1.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
1.2 +++ b/java/cewolf-1.0/src/site/overlib.js Sun Mar 01 11:06:49 2009 +0100
1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,1222 @@
1.4 +//\//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.5 +//\ overLIB 3.50 -- This notice must remain untouched at all times.
1.6 +//\ Copyright Erik Bosrup 1998-2001. All rights reserved.
1.7 +//\
1.8 +//\ By Erik Bosrup (erik@bosrup.com). Last modified 2001-08-28.
1.9 +//\ Portions by Dan Steinman (dansteinman.com). Additions by other people are
1.10 +//\ listed on the overLIB homepage.
1.11 +//\
1.12 +//\ Get the latest version at http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/
1.13 +//\
1.14 +//\ This script is published under an open source license. Please read the license
1.15 +//\ agreement online at: http://www.bosrup.com/web/overlib/license.html
1.16 +//\ If you have questions regarding the license please contact erik@bosrup.com.
1.17 +//\
1.18 +//\ This script library was originally created for personal use. By request it has
1.19 +//\ later been made public. This is free software. Do not sell this as your own
1.20 +//\ work, or remove this copyright notice. For full details on copying or changing
1.21 +//\ this script please read the license agreement at the link above.
1.22 +//\
1.23 +//\ Please give credit on sites that use overLIB and submit changes of the script
1.24 +//\ so other people can use them as well. This script is free to use, don't abuse.
1.25 +//\//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.26 +//\mini
1.27 +
1.28 +
1.29 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.30 +// CONSTANTS
1.31 +// Don't touch these. :)
1.32 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.33 +var INARRAY = 1;
1.34 +var CAPARRAY = 2;
1.35 +var STICKY = 3;
1.36 +var BACKGROUND = 4;
1.37 +var NOCLOSE = 5;
1.38 +var CAPTION = 6;
1.39 +var LEFT = 7;
1.40 +var RIGHT = 8;
1.41 +var CENTER = 9;
1.42 +var OFFSETX = 10;
1.43 +var OFFSETY = 11;
1.44 +var FGCOLOR = 12;
1.45 +var BGCOLOR = 13;
1.46 +var TEXTCOLOR = 14;
1.47 +var CAPCOLOR = 15;
1.48 +var CLOSECOLOR = 16;
1.49 +var WIDTH = 17;
1.50 +var BORDER = 18;
1.51 +var STATUS = 19;
1.52 +var AUTOSTATUS = 20;
1.53 +var AUTOSTATUSCAP = 21;
1.54 +var HEIGHT = 22;
1.55 +var CLOSETEXT = 23;
1.56 +var SNAPX = 24;
1.57 +var SNAPY = 25;
1.58 +var FIXX = 26;
1.59 +var FIXY = 27;
1.60 +var FGBACKGROUND = 28;
1.61 +var BGBACKGROUND = 29;
1.62 +var PADX = 30; // PADX2 out
1.63 +var PADY = 31; // PADY2 out
1.64 +var FULLHTML = 34;
1.65 +var ABOVE = 35;
1.66 +var BELOW = 36;
1.67 +var CAPICON = 37;
1.68 +var TEXTFONT = 38;
1.69 +var CAPTIONFONT = 39;
1.70 +var CLOSEFONT = 40;
1.71 +var TEXTSIZE = 41;
1.72 +var CAPTIONSIZE = 42;
1.73 +var CLOSESIZE = 43;
1.74 +var FRAME = 44;
1.75 +var TIMEOUT = 45;
1.76 +var FUNCTION = 46;
1.77 +var DELAY = 47;
1.78 +var HAUTO = 48;
1.79 +var VAUTO = 49;
1.80 +var CLOSECLICK = 50;
1.81 +var CSSOFF = 51;
1.82 +var CSSSTYLE = 52;
1.83 +var CSSCLASS = 53;
1.84 +var FGCLASS = 54;
1.85 +var BGCLASS = 55;
1.86 +var TEXTFONTCLASS = 56;
1.87 +var CAPTIONFONTCLASS = 57;
1.88 +var CLOSEFONTCLASS = 58;
1.89 +var PADUNIT = 59;
1.90 +var HEIGHTUNIT = 60;
1.91 +var WIDTHUNIT = 61;
1.92 +var TEXTSIZEUNIT = 62;
1.93 +var TEXTDECORATION = 63;
1.94 +var TEXTSTYLE = 64;
1.95 +var TEXTWEIGHT = 65;
1.96 +var CAPTIONSIZEUNIT = 66;
1.98 +var CAPTIONSTYLE = 68;
1.99 +var CAPTIONWEIGHT = 69;
1.100 +var CLOSESIZEUNIT = 70;
1.101 +var CLOSEDECORATION = 71;
1.102 +var CLOSESTYLE = 72;
1.103 +var CLOSEWEIGHT = 73;
1.104 +
1.105 +
1.106 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.108 +// You don't have to change anything here if you don't want to. All of this can be
1.109 +// changed on your html page or through an overLIB call.
1.110 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.111 +
1.112 +// Main background color (the large area)
1.113 +// Usually a bright color (white, yellow etc)
1.114 +if (typeof ol_fgcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_fgcolor = "#CCCCFF";}
1.115 +
1.116 +// Border color and color of caption
1.117 +// Usually a dark color (black, brown etc)
1.118 +if (typeof ol_bgcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_bgcolor = "#333399";}
1.119 +
1.120 +// Text color
1.121 +// Usually a dark color
1.122 +if (typeof ol_textcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_textcolor = "#000000";}
1.123 +
1.124 +// Color of the caption text
1.125 +// Usually a bright color
1.126 +if (typeof ol_capcolor == 'undefined') { var ol_capcolor = "#FFFFFF";}
1.127 +
1.128 +// Color of "Close" when using Sticky
1.129 +// Usually a semi-bright color
1.130 +if (typeof ol_closecolor == 'undefined') { var ol_closecolor = "#9999FF";}
1.131 +
1.132 +// Font face for the main text
1.133 +if (typeof ol_textfont == 'undefined') { var ol_textfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";}
1.134 +
1.135 +// Font face for the caption
1.136 +if (typeof ol_captionfont == 'undefined') { var ol_captionfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";}
1.137 +
1.138 +// Font face for the close text
1.139 +if (typeof ol_closefont == 'undefined') { var ol_closefont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";}
1.140 +
1.141 +// Font size for the main text
1.142 +// When using CSS this will be very small.
1.143 +if (typeof ol_textsize == 'undefined') { var ol_textsize = "1";}
1.144 +
1.145 +// Font size for the caption
1.146 +// When using CSS this will be very small.
1.147 +if (typeof ol_captionsize == 'undefined') { var ol_captionsize = "1";}
1.148 +
1.149 +// Font size for the close text
1.150 +// When using CSS this will be very small.
1.151 +if (typeof ol_closesize == 'undefined') { var ol_closesize = "1";}
1.152 +
1.153 +// Width of the popups in pixels
1.154 +// 100-300 pixels is typical
1.155 +if (typeof ol_width == 'undefined') { var ol_width = "200";}
1.156 +
1.157 +// How thick the ol_border should be in pixels
1.158 +// 1-3 pixels is typical
1.159 +if (typeof ol_border == 'undefined') { var ol_border = "1";}
1.160 +
1.161 +// How many pixels to the right/left of the cursor to show the popup
1.162 +// Values between 3 and 12 are best
1.163 +if (typeof ol_offsetx == 'undefined') { var ol_offsetx = 10;}
1.164 +
1.165 +// How many pixels to the below the cursor to show the popup
1.166 +// Values between 3 and 12 are best
1.167 +if (typeof ol_offsety == 'undefined') { var ol_offsety = 10;}
1.168 +
1.169 +// Default text for popups
1.170 +// Should you forget to pass something to overLIB this will be displayed.
1.171 +if (typeof ol_text == 'undefined') { var ol_text = "Default Text"; }
1.172 +
1.173 +// Default caption
1.174 +// You should leave this blank or you will have problems making non caps popups.
1.175 +if (typeof ol_cap == 'undefined') { var ol_cap = ""; }
1.176 +
1.177 +// Decides if sticky popups are default.
1.178 +// 0 for non, 1 for stickies.
1.179 +if (typeof ol_sticky == 'undefined') { var ol_sticky = 0; }
1.180 +
1.181 +// Default background image. Better left empty unless you always want one.
1.182 +if (typeof ol_background == 'undefined') { var ol_background = ""; }
1.183 +
1.184 +// Text for the closing sticky popups.
1.185 +// Normal is "Close".
1.186 +if (typeof ol_close == 'undefined') { var ol_close = "Close"; }
1.187 +
1.188 +// Default vertical alignment for popups.
1.189 +// It's best to leave RIGHT here. Other options are LEFT and CENTER.
1.190 +if (typeof ol_hpos == 'undefined') { var ol_hpos = RIGHT; }
1.191 +
1.192 +// Default status bar text when a popup is invoked.
1.193 +if (typeof ol_status == 'undefined') { var ol_status = ""; }
1.194 +
1.195 +// If the status bar automatically should load either text or caption.
1.196 +// 0=nothing, 1=text, 2=caption
1.197 +if (typeof ol_autostatus == 'undefined') { var ol_autostatus = 0; }
1.198 +
1.199 +// Default height for popup. Often best left alone.
1.200 +if (typeof ol_height == 'undefined') { var ol_height = -1; }
1.201 +
1.202 +// Horizontal grid spacing that popups will snap to.
1.203 +// 0 makes no grid, anything else will cause a snap to that grid spacing.
1.204 +if (typeof ol_snapx == 'undefined') { var ol_snapx = 0; }
1.205 +
1.206 +// Vertical grid spacing that popups will snap to.
1.207 +// 0 makes no grid, andthing else will cause a snap to that grid spacing.
1.208 +if (typeof ol_snapy == 'undefined') { var ol_snapy = 0; }
1.209 +
1.210 +// Sets the popups horizontal position to a fixed column.
1.211 +// Anything above -1 will cause fixed position.
1.212 +if (typeof ol_fixx == 'undefined') { var ol_fixx = -1; }
1.213 +
1.214 +// Sets the popups vertical position to a fixed row.
1.215 +// Anything above -1 will cause fixed position.
1.216 +if (typeof ol_fixy == 'undefined') { var ol_fixy = -1; }
1.217 +
1.218 +// Background image for the popups inside.
1.219 +if (typeof ol_fgbackground == 'undefined') { var ol_fgbackground = ""; }
1.220 +
1.221 +// Background image for the popups frame.
1.222 +if (typeof ol_bgbackground == 'undefined') { var ol_bgbackground = ""; }
1.223 +
1.224 +// How much horizontal left padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used.
1.225 +if (typeof ol_padxl == 'undefined') { var ol_padxl = 1; }
1.226 +
1.227 +// How much horizontal right padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used.
1.228 +if (typeof ol_padxr == 'undefined') { var ol_padxr = 1; }
1.229 +
1.230 +// How much vertical top padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used.
1.231 +if (typeof ol_padyt == 'undefined') { var ol_padyt = 1; }
1.232 +
1.233 +// How much vertical bottom padding text should get by default when BACKGROUND is used.
1.234 +if (typeof ol_padyb == 'undefined') { var ol_padyb = 1; }
1.235 +
1.236 +// If the user by default must supply all html for complete popup control.
1.237 +// Set to 1 to activate, 0 otherwise.
1.238 +if (typeof ol_fullhtml == 'undefined') { var ol_fullhtml = 0; }
1.239 +
1.240 +// Default vertical position of the popup. Default should normally be BELOW.
1.241 +// ABOVE only works when HEIGHT is defined.
1.242 +if (typeof ol_vpos == 'undefined') { var ol_vpos = BELOW; }
1.243 +
1.244 +// Default height of popup to use when placing the popup above the cursor.
1.245 +if (typeof ol_aboveheight == 'undefined') { var ol_aboveheight = 0; }
1.246 +
1.247 +// Default icon to place next to the popups caption.
1.248 +if (typeof ol_caption == 'undefined') { var ol_capicon = ""; }
1.249 +
1.250 +// Default frame. We default to current frame if there is no frame defined.
1.251 +if (typeof ol_frame == 'undefined') { var ol_frame = self; }
1.252 +
1.253 +// Default timeout. By default there is no timeout.
1.254 +if (typeof ol_timeout == 'undefined') { var ol_timeout = 0; }
1.255 +
1.256 +// Default javascript funktion. By default there is none.
1.257 +if (typeof ol_function == 'undefined') { var ol_function = Function(); }
1.258 +
1.259 +// Default timeout. By default there is no timeout.
1.260 +if (typeof ol_delay == 'undefined') { var ol_delay = 0; }
1.261 +
1.262 +// If overLIB should decide the horizontal placement.
1.263 +if (typeof ol_hauto == 'undefined') { var ol_hauto = 0; }
1.264 +
1.265 +// If overLIB should decide the vertical placement.
1.266 +if (typeof ol_vauto == 'undefined') { var ol_vauto = 0; }
1.267 +
1.268 +
1.269 +
1.270 +// If the user has to click to close stickies.
1.271 +if (typeof ol_closeclick == 'undefined') { var ol_closeclick = 0; }
1.272 +
1.273 +// This variable determines if you want to use CSS or inline definitions.
1.274 +// CSSOFF=no CSS CSSSTYLE=use CSS inline styles CSSCLASS=use classes
1.275 +if (typeof ol_css == 'undefined') { var ol_css = CSSOFF; }
1.276 +
1.277 +// Main background class (eqv of fgcolor)
1.278 +// This is only used if CSS is set to use classes (ol_css = CSSCLASS)
1.279 +if (typeof ol_fgclass == 'undefined') { var ol_fgclass = ""; }
1.280 +
1.281 +// Frame background class (eqv of bgcolor)
1.282 +// This is only used if CSS is set to use classes (ol_css = CSSCLASS)
1.283 +if (typeof ol_bgclass == 'undefined') { var ol_bgclass = ""; }
1.284 +
1.285 +// Main font class
1.286 +// This is only used if CSS is set to use classes (ol_css = CSSCLASS)
1.287 +if (typeof ol_textfontclass == 'undefined') { var ol_textfontclass = ""; }
1.288 +
1.289 +// Caption font class
1.290 +// This is only used if CSS is set to use classes (ol_css = CSSCLASS)
1.291 +if (typeof ol_captionfontclass == 'undefined') { var ol_captionfontclass = ""; }
1.292 +
1.293 +// Close font class
1.294 +// This is only used if CSS is set to use classes (ol_css = CSSCLASS)
1.295 +if (typeof ol_closefontclass == 'undefined') { var ol_closefontclass = ""; }
1.296 +
1.297 +// Unit to be used for the text padding above
1.298 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.299 +// Options include "px", "%", "in", "cm" and more
1.300 +if (typeof ol_padunit == 'undefined') { var ol_padunit = "px";}
1.301 +
1.302 +// Unit to be used for height of popup
1.303 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.304 +// Options include "px", "%", "in", "cm" and more
1.305 +if (typeof ol_heightunit == 'undefined') { var ol_heightunit = "px";}
1.306 +
1.307 +// Unit to be used for width of popup
1.308 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.309 +// Options include "px", "%", "in", "cm" and more
1.310 +if (typeof ol_widthunit == 'undefined') { var ol_widthunit = "px";}
1.311 +
1.312 +// Font size unit for the main text
1.313 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.314 +if (typeof ol_textsizeunit == 'undefined') { var ol_textsizeunit = "px";}
1.315 +
1.316 +// Decoration of the main text ("none", "underline", "line-through" or "blink")
1.317 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.318 +if (typeof ol_textdecoration == 'undefined') { var ol_textdecoration = "none";}
1.319 +
1.320 +// Font style of the main text ("normal" or "italic")
1.321 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.322 +if (typeof ol_textstyle == 'undefined') { var ol_textstyle = "normal";}
1.323 +
1.324 +// Font weight of the main text ("normal", "bold", "bolder", "lighter", ect.)
