changeset 93 31c6ce8efbc7
parent 91 855c486b9360
child 94 6783e13bb05d
     1.1 --- a/mapeditor.cpp	Mon Feb 28 16:22:29 2005 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/mapeditor.cpp	Thu Mar 24 21:10:38 2005 +0000
     1.3 @@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
     1.4  extern QActionGroup* actionGroupModModes;
     1.5  extern QAction* actionModModeColor;
     1.6  extern QAction* actionModModeLink;
     1.7 +extern QAction* actionModModeCopy;
     1.9  extern QActionGroup *actionGroupFormatFrameTypes;
    1.10  extern QAction *actionFormatFrameNone;
    1.11 @@ -155,27 +156,27 @@
    1.12  		FlagObj *fo = new FlagObj (mapCanvas);
    1.13  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_note_xpm));
    1.14  		fo->setName("note");
    1.15 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("Note"));
    1.16 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("Note","Systemflag"));
    1.17  		systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	// makes deep copy
    1.19  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_url_xpm));
    1.20  		fo->setName("url");
    1.21 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("WWW Document (external)"));
    1.22 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("WWW Document (external)","Systemflag"));
    1.23  		systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
    1.25  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_vymlink_xpm));
    1.26  		fo->setName("vymLink");
    1.27 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("Link to another vym map"));
    1.28 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("Link to another vym map","Systemflag"));
    1.29  		systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
    1.31  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_scrolled_right_xpm));
    1.32  		fo->setName("scrolledright");
    1.33 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("subtree is scrolled"));
    1.34 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("subtree is scrolled","Systemflag"));
    1.35  		systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
    1.37  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_tmpUnscrolled_right_xpm));
    1.38  		fo->setName("tmpUnscrolledright");
    1.39 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("subtree is temporary scrolled"));
    1.40 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("subtree is temporary scrolled","Systemflag"));
    1.41  		systemFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);
    1.42  		delete (fo);
    1.43  	}
    1.44 @@ -188,82 +189,82 @@
    1.45  		FlagObj *fo = new FlagObj (mapCanvas);
    1.46  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_exclamationmark_xpm));
    1.47  		fo->setName("exclamationmark");
    1.48 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("Take care!"));
    1.49 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("Take care!","Standardflag"));
    1.50  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	// makes deep copy
    1.52  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_questionmark_xpm));
    1.53  		fo->setName("questionmark");
    1.54 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("Really?"));
    1.55 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("Really?","Standardflag"));
    1.56  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
    1.58  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_hook_green_xpm));
    1.59  		fo->setName("hook-green");
    1.60 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("ok!"));
    1.61 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("ok!","Standardflag"));
    1.62  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
    1.64  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_cross_red_xpm));
    1.65  		fo->setName("cross-red");
    1.66 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("Not ok!"));
    1.67 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("Not ok!","Standardflag"));
    1.68  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
    1.70  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_stopsign_xpm));
    1.71  		fo->setName("stopsign");
    1.72 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("This won't work!"));
    1.73 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("This won't work!","Standardflag"));
    1.74  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
    1.76  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_smiley_good_xpm));
    1.77  		fo->setName("smiley-good");
    1.78 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("Good"));
    1.79 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("Good","Standardflag"));
    1.80  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
    1.82  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_smiley_sad_xpm));
    1.83  		fo->setName("smiley-sad");
    1.84 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("Bad"));
    1.85 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("Bad","Standardflag"));
    1.86  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
    1.88  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_clock_xpm));
    1.89  		fo->setName("clock");
    1.90 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("Time critical"));
    1.91 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("Time critical","Standardflag"));
    1.92  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
    1.94  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_lamp_xpm));
    1.95  		fo->setName("lamp");
    1.96 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("Idea!"));
    1.97 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("Idea!","Standardflag"));
    1.98  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   1.100  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_arrow_up_xpm));
   1.101  		fo->setName("arrow-up");
   1.102 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("Important"));
   1.103 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("Important","Standardflag"));
   1.104  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   1.106  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_arrow_down_xpm));
   1.107  		fo->setName("arrow-down");
   1.108 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("Unimportant"));
   1.109 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("Unimportant","Standardflag"));
   1.110  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   1.112  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_thumb_up_xpm));
   1.113  		fo->setName("thumb-up");
   1.114 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("I like this"));
   1.115 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("I like this","Standardflag"));
   1.116  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   1.118  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_thumb_down_xpm));
   1.119  		fo->setName("thumb-down");
   1.120 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("I do not like this"));
   1.121 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("I do not like this","Standardflag"));
   1.122  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   1.124  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_heart_xpm));
   1.125  		fo->setName("heart");
   1.126 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("I just love... "));
   1.127 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("I just love... ","Standardflag"));
   1.128  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   1.130  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_flash_xpm));
   1.131  		fo->setName("flash");
   1.132 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("Dangerous"));
   1.133 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("Dangerous","Standardflag"));
   1.134  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   1.136  		fo->load(QPixmap(flag_lifebelt_xpm));
   1.137  		fo->setName("lifebelt");
   1.138 -		fo->setToolTip(tr("This will help"));
   1.139 +		fo->setToolTip(tr("This will help","Standardflag"));
   1.140  		standardFlagsDefault->addFlag (fo);	
   1.141  		delete (fo);
   1.143 @@ -272,7 +273,7 @@
   1.144      mapCenter = new MapCenterObj(mapCanvas);
   1.145      mapCenter->setVisibility (true);
   1.146  	mapCenter->setMapEditor (this);
   1.147 -	mapCenter->setHeading (tr("New Map"));
   1.148 +	mapCenter->setHeading (tr("New Map","Heading of mapcenter in new map"));
   1.150      printer=NULL;
   1.152 @@ -308,6 +309,7 @@
   1.154  	pickingColor=false;
   1.155  	drawingLink=false;
   1.156 +	copyingObj=false;
   1.158      editingBO=NULL;
   1.159      selection=NULL;
   1.160 @@ -1319,11 +1321,10 @@
   1.161  		saveState(PartOfMap,selection);
   1.163  		ensureSelectionVisible();
   1.164 -		BranchObj *bo=(BranchObj*)(selection);
   1.165  		editingBO=(BranchObj*)(selection);
   1.166 -		QPoint p = worldMatrix().map(QPoint (bo->x(),bo->y()));
   1.167 +		QPoint p = worldMatrix().map(QPoint (editingBO->x(),editingBO->y()));
   1.168  		lineedit->setGeometry(p.x()-contentsX(),p.y()-contentsY(),200,25);
   1.169 -		QString s=bo->getHeading();
   1.170 +		QString s=editingBO->getHeading();
   1.171  		lineedit->setText(s);
   1.172  		lineedit->setCursorPosition(1);
   1.173  		if (actionSettingsAutoselectText->isOn() && !s.isEmpty() && actionSettingsPasteNewHeading->isOn() )
   1.174 @@ -2688,6 +2689,39 @@
   1.175  void MapEditor::testFunction()
   1.176  {
   1.177  	cout << "MapEditor::testFunction() called\n";
   1.178 +	if (selection  &&  
   1.179 +		 (typeid(*selection) == typeid(BranchObj) || 
   1.180 +		  typeid(*selection) == typeid(MapCenterObj) ) ) 
   1.181 +	{
   1.182 +		BranchObj *bo=(BranchObj*)(selection);
   1.183 +		QPoint p = worldMatrix().map(QPoint (bo->x(),bo->y()));
   1.184 +		//	lineedit->setGeometry(p.x()-contentsX(),p.y()-contentsY(),200,25);
   1.185 +		QPopupMenu *popupLinks=new QPopupMenu (this);
   1.186 +		if (bo->countLinks()==0)
   1.187 +		{
   1.188 +			popupLinks->clear();
   1.189 +			popupLinks->insertItem ("No link available");
   1.190 +			
   1.191 +		} else
   1.192 +		{
   1.193 +			BranchObj *bot;
   1.194 +			QString s;
