Tutorial: Step 1

Prepare Your Application

If you have not downloaded the Cewolf distribution yet, this is the point to do it (look at Download). Put the following JAR files of the /lib directory into your web application's /WEB-INF/lib directory:

Put the file overlib.js from the /example directory into your webapps root directory. This file is needed to provide tooltips for image maps for Mozilla based browsers.

That should be all you have to do to prepare your application for Cewolf usage. If you encounter any problems in using the Cewolf tags (e.g. "No Tags" is displayed in your containers console) you can additionally put the cewolf.tld (or cewolf-1.1.tld for JSP 1.1 containers) file from the distribution's etc directory into a directory of your choice under your web application's root and reference this file as the cewolf tag library from your JSPs.

Step 2: Provide a DatasetProducer>>

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