1.325 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.326 +if (typeof ol_textweight == 'undefined') { var ol_textweight = "normal";}
1.327 +
1.328 +// Font size unit for the caption
1.329 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.330 +if (typeof ol_captionsizeunit == 'undefined') { var ol_captionsizeunit = "px";}
1.331 +
1.332 +// Decoration of the caption ("none", "underline", "line-through" or "blink")
1.333 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.334 +if (typeof ol_captiondecoration == 'undefined') { var ol_captiondecoration = "none";}
1.335 +
1.336 +// Font style of the caption ("normal" or "italic")
1.337 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.338 +if (typeof ol_captionstyle == 'undefined') { var ol_captionstyle = "normal";}
1.339 +
1.340 +// Font weight of the caption ("normal", "bold", "bolder", "lighter", ect.)
1.341 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.342 +if (typeof ol_captionweight == 'undefined') { var ol_captionweight = "bold";}
1.343 +
1.344 +// Font size unit for the close text
1.345 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.346 +if (typeof ol_closesizeunit == 'undefined') { var ol_closesizeunit = "px";}
1.347 +
1.348 +// Decoration of the close text ("none", "underline", "line-through" or "blink")
1.349 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.350 +if (typeof ol_closedecoration == 'undefined') { var ol_closedecoration = "none";}
1.351 +
1.352 +// Font style of the close text ("normal" or "italic")
1.353 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.354 +if (typeof ol_closestyle == 'undefined') { var ol_closestyle = "normal";}
1.355 +
1.356 +// Font weight of the close text ("normal", "bold", "bolder", "lighter", ect.)
1.357 +// Only used if CSS inline styles are being used (ol_css = CSSSTYLE)
1.358 +if (typeof ol_closeweight == 'undefined') { var ol_closeweight = "normal";}
1.359 +
1.360 +
1.361 +
1.362 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.364 +// You don't have to change anything here if you don't want to. The following
1.365 +// arrays can be filled with text and html if you don't wish to pass it from
1.366 +// your html page.
1.367 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.368 +
1.369 +// Array with texts.
1.370 +if (typeof ol_texts == 'undefined') { var ol_texts = new Array("Text 0", "Text 1"); }
1.371 +
1.372 +// Array with captions.
1.373 +if (typeof ol_caps == 'undefined') { var ol_caps = new Array("Caption 0", "Caption 1"); }
1.374 +
1.375 +
1.376 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.378 +// Don't change anything below this line, all configuration is above.
1.379 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.380 +
1.381 +
1.382 +
1.383 +
1.384 +
1.385 +
1.386 +
1.387 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.388 +// INIT
1.389 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.390 +
1.391 +// Runtime variables init. Used for runtime only, don't change, not for config!
1.392 +var o3_text = "";
1.393 +var o3_cap = "";
1.394 +var o3_sticky = 0;
1.395 +var o3_background = "";
1.396 +var o3_close = "Close";
1.397 +var o3_hpos = RIGHT;
1.398 +var o3_offsetx = 2;
1.399 +var o3_offsety = 2;
1.400 +var o3_fgcolor = "";
1.401 +var o3_bgcolor = "";
1.402 +var o3_textcolor = "";
1.403 +var o3_capcolor = "";
1.404 +var o3_closecolor = "";
1.405 +var o3_width = 100;
1.406 +var o3_border = 1;
1.407 +var o3_status = "";
1.408 +var o3_autostatus = 0;
1.409 +var o3_height = -1;
1.410 +var o3_snapx = 0;
1.411 +var o3_snapy = 0;
1.412 +var o3_fixx = -1;
1.413 +var o3_fixy = -1;
1.414 +var o3_fgbackground = "";
1.415 +var o3_bgbackground = "";
1.416 +var o3_padxl = 0;
1.417 +var o3_padxr = 0;
1.418 +var o3_padyt = 0;
1.419 +var o3_padyb = 0;
1.420 +var o3_fullhtml = 0;
1.421 +var o3_vpos = BELOW;
1.422 +var o3_aboveheight = 0;
1.423 +var o3_capicon = "";
1.424 +var o3_textfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";
1.425 +var o3_captionfont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";
1.426 +var o3_closefont = "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica";
1.427 +var o3_textsize = "1";
1.428 +var o3_captionsize = "1";
1.429 +var o3_closesize = "1";
1.430 +var o3_frame = self;
1.431 +var o3_timeout = 0;
1.432 +var o3_timerid = 0;
1.433 +var o3_allowmove = 0;
1.434 +var o3_function = Function();
1.435 +var o3_delay = 0;
1.436 +var o3_delayid = 0;
1.437 +var o3_hauto = 0;
1.438 +var o3_vauto = 0;
1.439 +var o3_closeclick = 0;
1.440 +
1.441 +var o3_css = CSSOFF;
1.442 +var o3_fgclass = "";
1.443 +var o3_bgclass = "";
1.444 +var o3_textfontclass = "";
1.445 +var o3_captionfontclass = "";
1.446 +var o3_closefontclass = "";
1.447 +var o3_padunit = "px";
1.448 +var o3_heightunit = "px";
1.449 +var o3_widthunit = "px";
1.450 +var o3_textsizeunit = "px";
1.451 +var o3_textdecoration = "";
1.452 +var o3_textstyle = "";
1.453 +var o3_textweight = "";
1.454 +var o3_captionsizeunit = "px";
1.455 +var o3_captiondecoration = "";
1.456 +var o3_captionstyle = "";
1.457 +var o3_captionweight = "";
1.458 +var o3_closesizeunit = "px";
1.459 +var o3_closedecoration = "";
1.460 +var o3_closestyle = "";
1.461 +var o3_closeweight = "";
1.462 +
1.463 +
1.464 +
1.465 +// Display state variables
1.466 +var o3_x = 0;
1.467 +var o3_y = 0;
1.468 +var o3_allow = 0;
1.469 +var o3_showingsticky = 0;
1.470 +var o3_removecounter = 0;
1.471 +
1.472 +// Our layer
1.473 +var over = null;
1.474 +
1.475 +
1.476 +// Decide browser version
1.477 +var ns4 = (document.layers)? true:false;
1.478 +var ns6 = (document.getElementById)? true:false;
1.479 +var ie4 = (document.all)? true:false;
1.480 +var ie5 = false;
1.481 +
1.482 +// Microsoft Stupidity Check(tm).
1.483 +if (ie4) {
1.484 + if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 5') > 0) || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 6') > 0)) {
1.485 + ie5 = true;
1.486 + }
1.487 + if (ns6) {
1.488 + ns6 = false;
1.489 + }
1.490 +}
1.491 +
1.492 +
1.493 +// Capture events, alt. diffuses the overlib function.
1.494 +if ( (ns4) || (ie4) || (ns6)) {
1.495 + document.onmousemove = mouseMove
1.496 + if (ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE)
1.497 +} else {
1.498 + overlib = no_overlib;
1.499 + nd = no_overlib;
1.500 + ver3fix = true;
1.501 +}
1.502 +
1.503 +
1.504 +// Fake function for 3.0 users.
1.505 +function no_overlib() {
1.506 + return ver3fix;
1.507 +}
1.508 +
1.509 +
1.510 +
1.511 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.513 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.514 +
1.515 +
1.516 +// overlib(arg0, ..., argN)
1.517 +// Loads parameters into global runtime variables.
1.518 +function overlib() {
1.519 +
1.520 + // Load defaults to runtime.
1.521 + o3_text = ol_text;
1.522 + o3_cap = ol_cap;
1.523 + o3_sticky = ol_sticky;
1.524 + o3_background = ol_background;
1.525 + o3_close = ol_close;
1.526 + o3_hpos = ol_hpos;
1.527 + o3_offsetx = ol_offsetx;
1.528 + o3_offsety = ol_offsety;
1.529 + o3_fgcolor = ol_fgcolor;
1.530 + o3_bgcolor = ol_bgcolor;
1.531 + o3_textcolor = ol_textcolor;
1.532 + o3_capcolor = ol_capcolor;
1.533 + o3_closecolor = ol_closecolor;
1.534 + o3_width = ol_width;
1.535 + o3_border = ol_border;
1.536 + o3_status = ol_status;
1.537 + o3_autostatus = ol_autostatus;
1.538 + o3_height = ol_height;
1.539 + o3_snapx = ol_snapx;
1.540 + o3_snapy = ol_snapy;
1.541 + o3_fixx = ol_fixx;
1.542 + o3_fixy = ol_fixy;
1.543 + o3_fgbackground = ol_fgbackground;
1.544 + o3_bgbackground = ol_bgbackground;
1.545 + o3_padxl = ol_padxl;
1.546 + o3_padxr = ol_padxr;
1.547 + o3_padyt = ol_padyt;
1.548 + o3_padyb = ol_padyb;
1.549 + o3_fullhtml = ol_fullhtml;
1.550 + o3_vpos = ol_vpos;
1.551 + o3_aboveheight = ol_aboveheight;
1.552 + o3_capicon = ol_capicon;
1.553 + o3_textfont = ol_textfont;
1.554 + o3_captionfont = ol_captionfont;
1.555 + o3_closefont = ol_closefont;
1.556 + o3_textsize = ol_textsize;
1.557 + o3_captionsize = ol_captionsize;
1.558 + o3_closesize = ol_closesize;
1.559 + o3_timeout = ol_timeout;
1.560 + o3_function = ol_function;
1.561 + o3_delay = ol_delay;
1.562 + o3_hauto = ol_hauto;
1.563 + o3_vauto = ol_vauto;
1.564 + o3_closeclick = ol_closeclick;
1.565 +
1.566 + o3_css = ol_css;
1.567 + o3_fgclass = ol_fgclass;
1.568 + o3_bgclass = ol_bgclass;
1.569 + o3_textfontclass = ol_textfontclass;
1.570 + o3_captionfontclass = ol_captionfontclass;
1.571 + o3_closefontclass = ol_closefontclass;
1.572 + o3_padunit = ol_padunit;
1.573 + o3_heightunit = ol_heightunit;
1.574 + o3_widthunit = ol_widthunit;
1.575 + o3_textsizeunit = ol_textsizeunit;
1.576 + o3_textdecoration = ol_textdecoration;
1.577 + o3_textstyle = ol_textstyle;
1.578 + o3_textweight = ol_textweight;
1.579 + o3_captionsizeunit = ol_captionsizeunit;
1.580 + o3_captiondecoration = ol_captiondecoration;
1.581 + o3_captionstyle = ol_captionstyle;
1.582 + o3_captionweight = ol_captionweight;
1.583 + o3_closesizeunit = ol_closesizeunit;
1.584 + o3_closedecoration = ol_closedecoration;
1.585 + o3_closestyle = ol_closestyle;
1.586 + o3_closeweight = ol_closeweight;
1.587 +
1.588 +
1.589 + // Special for frame support, over must be reset...
1.590 + if ( (ns4) || (ie4) || (ns6) ) {
1.591 + o3_frame = ol_frame;
1.592 + if (ns4) over = o3_frame.document.overDiv
1.593 + if (ie4) over = o3_frame.overDiv.style
1.594 + if (ns6) over = o3_frame.document.getElementById("overDiv");
1.595 + }
1.596 +
1.597 +
1.598 + // What the next argument is expected to be.
1.599 + var parsemode = -1;
1.600 +
1.601 + var ar = arguments;
1.602 +
1.603 + for (i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
1.604 +
1.605 + if (parsemode < 0) {
1.606 + // Arg is maintext, unless INARRAY
1.607 + if (ar[i] == INARRAY) {
1.608 + o3_text = ol_texts[ar[++i]];
1.609 + } else {
1.610 + o3_text = ar[i];
1.611 + }
1.612 +
1.613 + parsemode = 0;
1.614 + } else {
1.615 + // Note: NS4 doesn't like switch cases with vars.
1.616 + if (ar[i] == INARRAY) { o3_text = ol_texts[ar[++i]]; continue; }
1.617 + if (ar[i] == CAPARRAY) { o3_cap = ol_caps[ar[++i]]; continue; }
1.618 + if (ar[i] == STICKY) { o3_sticky = 1; continue; }
1.619 + if (ar[i] == BACKGROUND) { o3_background = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.620 + if (ar[i] == NOCLOSE) { o3_close = ""; continue; }
1.621 + if (ar[i] == CAPTION) { o3_cap = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.622 + if (ar[i] == CENTER || ar[i] == LEFT || ar[i] == RIGHT) { o3_hpos = ar[i]; continue; }
1.623 + if (ar[i] == OFFSETX) { o3_offsetx = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.624 + if (ar[i] == OFFSETY) { o3_offsety = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.625 + if (ar[i] == FGCOLOR) { o3_fgcolor = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.626 + if (ar[i] == BGCOLOR) { o3_bgcolor = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.627 + if (ar[i] == TEXTCOLOR) { o3_textcolor = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.628 + if (ar[i] == CAPCOLOR) { o3_capcolor = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.629 + if (ar[i] == CLOSECOLOR) { o3_closecolor = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.630 + if (ar[i] == WIDTH) { o3_width = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.631 + if (ar[i] == BORDER) { o3_border = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.632 + if (ar[i] == STATUS) { o3_status = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.633 + if (ar[i] == AUTOSTATUS) { o3_autostatus = 1; continue; }
1.634 + if (ar[i] == AUTOSTATUSCAP) { o3_autostatus = 2; continue; }
1.635 + if (ar[i] == HEIGHT) { o3_height = ar[++i]; o3_aboveheight = ar[i]; continue; } // Same param again.
1.636 + if (ar[i] == CLOSETEXT) { o3_close = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.637 + if (ar[i] == SNAPX) { o3_snapx = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.638 + if (ar[i] == SNAPY) { o3_snapy = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.639 + if (ar[i] == FIXX) { o3_fixx = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.640 + if (ar[i] == FIXY) { o3_fixy = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.641 + if (ar[i] == FGBACKGROUND) { o3_fgbackground = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.642 + if (ar[i] == BGBACKGROUND) { o3_bgbackground = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.643 + if (ar[i] == PADX) { o3_padxl = ar[++i]; o3_padxr = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.644 + if (ar[i] == PADY) { o3_padyt = ar[++i]; o3_padyb = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.645 + if (ar[i] == FULLHTML) { o3_fullhtml = 1; continue; }
1.646 + if (ar[i] == BELOW || ar[i] == ABOVE) { o3_vpos = ar[i]; continue; }
1.647 + if (ar[i] == CAPICON) { o3_capicon = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.648 + if (ar[i] == TEXTFONT) { o3_textfont = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.649 + if (ar[i] == CAPTIONFONT) { o3_captionfont = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.650 + if (ar[i] == CLOSEFONT) { o3_closefont = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.651 + if (ar[i] == TEXTSIZE) { o3_textsize = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.652 + if (ar[i] == CAPTIONSIZE) { o3_captionsize = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.653 + if (ar[i] == CLOSESIZE) { o3_closesize = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.654 + if (ar[i] == FRAME) { opt_FRAME(ar[++i]); continue; }
1.655 + if (ar[i] == TIMEOUT) { o3_timeout = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.656 + if (ar[i] == FUNCTION) { opt_FUNCTION(ar[++i]); continue; }
1.657 + if (ar[i] == DELAY) { o3_delay = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.658 + if (ar[i] == HAUTO) { o3_hauto = (o3_hauto == 0) ? 1 : 0; continue; }
1.659 + if (ar[i] == VAUTO) { o3_vauto = (o3_vauto == 0) ? 1 : 0; continue; }
1.660 + if (ar[i] == CLOSECLICK) { o3_closeclick = (o3_closeclick == 0) ? 1 : 0; continue; }
1.661 + if (ar[i] == CSSOFF) { o3_css = ar[i]; continue; }
1.662 + if (ar[i] == CSSSTYLE) { o3_css = ar[i]; continue; }
1.663 + if (ar[i] == CSSCLASS) { o3_css = ar[i]; continue; }
1.664 + if (ar[i] == FGCLASS) { o3_fgclass = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.665 + if (ar[i] == BGCLASS) { o3_bgclass = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.666 + if (ar[i] == TEXTFONTCLASS) { o3_textfontclass = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.667 + if (ar[i] == CAPTIONFONTCLASS) { o3_captionfontclass = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.668 + if (ar[i] == CLOSEFONTCLASS) { o3_closefontclass = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.669 + if (ar[i] == PADUNIT) { o3_padunit = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.670 + if (ar[i] == HEIGHTUNIT) { o3_heightunit = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.671 + if (ar[i] == WIDTHUNIT) { o3_widthunit = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.672 + if (ar[i] == TEXTSIZEUNIT) { o3_textsizeunit = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.673 + if (ar[i] == TEXTDECORATION) { o3_textdecoration = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.674 + if (ar[i] == TEXTSTYLE) { o3_textstyle = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.675 + if (ar[i] == TEXTWEIGHT) { o3_textweight = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.676 + if (ar[i] == CAPTIONSIZEUNIT) { o3_captionsizeunit = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.677 + if (ar[i] == CAPTIONDECORATION) { o3_captiondecoration = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.678 + if (ar[i] == CAPTIONSTYLE) { o3_captionstyle = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.679 + if (ar[i] == CAPTIONWEIGHT) { o3_captionweight = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.680 + if (ar[i] == CLOSESIZEUNIT) { o3_closesizeunit = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.681 + if (ar[i] == CLOSEDECORATION) { o3_closedecoration = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.682 + if (ar[i] == CLOSESTYLE) { o3_closestyle = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.683 + if (ar[i] == CLOSEWEIGHT) { o3_closeweight = ar[++i]; continue; }
1.684 + }
1.685 + }
1.686 +
1.687 + if (o3_delay == 0) {
1.688 + return overlib350();
1.689 + } else {
1.690 + o3_delayid = setTimeout("overlib350()", o3_delay);
1.691 +
1.692 + if (o3_sticky) {
1.693 + return false;
1.694 + } else {
1.695 + return true;
1.696 + }
1.697 + }
1.698 +}
1.699 +
1.700 +
1.701 +
1.702 +// Clears popups if appropriate
1.703 +function nd() {
1.704 + if ( o3_removecounter >= 1 ) { o3_showingsticky = 0 };
1.705 + if ( (ns4) || (ie4) || (ns6) ) {
1.706 + if ( o3_showingsticky == 0 ) {
1.707 + o3_allowmove = 0;
1.708 + if (over != null) hideObject(over);
1.709 + } else {
1.710 + o3_removecounter++;
1.711 + }
1.712 + }
1.713 +
1.714 + return true;
1.715 +}
1.716 +
1.717 +
1.718 +
1.719 +
1.720 +
1.721 +
1.722 +
1.723 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.724 +// OVERLIB 3.50 FUNCTION
1.725 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.726 +
1.727 +
1.728 +// This function decides what it is we want to display and how we want it done.
1.729 +function overlib350() {
1.730 +
1.731 + // Make layer content
1.732 + var layerhtml;
1.733 +
1.734 + if (o3_background != "" || o3_fullhtml) {
1.735 + // Use background instead of box.
1.736 + layerhtml = ol_content_background(o3_text, o3_background, o3_fullhtml);
1.737 + } else {
1.738 + // They want a popup box.
1.739 +
1.740 + // Prepare popup background
1.741 + if (o3_fgbackground != "" && o3_css == CSSOFF) {
1.742 + o3_fgbackground = "BACKGROUND=\""+o3_fgbackground+"\"";
1.743 + }
1.744 + if (o3_bgbackground != "" && o3_css == CSSOFF) {
1.745 + o3_bgbackground = "BACKGROUND=\""+o3_bgbackground+"\"";
1.746 + }
1.747 +
1.748 + // Prepare popup colors
1.749 + if (o3_fgcolor != "" && o3_css == CSSOFF) {
1.750 + o3_fgcolor = "BGCOLOR=\""+o3_fgcolor+"\"";
1.751 + }
1.752 + if (o3_bgcolor != "" && o3_css == CSSOFF) {
1.753 + o3_bgcolor = "BGCOLOR=\""+o3_bgcolor+"\"";
1.754 + }
1.755 +
1.756 + // Prepare popup height
1.757 + if (o3_height > 0 && o3_css == CSSOFF) {
1.758 + o3_height = "HEIGHT=" + o3_height;
1.759 + } else {
1.760 + o3_height = "";
1.761 + }
1.762 +
1.763 + // Decide which kinda box.
1.764 + if (o3_cap == "") {
1.765 + // Plain
1.766 + layerhtml = ol_content_simple(o3_text);
1.767 + } else {
1.768 + // With caption
1.769 + if (o3_sticky) {
1.770 + // Show close text
1.771 + layerhtml = ol_content_caption(o3_text, o3_cap, o3_close);
1.772 + } else {
1.773 + // No close text
1.774 + layerhtml = ol_content_caption(o3_text, o3_cap, "");
1.775 + }
1.776 + }
1.777 + }
1.778 +
1.779 + // We want it to stick!
