1.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
1.2 +++ b/java/nekurak.net-web/nbproject/rest-build.xml Tue Apr 06 00:32:12 2010 +0200
1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
1.4 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1.5 +<!--
1.6 + *** GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT ***
1.7 + -->
1.8 +<project name="nekurak.net-web-rest-build" basedir=".." xmlns:webproject3="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/web-project/3" xmlns:webproject2="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/web-project/2" xmlns:webproject1="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/web-project/1" xmlns:jaxrs="http://www.netbeans.org/ns/jax-rs/1">
1.9 + <target name="-check-trim">
1.10 + <condition property="do.trim">
1.11 + <and>
1.12 + <isset property="client.urlPart"/>
1.13 + <length string="${client.urlPart}" when="greater" length="0"/>
1.14 + </and>
1.15 + </condition>
1.16 + </target>
1.17 + <target name="-trim-url" if="do.trim">
1.18 + <pathconvert pathsep="/" property="rest.base.url">
1.19 + <propertyset>
1.20 + <propertyref name="client.url"/>
1.21 + </propertyset>
1.22 + <globmapper from="*${client.urlPart}" to="*/"/>
1.23 + </pathconvert>
1.24 + </target>
1.25 + <target name="-spare-url" unless="do.trim">
1.26 + <property name="rest.base.url" value="${client.url}"/>
1.27 + </target>
1.28 + <target name="test-restbeans" depends="run-deploy,-init-display-browser,-check-trim,-trim-url,-spare-url">
1.29 + <replace file="${restbeans.test.file}" token="${base.url.token}" value="${rest.base.url}||${rest.application.path}"/>
1.30 + <condition property="do.browse-url">
1.31 + <istrue value="${display.browser}"/>
1.32 + </condition>
1.33 + <antcall target="browse-url"/>
1.34 + </target>
1.35 + <target name="browse-url" if="do.browse-url">
1.36 + <nbbrowse url="${restbeans.test.url}"/>
1.37 + </target>
1.38 + <target name="check-rest-config-props" depends="-do-init">
1.39 + <condition property="do-generate-rest-config">
1.40 + <and>
1.41 + <equals arg1="${rest.config.type}" arg2="ide"/>
1.42 + <isset property="rest.resources.path"/>
1.43 + </and>
1.44 + </condition>
1.45 + </target>
1.46 + <target name="generate-rest-config" depends="check-rest-config-props" if="do-generate-rest-config">
1.47 + <mkdir dir="${build.generated.sources.dir}/rest/org/netbeans/rest/application/config/"/>
1.48 + <echo file="${build.generated.sources.dir}/rest/org/netbeans/rest/application/config/ApplicationConfig.java">/*
1.49 + * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
1.50 + * and open the template in the editor.
1.51 + */
1.52 +
1.53 +package org.netbeans.rest.application.config;
1.54 +/**
1.55 + * This class is generated by the Netbeans IDE,
1.56 + * and registers all REST root resources created in the project.
1.57 + * Please, DO NOT EDIT this class !
1.58 + */
1.59 +@javax.ws.rs.ApplicationPath("${rest.resources.path}")
1.60 +public class ApplicationConfig extends javax.ws.rs.core.Application {
1.61 +}</echo>
1.62 + </target>
1.63 +</project>