1.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
1.2 +++ b/java/nekurak.net-rest/build.xml Wed Jan 26 03:23:32 2011 +0100
1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
1.4 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
1.5 +<!-- You may freely edit this file. See commented blocks below for -->
1.6 +<!-- some examples of how to customize the build. -->
1.7 +<!-- (If you delete it and reopen the project it will be recreated.) -->
1.8 +<!-- By default, only the Clean and Build commands use this build script. -->
1.9 +<!-- Commands such as Run, Debug, and Test only use this build script if -->
1.10 +<!-- the Compile on Save feature is turned off for the project. -->
1.11 +<!-- You can turn off the Compile on Save (or Deploy on Save) setting -->
1.12 +<!-- in the project's Project Properties dialog box.-->
1.13 +<project name="nekurak.net-rest" default="default" basedir=".">
1.14 + <description>Builds, tests, and runs the project nekurak.net-rest.</description>
1.15 + <import file="nbproject/build-impl.xml"/>
1.16 + <!--
1.17 +
1.18 + There exist several targets which are by default empty and which can be
1.19 + used for execution of your tasks. These targets are usually executed
1.20 + before and after some main targets. They are:
1.21 +
1.22 + -pre-init: called before initialization of project properties
1.23 + -post-init: called after initialization of project properties
1.24 + -pre-compile: called before javac compilation
1.25 + -post-compile: called after javac compilation
1.26 + -pre-compile-single: called before javac compilation of single file
1.27 + -post-compile-single: called after javac compilation of single file
1.28 + -pre-compile-test: called before javac compilation of JUnit tests
1.29 + -post-compile-test: called after javac compilation of JUnit tests
1.30 + -pre-compile-test-single: called before javac compilation of single JUnit test
1.31 + -post-compile-test-single: called after javac compilation of single JUunit test
1.32 + -pre-dist: called before archive building
1.33 + -post-dist: called after archive building
1.34 + -post-clean: called after cleaning build products
1.35 + -pre-run-deploy: called before deploying
1.36 + -post-run-deploy: called after deploying
1.37 +
1.38 + Example of pluging an obfuscator after the compilation could look like
1.39 +
1.40 + <target name="-post-compile">
1.41 + <obfuscate>
1.42 + <fileset dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
1.43 + </obfuscate>
1.44 + </target>
1.45 +
1.46 + For list of available properties check the imported
1.47 + nbproject/build-impl.xml file.
1.48 +
1.49 +
1.50 + Other way how to customize the build is by overriding existing main targets.
1.51 + The target of interest are:
1.52 +
1.53 + init-macrodef-javac: defines macro for javac compilation
1.54 + init-macrodef-junit: defines macro for junit execution
1.55 + init-macrodef-debug: defines macro for class debugging
1.56 + do-dist: archive building
1.57 + run: execution of project
1.58 + javadoc-build: javadoc generation
1.59 +
1.60 + Example of overriding the target for project execution could look like
1.61 +
1.62 + <target name="run" depends="<PROJNAME>-impl.jar">
1.63 + <exec dir="bin" executable="launcher.exe">
1.64 + <arg file="${dist.jar}"/>
1.65 + </exec>
1.66 + </target>
1.67 +
1.68 + Notice that overridden target depends on jar target and not only on
1.69 + compile target as regular run target does. Again, for list of available
1.70 + properties which you can use check the target you are overriding in
1.71 + nbproject/build-impl.xml file.
1.72 +
1.73 + -->
1.74 +</project>