1.780 + if (o3_sticky) {
1.781 + o3_showingsticky = 1;
1.782 + o3_removecounter = 0;
1.783 + }
1.784 +
1.785 + // Write layer
1.786 + layerWrite(layerhtml);
1.787 +
1.788 + // Prepare status bar
1.789 + if (o3_autostatus > 0) {
1.790 + o3_status = o3_text;
1.791 + if (o3_autostatus > 1) {
1.792 + o3_status = o3_cap;
1.793 + }
1.794 + }
1.795 +
1.796 + // When placing the layer the first time, even stickies may be moved.
1.797 + o3_allowmove = 0;
1.798 +
1.799 + // Initiate a timer for timeout
1.800 + if (o3_timeout > 0) {
1.801 + if (o3_timerid > 0) clearTimeout(o3_timerid);
1.802 + o3_timerid = setTimeout("cClick()", o3_timeout);
1.803 + }
1.804 +
1.805 + // Show layer
1.806 + disp(o3_status);
1.807 +
1.808 + // Stickies should stay where they are.
1.809 + if (o3_sticky) {
1.810 + o3_allowmove = 0;
1.811 + return false;
1.812 + } else {
1.813 + return true;
1.814 + }
1.815 +}
1.816 +
1.817 +
1.818 +
1.819 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.821 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.822 +
1.823 +// Makes simple table without caption
1.824 +function ol_content_simple(text) {
1.825 + if (o3_css == CSSCLASS) txt = "<TABLE WIDTH="+o3_width+" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING="+o3_border+" CELLSPACING=0 class=\""+o3_bgclass+"\"><TR><TD><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 class=\""+o3_fgclass+"\"><TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT class=\""+o3_textfontclass+"\">"+text+"</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>";
1.826 + if (o3_css == CSSSTYLE) txt = "<TABLE WIDTH="+o3_width+" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING="+o3_border+" CELLSPACING=0 style=\"background-color: "+o3_bgcolor+"; height: "+o3_height+o3_heightunit+";\"><TR><TD><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 style=\"color: "+o3_fgcolor+"; background-color: "+o3_fgcolor+"; height: "+o3_height+o3_heightunit+";\"><TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT style=\"font-family: "+o3_textfont+"; color: "+o3_textcolor+"; font-size: "+o3_textsize+o3_textsizeunit+"; text-decoration: "+o3_textdecoration+"; font-weight: "+o3_textweight+"; font-style:"+o3_textstyle+"\">"+text+"</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>";
1.827 + if (o3_css == CSSOFF) txt = "<TABLE WIDTH="+o3_width+" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING="+o3_border+" CELLSPACING=0 "+o3_bgcolor+" "+o3_height+"><TR><TD><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 "+o3_fgcolor+" "+o3_fgbackground+" "+o3_height+"><TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT FACE=\""+o3_textfont+"\" COLOR=\""+o3_textcolor+"\" SIZE=\""+o3_textsize+"\">"+text+"</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>";
1.828 +
1.829 + set_background("");
1.830 + return txt;
1.831 +}
1.832 +
1.833 +
1.834 +
1.835 +
1.836 +// Makes table with caption and optional close link
1.837 +function ol_content_caption(text, title, close) {
1.838 + closing = "";
1.839 + closeevent = "onMouseOver";
1.840 +
1.841 + if (o3_closeclick == 1) closeevent = "onClick";
1.842 + if (o3_capicon != "") o3_capicon = "<IMG SRC=\""+o3_capicon+"\"> ";
1.843 +
1.844 + if (close != "") {
1.845 + if (o3_css == CSSCLASS) closing = "<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><A HREF=\"/\" "+closeevent+"=\"return cClick();\" class=\""+o3_closefontclass+"\">"+close+"</A></TD>";
1.846 + if (o3_css == CSSSTYLE) closing = "<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><A HREF=\"/\" "+closeevent+"=\"return cClick();\" style=\"color: "+o3_closecolor+"; font-family: "+o3_closefont+"; font-size: "+o3_closesize+o3_closesizeunit+"; text-decoration: "+o3_closedecoration+"; font-weight: "+o3_closeweight+"; font-style:"+o3_closestyle+";\">"+close+"</A></TD>";
1.847 + if (o3_css == CSSOFF) closing = "<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><A HREF=\"/\" "+closeevent+"=\"return cClick();\"><FONT COLOR=\""+o3_closecolor+"\" FACE=\""+o3_closefont+"\" SIZE=\""+o3_closesize+"\">"+close+"</FONT></A></TD>";
1.848 + }
1.849 +
1.850 + if (o3_css == CSSCLASS) txt = "<TABLE WIDTH="+o3_width+" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING="+o3_border+" CELLSPACING=0 class=\""+o3_bgclass+"\"><TR><TD><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD><FONT class=\""+o3_captionfontclass+"\">"+o3_capicon+title+"</FONT></TD>"+closing+"</TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 class=\""+o3_fgclass+"\"><TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT class=\""+o3_textfontclass+"\">"+text+"</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>";
1.851 + if (o3_css == CSSSTYLE) txt = "<TABLE WIDTH="+o3_width+" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING="+o3_border+" CELLSPACING=0 style=\"background-color: "+o3_bgcolor+"; background-image: url("+o3_bgbackground+"); height: "+o3_height+o3_heightunit+";\"><TR><TD><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD><FONT style=\"font-family: "+o3_captionfont+"; color: "+o3_capcolor+"; font-size: "+o3_captionsize+o3_captionsizeunit+"; font-weight: "+o3_captionweight+"; font-style: "+o3_captionstyle+";\">"+o3_capicon+title+"</FONT></TD>"+closing+"</TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 style=\"color: "+o3_fgcolor+"; background-color: "+o3_fgcolor+"; height: "+o3_height+o3_heightunit+";\"><TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT style=\"font-family: "+o3_textfont+"; color: "+o3_textcolor+"; font-size: "+o3_textsize+o3_textsizeunit+"; text-decoration: "+o3_textdecoration+"; font-weight: "+o3_textweight+"; font-style:"+o3_textstyle+"\">"+text+"</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>";
1.852 + if (o3_css == CSSOFF) txt = "<TABLE WIDTH="+o3_width+" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING="+o3_border+" CELLSPACING=0 "+o3_bgcolor+" "+o3_bgbackground+" "+o3_height+"><TR><TD><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0><TR><TD><B><FONT COLOR=\""+o3_capcolor+"\" FACE=\""+o3_captionfont+"\" SIZE=\""+o3_captionsize+"\">"+o3_capicon+title+"</FONT></B></TD>"+closing+"</TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=0 "+o3_fgcolor+" "+o3_fgbackground+" "+o3_height+"><TR><TD VALIGN=TOP><FONT COLOR=\""+o3_textcolor+"\" FACE=\""+o3_textfont+"\" SIZE=\""+o3_textsize+"\">"+text+"</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>";
1.853 +
1.854 + set_background("");
1.855 + return txt;
1.856 +}
1.857 +
1.858 +// Sets the background picture, padding and lots more. :)
1.859 +function ol_content_background(text, picture, hasfullhtml) {
1.860 + if (hasfullhtml) {
1.861 + txt = text;
1.862 + } else {
1.863 + if (o3_css == CSSCLASS) txt = "<TABLE WIDTH="+o3_width+o3_widthunit+" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 HEIGHT="+o3_height+o3_heightunit+"><TR><TD COLSPAN=3 HEIGHT="+o3_padyt+o3_padunit+"></TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="+o3_padxl+o3_padunit+"></TD><TD VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="+(o3_width-o3_padxl-o3_padxr)+o3_padunit+"><FONT class=\""+o3_textfontclass+"\">"+text+"</FONT></TD><TD WIDTH="+o3_padxr+o3_padunit+"></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=3 HEIGHT="+o3_padyb+o3_padunit+"></TD></TR></TABLE>";
1.864 + if (o3_css == CSSSTYLE) txt = "<TABLE WIDTH="+o3_width+o3_widthunit+" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 HEIGHT="+o3_height+o3_heightunit+"><TR><TD COLSPAN=3 HEIGHT="+o3_padyt+o3_padunit+"></TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="+o3_padxl+o3_padunit+"></TD><TD VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="+(o3_width-o3_padxl-o3_padxr)+o3_padunit+"><FONT style=\"font-family: "+o3_textfont+"; color: "+o3_textcolor+"; font-size: "+o3_textsize+o3_textsizeunit+";\">"+text+"</FONT></TD><TD WIDTH="+o3_padxr+o3_padunit+"></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=3 HEIGHT="+o3_padyb+o3_padunit+"></TD></TR></TABLE>";
1.865 + if (o3_css == CSSOFF) txt = "<TABLE WIDTH="+o3_width+" BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 HEIGHT="+o3_height+"><TR><TD COLSPAN=3 HEIGHT="+o3_padyt+"></TD></TR><TR><TD WIDTH="+o3_padxl+"></TD><TD VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="+(o3_width-o3_padxl-o3_padxr)+"><FONT FACE=\""+o3_textfont+"\" COLOR=\""+o3_textcolor+"\" SIZE=\""+o3_textsize+"\">"+text+"</FONT></TD><TD WIDTH="+o3_padxr+"></TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN=3 HEIGHT="+o3_padyb+"></TD></TR></TABLE>";
1.866 + }
1.867 + set_background(picture);
1.868 + return txt;
1.869 +}
1.870 +
1.871 +// Loads a picture into the div.
