franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: -- PostgreSQL database dump franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: franta-hg@19: -- Started on 2010-01-25 17:42:09 CET franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: SET statement_timeout = 0; franta-hg@18: SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; franta-hg@18: SET standard_conforming_strings = off; franta-hg@18: SET check_function_bodies = false; franta-hg@18: SET client_min_messages = warning; franta-hg@18: SET escape_string_warning = off; franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: -- TOC entry 10 (class 2615 OID 35015) franta-hg@18: -- Name: nekurak; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: nekurak franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: CREATE SCHEMA nekurak; franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: ALTER SCHEMA nekurak OWNER TO nekurak; franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: SET search_path = nekurak, pg_catalog; franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: -- TOC entry 1568 (class 1259 OID 35019) franta-hg@18: -- Dependencies: 10 franta-hg@18: -- Name: podnik_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: nekurak; Owner: nekurak franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: CREATE SEQUENCE podnik_seq franta-hg@18: INCREMENT BY 1 franta-hg@18: NO MAXVALUE franta-hg@18: NO MINVALUE franta-hg@18: CACHE 1; franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: ALTER TABLE nekurak.podnik_seq OWNER TO nekurak; franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@19: -- TOC entry 1848 (class 0 OID 0) franta-hg@18: -- Dependencies: 1568 franta-hg@18: -- Name: podnik_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: nekurak; Owner: nekurak franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: SELECT pg_catalog.setval('podnik_seq', 3, true); franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: SET default_tablespace = ''; franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: SET default_with_oids = false; franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: -- TOC entry 1569 (class 1259 OID 35021) franta-hg@18: -- Dependencies: 1840 1841 10 franta-hg@18: -- Name: podnik; Type: TABLE; Schema: nekurak; Owner: nekurak; Tablespace: franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: CREATE TABLE podnik ( franta-hg@18: id integer DEFAULT nextval('podnik_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL, franta-hg@18: nazev character varying(255) NOT NULL, franta-hg@18: datum timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now() franta-hg@18: ); franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: ALTER TABLE nekurak.podnik OWNER TO nekurak; franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: -- TOC entry 1844 (class 0 OID 35021) franta-hg@18: -- Dependencies: 1569 franta-hg@18: -- Data for Name: podnik; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: nekurak; Owner: nekurak franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: COPY podnik (id, nazev, datum) FROM stdin; franta-hg@18: 1 Na Kovárně 2010-01-16 02:40:12.271326+01 franta-hg@18: 2 U přátelského potkana 2010-01-16 02:40:43.326281+01 franta-hg@18: 3 Na Růžku 2010-01-16 02:40:48.104577+01 franta-hg@18: \. franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: -- TOC entry 1843 (class 2606 OID 35027) franta-hg@18: -- Dependencies: 1569 1569 franta-hg@18: -- Name: podnik_pk; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: nekurak; Owner: nekurak; Tablespace: franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: ALTER TABLE ONLY podnik franta-hg@18: ADD CONSTRAINT podnik_pk PRIMARY KEY (id); franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: franta-hg@19: -- franta-hg@19: -- TOC entry 1847 (class 0 OID 0) franta-hg@19: -- Dependencies: 10 franta-hg@19: -- Name: nekurak; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: nekurak franta-hg@19: -- franta-hg@19: franta-hg@19: REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA nekurak FROM PUBLIC; franta-hg@19: REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA nekurak FROM nekurak; franta-hg@19: GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA nekurak TO nekurak; franta-hg@19: GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA nekurak TO nekurak_web; franta-hg@19: franta-hg@19: franta-hg@19: -- franta-hg@19: -- TOC entry 1849 (class 0 OID 0) franta-hg@19: -- Dependencies: 1568 franta-hg@19: -- Name: podnik_seq; Type: ACL; Schema: nekurak; Owner: nekurak franta-hg@19: -- franta-hg@19: franta-hg@19: REVOKE ALL ON SEQUENCE podnik_seq FROM PUBLIC; franta-hg@19: REVOKE ALL ON SEQUENCE podnik_seq FROM nekurak; franta-hg@19: GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCE podnik_seq TO nekurak; franta-hg@19: GRANT USAGE ON SEQUENCE podnik_seq TO nekurak_web; franta-hg@19: franta-hg@19: franta-hg@19: -- franta-hg@19: -- TOC entry 1850 (class 0 OID 0) franta-hg@19: -- Dependencies: 1569 franta-hg@19: -- Name: podnik; Type: ACL; Schema: nekurak; Owner: nekurak franta-hg@19: -- franta-hg@19: franta-hg@19: REVOKE ALL ON TABLE podnik FROM PUBLIC; franta-hg@19: REVOKE ALL ON TABLE podnik FROM nekurak; franta-hg@19: GRANT ALL ON TABLE podnik TO nekurak; franta-hg@19: GRANT SELECT,INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE ON TABLE podnik TO nekurak_web; franta-hg@19: franta-hg@19: franta-hg@19: -- Completed on 2010-01-25 17:42:10 CET franta-hg@18: franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: -- PostgreSQL database dump complete franta-hg@18: -- franta-hg@18: