changeset 834 0fad394bc330
parent 824 36eb4b8f409e
child 835 31841b366d5e
     1.1 --- a/mapeditor.cpp	Thu Feb 25 11:03:52 2010 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/mapeditor.cpp	Wed Mar 10 15:36:19 2010 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
     1.4  #include "mapeditor.h"
     1.6 -#include <iostream>	
     1.7 -
     1.8  #include <QObject>
    1.10  #include "branchitem.h"
    1.11 @@ -31,7 +29,7 @@
    1.12  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    1.13  MapEditor::MapEditor( VymModel *vm) 
    1.14  {
    1.15 -	//cout << "Constructor ME "<<this<<endl;
    1.16 +	//qDebug() << "Constructor ME "<<this;
    1.17  	mapScene= new QGraphicsScene(NULL);
    1.18  	mapScene->setBackgroundBrush (QBrush(Qt::white, Qt::SolidPattern));
    1.20 @@ -162,7 +160,7 @@
    1.22  MapEditor::~MapEditor()
    1.23  {
    1.24 -	//cout <<"Destructor MapEditor for "<<model->getMapName().toStdString()<<endl;
    1.25 +	//qDebug() <<"Destructor MapEditor for "<<model->getMapName();
    1.26  	model->unregisterEditor(this);
    1.27  }
    1.29 @@ -425,8 +423,8 @@
    1.31  				if (rt.isNull()) rt=r1;
    1.32  				rt=addBBox (r1, rt);
    1.33 -				//FIXME-2 cout <<"ME: r1="<<r1<<"  "<<cur->getHeadingStd()<<endl;
    1.34 -				//cout <<"    rt="<<rt<<endl;
    1.35 +				//qDebug() <<"ME: r1="<<r1<<"  "<<cur->getHeadingStd();
    1.36 +				//qDebug() <<"    rt="<<rt;
    1.37  			}
    1.38  		}
    1.39  		model->nextBranch(cur,prev);
    1.40 @@ -472,7 +470,7 @@
    1.41  		mapCenter->calcBBoxSizeWithChilds();
    1.42  		QRectF totalBBox=mapCenter->getTotalBBox();
    1.43  		//QRectF mapRect=totalBBox;
    1.44 -		cout << "  map has =("<<totalBBox.x()<<","<<totalBBox.y()<<","<<totalBBox.width()<<","<<totalBBox.height()<<")\n";
    1.45 +		qDebug() << "  map has =("<<totalBBox.x()<<","<<totalBBox.y()<<","<<totalBBox.width()<<","<<totalBBox.height()<<")\n";
    1.47  		mapRect.setRect (totalBBox.x(), totalBBox.y(), 
    1.48  			totalBBox.width(), totalBBox.height());
    1.49 @@ -488,7 +486,7 @@
    1.50  	{
    1.51  		setHideTmpMode (HideNone);
    1.52  	}	
    1.53 -	cout <<"  hidemode="<<hidemode<<endl;
    1.54 +	qDebug() <<"  hidemode="<<hidemode;
    1.55  */
    1.56  /*
    1.57  	// Toggle hidemode
    1.58 @@ -499,106 +497,8 @@
    1.59  */		
    1.60  }
    1.62 -TreeItem* MapEditor::findMapItem (QPointF p,TreeItem *exclude)
    1.63 +void MapEditor::autoLayout()
    1.64  {
    1.65 -	// Start with mapcenter, no images allowed at rootItem
    1.66 -	int i=0;
    1.67 -	BranchItem *bi=model->getRootItem()->getFirstBranch();
    1.68 -	TreeItem *found=NULL;
    1.69 -	while (bi)
    1.70 -	{
    1.71 -		found=bi->findMapItem (p, exclude);
    1.72 -		if (found) return found;
    1.73 -		i++;
    1.74 -		bi=model->getRootItem()->getBranchNum(i);
    1.75 -	}
    1.76 -	return NULL;
    1.77 -}
    1.78 -
    1.79 -AttributeTable* MapEditor::attributeTable()
    1.80 -{
    1.81 -	return attrTable;
    1.82 -}
    1.83 -
    1.84 -void MapEditor::testFunction1()
    1.85 -{
    1.86 -	cout << "ME::test1  selected TI="<<model->getSelectedItem()<<endl;
    1.87 -	model->setExportMode (true);
    1.88 -
    1.89 -	/*
    1.90 -	// Code copied from Qt sources
    1.91 -	QRectF rect=model->getSelectedBranchObj()->getBBox();
    1.92 -	int xmargin=50;
    1.93 -	int ymargin=50;
    1.94 -
    1.95 -    qreal width = viewport()->width();
    1.96 -    qreal height = viewport()->height();
    1.97 -    QRectF viewRect = matrix().mapRect(rect);
    1.98 -
    1.99 -    qreal left = horizontalScrollBar()->value();
   1.100 -    qreal right = left + width;
   1.101 -    qreal top = verticalScrollBar()->value();
   1.102 -    qreal bottom = top + height;
   1.103 -
   1.104 -    if (viewRect.left() <= left + xmargin) {
   1.105 -        // need to scroll from the left
   1.106 -  //      if (!d->leftIndent)
   1.107 -            horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(int(viewRect.left() - xmargin - 0.5));
   1.108 -    }
   1.109 -    if (viewRect.right() >= right - xmargin) {
   1.110 -        // need to scroll from the right
   1.111 -//        if (!d->leftIndent)
   1.112 -            horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(int(viewRect.right() - width + xmargin + 0.5));
   1.113 -    }
   1.114 -    if ( <= top + ymargin) {
   1.115 -        // need to scroll from the top
   1.116 -   //     if (!d->topIndent)
   1.117 -            verticalScrollBar()->setValue(int( - ymargin - 0.5));
   1.118 -    }
   1.119 -    if (viewRect.bottom() >= bottom - ymargin) {
   1.120 -        // need to scroll from the bottom
   1.121 -//        if (!d->topIndent)
   1.122 -            verticalScrollBar()->setValue(int(viewRect.bottom() - height + ymargin + 0.5));
   1.123 -    }
   1.124 -	cout << "test1:  hor="<<horizontalScrollBar()->value()<<endl;
   1.125 -	cout << "test1:  ver="<<verticalScrollBar()->value()<<endl;
   1.126 -}
   1.127 -
   1.128 -*/
   1.129 -/*
   1.130 -	 QtPropertyAnimation *animation=new QtPropertyAnimation(this, "sceneRect");
   1.131 -	 animation->setDuration(5000);
   1.132 -	 //animation->setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutElastic);
   1.133 -	 animation->setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutQuint);
   1.134 -	 animation->setStartValue(sceneRect() );
   1.135 -	 animation->setEndValue(QRectF(50, 50, 1000, 1000));
   1.136 -
   1.137 -	 animation->start();
   1.138 -*/	 
   1.139 -/*
   1.140 -	QDialog *dia= new QDialog (this);
   1.141 -	dia->setGeometry (50,50,10,10);
   1.142 -
   1.143 -     dia->show();
   1.144 -     dia ->raise();
   1.145 -
   1.146 -	 QtPropertyAnimation *animation=new QtPropertyAnimation(dia, "geometry");
   1.147 -	 animation->setDuration(1000);
   1.148 -	 //animation->setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutElastic);
   1.149 -	 animation->setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutQuint);
   1.150 -	 animation->setStartValue(QRect(50, 50, 10, 10));
   1.151 -	 animation->setEndValue(QRect(250, 250, 100, 100));
   1.152 -
   1.153 -	 animation->start();
   1.154 - */
   1.155 -
   1.156 -}
   1.157 -	
   1.158 -void MapEditor::testFunction2()
   1.159 -{
   1.160 -	model->setExportMode (false);
   1.161 -	return;
   1.162 -
   1.163  	// Create list with all bounding polygons
   1.164  	QList <LinkableMapObj*> mapobjects;
   1.165  	QList <ConvexPolygon> polys; 
   1.166 @@ -659,19 +559,19 @@
   1.167  					if (polygonCollision (,, QPointF(0,0)).intersect )
   1.168  					{
   1.169  						collisions++;
   1.170 -						//cout << "Collision: "<<headings[i].toStdString()<<" - "<<headings[j].toStdString()<<endl;
   1.171 +						//qDebug() << "Collision: "<<headings[i]<<" - "<<headings[j];