1.872 +function set_background(pic) {
1.873 + if (pic == "") {
1.874 + if (ie4) over.backgroundImage = "none";
1.875 + if (ns6) over.style.backgroundImage = "none";
1.876 + } else {
1.877 + if (ns4) {
1.878 + over.background.src = pic;
1.879 + } else if (ie4) {
1.880 + over.backgroundImage = "url("+pic+")";
1.881 + } else if (ns6) {
1.882 + over.style.backgroundImage = "url("+pic+")";
1.883 + }
1.884 + }
1.885 +}
1.886 +
1.887 +
1.888 +
1.889 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.891 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.892 +
1.893 +
1.894 +// Displays the popup
1.895 +function disp(statustext) {
1.896 + if ( (ns4) || (ie4) || (ns6) ) {
1.897 + if (o3_allowmove == 0) {
1.898 + placeLayer();
1.899 + showObject(over);
1.900 + o3_allowmove = 1;
1.901 + }
1.902 + }
1.903 +
1.904 + if (statustext != "") {
1.905 + self.status = statustext;
1.906 + }
1.907 +}
1.908 +
1.909 +// Decides where we want the popup.
1.910 +function placeLayer() {
1.911 + var placeX, placeY;
1.912 +
1.914 + if (o3_fixx > -1) {
1.915 + // Fixed position
1.916 + placeX = o3_fixx;
1.917 + } else {
1.918 + winoffset = (ie4) ? o3_frame.document.body.scrollLeft : o3_frame.pageXOffset;
1.919 + if (ie4) iwidth = o3_frame.document.body.clientWidth;
1.920 + if (ns4) iwidth = o3_frame.innerWidth; // was screwed in mozilla, fixed now?
1.921 + if (ns6) iwidth = o3_frame.outerWidth;
1.922 +
1.923 + // If HAUTO, decide what to use.
1.924 + if (o3_hauto == 1) {
1.925 + if ( (o3_x - winoffset) > ((eval(iwidth)) / 2)) {
1.926 + o3_hpos = LEFT;
1.927 + } else {
1.928 + o3_hpos = RIGHT;
1.929 + }
1.930 + }
1.931 +
1.932 + // From mouse
1.933 + if (o3_hpos == CENTER) { // Center
1.934 + placeX = o3_x+o3_offsetx-(o3_width/2);
1.935 + }
1.936 + if (o3_hpos == RIGHT) { // Right
1.937 + placeX = o3_x+o3_offsetx;
1.938 + if ( (eval(placeX) + eval(o3_width)) > (winoffset + iwidth) ) {
1.939 + placeX = iwidth + winoffset - o3_width;
1.940 + if (placeX < 0) placeX = 0;
1.941 + }
1.942 + }
1.943 + if (o3_hpos == LEFT) { // Left
1.944 + placeX = o3_x-o3_offsetx-o3_width;
1.945 + if (placeX < winoffset) placeX = winoffset;
1.946 + }
1.947 +
1.948 + // Snapping!
1.949 + if (o3_snapx > 1) {
1.950 + var snapping = placeX % o3_snapx;
1.951 + if (o3_hpos == LEFT) {
1.952 + placeX = placeX - (o3_snapx + snapping);
1.953 + } else {
1.954 + // CENTER and RIGHT
1.955 + placeX = placeX + (o3_snapx - snapping);
1.956 + }
1.957 + if (placeX < winoffset) placeX = winoffset;
1.958 + }
1.959 + }
1.960 +
1.961 +
1.962 +
1.964 + if (o3_fixy > -1) {
1.965 + // Fixed position
1.966 + placeY = o3_fixy;
1.967 + } else {
1.968 + scrolloffset = (ie4) ? o3_frame.document.body.scrollTop : o3_frame.pageYOffset;
1.969 +
1.970 + // If VAUTO, decide what to use.
1.971 + if (o3_vauto == 1) {
1.972 + if (ie4) iheight = o3_frame.document.body.clientHeight;
1.973 + if (ns4) iheight = o3_frame.innerHeight;
1.974 + if (ns6) iheight = o3_frame.outerHeight;
1.975 +
1.976 + iheight = (eval(iheight)) / 2;
1.977 + if ( (o3_y - scrolloffset) > iheight) {
1.978 + o3_vpos = ABOVE;
1.979 + } else {
1.980 + o3_vpos = BELOW;
1.981 + }
1.982 + }
1.983 +
1.984 +
1.985 + // From mouse
1.986 + if (o3_vpos == ABOVE) {
1.987 + if (o3_aboveheight == 0) {
1.988 + var divref = (ie4) ? o3_frame.document.all['overDiv'] : over;
1.989 + o3_aboveheight = (ns4) ? divref.clip.height : divref.offsetHeight;
1.990 + }
1.991 +
1.992 + placeY = o3_y - (o3_aboveheight + o3_offsety);
1.993 + if (placeY < scrolloffset) placeY = scrolloffset;
1.994 + } else {
1.995 + // BELOW
1.996 + placeY = o3_y + o3_offsety;
1.997 + }
1.998 +
1.999 + // Snapping!
1.1000 + if (o3_snapy > 1) {
1.1001 + var snapping = placeY % o3_snapy;
1.1002 +
1.1003 + if (o3_aboveheight > 0 && o3_vpos == ABOVE) {
1.1004 + placeY = placeY - (o3_snapy + snapping);
1.1005 + } else {
1.1006 + placeY = placeY + (o3_snapy - snapping);
1.1007 + }
1.1008 +
1.1009 + if (placeY < scrolloffset) placeY = scrolloffset;
1.1010 + }
1.1011 + }
1.1012 +
1.1013 +
1.1014 + // Actually move the object.
