by \key{CTRL-Y} or clicking on the
   1.220 +	last action in {\em historywindow}. Now paste from the past with
   1.221 +	\key{CTRL-V}.
   1.222 +}
   1.223 +
   1.224  \subsection{Macros} \label{macros}
   1.225  Macros have been added to \vym in version~1.9.0. Each function key
   1.226  \key{F1} to \key{F12} holds a macro, which is executed on the current
   1.227 @@ -894,9 +919,7 @@
   1.228  \end{itemize}
   1.229  The image is still positioned relative to its parent branch, but the
   1.230  heading and border of the branch frame adapt to the floating image, see below: 
   1.231 -\begin{center}
   1.232 -	\includegraphics[width=11cm]{images/includeImages.png}
   1.233 -\end{center}
   1.234 +	\maximage{images/includeImages.png}
   1.236  \subsection{Modifier Modes} 
   1.237  Modifiers are for example the \key{Shift}- the \key{Ctrl}- ot the \key{Alt}-keys. When
   1.238 @@ -939,9 +962,7 @@
   1.239  branches in a real tree. This is especially useful in complex maps,
   1.240  where you want to have crossreferences which can not be displayed on the same
   1.241  visible area of the {\em mapeditor} window. The following example map still fits on one screen, but shows how data can be crosslinked. In the graphics there is a link from a task (prepare a presentation) to general information:
   1.242 -\begin{center}
   1.243 -	\includegraphics[width=12cm]{images/xlink.png}
   1.244 -\end{center}
   1.245 +	\maximage{images/xlink.png}
   1.246  Note that a xLink which points to a branch that is not visible (because
   1.247  it is scrolled), is just shown as a little horizontal arrow. In the
   1.248  screenshot above have a look at the \lq Tuesday\rq\ branch.
   1.249 @@ -987,8 +1008,7 @@
   1.250  \subsubsection*{QT Mac Edition:}
   1.251  	\vym here provides the well known Mac look and feel.  \vym is
   1.252  	available as zipped Mac OS X application. It has been compiled and
   1.253 -	tested in Mac~OS~10.3, but should also work on Tiger. It is using
   1.254 -	the Mac version of Trolltechs QT library.  
   1.255 +	tested in Mac~OS~10.4. It is using the Mac version of Trolltechs QT library.  
   1.256  \subsubsection*{X11}
   1.257  	\vym can also be run using the Linux version, but then menus and
   1.258  	handling will also be those of the Linux version e.g. The menu bar