   1.195 +			popupLinks->clear();
   1.196 +			for (int i=0; i<=bo->countLinks();i++)
   1.197 +			{
   1.198 +				bot=bo->linkTargetAt(i);
   1.199 +				if (bot)
   1.200 +				{
   1.201 +					s=bot->getHeading();
   1.202 +					if (s.length()>25)
   1.203 +						s=s.left(25)+"...";
   1.204 +					popupLinks->insertItem (s);
   1.205 +				}	
   1.206 +			}
   1.207 +		}
   1.208 +		popupLinks->exec();
   1.209 +		
   1.210 +	}
   1.211  }
   1.213  void MapEditor::ensureSelectionVisible()
   1.214 @@ -2809,6 +2843,7 @@
   1.215  			selection->select();
   1.217  			adjustCanvasSize();
   1.218 +			
   1.219  		}
   1.221  		// Check, if systemFlag clicked
   1.222 @@ -2837,17 +2872,36 @@
   1.223  		// Left Button	    Move Branches
   1.224  		if (e->button() == QMouseEvent::LeftButton )
   1.225  		{
   1.226 +			// If modMode==copy, then we want to "move" the _new_ object around
   1.227 +			// then we need the offset from p to the _old_ selection, because of tmp
   1.228 +			if (actionModModeCopy->isOn() &&
   1.229 +				e->state() & QMouseEvent::ControlButton)
   1.230 +			{
   1.231 +				if (typeid(*selection)==typeid(BranchObj) )
   1.232 +				{
   1.233 +					copyingObj=true;
   1.234 +					movingObj_start.setX( p.x() - selection->x() );	
   1.235 +					movingObj_start.setY( p.y() - selection->y() );	
   1.236 +					mapCenter->addBranch ((BranchObj*)(selection));
   1.237 +					unselect();
   1.238 +					selection=mapCenter->getLastBranch();
   1.239 +					selection->select();
   1.240 +					selection->setParObjTmp ((BranchObj*)(selection),p,1); 
   1.241 +					selection->updateLink();
   1.242 +				}
   1.243 +			}	else
   1.244 +			{
   1.245 +				movingObj_start.setX( p.x() - selection->x() );	
   1.246 +				movingObj_start.setY( p.y() - selection->y() );	
   1.247 +			}
   1.248 +			
   1.249  			movingObj=selection;	
   1.250 -			movingObj_start.setX( p.x() - selection->x() );	
   1.251 -			movingObj_start.setY( p.y() - selection->y() );	
   1.252  		} else
   1.253  			// Middle Button    Toggle Scroll
   1.254  			// (On Mac OS X this won't work, but we still have 
   1.255  			// a button in the toolbar)
   1.256  			if (e->button() == QMouseEvent::MidButton )
   1.257 -			{
   1.258  				toggleScroll();
   1.259 -			} 
   1.260  		updateActions();
   1.261  	} else 
   1.262  	{ // No MapObj found, we are on the Canvas itself
   1.263 @@ -2972,12 +3026,15 @@
   1.264  						lmosel->setParObjTmp (lmo,p,0);
   1.265  				} else	
   1.266  				{
   1.267 +					lmosel->unsetParObjTmp();
   1.268 +					/*
   1.269  					if (lmo &&(lmo==selection))   
   1.270  						// Could link to myself (happens sometimes...)
   1.271  						lmosel->unsetParObjTmp();
   1.272  					if (!lmo)  
   1.273  						// no Obj under selection, go back to original Parent
   1.274  						lmosel->unsetParObjTmp();
   1.275 +					*/	
   1.276  				}		
   1.277  			} // depth>0
   1.279 @@ -3078,8 +3135,24 @@
   1.280  			// Reset the temporary drawn link to the original one
   1.281  			((LinkableMapObj*)(selection))->unsetParObjTmp();
   1.283 -			if (dst ) 
   1.284 -			{   
   1.285 +
   1.286 +			if (!dst ) 
   1.287 +			{
   1.288 +				if (copyingObj)
   1.289 +				{
   1.290 +					// remove the current selection, if we have no destination
   1.291 +					selection->unselect();
   1.292 +					((BranchObj*)(selection->getParObj()))->removeBranch ((BranchObj*)(selection));
   1.293 +					if (selectionLast)
   1.294 +					{
   1.295 +						selection=selectionLast;
   1.296 +						selectionLast=NULL;
   1.297 +						selection->select();
   1.298 +					}
   1.299 +					copyingObj=false;	
   1.300 +				}
   1.301 +			} else
   1.302 +			{
   1.303  				setChanged();
   1.304  				saveState();
   1.305  				// TODO we also could check, if dest and src are on same branch,
   1.306 @@ -3095,21 +3168,21 @@
   1.307  						);
   1.308  					//if (selection) selection->select();
   1.309  				} else 
   1.310 -					if (e->state() & QMouseEvent::ControlButton)
   1.311 -					{
   1.312 -						((BranchObj*)(selection))->moveBranchTo 
   1.313 -						(
   1.314 -							(BranchObj*)(dst),
   1.315 -							((BranchObj*)(dst))->getNum()+1
   1.316 -						);
   1.317 -						//if (selection) selection->select();
   1.318 -					} else	
   1.319 -					{
   1.320 -						((BranchObj*)(selection))->moveBranchTo ((BranchObj*)(dst),-1);
   1.321 -						if (dst->getDepth()==0) 
   1.322 -							((BranchObj*)(selection))->move (savePos);
   1.323 -					}	
   1.324 -			} 
   1.325 +				if (e->state() & QMouseEvent::ControlButton)
   1.326 +				{
   1.327 +					((BranchObj*)(selection))->moveBranchTo 
   1.328 +					(
   1.329 +						(BranchObj*)(dst),
   1.330 +						((BranchObj*)(dst))->getNum()+1
   1.331 +					);
   1.332 +					//if (selection) selection->select();
   1.333 +				} else	
   1.334 +				{
   1.335 +					((BranchObj*)(selection))->moveBranchTo ((BranchObj*)(dst),-1);
   1.336 +					if (dst->getDepth()==0) 
   1.337 +						((BranchObj*)(selection))->move (savePos);
   1.338 +				} 
   1.339 +			}	
   1.340  			// Draw the original link, before selection was moved around
   1.341  			mapCenter->reposition();
   1.342  		}