1.1015 + repositionTo(over, placeX, placeY);
1.1016 +}
1.1017 +
1.1018 +
1.1019 +// Moves the layer
1.1020 +function mouseMove(e) {
1.1021 + if ( (ns4) || (ns6) ) {o3_x=e.pageX; o3_y=e.pageY;}
1.1022 + if (ie4) {o3_x=event.x; o3_y=event.y;}
1.1023 + if (ie5) {o3_x=event.x+o3_frame.document.body.scrollLeft; o3_y=event.y+o3_frame.document.body.scrollTop;}
1.1024 +
1.1025 + if (o3_allowmove == 1) {
1.1026 + placeLayer();
1.1027 + }
1.1028 +}
1.1029 +
1.1030 +// The Close onMouseOver function for stickies
1.1031 +function cClick() {
1.1032 + hideObject(over);
1.1033 + o3_showingsticky = 0;
1.1034 +
1.1035 + return false;
1.1036 +}
1.1037 +
1.1038 +
1.1039 +// Makes sure target frame has overLIB
1.1040 +function compatibleframe(frameid) {
1.1041 + if (ns4) {
1.1042 + if (typeof frameid.document.overDiv =='undefined') return false;
1.1043 + } else if (ie4) {
1.1044 + if (typeof frameid.document.all["overDiv"] =='undefined') return false;
1.1045 + } else if (ns6) {
1.1046 + if (frameid.document.getElementById('overDiv') == null) return false;
1.1047 + }
1.1048 +
1.1049 + return true;
1.1050 +}
1.1051 +
1.1052 +
1.1053 +
1.1054 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.1056 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.1057 +
1.1058 +
1.1059 +// Writes to a layer
1.1060 +function layerWrite(txt) {
1.1061 + txt += "\n";
1.1062 +
1.1063 + if (ns4) {
1.1064 + var lyr = o3_frame.document.overDiv.document
1.1065 +
1.1066 + lyr.write(txt)
1.1067 + lyr.close()
1.1068 + } else if (ie4) {
1.1069 + o3_frame.document.all["overDiv"].innerHTML = txt
1.1070 + } else if (ns6) {
1.1071 + range = o3_frame.document.createRange();
1.1072 + range.setStartBefore(over);
1.1073 + domfrag = range.createContextualFragment(txt);
1.1074 + while (over.hasChildNodes()) {
1.1075 + over.removeChild(over.lastChild);
1.1076 + }
1.1077 + over.appendChild(domfrag);
1.1078 + }
1.1079 +}
1.1080 +
1.1081 +// Make an object visible
1.1082 +function showObject(obj) {
1.1083 + if (ns4) obj.visibility = "show";
1.1084 + else if (ie4) obj.visibility = "visible";
1.1085 + else if (ns6) obj.style.visibility = "visible";
1.1086 +}
1.1087 +
1.1088 +// Hides an object
1.1089 +function hideObject(obj) {
1.1090 + if (ns4) obj.visibility = "hide";
1.1091 + else if (ie4) obj.visibility = "hidden";
1.1092 + else if (ns6) obj.style.visibility = "hidden";
1.1093 +
1.1094 + if (o3_timerid > 0) clearTimeout(o3_timerid);
1.1095 + if (o3_delayid > 0) clearTimeout(o3_delayid);
1.1096 + o3_timerid = 0;
1.1097 + o3_delayid = 0;
1.1098 + self.status = "";
1.1099 +}
1.1100 +
1.1101 +// Move a layer
1.1102 +function repositionTo(obj,xL,yL) {
1.1103 + if ( (ns4) || (ie4) ) {
1.1104 + obj.left = xL;
1.1105 + obj.top = yL;
1.1106 + } else if (ns6) {
1.1107 + obj.style.left = xL + "px";
1.1108 + obj.style.top = yL+ "px";
1.1109 + }
1.1110 +}
1.1111 +
1.1112 +
1.1113 +
1.1114 +
1.1115 +
1.1116 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.1118 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.1119 +
1.1120 +
1.1121 +// Defines which frame we should point to.
1.1122 +function opt_FRAME(frm) {
1.1123 + o3_frame = compatibleframe(frm) ? frm : ol_frame;
1.1124 +
1.1125 + if ( (ns4) || (ie4 || (ns6)) ) {
1.1126 + if (ns4) over = o3_frame.document.overDiv;
1.1127 + if (ie4) over = o3_frame.overDiv.style;
1.1128 + if (ns6) over = o3_frame.document.getElementById("overDiv");
1.1129 + }
1.1130 +
1.1131 + return 0;
1.1132 +}
1.1133 +
1.1134 +// Calls an external function
1.1135 +function opt_FUNCTION(callme) {
1.1136 + o3_text = callme()
1.1137 + return 0;
1.1138 +}
1.1139 +
1.1140 +
1.1141 +
1.1142 +
1.1143 +//end (For internal purposes.)
1.1144 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.1146 +// If you aren't upgrading you can remove the below section.
1.1147 +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1.1148 +
1.1149 +// Converts old 0=left, 1=right and 2=center into constants.
1.1150 +function vpos_convert(d) {
1.1151 + if (d == 0) {
1.1152 + d = LEFT;
1.1153 + } else {
1.1154 + if (d == 1) {
1.1155 + d = RIGHT;
1.1156 + } else {
1.1157 + d = CENTER;
1.1158 + }
1.1159 + }
1.1160 +
1.1161 + return d;
1.1162 +}
1.1163 +
1.1164 +// Simple popup
1.1165 +function dts(d,text) {
1.1166 + o3_hpos = vpos_convert(d);
1.1167 + overlib(text, o3_hpos, CAPTION, "");
1.1168 +}
1.1169 +
1.1170 +// Caption popup
1.1171 +function dtc(d,text, title) {
1.1172 + o3_hpos = vpos_convert(d);
1.1173 + overlib(text, CAPTION, title, o3_hpos);
1.1174 +}
1.1175 +
1.1176 +// Sticky
1.1177 +function stc(d,text, title) {
1.1178 + o3_hpos = vpos_convert(d);
1.1179 + overlib(text, CAPTION, title, o3_hpos, STICKY);
1.1180 +}
1.1181 +
1.1182 +// Simple popup right
1.1183 +function drs(text) {
1.1184 + dts(1,text);
1.1185 +}
1.1186 +
1.1187 +// Caption popup right
1.1188 +function drc(text, title) {
1.1189 + dtc(1,text,title);
1.1190 +}
1.1191 +
1.1192 +// Sticky caption right
1.1193 +function src(text,title) {
1.1194 + stc(1,text,title);
1.1195 +}
1.1196 +
1.1197 +// Simple popup left
1.1198 +function dls(text) {
1.1199 + dts(0,text);
1.1200 +}
1.1201 +
1.1202 +// Caption popup left
1.1203 +function dlc(text, title) {
1.1204 + dtc(0,text,title);
1.1205 +}
1.1206 +
1.1207 +// Sticky caption left
1.1208 +function slc(text,title) {
1.1209 + stc(0,text,title);
1.1210 +}
1.1211 +
1.1212 +// Simple popup center
1.1213 +function dcs(text) {
1.1214 + dts(2,text);
1.1215 +}
1.1216 +
1.1217 +// Caption popup center
1.1218 +function dcc(text, title) {
1.1219 + dtc(2,text,title);
1.1220 +}
1.1221 +
1.1222 +// Sticky caption center
1.1223 +function scc(text,title) {
1.1224 + stc(2,text,title);
1.1225 +}