   1.173  						// Move also away if centroids are identical
   1.174  						if (v.isNull()) 
   1.175  						{
   1.176 -							//cout << "v==0="<<polys[i].centroid()<<polys[j].centroid()<<" "<<v<<endl;
   1.177 +							//qDebug() << "v==0="<<polys[i].centroid()<<polys[j].centroid()<<" "<<v;
   1.178  							v.setX (rand()%200 -100);
   1.179  							v.setY (rand()%200 -100);
   1.180 -							//cout << v;
   1.181 +							//qDebug() << v;
   1.182  						}
   1.183  						v.normalize();
   1.184  						v.scale (2);
   1.185 -						//cout <<  "  v="<<v<<endl;
   1.186 +						//qDebug() <<  "  v="<<v;
   1.187  						vectors[j]=v;
   1.188  						vectors[i]=v;
   1.189  						vectors[i].invert();
   1.190 @@ -680,10 +580,10 @@
   1.191  			}
   1.192  			for (int i=0;i<vectors.size();i++)
   1.193  			{
   1.194 -				//cout << " v="<<vectors[i]<<" "<<headings[i].toStdString()<<endl;
   1.195 +				//qDebug() << " v="<<vectors[i]<<" "<<headings[i];
   1.196  				polys[i].translate (vectors[i]);
   1.197  			}
   1.198 -			cout << "Collisions: "<<collisions<<endl;
   1.199 +			if (debug) qDebug()<< "Collisions: "<<collisions;
   1.200  			//collisions=0;
   1.201  		}	
   1.203 @@ -693,9 +593,11 @@
   1.204  		{
   1.205  			Vector v=polys[i].at(0)-orgpos[i];
   1.206  			orients.append (mapobjects[i]->getOrientation());
   1.207 -			mapobjects[i]->moveBy(v.x(),v.y() );
   1.208 -			mapobjects[i]->setRelPos();
   1.209 +		//	mapobjects[i]->moveBy(v.x(),v.y() );
   1.210 +		//	mapobjects[i]->setRelPos();
   1.211 +			model->startAnimation ((BranchObj*)mapobjects[i], mapobjects[i]->getAbsPos(), mapobjects[i]->getAbsPos() + v);
   1.212  		}	
   1.213 +		/*
   1.214  		model->reposition();	
   1.215  		orientationChanged=false;
   1.216  		for (int i=0;i<polys.size();i++)
   1.217 @@ -704,14 +606,116 @@
   1.218  				orientationChanged=true;
   1.219  				break;
   1.220  			}
   1.221 -		cout << "Final: orientChanged="<<orientationChanged<<endl;
   1.222 +		*/
   1.223  		break;
   1.224 +
   1.225 +
   1.226  		//orientationChanged=false;
   1.227  	} // loop if orientation has changed
   1.229  	model->emitSelectionChanged();
   1.230  }
   1.232 +TreeItem* MapEditor::findMapItem (QPointF p,TreeItem *exclude)
   1.233 +{
   1.234 +	// Start with mapcenter, no images allowed at rootItem
   1.235 +	int i=0;
   1.236 +	BranchItem *bi=model->getRootItem()->getFirstBranch();
   1.237 +	TreeItem *found=NULL;
   1.238 +	while (bi)
   1.239 +	{
   1.240 +		found=bi->findMapItem (p, exclude);
   1.241 +		if (found) return found;
   1.242 +		i++;
   1.243 +		bi=model->getRootItem()->getBranchNum(i);
   1.244 +	}
   1.245 +	return NULL;
   1.246 +}
   1.247 +
   1.248 +AttributeTable* MapEditor::attributeTable()
   1.249 +{
   1.250 +	return attrTable;
   1.251 +}
   1.252 +
   1.253 +void MapEditor::testFunction1()
   1.254 +{
   1.255 +	qDebug()<< "ME::test1  selected TI="<<model->getSelectedItem();
   1.256 +	model->setExportMode (true);
   1.257 +
   1.258 +	/*
   1.259 +	// Code copied from Qt sources
   1.260 +	QRectF rect=model->getSelectedBranchObj()->getBBox();
   1.261 +	int xmargin=50;
   1.262 +	int ymargin=50;
   1.263 +
   1.264 +    qreal width = viewport()->width();
   1.265 +    qreal height = viewport()->height();
   1.266 +    QRectF viewRect = matrix().mapRect(rect);
   1.267 +
   1.268 +    qreal left = horizontalScrollBar()->value();
   1.269 +    qreal right = left + width;
   1.270 +    qreal top = verticalScrollBar()->value();
   1.271 +    qreal bottom = top + height;
   1.272 +
   1.273 +    if (viewRect.left() <= left + xmargin) {
   1.274 +        // need to scroll from the left
   1.275 +  //      if (!d->leftIndent)
   1.276 +            horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(int(viewRect.left() - xmargin - 0.5));
   1.277 +    }
   1.278 +    if (viewRect.right() >= right - xmargin) {
   1.279 +        // need to scroll from the right
   1.280 +//        if (!d->leftIndent)
   1.281 +            horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(int(viewRect.right() - width + xmargin + 0.5));
   1.282 +    }
   1.283 +    if ( <= top + ymargin) {
   1.284 +        // need to scroll from the top
   1.285 +   //     if (!d->topIndent)
   1.286 +            verticalScrollBar()->setValue(int( - ymargin - 0.5));
   1.287 +    }
   1.288 +    if (viewRect.bottom() >= bottom - ymargin) {
   1.289 +        // need to scroll from the bottom
   1.290 +//        if (!d->topIndent)
   1.291 +            verticalScrollBar()->setValue(int(viewRect.bottom() - height + ymargin + 0.5));
   1.292 +    }
   1.293 +	qDebug() << "test1:  hor="<<horizontalScrollBar()->value();
   1.294 +	qDebug() << "test1:  ver="<<verticalScrollBar()->value();
   1.295 +}
   1.296 +
   1.297 +*/
   1.298 +/*
   1.299 +	 QtPropertyAnimation *animation=new QtPropertyAnimation(this, "sceneRect");
   1.300 +	 animation->setDuration(5000);
   1.301 +	 //animation->setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutElastic);
   1.302 +	 animation->setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutQuint);
   1.303 +	 animation->setStartValue(sceneRect() );
   1.304 +	 animation->setEndValue(QRectF(50, 50, 1000, 1000));
   1.305 +
   1.306 +	 animation->start();
   1.307 +*/	 
   1.308 +/*
   1.309 +	QDialog *dia= new QDialog (this);
   1.310 +	dia->setGeometry (50,50,10,10);
   1.311 +
   1.312 +     dia->show();
   1.313 +     dia ->raise();
   1.314 +
   1.315 +	 QtPropertyAnimation *animation=new QtPropertyAnimation(dia, "geometry");
   1.316 +	 animation->setDuration(1000);
   1.317 +	 //animation->setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutElastic);
   1.318 +	 animation->setEasingCurve ( QtEasingCurve::OutQuint);
   1.319 +	 animation->setStartValue(QRect(50, 50, 10, 10));
   1.320 +	 animation->setEndValue(QRect(250, 250, 100, 100));
   1.321 +
   1.322 +	 animation->start();
   1.323 + */
   1.324 +
   1.325 +}
   1.326 +	
   1.327 +void MapEditor::testFunction2()
   1.328 +{
   1.329 +	autoLayout();
   1.330 +}
   1.331 +
   1.332  BranchItem* MapEditor::getBranchDirectAbove (BranchItem *bi)
   1.333  {
   1.334  	if (bi)
   1.335 @@ -1021,11 +1025,11 @@
   1.337  void MapEditor::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
   1.338  {
   1.339 -//cout << "ME::mousePressed\n"; //FIXME-3
   1.340 +//qDebug() << "ME::mousePressed\n"; //FIXME-3
   1.341  	// Ignore right clicks, these will go to context menus
   1.342  	if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton )
   1.343  	{
   1.344 -		//cout << "  ME::ignoring right mouse event...\n";
   1.345 +		//qDebug() << "  ME::ignoring right mouse event...\n";
   1.346  		e->ignore();
   1.347  		return;
   1.348  	}
   1.349 @@ -1033,7 +1037,7 @@
   1.350  	//Ignore clicks while editing heading
   1.351  	if (model->isSelectionBlocked() ) 
   1.352  	{
   1.353 -		//cout << "  ME::ignoring other mouse event...\n";
   1.354 +		//qDebug() << "  ME::ignoring other mouse event...\n";
   1.355  		e->ignore();
   1.356  		return;
   1.357  	}
   1.358 @@ -1136,9 +1140,9 @@
   1.359      if (lmo) 
   1.360  	{	
   1.361  	/*
   1.362 -		cout << "ME::mouse pressed\n";
   1.363 -		cout << "  lmo="<<lmo<<endl;
   1.364 -		cout << "   ti="<<ti->getHeadingStd()<<endl;
   1.365 +		qDebug() << "ME::mouse pressed\n";
   1.366 +		qDebug() << "  lmo="<<lmo;
   1.367 +		qDebug() << "   ti="<<ti->getHeadingStd();
   1.368  	*/
   1.369  		// Select the clicked object
   1.371 @@ -1559,9 +1563,8 @@
   1.372  {
   1.373  	if (debug) 
   1.374  	{
   1.375 -		cout << "ME p="<<mapToScene (e->pos())<<"  scrollBarPos="<<getScrollBarPos();
   1.376 -		cout << "  min="<<QPointF(horizontalScrollBar()->minimum(),verticalScrollBar()->minimum());
   1.377 -		cout << endl;
   1.378 +		qDebug()<< "ME p="<<mapToScene (e->pos())<<"  scrollBarPos="<<getScrollBarPos() <<
   1.379 +		           "  min="<<QPointF(horizontalScrollBar()->minimum(),verticalScrollBar()->minimum());
   1.380  	}
   1.383 @@ -1617,30 +1620,30 @@
   1.384  		if (debug)
   1.385  		{
   1.386  			foreach (QString format,event->mimeData()->formats()) 
   1.387 -				cout << "MapEditor: Dropped format: "<<qPrintable (format)<<endl;
   1.388 +				qDebug()<< "MapEditor: Dropped format: "<<qPrintable (format);
   1.389  			foreach (QString url,event->mimeData()->urls())
   1.390 -				cout << "  URL:"<<url.toStdString()<<endl;
   1.391 +				qDebug()<< "  URL:"<<url;
   1.392  			//foreach (QString plain,event->mimeData()->text())
   1.393 -			//	cout << "   PLAIN:"<<plain.toStdString()<<endl;
   1.394 +			//	qDebug()<< "   PLAIN:"<<plain;
   1.395  			QByteArray ba=event->mimeData()->data("STRING");
   1.397  			QString s;
   1.398  			s=ba;
   1.399 -			cout << "  STRING:" <<s.toStdString()<<endl;
   1.400 +			qDebug() << "  STRING:" <<s;
   1.402  			ba=event->mimeData()->data("TEXT");
   1.403  			s=ba;
   1.404 -			cout << "    TEXT:" <<s.toStdString()<<endl;
   1.405 +			qDebug() << "    TEXT:" <<s;
   1.407  			ba=event->mimeData()->data("COMPOUND_TEXT");
   1.408  			s=ba;
   1.409 -			cout << "   CTEXT:" <<s.toStdString()<<endl;
   1.410 +			qDebug() << "   CTEXT:" <<s;
   1.412  			ba=event->mimeData()->data("text/x-moz-url");
   1.413  			s=ba;
   1.414 -			cout << "   x-moz-url:" <<s.toStdString()<<endl;
   1.415 +			qDebug() << "   x-moz-url:" <<s;
   1.416  			foreach (char b,ba)
   1.417 -				if (b!=0) cout << "b="<<b<<endl;
   1.418 +				if (b!=0) qDebug() << "b="<<b;
   1.419  		}
   1.421  		if (event->mimeData()->hasImage()) 
   1.422 @@ -1825,15 +1828,15 @@
   1.423  	TreeItem *ti= static_cast<TreeItem*>(sel.internalPointer());
   1.425  /* testing
   1.426 -	cout << "ME::updateData\n";
   1.427 +	qDebug() << "ME::updateData\n";
   1.429 -	cout << "  ti="<<ti<<endl;
   1.430 -	cout << "  h="<<ti->getHeading().toStdString()<<endl;
   1.431 +	qDebug() << "  ti="<<ti;
   1.432 +	qDebug() << "  h="<<ti->getHeading();
   1.433  	*/
   1.435  	if (ti->isBranchLikeType())
   1.436  	{
   1.437 -	//	cout << "  ->updating...\n";
   1.438 +	//	qDebug() << "  ->updating...\n";
   1.439  		BranchObj *bo=(BranchObj*) ( ((MapItem*)ti)->getLMO());
   1.440  		bo->updateData();
   1.441  	}